• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 5,105 Views, 165 Comments

Legacy of the Kirin - Vladimir

A race long forgotten by time. A being that holds immense power. And a race to see what happens in the world as an old fewd betwen races rages war.

Comments ( 19 )

4639886 No one every said he was sane. He DID just torture a griffin mostly for shits and giggles and some information. Logic also doesn't work here, I mean, how sane would anyone be if they were to be reclusive for centuries, and then thrust into a situation from a past enemy and forced to work with new people whom you KNOW are your "sisters"?

4687610 both, slender-mane? I added him? Huh...weird... and Sombra is more than a dragon, but that will be explained soon

I just gotta say this before I read this story, the way you have the forelegs in the Cover Art makes the Kirin look like a Praying Mantis.

4782017 I know, but I don't have the resources to make my own...
4782180 She does in this....
4782094 I keep saying different timeline....as in not the same thing...it had been 600 hundred years AGO when she was stopped instead of a thousand.

4782190 :applejackconfused:
4782259 um...thanks for the compliment?

4785579 Wouldn't Twilight still have to be over 200 years old than?
Also if you get confused by something I write just ignore it, I don't even understand myself half the time.

4785653 No it's fine, your questions and querries are welcomed. But no, the thing is that 600 years
ago Nightmare was sealed and four hundred years later Twilight had been born making it a total of a thousand years. She is currently 20 years of age while Spirit is...well I don't even want to remember the number anymore...

4785742 Gods, this is more confusing than The Doctor.

600 years ago Nightmare was sealed and four hundred years later Twilight had been born making it a total of a thousand years. She is currently 20 years of age

I still don't get it.

Neighppon, 400 years after Nightmare Moon

This takes place(From what I can gather) 400 years AFTER NMM was sealed by Celestia, for him to have met Twilight it'd be sometime around 988 years after NMM give or take a few years when he saved her if she's in her 20's when NMM returns.

600 years ago Nightmare was sealed and four hundred years later

This part right here is what's confusing me the most at the moment, I can't make heads or tails of it. Sorry if this is annoying, but I've watched alot of Doctor Who recently and stuff related to time is messing with my head alot right now.

4785800 No no, right NOW in the story Twilight is 20, back when Spirit saved her she was just a filly. Nightmare had been sealed in her 600th year of power, and 400 hundred years, which is when the others were mostly around in other places, was when Twilight was born. She had been defeated 400 years before Twilight or the others ever existed. I hope I explained this better. And I am pleased that I can be more confusing than the Doctor!

4786151 Much better. Thanks for taking the time to explain it better.:pinkiehappy: It'd help if you change the 600 years AGO that's the confusing part of it, since afterwards you say 400 years later.

Comment posted by Spectro deleted Dec 9th, 2014

Spirit is such a boring character

5362196 tell that to the fans dumb ass

5411889 Maybe....maybe....
5566389 Sorry...
5589444 This is a different timeline then the show's version. Many things are different, hopefully...

I must say that I usually do not do this. I do not comment on stories that earned thumbs down after the first chapter ... but I will make exception for this.

You have broken my suspension of disbelief. It was broken at the moment you have mentioned "Noah". I am deeply not-religious person and I find any and all religions to be equally ridiculous. But when you mix in the alicorns, then proceed to make them Greek gods ... that is just ... too much to not scream "BULLSHIT" at the top of my lungs.

And then the last drop came - Neighpon? Really? Where is that? It was never mention on the show (and that could be not a problem). Maybe you mean ponified Japan? Probably ... but there is so much time between our time and the time of ponies ... what about continental drift? Think before you write - you need to give a bit more info before you drop something like that - or maybe my suspension of disbelief was already broken and I am nitpicking .

Also - where did the alicons and draconequi came from?

The premise of this story is just ... no ... So any potential reader - if you want to keep your sanity intact - do not engage.

Is the story being continued?

Why did you kill Gilda will she come back

Hmm 4 years since last update...I’d say this is a dead story...damn an it looked like a good one too

Wan is the next chapter coming out

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