It was a beautiful night in Canterlot and the city was alive celebrating the recent marriage of Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor. Soarin’ was sitting on a balcony in the palace thinking about the previous day. ‘I didn’t even want to come this wedding.’ Soarin’ thought. ‘It was going to be like every social event the Wonderbolts are invited to. I would spend all night chatting up a bunch of stuck up ponies that only care that I am Wonderbolt. They don’t want to know Soarin’ the Wonderbolt, but a Wonderbolt who happened to be named Soarin’. He sighed as he stared at the moon climbing into the night sky. But in the end this day turned out alright, if you ignore the whole Changeling invasion of course. His thoughts turned to a certain Rainbow maned mare as a blush spread across his face. ‘I can’t believe she wanted to dance with me. Maybe I should tell her how I feel; she might give me a chance’. As Soarin’ thought a familiar voice broke his concentration.
“Hey, Soarin’ what’s up?”
Soarin’ turned around and saw Rainbow Dash trotting up to him. “Ohh nothing much, how about you?” He asked as a wave of nervousness rolled over him.
“Awesome as always” Rainbow boastfully said as she puffed out her chest.
“That umm… was a pretty awesome Sonic Rainboom you did” Soarin’ said. He felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his forelegs started to shake slightly. ‘Why do I have to be so nervous; why can’t I be confident like she is.’
"Hay yeah it was!" She exclaimed. “So, what are you doing out here?” Rainbow inquired.
“Just thinking I guess” he replied.
“What about?” She asked as she sat beside him.
“About today, and how much I dislike going to events like these.”
“It looked like you were enjoying yourself when I danced with you.” Rainbow said slightly confused. “What didn’t you like about the wedding?”
“I did enjoy dancing with you.” He hesitated a bit. “But every time the Wonderbolts are invited to social events I am always surrounded by ponies that only care that I am a Wonderbolt. I just wish somepony cared about whom I am, not what I am.”
Rainbow didn’t know what to say. She felt bad because she had been like every other pony. She saw him as a Wonderbolt first and Soarin’ second. She looked down at her hooves and thought for a bit. After a few moments she looked up into Soarin’s emerald eyes and said. “Well I would like to get to know you, Soarin’.”
Soarin’ looked at the mare sitting beside him and said, “I would like to get to know you too.” ‘I might get a chance to tell her after all.’ Soarin’ thought starting to cheer up a bit. “Hey Rainbow, can I ask you something.”
“Yeah sure” she said.
“Would you like to go ou… uhh…. Would you like to hang out sometime? I mean if you are free, it’s cool if you don’t want to.” Soarin’ rambled on.
“Really, I would love to hang out with you!” Rainbow said ecstatically.
“I don’t have practice for a few days, so how about tomorrow?” he asked.
“Sure, I’ll meet you down in Ponyville around noon. I have to clear a few clouds in the morning.”
“Cool, but can you just to keep this to yourself” he asked her.
“Why?” Rainbow asked.
“Well if it gets out that I am going to be in Ponyville I am going to be swamped with ponies wanting autographs. I want to hang out with Rainbow Dash, not Rainbow Dash and half of Equestria.” He explained.
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rainbow said before she flew off.
Soarin’ was happy. He might not have asked Rainbow on a date, but this was the next best thing. ‘I might get the chance to tell her how I feel.’ But something was nagging at him, but he couldn’t put his hoof on it. ‘Ohh well it’s probably nothing important.’ He began to trot back to the reception when he spotted a ticked off Spitfire standing in the corridor staring at him.
“Care to explain what you are doing, Soarin’?” Spitfire asked with a hint of anger in her voice.
“W-what are you talking about Spitfire?” Soarin’ asked avoiding Spitfire’s gaze.
“You know exactly what I am talking about!” Spitfire nearly yelled. “I saw the way you looked at that mare. What’s her name, Rainbow Dash right?”
Soarin’ nodded.
“You like her don’t you?” Spitfire asked
It finally donned on him, one of the first things he was told when he joined the Wonderbolts. Wonderbolts are not allowed to be romantically involved with anypony. He collapsed on his haunches. ‘I am not dating Rainbow, but I want to. I was going to ask her.’ Soarin’ thought. He looked up at Spitfire. “What do I do Spitfire?” He pleaded.
“You break it off as soon as possible” she stated.
“Is that coming from Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts; or Spitfire my friend?”
“Captain.” She looked at Soarin’; he was shaking like a leaf and looked like he was on the verge of crying. She walked over to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Do you want to know what Spitfire the friend thinks?” She asked him.
He nodded.
“I think you like Rainbow Dash very much; I want you to be happy Soar.” Spitfire said trying to calm him down. “Do you know if she likes you?” She asked.
“I don’t know, I was going to ask her tomorrow.” Soarin’ stated. “But it doesn’t matter now, even if she does want to go out with me I am just going to have to break her heart.”
“If it works out and if you can keep your relationship secret, I won’t tell anypony.” She said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean if she says yes, I want you to date her." She explained.
“Why?” He asked.
“Soar, you are my oldest and best friend. I want you to be happy.” She said as she drew him into a hug.
All Soarin’ could say is, “Thanks.”
After a few moments they broke their hug and Spitfire began to trot off. She turned back to Soarin’, “I guess I will see in a few days a practice. Good luck with Rainbow.”
Soarin’ turned back to look off the balcony and thought about the coming day. ‘This might work out after all. I can’t wait for tomorrow.’ He took off towards his home in Cloudsdale; he had a big day a head of him.
This is my second story, I am expecting 3 or 4 chapters on this. Any comments are welcome and I hope you enjoy. I am still looking for a proof reader.
Hey man great job this is a really good fic I would really like to read more of it and foldout what happens next so hurry up but take your time because Im sure everypony would like it to be a good fic thx
Awww Rainbow Dash has a stallion crushing on her which she looks up to hahaha

Ok, I want you to take your time, but don't take your time because I want more of this story.
And 3 or 4 chapters are fine for a story if each chapter is at least 3,000 words. So yeah....
I am expecting the future chapters to be longer, chapter 1 was more a less a prologue. I just recently finished finals at my university so I have free time.
very cute, can't wait for more.
Will do
Soarin' Dash is awesome.
Interesting, but a bit rushed. I hope you slow down a little in the future chapters.
a little rushed, but otherwise good, looking forward to more of this!
Like and fave!
Interesting (turns head upside down) though I seem to be looking at this in a different view. But still good.
Wait, Wonderbolts are not allowed to date?
I don't agree with the policy either, but I can understand the reason behind it. It's difficult to hold down a relationship long distance, especially with snail mail, and especially when one person goes on tour. Plus, it's a "distraction"