• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,793 Views, 96 Comments

Is she worth it? - manuccia

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' embark on the journey called love.

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Chapter 2

Celestia’s glorious sun was rising over the horizon, for it was morning in Cloudsdale. Soarin’ began to stir from his slumber, curled up in his cloud bed. He sat up in his bed and trotted over to the window in bedroom admiring the sun rise. ‘I have always loved the view from my house.’ As a Wonderbolt Soarin’ made a quite a lot of bits, but he never he never really cared about bits. He lived in a fairly small house that resided on the edge of the city. Looking out in the distance he could see the quaint town of Ponyville. ‘It must be nice living in a small town.’ Soarin’ thought. While he loved Cloudsdale, he grew up here, and he loved being a Wonderbolt; he always wanted to live in a town like Ponyville. His mind soon became overrun with images of Rainbow Dash. ‘She is one of the best fliers I have ever met, aside from Spitfire. She is so confident and beautiful; I would do anything to be with her. All I want is to have her wake up at my side, to be able to fly with her, and to enjoy my life with her.' Soarin’ was never really in to romance, most of his life he was focused on his goal of getting in the Wonderbolts. ‘I love being a Wonderbolt; I wouldn’t give it up for anything.’ He thought as he slowly walked out of his bedroom towards his kitchen. Upon arriving he went into the refrigerator and pulled his favorite meal. It was a big slice of apple pie that he brought home from the wedding.

He sat down at the kitchen table with his pie and a cup of hot coffee. He finished his breakfast and began to get ready for his day with Rainbow Dash. He trotted into his bathroom and into the small shower. Showers in Cloudsdale were interesting, while most pegasi would buy specifically designed showers. Soarin’ would just use a makeshift raincloud, and his experience working with weather control made this an easy task. As he tried to start his shower, he found out it was out for water. ‘Of all days my raincloud could stop working it has to be today.’ Soarin’ thought as he groaned. ‘I don’t even have time to make a new one, oh well I can just fly through some clouds on my flight to Ponyville. That should good enough.’ He made his way to the front porch of his house and took off towards the small town.

Soarin’ loved flying, the wind flowing through his mane it made him feel alive.

Down in Ponyville Rainbow Dash was finishing up her weather responsibilities. She only had a few more clouds to clear before she could go meet Soarin’. ‘I am going to be hanging out with a Wonderbolt, and not just any Wonderbolt. I am going to hanging out with Soarin’, my favorite Wonderbolt.’ She always did admire Soarin’. After a few minutes she finished clearing the last cloud. ‘I’m finally done, time to go find Soarin.’ Rainbow began to fly towards her cloud home when she heard a pony caller her.

“Hey, Rainbow!” Soarin’ yelled.

Rainbow turned around and saw Soarin’ flying towards her. She sped over to greet him. “Hey Soarin’, what’s up?”

“I am doing ok.” Soarin’ replied. “I didn’t know you were a weather pony.” He chuckled a bit.

“What’s wrong with that?” Rainbow asked with a bit of anger in her voice.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” Soarin’ said. “Before I joined the Bolts, I was a weather pony.”

“Oh my gosh really!” Rainbow said brim with excitement.

“Yeah, it wasn’t the best job, but I loved that it gave me plenty of time to practice my flying.” He stated.

“That’s so awesome, so what did you want to do?”

“I was thinking a friendly race to see who the better flyer is?” Soarin’ asked.

“Ohh you are on.”

Soarin’ began to look around for a suitable finish line, and then he spotted a large cloud floating over the Everfree forest. “Ok, first one to that cloud wins.” Soarin’ said pointing to the cloud.

“Let’s do this!” Rainbow said getting ready.

“On the count of three: 3 2 1 go.” Soarin’ and Rainbow took off towards their destination. They were neck and neck for about half of the race, and then Soarin’ started to pull ahead. “You need to do better than that if you want to win!” Soarin’ yelled back towards Rainbow. Rainbow was determined, she hasn’t lost a race yet and she wasn’t about to start. She started going faster and the sounds barrier started to bend around her until. *Crack* She broke the sound barrier, and pulled off her 4th ever Sonic Rainboom. Soarin’ finally got to the cloud and he stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth agape staring the Rainbow maned mare.

Rainbow fell over laughing, “you should see the look on your face.”

Soarin’ finally got it together and said. “That awesome, it looks like you won.”

“Hay yeah I did, that’s why I am the fastest pegasus in Equestria.” She said proudly.

“I guess you are.” Soarin’ said as he sat down next to her on the cloud. “So, are you from Ponyville?”

“No, I grew up in Cloudsdale.” She replied.

“Really, I love it up in Cloudsdale, but what is it like down in Ponyville?” Soarin’ asked.

“It’s ok I guess.” Rainbow stated.

“I’ve always wanted to live in a small town like this, how do you like being a weather pony?” Soarin’ asked.

“It’s not my dream job, but it gives me time to practice for the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow and Soarin’ spent the next few hours talking with each other about their lives, favorite flying tricks, and just about everything. “I really enjoyed spending time with you Rainbow.” He said with a large grin on his face.

“I had fun today, and I would love to hang with you again.”

“How about tomorrow?” He asked hopefully.

“Sure, I can’t wait.”

“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow Rainbow.” Soarin’ said before he flew off back towards his home in Cloudsdale.

Rainbow enjoyed her day with Soarin’, but she felt weird. For some reason she felt empty inside, but she didn’t know why. ‘Why am I feeling like this?’ Rainbow asked herself and groaned. She began to think back to her day with Soarin’. ‘Soarin’ is pretty cool. But also a bit goofy, but he is kind of cute.’ She began to think of him his gorgeous emerald eyes. ‘Wait where did that come from, ugh why can’t I stop thinking about his handsome smile. Could I like Soarin’? Why is this so confusing?’ Rainbow had no idea what to do. ‘I know I’ll go see Fluttershy, she might know what this means.’ With that she sped off towards the yellow Pegasus’s cottage. After a short flight she reached her destination. She trotted up to the door and knocked and she was greeted by the yellow pony.

“Oh, hi Rainbow Dash.” She shyly said.

“Hi Fluttershy, I need some advice, can I come in?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy nodded and they walked in and sat down at a small table in the kitchen. “Would like some tea?” The timid pony asked.

“No thanks.”

“Ok, well what’s wrong?” Fluttershy could see that Rainbow looked kind of nervous.

Rainbow knew what she wanted to say, but words were not forming. “I can’t stop thinking about somepony and I don’t know why.” Rainbow explained.

“Well I know you have never really been interested in romance, but maybe you like this pony.” Fluttershy offered. “Who is this pony, I mean if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Well, you promise not to tell anypony.”

“I promise I would never do that to you Rainbow.” Fluttershy assured.

“Well, it’s Soarin’.” Rainbow said as she started to slightly blush at the thought of the stallion.

“You mean the Wonderbolt?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Yeah, I think I have a crush on him.” Rainbow responded. “I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“Are you sure it is not just because he is a Wonderbolt?”

“I don’t know” Rainbow groaned.

“Well what how do you feel when you think about him?” She asked.

Rainbow thought for a moment. “Well, I feel happy, like I want him to be with me. I feel empty when he isn’t around.”

“Oh wow, that’s amazing Rainbow.” Fluttershy said as a grin spread across her face.

“What do you mean!?! I don’t know what it means!” Rainbow was getting frustrated.

“Rainbow I think it means you like Soarin’.” She answered.

“So what do I do?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, maybe you should tell him, if you want to.”

“I don’t know, but I need to think about this. Thanks Fluttershy, you are a great friend.” Rainbow said as she got up and headed for the door.

“Oh it’s no problem Rainbow Dash, good luck with Soarin’.”

Rainbow took off towards home as the sun began to set.

Back in Cloudsdale Soarin’ was in his bed thinking about the day he had with Rainbow Dash and he couldn’t wait to see her again.