• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

  • ...

Facing the Music

Velvet couldn't breathe. She was going to die. This would be the end of her.

"I'm so, so, so happy for you!" Nightingale exclaimed, somehow squeezing her even tighter.

"'Kay," Velvet wheezed. "Got it!"

Laughing, Nightingale finally let go and clapped her hooves. "You really did it! Look at you. All of your worry wrinkles are gone!"

"Worry wrinkles?" Velvet scrunched up her nose. "I don't have worry wrinkles."

One of Nightingale's hooves reached out to boop her. "You don't right now!" She laughed and shook her head. "But, no, seriously, good for you. It's about time you stopped trying to hide who you are, especially from your best friend. That's just not healthy."

Velvet's scrunch faded away as a smile took hold of her lips and she bobbed her head. "Yeah." She allowed her gaze to wander the ballroom that hosted Crystal's wedding reception. It was totally fitting for a princess, but Velvet was having trouble focusing on the details.

All she could see were happy couples. Ponies with their special someponies.

Crystal and Silent were sharing some sweet nothings, lost in their own world of roses and romance.

Savoir was doting on Horsey, who was super pregnant and crying about how she looked in the bridesmaid's dress.

Painted Wave was also in a bridesmaid's dress, but she still very much carried an aura of zen-powered authority as Verdant Wellspring's magic held a fruit kebab for her.

Raven squirmed in her seat and did her very best not to blush while Moore told the ponies at their table stories about her.

Sunbeam kept dabbing at her eyes with a kerchief and telling Pepper how beautiful Crystal looked.

Azurite sat happily between Sunny and Soarin, both looping a foreleg around her while she enjoyed a strawberry that looked oversized compared to her little frame.

And, lastly, there was Dawn and Thunder Tumble. They sat side by side, Dawn wearing a simple, cute yellow dress, and Tumble in his ceremonial uniform.

The details were still a little fuzzy to Velvet, but somehow the two of them had ended up together after that unfortunate dinner. Really, it was a perfect match: the sweet, straw-colored stallion paired with the sweet, straw-loving mare. It was straight out of one of Crystal's novels or something.

Crystal... Velvet's gaze returned to the glowing mare as she beamed at Silent. Her best friend. Always and forever.

"If I don't hate you, then are you happy with who you are?"

Smiling, she looked down at Red, who sat in her lap. He gurgled happily while he half-sucked and half-chewed on a lollipop.

"If I can be me and still keep you as a friend, then, yeah, I'm happy," Velvet had replied.

After so many years of being friends, Velvet thought she had heard everything Crystal could possibly say. She'd heard the silly rants, the serious monologues, the romantic sighs, the lonely whines... But the response that followed was not what Velvet ever expected to hear.

"Then, please. Sleep with all the ponies you want. You have my blessing."

Almost unbidden, Velvet burst into laughter all over again at hearing those words in her mind's ear.

"Velvet?" Nightingale asked, amusement in her curled grin. "What's so funny?"

Velvet snickered and waved a hoof. "Nothing, sorry, nothing. You'd have to have been there." She bounced Red on her knee. "So how are things with you and your new coltfriend?"

Nightingale's ears wiggled as she turned her head to look at the stallion sitting on her other side, mingling with the other ponies at the table. "Great! Really great." She lowered her voice to a more private level and added, "I'm going to try to sneak away with him before the night's over so we can do it in the castle."

Velvet had to slap a hoof over her mouth to keep from cackling gleefully. Nightingale returned the effort with a wicked grin. Crystal may be her very best friend, but Nightingale was her kindred spirit. A definite close second on the best friend list.

"Actually." Nightingale's grin turned into a coy smile as she rose from her seat. "I think now's a good time. They're going to be doing the cake cutting soon, right? Yeah..." Her tail flicked as she turned and tapped her coltfriend on the shoulder. "Sweetie? Can you help me to the fillies' room?"

"What?" His face turned red and he glanced around, then whispered with an utmost lack of subtlety, "Now? You want to go now?"

As Nightingale walked past him, one of her wings stretched out to trail a feather along his side and back. "Yes, sweetie, now."

He hopped up from his seat to follow after her, his walking a little stiff-legged and his tail perked upright. "All right! Okay!"

Velvet watched the two of them sneak off, waiting until they were out of sight before she started laughing again. "Oh, Red, sweet pea..." She leaned forward to look at him upside-down and kissed his forehead. "Auntie Nightingale is what we call an adventurous mare. Can you say adventurous?"

Red wiggled his nose and pulled the lollipop out of his mouth. "A-ben-twu-us!"

"Exactly!" She wrapped her forelegs around him and hugged him close. "Aww, you're just the cutest, aren't you? Yes, you—"

"Velvet?" a stallion's voice interrupted.

Her body stiffened. That voice sent a shiver down her spine and froze her blood cold. Slowly, she lifted her head to see Dawn and Tumble standing there.

"Uh." Velvet sat up straight. "Hi."

Tumble smiled and nudged his shoulder against Dawn's. "I think the two of you need to talk."

"Okay." Velvet patted the seat Nightingale had occupied. "All right."

Dawn looked up at Tumble, her eyes seeking reassurance. He just nuzzled her cheek and whispered, "You'll be fine."

Reluctantly, Dawn nodded and sat down. She fidgeted and waited until Tumble had walked away before glancing to meet Velvet's gaze briefly. "Hi."

"Hi." Velvet lightly bounced Red on her knee. "Um, hey, this is Red. My baby brother."

The tension in the air lightened as Dawn looked down at him and her expression melted. "Aww, he's adorable! Just like you said!"

Velvet took a breath in, then lifted him up and held him out. "Do you wanna hold him?"

"Can I?" A bright smile lit up her face as she very gently took Red into her embrace and held him to her chest.

"And, uh, these are my parents." Velvet gestured at them. They were staring. Of course they were. She had just handed over their son to a stranger. "Mom, Dad, this is Dawn Walker."

"Dawn?" Sunbeam's lips pursed, realization flickering across her face. "Oh. Oooh. Honey, I think I need to stand. And walk for a bit. Over there?"

Pepper nodded. "Right. Me, too. In fact, we should walk around and mingle for a good conversation's length!"

Dawn just sat there, blinking a few times as the two of them stood, excused themselves, and walked away. "This..." She sighed. "This is awkward. I'm sorry. This was Tumble's idea. He said—" She giggled as Red reached out with a free hoof to tug on her braid. "He said it's not good to leave things like this."

"Oh." Velvet looked over to see the stallion in question back at his seat. He had his head inclined to watch them out of the corner of one eye, engaged in conversation to not look too obvious. "He's a really sweet guy, isn't he?"

Dawn's cheeks turned pink and she focused her gaze on Red. "H-He is. At first, I hated him because of... well, you. You and him. I yelled at him and told him that it was his fault that I was all alone. He just kept trying to comfort me, and it just made me more and more angry!" She sighed. "He started checking in on me. He said he was worried about me being alone. And then, I don't know, a week went by, and seeing him every day..."

Velvet smiled and nudged Dawn's shoulder with a hoof. "Hard to resist a stallion with the body of a stud and the heart of a sweetie, huh?"

"Mmhm." The flush darkened to a shade of red. "So, I guess, I want to thank you. For him. Even if you didn't mean for that to happen."

"Hey, I'll take it! If something good came out of all this, then I can't feel too bad about it." Velvet winced and bit her tongue, then mumbled, "Sorry. I—"

Dawn shook her head and held Red out, setting him in Velvet's lap. "No, it's okay. It's not... completely your fault." She wrung her hooves, then offered a half-smile. "I-I'm to blame, too. We both are. I just... I thought I was in love with you, but it wasn't really love, I don't think. Now that I know what that's supposed to feel like..." Her ears flicked back and she hurriedly added, "I-I mean, I don't—don't know if I love Tumble!" She sighed and slumped in her seat. "But I like him. I like him a lot. And he likes me, which feels different from just liking a pony..."

Idly stroking Red's mane, Velvet snickered. "It's okay. You don't have to justify anything to me. If you're happy, then I'm glad. That's all I ever wanted for you, I swear."

"I know. I know that now. You were just doing an awful job of trying to make that happen." Dawn glanced at her with a small, teasing smile on her lips.

Velvet tossed her head back, laughing. "I know! Like, in hindsight? I'm the worst! Literal worst!"

Dawn giggled at first, then clamped a hoof over her mouth as it ramped up into a laugh. "Y-You really are! I mean, were!" She cleared her throat, trying to settle down. "I, um." She shifted in her seat. "I met Azurite."

And there went the good mood. Not this again. Seriously, what was the big deal? Velvet tried not to change her tone as she stared at Red. "Oh yeah?"

"She's... not what I thought she was at all." Embarrassment was clear in her voice as she added, "I really blew that out of proportion, didn't I?"

"Kinda, yeah." Velvet glanced at her. "What did you think was going on there?"

Dawn's nose scrunched up. "I... Well, um, I thought she was a sexy Canterlot mare that was showering you with gifts and bits and s-sex. And I was just so jealous because I could never compare to that..."

Velvet couldn't help it. She absolutely, totally lost all self-control and started laughing so hard that she had to shove Red back over to Dawn so she was free to clutch her aching sides.

Azurite? Dawn thought little, cute, strange, odd, but overall endearing Azurite was a big, tall, sexy, voluptuous, rich Canterlot elite?

She couldn't breathe. She really was going to die. This time was definitely going to be the end of her!

Dawn hugged Red to her chest and whined, "It's not that funny."

"It—" Velvet wheezed as she gasped for air. "It so is if you—if you know Azu!"

Dawn said nothing for a while, idly playing with Red's hooves while she waited for Velvet's laughter to calm down. When it did, she said quietly, "Maybe I'd like to."

"Huh?" Velvet wiped the tears from her eyes, breathing still uneven and ragged. "What?"

Dawn glanced at her. "Maybe I'd like to. Get to know her. And you. Actually get to know you, instead of... the you I wanted you to be. You were the first friend I made here in Canterlot, so maybe we could all... I don't know... go on a picnic? You, Azurite, Tumble, and me? And... maybe Red, too?"

A picnic? Velvet blinked a few times, saying nothing at first. Slowly, Velvet started to smile. "Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun."

"Great!" Dawn gave Red back to her and stood. "I'll, um, we'll figure out a date and time later." She started to walk away, then stopped and looked over her shoulder. "I'm glad you were the pony I met at the bar that night. Somepony else might have walked out that morning and not stayed and tried to help me. I don't know what I would have done if that happened. So... um... thank you for that."

Velvet just nodded. What could she say? She couldn't think of anything, so she just watched Dawn cross the room and return to Tumble's side. They really were a cute couple... They made each other smile just by looking at one another.

"Si-Si?" Red poked her nose with what remained of his lollipop. "Lolli?"

"Aww, thanks." She laughed softly and shook her head. "But it's your lolli, Redcakes."

Red huffed, sticking the end of the lollipop in her mouth. "Lolli!"

It was uncomfortably sticky, and all the flavors had melded together into one. He had been chewing on it for just a little too long. Carefully, Velvet leaned her head back to get out of his range. "I don't need a lolli, Red! I'm not sad."

He just stared at her, his ears folded back. For such a little foal, his eyes sure said a lot. They didn't believe her.

"I'm not! I mean... Yeah, okay, I feel out of place here. Everypony has somepony. Everypony wants somepony. So what's wrong with me?"

Slowly, Red returned the lollipop to his mouth, but he continued to stare intently at her.

Velvet sputtered into laughter. "Okay, okay, you're right! I do have somepony. I've got Mom and Dad, and Crystal, and Horsey, and Nightingale, Azurite, Sandy, Painted, Runic, Silent, Moony..." She swooped in to kiss his forehead, smiling when he giggled. "And most importantly, I've got you, my very specialest little somepony of all."

Looking out across the reception hall full of happy faces, Velvet spied one in particular. A mare with a slinky purple dress that seemed entirely out of place with how much of her light green coat it revealed. Even at a distance, she could see the sparkle of coat glitter. Their eyes met, the mare winked, and Velvet grinned.

"And if I'm lucky, I'll have a different kind of special somepony tonight." She wiggled Red's forelegs. "Red, can you say: getting lucky?"


"Exactly!" Velvet clapped his hooves together. "I am lucky. A really lucky pony. Maybe I am weird, but I can't change who I am, so you're gonna have to accept me anyway, all right, little stallion?"

Red beamed up at her. "Si-Si!"

"That's right." She nuzzled his fluffy frosting-like mane and sighed contentedly. "And if you grow up weird like me, that's okay. Just don't try to hide who you are." Her eyes closed and she sighed again, less contented this time. "It's just not a good idea."

After a quiet moment, Red squeaked softly, "Lo-vu."

Velvet giggled. "Si-Si loves you, too."

Comments ( 66 )

awww, what a nice ending to this story, I fully approve of the S.S TumbleDawn.

I hope everyone finds happiness, at least until the events of trials and hopes unfold.

Great story, I can't wait to see your next project.

Nice to see everything getting wrapped up. Also, another little nod with Velvet's dialogue that she doesn't really want to be tied down in a relationship. All in all, a fitting end.




So. Dawn, Velvet, and Tumble in the broomcloset later, right? :trollestia:

"That's right." She nuzzled his fluffy frosting-like mane and sighed contentedly. "And if you grow up weird like me, that's okay. Just don't try to hide who you are." Her eyes closed and she sighed again, less contented this time. "It's just not a good idea."

:he smiles, sitting somewhere amongst the shades: It is good to see your face at last... It is more beautiful than any mask. :he sighs, taking a moment to pour himself some grape juice: To your health, Velvet Step.

Congratulations are in order. You have done a marvelous job, Crystal. Your tale was a wonderful venture through emotions, doubts, fears, expectations... Through an abundance of various, colorful, frightening, featureless and appealing masks. All to show us that hiding from who we really are is not the way.

Bravo and encore, oh Rose Princess!

Sweetness. Urk. Hart asplode. Ded. :ajsleepy:

And, seeing as I haven't done this in a while:
:sticks finger down throat:
:pukes rainbows everywhere:

This was a really good way to end this chapter of Velvet's life I think. I was very curious as to how you'd resolve Dawn/Velvet after the last chapter. Like, would it feel contrived, would it be too sappy, not sappy enough, etc etc. Doubts that existed only because it felt like the climax of the story and you only had basically one chapter to resolve it!

But it turned out really well. Velvet's emotions felt very naturally resolved.

The only two niggles I have, and they are just niggles; one is that I feel that anyone who hasn't finished Crystal's Wishes may find themselves a little lost in this chapter. Only because despite it being mentioned in previous chapters, there's actually very little description of the wedding itself, outside of the people attending. Having said that, it's a symbolically fitting notion to have both fics end on the wedding, so that's all good.

The second niggle only exists because I know it'll probably be a while until the sequel, thus despite the natural ending I can't help but feel wanting just more resolution between Dawn and Velvet. Naturally though I imagine that'll come with the sequel as their friendship forms.

Onto the best bits:

Azurite? Dawn thought little, cute, strange, odd, but overall endearing Azurite was a big, tall, sexy, voluptuous, rich Canterlot elite?

fucking LOL. Actually laughed aloud. That image is freakin' unreal.

As Nightingale walked past him, one of her wings stretched out to trail a feather along his side and back. "Yes, sweetie, now."
He hopped up from his seat to follow after her, his walking a little stiff-legged and his tail perked upright. "All right! Okay!"

Nightingale is never-ending wellspring of Velvet-like content.

After a quiet moment, Red squeaked softly, "Lo-vu."

You could not have written this to more efficiently melt my heart. A better send-off for Red (for now) could not be asked for.

So that ends Mask, I guess. I hope an uptick of Velvet content is provided in Hopes to sate my Velvet addiction. xD

But yeah. The story had some really really great moments, some of which I'm perhaps more biased to (LEAGUE BALLET!!!), and some of which I loved just based on their own merits (this chapter, numerous Red appearances, Sunbeam shenanigans, Runic's pregnancy potions, kissing Perennial, and the cupcake pantomime , just to name a few.). Enjoyable from start to finish. Be very proud! <3

One of Nightingale's hooves reached out to boop her. "You don't right now!" She laughed and shook her head. "But, no, seriously, good for you. It's about time you stopped trying to hide who you are, especially from your best friend. That's just not healthy."

But Nightingale already knew... :trollestia:

Crystal and Silent were sharing some sweet nothings, lost in their own world of roses and romance.

That turn of phrase just about gave me an incurable case of laughter.

The details were still a little fuzzy to Velvet, but somehow the two of them had ended up together after that unfortunate dinner. Really, it was a perfect match: the sweet, straw-colored stallion paired with the sweet, straw-loving mare. It was straight out of one of Crystal's novels or something.

Nooooo. Tumble is invincible now unless he swaps models in the near future.

"I'm glad you were the pony I met at the bar that night. Somepony else might have walked out that morning and not stayed and tried to help me. I don't know what I would have done if that happened. So... um... thank you for that."

Dawn would have gone home to the farm and met a strapping yet rugged farm pony. They would have plowed many fields over the years and raised a large crop of foals.

Awww, a perfect way to end the story! :heart:

Oh, and Dawn x Tumble is so cuteeeee :rainbowkiss:

Amazing story! I can't wait to see more chapters of Hopes/your next project! :twilightsmile:

Congratulations on another completion! Well done :D

Well, it was quite the journey. We've seen many contenders, but ThunderWalker, TumbleDawn, TumbleWalker... however you want to call it, has finally come out victorious. We know who the mare back home from Trials is now.

So here we are, at the end. Velvet finally accepts who she is, and has ponies, friends, around her who do the same.

And most importantly she has Red. That little guy is too darn cute. Velvet is the rudest for not accepting the gracious gift of a lolli. But it's ok, as long as Silly Faces will provide more silly faces, Prince Red will grant forgiveness for this transgression.

A mare with a slinky purple dress that seemed entirely out of place with how much of her light green coat it revealed.

Velvet approached the mare with a swing in her hips, and threw her hoof around her neck as she brushed her head next to—

"Um, could you get your face away from my face?" He asked.

Wait... he? "Rossby?!"

If only... if only.

It was a great, wild ride. Congratulations on another finished story.


:points out Anzel's comment to everyone with a sly but kind smile: Oh, he is both dutiful and adorable, isn't he?

wow.. all the feelings in the chapter.. make me so sad.. and yet happy.

She lowered her voice to a more private level and added, "I'm going to try to sneak away with him before the night's over so we can do it in the castle."

Instead of the 'Mile high club' I guess Equestria has the 'Canterlot closet club', eh?

I feel horrible that the only comment I can think to make on the last chapter of this wonderful story is a bit of crude humor.:ajsleepy: Forgive me.

It's been a wonderful ride.
Congratulations, and thank you, Crystal!

What? That's it? I can't trust even your spoilers from way back when?! You said Velvet was going to get with somepony - somepony perfect for her who I wouldn't suspect! Has... Has everything been a lie?

Is Magnate not going to stand up to Lovey?
Is Crystal's next book not going to be a smash?
Is Horsey not going to be the happiest Canterlot mare in Ponyville?
Is the S.S. Silent Crystal going to flounder and sink?

Is... is Au never going to show up again?


(Also, yes, congratulations on finishing another wonderful story!)


"Castle Closet Club"

Bonus points if the two of you have to nervously stifle yourselves because a princess is walking by.

I sort of hope we get to see this conversation from Crystal's perspective.


What? That's it? I can't trust even your spoilers from way back when?! You said Velvet was going to get with somepony - somepony perfect for her who I wouldn't suspect! Has... Has everything been a lie?

And it's pretty clear that Velvet is with... Red. Did this spoiler specify that Velvet would be with this somepony romantically?

7331312 Oops, yes. The "Castle closet club" is more correct.
This puts a spin on a certain phrase in our vernacular involving 'leaving the confines of a wardrobe'.

Also, Do you consider Author Crystal to be the deadliest weapon on the high seas?
She has sunk most - if not all- the ships in your fleet...:derpytongue2:

7331117 TumbleDawn is one of my favorites! They're just so freaking cute, the both of them.

7331130 Totally! Velvet, Dawn, Tumble, and the mare in the slinky dress.

7331132 Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is a story I'm happy to have finished, and happy to have written. I know it may not be the ending everyone wanted, but it's the ending Velvet wanted: free of the burden of hiding herself, and able to just be who she is.

7331145 I forgot you do that... :raritydespair: Whyyy??

7331147 Thanks! Yes, I didn't want it to end too sappy and not too sad. I tried to aim for somewhere in the middle.

Definitely get what you mean about the wedding. I'm going with "Velvet doesn't care about weddings and wasn't paying attention." Neener neener! :derpytongue2:

Thank you, thank you. :heart: Well, now that Crystal is back in Canterlot, we should get more Velvet. :rainbowkiss:

7331161 Hahahaha. hehehe. haha. Yeah... Dawn's life may have turned out better if Velvet had just walked out that morning, if that's what was in store for her. :trollestia:

7331175 Thank you!! Yesss, Dawn and Tumble are just such sweeties. I've been giggling to myself over the "straw-colored stallion" and "straw-loving mare" bit.

7331187 Aww, thanks. :heart: Thank you for all of your help figuring this story out. :D

7331229 Prince Red is a very kind and forgiving prince, indeed. Silly Faces should be more grateful to be basking in his kindness!

hahahaha. I love it. In an alternate universe, that is totally what happened!

7331230 The adorablest! :heart:

7331247 Don't be sad! Velvet is happy. :D

7331269 Ahahah, it's fine, I expected as much would happen from someone with Nightingale's shenanigans. Glad you enjoyed the story. :pinkiehappy:

7331312 Meep! I don't remember what I said. But Velvet's life story isn't over! She has an interesting path ahead of her, and there is somepony perfect waiting for her. I just don't know if "get with" is the right verbiage to use. :trollestia:

And HAHAH. Oh, dear.

7331344 We did! Back in Something Borrowed, Something Blue of Wishes!

7331349 Damnit, Posted. :trollestia:

7331363 So many ships are sleeping with the fishes! Mwuahah!

I'm not entirely sure how much of a resolution that was, but given the premise it kinda fits. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

"She's... not what I thought she was at all." Embarrassment was clear in her voice as she added, "I really blew that out of proportion, didn't I?"

To be fair, it only takes like a mouthful of air to blow Azurite out of proportion. :trollestia:


Velvet approached the mare with a swing in her hips, and threw her hoof around her neck as she brushed her head next to—

"Um, could you get your face away from my face?" He asked.

Wait... he? "Rossby?!"


Welp, here we are, finally at the end. I'm going to miss reading about Velvet-- and while Red had his own little story, I think I prefer him while under Velvet's spotlight as well.

Anyway, grats on another finished story. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and who can forget the glorious moments this story gave us, such as the phrase "Cutie Call." Which I have totally stolen. :heart:

Well, this leaves me in an awkward place, because the only ordering of words that works for me on this ship is Thunder Walker, and that sounds a little too aggressive.

7331369 Well I have to get out the toxic levels of good-goodyness somehow, don't I? :twistnerd:
Besides, at least it's colourful! :raritywink:

This was just adorable, at least the parts with Red were.


Actually, reading back through my messages, there was more to that spoiler than just "Velvet would find somepony." So... Crystal didn't lie to me! My hysterics were all for naught... :twilightsheepish:

Horsey really is going to be the happiest Canterlot mare in Ponyville! Huzzah!

Oh, and... ...I suppose... ...I'm happy that... ...Au might, maybe... ...be showing up again.

Red is magical :P This was a great story. :3

You're right it totally was handled. I guess I forgot about that. Crystal handled it in such a low key (relative to the hysterics Velvet seemed to expect) way. Maybe a link in the authors notes to that chapter?

7331646 It's linked in the previous chapter (Consequences); I didn't link it right away because I wasn't sure whether I wanted it here or there.

The things that are life-changelingly important to one person aren't always earth shattering to another. :raritywink: For Velvet, it was the potential end of her friendship. For Crystal, it wasn't a big deal.

I'm kind of surprised so many people are calling this a happy ending, because it doesn't really feel all that happy. I suppose, at best, it's bittersweet, and only because everypony around her is happy.

I think her 'conversation' with Red really underlines the fact that she still thinks of herself as weird and that something is fundamentally 'wrong' with her. She might not be actively thinking of it when she's in the heat of the moment, but when she has a few moments of somber reflection, she isn't what I'd call 'happy'.

7331787 Oh, it's definitely not intended to be a "rainbows and puppydogs" happy ending. Bittersweet is a good word for it! Velvet still has a long road to go before she's in a place of fulfilled happiness, but she's on the path. There's still something missing from her life... :scootangel: But the mask is gone, and that's what this story was focused on.

7331814 But I think this is kind of bothering me too, the idea that Velvet doesn't have someone, and therefore she has something missing from her life. You're essentially saying outright that not settling down or essentially doing what Velvet is doing is somehow wrong or that she's somehow broken on some level.

7331846 ?

That's not what I'm saying at all, actually. There is something missing from her life; you appear to be assuming that immediately means special somepony. I'm just teasing about the sequel / her future.

I'm not saying she's wrong, broken, weird, strange, any of the above. Velvet is at a wedding surrounded by happy couples, so she feels out of place. She's had all of a month to go from "I have to hide myself and everything I am" to "I don't have to hide who I am... huh. Who am I now?"

I think Velvet is absolutely perfect the way she is. But she's still young and has to figure that out for herself.


A mare with a slinky purple dress that seemed entirely out of place with how much of her light green coat it revealed.

Whu. Did? WHUT? Is that who I think it is?

Also, congratulations on completing another story! It's been an awesome ride, and a fantastic story! I've loved every second of it, and it's even helped with a few of my own troubles. So thank you so much for writing it :)

Here we are, at the end of things.

Well, the end of some things. I guess specifically the end of Crystal and Silent's single martial status, but that's less dramatic.

Geeze, someone really shouldn't have stacked the guest list with so many couples. What's a dedicated bacheloress to do? I blame Azurite, it's probably HR's fault.

And, lastly, there was Dawn and Thunder Tumble. They sat side by side, Dawn wearing a simple, cute yellow dress, and Tumble in his ceremonial uniform.

Oooo, and there it is.

"Then, please. Sleep with all the ponies you want. You have my blessing."


Nightingale's ears wiggled as she turned her head to look at the stallion sitting on her other side, mingling with the other ponies at the table. "Great! Really great." She lowered her voice to a more private level and added, "I'm going to try to sneak away with him before the night's over so we can do it in the castle."


"Velvet?" a stallion's voice interrupted.


Her body stiffened. That voice sent a shiver down her spine and froze her blood cold. Slowly, she lifted her head to see Dawn and Tumble standing there.


Good guy Tumble, pretty much everything about this.

Dawn's nose scrunched up. "I... Well, um, I thought she was a sexy Canterlot mare that was showering you with gifts and bits and s-sex. And I was just so jealous because I could never compare to that..."

Velvet couldn't help it. She absolutely, totally lost all self-control and started laughing so hard that she had to shove Red back over to Dawn so she was free to clutch her aching sides.

Azurite? Dawn thought little, cute, strange, odd, but overall endearing Azurite was a big, tall, sexy, voluptuous, rich Canterlot elite?


Ahh man, friendships and picnics, my last minute prayers have been answered. Tumble will definitely need to keep an orb out on whichever park they visit, though.

Yeah, that was a good ending. I'm still a little bit sad, but I'm also satisfied.

Edit: Comment 1201, top comment on page 25, I feel special.

Velvet couldn't breathe. She was going to die. This would be the end of her.

"I'm so, so, so happy for you!" Nightingale exclaimed, somehow squeezing her even tighter.

"'Kay," Velvet wheezed. "Got it!"

I always knew Nightingale would be the end of Velvet :P (also there should be a story about Nighty, IMO)

Anyway, a nice ending to a great story, especially because it fits Velvet and friends so very well.

It had to end, sadly. However, it was a good ending.

Was that it? Gotta say a i'm little underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong I loved the story but I feel like it's a bit of a cliff hanger.

Any chance there is a squeal to this in the future?


This is me reading the last line of your story. You should feel bad about that.

7331914 :moustache: You're most welcome, Tevvycakes. :heart:

7332110 You don't know how much I was grinning to myself when you said you hoped for what happened with Tumble and Dawn. Yeah, Tumble's a good guy. :heart:

7332167 Hahaha, hmm, I don't know what kind of story I'd write about Nightingale. I'll have to ruminate on that!

And thanks!!

7332440 Thank you! :yay:

7332604 To each their own! Yes, that's it. This was the ending I wrote, so it's the ending you get. Not really a cliffhanger. Velvet started off the story unable to express who she was and hiding behind a mask. Now she's free to be who she is. This story is complete. Her life, of course, isn't, but this story is.

As I've mentioned several times, yep, there will be a sequel, though it won't be from Velvet's perspective. :raritywink:

7332618 I don't feel bad at all, actually. :scootangel:

7332641 Eh, mkay. It's your story, I have no idea what happens behind the keyboard.

But I did love the story overall. You're one of my three favorite writers Crystal.

Stay Awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

Awww best ending ever

Azurite? Dawn thought little, cute, strange, odd, but overall endearing Azurite was a big, tall, sexy, voluptuous, rich Canterlot elite?

Ill admit i laughed at that too. And Ok. Seems im on board with the TumbleDawn ship. A good ending point for this section of Velvet's story. I do hope there will be more but that's just me. This was a great story and I enjoyed every update it had.

I sense a flashback tale featuring one Dawn Walker and a replayed awkward scene involving confrontation due to misunderstood romantic intentions. Which would be so epically funny given the parties concerned that I think I may explode...

Epic job on finishing another quality and thoroughly engaging look into the lives of the characters you obviously love so much. Your passion for your work shows through every time you update, and you should be justly proud of you contribution to the Fandom :heart:

Well Done.

I was kind of expecting Dawn and Tumble to end together since sometime after Tumble was introduced.
I'm glad to see my guess was correct. :twilightsmile:

Dawn thought little, cute, strange, odd, but overall endearing Azurite was a big, tall, sexy, voluptuous, rich Canterlot elite?

And Dawn's interpretation of Azurite was funny. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, great way to wrap up the story! :pinkiehappy:

Huh, I have to say I expected more closure from this story, with Velvet finally settling on one pony. The twist was unexpected, but I'm happy to see that happen, as I always wanted Dawn to have a happy ending. You really wrote her to have such a character that a reader would root for.

Great ending! I'm glad everypony ended up happy! Also, Red's adorable!

So, do you think Velvet will ever find out that there is an actual name and definition for her mentality?

I finished reading this story a little while ago, and I read Chrystal's Wishes before that. I really love the way the stories run in parallel, and while I already liked Velvet Step in Chrystal's Wishes, I started to love her in this story. :heart:

Just now I'm confused, what should I read next? Any recommendations? Do you have a readers guide somewhere? Because there are so many stories intertwined with the one's I've read already... I dunno where to begin! :twilightoops:

(or rather, continue... You know what I mean! :twilightsheepish:)

7374365 I'm thrilled you've enjoyed the stories so far!! Well, on my side of the fence there isn't much left for ya. It might be time to check out Anzel's side with Memoirs!

Hmm, a readers guide, huh? That might not be a bad idea to try to put together. :rainbowlaugh:

7374371 Well, I stuck with your stories for over half a milion words, so you must have done something right with them :twilightsmile:

Hmm, I didn't even realize the memoire's were by a different author. Anyway, I will them out next, thanks!

7375251 Though, thinking on it... It's a very short read, but I would dare say The Majestic Tale of Red Velvet the Magnificent is, hooves-down, inarguably the best story in all of Q&B. :rainbowlaugh: :derpytongue2: I do recommend reading it, because I love re-reading it myself, even though I wrote it!

And it's a good match, having just read Velvet's story, and all.

7375259 Hihi, okay, I just put it at the top of my "read later" list ^__^

(edit: will be a while though.. I'm reading something else in the mean time, and I just realized it's about 250k words)

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