• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,796 Views, 96 Comments

Is she worth it? - manuccia

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' embark on the journey called love.

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The wind was flowing through his mane. Soarin’s eyes were dropping and his brain was begging him to find the nearest cloud and rest, but he had to get home. He could feel the burning sting in his muscles with every flap of his wings.

Ever since he left the Wonderbolts and started dating Rainbow Dash, Soarin’ began working on Ponyville’s weather team and was soon promoted to be Ponyville’s Weather Planner. It was his job to plan all weather activity for Ponyville and surrounding areas. Only a few months after he started dating Rainbow, he proposed to her, and now they have been married for about two years.

It’s been about ten minutes since he started on his flight home, and now he could see the intricate cloud structure he calls home. ‘I am so glad to be home,’ he thought as he touched down. ‘Rainbow is probably asleep by now.’ After a few seconds of thought he made his way into his home, and before he could think, he found himself being tackled to the ground by an energetic orange filly.

“Hey, Scoots,” Soarin’ said as he ran his hoof through her mane. The winter after Soarin’ and Rainbow got married; they found the little filly living in a small wooden clubhouse. It turned that her parents abandoned her, and she has been living on her own since. They decided to take her home with them, and after discussing it they decided to adopt her. He still remembers the first time she called him ‘dad’; it was one of the happiest moments of his life.

“I thought you were never going to get home dad.”

“I would have been home sooner if the weather team didn’t forget how to setup a simple rain storm,” he explained. “Where is Rainbow?” Soarin’ asked.

“Ohh, mom is in her room,” the filly replied. “She said something about feeding Lightning.” Scootaloo said, finally let Soarin’ stand up.

“Ok, I am going to check on them.” Lightning Dash was his son. He was born only a few months ago and Rainbow had taken time off from work to take care of him.

“Goodnight, dad,” she said hugging Soarin’.

“Night, Scoots. Don’t stay up too late,” he said returning the embrace.

“Ok, I won’t.”

They soon broke the hug and Soarin’ watched the filly speed off towards her room. Then he made his way to him bedroom. On the way he passed a few photos of his family. When he finally reached his destination he found his wife of two years sleeping and wrapped in her hooves, a foal. His son’s coat an azure, blue like his mothers and his mane was a brilliant yellow. He gently slipped into bed behind Rainbow and wrapped his hooved around her.

Before Soarin’ left the Wonderbolts, he wondered whether Rainbow was worth giving up his dream and life for. He was so worried that he would lose everything, and for a while it felt like he did. But now lying with his wife and son, he realized he was wrong. ‘I have a beautiful wife, an amazing daughter, and a wonderful son, and I love them all so much.’ He realized that he didn’t lose everything; he gained something. Something more important than his foalhood dreams: A family. He realized that Rainbow was worth it, and has never been happier.

Comments ( 35 )

I'm sorry it took so long for such a short chapter. I had a couple different versions of this and I thought this one wrapped up the story the best. I hope you all enjoy.


I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Awww it's so cute, but if anypony does anything hurtful to this family I'LL TURN THEM INTO ASHES!!!!

Beautiful conclusion. :yay:


I'm glad you enjoy my story.

Very cute, thanks for the nice read :twilightsmile:

:rainbowderp::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowhuh::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild: I loved it

This was so sweet :pinkiesad2: I really liked it. I liked how you had Rainbow and Soarin adopt Scootaloo.



2517134 Calm your hooves! Dear applesauce ... :rainbowderp:

2517137 don't you mean
Calm your mind, young one

2517147 well... yeah... i.. You know what i mean :facehoof:

2517154 no, no I don't know what you mean :ajbemused:

2517160 ok then.... lets say nothin happnd... and erem.... continue.... reading stories? :trollestia: :moustache:

Nice story, liked how you included fluttershy's stare when Soarin came back to talk to dash :P

Great fanfic!!!!:ajsmug::raritywink:

this story isn't 20% cooler its 1,000,000,000,000% cooler this story is sooooooooooooo adorable I ship it I ship it like fedex:rainbowwild::pinkiehappy::heart::raritywink::raritystarry::twilightsmile::pinkiesmile::derpytongue2::trollestia::yay::scootangel:

Love the story, keep being Amazing! :)

Clap......clap.....clap....clap...clap..clap.clap (applause) grate story love it!!! :pinkiehappy::eeyup::moustache:

Took me awhile to finally get around to reading the ending, but bravo, this deserves a like and favorite

sequel! Or at least a story telling how they adopted scootaloo.

Awwwww!! This was so cute!!! :rainbowkiss: I always loved the idea of Soarin, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as a family. And the conclusion was so beautiful! I almost cried :fluttershysad: (almost)

I'm the only who thinks we needs calls Cadence for fix that stupid law? :trollestia:

Good end :)

Oh wow... that was an amazing story! It’s so sad that Wonderbolts can’t date!:fluttercry: It was really sad! But I loved it so much! Keep up the good work!

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