• Published 28th Apr 2014
  • 16,459 Views, 309 Comments

Thought I'd Let You Know... - Gyro Steambass

What if Celestia never wrote back? Like, ever?

  • ...

Epilogue: One Last Letter.

Author's Note:

First of all: If you feel this story is better without a sequel/epilogue, please don't read any further. You may or may not like what I did, so it may ruin your opinion of this story.

Second of all: Thank you guys so much for all the praise. I honestly didn't expect this.

Third of all: I did not expect this story to be read by the guy who made the song that inspired me. I mean wow.

Fourth: Don't read this chapter. It's not good.

Her quill floated above the letter, ink slowly dripping on the paper, staining the empty sheet. She wanted to reply. She really did. But she promised. Promised herself she'd stop. To shut herself of when her sister came back. She thought it be easy. She thought it wouldn't hurt. How wrong she was.

Over the years, from the day she stopped Twilight's magic outburst, to the day Twilight saved her sister and destroyed Nightmare Moon, she had gotten to know her faithful student more and more. Eventually she didn't see Twilight as her student anymore, but almost as a daughter.

But now she had to let her go. For her sister.

It's because of the amount of friends she made back then is what caused Luna's jealousy and hate. Because she made friends and Luna didn't. Her friends caused her to become more and more distant from her sister, to the point where she couldn't even see that she was jealous. It taught her one of the most important lessons: Friendship is magic, but magic isn't always good.

And now, to not hurt her sister like that again, she had to distance herself from Twilight. She had to, It was a necessary evil.

So, why?

Why did it hurt so much?

And everytime she received one of Twilight's letters, it hurt more. And more. And she had a feeling it would never stop. Not even if Twilight died. Not until she died herself.

Faust only knew how long that would be.

She had to resist the urge to answer every letter. She failed the first few. Why did she sent those gala tickets? Why did she subject herself to even more pain? She knew why. And she hated the answer.

She loved Twilight. She still does at this very moment.

And now she had almost written back again. She picked up the stained letter with her and threw it away, automatically grabbing a new one.

She stared at it for minutes, though they felt like hours. She then placed it on her bureau and picked up her quil again, levitating it to the paper. She dipped the quil in her inkwell, brought it back to the paper, and wrote

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I'm sorry.



As she stared at the letter for a few more seconds, a tear rolled down her face, falling on top of the letter, leaving one single stain on the last letter she'll ever write to Twilight.

It hurt.

She picked up the letter.

It hurt so much.

She rolled it up.

She despised the pain.

And she sent it to Twilight.

But the pain was necessary. It was her punishment for hurting her sister all those years ago.

She just wished that she could've spared Twilight.

Comments ( 183 )

So. It's there. It's finished. I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me what you all think.

Someone really needs therapy.

well that makes no god damn sense, sorry my language.
why not share twilight? or even better have luna itneract with the main six, become theri friends?

So, Celestia has chosen to hurt Twilight instead. Because a broken hearted, powerful, learned Bearer of Magic isn´t as dangerous as Luna herself at all.
Good luck when Discord breaks free and you find herself forced to crawl to your ex-student´s door for help, your Royal Incompetence.

Fuck man, why?:raritycry:

The ending is really good... But poor Tia... She doesn't even know the mistake she's made...


You do realize that you're just going to get cries for 'more', right? :)

Twas interesting to see Celestia's side, even if her side is full of crazy. And stupid. That letter will just encourage Twilight to keep writing and hurting them both and probably Luna as well. A message packed full of royal disdain, a pension and a 'Yes, you were a useful tool. Now you're worthless. Stay out of Canterlot' likely would've been healthier for Twilight in the long run.

It's not the nightmares that we experience, but the nightmares that we create that cause us the most fear. The absolute horror of knowing that your actions have broken another, perhaps one you loved, and done so because of a feeling of self righteousness is one of the worst marks of hubris. Celestia claims that what she does is for her sister. What she has done has been for the good of her sister, but what about allowing her sister to take a student? What about allowing Luna to train somepony in the arts. Celestia's disinvolvement with Twilight isn't just for Luna, but rather it's to redeem herself from something she feels responsible for.

If Twilight ends up going from relationship to relationship, unable to trust, unable to bond with someone it will be because she has massive abandonment issues because of Celestia.


Or make Luna join an astronomy club. Or recognize that it was how much her subjects feared Luna and love Celestia that set Luna off. Oh, and the fact that the ponies were ungrateful dicks.

Seriously, they could've cured this problem a thousand years ago by hiring a good PR company to spin Luna as Princess of Dreams and Guardian in the Night. Or Tia could've just paid some ponies to be Luna's friends.

4317702 Well, I hope I still did a good ebough job. And even though I 'm going to be asked for more, this is the end. This story was originally going to have only one chapter, so that's part of the reason why Celestia's part is full of crazy. And you know what a thousand years of thinking it's your fault that your sister became a monster can do to a mind. At this point, Discord probably has more sanity in his tooth than Celestia has in her entire mane.

Certainly took a better approach then me. But in all honesty... yeah, Celestia has acted pretty much the royal dick to poor Twilight

4317730 That she did, Mr. Ebony.

4317721 more than likely she did not have the time to. it seem a big ass rift opened up between them, luna responsible for the night and ignored or feard, celestia the day and often consumed by the things she had to work with.


Oh, you did a great job. It nicely showcased the why of the entire matter and tied up lose ends. And it's always nice seeing Cake Flank shown as imperfect.

>.> My own personal epilogue epilogue involves Twilight kidnapping ponies and locking them in her basement to serve as surrogates for Celestia. A 20 foot deep hole and forcing the Celestia's to dye their coats white under threat of getting the hose again might also be involved.

Not acted, but continued to do so! Turning the poor into a pretty doll amongst her tin toys, merely a means to an end. And this seasons finale seems to be the one that sets it in stone!

But.... can we blame her? Her sister, the Empire... she wanted, needed, Luna back. She needed to make sure Twilight was ready. So, maybe we can't be too mad at her.

But would it have been so bad to once, just once, ask what Twilight wanted....

This is so much freakin' good :D :pinkiehappy:

4317749 Hmmm... Gotta wwrite that down so I can make a few insensitive joke chapters.

I must've missed the Feels-Train on this one. Either that or I'm becoming a heartless bastard. I can tell what you tried for here, but it just didn't move me like the first chapter.

Still a good chapter! Just no feels from me on this one.

4317836 Eh, I understand. It might be because I didn't put as much heart in this one.

I think it's me, personally. I'm past the 11th hour of a 12 hour shift at the moment. We're winding down and I'm pretty well burned out. Brain's saying, "Waiter, check please!"

4317909 That could also be the problem.

Nice way to end a story. It all makes sense now. I get why you may want to end it where it was. But this just completed the circle of feels for me.:pinkiesad2:

I also want to thank you. Your story helped me become aware of that amazing song. Siting back and listening to it, caused me to go back and think about my life over the past few years and how much had changed. Then I thought, what if Twilight were to do the same. So I wrote about that. So, in a way, even though the story has nothing to do with the song or this, I have you to thank for helping me write a great short story. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

4317877 Could just be because this doesn't feel as resolved as it could be, and honestly this made me feel even more unfulfilled than before. Celestia doesn't see the results of her actions, neither does she get a royal bitch slap from Luna who OBVIOUSLY IN THE SHOW LIKES TWILIGHT AND FRIENDS so I think everyone NEEDS to see the result of this.

Celestia, why don't you introduce your sister and help her make friends? Because if you're hurting yourself for centuries, isolating yourself for the good of Luna how long until you break?

4317953 Has the show ever told you after how many years Twilight met Luna at Nightmare Night? If yes, then I have missed that piece of information. If no, that means there could've been one to four years between the destruction of Nightmare Moon and Twilight meeting Luna.

4317269 Just in case, here's the link to the YouTube, as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajA_RBJ0cYw

Huh, Celestia's reaction reminds me a bit of something Dave Barry wrote many years ago. He said that his very small, very stupid, and very incontinent dog was punished for pooping in the living room. However, whereas a regular dog would have rightly interpreted the lesson as "Don't poop in the house," Dave's dog interpreted it as "Don't poop at all." The results were both frustrating and hilarious.

I feel like this applies to Celestia in that the Nightmare Moon incident, whereas a rational pony would learn not to prioritize friends to the detriment of your relationship with your sister, drove her to conclude that Luna not having friends meant she couldn't have friends either. Rather wide a leap in logic. Then again, a thousand years of grief over the loss of her dearest sister can do that to an immortal.

I like the epilogue, as well! :twilightsmile: Nice job!

4318267 True but, it states in the episode from Luna's own mouth that she felt she owed the Elements of Harmony a debt of gratitude for saving her. Though she didn't quite know how to go about it hence why she showed up on Nightmare Night


Pfft, I actively grab stories at random. I have hope- it just regularly takes a beating.

And an action by Celestia I wouldn't be suggesting based on my comment- that's a rather large tract of things to be fair, but now I'm more curious.

Why should Twilight be the only one in pain without an explaining.

This is good, but in my opinion, Celestia's POV didn't have enough feel to it. Maybe because is only showed only one of Celestia's letters and all she said was, "Im sorry". I got your point. Twilight's letter and feels were just more powerful.

Still worth the read.:twilightsmile:

THAT WAS ONE OF THE SADDEST 30 SECONDS OF MY ENTIRE LIFE :flutterrage: :raritydespair:

First chapter got the feels to be felt, so good work there.

That said, I think it works better without the second chapter. The story is better focused when it's just about Twilight's sense of abandonment causing her to lose certainty in her purpose and identity. With it being as short as it is, it really only has the room to do one thing well, so that should be it. Even at a miniscule 1000 words, this is a case where less is more, that second chapter could be cut and the story would be stronger for it. Trying to give Celestia a rationale for being silent weakens the effectiveness the first chapter would have if it stood alone, in two ways: one, it feels like an afterthought apology to readers who demanded to know why instead of realizing that the effectiveness is in the mystery, and two, it's a thin and kind of unsatisfying justification that doesn't convince.

Overall, though, I do have to acknowledge that I chose to ignore the author's notes warning about possibly not wanting to read the second chapter, so that's kind of on me. The strength of the first chapter was still enough to earn a thumbs-up, anyway.

4320559 Yeah, I know. I didn't want to write an epilogue, but a lot of people asked me to. So I did.

After the end of the first chapter I'd been entirely ready to chalk it up to Spike forgetting the royal seal. The epilogue, however, poses some equally nice things to consider...

I think I'll let my mind sift over the first chapter both with and without the epilogue separately so I can enjoy both sets of possibilities.

Looks like a certain somepony just earned a fav and follower :trollestia:

I know there are a few saying they think the story works better without the second chapter, but I have to strongly disagree. I honestly feel the story works better for having it. The reason is because it comes full circle. If I was left with only the first chapter, I'd honestly be upset that no reason was ever given for Celestia's silence. Then again I've never been a fan of those stories that introduces a mystery, but never explores it.

While it seems one of the problems people have with the epilogue is Celestia's reasoning. I think the reasons work well, and a few more scraps of info could wave away any issues.

I also wish I could see more of this story, but I understand that you only really wanted to write the one letter. I guess that just proves how nice a story is though, when people want to see more of it. :twilightsmile:

you know what'd be cool, I mean you don't have too do this this is just and idea, but I think it'd be cool if you did a squeal in the future where Twilight is filled with anger and hate by the neglect and tries to overthrow Celestia or something along those lines. She tries and makes Celestia suffer. I wouldn't know how it ends but a happy ending or a bad ending is good both ways I guess.

But any ways, great epilogue. It was short, but sweet.


But enjoyable second part.


well, the Summer Sun celebration that Twilight participated in in season 4 was apparently the first sense the return of Nightmare Moon. That suggests that that Nightmare Night was just months after

:fluttercry: Ow. My heart. :fluttercry:

great story

celestia just say that it's a fucking bitch, miserable liar, traitor, grrrrr

only sorry

fucking sorry

we go after everything he did for celestia

this bitch needs a good beating

was right but she uses her "beloved ponies" at your convenience

as a chess master

and does not hesitate to sacrifice him who is not useful

great story deserves a continuation but up to you sir author

greetings and good luck

4317625 Celestia's justification is retarded. She's cutting herself off from her friends because otherwise Luna will feel jealous and turn evil again? As if she has no friends or contacts to speak of? You mean like how Luna Eclipsed ended with her running back off to Canterlot and swearing never to show her face in Ponyville agai- OH WAIT!
Yeah, no. Sorry. You had a really good setup, but you've completely blown it with this miserable excuse for a second chapter.
Good trollfic, though.

4326284 First of all, I put up a warning note at the top of the chapter. It's your own fault for reading it and not liking it.

Second of all, I think I used an alternate universe tag for this story.

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