• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,797 Views, 96 Comments

Is she worth it? - manuccia

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' embark on the journey called love.

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Chapter 4

Soarin’ was lazily laying on his impromptu cloud-bed with his new marefriend. One might think a cloud would not make an ideal bed because it is made of condensed water. But most pegasi would disagree. ’Cloud-beds are better than any bed a unicorn or earth pony could make.’ Even when the Wonderbolts would be performing in Canterlot or in any other non-cloud city Soarin’ would make his own bed to sleep on. The stallion’s thoughts slowly shifted from the topic of beds made of cloud to the sky blue mare in his embrace. She was curled up on top of him with her head gently resting on his chest, and he could feel the slow rising and falling of her chest as she was in her slumber. ‘She is so beautiful.’ Soarin’ tightened his grip on the mare as he buried his muzzle in her multicolored mane. ‘She is so warm and comfy like a blanket.’ Soarin’s nostrils were assaulted by the slightly spicy scent of Rainbow’s amazing mane. It reminded him of the time where he drank a cup of liquid rainbow. It had to be the worst decision of his life. ‘I can’t believe Spitfire actually likes that stuff.’ As his was thinking about Spitfire’s love of all things spicy, his Rainbow maned friend started to slowly wake. Her eyes slowly opened and meet the gaze of Soarin’s emerald eyes.

“Good morning, Dashie.” Soarin’ said.

Rainbow blushed at the stallion’s use of Pinkie name for her.

“Morning, Soarin’,” Rainbow replied. She looked up at the slowly rising sun. “Ugh… What time is it?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know… Given the position of the son and…” Soarin’ tried to recall what they taught him in flight school. “I would say around nine o’clock.” He stated rather confidently. The two ponies sat there for a while before Soarin’ spoke up. “Has anypony every told you that you are the most beautiful mare in Equestria.”

A furious blush spread across her face that rivaled that of her mane. “To be honest I have never been interested in romance and stallions.” Normally if a stallion had said something like that to her, she would have bucked him halfway to Canterlot. But Soarin’ was different; it felt different when he said it. It didn’t fill her with anger, but she felt a strange warmth grow in her chest. She couldn’t quite explain it, but it felt right. “Soarin’ did mean what you said?” She asked hesitantly.

“Of course I do, you are very beaut…” Soarin’ was stopped by a hoof slightly pressed against his lips.

“No… I-I mean what you said last night?” She asked as she buried her muzzle in his chest. Rainbow groaned in her head because she was acting more like Fluttershy than herself.

Soarin’ cocked his head at the question. Thinking back on the past night he realized what she meant. “I did mean it, Rainbow. I love you. I really do and nothing will change that.” He said as he slowly lifted her head and planted a small kiss on the end of her muzzle.

“I think I love you too, Soarin’.” Rainbow said. “Soarin’, what if other ponies find out about us?”

“They won’t. I will do everything I can to make this work.” He reassured her.

No matter what Soarin’ said Rainbow was nervous. He could lose his spot on the Wonderbolts if others found out about them. She knew if it came out they would have to break up, because she could never ask Soarin’ to give up his dream for her.

“So Rainbow, I have to meet our Captain, Spitfire, in Canterlot today. We meet with our coach to plan coming season’s shows. You could come with me and we could get some lunch?” He asked.

“I would love to Soarin’, but my friend Pinkie Pie is throwing a party and I promised I her I would be there.”

“Hmm… Ok how would you like to go on a picnic tomorrow?” He asked hopefully.

“That’s sounds like fun Soarin’.” The two ponies sat up and drew the stallion into a hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you then Rainbow.” The two pegasi broke their hug and went their separate ways.


Rainbow’s flight to Twilight’s Library was nearing an end as she entered the Ponyville city limits. Pinkie Pie was throwing one of her signature parties, but for what she wasn’t sure. But like usual she just brushes it off as Pinkie being Pinkie. Part of Rainbow wished Soarin’ wasn’t busy today so he could have gone to this party with her. The rest of her mind was glad he was busy, because she knows once her friends found out they would want to hear all the mushy gushy details. Of course Rarity would ask her every 5 seconds to give her a makeover or make her a new dress. Before she knew it Rainbow was at Twilight’s front door. She thought about knocking and just decided to let herself in.

As she entered the Library’s main sitting area she could see her five friends gathered around something. ‘Is that a newspaper?’ Rainbow wondered as she tried to make out the papers logo. ‘Wait, is that the Foal Free Press. Why would they be reading the Foal Free Press?’ She wasn’t sure why her friends were so happy and Rarity’s expression reminded her of the time when she swooning over Prince Blueblood. After a few minutes Twilight finally noticed her Rainbow friend standing near the door.

“Hi Rainbow, why didn’t you tell us you had a coltfriend?” The lavender mare inquired.

“Uhh, Twilight what are you talking about?” Rainbow could feel beads of sweat roll down her forehead as Twilight used her magic to levitate the paper over the Rainbow. She wasn’t sure why Twilight was giving her the local school paper because she hadn’t read it since that whole Gabby Gums incident. Until she saw the headline: Local Weather Captain in relationship with high ranking Wonderbolt. Rainbow thought her jaw was going to hit the floor.

“Oh my gosh Dashie! Why didn’t you tell you were dating a Wonderbolt? This is so awesome and I should throw you a party. It is going to be so exciting because I am so excited, aren’t you excited.” The pink party pony rambled on as she bounced along the library.

“…” Rainbow had no idea what to say. She knew by now half of Ponyville knows and soon most of Equestria will know. Which means her relationship would be coming to a quick demise.

After what seemed like hours of silence the shy Pegasus spoke up. “Um… Rainbow is everything is all right?”

“No… Nopony was supposed to know about us.” Rainbow was nervous and even though she hasn’t even been seeing Soarin’ for a day she didn’t want it to end. She hoped to Celestia that this is all a dream and she is going wake up soon.

“Darling there is nothing wrong with being with a stallion.” The white unicorn tried to reassure her.

“It’s… It’s just that Wonderbolts aren’t allowed to date and now… and now…” If there was anything Rainbow hated the most it had to be crying. But now she couldn’t help herself. She could fell the tears welling in her eyes. ‘I can’t cry, I just can’t cry. Rainbow Dash doesn’t cry.’

Rainbow's shy friend trotted over to her and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “And now you are not going to be able to be with Soarin’.”

Rainbow couldn’t hold in her tears any longer and floodgates opened. She collapsed on haunches and began to sob at the loss of Soarin’. Her other friends approached her to try to comfort her.

“Rainbow if this Soarin’ loves you then why doesn’t he leave the Wonderbolts?” The bookish mare inquired.

“I can’t ask him to leave the Wonderbolts! It would be like somepony asking you to give up magic! I just can’t do it.” Rainbow just wanted this to over. She just wanted Soarin’ to be there with her. Part of her wishes Soarin’ would leave the Wonderbolts for her, but she is not sure if she could live with the fact that she cost Soarin’ his dream. After about an hour of her friends trying to comfort her, she heard a somepony knocking on the door.


Soarin’ was seated in a small meeting room in the southern wing of the castle. He was surrounded by various weather documents for upcoming show locations. Given advanced weather training he acted as the team’s Weather Officer. While flipping through various cloud and storm plans for Hoofington he spotted a newspaper. ‘What the heck is this?’ He picked up the paper. ‘The Foal Free Press, it’s today’s edition.’ He recognized the name of the paper, but he quite how he knew it. ‘Wait this is the paper that published story saying I was dating an apple pie.’ He was about to toss the paper when he saw the headline. ‘Local Weather Captain is dating high ranking Wonderbolt. No! No!’ Soarin' was frantic. He wanted this to be fake, but it was real. His thoughts were interrupted by the creek of the door opening.


Spitfire was fuming and it was not helping Soarin’s anxiety. ‘I just want to crawl up into a hole and die.’ To Soarin’ it felt like his world was collapsing around him.

“P-P-Please, Spitfire I-I need help. W-What do I do?” Soarin’ was trying and failing at holding back his tears.

Spitfire saw the violently sobbing stallion and the scared look in his eyes. She couldn’t believe what she just said to Soarin’. She just got chewed out by her coach and she took that out on Soarin’. ‘He is my oldest friend and I just treated him like garbage.’ She trotted up to him and wrapped her hooves around him. He returned the embrace and sobbed into her mane.

After his crying slowed Spitfire began to speak. “Soarin’, coach wants you to break it off with Rainbow. Then he wants you to make a public statement saying that your relationship with Dash is over.”

“So I have break her heart in private, then publically share her heartbreak.” Soarin’ was confused. He wanted didn’t want to lose his spot on the ‘Bolts, but he didn’t want break Dash’s heart.

“But that is what Captain Spitfire thinks. Do you want to know your friend thinks?”

Soarin’ nodded.

“I need to tell you a story.” Spitfire didn’t like talking about this, but her friend needed her help. “Do you remember 2 years a go around the time after the gala I was acting kind of weird?”

“Yeah,” he was curious.

“Well I was in your current situation.” Spitfire gave a deep breath. “His name was Thunderlane; he went to Flight School with us. We started secretly seeing each other after our Canterlot show, and at the gala we danced together. He told me that he loved me.” Now Spitfire was having trouble holding in her tears. “I really loved him Soarin’. But coach heard my little confession and told me after the gala to break it off. I thought about leaving the ‘Bolts to be with him. But I couldn’t do it. I went to see him that night and told him I couldn’t be with him anymore. I broke his heart Soarin’. I went to go check on him a few months ago. He is engaged to a Pegasus named Blossomforth.”

“What are you saying Spit?” He asked.

“I had a chance at love and messed it up. I can tell you really love Rainbow. I’m saying that I don’t want you to make my mistake. I know being a Wonderbolt was your lifelong dream, but you need to ask yourself: Is Rainbow Dash worth it? If she is then you know what you need to do.”

Soarin’ thought about his friend’s words. ‘Is she worth it? If I choose her I am going to lose a lot.’ He thought back to his night with the Rainbow mare. It was at the moment he knew what he had to do.

He looked Spitfire in the eye. “Spitfire I know what I need to do.”

“I’ll go tell coach. You need to go be with Rainbow.” Soarin’ began to make his way out of a nearby window.

“Soarin’,” he turned to face the mare. “If you and Rainbow ever need anything you can always come to me.”

Soarin’ nodded and made his way toward Ponyville.


As he reached Ponyville Soarin’ remembered that is not sure where Rainbow is. ‘What she said she was going to be at a party. At a library I think.’ He decided to try there first. He reached his destination and knocked on the door. He could hear hushed speaking and was greeted by a yellow Pegasus.

“Hello my name is Soarin’, and I’m looking for, Rainbow Dash.” He said nervously.

“Umm why do you need to see her? If you don’t mind me asking.” The timid mare said.

“I need to talk to her. It’s important.” He stated.

“Ok but there is something you need to know.” He soon noticed the mare was giving him a death stare. “If it is her heart you smash. Canterlot will be where you crash.”

Soarin’ gulped. “I understand.” At this the mare led him into see Rainbow. He soon saw the Rainbow maned mare meet his gaze. Her eyes were red and puffy and her checks were heavily tear stained. The sight of the love of his life in this condition made his heart break. “Rainbow, I need to tell you something.” He sat next to the mare.

“I know. You can’t see me anymore. I understand.” Rainbow said.

“No Rainbow. I left the Wonderbolts to be with you.” He stated.

Rainbow was shocked. “W-What, Why?” Rainbow asked.

Soarin’ pulled the mare into a hug.

“I quit because I love you Dashie. Your Worth it.”