• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2014
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I'm a brony, Whovian, casual Star Trek fan, and a film geek with a collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays that numbers into the thousands combined. I'm a nerd for all seasons.


This story is a sequel to One More Dance

It's been two months since Sunset Shimmer, along with her friends, successfully kept Dactylic Pentameter from jumping from the roof of Canterlot High. It's been two months since she rectified one of her greatest mistakes...

The problem with being a former bully turned repentant soul is you've hurt so many people that you can't remember them all.

People like Silver Screen.

Unlike Dac, Silver decided to live after a crushing humiliation she helped engineer. However, he's a bit worse off: he's choosing to live out of spite rather than any true desire to live, and if she doesn't try to fix her mistake, he'll head down the same dark path she did...

A fan sequel to the excellent fic "One More Dance" by my friend and surrogate bro LightningSword.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 36 )

Oh Sunset...it never stops does it. :facehoof:

Can't wait to read more :twilightsmile:

I think suicide is significantly worse than having a hateful demeanor. Like, a bajillion times worse.

Sunset has so many people to make amends for. Also, why would she be with a spineless twat like Blueblood?

Great story so far, my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing more. :twilightsmile:

Damn. This was a beautifully written chapter. I can honestly say that Silver has more of a threshold for tolerance than I do when it comes to things like this.

In Miss Harshwhinny's English class, he found a "dog license," crudely written in pencil on a piece of paper from someone's notebook, on his desk. Upon finding it, Jet Set waved at him, a shit-eating grin upon his face.

That's quite fascinating, seeing as how Jet Set isn't a student at Canterlot High.


(Runs in other direction)

Well, damn! He left a dent in that locker!

Ayy, this is pretty good so far.

Ohhhhhh~ shit! Silver's prized possessions... He's pissed. Those bullies had better watch out, cause heads are gonna roll pretty soon.

Pretty good song choice. Rise against is the shit!

Damn. Nice chapter!

"The past is just that, Sunset... the past." Luna said as she handed Sunset a tissue from her pocket. As
Sunset dabbed her eyes, Luna continued.


7704098 You don't know about the dab? Lucky you.

7705245 It's this dumb dance move that people do where they plant their nose into their inner elbow and raise their arm in the air, as shown in that picture from my original comment.

I've heard of it. Actually gave me the idea for the party.

I don't know this last part seemed to be resolved too easily.

It ain't over yet... notice that the tag still says "Incomplete." I still got a few more chapters to go.

I know that, it felt rushed, one moment he uterly hates Ssusnet and now he sees she changed. Yeah he had a break down and that helped but felt so sudden.
Plus that bit about his uncle all the sudden.

Was surprised to see Bab's Seed and remember from the comci she was a real ...... as well as her sister, didn't listen to Fluttershy when she warned her bout her pet till almost too late.
Bet they were surprised Fluttershy still wanted to help them, they figured she hate them or so for what they said and did to her.

As the sound of the flushing toilet died down, all that could be heard was the heavy breathing of Sunset and Babs as the adrenaline wore off... and the soft weeping of the broken shell of a boy in the stall in front of them.

Silver: Fine, I'll go to Meijer, I can get a new knife there for like $10!

Mmmmmm Know what it liek to have a busive family member, and wish he was dead.

She better be lucky he doesn’t hit girls, because that was a gamble.

Silver froze. His heart began to race as he argued with himself. On one hand, this girl was a bully, plain and simple. She had lied, cheated, stolen, and belittled others. The likelihood of her changing in any way was slim, and the fact that she was showing any interest in a dumpy guy such as himself was a red flag, But on the other hand, there was still a chance that she could have changed. How would he know if he didn't give her a chance? Besides, maybe her supposed change... her interest... maybe it was real. All she needed was a chance to show it.

This dude is probably dumber than flash.

Those students would already be dead and the mother honestly needs to back off.

I really want him to get revenge.

"No, you listen!" Silver said, getting in her face. "You go around acting like you've changed, like you're regretful of what you've done. But you tried that before with me, and look what happened. People like you DON'T change! People like you DON'T know what it's like to be bullied! You don't know what it's like to be toyed with and mocked for someone's amusement! You've never known how it feels to think that you're less than human, that your only point to existing is to be someone's punching bag!"

He has a point.

"Miss Shimmer..." Luna said, placing a hand on Sunset's shoulder, "...if I didn't try to help or listen to a student in this school, I would be derelict in my duty as a vice-principal."

You probably should.

"Yes." Luna said, smiling. "I was starting to think you were a lost cause. It would have been a shame, because you had and still have a lot of potential. But then the Fall Formal happened, and now you know what I see? I see the Sunset Shimmer that I knew was in there all along. Sure, you still have to see me in detention from time to time, but you're in here because you were defending other students, not because you were tormenting them."

So she knew she was bullying people even before the fall formal?

"...and I was in my room, crying... it was like I felt all the pain that I caused others at once, and I was convinced that I was a monster... that I wasn't worthy of any forgiveness... and then my sister heard me, and I'll never forget what she told me. They're words I'm going to pass on to you, Sunset."

I mean you weren’t wrong.

"Yes, boy." Uncle said. "Now you get it. The world isn't all sunshine and lollipops and people won't always be your friend. They'll turn on you if it's to their benefit. That Sunset gal should have taught you that. I was trying to prepare you for that fact of life, that it's a cruel place."

I mean, there are better ways to get the message across.

At that moment, there was no animosity over what had passed... no resentment, no anger...

...just pure, unadulterated compassion between three troubled souls.

Are you serious?

"Language, Sunset." Celestia said sternly. "I'm sorry I didn't believe those kids before about how he acted, but I figured my own nephew wouldn't act like that. Don't worry, because he's pulling groundskeeping duty with Mr. Discord all summer, and I'll be keeping a much closer eye on him from now on."

That’s it? No wonder that school is sh*t.

"I was hoping I'd find that bitch Sunset here so I could take out some frustration... but then I remembered... I owe you some broken teeth for what you did to me."

What did he do?

Silver opened his eyes. Blueblood was frozen in place, with a shocked look on his face. His head was turned to see a very pissed-off Sunset behind him, her hand having caught Blueblood's fist in mid-swing.


"I know you're not, Blueblood." Sunset said. "You're not going to do it because he's not afraid of you anymore. You pick on those who don't fight back, like the coward you are. But you know what? Silver's the first victim to stand up to you, and he damn well won't be the last."

Does that mean she’s calling herself a coward?

The two of them walked through the doors of Canterlot High... enemies no more.

Well, that was easy.

"Bro..." Babs started, "...it was small, but when ya get picked on and beat up like I do... it meant a lot that some dude stopped to help me."

Wish there were more people like that.

Mr. Discord was still watching from his window cleaner's bucket. "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." He said as he picked up a squeegee from a bucket of tools.

Wow, I’m liking this discord.

Sunset had pointed to a red-and white, four-door 1958 Plymouth Fury, lovingly restored to a showroom condition, with the vanity license plate of "SHMRN1" adding the crowning touch of awesome. Silver had never been a gear head, or even obsessed with cars in general, but from his rampant viewing of old movies, he had come to like the designs of old cars. To him, they had character.

Being a villain must pays off.

Silver sighed. "Don't hate me..." he said as he took a breath. "I... I put Nair in his shampoo. I found a half-empty bottle of it during the last locker cleanout day and... I just... I just wanted to do something to him for once. So, after gym class one day, while he was showering and he had the bottle of shampoo on the little caddies they have on the walls, I grabbed it when he wasn't looking and dumped the Nair into it."

And you didn’t think about doing that to sunset?

"Silver, Blueblood is an asshole who's bullied a lot of kids in Canterlot High. He helped put you where you are right now. I don't blame you in the least for what you did. If I were you and had the exact opportunity to do that, I'd take it too!"

Does that mean he should have done the same thing to her?

“I want to slap the taste out of your mouth for what you did to my son… but I also want to hug you for stopping him…”

That’s understandable.

In addition to seeing Dr. Slipp at least once a week, Principal Celestia’s deal included having me take part in a group after school that one of Sunset’s friends just started for survivors of suicide attempts and self-harm. She figures that me being around others who have been through what I have would help me immensely, and I can see her logic, even though the idea of participating in a group like this scares me, like giving a report in public. What if I screw up and wind up getting laughed out? Sunset assured me that won’t happen. I hope she’s right.

That’s an interesting concept.

"My problem is punks like you thinking you can just say sorry and suddenly everything's fine! You can't fool anyone into thinking you're decent! Once a bully, always a bully!"

That’s what some people think.

“Yeah… I’m sorry, too.” Bull said as he stopped next to Coco. He was looking anywhere but at Sonata. Silver could tell that it wasn’t out of a lack of respect; from the look on Bulk’s face, it was deep shame. “I went really overboard, and they were right. You’re here, you seem like you want to change, so we need to give you a chance.”

Does that mean they forgive her?

“She was actually concerned. And… I just cracked and I told her everything. She hugged me and she let me cry… and she didn’t judge me or put me down. She acted like how I wished Suri would have. She took me to Dr. Slipp, and he started therapy. The both of them helped me break things off with Suri. If it wasn’t for her, I might… might have…”

Who is Dr. Slipp really? Is he the only therapist they all know?

Comment posted by HDK10 deleted July 5th

What a cruel party...

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