• Member Since 31st Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2021


I am a HUGE fangirl over romance stories, I am also very weird and hyper, I am a voice actress aswell as a writer and editor/director.

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The Point of The Point has no Point · 11:15am Jan 31st, 2015

I am clueless to what happens, seriously. So I am cancelling it...right as I finish this blog. For those 6 people who liked it so far, I am questioning you, so you 4 people who disliked it so far, I thank you, SO BE HAPPY!!!!!!!
Yeah and if I come up with a plot line I will upload it on FanFiction.....If I find out how to upload stuff on that.
So yeah.

Report Sky_Jayne552 · 256 views ·
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Thanks for adding Temporary Hiatus to your favorites. I'm glad your enjoyed it.

Thank you for adding Five Nights with Pinkie to your favorites. I really appreciate it!:pinkiehappy:

You and I have basically the same story name. :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, thanks for adding Five Nights at Pinkie's 2 to your favorites! :yay: It really means a lot to me.

Hey, thanks for adding Five Nights at Pinkie's to your favorites. :yay: It really means a lot to me.

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