• Published 30th Sep 2015
  • 20,659 Views, 3,414 Comments

Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Just Girls Talking About Fanfic OCs

Author's Note:

WARNING: REALLY meta chapter ahead. Also, if you haven't yet watched She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix but are planning to, it'd be a REALLY good idea to come back to this chapter later.

Oh, and the ending may seem a bit abrupt, but I ended it right where it felt like a good idea to stop. :unsuresweetie:

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Twilight Sparkle said to the two dozen or so CHS students packed into one of the free use rooms after school on a chilly Wednesday. "Welcome to the first meeting of the She-Ra Fanfiction Club!"

Rainbow Dash, who was leaning against one of the counters at the back of the room, blew on her bangs. "Seriously?" she asked flatly. "That's what this hot new club you're starting is?"

"She-Ra is so awesome!" Pinkie Pie said happily as she passed out cupcakes with white and gold frosting. "I've already watched the whole season twice!"

Sunset Shimmer blinked. "Pinkie Pie, it came out yesterday."


"Hey, we're right with you," Lyra Heartstrings said. "Me and Bon Bon stayed up all night watching and rewatching every episode!"

"CATADORA FOREVER!" Flash Sentry yelled from the back corner of the room.

"SCREW YOU, CATTRAP ALL DAY EVERY DAY!" a girl in the other corner yelled. Several students cheered in chorus.

"Guys! GUYS!" Twilight yelled. Beside her, Sunset Shimmer pulled out an airhorn and blew it. Twilight held her ears with a grimace as the room settled down. "Look, I know you're all anxious to get started with shipping wars already, but today's meeting is about something more important!"

"What could possibly be more important than shipping wars, darling?" Rarity asked from a front row desk where she was filing her nails.

Twilight adjusted her glasses and steepled her fingers. "We need to make our OCs. Before somebody else steals them."

"Oooooooooooh," the room chorused.

"Yeah, that's a good point," Pinkie Pie said.

Applejack chortled. "Y'all take this stuff way too serious-like," she said. "Ah mean, Ah only watched this dang show cause all mah friends was watchin' it. An' it's a good show an' all, but really?"

"AJ's right," Rainbow Dash said. "This is peak nerd." She fist-bumped Applejack with a grin and a chuckle.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and smirked. "You girls couldn't come up with a good OC between you, admit it."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash glared hotly at her. "Can so!" they chorused.

"Alright. Prove it."

"Oh, I'll prove it alright!" Rainbow Dash cried. "And then I'll prove YOU!"

Lyra blinked. "That...didn't even make sense." A few of the others snickered.

"How hard can it be t' make up a She-Ra character?" Applejack asked. "Ah mean, they're all pretty straightforward. They all got a name that basically says exactly whut they're all about."

"Yeah, seriously!" Rainbow said. She waved her hands around. "Ooh, look, it's Giraffa! She's a princess with a really long neck! Oh, wait, there's Bigfista! She's got really big fists and she can punch stuff!"

A silence descended upon the room.

Bon Bon frowned. "Wouldn't those just be R63 versions of Mekanek and Fisto?" she asked. "Because that's pretty lazy." A general murmur of agreement rose from everyone else.

Rainbow blinked. "Who and what now?"

"You know, the He-Man characters?" Flash asked.

Sunset coughed. "Why don't you two hold off until later," she suggested. "Who wants to start?"

"Ooh, me! Pick me! Me!" Pinkie said, waving her hand energetically.

"Okay, Pinkie Pie, tell us about your OC."

Pinkie stood up as though reading aloud in class. "My OC is Hilaria, the Laughter Princess. She's an expert in every style of comedy, be it jokes, slapstick, prop comedy, or that really weird meta stuff they do on late night TV. Also, she has a laughing gas gun that shoots laughing gas at her enemies!"

"Not bad, not bad," Twilight said. "The laughing gas part especially. So, do you have a description or a drawing, or—"

"She looks like me, duh," Pinkie said, hands on her hips.

Sunset chuckled. "Of course she does."

"Umm, I have an OC," Fluttershy said timidly. Once everyone's attention was on her, she ducked slightly behind her desk. "Umm...it's not a very good one though, so..."

"Go ahead, Fluttershy," Sunset encouraged.

"Oh, um. W-well. My OC's name is Fauna. She's, umm...she likes animals. She...she takes care of animals and can, umm...ask animals to help her do things and stuff."

"So, basically, your OC is you," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, umm...I-I guess so," Fluttershy whispered. "S-sorry..."

"That's a pretty good OC," Twilight said.

"She'd pair perfectly with Perfuma," Rarity agreed.

Fluttershy brightened up. "Oh, yes," she said, nodding rapidly. "I, umm...I actually already started outlining a story with Perfuma and Fauna."

"So basically, y'all's idea of a good OC is yerself with a diff'rent name?" Applejack put in. "Well then, mah OC's Rodea, th' Cowgirl Princess. She's mighty strong, almost as strong as She-Ra, an' she can rope an' ride an' do all kinda rodeo tricks." She put her hands on her hips and tipped her hat down over her eyes, smirking smugly.

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "I hardly believe they have very many rodeos in Etheria, Applejack," she said.

"Oh yeah? Then you do me one better."

Rarity frowned. "I'm...having a bit of trouble with the name for mine," she said, "but my OC is the Princess of Fashion. She's the top designer and dressmaker for all of Etheria."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "An' how's that any kinda useful against th' Horde?"

Rarity ducked her gaze, blushing furiously. "W-well! She..." Her cheeks puffed up. "She repairs all the lovely outfits damaged in battle, of course!"

Applejack smirked. "So she's a glorified seamstress," she said. "Hey, that could be her name! Seamstressa!"

Rainbow snickered. "Nice one!"

"That's enough, you two," Sunset said tiredly. With a game smile at Rarity, she added, "Your OC's...fine. I just...don't know what kind of story you'd write about her."

"Hmm, yes," Rarity hedged. "I...actually hadn't given that much thought..."

"So what kind of OC do you have, Twilight?" Rainbow challenged. "Since this is your dorky club and all."

Twilight grimaced. "I...actually..." She coughed and adjusted her glasses. "Entrapta pretty much covers every idea I have for an OC. I mean, pretty much everything I can come up with reads like a copy of Entrapta, so...aheh...still working on it." She trailed off into nervous giggles.

"I've got one," Spike the Dog piped up, jumping onto Twilight's desk and startling half the room. Smugly, he said, "His name's Canino. He's a dog boy. He beats up that nasty Catra a whole lot."

"BOOOOO!" someone in the back yelled. "CATRA IS BAE!"


"Wait, what about a dog girl as a girlfriend for Catra?" someone said. That drew a quick flurry of heated debate.

"I'VE GOT IT!" Rainbow cried suddenly, silencing everyone. She jumped up onto a desk and struck a victory pose. "ATHLETTA, the Sports Princess! She's the best at every single sport in Etheria and she can use her sports skills to kick major butt!"

The room filled with agreeable murmurs. "That's...pretty good actually," Lyra said.

"Yeah, I'd buy that," Watermelody agreed.

"YES!" Rainbow cried, pumping a fist. "I win nerd club!"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "It's not about winning, Rainbow Dash," she said. "It's about sharing ideas so we can all help each other write the best She-Ra fanfiction we possibly can!" She coughed. "So, umm...I've got an OC too, and...she's basically me." She poked her fingertips together. "Her name's Incendia, and she's the Princess of Fire. She can shoot fire, make fires bigger, control fires, you know..."

"So she's a firebender, the same way Mermista's a waterbender?"

"Pretty much," Sunset said. "And her outfit has a phoenix motif..."

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