• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2016
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This story is a sequel to Terrible Dating Advice

SciTwi is on her first date with Sunset Shimmer. Everything seems like it's going well...until Twilight notices that her friends from Crystal Prep have followed her, and seem intent on spying on her date. Can Twilight hide them from Sunset Shimmer? Can she juggle having a good time on her date with keeping the fact that her friends have absolutely no sense of personal space?

Your friends will always be there for you, no matter what...whether you like it or not.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 63 )

very good loved it i was hoenslty expecting principle celestia and VP luna to have also been spying on them when twilight asked abotu any one else stalking them oh and princess twilight to cus im sure sunset told her about the date

very good keep this series going if you can come up with more ideas maybe sunset takes scitwi to equestria for a date perhaps

7633164 Curses, now I wish I'd thought of that. That would've been pretty funny! I'm glad you liked it! I may use that idea to have Twilight visit Equestria...

Thanks for faving!

7633210 could allways make a short bonus chapter that reveals it but they just did not get found out

Top notch sequel! Had everything I could've asked for and more in it- 10/10!

Loved the sequel, it's so cute how their friends spied on them.

Cadence nodded and picked up her drink. “Just don’t put it off for too long. I really don’t want her to have to find out on our wedding day or something.”
Shining Armor laughed. “Give me a little credit here, there’s no way I’d put it off THAT long.”

No wonder Twilight went ballistic on him. I'm NOT surprised that Shining would procrastinate on alotta stuff, including telling his own sister about his damn wedding.:facehoof:

Very fluent and readable, not so crazy that it went out of control. Sunset rehearsing her story was a nice touch.

7633291 Why thank you so much for your kind comments :raritystarry: I'm so glad I could live up to your expectations!

7633640 I'm glad you liked it! "Cute" was what I was going for...that and "silly" :twilightsmile:

7633913 Haha, despite his low popularity, Shining Armor is one of my favorite characters, for personal reasons...hence why he keeps showing up in these stories, haha. I like to imagine that he meant well...and in this story, I'm choosing to believe that he's doing it out of a concern for Twilight (even if it is a little misguided). Plus, I think watching Twilight comically miss the hints about her brother's love life is funny :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

7634858 Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, I like to imagine that Sunset, despite being outwardly more confident, is nervous about her relationship with Twilight. I think it's cute :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

I get the feeling next one will be Shining and Cadence telling Twilight.

7635933 I am planning that one, though progress is held up by the sad fact that I have exactly one joke planned out for it :twilightblush: I just need to spend more time actually planning it out.

I don't know what I love moe, the hmor or the fact that the firls of CHS were spying on Sunset too

What I like about this, besides the twist?

Everyone is IC, and you do a good job of making it realistic enough that the craziness REALLY stands out. It's one of my favorite types of humor. See, if you go just for PURE crazy, then it isn't quite as funny as if you have just a LITTLE BIT of crazy, and contrast it with reality.

The juxtaposition of the mundane and the surreal is where a lot of comedy lies.

7636308 And Spike will be in the next one?

Cadence nodded and picked up her drink. “Just don’t put it off for too long. I really don’t want her to have to find out on our wedding day or something.”
Shining Armor laughed. “Give me a little credit here, there’s no way I’d put it off THAT long.”

Yeah sure you won't(!):trixieshiftright:

“The look sooooo cute,” Sour Sweet said


7636862 Thanks so much :twilightsmile: I'm glad it was amusing, and I really hoped including the CHS girls would add something to the story. I'm glad you liked it!

7636905 That's so nice of you to say, thank you! :twilightsmile: I'm glad everyone seemed IC, it's something I'm really striving for in fanfiction. And borderline surreal is some of my favorite humor as well :pinkiehappy: Thanks for reading!

7637258 It's possible, I'm not sure which story I'm going to write next, I don't have a full one planned out. There are a couple of stories that I definitely want him to be in, though, including when Twilight talks to Shining Armor and Cadence.

7637376 Hehehe...I really couldn't resist including that. I even had to go back and rewrite part of that scene, just to get to that punchline :twilightsheepish: Despite it all, I still love Shining Armor.

7637473 D'oh! Missed it. Thanks for the feedback! Hope you liked the story!

That was a pretty great read. Have to ask though. Why go against the Canon and have Twilight still go to Crystal Prep? I can't imagine the story wouldn't have worked just as well if she was at CHS.

7639033 Thanks so much :twilightsmile: I'm so glad you liked it! I've got a few reasons for having Twilight still go to Crystal Prep instead of CHS, but the main one is that I'm writing based on the alternate ending to "Friendship Games". I absolutely loved "Friendship Games" as it was, but I saw the storyboarded scenes with Twilight going back to Crystal Prep, and Sunset Shimmer struggling with whether or not she should go back to Equestria, and I really loved it. I hadn't seen many fanfics that explored the concept, so that's what got me writing here.

The other reason is because it gives me a lot more opportunities to explore the Shadowbolts with a more established character. Twilight's personality is pretty well established (we have the main show to pull from there), so she acts sort of as a passport for the reader to less familiar characters. It could certainly work with her going to CHS, and still being friends with the Shadowbolts, but having them go to school together makes their interactions more organic, I think. At least, that's what I'm hoping I'm doing :twilightsheepish:

Plus, I like the symmetry of there being six Shadowbolts, and six members of the CHS crew. Seven and five feels lopsided to me, but that's a minor reason.

I hope that answers your question! Thanks for reading, and for adding this story to your collection! :pinkiehappy:


Very valid points!

I was just curious more than anything. I hadn't actually seen those storyboards, so that's news to me. Thanks for the answer.

7641249 I'm so glad you liked it, thank you :pinkiehappy: I am working on a sort-of-sequel, so hopefully there will be more soon!

Cadence nodded and picked up her drink. “Just don’t put it off for too long. I really don’t want her to have to find out on our wedding day or something.”
Shining Armor laughed. “Give me a little credit here, there’s no way I’d put it off THAT long.”

In the Crystal Empire Shining could feel a burn.

7646031 He's never going to live that one down :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for the fave! :twilightsmile:

Woops apparently I forgot to comment on this one. Was reminded when I saw that a sequel was out. To be honest though I can only repeat myself so many times. Good story, good characterization, can't wait to read the next one, well actually I already can read the next one, but you get the general sentiment :raritywink:

7651233 Why thank you so much :twilightsmile: I'm so glad you liked it! This story was so much fun to write...SciTwi's just too fun to torment :rainbowlaugh:

I may be a terrible person...


I may be a terrible person...

In that case we all are, since we consume and enjoy the fruit of your work. You're just the one who brings our vice into the light. :twistnerd:

the levels of sweetness were lethal in this story!

7739343 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: This story was so much fun to write! I was kind of nervous to publish it, though...:twilightsheepish: I'm glad you liked it!

7739427 keep up the good work, would love to toss ideas around sometime

7739431 Sounds great! :twilightsmile: Send me a PM if you ever want to toss some ideas around!

Fantastic read. Even tho it's 4 in the morning

7740632 Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: And 4 AM was MADE for reading fanfiction!

This was really funny :rainbowlaugh:

7748289 I'm glad you think so! :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

Cadence nodded and picked up her drink. “Just don’t put it off for too long. I really don’t want her to have to find out on our wedding day or something.”

Shining Armor laughed. “Give me a little credit here, there’s no way I’d put it off THAT long.”

No you'll send her a letter that gets to he the day before your wedding.

Edit: I totally faved this story based on this line...well that and it's a really great story.

7763985 Hehe, I almost forgot to add that line in while I was writing it, then went back and remembered I forgot it and was like, "Nooooooo!" So, I'm glad you found it funny :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading, and for the fave!

Cadence nodded and picked up her drink. “Just don’t put it off for too long. I really don’t want her to have to find out on our wedding day or something.”
Shining Armor laughed. “Give me a little credit here, there’s no way I’d put it off THAT long.”

*crowd claps*
Bravo! Bravo! Pure comedy right here!!!!!!!

That was really funny. Keep up the awesome work.

7838513 :twilightsmile: That was one of my favorite lines to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading, and for the faves! :pinkiehappy:


I enjoyed reading it! You're very welcome!

This series is glorious and I regret not having read it earlier. On to the next one!

7844984 I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :raritystarry: Thanks for reading and faving, and I hope you like the next story too!

hide out here for three-to-six months and hope everyone just blows over.

'everything' otherwise it sounds like they lost control of there weather.

“Hand to Celestia,”

stick an 'it' in after hand. Sounds like she is trying to give a hand to Celestia.

The throne room scene, omg I cant stop laughing.
Dammit Shining. That was funny.
This was prolly better then the last one.
There friends, there hilarious.

7880363 Sigh...I can't seem to get one out here without a typo, can I? :rainbowlaugh: Oh well! But, actually, the "Hand to Celestia" one is written as intended. It's supposed to be an Equestrian equivalent of, "Hand to God", she's swearing that she's telling the truth. Maybe that was more clear in my mind...

I'm glad you found it funny! :twilightsmile: This is probably one of the ones I'm most proud of. Thanks for reading, and for faving!

Friendship really is magic!! Or subtle in this case hahaha. Great story. Really cute and well done

7886953 I'm glad you liked it, thank you so much! :twilightsmile: Friendship is magic...but can also be aggravating :rainbowlaugh:

Oh my! I thoroughly enjoyed this and its prequel. I got a few belly laughs out of it. Have a 'like' and a 'follow' my dear writer. Keep up the good work. I'm off to read the next one!

Edit: Nice twist having shy SciTwi initiate the first kiss. I can just imagine the look on Sunset's face. :raritystarry:

7890795 I'm glad it entertained you! :pinkiehappy: This story was so much fun to write, so I'm glad whenever people like it :twilightsmile: Thanks for following, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

I enjoyed having SciTwi take some initiative, too. I feel like it's easy to pigeonhole her character, which is something I'm trying to avoid with this Sunlight relationship. It's easy to think about Sunset as the confident one and Twilight as the shy one, but I, personally, like it better if they both have some anxiety about some things, and some confidence in other.

I'd have to admit I would have typecast them myself. But after seeing it on paper (screen?) it feels... right. After all; this is something new for the both of them.

8022079 Haha, that line seems to be a favorite from this story...and to think I almost left it out! Thanks for reading, and for faving! :twilightsmile:

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