• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2016
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Name pronounced "Five-u-min-on-for" ---- Home of a whole bunch of Cozy Glow stories, and one Spike story.


This story is a sequel to A Different Kind of Ending

This is a sequel to both My Boyfriend Pip, and A Different Kind of Ending. The two stories share continuity with this story.

Twilight Sparkle has been put in charge of watching over Cozy Glow, who now permanently possesses the power of Grogar's magic. Twilight is determined to prove that there is no foe irredeemable, so she decides to show Cozy the wonders of magic, and offers her a chance to show off her magical prowess. However, so much time has passed since Cozy was a regular member of society, that reintegrating into the normal life might prove challenging, and may not be possible. At least not without the help of somepony who's gone through something similar. Meanwhile, Twilight must come to terms with her new role as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's successor.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 78 )

This is such a wonderful story!!!!🤗🤗🤗🥰

"Geez. Cozy Glow is right. She glows like a little ball of sunshine. Am I right, Twilight?" Spike held is fist out expecting a hoofbump from Twilight, but instead she just trotted the other way, grumpy.

That was inappropriate for the situation, Spike.

This should be interesting. I like how Cozy's still an alicorn, Cozy redemption stories typically don't do that. Maybe it would be a good idea for Twilight to at least untie her wings. That way, she could at least live like a normal pegasus like she always did until she's ready to be an alicorn.

It's off to an easy start, showing that despite the circumstances there are a few issues with trust between the wayward and the saviour. Maybe all that they need is a more proper outlet for Cozy to utilize and interact with more engagement and challenge for Cozy in a physical sense. Recall that Alicorns are also part Earth Pony, and not once throughout have we seen any of the Princesses truly get physical when solving a problem or winning a fight... then again, that inability might be a part of the reason why we never saw them win: they put too many of their EXP into Spellcasting and Charisma builds.

Perhaps Cozy Glow would truly be the one who breaks this string of failures...

*casually walks into notice this out the corner of my eye*


And color me intterested!

I'm excited about a sequel and learn about Cozy's progress but she made some good points; why did that timeline showed her in stone for a 1000 years, why didn't Twilight become evil and why isn't Discord get a punishment for his actions? Also Tirek and Chrysalis are under Thorax's watch; he's screwed when they dropped some dark truths about Discord. Also Celestia is Twilight's 1st friend which she didn't see it and I think maybe that future where Cozy's turned to stone with Tirek and Chrysalis for life was cause by friendship, just not the ruler.

Looks like Cozy's laying on the truth bombs. I just hope she's ready to perform.

"Because, Twilight Sparkle, I'm just going be blunt and say it, you're been a complete jerk to your friends lately." Cozy said.


"You know, I was really disappointed when I found out that Cozy was responsible for the magic almost disappearing, but more disappointed when how the Princesses handled things. It all happened so fast, I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to her." Diamond Tiara wept. "Since when does Celestia put fillies in Tartarus? And no supervision? Isn't it like your guy's thing that you make friends with everypony? What's different about her?"

I have to agree on that. I mean even if she did nearly made magic disappear forever, she still a child and since when do Equestria's justice system allow them to send children to prison or Tartarus.

"It's so strange. Celestia asked me to move to Ponyville to make friends, and experience friendship. So... why does she want me to rule Equestria alone? I thought my castle sprouted six and a half thrones for a reason, but Canterlot will only have one throne."

"...Did you just call my throne a half throne?" that was Spike's main takeaway from the first party of Twilight's thoughts.

Yeah I've been wondering about that. I mean Twilight works better with her friends than without them and yes Spike, your half because you only save one kingdom while the Mane 6 save the entire country many times. Also its a pony society, you're mostly the sidekick they tend to barely respect.

"Alicorns are very mysterious, and rare creatures.

You want mysterious? Answer this question; how come there aren't any male Alicorns?

Starswirl the Breaded wasn't the most revered magician

LOL!!! Its bearded. Honest mistake but it would be funny as hell if Starswirls' beard was fake.
Also if Tirek & Chrysalis get force to Twilight's coronation, met Cozy and past Discord. Would they move their hooves and finger across their throats at him for that future and using them to boost Twilight's confidence?

Would’ve preferred it if Twilight went with the not ruling Equestria option she brought up in the previous story but I’m not gonna complain.

Is it ok for me to say that I don't like how Twilight became ruler of Equestria?

"However, Celestia and Luna were pretty adamant about retiring, and I already told them I'd do it. I don't think they'd appreciate me backpedaling."

Twilight, it doesn’t matter what they want. You’re the one who’s being asked to drop her life, not them. You have every right to say no.

Honestly that is one of the things I don’t like about Twilight taking over for Celestia and Luna; the fact that Celestia was essentially telling Twilight to drop her life, move back to Canterlot, and take over for her and Luna so that the two of them could live their lives the way they want. And the worst part is that Celestia never asked Twilight what she wanted.

Its a shame that Cozy didn't want to make an impression, after all. It's nice to see that she wasn't thinking of abusing her powers for a world conquest attempt. It shows just how much she's changing. The parts was also quite awkward with all the questions on Twilight's mind. Hopefully those will get resolved as well.

What if this was an intentional trap set up by Twilight, in order to send Cozy back to Tartarus after she allegedly attacks the coronation?

Oh, Cozy... Then again, with Discord doing what he did one can't blame such paranoia on her.

Twilight dealt with grown villains, Discord is mostly an immature adult that never grew up. Cozy is the 1st child villain that doesn't respect and worship Twilight like every other butt-kissing adult to child. Also about your note.

Twilight was going to ask Sunset Shimmer what led her to want to betray Princess Celestia.

you should changed the period to a ? And I think there is a comic about it on YouTube.

It doesn’t need a question mark because it was being presented as a statement, not a question.

Trauma sucks, as does self loathing and the apparent belief that you’re not good enough. It hurts bad when you’ve done things to prove to yourself that you can’t make the cut. It’s especially hard when you make the decision that instead of grasping for greatness it’d be better to give up.

Cozy prob gonna struggle hard during this fic.

"Plenty. I came out here to observe tonight's conjunction of planet 5, and planet 6. You see-" Diamond Tiara said.

This is a reference to the great conjunction that happened a couple months ago isn’t it?

It was certainly nice to see Cozy make a new friend. Hopefully Twilight won't be too mad at her for escaping. Hopefully that Timberwolf will be what finally releases her restraints and allows her to use her new alicorn powers.

I thought you was going to do Twilight asking Sunset her reason but I see that you're doing a... A... What's it called 'Alternating between 2 characters' P.O.V.s' as the story progress

"But uh... no offense to Lord Tirek or Queen Chrysalis of course."

You used their titles, so they would probably give you a pass on calling them "horrifying world ending demons". Knowing Chrysalis, she might even take that as a compliment. :P

What's your super power again?

"I'm rich".

I’m glad you went with this, it’s fun having some tension but it would of detracted from Cozy’s willingness to change. Also it’s adorables.

Yeah Twilight probably should’ve gone with the not taking over as ruler option.

Poor Twilight, hopefully Cozy's apology will cheer her up. Maybe she won't be too mad at her lack of restraints. Speaking of Cozy, its nice to see her doing normal filly stuff, although I do wonder what was up with those timberwolves.

"So beautiful..." Diamond Tiara said, blushing.

"...Huh?" Cozy asked.

"The uh... the light! The burst of light was pretty beautiful." Diamond Tiara said, blushing.

Secret of Nimh reference? If so, I approve. ^^

Into the fortress of solitude.

Is it? I had strong hunch this was a reference to something, but I couldn't put my finger on what exactly. I haven't seen The Secret of Nimh recently, but if it is, then cool, that's one of my favorite movies.

You know what's funny? I've had this story in mind for a few weeks now, and just the other day with the G5 news, it's mentioned in a press release that:

Friendship and Harmony have been replaced by paranoia and mistrust, and Ponies now live separated by species.

So either I called it and Twilight messed up as leader, or something else is going on. We don't actually know if Twilight is ruler in G5 however. Still, something funny to think about.

Inside Twilight's mind, her mind spiraled out of control, and externally, her horn started to glow in an unstable fashion. The new ruler couldn't help but shout.

"If my friends will not join me—if this is truly goodbye—If Celestia and Luna are okay with flinging 1,000 years of burden onto me—then I shall rule Equestria the way Celestia did for 1,000 years! ALONE!"

I feel sorry for Twilight. The Magic of Friendship requires friends and company for it to be strong but since the Alicorn of Friendship is ruling alone, Twilight will suffer a breakdown for being alone. You think Twilight might talk to those who hate her for help?

I won't call the finale disappointing but underwhelming would be the best word for it

The fact that the crowd laugh and cheer at Cozy's fate is kinda dark for me.It like they enjoying a public execution of a child

Discord should also be punish as well.It was he's fault any way

I agree with you on both facts. I mean those worshipers of friendship cheered for a child turned to stone. Makes you want to see the Spirit of Friendship become the new powerful evil of Equestria while corrupting all those who believe in it and Discord should of been punished for his crimes. Anyone who is personal friends with any Alicorn can be forgiven for any crime; even nation-wide.

Thank.Guest the writer wasn't ready for the show to end.I also heard that Haber wanted Sunset Shimmer to be in the finale.Imagine the sirens helping the villains

The princesses should have give discord a punishment like fix Canterlot because it he's responsibility after all

Comment posted by Striker31 deleted Feb 28th, 2021

I agree with the Sirens but that punishment is most likely a simple snap of the fingers. I say his punishment should be worst; they should of removed his magic for a year. Reason; make him an actual normal creature that he personally mess with anyone to give them confidence.

That much more better.If I live there I won't totally trust him anymore.

Errr, maybe rewrite the end a bit since conically Twi wouldn’t blame Tia for giving her the position, especially after she accepted it. You’re good with the Ruling alone part but adding Celestia feels wrong.

Part of her last line is meant to reference how Celestia ruled Equestria solo for 1,000 years after Nightmare Moon was banished. I didn’t intend for her to blame Celestia, but looking at the ending again, I do feel that I can't just leave it as is. So I altered it a little. I also made it more clear that her mind is in a pretty unhealthy state right now. Both health wise, but partly magic wise too.

Nice, the difference helps frame it better then the cringy Bash Celestia stories.

are you just gonna keep changing the title picture I liked the one with the cute cuddles

I was more partial to the previous image, but it was a bit too blurry. The current one I thought was a nice balance. However, if you liked the previous image better... how about this. Why not have the people decide the cover? Cause frankly I still can't decide anyway.
A is the previous cover image. B is the current. The rest are others I was considering. What do you guys think? If you ask me, I'm growing more partial to C, but I'm fine with anything.

I think B or G would work. Maybe I.

You’re late.

Someone had to say it

I'm late? What can I say? It ended up being a long chapter, and I just needed a few more days to get it ready. Frankly I'm surprised I was able to do weekly chapters as long as I did.

Or are you referring to Tia and Luna who were late? They tend to be late to the action a lot of the time.

No I was talking to you. And I said it because it was appropriate.

Well, I hope Tantabus not spread to Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak.


See, we put the Tantabus in Twilight on purpose earlier as part of her training,

Please say you put it in under her consent.

Can someone at least hope that Twilight punch a certain Lord of Chaos in the face for using villains to boost her confidence and witnessing that future or (original timeline) where the villains are stoned for life. As a her first royal act to punish Discord for his stupidity

Of course it was with her consent.

Discord is such a meanie pants that he appeared in widdle Cozy's tantabus fueled nightmare. I mean, if the literal Lord of Chaos tried to turn me to stone, I'd be scared of him too. I don't wanna say too much, but rest assured he'll be dealt with properly.

Greed, Deception, Betrayal, Hatred, Anger. Authority.

"Uh, I'd hold off on that. You guys did kinda set her off by rejecting her offer at royalty." Cozy said.

How did she come to that conclusion?!


"I-I just came back to apologize about earlier. What's this about?" Cozy asked.

"I'm not sure. We just told Twilight we'd rather not move to Canterlot, and then she up'n flipped out." AJ explained.

She gets the basic gist of it here. From this, she's able to infer that this was caused by something Twilight's friends said to her. Though I suppose you could argue that she makes a few assumptions, (and perhaps sensationalizes it slightly when she paraphrases it) but she's a smart filly, and she's good at connecting the dots.

"Don't worry, Spike. Equestria won't just have one princess for long..." Twilight said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Spike asked.

"In due time, Spike." Twilight said, smiling.

Twilight looked at Cozy Glow giving a friendly goodbye to her (maybe) friendly pals Tirek and Chrysalis. She felt likea proud mare. Proud of the little filly she'd helped, and made happier.

"In due time." she repeated.

Okay so apparently Twilight plans on making Cozy a princess.

I’m okay with that.

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