• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 1,142 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight Needs a Story Idea - Nordryd

Twilight can't think of what to write for her new story, so she enlists the aid of somepony whose mind is always flowing with new and random ideas.

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Twilight Needs a Story Idea

The sunrise shimmered brightly through the stained-glass windows of Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle. A heavy sigh echoed throughout the halls, breaking the dead silence.

Twilight Sparkle browsed through her archives, trying to find something to read. Anything to occupy her on this boring day.

Twilight sighed again, closing her book and adding to the pile of boredom.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I’m so bored,” Twilight said. “I’ve done what I need to do today, the Map hasn’t called anypony, and I can’t find anything to read.” With another grunt, she tossed yet another book off to the side. “I’ve already read all these books. There’s nothing to do.”

Twilight saw Spike rubbing the back of his neck. She sighed again.

“You have plans today?” Twilight asked.

“Rarity asked for me to help her with her work today,” Spike said. “Sorry…”

Twilight gasped and got in Spike’s face with a big smile.

“Do you think Rarity might need help from a certain… princess?” Twilight asked, fluttering her eyes at Spike.

Spike gave her a quizzical look. “Um… I think she’ll be fine with just me.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight coaxed.

“Twilight, you’re scaring me,” Spike said.

“Surely there’s something she might need me for,” Twilight said. “Organizing fabric? Picking colors? A third-party to analyze her new line?”

“Twilight, we’ll be fine!” Spike said. “Trust me. Besides… I kind of want to be with Rarity alone, y’know?”

Twilight’s spark of hope dissipated, and her smile went with it. She sighed, hanging her head down.

“Okay…” Twilight said.

“Sorry, Twilight,” Spike said. “Be back later!”

With that, Spike dashed out, eager to work with the mare of his dreams.

Twilight sighed again, retreating to her desk to keep browsing through her books. There had to be something in her library she hasn’t read yet. It was statistically impossible for there not to be something new.

“Twilight?” a voice said.

Twilight looked at the library entrance to see Starlight Glimmer standing there.

“Good morning, Starlight,” Twilight said, tossing another book off to the side.

“Morning,” Starlight said. “Um… you okay?”

“I’m just bored,” Twilight said. “There’s nothing to do, and I’ve already read all the books here at least a dozen times each. There has to be something to do.”

“Well, if you’re bored of reading, why not write something?” Starlight said.

“Starlight, I don’t have time for—” Twilight stopped immediately, and broke into a big smile. “Oh, what am I saying? Of course I have the time! That’s a brilliant idea!”

Twilight took off into the air to grab some parchment, as well as a quill and ink vial. She brought them back to the library.

“Why didn’t I think of this before?” Twilight said.

“Well, glad I could help,” Starlight said. “What are you going to write about?”

“Oh, there’s tons of stuff I can write about!” Twilight said, dipping the quill in the vial. “I could write about… um… uh… there’s the thing about… well I could do… um…”

Twilight stopped talking when she realized she was just babbling nonsense.

What in Equestria could she write about?

“Um… Twilight?” Starlight said. “You going to finish your thought?”

“Well… um… little problem,” Twilight said, blushing. “I don’t have an idea.”

Starlight raised an eyebrow. “Really? After everything you’ve been through as a princess, you have nothing to write about? How about restoring the Crystal Heart? What about any of our friendship lessons? Any past experiences with Princess Celestia? Maybe a textbook on magic?”

“No, that’s too easy,” Twilight said. “I want to be creative. I want to write something new.”

“Like… a piece of fiction?” Starlight asked.

“Exactly,” Twilight said. “But what can I write about? Do you have any ideas?”

Starlight shook her head. “You’re asking the wrong mare, Twilight.”

Twilight sighed. “There’s gotta be something.”


A musical voice rang throughout the palace. In a matter of seconds, the library door burst open, and in walked a familiar pink mare, carrying a basket of cupcakes on her head.

“Hi!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Hi, Pinkie,” Starlight and Twilight said.

“I made tons of cupcakes this morning and I just had to share them,” Pinkie said. “They’re the most superly delicious cupcakes I’ve made yet!”

“Oh wow. Thanks, Pinkie,” Starlight said, taking a cupcake with her magic.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Twilight said, levitating a cupcake to herself.

“The pleasure’s all mine!” Pinkie said. “Can you imagine a world without cupcakes? How could we ever live?! I had a dream about it last night. More like a nightmare. It was like a horror story!”

“Wait… did you say ‘story’?” Twilight asked.

“Yes!” Pinkie exclaimed. “A world without cupcakes! The scariest story known to pony-kind!”

Twilight broke into the biggest smile she’s made today. Of course! Pinkie Pie! The most random mare in Ponyville. The mare whose mind is always running!

“Pinkie, I’m trying to write a story, but I can’t come up with any ideas,” Twilight said. “Do you have any ideas?”

Pinkie pulled a flashlight out of thin air, and lit her face from below.

“A world with no cupcakes! OOOOOOOH!” Pinkie bellowed, making crazy-eyes.

Twilight bit her lip. “Well, Pinkie, that’s a great idea, but I don’t know how to execute it.”

“Aw…” Pinkie said. “Ooh! What about a city where it’s forbidden to have parties! Can you imagine it! How would we celebrate birthdays without parties?!”

“Hmm…” Twilight pondered. “I don’t know how to execute that either.”

“What about a world with no candy?” Pinkie said. “How will we make rock candy necklaces without candy to make them out of?! Oh, the horror!”

“Pinkie, all of these ideas sound really similar,” Starlight said.

“These are all great thoughts, Pinkie. But a good idea is nothing without good execution,” Twilight said.

“Oh! I have something!” Pinkie said. “On the edge of Equestria, there’s a village where everypony has the same cutie mark, and their ruler is a crazy mare who forces them to make the same dry muffins every day and—”

“Pinkie…” Twilight said. “That already happened. We were there, remember? And their ruler is right next to you.”

Pinkie looked next to her to see a blushing Starlight Glimmer biting her lip.

“Oh… sorry, Starlight,” Pinkie said, giving her a hug.

“Don’t worry about it,” Starlight said. “I mean, those muffins were terrible.”

Twilight grunted, throwing the quill down on the desk.

“Isn’t there anything I can write about?” Twilight beckoned. “Something not based on our own adventures? Something new and unique?”

“Oh!” Pinkie exclaimed. “A starving author is sitting in her room all alone, and she can’t think of anything to write. After talking about ideas with her friends, she decides to write about how she can’t think about anything to write about!”

Twilight sighed. “I don’t know, Pinkie. That idea sounds kind of… well… not to be rude, but…”

“Bad?” Pinkie said. “I know, but sometimes good ideas are bad ones! Or was that the other way around? I need a cupcake.”

Pinkie dunked her head into the basket of cupcakes and started munching away.

Starlight sighed. “Sorry we haven’t been able to help you, Twilight.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight said.

“Mmm!” Pinkie grunted, lifting her head out of the basket and swallowing the bit of cupcake in her mouth. “You both could come with me and help give cupcakes to everyone!”

“That actually sounds really nice,” Starlight said. “What do you say, Twilight? Maybe some fresh air would help?”

Twilight managed a small smile. “Well, okay. Maybe it’ll spark something.”

With that, the three mares exited the castle. As they walked, Twilight pondered ideas in her own head.

A story about how the author can’t think of anything to write about… that’s the best we could come up with?

Author's Note:

I had this idea while working yesterday. I've always wanted to write something meta, but I didn't know how to go about it.

Hope it wasn't awful. :twilightblush:

Comments ( 30 )
Comment posted by FourShadow deleted Apr 15th, 2017

This was...existential:rainbowlaugh:

Good job. Just noticed a few mistakes:

The sunrise shined brightly through the stained-glass windows of Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle. A heavy sigh echoed throughout the halls, breaking the dead silence.


“Can you imagine a world without cupcakes.


Everyone can relate to this

It kind of feels like this story went absolutely nowhere.


Perhaps that was the point...?:derpytongue2:


Well, the long description pitches it as a story focused on Pinkie giving Twilight new ideas. However, because that isn't actually the story's main thrust, it shouldn't be presented as such.

And even if the intended point of the story is that sometimes nothing happens, it didn't come across that way. It felt like there was supposed to be something here, but whatever that something was, it just ended up getting left out.

I dunno. Wasn't really my thing.


Yep, I was kinda thrown off by the description, too.

That was amazing! I'd give this story a 8/10.

“Twilight, we’ll be fine!” Spike said. “Trust me. Besides… I kind of want to be with Rarity alone, y’know?”


You sir, are a great story writer

I'm the exact opposite of Twilight. I have the ideas but I'm too dumb to execute them.

Well, that was a story that happened. You know your random idea stories have a tendency to be very entreating. Good job:yay:.

Rainbow Frienship Kindgom Castle


A story about how the author can't think of anything to write about... that's the best we could come up with?

Hey, you pulled it off pretty well Twi- I mean Nordryd.

Hey, me too! I have a bunch of ideas but no time or inspiration to actually write them :unsuresweetie:

I never metajoke I didn't like.

More seriously, yeah, I can relate.


You're a monster

7475623 I should be punished
for every pun I shed
do not leave a puny shred
of my punnish head!

Ah, writer's block. It sucks.

That said, I think Twilight's more of an analytical sort than creative.

*is fending off an attack of plot bunnies* I can't say I relate to this much, but at least it was funny. The idea they ended up with threw me for a loop as I tried to think about how many clueless authors that makes...

Hope it wasn't awful. :twilightblush:

It wasn't. While I wouldn't say it's exactly stellar or hilarious, it is an enjoyable slice of life that I can easily see happening in the actual series.

This is punderous,man.
Therefore this is pun-itive
It wasn't written with a puncil.
And that's my opunion.

A couple days ago I heard a song about wanting to write song and coming up short. Here it is:

Coincidence that this story kind of does the same? I think not! I believe fate is telling me something... but what?

What about a world where there's nothing to write about AND there's no candy!?! :pinkiegasp:

7533711 THE HORROR!!!! :raritycry: :raritydespair:

This story is like watching someone on TV watching TV

That was so funny! The ending was totally unpredictable but at the same time very predictable. :pinkiehappy:

Also Pinkie Pie was very show accurate. Very clever story! :twilightsmile:

Huh. Reminds me whenever I'm trying to put together a new story and I've got nothing.

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