• Published 28th Jul 2020
  • 1,381 Views, 24 Comments

Life In Quarantine - Closer-To-The-Sun

A chat between friends who have been in lockdown.

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Life In Quarantine

Sunset Shimmer turned the light on in her bedroom. The entire room was just as she had left it earlier that morning. While it bothered her that she didn’t take time to make her bed or clean up elsewhere in her room, she just lacked any energy to do so. In fact, she was still wearing her pajamas that she fell asleep in from the night before.

There was so much she could be doing right now. She could be trying to cooking new recipes, getting some exercise, or learning a new skill. But, to her own disappointment, she spent almost the entire day mindlessly in front of the television. On a small level, she hated herself for doing such, but it felt comfortable for her during this time.

Walking to her bed, she saw her cell phone resting on the nightstand. Had she really left it there all day? Picking it up, she saw a number of alerts from her friends from their group chat.

“Oh dear,” Sunset said to herself, “I hope they don’t think I’ve been ignoring them all day....”

Tapping away at the the screen, Sunset sent a message:

Text Message
Yesterday 10:21 PM

Hey girls.

Pinkie Pie
SUNSET!!!!!!! 😄😄

Evening, Sunset.

Sunset, it’s good to hear from you.

Twilight Sparkle
Good evening, Sunset

Rainbow Dash
What’s up!


How are you all doing? I’m
sorry I didn’t respond earlier

Oh, pay it no mind, dear. There’s a lot going on

Rarity’s right, don’t worry about it!

Twilight Sparkle
Fine over here, and Spike says hi!

Pinkie Pie
Hi Spike! 🐶

Haha, hello Spike

I’m doing okay over here.

Rainbow Dash
Doing alright, but just really restless

Pinkie Pie
OMG, I know what you mean,
Rainbow! I’m so bored lately!

Well, we’re all in lockdown right
now, it’s kinda expected

Yeah, we’re all in quarantine right
now. What day does this make?

I think day 18?

Rainbow Dash
I lost count after four

That certainly sounds like you, Rainbow

Twilight Sparkle

My calendar says it’s the twentieth day

Just counted. We’ve been in
quaratine for twenty-one days.

Pinkie Pie
THREE WEEKS?!!!! 😱😱😱😱

Time sure flies when you’re forced
to stay inside for public health

Rainbow Dash
You’re telling me, feels like the days
are just blending together now 😩

What did everyone do today?

I was tending to my small garden for the
animals around my house. Taking care
of all of the animals has really helped take
my mind off a lot of things.

Mostly just did farmwork with Big Mac and
Apple Bloom. A lot of stuff might be shut down
and what not, but our farm still needs to be
tended to.

Pinkie Pie
I got to bake bread today with Mr. and Mrs. Cake!
It’s a lot more tricky than I thought! Did you know
there is some bread made with rice? 🥐🥐

I’ve been busy designing and sewing.
Creativity never rests it seems!

Rainbow Dash
Did a whole lotta nothing

Twilight Sparkle
Just doing some late night reading right
now. Went out for a walk with Spike
around our neighborhood.

Oh, you went outside of your house?

Twilight Sparkle
Yes, Spike and I both needed some exercise,
and we said hi to some of our neighbors

I hope you took precautions, Twilight

Twilight Sparkle
Of course! I made sure I had my mask on and
over both my nose and mouth. Spike and I kept
ourselves six feet away from others. And when
we came back, I was sure to wash thoroughly.

Good on ya, Twi. An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure.

Rainbow Dash
Especially since their ain’t a cure yet

We just have to be patient Rainbow. That’s why
we’re in quarantine, to help us slow the spread
and buy us time to find a better way to fight this
virus that’s going around.

Pinkie Pie
I know it’s what we should do, but
it can just be so boring sometimes! 😣

Pinkie does have a bit of a point. I do love
having all this creativity time, but I feel so
cooped up. Not to mention it certainly seems
to be taking a toll on poor Sweetie Belle.

Oh dear, how is she holding up?

She’s been growing stir-crazy. If it weren’t for
the music she’s been working on, I feel she would
go absolutely crazy. She’s also been growing
quite tired of modeling my outfits.

Twilight Spakle
She’s writing music?

That’s really neat of her to exercise her talent like that!

I hear ya, Rarity. Apple Bloom has been more
wild than a hog at supper time. She wants to
go and visit the rest of the Crusaders, but we
have to keep her around the farm for both our
chores and for the quarantine. She sorely
misses Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo

Pinkie Pie
Aww, that’s so sweet! They all miss each other! ❤❤❤

Twilight Sparkle
Speaking of the Crusaders: Rainbow
Dash, how is Scootaloo?

Rainbow Dash
….how would I know?

Twilight Sparkle
Isn’t she your younger sister?

Rainbow Dash
What? No, she’s not my sister. She’s a
cool kid and all, but we’re not relatndjkla


You still there Rainbow Dash? You
seemed to send something weird

I think Rainbow Dash stopped typing.

Pinkie Pie
Do you think she went to get ice cream?
Cause I would!

Rainbow Dash
Sorry, I’m still here. I just found out that Scootaloo
was right outside my window. She was asking if I
wanted to hang out. I told her that, even if we both
had masks on, we shouldn’t be hanging out at each
other’s houses. Especially since it’s after 10 pm.

Pinkie Pie
OMG! 🤣🤣🤣

Oh my goodness! 😅

She certainly takes after ya, Rainbow

Twilight Sparkle

She came to your house? Goodness,
how are her aunts okay with that?

Rainbow Dash
Don’t worry, I told her we can do something
later. It just means I have to beat her at
Pony Kart later online 😂

Now don’t beat her too badly, she
just wants to hang out with you

Pinkie Pie
I want to hang out with all of you! 😭😭😭

Rainbow Dash

I agree, I do miss having fun with each of you

I swear, the first cider is on me after all
of this quarantine stuff is over

While this is a nice break from the busy world,
I would much rather be with all of you instead

Hear, hear!

Rainbow Dash
Twilight, make that vaccine faster!

Twilight Sparkle
I’m not making the vaccine, Rainbow Dash! 😑


Oh, Applejack, I before I forget, I want to thank
you for dropping off those apples and the rest of
that care package the other day. It was very
thoughtful of you and your family to drop those off!

Twilight Sparkle
Yes, it was a very welcome surprise and nice to see
you in person, even if it was from six feet away!

She dropped off a care package?

Rainbow Dash
Yeah, she and Big Mac drove around and
dropped off apples, eggs, and a bunch
of other stuff to everyone

Oops! I’ve been so busy tending to the garden
and the animals, I must not have noticed!


Pinkie Pie
LOL 🤣🤣🤣


Well, I do hope my parents got it!

Lol, They did get it, and they were very grateful.

Pinkie Pie
It’s super nice that you’re delivering
all sorts of stuff to folks! 😊

I feel it’s the least I could do. Just trying to make
these times a little better for those in need.

Just be sure to take care of yourself too,
Applejack! We worry about how hard you work

Sunset is absolutely right, darling. Do take
some time for yourself. Next time you make a
delivery, I’ll be sure to leave a gift for you to take
home. A skin care kit, some bath bombs,
and a custom outfit!

I might take you up on that, Rarity

I also hope you have been keeping clean too.
Even being out and about can carry some risk

No need to worry. Each of us washed
up the moment we get back home.

Rainbow Dash
Good to hear. 👍

Twilight Sparkle
It’s always good to be extra careful
and clean nowadays

You’re telling me! Whenever I go outside,
I make a point of it to clean myself head to
toe when I am back home, and change into
a new set of clothing and wash the old ones
right away.

That does seem a bit like overkill, Rarity.

Rainbow Dash
No kill like overkill.

Pinkie Pie
She’s just being extra careful! And we all should!
I don’t know about you, but being sick is no fun
at all! I can’t hold down my chocolate when
I’m feeling under the weather. 🤢

I do have to agree with Pinkie, I much
rather none of us get sick at all.

Twilight Sparkle

So it’s obviously settled, none of
us are going to take any chances

Rainbow Dash
Guh, it’s just so dull right now though. I can
barely even watch anything on TV

You ain’t wrong, Rainbow. It does feels
like the days just drag on over here at the farm

Pinkie Pie
It’s just so lonely without you all! I swear, the next
time we’re all together, I’m going to give you the
biggest hug of your lives! 😭😭😭😭😭

I can’t believe I’m saying this, Pinkie, but
I’ll happily take it. I miss all of you too.

Twilight Sparkle
Spike and I really miss you all too!

Oh, don’t you all start crying because
you’ll get me starting as well! 😭😭

Aww, I miss all of you!

Rainbow Dash
Are we all getting sappy here?

Twilight Sparkle
Come on, Rainbow, join in!

Yeah, you know you miss all of
us, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash
Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I’m going
to give you the satisfaction of me getting all mushy!

I think that’s the closest we are going to get to
having Rainbow Dash getting emotional with us. 😂


Twilight Sparkle



Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash
Yeah yeah, rub it in

Don’t worry, Rainbow, we will

Twilight Sparkle
There’s nothing wrong with admitting
that you miss your friends!

Rainbow Dash
There is if you guys keep laughing at me.

Pinkie Pie
We’re not laughing at you,
we’re laughing with you!

We just miss you dearly, Rainbow

Rainbow Dash
Yeah, Yeah, I do miss you guys too. Geez,
I can’t wait for us to hang out again.

Oh man, I’m already getting ideas of
what we can do when quarantine is over.

Just being in the same room with you
all again will be more than enough for me

Rainbow Dash
Applejack, I’m holding you to
that cider you promised!

You got it! 👍

Pinkie Pie
And I got that hug ready for all of you!

I know we’re all stuck inside right now,
but it’s absolutely great to be able to keep
in contact with all of you. ❤❤❤

Amen to that, Sunset

Twilight Sparkle
Oh wow, it’s gotten late. I’m going to
turn it. Spike’s already fast asleep.

Sounds like Spike has the right idea,
I should turn in as well.

I hear that, I’m gonna get some rest
for tomorrow. Good night y’all!

Rest well, Applejack! ❤
I’m going to sleep soon as well.

Twilight Sparkle
Night, Applejack! Night, Rarity!

Rainbow Dash
I was gonna finish this movie, but I’m
too lost to keep up, so I think I’m going
to call it a night as well. Take it easy, everyone.

Good night, Rainbow Dash!

Pinkie Pie
I’m still waiting for my sugar crash to kick in.
If I did my math right, it should be soon!

Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie, you really need to get better at healthy
eating habits. Mark my words, I’m going to give
you a proper lesson about that.

I’ll help you with that Twilight. I’m getting
concerned about how much sweets she consumes
on a daily basis. It can’t be healthy.

Then I wish you both luck with that 😅
Good night and pleasant dreams!

Twilight Sparkle
Good night Fluttershy, and good
night to you too, Sunset!

Good night, everyone. Stay safe. ❤


Comments ( 24 )

This was nice. I hope that the format of the story doesn't go against the site's rules but even so I like the way you made this story! Sunset's texts coming in on the right was a good touch too.

Very cute - and very well-formatted! I particularly sympathize with the stir-crazy Rainbow Dash. Good to see that even in the isekai that is Equestria Girls, people still adapt and life goes on, albeit with more masks and hand sanitizer. :ajsmug:

I like it! I hope the mods don't banhammer it.

If they do, drop it as a blog.



Okay, now I’m getting a bit worried. I know it’s not exactly a normal fic, but I’ve seen other sort of stuff that’s not what you would expect for a fanfic (heck, I did two ‘document’ fics recently).

I think I’ll back it up elsewhere to be safe now.

I think you'll be fine. It's already been a few hours and mods are pretty benevolent if there's a good intention.

Backing it up is better safe than sorry though!

Already done (complete with the formatting since that was the really hard part).

I just thought a text group chat idea would be fun and interesting, so I hope it doesn’t get one anyone’s bad side.

Hahaaa!:rainbowlaugh: The time and battery of the cover picture! Beautiful!

WOAH Dude this is incredibly inventive use of the fimfic site formatting. I've never seen a fic do this before. The feature is well deserved for that alone!

Oh my gosh this story is featured? Oh geez, I’m honored! I’m really glad folks like this idea and the format I used!

This was a nice little read, nothing exciting, just friends talking (or rather texting), but lovely none the less.

Cheers, and keep up the good work.


even if they go agsinst it, uou can always post it in s blog

Rainbow Dash Especially since their ain’t a cure yet


This was a cute story, I really liked it. Assuming we don’t all die within the next few months, I’d be really interested in seeing a sequel set after life goes back to normal.

And the beat goes on. Very nice

This was good. Too bad there’s no sequel.

This is really good. Nice work.
I can relate to them being stuck in quarantine. I live in New York and we're in Phase 4. Gyms still ain't reopen but we at least are showing that we are leading in the right direction.
Hope everyone's okay.

Oh hey dude! Haven’t seen ya in ages!

Yeah, this idea came to mind when I was chatting with friends and I felt we could all relate to this band of amigos.

Hope y’all are doing okay over there!

I am doing just fine. Taking it one day at a time. Also, I have started working on a new project: Equestria Girls Lupinranger vs. Patranger.

Awesome! Glad to see you’re still writing as well!

This was nice. It's exactly what I'd expect the seven of them to be doing during quarantine.

This was a nice little story. However, I am curious as to why we didn’t see Sunset magic text Princess Twilight?🤔

I can appreciate Sunset sticking it out in the human world, since Equestria is a hop, skip, and trot away, but is staying for her friends and avoiding the risk getting ponies infected. Princess Twilight wouldn't want her to come unless she is 100% clear, and wouldn't want her to abandon her friends.

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