• Published 1st Aug 2015
  • 3,218 Views, 1,640 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 3: Tyrants, Terrorists, and Tiaras, Oh My! - Down with Chrysalis

The continued adventures of you, Bugze the Changeling! (Comment-Driven Story)

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Episode 57: The Ugly Truth

Opening Theme:

Sharp77's Comment

Blade Dancer's Comment

The first thing you do is quickly snatch the Molotov's away from the girls' hooves before they have any time to react. Both fillies look at their hooves in shock as Nightshade shouts out,

"The heck dad?!"

You ignore her shout as you resist the urge to see the beautiful flames of the Molotovs spread all around creating a masterful piece of ash and flame by putting them in your potion sash (you almost forgot you had one).

4 Molotov's added to Potion Sash

Nightshade continues to give you a shocked look while Babs seems to shrink even more into herself as Big Mac begins to walk towards her. Deciding to follow his lead you begin to walk over to Nightshade while saying,

The Pony Spartan's Comment

"Anata wa nani o yatte iru to omoimasu ka (What do you think your doing)!?" in a menacing voice.

Babs looks at you confused, intimidated, and amazed while Big Red just glares at her, ignoring your language change. You ignore all this as you focus solely on Nightshade, who just gives you a confused look before asking,

"I was just gonna teach that snot nosed Diamond Tiara a lesson, why?"

"Y-yeah, just a simple...uh..." Babs tries to add on, but she begins to falter under Red's gaze.

"Simple? With a Molotov?" he says in an unbelieving tone.

You see the little orange filly with the heavy Manehattan accent begin to stammer to this.

BrownDog's Comment

“Well you see cousin Big Mac…heh heh…We was just…” Babs stammers.

Big Mac snorts causing her to stop talking and tremble.

“We’re heading home to the farm now young lady. MOVE!” he orders with a point down the road.

Hanging her head down and gulping, she follows orders, following Big Red.

Big Red nods at you before walking away with the filly. You nod back and look at a confused Nightshade who asks,

“H-Hey, what’s going on, why’s everyone so upset and yelling?”

You glare at her causing her to take a step back as you say,

Kichi's Comment

"We're upset Nightshade, because of what you two have done," you growl.

"What we've done? We haven't done anything yet. In fact, you took my molotovs before I could do anything," she points out. "Can I have those back by the way, I still need to teach Diamond a lesson and-."

"No!" you declare, causing her to stop. "You are not getting those back. And I'm not talking just about this, I'm talking about what you and Babs did to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon back at the farm."

Her eyes narrow at that. "Oh those stupid little snitches! Don't they know a threat when they hear one? I guess shoving broken jewelry down their throat isn't scary enough for them to-."

"Be quiet Shade," you command, and she does so. "Do you have any idea what you've done to them? They're terrified of you. And to give you a clue on how badly you've messed up, your own friends are the ones that told me."

"What?!" she gasps in shock. "Applebloom, Sweetie, and Scootaloo told on me?"

"You're Gorramned right they did! Don't you see? Even your friends feel you've gone over-"

"Those backstabbing jerks!" she yells interrupting you. "I go out of my way to take down their tormentors and this is how they repay me? Why would they do that?"

"Because you've scared them Nightshade! They were frightened by what you were trying to do to Diamond and Silver!"

"But why? What did I do wrong? Noling had problems when we punched the bad guys before. How is this any different?" she asks in confusion.

"Because it is! Sweet Luna, how can you not see that Nightshade? A moment ago you were trying to burn someling's house down, and for what?"

"To teach her a lesson! They're the bad guys dad, and I have to stop them!"

"I..." you trail off as you can see in her eyes she has no notion that what she is doing is wrong. That she thinks she is completely in the right, and it shocks you something fierce.

As you are having this parental meltdown Sombra decides to chime in his two cents by saying,

Kersey's Comment

From what the little Overlord is saying it makes sense. I don't see why you can't agre-

You decide to vent off some steam as you and Selena yell out,


As the annoyance in your head quiets down (or shuts up due to magic fire blasts, one of the two) you take a deep breath before you begin to pace back and forth in front of Nightshade. Said filly begins to give you a weird look but before she can say anything you begin to speak while pacing. You say with stern authority,

BrownDog's Comment

"Look sweetie, the reason why I'm so upset with you and why I'm trying to lecture you is because I have failed you as a father."

Nightshade gains a confused look as you continue,

"I've let you become something I hate the most and I didn't do a thing to prevent it. I let you become something that has plagued me my whole life. I let you become...a bully."

Her eyes widen in confusion and shock at this.

"WHAT?! But I'm not a bully! I'm the good guy that fights the bullies!"

"Really? A good guy that breaks a scared crying filly's glasses and personal belongings? A good guy that threatens and chases them and attempts to burn their house down?"

"Um...Yes?" she guesses still confused, causing you to shake your head.

"Well too bad Good Guy, but they're not here. They're back at the farmhouse safe and sound with your friends."

“What? They’re back at the farm? Well in that case let’s head over there and…”

“NO! None of that! Shame on you! You are in big trouble young lady. I’m very disappointed in you,” you declare causing her to wince.

“Dis-disappointed?” she asks shocked and hurt.

“Yes! How could you do this?”

“I learned it from watching you!” she declares a bit huffily.

“Yeah? And what made you think breaking a fillies glasses and belongings and attempting to burn down her house is something I would do?”

“You burn things all the time, and I’m no Bully! I’m just giving those bullies they’re comeuppance!”

“Why? Because they called you all some names? Because they had a bad attitude?”

“Yes! Exactly that. I hated their stupid smug faces and decided to-”

“You don’t go overboard like this Nightshade! Did Diamond or Silver break your guys’s stuff?”

“Well…no. But-“.

“Did they physically hurt you or the others?”

“N-no, but-“

“Did they threaten any of you?”

“No! They were being jerks!” she declares.

“Jerks huh? And being jerks that have never actually physically hurt you, you decide to take things up to 11 and hurt them and try to burn down their house? What part of that sounds right?!” you scold causing her ears to fold down.

“B-but you do this all the time!”

“Do I?”

“Yes! All those knights were bullies right? And you hate Discord and Trixie and will fight them too. So what’s the difference?” she says grumpily.

“The difference Nightshade, is that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are nowhere NEAR the level of what they’ve done,” you answer harshly. “They’re little kids, just like you. If what I suspect is true, they’re lashing out because they haven’t been raised properly. I can’t say I don’t understand it, I didn’t teach you the right lessons. But I’m teaching them now.”

“But Dad-“

“Nightshade, The Knights were Terrorists, and their list of crimes were horrible and got people hurt. Can those compare to Diamond and Silver’s words?”

“Well no…”

“And Discord is a cosmic troll, we lashed out at him out of instinct for what he’d done to us. I can’t say I wouldn’t mind giving him a beatdown again, but that’s because he’s done a lot more than just name calling.”

“I…” she trails off looking towards the ground. “What about Trixie?”

“And as for TRIXIE…” you seethe her name as your eyes flash, “She’s not a bully Nightshade…she’s a traitor. The worst kind of pony. We gave her our trust and friendship, and she threw it all away for money and fame. Really, a lot of the problems you, your mother and I face stem back to that day she betrayed us. She deserves our hatred, but compared to her, compared to any of the others, can you honestly say Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon deserves this?”

“I…I…” she mumbles, confusion and shock on her features.

“Honey, when I was growing up, I had bullies too," you say as you place your hoof on her shoulder. "The things they did to me though…I wish I had something as simple as Diamond or Silver. Sure they’ll mock you, but they don’t ostracize you, beat you, rub it in your face when your family…isn’t there anymore,” you wince thinking back to those lonely days without your mom, dad, and eventually Grandbuggy.

“Daddy?” she asks you cautiously seeing your sad expression. You shake your head and look back to her.

“The point is Nightshade, there IS a difference. A big difference between fighting bad guys, and being a bully. A bully is someone who takes things overboard. Someone who will hurt, threaten, and abuse someone far beyond what is simple payback. Someone who will hurt another just for things the other person has said...” you trail off looking into her eyes.

Nightshade’s eyes widen in realization as she looks back down at her hooves, as if studying them for the first time.

"I...I'm a bully?" she asks in shock as she looks back up to you. The look you give her is all the answer she needs.

“I…I thought I was being the good guy, like you,” she whimpers. You let out a sigh as you place your other hoof on her shoulder, steadying her.

“Shade, I’ve never been a good guy, or a bad guy. Just an unlucky one. I fight out of necessity. My fights and actions are not how you deal with things in a regular life and I never took the time to tell you that. I’m sorry. I am sorry for putting you on this road.”
She looks down in shame at that as she thinks on her actions.

“We’re going back to the farm now Shade, and your mother would like a word with you as well when we get there.” She shivers at that and nods her head, but she says nothing. Nodding your own head you place both hooves back on the ground.

“But that comes later. First thing that's going to happen is that you and Babs are going to have to apologize to all of the girls, not just Diamond and Silver. Your actions have hurt more than you realize."

You then begin to march her back to the farm as one more thought pops in your head.

“And honey, never EVER get into fire like I have. I know it’s wrong, but it’s an addiction. You don’t need to get mixed up in it.”

She nods in shame and continues to follow you as you slowly catch up to Red and Babs.


You, Applejack, and Big Red stand by as Nightshade, Babs, the CMC, and the two former bullies talk amongst each other. While the two fillies initially hid behind Applejack when you brought in Nightshade, you were able to assure them she wouldn't hurt them. Then the real talks began, starting with both Nightshade and Babs apologizing, and leading into the why.

Revelations were made. Babs Seed lashed out because her own bullying problems were so severe that she wanted to avoid them at all costs while in Ponyville, even if it meant becoming one herself. Diamond admits that she acts the way she does, because it's how her mother taught her. That you have to be respected and put others down to hide your own insecurities. Her biggest one being that she doesn't actually know what her Cutie Mark means. Silver Spoon admits that she only ever wanted to help out her best friend and support her, even if what she did went too far sometimes, she just didn't want to lose her only friend.

With that information, Nightshade wept and admitted that she thought they were bad guys and needed to be punished, but now that she knows the truth she realizes she was the bad guy all along. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo being caught up in the whole mess accepted everyone's apologies. There were many tears shed and hugs shared that may or may not have made this author tear up while thinking of it. It certainly got to you and the other older ponies.

Still though, after an hour or so of this little scene of hatchets being buried, you can tell that Diamond and Silver don't seem to have fully forgiven Nightshade or Babs, but that's to be expected. With time wounds will heal after all. As for their feelings on Applebloom, Sweetie, and Scootaloo...you think they're going to work it all out.

Looking out the window however, you see that it's starting to get dark, and while Silver and Diamond are cleaned up and in better shape thanks to the apples, they're respective headwear is still damaged. Forgiveness or none, these fillies have to get back home, and someling has to speak with their parents.

Sighing you interrupt the fillies by coughing into your hoof.

"Alright, it's getting late. Diamond. Silver. It's time for me and Red to take you home."

"Oh...OK," Diamond says hesitantly.

You nod then say to Nightshade, "Honey, after we leave, you go straight to the shack. Applejack will make sure you do, and you will wait for me young lady."
She nods sadly at this, and you can hear Granny saying something similar to Babs, about going to her room early.

When you and Red have Silver and Diamond ready, all the CMC call out to them.

"Listen, we can hang out more if you'd like," ventures Applebloom.

"Yeah, we'd love to have you back," says Sweetie.

Even Scootaloo smirks and says, "Yeah, we do need to build another float for the Harvest Festival. You can help us and get to ride on it too."

Though they still seem sad and tired, you see ghosts of smiles appear on the two.

"We'd like that..." they both say in a hopeful voice that is just above a whisper.

"And again, I'm really sorry for what I did...I hope ya'lls can forgive me one day. I'll make it up to ya for what I did to yer glasses," Babs says to Silver, causing her to look down.

"Me too," Nightshade adds looking at Diamond. "I'll make this up to you somehow...I'm sorry."

Both Silver and Diamond just nod at these two declarations, as they turn and head for the door, with you and Red behind them.

Later, Back At The Rich Household

You now stand in front of the Rich Household. It turns out, Silver Spoon is staying with them while her family is out of town, which you are thankful for because it means two less worried (Possibly Uptight) Ponies you have to deal with today. From what you've gathered from Red, Filthy Rich himself is a decent enough fellow. Always does good business with the Apple Family. His wife on the other hand...All you got in response from Red was a shiver. That, on top of what Diamond admitted to the others, has made you dread this moment.

Both fillies seem a bit hesitant to knock on the door, so you give both of them a comforting squeeze before sighing.

Well, might as well get this over with. I still got a daughter to get back home to and punish.

You then knock on the door.

An elderly pony in a butler uniform opens the door and gasps at the sight of Diamond's Tiara.

"H-Hi Randolph," Diamond stutters.

The butler then looks to Silver then to you and Big Red, before calling over his shoulder.

"Ma'am, Ms. Tiara has returned. And I think that she's been in some sort of acc-"

From behind him comes one of the snootiest voices you've ever heard.

"What?! At This Hour?!" comes the voice, and you see Diamond flinch.

Suddenly the butler is pushed out of the way and a middle aged mare who is clearly Diamond's mother looks down at her, ignoring the rest of you.

"Diamond! Do you have any idea what time it is?" she asks before her eyes narrow inquisitively, "And what have you done to your Tiara?!" she scolds, causing Diamond to falter.


Normally you'd be quick to jump in and start explaining the situation, but one thought is crossing your mind taking up all your thought process.

Oh Sweet Luna! What is wrong with this mare's nose?!!!



Author's Note:

Time for awkward parent confrontation! Let's see how long you (Bugze) lasts before you blow your top!

Hey Hive Mind, DWC here!

Next chapter is bound to be a doozy with Diamond's mom in play. My advisers say the best course of action is to rewatch the episode she was in as well as any show with snobby controlling parents to get a good feel for her character before commenting!

Last chapter's question answer is...

I'd say the worst representation of bullies are in family guy, because there are moments when bullies give no reason for being bullies, not even suggesting a bad backstory for them.

Thank you Pentakill Apocalypse for this answer! The worst way to represent a bully is not giving them a reason to be a bully. Just making a bully for the sake of having a bully like in Family Guy is no good. A bully needs a backstory to make the audience understand why they do what they do. Not giving them one just makes a waste of a character and is just no good.

Anyway, this chapters question is...

Which T.V show has the best snobby parents?

You know those parents in T.V shows that shower their kids with money and acts high and mighty because of it. Usually the main characters target of annoyance. Those parents, who are the best/funniest out there? You tell me!

Next chapter will be posted on Tuesday due to holiday fun times! But look out for a special holiday blog on the 25th!

This has been DWC, signing off!

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