This story is a sequel to Of Revolutions and Reunions
The Battle of Klugetown was a triumph. A huge success. The combined army of ponies, thestrals, and hippogriffs had liberated the slaves and overthrown Verkos' criminal regime with minimal causalities. Applejack's family anxiously awaited her return, with Applebloom eagerly wanting to hear about the epic battle and the countless acts of heroism that her big sister surely must have carried out.
Indeed, Applejack did have much to tell her family. Not only that, she was also bringing two familiar faces back to Sweet Apple Acres.
Wasn't a dry eye in there, wasn't a dry eye with this reader either!
When’s next chapter?
Soon! I'm about half done right now!
That was so beautiful and precious!!!
You and your dumb feels ghhhhh my heeeeaaaaart
*pained sobbing*
That was so amazing!
Ahck The Feels! I'm melting!
Although in all honesty, I loved this chapter. Great Story.
Whoever's the person who downvoted this story, not even celestia will have mercy on your soul, and luna will be waiting for u in your dreams
I wish I could triple upvote, this is hoofs down the best applejack story I've ever read, it was so well written, and the portrayal of each character was flawless, not to mention this story actually made me cry. Thank you so much for this story, I think it should be required reading for anypony that visites this site.
I'm touched. I've never received such a glowing review on this site from anyone before. I'm so glad I managed to write something you enjoyed so much. Thank you.
I can't read this fic with dry eyes, this is my fifth attempt and it always fails the moment Apple Bloom's section starts
After reading it again I notice you could add one more part to the story with the Apple Pear Tree the parents had planted as for a ending
Apple Bloom's part was so sweet and tear-jerking and-OH SWEET APPLESAUCE, MAH HEART IS SO FULL!!!
Great minds think alike. I was brainstorming a possible story where Pear Butter is revealed to have been alive but enslaved to the Storm King all this time. I’m so glad I found this fic, it captured all the right emotional beats

And the dialogue and reunion scenes...! I was nearly driving to tears while reading Big Mac and Grand Pear’s parts
Thanks so much for making this story.