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odd, but funny. hope to see more!!!
I feel really bad for Twi
; but this looks definitely interesting enough for a track
Brain shut off.....oh great now me forgets how to watch the video! ...wait a minute, I'm not watching, I'm.
.....oh god what's the opposite of watching? You know what, Me needs brain to work to do things! Brain on.
Something tells me that these antics are going to get worse and worse, since this one seemed a bit more brutal than the last
Looks like another great Story.
And such a high frequency of new chapter.
You are on a good way to become my new favorite author.
Keep up your great work.
6642716 Thank you so much, that is quite a compliment! I really hope to keep writing stories that you enjoy :)
Its so weird, but funny, but disturbing, but entertaining in some ways!!
Two chapters in one day
? That's very impressive indeed
Something tells me that for the next chapter, they're going to make Twilight go around the school campus topless--or even worse than that may get her unintentionally arrested
6644762 Thank you very much! I've actually pretty much written the entire story, which is how I'm able to get the chapters out so fast, but I prefer to post in chapters as it gives people something to look forward to :)
Can't wait for the next one :)
6645290 I guess I should've assumed that
. It's a very brilliant tactic to use
If I could pet a super cute, purple nerd girl's belly, I'd be so happy. Oh well, I guess reading about her getting tormented is the next best thing.
I just realized that you are the person whowrote, ''Fluttershy's Punishment''! That's why I noticed that this wa s similliar!
Can't wait to see what's next.
Is this story still getting updated?
6711494 Yeah! Sorry I'm just super busy planning for christmas at the moment.
Hey guys! I've started a new group and need some people to kick it off. It's a group where you create your own contests, and enter contests made by others. My reason for making it, is that the other groups for contests and competitions are never updated. Please feel free to join and create some awesome contests for people to enter :)
Christmas and most of january is over.
Any new information about a potential new chapter?
You know, if you've seen Shimoneta, this reminds me of a situation with one of the technical villains, Anna. Basically, after the main character accidently gives her a vibrator as a gift, her becoming a HUGE tsundere for him after he kisses her (Any innapropriate acts, and anything considered lewd, even kissing, is illegal). He accidently sets off the trigger repeatedly, causing the vibrator, which is now a necklace, to activate.
no offence to the author, pretty cool story.
7111695 LOL I guess she could but... Human Twilight is crazy nervous, she's afraid of the consequences. I don't use my brain much when writing clop stories tbh :P
i like your story can you put out the new chaper
7310776 I'm still planning to continue this story but my laptop broke a while back and I haven't yet been able to afford a new one. I instead bought a cheap tablet but it takes far longer to type on and can be frustrating at times. I'm waiting to get a new computer or laptop before continuing this story as I don't think it will be any where near as good if I do it using my tablet, as it's far harder to type with and I don't have any proper word editing programs for it. It's literally taken me so long to just write this paragraph it's ridiculous lol.
Good news guys, I now have a working laptop so should be continuing this story shortly, perhaps next week? I'm working on a new story short atm about Gabby and Gilda, it ain't clop but please give it a read if you think you may enjoy it. I have to be in the right sort of mood to write clop, as you probably understand, but this story will progress as soon as I have the time :)
Trespassing on school grounds. Assaulting a student. Blackmailing a student. Sexualy assaulting a student.
Those Crystal Prep Perps will be spending the rest of their school years in juvie.
7588128 Probably, but those parts won't be in the story :P
Holy carp, it's updated!
I never thought it would
I will re-track this: but hopefully there will be no more un-announced hiatuses
Finally a new chapter. Thank you very much for continuing this story.
Not the booty! Poor Twilight
Also part of me just wishes she would be able to orgasm by now, or find a way out of this.
That being said
7607061 I was equally surprised
I think... Yes. <3
Yay! Welcome back!
7613943 *turns into chaos form and in demon voice*:I SWEAR I WILL MURDER THOSE 5 SHADOWBOLTS FOR TOUTRING SCI-TWILIGHT!
Edit: Sorry changed my mind, there is going to be another chapter. I decided to split it into two when I went through to edit and ended up adding a bunch of stuff :) Final chapter should be up next week!
Well that's what the Shadowbolts get for making Twilight embarrass herself in front of mostly the entire school: it will bring out her demon.
Sparkle Smash?
Belly button licking? Kind of childish.
Dog-gone it!
Talk about trending on thin ice.
(pained voice) God almighty!
Thou shall not provoke Sci-Twi.
Why you end it here of all times?!?!!!!
Karma is a Bitch! Heh. Love this ending do hope to read a sequel.
Have an idea for a sequel.
7656486 Sadly I always get asked to do sequels for clop, but I want to work on other stories at the moment. Please check out my other stories - Fluttershy's Punishment or Apple Juice - if you enjoyed this one. They are along the same lines and I actually think they are better than this, mainly because they go a little further into mature territory.
Apple Juice is about AJ being kidnapped by Trixie, and basically tortured using magic and orgasm denial.
Fluttershy is about Fluttershy being blackmailed and dominated by the Sirens in the school changing rooms.
I hope you enjoy them.
Or treading, even.
7656486 If you want to write a sequel however please go ahead :) Just give me credit for the original story in the description somewhere, thank you!
Aah sweet sweet sexual revenge
Yeah maybe if she was black mailed it would make a little more sense. Like if they had some dirt on her. I'm not sure why Twilight is going along with this unless she's secretly an exhibitionist.
I'd say my minor nitpick so far as that you haven't really captured sour sweet nor sugar coats mannerisms quite properly. Sour sweet usually speaks with some rapid mood swings that come off as passive aggressive while sugar coat is always brutally honest and a total ball buster. I honestly feel like they're inter changeable with the dazzlings quite frankly.