• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


"To one's own heart be true" they say, but for royalty that is not always the case. Sometimes royalty has to put duty before love, and sometimes they find themselves unable to do so.
When a king finds himself torn between his heart and his country, he must make the hardest decision. Whatever the consequences.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Quite good. It give Cranky a great secret background and it tie in nicely with the event of the movie, developing the world at large, something the show did badly.

"To one's own heart be true"

Does anyone know who first said that?

Shakespeare, I believe.

Huh, that's got to be one of the best donkey-focused fics I've ever read.

Thanks! Though I don't think there's much competition. According to fimfic statistics, there's less than 100 stories that even have Cranky tagged as a character.

I simultaneously love and hate the logic behind Macaroni usurping Cranky Doodle.

"Don't 'Uncle' me in the middle of your coup!" the king scolded as he reared up to his full height in his anger, "If you're going to commit to something like this, then show some proper courtesy and do it right. I thought I managed to drill a notion of respect into that thick head of yours."

This is the most Cranky paragraph imaginable in this scenario. No ambivalence here, I straight-up love it.

This makes a disturbing amount of sense. It answers why Cranky was at the Gala, and why Celestia and Luna attended his wedding. The reasons behind the coup are, well, reasonable, both the external motivations and the internal stagnation. Great work with perhaps the most unexpected character in the contest. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

Thanks for the praise! It really does tie a lot of things together, doesn't it?

This was nice! I loved the opening, and the picture it painted of the donkey city. From there, I felt like the pacing suffered a bit--the whole conflict is something we see after much of it had been in motion, which made it a little hard to get very invested. As had been said, though, this is a great secret history for the character, and a logical way of fitting with canon. Nice work, thanks for writing!

And thank you for reading, as well as for your constructive criticism. I agree, I did rush things a bit to get into the meat of it more quickly.

A mostly donkey city is an awesome idea!

Author Interviewer

You're absolutely bonkers, you know that? :D

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