Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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7176454 Hinds is helping me upload a whole bunch today

for some reason I was under the impression that this was complete.
Three new chapters. ...?
Time to hunker down.
See ya soon. Hopefully. ..
I will now Retreat to my room to read.
Somber do you know any audio book version of your work?
Also thanks for building on such an amazing world making it even better.
7176584 Well, there are different kinds of "complete."
There was CrazedRambling, who did through chapter 21.
Currently, Visualpony Thenarrator is working on it, and has chapters 1 - 53 available free on YouTube, with at least several more in the works, it seems.
7176690 7176584
There is 77 chapters and an epilogue so yea
7176983 The epilogue is soooooo GOOD SO STORY SO YES

Gooood grief, what a firestorm of awesome this is, hahaha!
Awesomely done man, awesomely done!
Loving how this is going
Project Horizons started me on a path to discover how fucked in the head I am.
I love you.
then raced
Blackjack got another upgrade it seems.
I had a weird thought... Deus/Doof's original cutie mark was a fork and knife, right? Is he supposed to be the same pony as Truffle Shuffle?
Because if so, that makes the whole thing even more depressing...
>the saddest part of this whole chapter for me is the authors note about going to unicon
rule number one in the wasteland. when the tank with an enemies mind is suddenly deciding it wants to be on your side and follow you around and more or less help ya... dont question it. ever. period.
rule number two, all ya need is the first rule.
rule number three: say yes already and get yourself a tank friend that used to be fricking DEUS EX/DOOF GOSH DANG IT BJ!!!!! JUST!!! DO!!!! IT!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trixie... er the Goddess did something to Blackjack, but exactly what I can't tell, though, I can tell her memory has been altered. Also I censored the line... for whatever reason I dislike using swear/cuss/curse words, unless in a story.
I'm looking forward to the next chapter, and if my hunch is correct Littlepip makes a return in the story, since she has the black book. A trip to Maripony should come shortly. Until the next chapter. ^^
The fact that Blackjack keeps witnessing things, only to have her memory wiped, really feels like cheating on the author's part. It feels like they decided to write in first person limited omniscience, but then realized that world building would be easier if they had chosen third person multiple, or first person omniscient, or even third person omniscient. The result is that Blackjack witnesses things that she's not allowed to know in the story, only to immediately forget, as a way to maintain POV while providing even more exposition to the reader. It smacks of having one's cake and eating it too, and it's to the story's detriment, in my opinion.
Oh boy, plus three Diamond Tiaras. <.<
Y'know, I was kind of miffed by the identity of the Dealer being someone's fucking Deadlands PC, but listening to him talk about himself, it seems perfectly in his character to be the kind of person who, given the chance, would disguise himself as the much-cooler character he once played. What a loser. :V
So, what's a "Tokomare"? I tried looking the word up to see what it might be a reference to, and all I got was wiki entries for this fic. XD And am I supposed to make the connection that that team's zebra was the same one who cursed the Marauders?
The dream scene with Psalm and Garnet is on my list of favorite parts of this fic.
And is the description of the Goddess's form meant to invoke that of Satan from Dante's Inferno? Because that's what it reminded me of, at least.
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to say: Horse is one of the most punchable villains in this story, good job. But I swear to god, if he gets any sympathy before he dies, I'm adding you to that list. >:B
I've always figured Tokomare is a play on tokamak, a fusion reactor design.
As for Horse, I guess it's the power of writing a smarmy creep wannabe. There may have been some more hatable characters for me, but he was certainly up there, and was a slower build to it.
Frankly, I'm just horrified that he's walking around an expo where the actual Sweetie Belle is with his goddamn Sweetie sexbot. I can't wait to see how he dies. Assuming he does. :V
7950961 it's a reference to new vegas
if you have a high enough science skill when you first talk to the greeter at the strip gate you can get in for free but you need 80 science skill though
Dues. Blackjack. Rampage. ???. Gorgon. Dead. Steelhooves. Assassinated...Dealer.
Your right. We have the whole team now.
How sad.
I think the saddest fate was Jestream though. Driven all the way to Happyhorn. Her psyche scarred by her inability to let Stone go. And getting stuck in the past, while living in the present.
Mind frayed and forever destroyed.
I can't imagine a worse fate.
Doof got turned into a "God of pain and misery".
I don't even know what's going on with Psalm, but I'm guessing its a soul thing.
Rampage has Twist in her, along with her gilrfreind Shuja.
Stonewing was pronounced dead. Then fused with a cockatrice.
Vanity...died. (curse thee, Blueblood!)nopony likes Blue. Its a fact.
Applesnack is busy lugging around with Pip, correcting the Rangers and waiting to get his head lopped off by a hellhound.
Big Mac was assassinated by zebras
And Echo...I honestly forget what Echo did, but now I guess we know what happened to em'?
This has to be the single funniest scene in the entirety of Horizons. No joke, this is the shit right here.
What in the world, Rose?
You go from the perfect gardening trio to cultivating souls and necromantic rings?
So we finally got to see what the Goddess looks like.
How creepy.
Just imagine that massive blob of consciousness trying to grab you.
I wonder though...what did she do to Blackjack?
Kinda seems like a memory wipe of sorts.
But then...she pretty much is a massive memory orb.
Please, I need to know what happens to Rainbowdash. It's assumed she died but she was chased by Gilda.
I just gotta come out and say this. Lighthooves is a bastard, Steel Rain is an asshole, but The Goddess is the biggest fucking bitch in this whole story!
In fact the only thing that kept me from deliberately skimming any time she showed herself after HighTower was the deep desire to to see the end result of events regarding her. In an extremely metaphysical sense I just want to scream 'suck it bitch!' when she blows up in the Balefire blast thanks to LittlePip.
Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but i have this 'pressure point' (i refuse to use the word 'triggered') when it comes to minds being manipulated.
so now she looks more like the character in this video:
Oh my god Dealer is basically Echo's DnD character, that is amazing XD
It's also from the incredible and means ice cream when converted to normal English
That's creepy....😨😨
This reminds of an anime
I like blackjacks zebra legs alot better. I'm worried with how much more metal is going into her body now
Almost an Incredibles reference
Damn wonder if Blackjack will regain her knowledge once the goddess dies. Also if Twilight is a part of the goddess did she split her soul into another Alicorn to listen to Pinkie Pie's message? I really hope she at least gets to meet her great great great.... granddaughter.
The Goddess did something to Blackjack at the end and, unlike most of the other times, we as readers don't get to see what it was. Whatever I am imagining happened there is probably way worse that what it actually was.
Not knowing sucks.
I expected The Goddess to make Blackjack pee herself there. I believe that's something she'd do. Blackjack wouldn't be able to explain herself.
I wonder if Boo can see The Goddess in Blackjack.
“Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.” - Friedrich Schiller
Ok, I just said that Goldenblood wasn’t a blow up the world kind of villain. And now JUST ONE CHAPTER LATER he’s already trying to prove me wrong. But, I still think this doesn’t quite add up. SOMETHING else is going on here.
Corrupted Kindness!
Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk to you again
It’s you!!!
Well… she died horribly all right…
I had this scene built up my mind well ahead of this point. She was supposed to be Ahuizotl 2.0. The perfect villain I could laugh at as she dies with zero guilt. But that didn’t happen. I made it to this point and was just really upset. I thought, “let’s just push on, the chapter’s almost over.” But I COULDN’T! I couldn’t concentrate on the story. I had to stop and collect myself before finishing. But why? To answer that, I think we will need some context. And for that, we need to go all the way back to Hippocratic Research…
It’s funny how much the smallest detail can change our perceptions. When I first read this, I felt something unexpected. Looking upon the scene of the two brothers embraced in death, I felt sad. Just a little. I mean, these were really bad ponies. Their company was engaged in absolutely monstrous experiments for years. They were shipping an incredibly dangerous substance to the far corners of Equestria. They had zero regard for the welfare, no, the very lives of their employees. They died, surrounded by their ill-gotten gains, attempting to flee to a life of luxury while leaving their employees hanging. And yet, seeing how they seemingly took comfort in each other at the end, I could imagine they weren’t 100% monsters. They each cared about somepony other than themselves, even if it was just their brother. And that sign of just the tiniest sliver of equinity within them was enough to make me sad at the sight of their corpses. I almost commented on this back then. But in the end, I didn’t because I was ashamed. They were horrible monsters, how could I possibly show any empathy to them, especially for such a trivial reason??!?? So I said nothing.
Ahh, Brass. I had such high hopes for you. You were the proto-Ahuizotl. You were the first villain in this story who had zero fucks to give about being sympathetic or making excuses for your actions. It was going to be so fun to cheer for your demise. I had certain expectations for your death scene. Mainly that you would be defiant to the end, like a proper villain…
You were NOT defiant to the end!
This time I wasn’t sad. I was MAD! I was FURIOUS! She was the perfect villain. Perfect. In. Every. Way. And right at the very end, you ruined her! How dare you!!! It’s ok though. I was able to work through my anger in a way that let me continue the story. I put together an outline in my head for an AU fanfic where Brass actually kills Blackjack here, takes her PipBuck, and becomes the Queen of the Wasteland. But that’s another story…
So getting back to Garnet. She is easily one of the most hateable characters in the entire book. She may not have caused the Apocalypse herself, but her actions directly contributed to hundreds, thousands, possibly even millions (if one of my theories is correct) of additional unnecessary deaths. Some of these deaths seem to have not even been in service to some greater scheme, but were just to satisfy a petty grudge, like the mob she roused against Blueblood. And while it hasn’t been explicitly revealed yet, I suspect that the “prisoner rescue mission” she sent Jetstream on was actually using Jetstream to trigger a megaspell within Roam. And every fucking time she appears she is just so Goddesses damned SMUG! The end of the world didn’t slow her down one bit. Her only goal was to “live like a god” while everypony else died. And as her situation became desperate, she even murdered Onyx so she wouldn’t have to share any more supplies with her.
So after all that, she should be another Ahuizotl, right? I should be pumping my fist and cheering as she gets “owned” by Psalm, right? Well maybe I’m a hypocrite, or maybe I’m just crazy, but no. I was left feeling sad and just agitated. A terrible, uneasy feeling that this was just horrible, and nothing more.
Partially, I feel this is due to a sense I get that here, at the very end, it was finally dawning on her just how bad a pony she had been. She was always the kind of pony to be pulling strings from the shadows. She definitely never got her own hooves dirty. I think it’s possible that now, surrounded by piles of corpses and battered by deadly radiation even on a remote mountaintop, the monstrosity of her actions became real to her in way it never had before. To be clear, I admit I might be reading more into this than is actually there. But I think her final monologue has hints of guilt and horror at what she had done, and her final plea to Psalm to kill her was not simply, as a more cynical pony might think, a wish to escape from her physical suffering, but rather a desperate attempt to receive judgement from somepony, anypony.
With all that being said, a part of me still hates myself for feeling this way. Ultimately, Garnet was a horrible monster. She doesn’t deserve empathy, or forgiveness, or mercy. But reading her last lines, I can’t help feeling awful. Perhaps it’s true what they say…
Oh that quote is from "Over a Barrel", right?
Not wasting any time telling anypony who's in charge here.
And she brought enough firepower to leave not doubt that she can back up her claim.
I think I'm in love. Glory is a real bad ass.
Wonder how much of that is herself and how much her turning into Rainbow Dash.
Also why only Triage? I'm sure the Collegiate can spare a few more doctors and Lacunae is able to teleport more than one pony.
Somehow I doubt the Harbingers would've shown you the same kindness if the situation was reversed. That's why you are the good guys and they aren't.
She has conducted a lot of emergency surgeries by now thanks to having brought Blackjack and the others back from death's door multiple times. So she has routine but she never had to deal with so many patients at once, yet is still able to organize the whole medical staff and keeps operating on several seriously wounded patients within a short amount of time. Bad ass Smartbirb!
My money is on Cognitum. Albeit the later would be far more tragic.
"Hell there Scotch Tape. You do look like future protagonist material. What do you know about shamans?"
Mental note to myself: Make sure to give all your future PC bad ass names and looks in case your become a ghost and end up stuck in their form.
Only one?
They're enjoying this way too much. However, can we really blame Blackjack this time? She didn't went there looking for a fight, the Harbingers forced her hooves when they attempted to raze Chapel to the ground. If Blackjack hadn't distracted the tank there would've been a lot more deaths.
In her current situation that is a reasonable fear. Albeit it's not their bodies that made them monsters, it was their actions.
Shouldn't you maybe sleep over it or talk with your friends first? It's not very professional from Roover and Triage to encourage Blackjack to replace even more parts of her body with cybernetics
Suddenly I'm having a much lower opinion on those two. What if they're encouraging Blackjack to have those upgrades installed so that she indebted to them and has to take these potentially dangerous jobs?
That would explain all of their behavior.
What are the odds that there's some unholy abomination underneath the place? Since it's Hoofington and Blackjack is involved 101% guaranteed. My money is on some sort of horrifying pony-plant abomination that is in constant agony.
So you built your own robot wife that can't reject you or disagree? Have you tried selling it to Incels? I'm sure you could make a fortune with robot waifus.
I can imagine how frustrating that must feel.
I real like this guy. He's the right combination of scary, clever, smug and snark. Basically an evil Tony Stark. And it's nice to have somepony who can matches Goldenblood in manipulating others.
And here it is: The evil space monster underneath of Hoofington.
Are Neighpon, Fancee (not Prancee?), Stalliongrad and Saddle Arabia part of Equestria in this story or independent nations? Anyway not a fan of their names. Sound to foreign. I prefer ponies to have pony names, regardless where they are from. Like Saffron Masala who is probably from Pony India yet has a name that fit's the setting.
"You try to awaken just one ancient horror from the dawn of time once and suddenly everyzebra considers you a bad guy."
I was actually expecting some sort of sinister conspiracy but it turned out to be a secret project with the end goal of providing everyone with unlimited energy and avoiding a war. Even Evil Tony Stark, if he's sincere, while selfish hasn't done anything outright evil. Are they reckless for trying to turn the Space Monster into a power battery? Probably. Evil? I don't think so.
I agree. Goldenblood not being part of this conspiracy was nice. Maybe Somber had planned this from the start? Maybe after Goldenblood has become a rather controversial character, he decided to make some adjustments? Considering how much Blackjack has recently started pointing out how he seems to behind everything multiple times I assume at this point he was at least aware of the mixed opinion on him.
Oh right, they watched it, too. It's their memory orb after all. So the Collegiate knows that there's something really bad under the city. Or at least some of them do.
It was a bit harder than that. But yeah, in the end the problem was often solved by the Ragamuffin. Let's she how PH solves the Space Monster problem.
RIP Rover
I expected her reaction to be worse. I'm glad it wasn't.
Looking back at the last 52 chapters I tend to disagree.
Wonder how many of them are left? They lost a lot of ponies during the attack on the factory and probably a lot more in yesterdays fight. Even they don't have an unlimited supply of warm bodies.
Say what you want about Charity but she knows how to do business.
So Goldenblood blackmailed Scootaloo in letting him steal materials from two or three Stables for his own secret project. Both must've been aware that this would mean a lot of innocent ponies would die. That now makes them murderers. Or rather mass murderers.
Couldn't have said it better. Horse is kinda of a creep. Cool but a creep.
Based on this dialogue I assume Project Horizons was Goldenblood's plan to blow up the Core with a super weapon and destroy the Space Monster. Presumably with a much bigger version of Trottenheimer's Folly.
That pause confirmed that they have more than three kilo.
Goldenblood is going for overkill. He doesn't strike me as mad man who would blow up the world just because. So for what would he need a weapon that could whip out most civilizations on the planet? Does he believe they need that much firepower to kill the Eater? And that it's the only way to stop the thing?
Another Goldenblood flashback where I've nothing to complain about. This time it was about his schemes and secret project but only about the ones directly tied to the main plot of this story. That's perfectly fine for me. The issue begins when he's getting involved in other stuff that wasn't necessary.
Let's see if he came back for Round 3 or something else.
Okay, time to put another bullet in her head.
Oh I see where this is going. Deus "accidentally" rapped Twist and that's the thing he never forgave himself for and startedd his decent into becoming the monster he's today. Now he's back and Twist just happens to be in control of Rampage right now.
Okay no final conversation between Twist and Deus. Was sure that was going to happen.
So Blackjack has to leave her home to protect it. Again! Poor mare can't catch a break.
"It's not that I like you... Baka!"
You know, I would totally bet on that, too.
I love how Rampage is more worried about losing the bet than Blackjack getting injured again.
I'm scared how much sense that actually makes. With all the emotional baggage he would fit in perfectly. And a tank wouldn't even be that weird considering the group already has an Alicorn and Rampage. Aaaaaand he already shoot Blackjack so they can skip the group's introduction ritual.
Smart guy.
Okay I knew that Deus would end up as a tank. I didn't knew that Deus would at least temporarily join Blackjack's group. They now have a fucking tank. This is batsith crazy!
"Hey it's really unfair that we left you behind every time we go to some deadly place full of unspeakable horrors. You're part of the gang! You have just as much right as we do, to get grievously injured and traumatized."
Considering that you went around killing ponies on a hit list I can't really blame him for sealing himself inside and not letting anypony else in.
Not a smart thing to say right now, but then again Psalm made it perfectly clear that she's not going to help you.
Fuck you Psalm! You selfish cunt!
So bombing hospitals after the Apocalypse and killing/maiming dozens of innocents is a-okay as long as momma Luna would've forgiven you? Because their lives aren't as important as your "forgiveness". Can you imagine somepony Blackjack has wronged, like P-21, telling her he would forgive her if she just murdered a bunch of ponies. Blackjack wouldn't do it. That's why she's a good pony and you are a cunt, Psalm.
No sympathies here. You got what you deserved.
Again a rather mature response from Glory. It's perfectly understandable that she need time to figure out her future relationship with Blackjack.
Oh great, even the Spirit inside Blackjack's PipBuck is suffering from emotional traumas.
And that's one of the reasons why nobody likes Starkatteri. Besides a fortune teller isn't supposed to tell the truth, he's supposed to tell what is clients want to hear.
Pretty sure that's no ordinary fortune teller and all the alarms in your heads should've gone off at that moment.
Okay so the reason most of the Marauders are still alive and in a pretty bad condition is because of a Zebra curse. Not sure how I feel about that. It fits this story and provides a logical explanation why so many of them are still alive 200 years later and ended up becoming all king of weird creatures (Ghoul, Cyborg, Pony-Gargoyle Hybrid, Part of Rampage, Spirit guarding a program). Yet it feels so random that they just happened to come across a Zebra (?) fortune teller with a Black Book who decided to screw them over. But maybe that was the point.
I've so many questions. That only thing I'm sure of is that this wasn't Zebra. My best guess is that it was some kind of evil spirit who likes screwing over other, similar to folklore tales about the devil or a jackass genie. Or maybe Goldenblood, somehow.
Not sure what was the point of the previous scene if Blackjack doesn't remember. The Goddess and the Enclave working together was something that was already revealed in Fallout: Equestria. So unlikewith the afterlife scene when didn't even learn something new. That said, it was still a great scene.
A complaint I've heard about PH was that the story gets worse the closer it comes to the end. So far I don't share this sentiment. Chapter 44 is my personal low point of the story but every chapter afterwards has been very enjoyable and I really like the new villain and how the Goddess gets more focus.
I'm wondering whether Blackjack has to deal with Dawn and the other Harbinger or the Goddess and the Enclave first. Based on this chapter it sounds like we're approaching the point where Littlepip kills the Goddess and Operation Cauterize begins. And with the increased presence of the Goddess in Blackjack's head I guess that's the next problem the story is going to deal with. I'm curious to see what kind of role Blackjack is going to play. Obviously she can't kill the Goddess because that's LP's job.
Otherwise this chapter was full of info dump, flashbacks and visions. Not that I'm complaining because most of it was very interesting.
Still not sure how I feel about Tank Deus but I assume him joining Blackjack serves the purpose of helping her deal with having even more flesh replaced. If a monster like Deus can be redeemed she may finally realize that she's still the same Blackjack despite all the wires and metal. Besides, there's almost certainly going to be a final talk between Twist and him in the near future.