Once, the Doctor traveled time with Star Swirl the Bearded, taking in the wonders of the universe as friends. However, some events are fixed, and Star Swirl had to leave so he could play an essential part in Equestria's history.
When the Doctor learns that Star Swirl faces a crisis of conscience, he will risk everything to be there for his old friend.
Pre-reading and editing by Moosetasm and OnionPie! Cover image stitched-together from here and here and here. Not connected to my other Derpy stories.
Yes, this DOES sound like something the Doctor would do.
Though…Derpy, you might want to consider that this might be YOU someday...
6494778 Thank you! And yes, that was very much the implication... though it's less clear if she'd see it coming...
Wow, you finished this a lot sooner than I expected. Well done! Definitely a cool story worth a read.
It's a nice little story. Solid pacing and what not. From what little Doctor Who I've seen I think your depiction of Derpy as his or one of his traveling companions was accurate. It also hits a lot of the structure points that the Who show has. I'm sure folks who enjoy both shows will enjoy this as well.
6495096 Thank you! I take that as high praise indeed. And what can I say; I've been itching to get this story out into the world!
6496127 Well, even if it's not enough to bring you around to Dr. Who, I appreciate that you read it!
While i like the Docters adventures i always found him pitiful due the hand fate gave him, maybe a bit of a hypocrite too but with so many writers what can you do? A proclaimed pacifist that has a kill count in the double billions minimum his wiped entire species and civilizations off the face of the universe and then there's moments like these.
6497953 He's an interesting character, both for his apparent simplicity and for his underlying depth. Because yeah, on the one hand, he's "an idiot with a blue box" (to quote the Doctor himself). But he's also trying to run from his past. But he also has something like survivor's guilt, except that he also has serious reservations about whether his own species should be allowed to roam free in the universe.
This is why (IMO) Doctor 10 was best (modern) Doctor: You got to see all of that play out on the screen. None of it was downplayed; all of it was explored. (That's not to knock 9, 11, or 12, all of whom have a special place in my heart as well.)
I must ask, how would this incident have led to Star Swirl's death? Or more specifically, what was so horrible about this particular version of his death that the Doctor had to avert it?
Marvelously written, by the way. You do a very good Star Swirl.
Agreed; this is a very 'Doctor' thing to do.
6521193 Why thank you!
6521045 And you too! As for your question: It was meant to be more metaphorical. Star Swirl's circumstances have pushed him right up to the edge of being willing to take an enemy's life in cold blood. The Doctor is determined not to let him cross that line, even if it means pushing his former friend even further away.
This was a fun Doctor/Derpy fic!
7790592 Thank you so much! It feels good to see someone enjoying this old thing again.
I came here from VanillaGhosties' Time enough For Wub.
I guess the story in question is not yet ready for public consumption but I did find a nice selection of Derpy stories.
7792777 Oho! Oh yes. Yes yes yes. I am editing that as we speak.
Since you've made the trip, here's a link to the rough Writeoff version. It's got some issues that I'm working on, but it also earned a silver medal in the Writeoff it was in, so it's (empirically!) not terrible.
By all means, please feel free to check out the rest of my back-catalog in the meanwhile. This one in particular turned out OK.
As always I still cast my vote for Derpy as best assistant ever...
Sounds like the Doctor. Any ideas for another Doctor story?
Hmm, I see I stopped following you somehow, sorry, I just don't know what went wrong, I must have clicked something by accident...
8186070 Absolutely yes. I have one in development limbo right now while I focus on other things, but I imagine it'll get moving again later in the year. And who knows, I still might do some kind of time-spanning big adventure thing with him eventually.
Great! Out of curiosity, have you seen the "Doctor Whooves and Assistant" series that "Ponies with Pockets Productions" has put out on YouTube?
8186119 I hadn't, but I just went and watched the first one. That's frickin' adorable.