• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 13,158 Views, 3,276 Comments

My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Punch the Rainbow

The examiner frowned as he carefully manipulated the controls to the G-Force chamber, meant to test applicants for the Ar-Wing training program in how they did against G-forces should the G-Diffuser fail for however long. For the most part, this was only to test if the implants a new student at the academy had installed functioned within required safety parameters, although some particularly competitive students also used it to determine 'how tough' they were against G-forces with their implants. In addition, whenever a new species applied for the Ar-Wing courses, the chamber was used to test what degree of protection they needed in their implants against G-Forces. When that happened, they were stress tested until their vitals started to drop...as was happening now.

Much to the examiners frustration, however, the present subject's vitals hadn't dropped no matter what he'd done so far. He'd been increasing both the limitations and the shift rate very slowly since in addition to being a new species on record for the Academy the subject had ambassadorial status, but nothing he did seemed to affect her. In fact, in-pod cameras showed she was bobbing her head and tapping her hooves to her music player in the middle of everything happening...and he was rapidly approaching the maximum G-shift recorded in Ar-Wing flight, and that was when a particularly insane pilot - James McCloud, according to records - had slingshot around a small singularity as part of a military maneuver.

"Well?" his supervisor asked as he stepped in. "What's her limits?"

"I don't know if she has one," the examiner grumbled irritably. "I've got her vitals here...and as far as I can tell, that...'magic energy' we were told about reinforces all the cells in her body to whatever the G-forces are as they shift...and to impossible levels at that!"

"What sort of impossible levels?" the supervisor asked flatly.

"From half a G to 300 as fast as the machine can make the shift."

The supervisor's eyes narrowed. "That's impossible."

"That's what I thought, but-"

"No, it's impossible," the supervisor repeated with a different tone, "and it didn't happen. You misread the dials." Reaching forward, he pressed the button to put the test chamber into cool down. "Understand? Just mark her down as not needing implants, and that's it."

"G-got it," the examiner agreed, making the appropriate markings.

Sunset stepped out of the machine as it came to a halt. "Is that it?" she asked in confusion. "I thought I was going to experience some G-forces. I was listening to music while I waited for you to turn the thing on."

"She...she didn't notice..." the examiner began.

The supervisor stepped up quickly. "Oh, don't worry about it," he said quickly as he guided her towards the exit. "We can see you're as tough as they come, and won't need any implants for the lessons."

"Well that's good," Sunset stated happily. "So I passed?"

"Passed?" the supervisor said expansively as they left the chamber. "You made an Academy record!"

"Well that's...nice?" Sunset offered as she turned to head to her class.

Neither of them noticed an Avian standing around the corner, or her fists clenching.

Sunset smiled as she made it to her locker, settling her books for her other courses inside it as she checked to see what she'd need aside from her ACSU suit for flight lessons. Seeing that she wouldn't need anything else today, she made to close her locker.

"You must be pretty smug after breaking my record," a harsh voice growled out behind her.

Sighing, Sunset closed her locker and turned around. She found herself facing an Avian about her age, maybe a couple of years older at most. She was wearing a brown flight jacket with grey belts bound shut, blue leggings, and thick black boots with metal braces showing her implants. What could be seen of her feathers were cyan, save for her head and tail feathers which went through the seven colors of the rainbow in regular patterns. Her magenta eyes glared straight into Sunset's emerald ones. "Can I...help you?" she asked bluntly.

The Avian's fist slammed into the locker next to Sunset. "Let's get one thing straight, Newbie," she growled out angrily. "Everyone around here knows I'm the toughest student and the fastest pilot in the Academy, and no genetically gifted newcomer is going to come along and unseat that, understand?" The way she said 'genetically gifted' made it an insult. "I earned my place here, and I'm not about to be overshadowed just 'cuase you've got connections. So are we going to get along nicely...or is there going to be trouble?"

"You know, I think that punch hurt you more than me or the locker," Sunset countered flippantly, unwilling to take any guff just for being new, magical, or connected. She was going to get other students to take her seriously as a student, and this seemed like a good place to start. "You may be tough and fast, but it looks like you need to work on your aim-"

With a snarl of fury, the Avian's other fist went straight for Sunset's face, but she shifted around it so the blow hit the locker again even as she lifted her leg to strike out with her hoof. The Avian turned side-on to the blow, but winced at the impact before pulling her fist back and catching Sunset's mane, trying to throw her to the ground...only to get pulled down as well.

The struggle was quickly in earnest as the pair of girls tumbled back and forth, trading punches, kicks, knees, elbows, claws, pecks, headbutts, and bites. The Avian also went for more grabs at hair and limb...but quickly learned that grabbing at Sunset's horn meant sticking her hand into an open flame and didn't attempt so more than twice. Her eyes also showed more confusion and less aggression when she realized that was the only time Sunset countered in any way other than physical...and that Sunset was grinning ear to ear. Before long, the Avian was grinning as well.

Without warning, a massive bear pulled the pair apart. "How many times is it now, Prismaya?" he snapped out. "How many times am I going to have to drag you to the Headmaster over this?"

"Up yours!" the Avian - Prismaya, apparently - snapped out as she struggled. Sunset simply rolled her eyes. At least her Uncle Birdy would be proud of her getting into trouble on her first day.

The Headmaster glowered across his desk. "So what's your excuse this time, Prismaya? Bumped into you 'maliciously'? Was she being a bully on her first day? Did she sit in your seat?"

"Tsk!" Prismaya huffed disdainfully.

"You've been getting a lot of leeway regarding your aggressive behavior because of your talent," the Headmaster continued with a glower. "Heaven knows those slotted into the Accelerated Programs are eccentric by definition. But this time it has political implications. Assaulting an ambassador...that's a suspension minimum, and without an acceptable explanation, expulsion! So what do you have to say for yourself?"

Prismaya's eyes widened as her face paled. "P-please sir, i-it's not what-"

"It's my fault, sir," Sunset spoke up swiftly, catching the attention of both of the others.

"Ex...cuse me?" the Headmaster asked in confusion.

"It's my fault," Sunset explained calmly. "I started the fight."

The Headmaster blinked several times, not noticing Prismaya's beak dropping open in shock. "...why?"

"She approached aggressively to confront me regarding breaking one of her records," Sunset explained. "Her movements, tone, and actions were exceptionally similar to the Lightfoot Tribe's Dominance Challenge, and after spending years among them I reacted to it automatically. Prismaya only fought back."

The Headmaster glanced back towards Prismaya, who quickly schooled her expression to make it seem like she wasn't surprised by this at all. Sighing, he turned back to Sunset. "Well, I have no choice to take your word for it, Sunset...but you aren't on Dinosaur Planet anymore, and casual fighting in the halls isn't permitted."

"Understood sir," Sunset agreed. "It won't happen again."

"See that it-"

"Next time I'll drag her to the gym first."

Prismaya quickly clamped her hands over her beak to keep from bursting into laughter, while the Headmaster brought one hand to his face. "...really, Sunset?" he asked ruefully.

"Well, it does have a ring," Sunset pointed out logically.

The Headmaster's other hand joined the first. "...very well. I'll consider this matter closed. Now stop by the medical wing if you feel you need treatment, then get to class."

Sunset stood up and headed out. She'd only gone a few feet out the door when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"H-hey," Prismaya offered nervously. "T-thanks for taking the heat for me there."

Sunset shrugged. "No problem."

"Why'd you lie like that for me, anyway?" the colorful Avian inquired. "I mean, we just met and I tried to intimidate you and then beat you up-"

"The only thing I lied about was who threw the first punch," Sunset pointed out. "And if you'd kept the trash talk going, my next counter would have been 'I don't have time for this' and blacking your eye."

Prismaya blinked in surprise, then let out a cackle of laughter. "Heh, I was wrong about you, Fire-Head. You're tougher than you look."

"You're not so bad yourself, Prismaya," Sunset offered easily. "If you promise to keep your hands off my horn, I wouldn't mind finishing that fight in the ring sometime."

Prismaya grinned widely. "You're on!" she agreed with a punch on Sunset's arm, making them both wince. "Just one thing, though. My friends call me Pris."

Sunset grinned in response. "I'll keep that in mind...Pris."

Pris waved easily as she headed for the medical wing. "See you in class, Fire-Head!"

Pris has joined Team Shimmer

Author's Note:

Picture by the talented ProfessorCatPro
Source: http://professorcatpro.tumblr.com/post/161883280570

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