> Vibration, or Humiliation? > by DragonflyDreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lunch Time at Canterlot High > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful afternoon at Canterlot High, and the students were enjoying their lunch break. The school grounds were scattered with groups of energetic young adults, chatting together and basking in one another’s company. Many sat at the wooden benches outside the canteen, eating sandwiches and slurping various drinks. Others were playing ball games on the field, and some were just relaxing with their friends. For most of the students at Canterlot High, it seemed like an average lunch hour. Not a single one of them was even remotely aware of the terrible event that was taking place, mere meters away. For around the back of the school, a menacing group of females formed a semi-circle facing the wall of the building. They were from Crystal Prep High; an upper class academy, and Canterlot High’s one and only rival school. Among the girls were Indigo Zap; a rowdy athlete who always wore thick goggles upon her head, Lemon Zest; a rock music enthusiast with an energetic personality, Sugar Coat; a smart yet stuck-up beauty, and Sunny Flare; a cheeky girl with a mischievous personality. They were led by Sour Sweets; a headstrong know-it-all, who was the most devious of them all. To any by passer on the outside of the gates, it would appear that these girls were doing nothing suspicious, aside from being at the wrong school, but in reality, they were up to no good. Cowering in the middle of the group, bent over with her underwear pulled down, was a nervous purple skinned girl. She wore thick glasses which not only hid the tears from her eyes, but also covered a large portion of her cheeks, which were flushed from embarrassment. This was Twilight Sparkle; a former top student of Crystal Prep High, and a massive book worm. Twilight had been transferred to Canterlot High after the Friendship Games, and settled in pretty well straight away. She had six wonderful friends, a content social life, and she was top of every class once again. Despite never being particularly close to Twilight, and treating her like a total outcast during her time at Crystal Prep High, the other Crystal Prep students felt slightly bitter when the nerdy girl decided that their school was not good enough for her. Sure, the Friendship games had once bought them closer together, but after spending another few months at the school which taught nothing of friendship and compassion, they had receded back to their previous ways. Only this time, under the rule of an angry and vengeful Principle Abacus Cinch, school life for them had become much harder. They were jealous of Twilight for being able to escape to Canterlot High, and avoid the wrath of the tyrannical Head Mistress. And so, that day, they had sneaked into the school grounds of the other school, with a plan to punish the nerdy girl. Twilight dared not move. She crouched in place submissively as the Crystal Prep students fixed something to the inside of her underwear. It was pink and plastic, with a short rounded rod poking up from the center of its base. Above this rod, a smaller piece of plastic spouted from the tip; it was curved and shaped perfectly to suit its purpose. One of the smarter girls among the group, Sugar Coat, then pulled out a large jar. It contained a jelly-like substance, which she applied to the rod. “She’s gonna need this.” She stated, “I’ll bet she’s super tight.” She covered the surface in jelly, making it slippery for easier access. Once the area was successfully coated, Sugar Coat screwed the lid back onto the jar, and stepped aside allowing Indigo Zap to make her way to their cowering victim. Indigo Zap then lifted the hem of Twilight’s pants upwards, and adjusted them beneath her skirt. She positioned the object carefully, and Twilight gasped when it touched her. The rounded rod was forced inside Twilight’s tight hole; it caused slight pain but also a strange form of pleasure. The oddly shaped area rested above her clitoris, applying slight pressure to each side, making her want to moan. Then, Lemon Zest took a tiny circular gadget from her pocket, and placed it in Twilight’s purple ear before covering the area with her hair to hide it – it was an ear piece. An accompanying miniature microphone was then fixated to the inside of her collar, keeping it hidden. Once the earpiece and mic were secure, the six girls stepped back to admire their work. “Stand.” Sour Sweet instructed. Twilight did as she was told; she knew better than to disobey them. She felt the rod slide deeper inside her, and gasped at the contact upon her clit. “How does it feel?” Sour Sweets glared patronisingly at the nervous girl. “S…strange.” Twilight answered, through sobs. “She think this feels strange?” Lemon Zest laughed, “Just wait till we turn it on!” She pulled a remote control out from her pocket, and grinned evilly at Twilight. “N…no… please.” The timid girl whimpered. To her relief, Sour Sweet then placed her hand on Lemon Zest’s wrist, to stop her from pressing the button on the remote. The pony-tailed leader then turned to Twilight, “You know what you have to do.” She said firmly. “You will go into that school and approach the students. Listen carefully to the instructions we give you through the earpiece. You are going to do whatever we say, exactly as we say it, or else….” Twilight gulped and nodded, but Sugar Coat wanted to make sure that she got the idea. “This remote gives us complete control over you.” She informed Twilight, “One push of this button and you will begin to feel unbearably turned on.” “It has five settings.” Lemon Zest butted in, “the lowest is a small vibration, but still enough to make you moan. The highest… will send your entire body into a shattering orgasm!” Twilight gasped; she had never even had an orgasm before. “Just imagine it,” Sunny Flare taunted her, “first, you’ll start moaning uncontrollably, then, your knees will become weak, then, you’ll fall to the floor as your body releases itself in front of all of those Canterlot High students. Can you imagine anything more embarrassing?” Twilight shook her head, it sounded like the most humiliating thing in the world. “Whatever we tell you to do, it can’t be as bad as that.” Indigo Zap added. “So you'd better obey.” “If we see you trying to remove the vibrator, you will be in big trouble.” Sour Sweet warned, “Don’t forget; we have total control over you.” Lemon Zest lifted the remote once again, “I think we ought to give her a little taster,” She licked her lips, “You know, as a warning.” Sour Sweets pondered for a moment. Twilight began to sweat when she realised they were actually considering pressing the button. “Well I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.” Sour Sweets decided at last, much to Twilight’s dismay. “Just keep it on the lowest setting.” “No… please… I… I’ll do whatever you say.” Twilight stuttered, but Lemon Zest was desperate to press the button. *Buuuuuzzzzzzz* “Ohhhh!!” Twilight clenched her legs together, and gave a moan as the vibrator began buzzing inside of her. She could feel the rod massaging the inside of her pussy, and her clit tingled intensely. The Crystal Prep students laughed evilly as she bent her knees and tried to hold herself through her skirt, doing whatever she could to lessen the effect of the vibrator. “Oooohhhh turn… it… off… please!” Twilight scrunched her face and clasped her hands together. Eventually, Lemon Zest pressed the button again, stopping the device. Twilight took a moment to gather herself, wiping tears from her cheeks and sweat from her forehead. She felt extremely embarrassed, but also slightly turned on. Sour Sweets spoke, “Now you see what you’re in for, if you dare to disobey our commands.” She threatened. “We can press this button for as long as we like, on the lower settings your body will be in orgasm-limbo, unable to relieve itself - but desperate to do so.” “No… please…” Twilight couldn’t bear the thought of having to endure that feeling for very much longer. “You are at our mercy!” Sunny Flare rubbed her hands together, villainously. “We will be watching your every move.” Sugar Coat informed Twilight, “We will always be close by, and so if you dare try to run away, or remove the device… you will be in big, big trouble.” “One push, that’s all it takes.” Lemon Zest hovered her finger over the button on the remote. Twilight gulped; they had her. “Alright, alright. Let’s get this show on the road before lunch time is over.” Sour Sweets silenced them. “Twilight, go. And don’t forget what we’ve talked about.” She gave the girl a forceful push which nearly knocked her off balance. The others stepped aside, allowing Twilight to pass by and hesitantly make her way into the school. “This is gonna be great!” Sunny Flare smirked, “We can get her to make a total fool of herself!” Indigo Zap agreed, “What should we have her do first?” “Oh I know!” Lemon Zest announced, revealing a pocket sized walky-talky that was wirelessly connected to Twilight’s earpiece. She began speaking into it. Meanwhile, at the other end, Twilight was getting strange looks from all of the Canterlot High Students. Most likely because the object inside of her was making it difficult to walk properly, but she kept her head down and proceeded forwards nervously. Then, she heard Lemon Zest’s instruction. “I… I have to what?” She gasped, “Do it.” Lemon Zest ordered. Twilight looked across the school field, toward the pink curly haired girl who was making balloon animals and handing them out to the younger students. She swallowed hard, before making her way over to Pinkie Pie. “Hey Twilight!” Pinkie waved frantically, “Do you want a balloon animal?” “H…hi Pinkie.” Twilight shuffled her heels and stared at the ground. “What is it Twilight?” Pinkie blinked, “You don’t look happy today! Is there something wrong?” “Well… you see…” Twilight’s voice trembled, “I… I urm…” “Get on with it!” An angry voice snapped in her ear, “I…I…I…” Twilight stuttered while Pinkie Pie stared at her in confusion. *buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* “Ohhhhh! I… Okay! Okay I’ll do it!” Twilight moaned and cried, “Do what?” Pinkie tilted her head, “Twilight, are you alri…..” Suddenly, Twilight reached out, and lifted Pinkie Pie’s top, exposing her belly button. Pinkie gasped and froze in place, completely bewildered. Then, Twilight bent over, and leaned closer, sticking out her pointed tongue as far as it would go. She inserted her tongue into Pinkie Pie’s navel, and gave it a deep, slobbery lick. The students of Canterlot High looked on while Twilight held Pinkie firm for a few seconds and burrowed her tongue deep inside her belly button, causing her friend to squirm. She then proceeded to lick around the outside, until Pinkie finally came to her senses and pulled away. “Twi…Twilight…” She stared open eyed at her studious friend, The students of Canterlot High gawked, unsure how to react to the strange event. Then, they started laughing uncontrollably, causing Twilight to blush. She looked Pinkie in the eyes, “I…I’m sorry.” She said, then ran away. > Who's a Good Doggie? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That was amazing!” Indigo Zap exclaimed as she gave Lemon Zest a pat on the shoulder, “I can’t believe she actually did it!” “It’s not like she has a choice.” Sugar Coat reminded them with a content smile. “Still.” Sour Sweets scratched her chin, “I don’t like the way she hesitated. If she does it again, punish her.” Lemon Zest nodded, but Sunny Flare swiped the walky-talky out her hands, “My turn.” She said. Meanwhile, hiding behind the school dumpster, a miserable Twilight buried her face in her hands, trying to drown out the laughter of the students. Pinkie Pie had come looking for her, wondering what on earth was wrong, but the frizzy haired girl had blindly walked straight past her hiding spot. “Twilight, come in Twilight.” Sunny Flare joked, “show yourself.” Twilight didn’t want to step out, but she knew she had no choice. The terrible device that applied pressure to her most sensitive, private areas, gave the Crystal Prep students full control of her body. So far, she had only suffered the effects of it's lowest setting, and that alone had been downright unbearable. Her body was still tingling from the vibrations, and she felt a strange urge to touch herself down there… but she couldn’t. All she could do was try and prevent the wicked girls from pressing that button again and sending her into a moaning frenzy. And so, the timid book worm stepped out, allowing them all to get a good look at her. She blushed intensely for a few minutes, awaiting the dreadful instruction. “Go over to Rainbow Dash.” Sunny Flare commanded, “She’s playing basketball in the court.” Twilight looked over to the basketball court and immediately spotted her rainbow-haired friend. She was dribbling the basketball fiercely past the opposing team, dodging them on the way to the net. Knowing that she had no choice, Twilight headed over to interrupt the game. As she approached the court, all of the Canterlot students stared at her, and Sunny Flare gave her further instructions through the earpiece. “Oh no… no… please.” The helpless girl turned to the Crystal Prep students, who had managing to sneak closer, while all eyes were on Twilight. Sunny Flare and Sour Sweets now hid behind the steps to the canteen, they were a little further away, but Sugar Coat had conveniently packed binoculars for them all to observe their victim from a safe distance. Twilight eventually reached the court, and walked straight up to Rainbow Dash, causing a few of the other players to stop in their tracks and stare at her in confusion. “Twilight, what are you doing?” Rainbow Dash asked, “We’re in the middle of a game here!” The shy, nerdy girl glanced around at the basketball players. They had missed her previous display, due to being furthest from the main grounds and too invested in their game. However, they now formed a circle around her- she was the center of attention once more. “Please don’t make me do this.” She whispered into the microphone concealed beneath her collar. “What was that Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, “What’s going on?” “Do it.” Sunny Flare's voice commanded in her ear, “I’m going to press the button Twilight. The remote is pretty strong. I might just put it on the ground and stand on it for a while… that sounds like fun.” “N…no!” Twilight felt her eyes welling up, She blushed intensely as the basketball players fixated their gaze upon her. This instruction was worse than the last, and Twilight wasn’t sure she could do it. *Buzzzzzz* “Ohhhhh!” Twilight felt the vibrations come quick and fast; they were just as terrible as she remembered. Then, looking Rainbow Dash in the eyes, she dropped to her knees. The vibrator stopped. “Do it.” Sunny Flare was growing impatient. “Twilight what are you…” Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion. Twilight opened her mouth. “Woof, woof.” She barked. The athletic girl’s mouth fell open, “Twilight… why are you acting like a dog?” She asked. “Woof.” Twilight replied, sticking her tongue out and panting. The other players watched, as Twilight walked around on her hands and knees, barking and staring up at each of them. Then, she lifted her front ‘paws’ and bent them, before sitting upright and barking some more. She looked like she was begging. “What the….” The other players scratched their heads, they had never seen Twilight behave like this before. “She’s looking at the ball.” Thunderlane called to Rainbow Dash; he was right. “You… want the ball?” Rainbow asked her begging friend. Twilight nodded and barked loudly, trying her best to sound excited, although in reality she had never felt so miserable in all her life. “You’re not gonna give it her, are you?” Flitter asked. “Urm… I duno.” Rainbow answered, scratching her head. Suddenly, Twilight got back down on her hands and knees. She held one arm out to Rainbow Dash, who, after a brief moment of hesitation, took hold of it gently. Twilight lifted her hand up and down, as though she was shaking paws. Then, she switched and did the same with the other arm. Bewildered, Rainbow Dash played along, hoping that this was some strange joke, and that Twilight was soon going to stop and explain everything. Then, Twilight was given another instruction. She reluctantly lowered her body to the ground, and rolled onto her stomach, staring up at the basketball players with big, sad eyes. “Woof.” She bent her arms once more. This time, the basketball players found it hard to control themselves, they put their hands to their mouths and started chuckling. “I think she wants a tummy rub!” Cloudkicker pointed out. “Who’s gonna do it?!” There was a moment of silence, and then Rainbow Dash noticed that both teams were looking at her. The colourful haired girl blushed; she was one of Twilight’s best friends, if anyone was going to rub her belly, it was going to be her. “Woof woof.” Twilight opened her arms a little, to give them more access. “F…fine.” Rainbow Dash agreed at last. “I don’t know what you’re playing at Twilight, but let’s just get this over with so we can finish our game!” She crouched down, and placed her hand firmly on her friend’s stomach. Then, she rubbed in a circular motion, and Twilight stomped her back foot, trying to look delighted. Rainbow Dash was starting to feel a little embarrassed herself; stroking her friend’s stomach in the middle of a basketball game was the definition of strange. She blushed, realising how ridiculous they both looked, but kept going, while Twilight panted hard. After a good few minutes, Twilight was finally given permission to get up off the ground. She did it immediately, but remained on all fours. The basketball players were now sniggering around her, unable to believe what they had just witnessed. Twilight’s face became beetroot red, and she looked up at Rainbow Dash. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, then crawled away, barking. Her initial plan was to run and once again hide behind the dumpster, but as she made her way over, Sour Sweets suddenly leaped out from a nearby bush, and pulled her behind it. “That was hilarious!” Sunny Flare wiped the tears from her eyes; she had been laughing hysterically whilst watching Twilight’s humiliating display. Sour Sweets quickly hushed her companion. “It was… okay.” She told Twilight, “but I didn’t care for your hesitation. This is the second time we’ve had to use the device Twilight.” Twilight hung her head; she couldn’t believe what she had just done in front of all of those basketball players. “Therefore.” Sour Sweets continued, “I believe that a punishment is in order.” At those dreadful words, Twilight looked up into the eyes of the bully. “No… no please… don’t…” She gasped, while Sour Sweets held the remote out for her to see. “Hold her still, Sunny Flare.” The streaked haired girl told her companion. Sunny Flare pulled Twilight’s arms behind her back, and locked her ankles around her front legs. “Please… no… I did what you said!” Twilight continued to beg, *Buzzzzzzzzzz* “OOOOOhhhhh!” She bit her lip and moaned as the vibrator was activated, Her poor hole and clit were tormented by its terrible tingle, and she desperately wanted to squeeze her legs together, or hold herself, but this time, she couldn’t, Sour Sweets grinned as she pressed her finger firmly upon the button. “Ooohhhh….urggghh….ohhhh…..” Sunny Flare held Twilight firm, making it impossible for her to move. For a few minutes, the evil Crystal Prep students admired the helpless state of their victim while she moaned and began to lose control of her body. Then, Sunny Flare finally let go, and Twilight fell to her knees once more, panting heavily. “You have been warned.” Sour Sweets threatened, “Now get back out there... Sugar coat has big plans for you.” Twilight gulped, but submissively lifted herself up and onto her feet. With her head down, she made her way over to the main area of the school grounds. The Canterlot Students turned their attention towards her once more. > A Touch of Ice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Twilight reluctantly made her way over to main grounds, she was horrified to find that all eyes were on her once again. Now she even had the attention of the students over on the fields, who had put their ball games on hold to observe what the usually-sensible young girl was going to do next. Meanwhile, back behind the large bushed area near the school canteen, Sugar Coat had joined Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare. It was her turn to tell Twilight what to do, and she had some very good ideas to embarrass the poor, purple girl. “Twilight, go over to the benches.” She instructed. “You’ll find an ice box near the long table, go and stand beside it.” Twilight swallowed hard; she already didn’t like the sound of this. Nevertheless, she remembered Sour Sweet’s warning, and did as she was told. The students at the benches all turned to face her curiously when she arrived. None of them said a word; they simply watched as Twilight began to unbutton her pale blue shirt from the top. “Is she… stripping?” Sandalwood gasped at last. Most of the males, and some of the females, stared hard at Twilight’s chest, clearly getting some satisfaction from the show. The others first exchanged bewildered glances, but even they found it hard to look away. The poor girl's cheeks were flushed red, and she was sweating all over. “What’s going on?” Bon Bon asked, but of course, no one had the answer. After she had removed the third button down, from its button hole. Twilight suddenly crouched, and opened the plastic ice box. The Canterlot students watched as she put her hand inside, and collected a generous pile of ice cubes. Twilight blushed frantically as she lifted the cubes to her neck, then lowered her hand down her top, and placed them inside her left bra cup. “UUUUUrrrrrrggghhhh!” She groaned. They were freezing cold; but she wasn’t done yet. The embarrassed girl crouched again, and retrieved more cubes from the ice box. She then lifted them, and placed them this time inside her right bra cup. “OOOOhhhhh” She shuddered, “C…..coooold….” Twilight then placed her arms at her sides, and stood in the center of the lunch area with everyone watching her, open mouthed and wide eyed. The ice felt unbearable upon her soft, squishy flesh, and even more so against her poor, sensitive nipples. She felt them gradually becoming harder beneath her shirt, and let out a loud cry as they were tormented by the cubes. “AAAhhhhh, its….so….cold…. please… let me take them out!” She tried not to speak to loudly, but in her current state, it was difficult to lower her voice. The microphone was hidden well within the folds of her collar, and therefore remained out of side even when her shirt was half open. "Urgggghh..." Twilight cried when cubes quickly began to melt under the heat of the sun. The ice cold water started trickling down her breasts, over her stomach, and inside her skirt. "P....please I can't.... urgghh take... ittt...." Twilight could hear the Crystal Prep students laughing at her through the earpiece. “No. You are going to stand there until every last piece of ice has melted.” Sugar Coat stated calmly, “Or else.” “Oooohhhhhh….” Twilight scrunched her face, but obeyed. As she stood as still as possible, she tried her best to block out the sound of the Canterlot students, who were now muttering to themselves while they watched. Then, Twilight heard a familiar high pitched voice, coming from right behind her. “Twilight!” Pinkie Pie called, “Rainbow Dash told me what happened! Why are you doing all these strange things? And what’s that in your…” She paused when she noticed Twilight’s shirt. Twilight’s heart began to thump when she didn’t know what to do or say, but she didn’t have to worry about this for long, because Sugar Coat gave her another instruction. “Oh no… I… Urghhh can’t say that…p…please…” Twilight tried to whisper into her collar. Then, it happened. *Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz* “OHHHHH….Urggggh….Ohhhhh!!!” She cried, The students watched in complete confusion as Twilight began to spasm and moan. “OOHHHHH URGH….OKAY…. OKAY….” She submitted at last. “T…Twilight…?” Pinkie looked terrified, “listen, whatever’s going on, you can tell me…” “Me too!” A blue skinned tomboy suddenly raced over and joined them, carrying a basketball under her arm, “We’re friends after all.” Rainbow assured her. Twilight hung her head in shame, “Urgggh….I…I like… the… feeloficeifonmytits….” Twilight mumbled, *Buzzzzzzzzzz* “OHHHHHH!!!!” The studious girl moaned loudly once again, bending her knees and wiggling. “Louder.” Sugar Coat scolded her through the earpiece. “I….Ohhhh I….I like…. The feel of… ice on my tits!!” Twilight told her friends, but the vibrator didn’t stop. “OOOOOHHH I LIKE THE FEEL OF ICE ON MY TITS!!!!” She screamed at last, sending the majority of the Canterlot Students into a huge uproar of laughter. The sensation between her legs stopped, but Twilight had already become very, very wet in more places than one. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, unsure what to say or do. “Urgggh please…. girls… please leave me.” Twilight told them, “I… I just have to do this.” “I’m not sure you want to do this.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Y…yes I do.” Twilight gritted her teeth, “I urrgh…. really want to do this, please, just… urggghh… leave me for now… I’ll talk to you after…ahhh…. lunch.” “What… but…no! This can’t wait until after lunch!” Rainbow Dash frowned; she wasn’t going to be fooled that easily. Then, the poor, shivering girl heard a difference voice in her earpiece. It was Sour Sweet, and she sounded very, very angry. “Twilight, get back here now.” She snapped. Twilight immediately began to panic, realising that saying those words to Rainbow and Pinkie was probably a huge mistake. Now the Crystal Prep Students knew that she was planning to explain everything the moment they set her free. There was no way she was going to get away with that; she was definitely going to be punished for being so careless. With tears in her eyes, and a bra full of ice, Twilight raced away from the sitting area. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash pursued her, but the moment she turned around the back of the building, she was swiftly pulled behind a dumpster. Twilight shook with fear as she was gripped by the shoulders and forced against the wall by Sour Sweet. “Are you trying to piss me off?” The evil bully snapped at her. Twilight shook her head, “N…no I… I’m so…” She whimpered, “Well you’ve gone and done it.” Sugar Coat folded her arms sternly. Twilight closed her eyes tightly when she noticed Sunny Flare take out the remote, and point it at her crotch with a wicked grin across her face. “No… no please I….” *Buzzzzzzzzzzz* “OOOOooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Twilight wiggled and held herself as she lifted her head and let out a loud moan. The three girls watched as Twilight’s poor clitoris and opening were stimulated simultaneously, making her feel all kinds of sensations, “Ohhhhh…. Plee…..please…. ohhhhh!” She pulled all kinds of faces and made all kinds of noises, but the bullies showed her no mercy. “Turn it up.” Sour Sweet commanded. The terrified girl watched wide eyed as Sunny Flare gripped the dial on the remote, about to switch it to its higher setting. “Oh no….” Twilight begged, “Please!” Her breasts were now dripping with ice cold water, and her shirt was drenched. Trails of liquid flowed down her legs, and her nipples were extremely, extremely hard. Sunny Flare took delight in her victims anticipation, before slowly and firmly turning the dial. “Ooooh…. Ohhh….OHHHHHHH!” Twilight cried, “OOOOhhhh noooooo!” She squirmed around and clasped her crotch, which Sour Sweet wasn’t happy about. “Hold her arms still.” She told Sugar Coat. Her companion complied, and held Twilight firm to stop her from being able to use her hands. “OOOOhhhhh…. Urgggghh….. AHHHHHHHH!” Twilight had never felt so turned on in all her life. Her head was fuzzy, and her mound was soaking wet. However, as unbearable as the vibrations were, they were currently not strong enough for her to get the release that she now desperately needed. The hopeless girl moaned over and over as she was pushed closer and closer to the edge, but unable to finish. Then, the device was switched off. “Ooooooohhhh….” She cried, falling to her knees before the three sniggering girls. Twilight panted, and bowed her head submissively, indicating that she had learned her lesson. However, that wasn’t good enough for Sour Sweet. “Look at your shirt, Twilight.” She said evilly, “Why, it’s completely soaked through.” “It’s totally see-through!” Laughed Sunny Flare. Twilight blushed with embarrassment - they were right. The thin material had become transparent, and her indigo bra could be seen clearly beneath it. Then, just as if things couldn’t get any worse, Sour Sweet’s held out her hand. “Give me your bra.” She ordered. "You aren't going to need it for what we have planned for you next." Twilight gasped; they couldn’t be serious? > Self Discipline. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight gazed at Sour Sweet with a look of extreme horror upon her face. The leader of the Shadowbolts was furious with her, and she wasn’t messing around. The freckle faced bully now held her hand out, signalling for Twilight to remove her bra from beneath her soaking, see-through shirt. “P…please…” Twilight stuttered and began to sweat nervously. “N… not that…” “You misbehaved Twilight.” Sour Sweet scowled at her. “And now, you are going to be punished.” “B…but… they… you’ll… you’ll see my…” The rest of the Shadowbolts began to snigger, and Sour Sweet smiled evilly. “Yes Twilight. Your shirt is soaked through, and we are all going to get a good look at what’s underneath.” She spoke slowly, forcing Twilight to take in each and every word. “Now, remove your bra. You know how to do that right? Unhook it from the back, slide your arms out the straps, and hand it over.” “I… I can’t… please!” Tears began to form in Twilight’s eyes, as nervous sweat dripped from her forehead. “Right.” Sour folded her arms. She turned to Sugar Coat, who was holding the remote for the vibrator. “Turn it on at the highest setting. The rest of you, hold her still, we’re going to keep her screaming until the end of lunch.” “NO!!! NO PLEASE! Not that!” Twilight panicked. She was already on the brink of orgasm, and knew the device wouldn’t allow her to climax. Her poor clitoris and hole had been tortured for mere minutes, and she could barely stand it. If the vibrator was left on for any longer, she would literally lose her mind. Sour Sweet raised an eyebrow. “I… I’ll do it.” Twilight submitted, and slowly reached up the back of her shirt, for her bra hook. The bullies all watched, giggling away as the shy girl slowly unhooked her bra. She bowed her head and gazed at the ground, fighting away tears as she reached up her sleeve and took her left arm from the strap. “Look at me.” Sour Sweet demanded. “Look me in the eyes.” Sugar Coat lifted the remote as a warning. Twilight gulped, and lifted her head, gazing into Sour Sweets menacing purple eyes. She reached up her right sleeve, and pulled the strap to remove her arm. All she had to do now was pull the bra out… and she found it very, very difficult. “Come on Twilight.” Lemon Zest cackled. “Let’s see those perky little titties!” “You had better hurry up.” Sugar Coat threatened, “Or the consequences will be severe.” Twilight felt the sweat dripping down her forehead. She was incredibly nervous about removing her bra, but knew she had to do it. After taking a deep breathe, and looking obediently into the eyes of Sour Sweet, she pulled on the strap, and shamefully handed the item of clothing to Sour Sweets. Then, Twilight crossed her arms tightly over her chest and blushed intensely. Her shirt was so, so cold from the ice, and the feel of it touching her bare breasts and nipples made her want to gasp, but she continued to cover herself, and remained silent. “Arms at your sides.” Sugar Coat demanded. Twilight looked at the device, gulped, and realised she had no choice. She tried her best to look Sour Sweet in the eyes as her arms parted, and slowly dropped to her sides. “Stand up straight.” The bully demanded, “and stick your chest out so we can get a good, long look at you.” Twilight complied, saying nothing and breathing heavily. She could instantly feel the gaze of every one of the girls upon her soaking chest. The thin material was pressed hard against her purple breasts, and her nipples had become erect from the cold. She had never felt so humiliated in all her life, but she stood in place, maintaining eye contact with Sour Sweet, and not daring to move. “Look at them…” Indigo Zap commented. “So round, so perky…” “I bet you feel absolutely mortified, don’t you Twilight.” Sunny Flare smiled. “being on display like this.” Twilight nodded, she just wanted the ground to swallow her up. Every second she had to endure this humiliation was pure, pure torture. However, Sour Sweet was still not happy. “You know girls,” she turned to the others. “I think when she crossed her arms over her chest, she soaked up some of the water.” Indigo Zap gasped, “Omg Sour, you’re right! We should totally punish her.” To Twilight’s absolute horror, the girls all smiled at each other. “Get the ice.” Sour Sweet turned to Indigo Zap, and the blue haired girl darted off and reached under a nearby bush. “No… no… p…please.” Twilight begged timidly. When Indigo returned, she was carrying a lunch box filled withe ice. Twilight had no idea how long the girls had been hiding it, but the ice looked fresh and solid. “I snuck out and stocked this up from the ice box, whilst you had the students distracted with your little…display.” Indigo taunted, reminding Twilight of the humiliating situation earlier. “No one even noticed when I was ducking and crawling under benches… they all had their eyes on you.” Sour Sweet took the ice box from her friend and opened it up. Then, she turned it toward Twilight. “You are going to take two of these ice cubes, and hold them firmly upon your nipples.” Sour Sweets ordered. “You will hold them there until they melt. If you take them off, or if you don’t press them hard enough, you will be punished.” She nodded toward Sugar Coat, who still held the remote. Twilight whimpered; she remembered the cold ice she had been forced to place inside her bra cups earlier, and could only imagine how two cubes pressed down hard on her nipples would feel. “Do it.” Sour Sweet ordered. “I am not messing around anymore Twilight. You have really made us mad. We are so close to turning the vibrator on right now and letting you suffer. You had better give us complete submission from now on, or else.” Twilight gulped, she knew the bully wasn’t bluffing. She timidly reached out for the cubes, sweat dripping from her brow as she imagined the torment she was about to subject herself to. Nervously, she picked up two which were on top of the pile. They made her purple fingertips tingle and ache a little. Twilight scrunched her eyes as she bought them down, slowly, onto her nipples. “OOOhhh c…collddd…” She moaned. “s... SO….c…cold.” The girls stood back and watched, as Twilight held the cubes in place. As commanded, she was pressing them down, punishing herself. “Look at us.” The Pony-tailed Shadowbolt ordered. Twilight made eye contact with each of the girls whilst subjecting herself to the ice torture. Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap were laughing away in the background, Sunny Flare was staring intensely at her nipples, Sugar Coat still held the remote firm, pointing it slightly downwards as a warning if she stopped, and Sour Sweet was shifting her gaze from Twilight’s breasts to her tearful eyes. “Twist them.” She said. Twilight held the ice cubes between her fingers, and began turning them, they started to melt in the heat of the sun, and the ice water was unbearable. “OOOOOhhhhh F….freezing….Ohhhh….” She cried. “That’s it Twilight. Moan for me.” Sour Sweets grinned. “Tell me how it feels.” “Ooooooh….. soo….. cooldd… Ohhhh…” Twilight obediently twisted the cubes, her nipples became more and more erect. “P…please… it’s…. ohhh… let me stop…. S….. so col…. OOOOOOH” The cubes began to melt, and drips were trickling down inside her see through top. They trailed onto her stomach, past her navel, and she could feel the water being absorbed by the hem of her underwear. Twilight’s heart began to pound as she imagined what the vibrator would do to her, if her most private area became soaked by the cold water. It would surely be unbearable. “OOOOOhhhhh” She looked at the sky and continued to twist the cubes, as the sun beamed down melting them, adding to the torture. “H…how much…. Longer…Ohhhhh.” The bullies watched in delight as Twilight submitted and punished herself. The girl was incredibly turned on, and the water trickling down approaching her nether-regions really wasn't helping matters. Then, Sugar Coat suddenly gave a wide, wicked grin. The stylish blue student leaned forwards to whisper in Sour Sweet's ear. To Twilight’s horror, the two girls took the Ice box from Indigo Zap. “Step forward.” Sour Sweet ordered, “and don’t you dare take the cubes off.” Twilight could do nothing but moan as she obeyed and took a timid step forward. She whimpered and cried so much, that she barely noticed Sour Sweet walking behind her with the box. However, the next instruction terrified her nevertheless. “Stick your ass out.” Sweet commanded. Twilight gasped, but knew she had no choice. So she did what she was told, sticking her rear out submissively. Suddenly, she felt fingers tugging the inside of her woven skirt, and they reached for the rear hem of her pants. It was then Twilight realised that, as the vibrator was fixed only to the front of her underwear, her entire backside was free and at their mercy. “Hmm..” Sour Sweet seemed a little unimpressed, “her skirt is a little tight, guess I’ll have to pull it down.” “No!!! P…please… No… Ooooh” Twilight shook her head rapidly in a pleading manner while the other girls giggled evilly. The cubes on her nipples had now half melted, causing the ice cold water to run down her body. She had a good idea of what Sour Sweet was going to do to her poor vulnerable backside, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to take it. Slowly, the peach skinned bully pulled down on her skirt, revealing her purple underwear. She only bought the skirt partially down, but it was enough for Twilight’s plump purple cheeks to be visible. “N…n…OHHHHHH…” Twilight cried in embarrassment, as the other girls peeped around to take a look, continuing to snigger. Once the skirt had been pulled down enough to allow easy access to her underwear, Sour Sweet paused, anticipating the moment. Then, she tugged hard, causing the elastic to stretch and the top of Twilight’s bare backside to become completely exposed for them all to see. Twilight hung her head and scrunched her face as she felt the soft breeze upon her lower cheeks. Lemon Zest reached in and prodded one of them, causing it to bounce. Sunny Flare gave the other a quick pinch, and Twilight gave a shriek and arched her back before quickly maintaining her submissive position. “They’re so soft.” Indigo Zap commented, groping Twilight. The girls marvelled at Twilight’s ass, all aside from Sugar Coat. She simply scoffed and took a quick peek, then quickly returned to her previous position; standing in front of Twilight holding the terrible remote which would control the vibrator inside her. After what seemed like an eternity of humiliation, Sour Sweet spoke up. “Right, let’s do this. Are you ready Twilight?” She asked, still stretching her underwear outwards and giving the ice box a quick shake. “Ohhh no… please… no.” Twilight moaned. The ice on her nipples had almost completely melted, but Twilight didn’t feel the slightest bit relieved, being full aware of what was coming. She panicked, wondering how much ice they were going to put in there and how it would feel. She was almost thankful that the vibrator was covering her absolute most sensitive areas, but there was still a lot down there which was free and vulnerable. After giving their victim a few seconds to take in what was about to happen, Sour Sweets lifted the ice box to Twilight’s ass. Then she tilted it down, and the ice began to slowly fall, cube by cube, into her underpants. > A Degrading Dance. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight screamed as her underwear was slowly and painfully filled with ice. Cube by cube it fell, down into her crack, then piled up, resting between her plump purple cheeks and the material which formed her soft, thin pants. Still, she obediently remained in place, with her knees bent and her backside sticking out, accepting her punishment. "AAAHHHH" She cried, "Ohhhh cold... ahhhh!!!" Sour Sweet and the other Shadowbolts chuckled away menacingly. Even Sugar Coat was smirking as she held the remote to the vibrator firmly in her pale blue hands. When each and every ice cube had been dispensed into Twilight's underwear, Sour Sweet let go and allowed the material to fall into place. Twilight's skirt was still partially down, with the hem rested at the lower half of her butt cheeks, the top of them still completely exposed. Her shirt was soaked and completely see-through, and her erect nipples stuck out vibrantly against the thin material, pushing against it forcefully. "AAAAhhhhh.... so cold!!!! Ahhh!!" Twilight wiggled her rump a little, she couldn't help it. Surprisingly, Sour Sweet didn't scold her this time. The pony-tailed bully had now joined her friends, as they all stood in front of Twilight and enjoyed watching her suffer. After realising she hadn't been told off for squirming, Twilight decided to submit to her bodies urges and began to gently hop up and down. The ice in her pants was almost painful against her poor lower cheeks, and was making her want to move around as much as possible for any hope of relief. "OOOOhh...aaaahh.... noooo!!!" She hopped faster, and to her great embarrassment, the girls all laughed. "That's right Twilight." Lemon Zest snorted, "dance for us!" Twilight's cheeks flushed brighter than ever as she continued to wiggle and shake her backside, causing her un-supported breasts to jiggle about in front of their eyes. She continued to moan and scream, not knowing what else to do. "Shake that rump!!" Lemon Zest was really getting into it, the colourful, stripey haired girl was shaking her own body from side to side, although in a far less humiliating fashion than Twilight. "OOOOOHHHHH" Twilight felt the ice already beginning to melt, probably due to her moving around so much. Cold water trickled down her cheeks, and approached her most sensitive area. Her hole and her clit were covered by the vibrator, but water was incredibly versatile, and she didn't know what would happen when more of the cubes melted. She started to panic, scrunching her legs together and hopping up and down. The bullies all marveled in delight and laughed at her struggle.... then, Sour Sweet spoke. "You're putting on quite a show for us Twilight. Wiggling your backside all over the place, and jumping around like you're desperate for a piss, with your soaking, exposed breasts jiggling away..." She gave an evil grin, "but I think it would be a real shame if this performance was wasted on us, don't you?" The other girls all gasped at this news, but Twilight gasped the loudest. Sour Sweet grabbed her forcefully by the arm, to keep her still while she gave the instruction. Sugar Coat stood by with the remote for the vibrator, just in case Twilight had forgotten the real predicament she was in. The head Shadow bolt then pointed across the lunch tables, to the center of the school yard, where a short stone pillar stood in place. The pillar used to be a statue... but it had been destroyed in the past, and was now partially cracked. The students were finishing their lunches, hanging out and probably discussing the events of Twilight's behaviour. Twilight shook her head fearfully as Sour Sweet gave the dreaded instruction. "Lunch time is almost over, but we think these students deserve a little entertainment before returning to their classrooms. You will walk over to that statue, and stand in front of it. Then, you are going to put on a little dance show for them all to enjoy!" She explained. "N....NO... Not like this... please!!!" Twilight clasped her hands together, begging. Sweet ignore her, "We will give you instructions through the ear piece. If you disobey, you will be instead given a far worse punishment...." She pointed to Sugar Coat. The glamorous pony adjusted her glasses, then explained in a calm tone, "You will be pushed to the edge of orgasm in front of the entire school." Twilight's mouth fell open. "No...please.. I'll do anything else!!!" She continued to beg. "She's stalling." Sunny Flare glanced at her watch, "hurry up and get her out there!" Ignoring the timid girls pleas, Sour Sweet put her hands on Twilight's shoulders and pushed her in the direction of the school yard. "Don't you dare pull your skirt up." She warned. "I want everybody to see that plump little frozen ass of yours!" Twilight's face turned beetroot red, as she realised that the entire upper half of her backside was exposed, along with the mountain of ice inside her underwear. Her chest was still soaked, and her breasts dangled unsupported with her erect nipples completely visible beneath the thin and now see through material. She couldn't bare the thought of walking out there and presenting herself to her classmates... but if she disobeyed.... they were going to see her anyway, and in a far, far worse state - there was no way out. Hanging her head, she slowly made her way over to the statue, fidgeting and hopping about as her underwear became soaked. Twilight tried not to think about her shame, and to instead concentrate on the horrible feeling of the ice. However as one students head turned to face her, her heart began to thump loudly, and she trembled with fear. More and more heads turned, and the nervous girl could feel their eyes upon her exposed breasts. She gazed at the ground as she pressed on, wishing that it would swallow her up. When the students caught their first glimpse of her backside, they began to gasp and mumble between themselves. "What is she doing??" Octavia asked, "Her... those... boobs..." Bulk Biceps gawked. Twilight didn't look up, she just continued walking in the direction of the statue. The ice water had began running to the front of her underwear, and despite her humiliation she was still incredibly turned on. Every step was absolute torture, as movement caused friction between the ice cubes, and they melted and soaked into the material. She let out a moan, and squeezed her legs together, then gritted her teeth and shuffled forwards. "Oh my...." she heard Berry Punch in the background. "That's... insane!" "Eyu..p..." Big Mac agreed. The students did nothing but watch in shock, many of them becoming aroused at the sight. After what seemed like an eternity, Twilight arrived at the statue, and stood waiting for her instruction. It came shortly after; the Shadowbolts knew that lunch time was almost over, and they wanted to humiliate Twilight as much as possible before it was too late. "Alright Twilight." Sour Sweets spoke up, "turn to face them." Shaking, Twilight turned and looked at the crowd of students. She noticed there were more than before; no doubt others had raced over to see what was going on. However, this time her best friends were no where in sight - aside from Rarity and Applejack, who looked on open-mouthed. Applejack took a step towards her, but Twilight glanced at her cowgirl friend and shook her head firmly, begging her not to approach - she didn't want a repeat of what happened before. The heat of the suns rays was causing the ice to melt at a rapid speed, and the water was soaking her down below. Twilight held back moans as she shuffled back and fourth, squeezing her legs together. Then, came a second instruction. "Now. Dance." Twilight gulped, but it was mere seconds before she obeyed. She started rocking her hips back and fourth, left to right, slowly at first, then sped up when commanded to do so by Sour Sweet. The bully also told her to wiggle her frozen backside, which she did in a mortifying manner, turning to give the crowd a full view. Following further instruction, Twilight was made to lean forward and shuffled her shoulders. Her dangling breasts shook two and fro rhythmically, like two heavy, mesmerising pendulums. The poor girl had never felt so embarrassed, and yet she followed each and every instruction, all while suffering the effects of the melting ice in her pants. Twilight was horrified at how turned on she was becoming; the feeling of the freezing cold water as it reached her most sensitive areas made her gasp and pant, and soon enough, it began dripping down her legs. "Look Twilight's peeing herself!" Lemon Zest grabbed the mic, and laughed into it loudly when she realised, making Twilight blush intensely. The poor, studious girl, felt her eyes welling up as tears began to form. Small streams of water were now trickling down her legs, as she was forced to continue humiliating herself in front of the students. She wondered how long was left of lunch, as it seemed as though she had been dancing for an eternity. As the ice continued to melt, the water began to fill her arse crack, and run down, soaking her most private and sensitive area. Twilight moaned loudly and clasped her legs together, before being scolded by Sour Sweet and un-clasping them just as quickly. She continued to dance as a light tingling sensation began to torment her lower body; Twilight assumed this effect was caused by the ice cold water soaking into her sensitive purple flesh. The students were still gawking at her, unable to believe what they were witnessing. Her friends stood at the back, covering their eyes, trying to spare her at least a little humiliation. However, as the timid girl shook her rump and jiggled her breasts, the tingling began to gradually intensify. Twilight could feel it in various places, on her stomach, her arms, her shoulders. She carried on however, whilst the bullies shouted commands through the ear piece. "Twilight, thrust your pelvis back and fourth!" Indigo Zap told her, Twilight did so, as the tingling continued. She had been trying to avoid eye contact with the crowd, and concentrate on the bricks of the school building beyond them. However, for less than a second, a strange light seemed to fly past her limited field of vision. "Put your hands above your head and shake your body!" Sunny Flares voice came through the mic. Doing as she was told, Twilight bowed her head, noticing how soaking wet and exposed her breasts were. Still, she danced on, trying her best not to look at them, but this became more of a challenge when her right nipple suddenly started to glow... "Now stick your butt right out, lift it high, and shake it!" Lemon Zest cackled. Twilight scrunched her eyes, turned, and lifted her backside for all to see. There were gasps of horror as her butt cheeks were raised, but Twilight tried to shut everything out and started swaying her arse from left to right, then up and down, making it jiggle as the ice continued to melt. Her vision was now becoming distorted, and her body tingled all over, making her weaker and weaker. She was facing the remains of the Canterlot High statue, but she could barely see it. The sunlight hit it at such a bizarre angle that hardly any part of it was visible... or was it the sunlight? Doing her best to press on, Twilight wiggled her plump cheeks as the ice now poured from her arse crack. She could hear the students suddenly becoming more noisy gasping at the display. Light now coated her legs, her breasts, and she was pretty sure she was engulfed in it. It was incredibly difficult to tell, but the small beams appeared to be coming from the top of the statue in front of her. Then, the shy girl felt her limbs start to give way, and a strange force pulling her forwards. At first, Twilight tried to fight it, but the light became brighter and the force became more powerful - she was now pretty certain that it wasn't sunlight at all. Her onlookers burst into an uproar, but it was distorted and strange. That is when Twilight suddenly felt faint, and began to gradually, and completely lose consciousness... "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA!" A deep voice echoed through the area. The Canterlot students looked on, speechless and afraid, as the light gradually faded to reveal a sinister figure. Then, they all gasped in horror. "Midnight Sparkle!" > An Epic Climax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bahahahhahahaha...." Midnight Sparkle's deep, sadistic voice made the Canterlot Students tremble with fear, but it wasn't them she was going for. The demon creature hovered high over the school, blocking the sunlight with her large, dark feathered wings. Her hair was like purple fire, and she had sprouted a long, menacing tail. Most terrifying of all was the horn of light which now stood proudly upon her head, accompanied by glowing flames of light around her eyes. "So, you think you can degrade and humiliate me in my weakest form? Do I not need to remind you of what happened the last time you did that?" The flames seemed to grow when Midnight turned her attention to the bullies hiding behind the school. Sour Sweet and her companions desperately wanted to run, but they were frozen in place with fear. "P...please... we...." Lemon Zest stuttered, "We were just having fun!" Indigo Zap shouted in a hurried manner; it was difficult to speak due to her shortage of breath. However, of course these words had no effect on Midnight, and suddenly, the Shadowbolts felt their bodies being lifted slowly from the ground. A bright light shone around each of them, and to their horror they were simultaneously levitated, and forced to face Midnight Sparkle. "Understandable....." The demon cackled, "but now it is MY turn to have fun." Pointing a purple gloved finger at Sugar Coat, Midnight lifted her higher than the other girls. The glamorous bully struggled with all her might, causing her glasses to fall from her face, but it was no use. "No... please... no!" Sugar Coat had no idea what was going to happen to her, but she knew it wouldn't be good. That's when Midnight Sparkle used her other gloved claw to point at the ground below. To Sugar Coat's horror, the vibrator was floating beneath them, and the remote was hovering close by. Due to her fear, Sugar hadn't even noticed dropping the remote in the first place, but now she was pretty certain it was one of the biggest mistakes of her life. "So, you like to play with toys?" Midnight gazed threateningly into the bullies eyes, "well now YOU are going to be MY toy." To her utter mortification, Sugar Coat felt her underwear being forcefully pulled down beneath her skirt. "No... No... Twilight please!" She continued to beg as the vibrator was forced inside. The Canterlot students looked on, many of them catching a glimpse of Sugar Coat's nether regions, as her underwear was pulled back up with the vibrator inside. Bringing the remote into her own hands, Midnight positioned her fingers around the dial, while Sugar Coat shook her head pleadingly. Then, she turned it to the first setting. "OOOOhhhhh... oohhhh my...." Sugar Coat started to squirm as the vibrator was activated. "Can't take it?" Midnight pouted sarcastically, "well that's too bad." She turned the dial to the second setting, causing Sugar Coat to moan louder, and then to the third. "OOOOOHHHHH....oohhhh... please...." The Shadowbolt's pale face became flushed, and sweat soaked her long, soft hair. "You will continue to suffer whilst I punish your friends." Midnight grinned. "NO... ahhh.. please... make it stooooo... ohhhh..." That's when Sugar Coat remembered that she was on full display, being bought to the edge of orgasm in front of the entire of Canterlot High. "You ahhhh can't leave me like this... ohhhhhh." Saying nothing else, Midnight Sparkle levitated Sugar Coat back to her companions, forcing them to witness her suffering and yet not be able to do anything about it. Next, she bought forward Indigo Zap and Sunny Flare. "Wh... what are you going to do to us?" Sunny Flare sounded a lot less assertive than before. The pretty, short haired girl looked as though she was about to cry. Indigo however, tried to maintain a tough exterior. "You... you won't get away with this!" She attempted to sound brave. However, when she noticed the large ice box from the lunch tables floating below, she soon dropped her act. "Twilight... Twilight no... what are you going to do with...." "You're incredibly hot headed, Indigo Zap." The demon taunted, "I think you need to cool down. And Sunny Flare, you seemed pretty excited when you used the ice on me earlier, perhaps you should see how it feels. "What... no... no don't!" Sunny Flares purple jacket was forced open, the buttons breaking and falling to the ground below. Her shirt was pulled forwards, followed by the cups of her bra, and a large scoop of ice hovered in front of her. "Twilight... don't to this! Come on!" She helplessly tried to plead, but Midnight was having none of it. "Twilight... is not here." She laughed, and lowered the ice down into each of Sunny Flares bra cups. "OOOOOOHHHH AHHHH CO...COLLLD..." The short haired girl cried. Midnight Sparkle's grin became wider, "Aww, too cold for you? Let me hear you say it." She demanded, "tell all of the students here how much you like the feeling of cold ice on your tits." "AAAHHH.... OHH..." Sunny did not comply, she continued to squirm, unable to believe how bad the torment actually was. "Fine." Midnight then worked her magic on Sunny Flare's backside, lowering her skirt and tugging at the material of her underwear. She bought the scoop closer and closer to her backside, causing Sunny Flare's pinky-purple eyes to widen with fear. "NO... no don't... I... oooh... I'll say it." She immediately submitted, before adding. "I like... the feel of..... ohhh ice on... my...." "LOUDER." Midnight demanded. "I LIKE THE FEEL OF ICE ON MY TITTIES!!!" Flare shouted out, and Midnight Sparkle chuckled at her shame, releasing her pants. While Sunny Flare continued to struggle, the ice in her bra began to rapidly melt, and trickle down her body. She cried out, louder and louder unable to handle the freezing water. Feeling no empathy for her suffering, Midnight Sparkle instead turned her attention to Indigo Zap. "You should have been more submissive like your friend." Midnight glared angrily, "but in a way, I'm glad that you weren't." Without giving the spiked haired girl a chance, Midnight yanked her skirt right down, in front of everyone. Indigo blushed, utterly humiliated, but the worst was yet to come. Her white pants were then stretched at both ends; the demon was adamant that Indigo would get no chance to avoid a huge scoop of ice in her underwear, but she did not have time to waste, and decided to evenly distribute the cubes between the front and the back. As the ice approached, Indigo completely lost any sense of dignity she had left, and started to beg. "Please Twilight... come on... you can't do this... this isn't you!" The ice scoop paused, and for a second Indigo wondered if she had gotten through to her. However, Midnight Sparkle simply scoffed at her attempt. "You're right." She agreed, before stating, "I am NOT Twilight Sparkle." With that, the scoop tilted, and the ice fell cube by cube into Indigo Zap's thin underwear. The sensation was unbearable, causing Indigo to cry out and try to hold herself, but her body was barely able to move at all, completely under Midnight's control. "AAHHHHHH OH MY... YOU CAN'T... LEAVE ME LIKE... AHHH THIS... GET IT OUT... PLEASE...!" She started to beg in the most mortifying manner, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as Midnight Sparkle returned her and Sunny Flare to the other girls, in their wretched, tortured state. The screams and moans of the three Shadowbolts who were receiving their punishments was deafening, and Midnight Sparkle was quick to cast a spell to lower the volume on all three. She wanted to hear them suffer, but she didn't want the noise to get in the way of her revenge upon Lemon Zest. The punk like girl was the next to face Midnight, and she fidgeted like crazy to get out of it, but to no avail. Midnight knew exactly what to do with her. "So... you like to dance?" She raised an eyebrow. "Wh...what?" Lemon Zest was confused; surely dancing wasn't so bad... "Alright." Midnight lowered her to the ground below, the students backed away automatically, forming a circle around her. "Then, dance." Almost expecting Midnight Sparkle to force her into a humiliating display, Zest stood in place, not moving at all. "I SAID DANCE." Midnight's fire-like hair suddenly flared up in a threatening manner, and Lemon Zest understood right away. However, she wasn't about to degrade herself that easily. She began swaying her body back and fourth, dancing as she always did in the corridors at school, foolishly hoping that it would be enough. "That is not how you made Twilight dance." Midnight was getting impatient. "Do I need to remind you?" The punk rock girl felt her jacket becoming undone, her skirt being pulled down past her ass, putting her dark underwear and cheeks on display. "Now, shake that ass." The demon creature demanded. After a failing attempt to cover herself, the usually-cool girl glanced around at the crowd. She was flushed with embarrassment, and despite the dark reddish shade of her skin, her cheeks were bright and blushed enough to portray it. She really didn't want to dance right now, but suddenly, the hem of her underwear was lifted in a violent and painful manner. "OOOWWWW!!!" Lemon Zest felt her eyes water - Midnight Sparkle was giving her a wedgie. "Do not disobey me, or you will suffer a fate far worse than you can ever imagine." The demon warned as she gave a harder tug. "OOOOUCH!!!" Lemon cried, "Okay okay... I'll do it!!!" She was dropped to her feet, and began to dance. Zest knew exactly what Midnight wanted her to do, and this time, she complied. Mimicking the dance moves she had made Twilight perform, she stuck her chest out, wiggling it toward the crowd. Then she arched her back, shaking her ass to the people behind. She moved from left to right, seductively, and thrust her pelvis back and fourth. This still wasn't good enough for Midnight however, and it wasn't long before Zest felt her body being taken over, and her dance moves exaggerated. Her butt jerked from left to right, and breasts jiggled as her jacket was quickly and forcefully removed from her torso to give the crowd a better view. To Zest's horror, the shirt beneath began unbuttoning, while she was forced to raise her arms above her head and belly dance. With an open shirt and an exposed rear, Lemon Zest was now doing all kinds of humiliating dance moves. Midnight made her do ballet, and a chicken dance, all whilst stretching her body in ways that showed off her assets to the crowd. Occasionally, her underwear would be tugged upwards, making her yelp in pain. It seemed to last an eternity, and soon her body became drained and tired. However, she was forced to continue, wiggling her hips and gesturing to her most private area. Midnight even made her spank her own ass a few times, and cup her breasts as she shuffled forward. It was the most embarrassing moment of Lemon Zests life, and she was forced to endure and contribute to every single second, until finally, exhausted and overwhelmed, Midnight allowed her to stop. Lemon Zest's body was then levitated, and she was made to join the others. Her clothing was still partially removed, and her pants had been pulled high into her crack, making her incredibly uncomfortable. Now was the time Midnight had been waiting for. She gave the most evil, demonic grin as she beckoned to the leader of the Shadowbolts. Sour Sweet shook her head, almost crying as she wondered what was in store for her. "Nonononono!!" Sour Sweet looked horrified as she was levitated and forced to face the demon, "come on Twilight, we were just messing! You know what we're like...." Midnight Sparkle shook her head, "Pitiful attempt." Without wasting any time, she pointed a magical finger at the pony-tailed bullies jacket, and forced it from her. The clothing item fell down to the ground, whilst Midnight got to work on Sour's shoes and socks. She removed each one, all whilst looking the Shadowbolt in the eyes, and keeping her from struggling. "You think humiliation is a fun? Does it turn you on?" Midnight asked her, "well, lets see how you like it.... when you are stripped completely naked in front of the entire school." "What!!! No... Twilight no!!" Sour Sweet started to beg, as sweat dripped around her forehead. Her blouse was now being opened, and her skirt pulled past her thighs. "We never did this to you!" "Muhahahhaa..." Laughing, Midnight Sparkle ripped the remainder of her shirt away, and removed her skirt, leaving the head bully floating in her cyan blue underwear. The crowd gasped, as her stomach was exposed, along with her smooth, shaven legs. "Please don't do this!" The Shadowbolt continued to plead helplessly. To her dismay, Sour's body was then turned slowly and tilted downwards, she was positioned so that her entire front area was now facing the crowd, with her backside to Midnight. Then... her bra hook was undone. "NO!!!" She cried, feeling the back of her bra fall to her sides. It was still held in place by the straps, but barely. "How does it feel?" Midnight taunted, "knowing that your naked body is about to be completely exposed, in front of the entire school?" "NO... DON'T... PLEASE!" Sour began to cry, her violet eyes welled up and tears streamed from her face. Then, the straps were stretched and pulled slowly down her arms. The students below stared wide-eyed, as the Shadowbolt's breasts were gradually revealed. Her peach coloured flesh was exposed, inch by inch, eventually followed by her perky red nipples. Once the bra had been completely removed, Midnight left her victim floating there, forcing her to take in every second of the mental torture. There were shrieks and gasps from the students, and whilst some of them looked away, most stared wide eyed, feeling a strange mixture of fear and arousal. After a long pause, Midnight spoke again. "Now, lets show them what's down below." With that, she used her powers to slowly, but firmly, lower Sour Sweet's underpants. "NO... NOT THAT... PLEASE NOT THAT." Sour was full on crying now, and her face was flushed with embarrassment. Yet there was nothing she could do. The hem of her underwear was pulled over her mount, first displaying the very top, then slowly revealing the rest of her soft skin. When it reached her slit, Sour cried out, and shouted to the crowd below. "Look away! Don't you have any decency!!!" "NO." Midnight warned them, "look at her. ALL of you. Witness her shame." Sniveling, Sour felt the fabric moving over her clit, as a cool breeze hit her most private area. Sure enough, she was wet down there; humiliating Twilight really had turned her on. The shaven, peach coloured pussy was soon fully revealed, and Midnight threw her soaking underwear down to the school yard, giving the students a good look at how drenched it was. And just like that, Sour Sweet was completely naked. Her arms and legs were spread apart by magic, giving every student a good look at her most private area. She was held in place, completely mortified, while Midnight continued to taunt her. "You've been a bad girl." She told the Shadowbolt, "and now you will be made to suffer until the end of lunch, along with your friends." Looking up, Sour Sweet saw the other Shadowbolts still being tortured. Sugar Coat was close to blacking out as the vibrator worked on her, desperate for an orgasm but unable to achieve it. Indigo Zap and Sunny Flare still suffered the freezing ice cubes in their underwear, and Lemon Zest was having her entire body lifted in a painful wedgie. Sour Sweet closed her eyes, but it didn't drown out the sound of the gasping and muttering of the crowd below. She knew that all eyes were on her naked body - there was no escaping it. Midnight Sparkle lowered her to the crowd, turning her ever so slowly to give them a view of her plump rear end. "Look at her." She demanded, "look at her shame." Afraid to disobey, the Canterlot students all stared at the humiliated Shadowbolt as she was turned. Midnight cackled evilly, enjoying every second of the punishment. She continued to toy with the positioning of Sour's body, making sure every part was on display. She stretched Sour's legs further apart, then levitated her around the inner circle of the crowd, presenting her pussy to the students. "And you - look at them." Midnight Sparkle ordered, The pony-tailed bully obeyed, making eye contact with the Canterlot students as her naked body and most private area was shown to them. The torture seemed to last an eternity, and the vengeful demon showed her absolutely no mercy. Midnight even used her magic to open Sour Sweet's outer labia, revealing the dark pink inner lips, and her delicate clitoris. Sour wanted the ground to swallow her up. She trembled and cried as the punishment seemed to last an eternity. Then... the bell rang. "Looks like lunch time is over." Midnight bellowed, as though considering for a moment whether to ignore it and continue torturing the bullies. "Lucky for you, I know how much value Twilight places in her studies." Sour was almost relieved when Midnight Sparkle lowered her and her friends to the ground, but to her horror, her clothes were no where to be seen. "You will remember this moment for the rest of your life." Midnight warned as she bought the Shadowbolts together. As will every student here. For today, your behavior awakened the beast." Midnight clenched her fingers as though they were claws, and with a final burst of magic, she teared the clothing off every one of the bullies. The material was ripped to shreds, and lay in tiny pieces on the ground. The girls were horrified, and did their best to cover themselves as they were finally released from the demon's magic. Once their bodies were free, they fled, screaming, into the distance. The Canterlot students looked on as a beaming light engulfed Midnight Sparkle. It quickly grew in brightness and size, and then was gone in a flash, along with the demon herself. A few minutes later, Twilight awoke to find that she was lying on the stone ground near the statue. Her friend Rainbow Dash held her head, whilst Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy gazed down at her looking worried to death. "What... happened?" She asked, weakly.