• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,793 Views, 96 Comments

Is she worth it? - manuccia

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' embark on the journey called love.

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Chapter 3

It was a beautiful morning and Celestia’s glorious sun was slowly rising over the horizon. Soarin’ was gliding down from his home in Cloudsdale to the small town of Ponyville. Flying was Soarin’s passion. He loved the feeling of the wind flowing through his mane. The other thing he loved as much as flying was a fresh baked apple pie. Soarin’ was excited for the coming day because he was going to spending it with the self-proclaimed ‘fastest flyer in Equestria’, Rainbow Dash. ‘Today is the day. I am going to tell Rainbow how I feel about her.’ Soarin’ was nervous about his upcoming confession to the rainbow maned mare. ‘What if she doesn’t want to date me? What if she isn’t into Stallions?’ He worried about being rejected by the mare, but what worried him the most was just the opposite. ‘I am not even supposed to be dating as a Wonderbolt. If she says yes I am going to have to tell her. What if she thinks I am just trying to take advantage of her?’ Soarin’ just hoped if Rainbow said yes, that she would understand that their relationship would have to be secret. That she would still give him a chance. Soarin’ could see Ponyville approaching in the distance and Rainbow Dash’s cloud home on the just outside of the city limits.

As he was approaching Dash’s house he could see a dark Pegasus talking to Rainbow Dash on her front porch. His coat was black with a light blue almost silver mane. ‘Who could that be?’ Soarin wondered. ‘What if Rainbow is already interested in a pony. What if this pony is Rainbow’s coltfriend?’ Soarin’ was getting nervous. ‘I’ll just ask her, find out who he is.’ After a few moments he saw the pony fly off and Soarin’ sped off to see Rainbow.

“Hey, Dash.” Soarin’ landed right in front of Rainbow. He could see that she looked a little upset.

“Oh hey Soarin’.” Rainbow replied with a hint of disappointment in her voice. “I’m sorry but I can’t hang out with you today. Thunderlane’s little brother Rumble is sick and he has to take care of him. So I have to cover his weather shift.”

“That’s ok Rainbow I understand.” Soarin’ said. Soarin’ thought for a moment trying to find a way to salvage his plan. “How would you like to have dinner at my place tonight?” He asked with hope in his voice.

Rainbow was taken aback by Soarin’s question. ‘Is he asking me on a date?’ She wondered. “Sure Soarin’. That would be awesome.” Rainbow said with a slight blush on her face.

“Ok Rainbow, want to meet around 4?” Rainbow nodded. “I’ll see you tonight Rainbow.” Soarin’ flew off back to his home. He had an important dinner tonight.


Soarin’ was pacing in his living room. It was almost time for his dinner with Rainbow. Tonight was going to be the night was going to admit his feelings for the mare. ‘I need to stallion up and tell her. I can’t be weak. I need to be brave like her.’ Soarin’ mentally berated himself. He knew even if Rainbow wanted to date him, and even if Rainbow didn’t beat the feathers off him because their relationship would have to be secret. Soarin’ knew that every time they be with each other his career would be at risk. ‘If our relationship were to get out I will be asked if I want to keep my spot of the Wonderbolts or my relationship with Rainbow Dash. To give up my foalhood dream or to figuratively rip out Rainbow’s heart and stomp on it. I hope it doesn’t….’ Soarin’s thoughts interrupted by a knock on his door.

“Coming.” Soarin said as he trotted over to the front door. He slowly opened to the door to be greeted by a rainbow maned mare. She had a small smile on her face and mane glowed in the sunlight. ‘She looks so beautiful.’ Soarin’ shock himself out of his daze. “Hey, Rainbow thanks for coming.”

“No problem, Soarin’ I would never want to miss an opportunity to have dinner with the 2nd coolest Pegasus to come out of Cloudsdale.” Rainbow stated as she puffed out her chest in pride.

Soarin’ cocked his head at Rainbow’s statement. “Second?” He asked with a chuckle.

“Yeah, you’re looking at number one right here.” She said proudly.

Both of the ponies broke down laughing. After a few moments when they regained their composure Soarin’ said. “I think I can live with that Dash. Why don’t you come in and I can get dinner started.” Soarin’ led Rainbow into his humble abode and the two pegasi made their way into the kitchen.

“So what’s on the menu anyway?” Rainbow inquired.

“I thought we could bake up some apple pie.” Soarin’ stated as he began to gather the ingredients from the various cabinets.

“That sounds cool.” Rainbow trotted over to Soarin’ who was beginning to mix the pie crust. He was slowly mixing the dry and wet ingredients to make the perfect pie crust, while Rainbow was chopping up a bushel of apples. The two ponies finished up their work on the two pies and Soarin’ placed them in the oven. Soarin’ turned around and saw Rainbow sitting there giving him a quizzical look.

“What’s with you and pie?” Rainbow inquired.

Soarin’s ears drooped at the question. “Ohh… it’s just that… that….” Soarin’ hung his head as he stammered out his response. “It’s nothing something I usually talk about.”

“Oh I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up.” Rainbow said remorsefully.

“No it’s not your fault. I lost my dad when I was young and my mom a few years ago. She used to always ask me to help her bake an apple pie whenever I would be having a bad day.” Soarin’ began to slightly tear up as he spoke about his mother. “I still miss her and it is just my way of remembering her I guess.” All Rainbow could do is walk over to the slightly shaking stallion and pull him into a hug trying to calm him. ‘I need to tell her.’ Soarin’ thought.

“R-r-rainbow can I ask you something?” Soarin’ stuttered. Rainbow nodded. “Are you seeing anypony?”

Rainbow pulled away from the hug with the stallion. “No, I have never really thought about romance and stallions. I have been focused on getting into the Wonderbolts” Rainbow thought for a moment. “That is until recently.”

Hope filled Soarin’ with Rainbow’s response. “It’s just that…. You have been a good friend and you are one of the few ponies that I now that cares more about me as a pony than the uniform.” Soarin’ said stringing out his confession looking for the right words. ‘Do it!’

“I really like you Rainbow.” Soarin’ blurted out.

“What?!? You…. Me… you like me?”

“Yeah.” Soarin’ said timidly as he shrunk away from the mare expecting the worst. “I understand if there is somepony else you like. I’m sorry I shouldn’t….”

Rainbow silenced him with her hoof. “No it’s not that. It’s just that I think I kind of like you too. But I am not really good with romance and stuff.” Rainbow confessed.

Soarin’ was shocked. ‘Rainbow likes me. She really does.’ Soarin’ was happy, he told Rainbow how he felt about her and she likes him. ‘She might actually give me a chance.’ Soarin’s happiness slowly faded as he remembered that he had to tell Rainbow that he isn’t supposed to be dating. ‘I hope she doesn’t hate me.’

“There is something I need to tell you Rainbow.” He said fearfully. “it’s just that Wonderbolts are not supposed to be romantically involved with anypony.” Soarin’ watched as Rainbow smiling face transformed to one of anger and disappointment. “But Spitfire told me that if I am discrete she would help me keep a relationship. Also, my contract is up for renewal next year and I can adjust it so it allows us to be together. But if you never want to see me again or you hate me I understand.”

Rainbow didn’t know what to say. Part of her was angry because Soarin’ just told her that he liked her, but wasn’t supposed to be dating her. The other part of her still wanted to be with him and knew he wouldn't try to take advantage of her. “Soarin’ I’m not sure what to say. I still would like to be with you. But I feel guilty if I risk your spot on the Wonderbolts, and that I would have to lie about us.” Rainbow explained.

“All I can ask is that you give me a chance.” Soarin’ hoped that she would. As he waited for her response Soarin’ was getting nervous. After a few minutes of waiting Rainbow pulled him into another hug which he happily returned. “So you’re going to give me a shot?” Soarin’ asked hopefully.

“What do you think ya big goof.” Rainbow chuckled.

“I think… I think…” Soarin’ was saying as he heard the oven timer go off. “I think I need to check our apple pies.” Soarin pulled out of the mare’s embrace as she face-hoofed, and he went to check on the two apple pies. He pulled them out of the oven and sat them down on the nearby table. The two ponies began to dig into their pie. All Soarin’ could think about is his new marefriend. ‘I can’t believe it. Rainbow Dash is my marefriend.’ After they finished eating Soarin’ put the empty pie tins in his sink and they decided to watch the sunset on a cloud sitting above Soarin’s home. The two ponies talked about their upbringings in Cloudsdale and flight school experiences. Rainbow told Soarin’ about her friends and how she helped defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord. Soarin’ told Rainbow about his various misadventures with Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts.

After the sun had set Rainbow slowly fell asleep next to her new coltfriend. Soarin’ pulled her into a hug and in response she rested her head on his chest and the two ponies fell asleep in each other’s embrace.

Spitfire was coming over to Soarin’s house to see how he was holding up. As she arrived she saw him lying on a cloud above his house. Upon reaching the sleeping stallion she saw that he was sleeping with a Rainbow maned mare in his embrace. ‘You did it Soarin’, I am so happy for you. I just hope you don’t make my mistake.’ Spitfire thought thinking back to a certain colt.

Unbeknownst to the three pegasi there was a forth pony watching. A thin tan coated colt took a few pictures before speeding back to Ponyville. He had a story to write.