Legacy of the Kirin

by Vladimir

First published

A race long forgotten by time. A being that holds immense power. And a race to see what happens in the world as an old fewd betwen races rages war.

A stallion Kirin is essentially the last of his kind. He is part of a powerful race that was around during the time of Humans. He has been called 'Spirit' by those who have met him, as he acts much like a spirit would. A being capable of appearing and vanishing at will.
WARNING!!: Mature.
WARNING!!: Some chapters will have clop.
WARNING!!: History of Equestria is altered.
WARNING!!: I own no cover-art, nor do I own the music in this story.

Prologue: "The story of the Kirin"

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It has been said that though the history of this planet, that there were two races. One, was the Draconequus, capable of creating things from nothing and making the planets. Next, are the Alicorn's; a race that creates life and celestial bodies. It was said that there was a pact between the two races, as they made the universe.

Draconequi were stuck with the bad jobs, while the Alicorn's managed to gain the easy and good jobs. The two were constantly rivaling races, but they also needed each other, in order to keep the balance of the universe. It was also stated that the earth was created and populated by animals, and even a race of beings called 'Humans'.

The Draconequi created animals, while the Alicorn's created man. The two races fought for who could control what. Man had to pay the price, however, as their fighting caused disasters all over their world. It was noticed by some of the two races, and they banded together to try and stop the violence, but ultimately made a flood happen on the earth.

But before all life could die out, an Alicorn tapped into the mind of a man named 'Noah', and instructed him to create a arch of such. He did as he was told, and managed to traverse the flood, however, a Draconequus managed to tap into his mind as well, and commanded him to bring two of every single animal from the old world.

Noah had also done this. Once the flood came he was ready and with his wife and children, stayed in the arch for 40 days and 40 nights. Once everything calmed down, Noah helped recreate the human race with the help of a powerful Alicorn, whom allowed him to use her to bring new life to the world.

It was stated that mankind has known of their existence, but not as they really were. Human's worshiped the two races as god's. Draconequi were seen as evil, while Alicorn's were seen as good. Ancient Greek humans called the Alicorn's the 'Gods' and the Draconequi as 'Titans'. They had known of their children as well.

Herucles, the son of 'Zeus'. He was a child of a human woman and a male Alicorn known as Zelipha. He was a 'King' of these 'Gods'. He was also one of the first male Alicorn's to appear. It was originally that Draconequi were males and Alicorn's were females. It was also noticed that other human mythologies followed the same beings, however different the stories were.

It is said that the Draconequi had created Dragon's or 'Serpents' as the humans called them in spite of the sentient apes. The dragon's were hunted down and were nearly wiped out, until more showed up. Some were the size of mountains, even planets. The human's were near extinction once these Serpents decided to rear their ugly heads once more, and stuck down at the apes.

The Alicorn's were furious at their fellow deities. Thus, as the human race dwindled down to a mere million compared to the trillion of dragon's, the Alicorn's stepped in, and changed half of the human race into something new. It was a mix between a pony and a dragon. They had Alicorn powers and abilities. They were once known as the Alicorn's defenders, but were changed to 'Kirin'.

After the war was over, the dragon's were forced into slumber, to await another time to arise once again. The Kirin became a legend of the human's Japanese mythology. It was even stated that Kirin children who were born defective, became Unicorn's, Pegasus and Earth Ponies. The Kirin were a powerful race, and watched over the remaining humans, protecting them from the shadows.

Centuries past by, and the Kirin were fading away, the ones that didn't, could not actually fade, but only became stronger, but also bore the curse of an immortal life. There were only three handfuls of these kinds of Kirin, and it was enough to watch over the humans, until they reached a 'Golden Age' that boomed with technology.

The Kirin were forced to go into hiding, in risk of humans finding them and possibly wanting to harm them. It was said that the Kirin created natural disasters in order to keep the humans away from their respective homes. But it was these disasters that awoke the dragon's once more.

The human race did not make it. The Kirin had been ashamed and became nothing more than a memory to time and space itself. The Alicorn's were devastated, but then pleased to see the three pony races that survived. The Draconequus' dragon's had managed to do their jobs, and helped remold the earth into a new world.


Ponies and Dragon's were the two main races at the time, before Griffins and other beings appeared from nowhere, thus, creating the world of Equestria. It was a long time of 'peace' while the two deity races slumbered away. They Alicorn's King and Queen had managed to bare two children.

Celestia and Luna. Celestia took charge over the sun, while Luna took charge over the moon and stars. It was a long time of peace, before Discord came to being. He had tipped the balance into his favor, as he became stronger than the other Draconequi, making them fear him and his very name.

Celestia and Luna called upon the Elements of Harmony, but instead of them being gems and trinkets, they were the Kirin, the sworn protectors of the world, now became guardians of balance, not just for Equis, but the universe itself. There was a long and bloody war between the two Alicorn's and the Kirin and Discord with his armies. The world was destroyed, and few races survived the long war hat lasted for eons.

finally, as the final our struck, Discord was defeated, but at a terrible price. The Kirin that were down to six, become gems that were then placed in a tiara, and five necklaces. There Alicorn's turned Princesses made Equestria after the war and the world was repopulated. The two had peace, before a unicorn that was twisted by dark magic rose to power in the Crystal Empire. His name was, Sombra.

The princesses rose to yet another war, but it was not as long. It lasted for three hundred years before Sombra was finally casted down, but no before h could infuse dark magic into Princess Luna, who paid a heavy price. The war had ended and the Crystal Empire vanished with Sombra. The two pony sisters went back to the Everfree Jungle, where their castle stood. There they looked after the world and their little ponies.

It had been a thousand years before Princess Luna had hanged into Nightmare Moon. It was said that it was a brief fight between Luna and Celestia. But it was more than that. Nightmare Moon had managed to find more Kirin. She brought these Kirin who had been corrupted by Discord's magic. Celestia was forced to use her ponies to fight, however, it was one sided. Celestia had to use the Elements of Harmony and used it against Nightmare Moon and her corrupted Kirin.

However, since the two beings weren't one with the Elements anymore, Celestia was forced to place the gems into stone sphere's for another generation to use. She had thought that all Kirin were wiped out. But she was wrong, there were small Kirin who were just growing up into their Immortality. They had been born during the time of Nightmare Moon's and Celestia's war.

They managed to stay hidden, until it was time to go, and then, they really did vanish, all, but one.

======================Neighppon, 400 years after Nightmare Moon===================

It is a snowy winter night for the Equestrian country of Neighppon. The snow falls down slowly onto a village and the tree's. It is the 25 of December, and a festival is setting up for the anniversary of Celestia's win against Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago. The ponies are simple farmers or tourists.

The bamboo trees sway softly, as the cherry blossom trees branches sway softly as well. The branches creak gently as the petals float down towards the ground, mixing with the snow, making a pink and white sheet for the world. The village has a shrine placed into a cave that holds the statue of a strange pony.

It has hooves on his hind-legs, but it's forelegs are more like hands. The hooves for the forelegs have four fingers/claws on each one. It's body is as big as Celestia is. It's body is a mix of fur and scales, it's back has wings that are twice the size of Celestia's are. It's head adorns a horn, however, it's horn resembles a sword, as it's mane it short and it's tail is like a snakes, except for the strange 'fan' shaped hair at the tip. It's neck is long but not too long.

The statue stares down at the ponies below, who are getting ready to head to bed, or go to the festival. The ponies hold smiles on their faces, as they enjoy this kind of weather, it is no longer hot and the cherry trees are releasing more petals then usual. The ponies walk along their paths, until a large gust of wind soars past them, but what they didn't see, was a figure hat resembled their shrine's statue.

The figure lands atop of a house. The ponies look around, and then they hear a pony yelling. The yelling grows closer an closer, until a fleet of guards break through the bamboo 'forest'.

"It went this way!!" Says a gruff pony. He is a dark blue coated stallion. His mane and tail are midnight blue and are slight wavy. He eyes are yellow, while his cutie mark is of two crescent moons. He wears golden Captain Guard Armor, signaling that he is Celestia's captain of the royal guard.

"Sir!" Multiple ponies in armor exclaim as they chase a pony in the light of the full moon. They gallop past ponies who watch in confusion, until they see a lone figure appear on a rooftop, before flickering away once more. This figure gallops on the roofs of houses trying to get away from the guard's ponies.

The unicorn guards ignite their horns and create magical barriers around the figure. However, that only lasts for so long, as it beings horn lights up and it swings it's head to the side, making the barriers receive multiple cuts, before exploding. The figure jumps into the air and flickers onto another rooftop, making the Pegasus guard ponies fly after it.

The figure looks up at the Pegasus ponies and flicks it's strange tail, the tree next to it coils around the figure, as a protective shield. The unicorns ignite their horns and use their magic to move the tree away, only to see a festival. The captain pony growls.

"Grr...damn it! Head out there and find it!" He orders.

"Sir, yes sir!" They exclaim as they gallop into the festival. The captain follows and rushes past groups of ponies, frantic to find this strange figure. He stops with his stallions. "Fan out! Leave no place unturned!" He orders.

"Sir!" They yell out before vanishing into the crowds. The captain pony walks around, looking for the figure, until he see's it standing atop of a pole. He see's it looking down at him, before flickering onto a rooftop. He grows confused however, as it waves a hoof at itself quickly, as if it is in hurry.

'What is this thing doing?' He wonders. He watches as the figure gallop off. 'Oh crap!' He thinks before following after the figure. He teleports behind it, only to see that it isn't a normal pony. He catches a glimpse of it's horn-blade that glints in the moonlight for a split second.

He chases after the figure as they jump from roof to roof. The figure then jumps up and leaves hoof and claw markings onto the strange wooden tiled roof. The captain pony notes this, and he seems to grow a bit worried about what he is after. But none the less, he follows the figure.

The figure drops onto the ground from the 20 foot roof kicking up dust before galloping off towards a bamboo forest. The captain becomes confused, why would this being want him to follow it? He then gets the scent of smoke. He looks up and see's smoke starting to rise. He notices that location, and his eyes widen. He points his horn upwards and sends out a magical flare that explodes much like a firework would.

His stallions appear directly after it.

"Captain Moonlight, what is wrong?" A Pegasus pony asks.

"I was lead here by the figure, we must help out who ever is trapped in that fire." Moon states. The guard ponies nod their heads and rush into the bamboo forest, they see the figure galloping over to a burning building. It flicks it's tail and mud from the nearby river flies onto the flames, dowsing some of them.

Moonlight's horn ignites and the river's water moves slightly. The figure stands next to him and it's horn also ignites. The two move the river into the air and then stream it over to the burning building. Then they let the water fall onto the building, dowsing the rest of the flames. The guard ponies rush inside and bring out two ponies.

One is a mare with a pale purple/grey coat, and two white stripes going through her mane and tail. On her flank is three stars. The next is a filly and colt. The colt has electric blue mane and tail. His fur coat is bleach white. The filly is lavender colored, her mane and tail are dark purple with one red stripe going through each. The three are all unicorn's, much like Moonlight.

They are his family. The mare is Starlit Sparkle, the colt is Shinning Armor Sparkle, and the filly is named Twilight Sparkle. Twilight has burns all over her body, as she holds a book close to her form in her forehooves. Moonlight's eyes brim with tears, as he approaches his family and nuzzle Twilight gently. She whimpers as she opens her eyes, pain racking her small form.

"Daddy..." Twilight whimpers out weakly.

"Shh...I'm here sweaty. I'm here." He tells her softly. Twilight coughs weakly as her body starts to feel cold.

"It's so cold daddy..." She tells Moonlight. He shakes his head softly.

"No. Stay awake baby! Just stay awake!" He yells down at her. Armor and Starlit awaken from their unconsciousness and then rush to Moonlight's and Twilight's sides.

"It's so...cold...can I close my eyes, daddy?" She ask softly. Moonlight shakes his head as he tries to use his magic, but it falters as he is in fear that his only daughter might die. He sniffs and shakes his head as tears drop onto her cheek gently.

"No baby. Just stay awake, for daddy." He begs her.

"I can see....an Alicorn." She says as she looks over his shoulder. The others don't notice, but the figure stands behind Moonlight, the light of the moon shows his form ever so slightly. "He is so pretty..." She whispers out as her eyes glaze over. The figure places a hand/clawed-hoof onto Moonlight's shoulder.

"Allow me to help her." The figure states. Moonlight turns and see's the figure, he gasps. It looks like the statues in the shrines all over Neighppon. His wins are giant and feather, his height reaches Celestia's, maybe even taller. His horn looks like a bone-sword. His eyes are soft and caring, their color is Ice blue. His fur is also Ice blue, however, his scales that form 'armor' around his body are a haunting white.

His mane and fanned out hair part of his tail are ghostly white. His forehooves have bleach white claws on them, yet they are soft as they are on his shoulder. His muzzle is slightly longer, however, the being before him looks as old as he himself is, around 18 years old.

"Who are you?" Starlit asks. The being smiles at her.

"I am known as, Spirit the Kirin." He explains, she gasps softly.

"I've heard of you before! Your the one that stopped that tsunami from hitting Neighppon a few years back!" She exclaims. Then guards look upon Spirit in awe.

"Indeed I am. Now step aside. I will save her." He orders. Moonlight does as he is told, and allows Spirit to approach Twilight. She looks up at him, and he down at her. He moves his had down presses the tip of his horn against her forehead. She is then covered in a radiant white light.

Everypony watches in awe and shock as Twilight's wounds heal and vanish. However, Spirit seems to be growing weaker. He drops to his forelegs, but keeps healing Twilight. They watch as she becomes fully healed, and her broken horn reforms. She opens her eyes more and stares at Spirit, who smiles down at her, before getting up to his hooves and walks away.

"Wait!" Moonlight yells. Spirit stops and looks back at Moon. "Come with us! Please!" He begs. Spirit gives a weak smile, before shaking his head.

"I cannot." He states. "For I am not welcomed by ponies, and I never will. Your kind is to have a peaceful life, while my kind died out long ago." Spirit says sadly, even with the smile.

"Then when will we see you again?" Starlit asks softly.

"Only time will tell." Spirit states before turning back and gets ready to walk, but something warm presses itself against his leg, and he looks down, to see filly Twilight hugging his leg.

"Pwease come with us..." She sniffs out. He feels a pang of guilt in his heart before he smiles.

"I can't." He states. She looks ready to cry, until he nuzzles her gently. "But you WILL see me again. Even if it is a brief glance, I'll be nearby to help. I promise." He tells her. She smiles, then gets a strange look.

"Can I ask you something, mister Spirit?" She asks.

"Sure." He tells her softly.

"Do you want to be my best friend?" She asks. Spirit feels his heart warm up, before showing a genuine smile. He kneels down and nuzzles the filly gently.

"Only if you will be mine." He states.

"Yay! I has new best friend!!" She squeals happily before hugging his neck tightly. Her gives her a hug with one foreleg as to not crush her. Minutes pass by before he rises to his hooves and walks off back into the forest.

"Farewell my pony friends. We will meet again." He calls back to them, before flickering away like a spirit would after it has made it's peace. This meeting had started to turn the wheels of fate, as something was going to happen in the years to come. This, is The story, of the Kirin.

Chapter 1: "Summer Sun Celebration Pt. 1"

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A lone pony walks along the streets of Ponyville in a strange sort of cloak that covers it's whole body. The figure's build is male. The stallion walks past a lavender unicorn and purple and green dragon. They step out of a chariot and look around. The figure's eyes widen slightly as he notices the mark on her forehead, it looks like a blade was held there.

He smiles softly before walking on. He notes how strange the houses are here. They resemble the humans houses before they were wiped out. The tiled roofs, then the wooden houses. It notes the styles of the town as it reminds him of the Stalliongrad homes. He nods his head softly, before he see's an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail. Her hips show an apple as her cutie mark, as she gets ready to take down the stall before her.

He watches her fumble around slightly, as she works alone while a yellow filly with a red mane and tail runs off after two other fillies. He moves closer, and hears the mare muttering to herself.

"Dagnabit Apple Bloom, you were supposed t' help me." She mutters. He places a hoof onto her shoulder, making her jump slightly.

"How about I give you a hoof?" He states. She turns and see's the stallion standing before her in hi brown strange cloak. She gives him scrutinizing gaze.

"Why would ya'll wan' t' help me?" She asks. The stallion chuckles lightly.

"I believe in helping others, is a reward. To help your fellow pony is a must for me." He tells her. She stares at him for a few moments, mulling over his words, before gaining a thankful smile.

"Why thank ya'. Not very many stallions who are willin' t' help out a mare with this sort o' thing. They genrally want somethin' from ya'." She tells him as she goes to hook herself up to the cart, before he stops her.

"I understand. And allow me to pull this." He states. The mare gives him a slight glare.

"Ya'll sayin' I ain't strong 'nough t' lift this 'ere thing?" She asks with a slight hiss in her tone.

"No." The stallion says. "I know you are. I just don't like to see others doing something that could harm them, when I can do it myself." He tells her. She nods her head slightly before stepping aside, and gaining a smug look as he has trouble in hooking himself up to the cart. He sighs and the connecter moves on it's own an hooks him to the cart, the mare's gaze becomes one of surprise.

He starts to walk and much to the mare's surprise once more, the cart follows him with little to no trouble at all.

"How in the hay are you doin' tha'?" She asks. He chuckles.

"I had to train my body in order to fight." He states. She looks at him warily.

"Fight? Why?" She asks. He looks at her, and she can see is icy blue eyes.

"Because where I come from it was mandatory. Many things were different back...there." He states. She caught his slight slip-up, but let it slide. They walk down a dirt path towards Sweet Apple Acres. They pass through the gate, and it reminds the stallion of his old home back in Neighppon. He follows the mare towards a lrge red barn where she ushers him into it.

He unhooks himself from the wagon and walks past the mare.

"What's yer name?" She asks.

"Give me yours, and I'll give you mine." He tells her. She nods her head slightly.

"The name is Applejack. What's yer's?" She asks.

"Spirit." He tells her. She see's a small smile cross his muzzle as he watches a lavender unicorn approach the farm. She smiles as well.

"Somepony you know?" She asks. He nods his head.

"Yes, but the last time I saw her, she was but a filly. It has been years since I last met her." He sighs out. He turns and goes to walk away, until AJ stops him.

"Don' ya'll wanna meet 'er again?" She asks the stallion. He chuckles softly, almost as if he was in pain.

"I do. But it has been so very very long since then. I doubt she would remember me. Farewell, my pony friends." He states as Twilight approaches. She stops and stares at the cloaked stallion with wide eyes. She catches a glimpse of his eyes and a small smile, before flickering away in he blink of an eye. Memories flood back into her mind an she gallops to were the stallion was, lookin arundfrantically.

The young dragon and AJ give each other strange glances.

"No...not again..." She whispers out sadly. The dragon speaks.

"What's wrong Twi? What are you so sad about?" He asks.

"I just missed my best friend again..." She sighs out sadly. AJ's eyes widen. Could it have been that the stallion and her knew each other before hand? She said best friend, but how? The dragon is surpised.

"But you don't have any friends!" He yells out. AJ gives him a quick glare.

"I met him back in Neighppon when my father was Celestia's Captain of the Royal guard. They had found him and chased him, but he as leading them me and my mother and brother." She explains.

"You went to Neighppon?" The dragon asks. AJ starts to connect the dots. She had heard of a 'Spirit of Neighppon', but chooses to stay quiet.

"That's because I was asked to not talk about it." She says.

"So who is this guy then?" The dragon asks.

"Spirit, Spike. His name is Spirit." She tells them.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" The dragon asks.

"Because he is the 'Spirit of Neighppon'. He had stopped the Tsunami and many other things. He saved me from death with his magic, before it was too late." She explains. AJ's and Spike's eyes widen. AJ looks back and see's Spirit standing there in a tree with a smile on his muzzle, before flickering away.

"Ah met him today, he was kind hearted. Helpful too." AJ states. Twilight nods her head softly.

"Yeah. Well, since he is in town, I try to find him later, but for now." She turns and smiles at AJ. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I a here on behalf of Princess Celestia on the food services." She explains. Spirit watches from the tree's and smiles once more before flickering to onto a roof and curls up. He closes his eyes, and waits.

Hours pass, before he is awoken by loud music that comes from a lit up tree across the street from him. He see's Twilight laying there on her bed looking up at the moon. He looks up at it as well, and see's that it still holds Nightmare Moon, but he knows that tonight she will return. He turns his attention back to Twilight, who is now staring at him. He smirks and flickers onto her porch.

She scrambles to her hooves and pushes the door open.

"Spirit?" She asks.

"Yes, Twilight." He tells her.

Tears form in her eyes as she rushes and hugs him tightly, nocking the cloak off of his form. She hugs him tighter around the base of his neck, and he wraps his forearms around her form as well. He rubs her back gently, as they share this moment, that they both had waited for so long to have once more.

Spirit looks down at the sniffling Twilight.

"You have grown into a beautiful mare, Twilight." He tells her. She blushes and giggles slightly.

"Yeah, well when your best friend doesn't age, I guess I tried to make myself prettier." She jokes. He chuckles happily.

"I see." He says.

There is then a nock on the door, and Spirit is quick to vanish from sight, except Twilight can still see him. The door opens as Spike walks into the room with a lampshade on his head.

"Come on Twi. We need to get going." Spike tells her. Twilight nods her head softly with a sigh.

"Right. We need to prepare for Nightmare Moon." She states sternly. Spirit's eyes widen slightly. When had his friend learned about his old Enemy? Spike groans.

"Give it up Twi, the Princess sent you here to make friends." Spike tells her.

"But I have a best friend!" Twilight exclaims. Spike laughs.

"Nope. Your 'best friend' isn't around and doesn't even come to you. So far, no friends." He states. Spirit makes a slight audible growl, making Spike jump slightly. "What was that!?" He yells. Spirit appears behind Spike.

"Me." He states. Spike turns, and see's Spirit's form. Spike stares at Spirit as his wings fan out and his feathers shine in the moonlight. Spike stumbles back into Twilight, who gives Spirit a small smile.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! Your best friends!! Sorry!" He exclaims. "Please don't hurt me!!" He screams. Spirit places a claw onto Spike's shoulder.

"I do not hurt those, who are not evil." Spirit states. He then looks at Twilight sternly. "When did you learn about her?" He asks.

"Who?" Twilight asks.

"Nightmare Moon, my old...friend." He states.

"You knew her!?" She exclaims. Spirit nods.

"I did. in fact, I fought her." He states. He rub his chest slightly as there is a slight scar.

"But...how?" Twilight asks. Spirit sighs.

"I am FAR older than you think." He states before the door budges, and he jumps up, before turning invisible and floats around in the air. AJ rushes into the room and looks around.

"Wha' happened!?" She yells. Spike goes to speak, but Twilight covers his mouth.

"He um..." She is cut off as Spirit walks into the room from the balcony.

"He saw me and thought I was going to hurt him." He states from under his cloak. AJ sighs in relief.

"Aright. But be sure t' not do that." She says to him. He nods his head softly. "Good. Now we all need t' go t' th' celebration. Alright?" She states. They nod their heads. They walk out of the room and down the stairs. Where the party is rapping up, however, a pink mare gasp at Spirit and appears before him.

"Your-new-here-and-I-need-to-throw-you-a-welcome-to-ponyville-party!!" She exclaims. He blinks before shaking his head.

"No thank you." He tells her.

"But WHY!?" She screams.

"I don't like parties." He states.

"Oh...okay then..." She says solemnly. He sighs.

"How about this you make a get-together thing for me and Twilight here. It has been forever since I last saw her." He tells the pink pony.

"That sounds fun!" She screams. "Can I add your other friends too?" She asks. Spirit sighs.

"I only have Twilight, but that's fine with me. I'm an...antisocial pony." He tells Pinkie.

"Now wait 'ere just a minute!" AJ exclaims. "Ya'll do 'ave more friends. You 'ave me an' Spike. Now ya'll 'ave Pinkie Pie too." AJ tells Spirit.

"Hey! That's right!" Pinkie screams out. Spirit nods his head with a small smile.

"I suppose that is true enough. Very well, do that and any other friends I may make please." He tells Pinkie, who squee's happily before vanishing in a puff of smoke. He chuckles softly. He walks over to the door, only to be tackled by a cyan colored Pegasus pony. Her mane and tail are rainbow colored, her eyes are lavender-ish. Her cutie mark is of a cloud having a rainbow colored lightning bolt fly out of it.

He looks up at the Pegasus, who glares down at him.

"Who are you?" She orders. He sighs.

"I have no beuisiness with you." He states before flickering onto the ceiling, making everyone's jaw drop. "I have business with Twilight and my friends. Not somepony who attacks me." He states in mild annoyance before flickering next to Twilight. He looks down at her from his cloak. "Shall we go?" He asks. She nods her heads and they leave a confused and pissed off Pegasus pony behind.

They walk through Ponyville and into town-hall, where they watch as a grey mare talks about how it is an honor to have their sun goddess(to them is it Princess) and how they cherish her day. Spirit looks up out of the window and see's that Nightmare Moon is free. He growls softly so only Twilight, Spike, AJ, and unbeknownst to them, Rainbow Dash, who spies on them.

"What is it, Spirit?" Twilight asks.

"She is free." He growls out.

"Oh no!!" Twilight exclaims softly.

The mayor then catches their attention.

"And now! Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare exclaims However, when the currents move to the sides, they see no pony. The room grows quiet, until a slow clap forms. The ponies turn and see Spirit standing on his hind legs, clapping slowly as if it was part of a 'good show'.

"My, that is such a way to keep us in suspense. But please be a dear and come into the light, dear Moony." He states with a slight hiss with his 's's. Lightning flashes outside as the moon seems to glow brighter, and a whirling purple mist forms on the balcony. Then the mist dissipates as a lone mare stands there. She meets Spirit's height, however, her fur coat is black as night, her mane and tail are clumped together stars.

On her head she adorns a cyan blue helmet. Her eye's open revealing cyan slit eyes. She laughs loudly, exploiting her fangs as she rears up on her hind legs and stomps her forelegs down, making the walls and windows crack slightly. She looks down at the ponies, before she stares at the cloaked Spirit.

"Have we met before?" She asks. Spirit growls slightly, and the ponies see his eyes change colors quickly and are slit more, but at the tips they have a sort of 'crown' like shape to them. He chuckles softly.

"Oh, have we? Dear, Moony?" He states as he grabs part of the floor with his claws and rips a large chunk of it out. "I'm sure that our last encounter was...beneficial to both of us." He states with a hiss. He crushes the large chunk of floor like a simple stick. He looks up at her, and growls. Nightmare's eyes seem to widen, before narrowing dangerously.

"YOU!!" She screams in anger as she fires a blast of magic from her horn at Spirit, but he opens his mouth and fires a torrent of yellow flame, the magic is strong, but does little to knock him down or back. He roars, making the fire become a stream that flies out at her. She jumps off of the balcony and fires another beam of magic, however, it is knocked aside by his clawed hoof.

"You think you could stop ME with mere MAGIC!? HA!" He laughs and roars out at the same time. He breaths in, but instead of fire, he breaths out lightning. Nightmare dodges the lightning bolt by flying to the right, before she is forced to dive down slightly, as fire roars at her. Spirit growls dangerously, much like a dragon would if one disturbed it's lair.

"You are still just as dangerous." Nightmare mutters through grit fangs.

"The more to stop you, once again!" He roars out as he pushes himself off of the ground and spins. He kicks Nightmare out through a window, and she smirks, before turning into mist and flies away. Spirit roars loudly, making the whole building shake, and the houses nearby windows and other glass objects to shatter.

He lands onto his hooves and claws. He gallops past the ponies and out of the door, only to have six certain mares and one baby dragon to chase after him. He gallops towards the Everfree Forest before being stopped by a lavender magical barrier.

"Spirit! WAIT!!" Twilight screams. He growl.

"Get out of my way, Twilight. This is MY fight, not YOUR's." He growls out. He turns and see's the seven of them staring back at him, some panting slightly.

"But darling!" A white unicorn exclaims. "That place is imply HORRID!!" She screams out in dismay. "Who would EVER want to live in THERE!?" She asks. Spirit glares at her.

"You mock MY home!?" He snarls in anger. The ponies and dragon become surprised.

"You live in that...dreadful place!?" The white unicorn exclaims.

"I do." Spirit informs her.

"But I thought you lived in Neighppon?" Twilight asks. Spirit chuckles darkly.

"No. I was only there because ponies chased me. I was forced to remain there for 300 years. I was seen as a deity by the Neighponese ponies. I am merely a strange creature, FAR older than you could imagine." He tells them all.

"What are you then HUH!? Are you a SPY!?" Rainbow Dash yells in his face. She quickly back peddles as he snorts out a flame.

"Hardly. If I were to become an enemy to this place, I would have already done so. No. I am something MUCH older than you ponies. I am back from before Equis was even CALLED Equis." He explains to them.

"Wha' do ya'll mean?" AJ asks.

"This world was once called Earth. It was inhabited by Humans. They were the dominant race, until the Dragon's arrived." Spirit explains. Spike gains a smug look on his face. "Which I helped slay." Spirit finishes. Spike hides behind Twilight.

"You KILLED Dragon's!?" They all yell out.

"Yes. It was our duty to thin them out so humans, or what was left of them, could live." Spirit explains. "Besides, these 'dragons' that you have is nothing but Drakes. TRUE Dragons were ferocious beasts that lived for death and destruction." Spirit states.

"Like you!?" Rainbow yells. The ponies giggle.

"Oh please Rainbow Dash. He isn't something like tha- ." Rarity is cut off by Spirit.

"Exactly like me." He growls out. This makes them all freeze. "I am a true blooded Kirin. I am no Pegasus Kirin, no Earth Kirin, and not a Unicorn Kirin. I am what you would call, an Alicorn Kirin." He explains as he throws his cloak off of his form. Twilight gasps. He looks MUCH different than he did from before.

His eyes are cold and icy blue with hoe crowned slits. His claws are sharper and thinner. His tail is longer and the fanned-out-style hairs, as now spikes. His wings are dragon like, and his horn has turned into five four of them curl back, forming a crown of sorts, while the fifth sticks out of his forehead, and it resembles a large bone sword that curls back. The 'blade part' is sharp and serrated, while the back is much like a strange scythe blade.. His height is also taller.

"Oh my goodness..." Rarity states.

"This is what a TRUE Kirin looks like, for me, that is." He states with a mouth of razor sharp teeth, and sharp needled teeth as well. His hind hooves look more like hooved-claws. His looks down at them with a shred of sadness. "I was forced to remain in the darkness for generations, while the other races grew and grew. Soon I was forced to creating disasters just to hide my presence." He sighs out sadly.

He looks up at the moon.

"I have been dreading this day. The day I would have to face my old friend turned enemy. It pains my heart to do so." He says softly.

"Then let us help you!" Twilight pleas. "I know where the Elements of Harmony are!" She exclaims. Spirit stares at her, before chuckling lightly.

"Still hitting the books, I see?" He teases. She blushes.

"How did you...?" She starts, before he stops her.

"I always said that I would be around. I was there when you took your test with Tia. I was there when you got your cutie mark. I have been around you always." He states softly.

"The why haven't I seen you?" She asks. He gains a sad smile.

"I told you that it would be for a brief second, before I had to leave. Now, I no longer need to hide around you anymore." He says cheerfully as he leads them through the Forest.

"I see. So you have lived since before us ponies?" She asks excitedly. Spirit chuckles nervously.

"Um...sort of." He states.

"What does that mean...?" She ask.

"I'll tell you later. For now. Let's head out!" He states, before taking a step farther into the forest. And so. Their journey has begun. The wheels of fate turn more, as something wicked awakens, at the under the mountain of souls.

Chapter 2: "Summer Sun Celebration Pt. 2"

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"Where are the Elements of Harmony located at, Twilight?" Spirit asks. Twilight looks up at him as they walk through the forest.

"The old castle of the pony sisters." She tells him. He laughs slightly. "What's so funny?" She asks.

"I haven't been there since the wars had stopped." He tells them.

"Wars?" Spike asks. Spirit nods his head.

"There were many wars back then. Between Kirin and Dragon's. Before that, it was the ancient war between Humans and Nature. Before them, was the war of Draconequi and Alicorn's." He tells them. "However, those are for later days. The wars I talk about, are when Tia and Luna took on the mad god, Discord. Then came the Necromancer and spirit of Hatred and Fear, Sombra. Then, was Nightmare Moon and Tia." He sighs out the last part sadly. "Luna was consumed by hatred and sadness. She became Nightmare Moon. And I had the courtesy of helping Tia use the Elements against our friend and sister." He explains.

"But there was no talk of wars in school! Not even in the textbooks!" Twilight exclaims.

"That's because ponies needed to know about Friendship and Harmony. Not Violence and Hatred." Spirit explains with a light laugh. The ponies and dragon become confused.

"I thought you said that you needed to hide?" Twilight asks. Spirit chuckles.

"That doesn't mean that I lost my connection to Tia. Me and her talk from time to time." He states. He gives Twilight a sly glance. "I was the one who informed her of your magical feats." He explains. She stops and stares up at her friend.

"Your the reason why she came to me?" She asks. This perk up the others. Spirit stands on his hind-hooves and bows like a gentleman/gentlecolt. He smirks up at her.

"I aim to please." He states before his eyes narrow and his form flickers. The girls and baby dragon become confused, until Spirit comes flying out of a bush and hits a tree. He groans. "Fuck. That hurt." He groans out.

"Fuck?" Rainbow asks.

"Human word." He states before getting back up. They stand before two white columns as a Manticore with an anger problem jumps out and roars. "Oh shit..." He sighs out. He watches as Rainbow Dash flies and kicks the Manticore in the muzzle. He face-claws.

"Move on lil filly!" AJ yells as she holds a lasso and manages to get it around the beasts left horn. Spike looks up at Spirit with a wide smile, but he see's Spirit holding up his four claws. He counts down to zero claws before he catches AJ with the other claw. He sets her down gently.

"Whoa! How did you do that!?" Spike exclaims.

"It's natural for us." He states by pointing to himself and Spike. "While you might be a Drake, you are close to being a Kirin." He explains as Twilight fires a spell, only pissing the beast off more.

"STOP!!" Fluttershy screams. Spirit holds up a random card that has a '10' on it.

"I give you a 10 for effort." He says with a smile.

"Oh um, thank you. But I think I know what to do." She states. She walks over to the Manticore and calls it 'little guy'.

"Little?" Rainbow questions. Spirit shrugs.

"He is little compared to most races." He explains.

They watch as Fluttershy plucks a thorn from the Manticore's paw, which in-turn causes it to roar in her face.

"FLUTTERSHY!!" The girls and Spike scream out, only to be somehow calmed by the fact that the Manticore licks Fluttershy and purrs as it nuzzles her gently. Spirit could only think of how an Earth Lion had become such a ferocious beast. After that happens, Twilight asks Fluttershy how she knew about the thorn.

"I didn't. Sometimes we all just need a bit of kindness." Fluttershy explains. Spirit nods his head.

"That is very true. Live by those rules, and you'll be capable of doing many things." He states.

The group laughs or chuckles lightly before walking towards a cliff. Said cliff collapses. AJ and Twilight slide onto a secondary cliff.

"Let go." AJ states. Spirit does a double-take.

"Are you CRAZY!?" Twilight screams out. AJ looks up to see Rainbow and Fluttershy flying above them.

"No Ah ain't. I'm tellin' ya'll th' honest truth. Trust me." She tells Twilight. Twi sighs. Before letting go and falls, only to be caught by the two Pegasus Ponies. They land and Spirit carries AJ as he slides down the side of the cliff on a plank of wood like the humans did with those 'Snow Boards'.

"That was a close one." Twilight sighs out. Spirit nods his head softly.

"Yeah. I don't think I can traverse Elysium again for a LONG time to get back another friend." He sighs out. The group stares at him. "What? Do I have something on my face?" He asks as he rubs his muzzle lightly.

"Nothing. We'll ask later." Rarity states.

"Whatever." Spirit states with a shrug before they continue walking. They walk through black trees with dark green leaves. However, Pinkie decides to go near blue flowers. Spirit is quick to burn the ever living crap out of them before Pinkie can reach them Fluttershy gives him a glare.

"Why did you do that?" She orders. Spirit gives Fluttershy a VERY cold glare. The ground and plants around them gains frost.

"Did you want to deal with a Pinkie that would be cursed?" He asks. She recoils. Twilight snorts.

"Curses aren't real! That's jut sill-..." She is cut off by Spirit's death glare at her.

"Curses ARE real. It's just that you would need to be as evil as Sombra in order to cast them. And to break them you would need the power of love." He explains. "Those were POISON JOKE. Something that Discord created to play 'pranks' on ponies. But if ingested, it becomes actual poison. Very little cures have been found in the few thousand years that they have been around." Spirit explains harshly.

"Oh." Fluttershy whispers out. Spirit sighs as the area becomes warm once more.

"Sorry. I tend to forget what time period we are in. I have a problem with thinking how every race should know these things, but don't." He tells them. Shy smiles softly at him.

"It's fine, you were just trying to protect Pinkie and us from something harmful." She states.

"I suppose so." Spirit states before turning and looking at the river. He notes that it is not still, but in constant agitation. He looks around more, hoping to find some rocks to jump across. But, alas there is none. He curses under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Rarity asks.

"I was hoping for there to still be a bridge or jumping rocks to use." He states sadly. "I guess my home has changed since my disappearance, hm?" He says jokingly. Rarity gives him a sad smile.

"I am sure that your home just needs a mare's touch." She states.

"It does. Her name is Zecora. She is a Zebra that I had met a while back while traveling the world. I had asked her to tae care of my old home, she accepted, and the forest seems to love her." He explains.

"But it's just a forest. It's not sentient." Twilight states as if it were fact. Spirit chuckles before whistling. A pack of Timber-wolves rush out of the trees and brush. They stand before him, tails waving happily.

"These are my lovely children. I made them after the forest accepted me as it's master." Spirit explains. The wolves howl happily, before running off. He looks back at the others, only to see Shy with a wide smile and Twilight with her jaw dropped.

"But that's impossible!!" She screams. The river's surface becomes still, before a serpent rises from the depths and looks down at the group. It has an orange mane and mustache, except part of his mustache is missing. Spirit stares and the serpent stares back at him.

"Your mustache is um...different, Steven." Spirit states. Steven sniffles before burst out crying. He grabs Spirit and hugs him like one would a teddy-bear. Spirit rubs the top of Steven's head gently. "Calm down. What happened? You can tell me." He tells the serpent.

"Oh Spirit! It was horrible! Simply horrible!!" Steven cries out.

"What happened?" Spirit asks after he flickered down next to Rarity.

"I was tending to your shrine when this tacky cloud flew by and tore off part of my mustache. Oh I look simply horrendous! Please forgive your humble servant, Mistress Spirit!" He cries out. The group gives Spirit a strange look. He blushes lightly.

"Spell accident." He states. They all 'Oooh' before turning back to the sniveling serpent.

"Well I certainly can't let this crime against fabulosity go un-checked!" Rarity states as he grabs one of Steven's scales and cuts off her own tail. The group, save for Spirit, gasps. Rarity then places her tail where the missing mustache piece was. "There, all better!" Rarity exclaims.

"But Rarity! Your tail!" Twilight says softly. Rarity gets a sad look.

"It's fine. It'll grow back, besides, I heard that short tails were all the rage!" Rarity states.

"Actually, in Neighppon they are all the rage. However, it is when the mare, or stallion, get's hitched do they need to have a long tail and mane." Spirit inform them. Rarity gives him an odd look.

"How did you know that?" She asks. Spirit gives her a deadpan stare.

"Hi. Deity! Right here! I made Neighppon after the human's Japan. It wasn't exact, but it worked to treat me like my old home. in fact, most of the 'states' that you know about are thanks to me. Since I was the last one to survive Nightmare's onslaught, I got the RIGHT to call the 'states' what they are now." Spirit explains.

"You did!?" They all, save for Steven, exclaim. Spirit nods his head.

"Yep. I was asked by Tia as I was healing to help her make this country. I was the one who renamed this Forest as well. It used to be known as the Everfree Jungle, because back then, it held my kind. We had homes set up everywhere, until wars started breaking out, we were forced to use out homes and Jungle to make weapons." Spirit explains.

"That is fascinating!" Twilight asks. Spirit chuckles.

"Oh trust me. Just wait till I explain about how we managed to make fashion into a thing. But, alas, that is a story for another time." Spirit explains. He looks back at Steven. "Will you help us across, Steven?" Spirit asks.

"It would be my pleasure, mistress Spirit." He states as he dives into the water. Something clicks out of the ponies and dragons line of sight and a bridge made of plants starts to form on both ends of the river. Spirit smirks before looking at the now emerged Steven.

"You enjoyed changing my bridge, hm?" He teases. Steven blushes but bows slightly.

"I was overjoyed to make it more accessible. I hope you do not mind." Steven states. Spirit chuckles softly.

"Nonsense! I enjoy it!" Spirit exclaims before crossing the bridge, the others follow.

"Shall I make your 'Shrine' larger, mistress Spirit?" Steven asks. Spirit nods his head.

"Yes. Please do." He orders.

"As you wish." Steven states with a bow before diving and vanishing beneath the surface. Dash gives Spirit a strange look.

"Why does he keep calling you, 'Mistress'?" She asks. Spirit smirks before walking behind a tree, and then walking out from the other side however, he is now a mare.

"Because I can do this. And he prefers to see me like this than my stallion form." Spirit giggles out. Her mane is tied up into a bun. Spike stares at Spirit, which causes her to blush slightly. "But for some reason males become like Spike." She states before walking back around the tree, a stallion once more.

"Fascinating!" Twilight explains.

"Yeah yeah yeah, we get it Twi! Your colt-friend is awesome. Just let him rut you already and get it over with!" Dash exclaims. Twilight blushes and goes to comment, but Spirit stops her. He looks at Dash with slightly lidded eyes.

"Why? You jealous?" He asks teasingly. Dash blushes slightly and looks away. Spirit' mind seems to stop. 'Oh shit she likes me....fuuuuuck!' He thinks to himself. "Er. Let's get moving." He states in unease as he walks deeper into the forest quickly. They walk for an hour, before coming across trees with scary faces. The girls and Spike scream, while Spirit and Pinkie laugh at the faces.

"Pinkie! Spirit! What are you two DOING!?" Twilight screams.

"They are soooooo funny!" Pinkie Pie laughs out. Spirit nods his head softly.

"I double this notion." He states.

Pinkie goes on to sing about what her grandmother had told her to do when she was afraid. She sang about how Pinkie needed to hold her head up high, and get past her fear, by laughing at them. If she laughed at them, then they would be less scary, and thus, easier to get over.

Soon, the group of laughing an rolling around on the grass, save for Spirit who just laughed as he leans against a tree, and enjoyed their silly moment. The girls finally stopped laughing, and got to their hooves. Spike was sitting on Spirit's back.

"You all done?" Spirit asks. They nod their heads lightly. "Good. Now let's get going. The castle isn't that much farther." Spirit explains. He walks towards an archway with Spike on his back. The girls chase after the two males, as they pass by statues from the old worlds. Twilight notes that the statues resemble apes.

"What are these?" Rainbow asks. Spirit sighs softly.

"This is the remaining Graveyard of the Human Race. What you see before you, were the only humans that weren't lucky enough to become Kirin." He explains. This makes his group stop and stare at him.

"You were a...human at one point?" Rarity asks in awe. Spirit shakes his head softly.

"No. I was something...else." He explains with a dark tone. "Let's not talk about this, it's a...touchy subject." He explains before they move past the statues after paying their respects to the fallen race of old. They walk for another hour and reach a cliff with a broken bridge. Rainbow puffs out her chest.

"I got this!" She states as she flies down the cliff and grabs the other end, before flying back up and going to the other side, only to stop and see a tan-color-coated mare. Her mane and tail are black with a few grey stripes in them. She watches as the mare flies around quickly, she wears Indiana Jones style clothing, Spirit notes, and an adventurer's hat.

The mare is being chased by black vines with grey thorns on them. She spins around, only to get caught up in them. She cries out in pain, but she then goes quiet as a large carnivorous plant rears it's ugly head. It opens it's sharp toothed mouth. Rainbow prepares to help, but Spirit flickers in front of the mare and grabs the jaws of the plant.

His tail swishes, and the thorned vines are cut to bits without damaging the mare. She looks up at Spirit with a small smile and a glint in her eye. They watch as his horn lights up. He swings his head down to the side, and a sideways cut forms on the plant's head. It explodes in strange green liquid and 'gore'.

He spins and grabs the mare in his claws before flickering back next to Twilight. During his fight, however, Rainbow was met by the 'Shadowbolts' to join them, but she turned them down and remade the bridge. He sets the mare down, only for her to hug him tightly around the neck.

"Been a while, eh? Spirit?" She states. Indeed it has, Daring Doo." He says back to her. Twilight's and Rainbow's eyes widen. Standing before them is Daring Doo. The pony who went into temples and shrines for the museum back in Canterlot.

"Yeah well, when I was looking into this mystery about Nightmare Moon's return, I came here in search of a way to help stop it. But then this mist flew by and caused that plant to mutate into something else." Daring explains. Spirit nods his head.

"I see, well, at least we are here to find the Elements of Harmony to hopefully cure Luna." Spirit states as he looks up at the ancient castle. Daring nods her head, before leaning against him. The two share a look.

"We need to 'catch up' for lost time, Spirit. I miss yah, you know?" She tells him softly. Twilight and Rainbow become confused. In their books, Daring Doo is a mare who rarely cares about anypony, yet here she is, snuggling up against Spirit like he is the most amazing piece of treasure in the world.

"What? You mean when I warmed your bed during the blitz?" He asks with half-lidded eyes. Daring smirks up at him and nods her head.

"Buck yeah." She tells him. The group blushes and Spike get's a nose-bleed. Spirit smirks back.

"Sure. I don't really mind, just warn me when your tremble okay? It worries me that you crave such adventure with me." He tells her softly. She giggles.

"Fine, stud. Now let's go get Luna back!" Daring exclaims. She gallops across the bridge, Spirit chuckles lightly.

"Ah, still hot." He states.

"So...are you two dating or...?" Rainbow asks. Spirit shakes his head.

"Nope. We are just VERY close friends. For now." Spirit explains before galloping after Daring.

The group chases after their strange Kirin friend. They reach the castle and push open the doors, only to be greeted by five stones. The ponies grow sad. But Spirit looks at Twilight.

"Your up Twilight. Make a spark to awaken the Elements of Harmony." Spirit tells her. She nods her head firmly before galloping to the stones and her horn sends out sparks. She tries and tries, until she is sent flying back into a wall. A spear pierces her side, making her scream in pain.

Nightmare forms from the mist and laughs as she looks down, only to growl at Spirit. Who heals Twilight with a simple spell. He looks up at Nightmare and growls slightly.

"This is the end for you, Nightmare!!" He roars out. Nightmare laughs.

"I managed to kill you Immortal Kirin and even turn your kind against you. How could you hope to win THIS time, hm?" She laughs out. Spirit growls as his scales become blood red. His eyes become gold, but stay those crowned-slits. He takes a step towards, her, making the ground become orange and melt into liquid fire. He roars at her, making the whole castle tremble and the winds outside scream in terror.

"I have come to reclaim what is so rightfully mine." He says with a booming growling voice. His body looks more like a Dragon's. His wings and forelegs are fused into one. He crawls towards her, as his tail drags along behind him. He makes a strange sort of hiss and growl fused together.

"You will take back NOTHING!!" She exclaims. She fires a beam of magic, only to have it swatted aside by his tail. He looks down at Nightmare with a fire in his eyes.

"I WILL reclaim what is mine! I shall rise to the challenge and accept my TITLE!!" He roars out, before tail-whipping Nightmare away from the stones. He roars as he charges after her. He bites her foreleg and throws her into another wall, making her cry out in pain.

"You are stronger than before! What happened to you!?" She screams in anger. He makes that strange hiss/growl once more. He circles her like a predator would it's prey.

"I was never a Human, before becoming a Kirin. But something else." He hisses at her. "I was known as a Dragon-son. Something you will NEVER know of after this event it THOUGH!!" He roars as he tackles Nightmare through the floor. The two fight claw and hoof.

"Come on girls! We need to get the Element's ready to defeat Nightmare Moon!" Twilight exclaims. However, the spot where Spirit and Nightmare fell down, was the spot where the stones were. Twilight groans. "Dang it..." She sighs out.

"What?" Daring asks. Twilight looks at the girls and Spike.

"We need to go down there." Twilight says.

"WHAT!?" Spike and the girls yell out, save for Daring who nods and jumps down the hole.

"Why!?" Rainbow yells.

"Because the stones fell with them." Twilight Explains. The others seem to pause and think, before sighing and nodding their heads. They each walk towards the hole, and side down the sides in silence. The only noise that keeps them company, is the smashing of columns and the roars of a monster.

Chapter 3: "Summer Sun Celebration Pt. 3"

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Spirit and Nightmare fall. Nightmare rams her hooves into Spirit's chest, making him wince slightly, before he bites her shoulder and pins her to the side of the cavern as they fall. She cries out in pain as Spirit uses her to break sharp rocks and even a few ledges. Nightmare growls and bucks Spirit into the other side of the wall. She conjures a magical sword and swings it down.

It is blocked by Spirit's own magical sword. He pushes her back and whips her head to the side with his tail before stabbing his claws into her sides and uses her as a makeshift landing pad on a stone bridge. They reach the underground mines beneath the old castle when the wars had started. Nightmare stabs her horn into Spirit's shoulder, making him roar in aggravation. He jumps back with his right claws still in her side and slams her into the stone bridge repeatedly, making her body jolt everywhere.

He throws Nightmare at the other side of the bridge. She bounces, but then spins and lands onto her hooves. She slides to a stop and glares at Spirit. The two have a dangerous staring contest before Nightmare's horn forms a sphere of magic at the tip, and Spirit has a large ball of red hot flame in is mouth. The two release their attacks which collide with each other, making a slight wave of energy fly through the air.

Nightmare teleports quickly after seeing her magical beam coming back to her. She appears above where she was and see's his fire melt the stone. She growls down at him, before diving down with a spin. She flies towards Spirit, who sucks in air, and sends out another torrent of flame at the Night Goddess. Nightmare cast's a spell of fire-protection at last second and soars through the fire. She impales her horn into his side, making him hiss in pain.

He swings his claws down and cuts Nightmare's face, making her move back away from him, screaming in pain as she covers her right eye which has four cuts over it, her black corrupted blood drips onto the bridge before he mighty hooves. Spirit whips his tail against her chest, making her slide against the bridge once more. He roars and slams hi claws into the middle of the bridge and it starts to crack before collapsing.

The two fall once more. But this time they each have swords floating or in their claws. Nightmare stabs at Spirit, who parries with his blade, before swinging upward, making a cut form on her chest. She hisses before stomping a hoof into Spirit's chest, pinning him to the side of a stairwell, making it crack and crumbles. However, unknown to them, Twilight and the others were on said stairwell, chasing after one of the stones.

"Oh buck me sideways!" Daring exclaims as Spirit's back crushes the supporting beams of the stairwell. She grabs onto the side of a platform, the stone in her mouth. "HHHRRR!!!" She yells out. Rainbow grab Daring's hooves and pulls her up to the platform. Daring gives Twilight the stone and pants slightly. "Next time, you get the damned stone." She says.

"Damned?" Twilight asks?

"Spirit word." Daring explains. Twilight makes an 'Oh' look, before placing the stone into her saddlebag. She turns and see's a white glint coming from the other side of the wide cavern. She looks at Rainbow, Shy and Daring.

"You three need to go over there and receive that stone!" Twilight orders. Rainbow and Shy nod or salute, before flying over. Daring, however, isn't as easy to order around, she is currently staring at Spirit, who seems to be growing more and more. His body is being covered in more scales. She feels the need to help, but then Twilight places a hoof onto her shoulder. "We can help him once we have the Elements. For now, we NEED to find them." She tells Daring.

"Your right." Daring sighs out. She jumps into the air and follows Dash and Shy. Daring reaches the two as they land onto the platform and Shy grabs the stone. She looks at the other two and nods her head firmly. They takes off once more, heading back to Twilight and the others, that is, until Nightmare appears before them.

"You think you can stop ME!?" She roars out. She conjures a rapier, and thrusts at them, only to have a whip coil around the blade. They look to Daring, who has a smirk.

"I'll deal with this bitch till Spirit arrives." Daring tells them.

Daring karate kicks Nightmare onto a stone bridge, which she lands on. She stands on her hind legs, whip in hoof. She cracks the whip once more and it leaves a small scratch on Nightmare's neck. She growls before thrusting her rapier at Daring, who coils the whip around the blade once more, but this time she flips Nightmare over her form, slamming Nightmare onto her back, making the bridge tremble slightly. Daring cracks the whip once more shattering Nightmare's rapier with ease.

Nightmare hisses in pain as she gets to her hooves. Her horn ignites once more before two falchion's form. She swings them around at Daring, who watches the blades closely and dodges Nightmare's swipes easily, until she reaches the side of the bridge. Nightmare gains a glint in her eye before swinging down, and makes a cut going down Daring's side.

"Damn it..." Daring curses out as she places a hoof on her cut. She looks up to see Nightmare about to stomp her head. She roles to the left and then cracks her whip, making it wrap around Nightmare's foreleg. Daring pulls back, making Nightmare slam back onto the bridge, making it crack.

"Daring!!" Twilight yells out as her and the others rush to Daring Doo's aid. Daring curses under her breath. She looks back at Nightmare who gets back to her hooves. Daring watches as Nightmare conjures a magical whip, which she cracks and it makes a flash of light form.

Nightmare cracks her whip at the others, but it is blocked by Daring's whip. Daring pulls backward, making Nightmare stumble forward slightly, before rearing up onto her hind legs and stomps at Daring, who backflips away at last second. She cracks her whip and Nightmare's magical whip shatters.

"You! WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!!" Nightmare roars in anger. Daring moves her head down. The brim of her hat hides her eyes as she smirks. The others wonder why she smirks. What they don't see is Spirit flying upward at the bridge.

Daring holds her whip at her side, before cracking it. Her whip slams against the crack in the middle of her and Nightmare. The bridge trembles.

"YOU! SHALL NOT PASS!!!!" Daring roars out as she cracks her whip as hard as she can, shattering it. Nightmare falls and yells in anger. However, she conjures a magical whip that she whips around Daring's left ankle. She pulls back, making Daring slide onto the edge.

"DARING!!" The group yells. Daring looks up at her friends and gives them a sad smile.

"Later." She tells them calmly before letting go. "GO! FIND THE ELEMENTS!! I'LL DEAL WITH NIGHTMARE!!" Daring yells up at the group before grabbing a sword from a broken knight. She dives down after Nightmare, sword in hoof.

"DARING!!!!" Rainbow screams out as she gets ready to jump off after their new friend, but Twilight stops her.

"We need to find the Elements!!" Twilight yells. Rainbow growls.

"DO YOU PLAN ON LETTING HER DIE!?" Rainbow roars at Twilight.


Rainbow stops and mulls it over. She looks down and see's Spirit and Daring fighting with Nightmare. They look to be winning. Rainbow sighs before looking up at Twilight.

"Fine. But let's hurry." Dash orders. Twilight nods with a smile.

"I think I know what the spark is now, so when we have the stones, we'll be able to summon the Elements." Twilight explains as the group rushes back through the door they had came from.

The group rushes down giant stairs and go through corridors. They reach another bridge, but it is broken this time. They can see another stone sitting on the edge on the other side of the cavern on the other broken bridge piece. Rainbow gets a smirk.

"I'll get this one!" She yells before taking off and flies towards the stone. However, the stone teeters off of the edge as an explosion shakes the whole cavern. Rainbow dives down after the stone, and catches it. She holds the stone in her hooves and laughs.

"Did you get it!?" Pinkie screams.

"Yeah!" Rainbow yells back up to the group. However, another explosion happens, and bits and pieces of wall start to fall off of stairs and walls, even bridges.

"Rainbow Dash! Get out of there!" AJ yells. Rainbow looks around and see's a doorway. She looks back up at her group of friends.

"I'll wait for you all to get to me! I'll be in that chamber!!" Rainbow screams up at her friends, before diving into the room. She lands and looks around. She notes how strange this place is. It holds a large bed with large pillows. There is a bookshelf on it, next to it is a podium that holds an open book on it.

She grows curious and walks over to the open book. She see's strange text form on the blank page.

'As us a question, and learn what has happened. As us to show history, beware the story.'

It reads. Rainbow grows even more curious. She thinks of something to ask. She then remembers what Spirit said, about being a Dragon-Son. She looks down at the book.

"What is a 'Dragon-Son'." Rainbow asks.

The book lights up as words start to form, along with pictures.

"The Dragon-Son is an old race that was created by accident. Their blood line is that of a human woman/man and a dragon male/female. There were very few that existed, and only two survived the purge."

The book reads out with a woman's voice similar to Princess Celestia's. Rainbow looks back down at the book, and see's more text showing up.

"Dragon-Son's were unnatural beings. They were part human and whatever dragon they grow to adore. Some of them adored fictional dragons or live ones. However, they were feared by all for their unnatural or unholy ability to take the souls of nature, man, dragons and even gods. It was said that the last two Dragon-Son's were turned into Kirin in the war against the dragons back in the time of 2056 for the Human Race."

The book reads out. Rainbow's eyes seem to widen.

'If Spirit was a Dragon-Son, then wouldn't that mean he is the last of two?' Rainbow questions herself mentally. She then looks up and thinks. 'It would explain how he can handle himself so well and the knowledge he has acquired...' Rainbow thinks. She sighs before looking back down at the book, finding more text.

"The two remaining Dragon-Son's were male and female, and had been a couple. Before the female was killed. She was struck down by Discord, thus caused the male to become enraged. It was known to the world that a Dragon-Son is FAR more fierce than Discord or Sombra could be. This Dragon-Son went on a blood lustful rampage and desired to make the world burn. Discord was faced by the Princesses and this Dragon-Son along with the other Kirin. The male was quelled by the spirit of his old lover. He was then convinced that Discord needed to be stopped, and thus he desired revenge"

The book states. Rainbow feels a bit of sadness I her chest, but not enough to warrant it as 'important'. She barely knew Spirit, she doesn't honestly care about him. Except. She does. She feels bad about his past, but not to the extent she probably should. She berates herself for being so uncaring.

She looks back down at book, only to see a human with horns, wings as well as a tail. It's a male and he glares at dragons and Draconequi, even Alicorn's. She watches as the man in the picture runs towards the three races, flame weapons form in his hands as he cuts down dragons left and right.

She watches as the man sucks in air, before sending out bright red and yellow fire that burns the earth's plants and ground to ash. He roars as dragons try to stop him, but they meet death by his claws, and a light from their bodies is sucked into his chest. He roars once more, before stomping a foot, causing lava to explode from the ground in large spires.

He stomps another foot as the spires circle around him before sending out lava whips out and dice the dragons to pieces. He looks at the Draconequi and rushes at them, before they vanish and a flash of light forms before him. He is consumed by the light, as are the other Dragon-Son's. The light dies and they are now Kirin. However, the man from before looks more like a dragon, much like Spirit's strange form he is in now.

The Kirin roar together before breathing their own types of attacks. The first Kirin sends out strange fire. His fire is bright red with sickening yellow rings forming around the stream. Rainbow can see the faces of those who have passed, be it by himself or those who have died.

She watches as the Kirin scar the very earth and push back the dragons into submission, before they give the final strike. She notes that some dragons had sided with the Kirin and even helped the out, before going into hiding, most likely to slumber. She watches as the Kirin all seem to roar at the sky before activating their magic, and help the Alicorn's mold the world once more.

She watches as the Kirin she notes resembles Spirit. She watches as he takes a female Kirin and the go into hiding. She goes to read more of the text, however, she is interrupted by Twilight and the others arriving.

"Rainbow Dash! Thank goodness your...What is that?" Twilight asks. Rainbow looks back at the boom.

"I think I just found out what Spirit is, or at least was." She explains as she drags the book for the others to read. They look through the passages and even watch the pictures move. Fluttershy looks like she is going to cry, AJ looks as if Winona was killed. Pinkie's mane and tail are completely strait. Rarity passes out, like a total drama queen!, while Twilight and Rainbow stare at each other.

"Do you know what this means?" Twilight asks.

"No?" Dash states.

"This means that Spirit is the case for when the world was torn apart, and all over the fact that he lost his mare-friend." Twilight states. Dash stares at her friend with wide eyes.

"Wouldn't you have done the same?" Dash asks. Twilight shakes her head.

"I would have simply moved on. It's not like they were married or anything." Twilight states. Dash has a strange sense of anger build up in her chest, and she back-hoofs Twilight, hard. "What was that for!?" Twilight yells. The others stare at the two. Dash looks pissed.

"Are you sure you are his best friend?" She hisses at Twilight. Twilight scoffs.

"Of course I am." She states in a haughty tone. Dash growls.

"No your not. You don't even care about the fact he was in pain. His mate was MURDERED by DISCORD. He stopped the dragons and even killed Draconequi to ensure that our world survived!" Rainbow roars out. A stone starts to glow.

"And? He caused a calamity! He made the world burn for a hundred years! He- " Twilight is cut off.

"He stopped Discord, he only burned the world because it took away his love! He was forced to watch his mare killed by Discord. He was enraged and hurting. Yet, when he could have killed all life, he only managed to split countries apart to what they are today. He created the dragon lands, badlands, Equestria's very own forest soon became a jungle! We ponies forced him into hiding after he became the last of his kind!!" Rainbow roars.

Twilight's ears go back against her head. She thinks about what he had told them. About the wars, how Nightmare corrupted the other remaining Kirin, and he had to lead a half-Kirin race to war. He had to slay his brothers and sisters from old. She sighs sadly.

"I get it..." Twilight mutters out.

"Do you!?" Rainbow roars.

The stone that Rainbow had gotten starts to glow, and causes them all to look at it. The stone shatters and the pieces circle around Dash, before clamping down around her neck, making a golden necklace with a red lightning bolt on it. She looks down at it, and she see's the face of one of the Kirin from the pictures. She smiles softly, before looking up at Twilight.

"I am always going to be Loyal to my friends, even if I don't know them very well." Rainbow states before flying out of the room and down the cavern, going after Daring and Spirit to help fight against Nightmare Moon.

Twilight sighs sadly.

'Am I a bad friend?' She thinks.

"Don't mind her, Twi." AJ states, her southern drawl missing for some reason. "Last time Ah saw 'er like this, it took weeks to get 'er out o' 'er funk." AJ tells Twilight softly.

"Right. But she does have a point, darling." Rarity states. Drawing the others attention to her.

"Oh?" Pinkie asks.

"Rainbow makes a good point. I know for a fact that if I had been in Spirit's shoes, I would have done the same thing." Rarity explains. "But, I would have also given him my advice and help him, I would be generous and help him through his emotional problems. I would NEVER let a friend down when it is not warranted." Rarity explains.

Another stone lights up, and does the same as Dashes did. It's pieces clamp onto Rarity's neck and becomes a silver necklace with a cyan blue diamond on it. She marvels at it, before smiling at her friends.

"I will ALWAYS be Generous to my friends, much like how Rainbow is Loyal to those she has met but barely knows about." Rarity states before conjuring a diamond sword and jumping off after Rainbow Dash. Twilight sighs and looks down at the book. She then gets an idea.

"Does this book tell of who created it?" She asks.

"This book was made by the Goddess of the Sun, Celestia."

The story states. Twilight grows surprised.

"Was Spirit married?" She asks.


The book states.

"Who was he married to?" She asks. The others become curious. Twilight grows sad that her best friend seemed to have lost his wife.

"Spirit was married to a Dragon-Son turned Kirin named, Light. She died by the hands of Discord."

The book tells them. Twilight's chest fills with despair. Her own best friend, she neglected that fact that he was in pain. She neglected the fact that he had his wife KILLED by the ancient Mad God, Discord. She wasn't acting like how a friend should be. She was acting like a pour foal who saw Spirit as an evil beast who instead of destroying the world, he helped it form into what she knew today.

She feels a deep deep pit form in her heart. Her sadness flows through her and grows more and more. But then she hears Spirit's words form in her mind.

'Don't pity me. Stand up tall and always remember that what has happened to me is all in the past. Nothing will change it, but we can learn from it. Even me. So stand up tall and take one step before another, and then, your walking. Soon, you'll be running.'

She sniffs softly and smiles gently.

'You must have known this was going to happen? Hm? Spirit?' She thinks to herself before looking up at her friends. A twinkle in her eyes.

"I know what we need to do." Twilight tells them.

"What is it?" Pinkie asks.

Twilight walks over to the edge as she places the book into her saddlebag.

"We go down there and kick some plot! We help our friends, free Luna from Nightmare Moon's grasp and save the world!" Twilight orders out. They smile and nod their heads.

"Lets do it!" Pinkie laughs out before stepping next to Twilight on her left. AJ smirks and steps onto Twilight's left. Shy stands next to Pinkie with a soft smile. Twilight looks down and see's fire being breathed and the sounds of explosions happening.

"Alright. No turning back now." Twilight states as she takes a step forward and falls. The others follow after her. They fall and fall as the sounds of the fight seem to grow louder and clearer. Twilight's horn ignites and a magical platform appears underneath them. They land softly and they see Rarity cutting down a Rotten Pony. Rainbow is sending out waves of lightning decimating Skeletal Ponies as well.

Daring cracks a now flame whip and uses it to take on a massive Bone Drake. She rolls back with Rarity and Rainbow as the three use their weapons on the opposite enemies. Daring takes the still Rotting Ponies, Rarity takes the Bone Ponies and Dash takes on the Bone Drake. Twilight conjures a magical claymore and rushes to Dashes aid. AJ picks up a spiked chain and helps out Daring. Pinkie brings out three items. Two pistol looking hand-canons that she hands Spike who is on her back. She then takes a large canon with a red cross on it, and stays behind with Shy.

"No one messes with MY Rarity but ME." Spike growls out as he becomes taller, about as tall as Spirit is. His body ages as he gains a longer neck, tail and thinner form. His eyes become black and green with crowned slits, much like Spirit's are, and his fangs become longer and sharper.

His back adorns two large wings as his head grows two large horns, his spines become large, wider and serrated. He roars loudly as he cocks his hand-canons and charges forward.

Spike rushes to Rarity's aid and he fires the hand-canons as he breaths his green flames on the ever changing fuses. He jumps over the Skeletal Ponies and spins in the air as he comes down. He fires the cannons quicker than the others thought possible. He then dashes over to Rarity and takes a emerald sword. He grows in height and age.

He looks to be a teenage dragon, which for pony years is 180 years old, and places the sword onto his back between his new wings. He pulls the triggers repeatedly and fires death upon the Skeletal Ponies before him, as Rarity cuts down the group before her. The too look back at each other out of the corners of their eyes and smirk. The two charge at their groups of Rotting Ponies and fight.

AJ and Daring stay back to back. AJ with her bladed chain in her mouth, Daring standing on her hind legs and using her hooves toe crack her two flame whips. Daring spins in a circle, cracking and spinning her whips, making them dice the Rotting Ponies to bits.

Daring then does the splits and bows her head as AJ spins her chained whip around and cut the Rotting Ponies bones into ash, before Daring lights them on fire. The two smirk as they dance around each other, both taking on groups of the Rotting Ponies with their respective weapons.

Daring then whips at the ground, and causes a wall of fame to consume some of their enemies numbers, turning them into ash. Daring twirls and cracks her whip over AJ's ducked head and it coils around the neck of a Rotting Pony. She pulls back the another group is devoured by a rising column-like-wall of flame.

AJ flips over Daring and spins her chained whip around, dicing another group to nothingness. The two lean up against the others back, before small canon balls fly around them and take out the remaining Rotting Ponies. They turn and see Spike standing there with a smirk as Rarity leans against her diamond sword.

Dust kicks up from nowhere. The Bone Drake bursts from the dust smoke and roars out blue fire down at them. They each dodge away from the blue fire and charge at the great beast. Twilight and Rainbow attack the beast with lightning and magical waves of energy.

The Bone Dragon snaps it's jaws at the two ponies hanging from it's horns. It roars once again as it stomps a foot onto the ground, kicking up more dust, making a tsunami like wave. Spike fires out his own green-flamed-tsunami-like-wave-of-fire back at the Bone Drake. The attacks collide, making smoke. However the Skeletal Drake bursts from the smoke and charges at Spike, who holsters his new hand-canons and grabs the two bone jaws of the great ancient beast.

He is holding the beast back, before it starts to push him back. Spike growls as he twists it's head and knocks it aside. The Bone Drake slams into a wall, wall it roars in aggravation. It turns around and breaths in, before sending out it's blue fire down at Spike, who breaths out his own emerald green fire back at the ancient Drake.

The two flames collide and explode. Spike breaths in again, and sends out a stream of emerald green flame into the Bone Drake's face, making it hiss in annoyance and possibly pain. Spike keeps breathing his jetting stream of flame, making the Bone Drake hiss more, before it releases a massive torrent of blue flame down upon Spike. He runs out of breath, and watches as the fire comes closer and closer.

He turns and looks over at his friends, sister and crush. He smiles softly at them, before pulling his emerald sword off of his back. He jumps into the air and flies up at the flames. Twilights eyes widen. Time seems to move slowly for everyone. Rarity screams Spike's name as he flies into the blue flames.

Twilight's eyes form tears at the edges. She grips her magical sword in her mouth harder, before looking up and seeing the Bone Drake's body explode in a massive dome of emerald flames. The group watches as Spike falls from the fading light. Rarity gallops as fast as she can to reach Spike.

She conjures a magical net an holds it out under Spike. He lands in the net unharmed, but his eyes are closed, and his muzzle has a smile on it. She drops to her forelegs and nuzzles the young drake gently. She see's his chest move up and then down slightly, before his eyelids move and lift up.

She smiles as her knight in purple armor looks up at her. She see's a sort of love in his eyes, just for her. She leans in, and kisses him gently. He kisses her gently back, enjoying this moment. The two part as the others rush to them.

"What were you thinking Spike!?" Twilight screams. "You could have been killed!!" She yells into his chest though sobs. Spike chuckles.

"I'm fireproof, remember?" He states. Twilight groans and forehead-hoofs. "Yeah. Now lets go help Spirit." He states. They all nod and get to their hooves, feet for Spike, and walk down a large dank corridor.

They walk and walk, and the sound of a large struggle is heard. They reach a doorway and walk through it. There, they see Spirit, roaring and tail-whipping Nightmare all over the place. She looks battered and broken, but still has the look that she can still fight. Spirit breaths in and sends out blood red fire with sickening yellow rings forming around it. It sort of looks like a beam.

Nightmare roars in anger as she sends a massive magical beam into Spirit's shoulder, making him roar in pain and pushes him back into a wall. Rainbow's and Rarity's Elements glow in a heavenly light and beams fly out and hit Spirit, healing him. He roars from the massive power boost, but he needs more.

Twilight looks at her friends and smiles.

"I know where the rest of the Elements are." Twilight states. They look at her.

"Where?" AJ asks.

Twilight looks at AJ and smiles.

"You, Applejack are the Element of Honesty for when you have stuck by my side and spoke nothing but the truth. You made me believe your honest word with Dash, the cliff, everything." Twilight explains. Stone shards circle around AJ before clamping onto her neck and forming a bronze necklace with a bright orange apple in the middle.

Twilight then looks to Pinkie and giggles.

"Pinkie. You are the Element of Laughter, for when you have been constantly making us cheer up from so many different things. The cliff, the serpent, the party, even now, you still manage to make us all laugh." Twilight explains. Stone shards circle around Pinkie, before clamping down onto her neck and forming into a bright hot pink necklace with a bright blue balloon in the middle.

Twilight looks at Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy. You are the Element of Kindness, for when you took on that Manticore, helping me, even caring about Pinkie when Spirit burned those POISON JOKE to protect her. You still care, even now that we are about Luna becoming free from Nightmare Moon. You care about ALL of us." She explains. Stone shards circle around Shy, before clamping down onto her neck, and becoming a buttermilk necklace with a pink butterfly in the middle.

The others look at Twilight.

"But where is the sixth Element?" Daring asks. Twilight places a hoof onto her chest.

"Right here. I realized that I was the Element of Magic, when I realized that you are all." She pauses as a tiara with a purple six pointed star in the middle sits atop her head. White energy forms around all of them, before they open their eyes. Twilight has a smile on her face. "MY FRIENDS!!" She yells out as a rainbow beam flies out at Nightmare, a secondary beam flies out into Spirit and heals him completely.

"NOOOO!!!" Nightmare exclaims as the rainbow beam hits her, and spins around her like a tornado. Then, a massive flash of light forms, and they all black out from the magical discharge.

An hour passes, before Spirit opens his eyes, and he see's his friends waking up as well. He looks up at where Nightmare Moon stood, and he see's a young blue Alicorn laying there. Her mane and tail are light blue. Her eyes flutter open, to see Spirit flicker before her.

He nuzzles her gently.

"Welcome back, Luna."

Chapter 4: "Welcome back, Luna Pt. 1"

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Spirit stands before Luna with a small smile.

"Welcome back, Luna." He tells her softly as he nuzzles her gently. She nuzzles him back just as gently before she uses Spirit to lift herself up. She reaches to about his chest and she blushes.

"You've changed, haven't you?" She asks him softly. He nods his head.

"Yes. I have become the guardian. I accept my TITLE now." He tells her. She looks up at him with wide eyes.

"But, Spirit! That TITLE means that you'll..." She is stopped by Spirit, who places a claw onto her lips.

"I know." He says softly. He cups her face gently with a claw and stares into her cyan blue eyes. "But I have to do this. If I don't, who will?" He asks.

"I will help!" Exclaims a woman's heavenly voice. Celestia appears in a pillar of light and walks over to Spirit and Luna. She smiles at them both. "It has been so long since I last saw either of you two." Celestia tells Luna, before looking at Spirit. "How have you been, Spirit?" She asks. He chuckles.

"Oh, you know. Just going on epic quests to free my friends, making new friends, meeting my old 'special' friend and fighting with my old foe. You know, the usual." He states nonchalantly. Daring laughs as she wraps him in a tight hug.

"Buck yeah!" She whoops out. "We kicked Nightmare's plot SUPER hard!" She whoops out again. Spirit nods his head slightly.

"Yes however I didn't enjoy the fact that you decided to dive down after her." Spirit tells her. Daring giggles sheepishly.

"Sorry, I sort of um...I guess I took inspiration from those human books you had from before." She tells him. He sighs, but has a smile on his muzzle.

"I see." He tells her.

"Hello Miss Doo, are you his...'special' friend?" Celestia asks. Daring nods her head lightly. Celestia smiles down at the Pegasus.

"It is a pleasure to meet you once more." She tells Daring. Daring nods her head before bowing.

"A pleasure to meet you once again as well." Daring says to Celestia. Spirit chuckles.

"Oh Tia, when are you going to let them treat you like any other mare?" Spirit states. Celestia giggles as the others give Spirit a death glare.

"My, my Spirit! You are still so straightforward. Next you'll ask to bed with me again." She teases. They stare at him. Spirit smirks down at Celestia. He walks over and rubs a claw over her chest.

"Oh, but I do. I haven't felt you in quite a while. How long has it been?" He asks her. She nuzzles him gently.

"200 years." She whispers to him softly. He purrs and rubs her neck gently.

"That is 200 years too many." He states. He nips her neck gently, and she 'Mmm's at his touch. He looks down at her, smirking still.

"I have missed your touch..." Celestia says to him gently, he nods his head lightly as he moves in close to her face.

"As have I..." He states as he moves closer, until Spike decides to speak up.

"I have a question." Spike asks. Spirit looks to the Drake.

"Yes?" Spirit asks.

"Who is Light?" He asks.

It was as if someone had taken something precious from Spirit, as he growls/hisses.

"How do you know of HER!?" He roars out. Spike recoils.

"I saw it in a book!!" He exclaim.

"You FOUND my BOOK!?" He roars out. Twilight nods her head and takes the book from her saddlebags and places it before him.

"Rainbow found it when she took shelter from the falling debris." Twilight explains. He sighs.

"So you know..." He states.

"Yes. And I think it was awesome of what you did." Rainbow tells him. Spirit looks at Rainbow.

"How could you EVER find my life, 'awesome'?" He asks. Rainbow smirks.

"Because you essentially made the world what it is today! Your like one of the gods!!" She exclaims. Celestia and Luna trade looks, as Spirit sighs, as if holding something secret. He looks between the two Goddesses before stepping forward.

"I, Spirit. Do solemnly swear to bear the TITLE of...of the..." He starts, but he starts to go quiet. He has sadness forming in his eyes, as small tears form. He takes in and breaths out a shaky breath. Celestia places a hoof onto his shoulder gently.

"She'll understand." Celestia tells him. He makes a hissing whimper sound as Celestia and Luna both nuzzle him as he throws his head up and releases a massive wailing roar of pain. The others see tears roll down his cheeks as he keeps roaring. Daring walks over, and wraps her fore hooves around the base of his neck, and nuzzles his chest softly.

He wails louder and louder as those strange flames roar into the air climbs up the large mine caverns and explodes from a mountain top. Mist sits around the mountain that sits in the middle of the Everfree Forest. The fire roars higher and higher, as it goes into the sky, lighting it up. A pony with an electric blue mane and tail with a white fur coat notices it. She puts on her black rimmed purple glassed goggles. Her cutie mark is a music note.

A lone lioness of the Griffin race notices the ever growing pillar of fire rise more and more into the air. She has brown body feather, her beak is golden, while her eyes are magenta. five of her head feathers are purple at the tip. She watches from the balcony of Griphyxia. She watches in awe as it bursts at the top, making an umbrella shape to it. The clouds circle the pillar and look foreboding as they grow and grow.

The clouds become dark grey, close to black, and pour down rain. She watches as the Everfree Forest trembles as if mourning the loss of something. The storm rages as if some sort of deity is weeping and grieving over someone they lost and loved dearly. The moon watches, but it looks darker, as if it too, is sad.

The earth trembles as if it is a body that trembles when one is weeping like a child. The pillar starts to dissipates slowly, but the world remains the same. It remains sad and grieving. The lioness opens her wings and flies off towards where the pillar was seen, near Ponyville in Equestria. The pony takes off her hat that shows her horn and she starts her treck towards the same location.

Spirit makes a whimpering wail once more, before he lowers his head and lightly nuzzles Luna, Celestia and Daring. The three of them nuzzle him back. Twilight and the others stare at Spirit with sadness in their eyes. He looks at them.

"I am sorry for my...little episode." He states. He wipes away his stray tears. "You asked who Light was correct?" He says to them. Spike nods his head softly. Spirit sighs. "She was my wife. We were planning to have children, but then..." He chokes up. "Then Discord came. He killed my wife and our unborn foal." He states with deep sorrow. "It was a girl...I was...I was going to be a father..." He whimpers out.

Celestia rubs his back gently.

"We know. And we are deeply sorry that it happened to you, my friend." She tells him gently.

"Then why were you kissing Princess Celestia?" Spike asks. Spirit looks up at the Sun Goddess.

"Because before Light died. She had said to love again, and keep them close. She has said that she was proud to have been mine, and she wished to pass on that experience to another, how many that may be." Spirit tells them as he looks back at the others. "I do still love Light, more than anyone will EVER know. But I also love others, even if it makes me sad that Light is gone, I will always keep her in my heart." He explains.

"I see, so that is why you and Daring have um..." Twilight states.

"Yes. I have rutted her, in fact I do hold love for her. Just as I do for Tia, Luna, and few others." He explains. He looks between the three mares, who blush, but smile up at him. He nuzzles them once again.

"So, do you plan on coming back with us to Canterlot?" Luna ask hopefully. Spirit nods his head, however, he has a serious look on his face.

"But I MUST remain the sole ruler of the Forest." He states. Celestia nods her head softly.

"It is only right. Our KING of the mountain and everything under it." She states. He nods his head and spreads his wings.

"Now um, we should probably leave." Spirit states.

"Why?" Luna asks. Spirit gets a sheepish look.

"My fire melted more of this place...." He tells everyone.

They all grab onto Spirit's form as the room crumbles around them. Spirit flickers out and then appears back in Ponyville. He pants heavily from all of the extra weight, before calming down slightly. He looks at everyone and smiles to know that they are fine, until a large red stallion barrels at him.

He is then bucked into a building by the red stallion. AJ grows pissed.

"BIG MAC!!" AJ roars.

"Are ya'll alright sis?" He asks. AJ is absolutely seething in pure rage.

"You just sent our friend into a BUILDING!!" She roars out. Big Mac stops and looks around. He see's the princesses are fine, Spike is larger, a famous explorer is glaring death at him as does his sister and her new friends. He seems to connect the dots.

"Oh ponyfeathers..." He swears.

"No shit you fucking cunt!!" Spirit states after he flickers above Big Mac. Big Mac jumps back, he notes that Spirit is completely unharmed save for his mane being disheveled. He hisses down at Big Mac. "You little..." He starts, until a little yellow filly seemingly appears before the red stallion.

"STOP!!!" She screams out. Spirit actually calms down and stares at the filly. "Please don't hurt him!!" She screams out, ears in the corners of her eyes. He bows his head down to before hers.

"I won't. I just have a reason to yell at our big oaf of a brother." He tells the filly. He then stands on his hind legs and groans in pain as his forelegs and wings become separate once again. He pants slightly as he shakes his head. "Damn it." He mutters as he walks over to a nearby tree and lays down in the shadow. The filly watches with interest. She proceeds to walk over to Spirit.

She places a hoof onto his neck gently, making him twitch slightly. She giggles as he sniffs her with his eyes closed. She moves herself between his forelegs and stays there with one of his wings covering her. She looks out from the little hole and giggles.

"Im a ferutious dwagon!" She states. "Rawh!" She 'roars' out. He chuckles softly.

"Your a dragon now, eh?" He asks her. She nods her tiny head. He sniffs softly before placing a claw atop of her head. "What's your name, oh powerful dragon?" He asks. The filly smiles widely.

"Apple Bloom! Rawh!" She squeaks out. He chuckles softly.

"I see. To what do I owe the most powerful Apple Bloom, hm?" He asks softly.

"You nest!" She squeaks out again. He stops and stares down at her. "My nest!" She states proudly. Spirit smiles softly and curls around the young filly.

"I see. But wouldn't you rather have a massive field to stay, where the sunlight heats you up?" He asks. She shakes her head. "Why not?" He asks. She places a tiny hoof onto his muzzle gently.

"Because 'en der would be anoder lonely dwagon somewhere." She tells him. He feels something pang in his chest. He smiles at her, and she smiles back.

"I suppose that is a good reason." He chuckles out. He then gets onto his hooves and claws. He bites her bow and places her onto his back. "Stay here, little one, and you'll see may things." He tells Bloom. AJ watches as Bloom nods her head with determination in her eyes.

AJ smiles lightly.

'I guess he is good with foals.' She thinks.

Spirit walks out from under the shade and through the town, where ponies stop and stare at him. He raises his head up high, which now has Apple Bloom on it. She holds onto the base of his strange center blade-horn and gasps in awe and wonder at how tall her is. He walks over to his friends and smirks at them.

"You certainly have a way with children." Luna states. She watches him walk around them all with Apple Bloom on the top of his head. She squeals happily as he jumps slightly. She giggles happily as he kneels down and lays his head down. She crawls off and scampers over to AJ, who hugs her.

"Big sis!! He so cool!" She squeals out. Spirit chuckles, before looking up, the storm rages still and the rain pours.

"So the world still fears me. As it should." He states loudly.

"Why?" Big Mac asks. Spirit looks down at the stallion.

"Because the last time I was out like this, I burned it to the ground." He hisses out before more ponies rush to the scene. Guards point their spears at him. "You DARE point your twigs at ME!?" He roars out. Fire starts to form in his mouth, before Celestia walks in front of him, making the Dragon-Son turned Kirin stop dead in his tracks.

Celestia stands before the ponies, a white stallion with an electric blue mane and tail walk forward.

"Princess! Please move!" The stallion orders. Celestia looks down at the stallion.

"What was that, Captain?" She asks.

"This is your captain?" Spirit asks. "Whatever happened to Moonlight Sparkle?" Spirit states, making the stallion before him eyes widen.

"How do you know my father!?" He orders. Spirit growls and gets an inch from the stallions face.

"I helped him in Neighppon 15 years ago. I was there when I saved his wife, son and my dear friend, Twilight Sparkle." Spirit hisses out. The stallions eyes widen, and Spirit connects the dots.

"That was...you?" He asks.

"Yes, Shinning Armor, it was me." He tells Shinning with a friendly smile. "I am also the one who helped find the Elements and save the princesses." Spirit states. Shinning blinks.

"Princesses?" He asks.

"My dear friend, Princess Luna. She was being controlled by my...old friend Nightmare Moon." Spirit explains. Their eyes widen. He turns and walks away before Shinning calls out to him.

"Wait!!" He yells. Spirit stops and looks back at the group. "Where are you going?" He asks. Spirit smirks.

"Back into MY kingdom." Spirit states before Timber-wolves appear from the Everfree Forest and make a circle around Spirit. He turns back around and walks into the forest, however, Daring flies after him, the wolves allow her to pass. Shinning becomes confused.

Chapter 5: "Welcome back, Luna Pt. 2"

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Spirit walks through the forest with Daring at his side. The Timber-Wolves walk around them in a diamond like shape. Spirit looks down and smiles at Daring, she smiles back at him. The two walk through the forest with their 'body guards' and walk over to a large temple-like-house.

Spirit places a claw onto a stone and the building rises into the air. It keeps going higher and higher until spires fires up from the ground, making tree's become uprooted. Daring gapes in awe and wonder as the castle grows and grows until it is triple that of Canterlot Castle and resembles the old two pony sisters castle.

The castle, however, keeps rising into the air. Hills form before turning into mountains. The castle sits as part of the large mountain. Celestia and Luna gain the look as if they have seen a ghost. The gates of the castle open revealing massive Armor Dragons fly out and land around the area.

Rainbow and the others hide quickly. Shinning and the pony guards become confused, until they watch the Armor Dragons rumble towards them, roaring. He uses his magic to grab his sword and unsheathe it. The pony guards do the same and prepare for a fight, until Spirit flickers before them.

His eyes glow slightly for a brief moment, before the Armor Dragons stop in their tracks.

"Andurr shuum. Ist neturrn.(Ander stop. They friends.)" Spirit hisses out in a different and ancient language. The lead Armor Dragon steps forward.

"Spirruum. Ist neturrn?(Spirit. They friends?)" It asks.

"Neturrn(Friends)." Spirit states as he points a claw at the others. The lead Armor Dragon nods it's head, before making a series of hisses and growls at the others.

"E toserrn. Interrm dets ortigstuu?(I see. Where are from?)" The lead asks Spirit in that strange language. Spirit smirks.

"Equestria." He states. The lead looks and see's Celestia and Luna.

"Been a while, hasn't it, Ander?" Luna asks with a small smile. Ander grabs his strange helmet and takes it off, revealing a forest green scaled dragon head. His eyes are bright yellow and teal blue. It bows it's head to the Lunar Goddess.

"It has been a long time, Lunora." He hisses out almost affectionately. Luna giggles.

"Still going on about those old words and names, I see?" She asks. Ander makes a rumbling chuckle.

"Yes. They are what we hold as out heritage to our kind that fought alongside yours." Ander tells Luna.

"Wait, you aren't as old as Spirit is?" Spike asks. Ander shakes his head.

"No, young Drake. We are merely the great grandchildren of those Dragons. We are known as Drakes as well. While we may be older than your Drakes are, we are still the same race." He explains.

"Then why do you look like Dragons?" Twilight asks. Ander sighs.

"Because we are the last lineage of the Dragons. We are much like Lord Spirit is, but not the same." He explains.

"How do you know Spirit then, if he never raises his castle?" Rainbow asks. Ander gives her a deadpan stare.

"Through the Shrine." He hisses out in annoyance. Twilight stares at him.

"I get the feeling that this ISN'T how you really look, is it?" She asks.

"How could you tell?" He asks.

"I sense the same spell on you, that is also on Spirit." She explains, giving Spirit a glare, making him look away. She then look back up at Ander. "May we gaze upon your true form?" She asks. He smirks and walks away and grows in size. He turns and his black armor falls from his form, revealing his forest green scaly body.

His shoulders grow trees on it as he becomes as tall as Spirit's smallest tower, reaching forty-feet. His body becomes more like a living tree. His claws become thin and his tail spiked. His spines become stones as his back gains two large sharp pointed stones where wings should have been. His under-belly is mud brown and his horns are ram-like.

He turns and looks down at them.

"GAZE UPON ME! ANDER! THE POWERFUL EARTH DRAKE OF THE ANCIENT FORESTS!" He says, but due to his size, his voice becomes like thunder. His tail slams onto the ground and causes trees to form. "I AM THE DRAKE OF LIFE! THE SON OF THE ANCIENT GAIA!" He states.

The ponies gape at this massive and ancient being. Spirit smirks and nods his head as he turns and looks back at Ander from the corner of his eye over his shoulder.

"Be sure to recreate the Everfree Jungle, please. I would much like to share MY kingdom once again with the young races." He asks. Ander nods and places a claw curled into a fist over his chest.

"AS YOU COMAND! MY LORD!" He states before walking off south. Spirit chuckles softly.

"His mother was the exact same." He sighs out, fond of the memory. "I suppose I should go stop by and see her." He mutters. Celestia looks at him sadly.

"Did she pass in her sleep?" She asks, gaining the others attention. Spirit sighs and nods.

"She was doing so very well." He states.

"Who was Gaia? Not the um...spirit of the planet, right?" Fluttershy asks, oddly not acting shy whatsoever. Spirit nods his head.

"Yes. She was THE Gaia. She lived to the age of 88,000 Thousand before a disease managed to catch her off guard. It was made by accident by the Zerba's and made her extremely ill. She passed in her sleep after being in pain for nearly 24 hours. I still remember the date and time...it was before Discord came to power. The month was January, the day was Sunday, the 1st." He explains.

"Then, how can Ander create life?" Shy asks. Spirit smiles.

"It is a gift passed down through his family line. It will always be so, even if he breeds with another race." Spirit explains. They nod their heads, Luna and Celestia look back at the other Drakes. Spirit chuckles softly. "They all have the elements as their rights as well." Spirit states.

"What about fire?" Rainbow asks. Spirit looks at her.

"That, is...not around anymore." He states, almost as if it were a secret. The Armored Drakes shuffle around nervously before heading back into the castle, passing back Spirit, however, he stops them.

"Vertuum. En neturrn uum brutzee ishtarr.(Vertum. The friends follow inside)." Spirit hisses out towards what looks like a giant spiky yellow Armored Drake. It nods it's had.

"Spirruum. Neturrn brutzee ishtarr svurrn Diorruum.(Spirit. Friends follow inside with Diorum.)" It says with a feminine voice. Spirit nods his head lightly.

"What did she say?" Shy asks softly. The Drake looks at the buttermilk colored pony, before her tail coils around Spirit in a nest-like-form. "Did I do something wrong?" She whispers out. Spirit chuckles softly.

"No, it's just that I raised her on my own. She holds a VERY important element." Spirit states as he rubs the female Drake's tail gently, making her nuzzle him softly.

"So, your daughter?" Luna asks, now learning of this Drake. Spirit nods slightly.

"They are ALL my children, even if I did impregnate their mothers. I raised them and helped them while their parents either passed away or left to seek out help from their supposed other families." Spirit explains.

He places a claw onto the young Drake's Armored head and rubs softly, she nuzzles him more. He chuckles.

"Calm down, Diorum. It is fine, they are friends." He explains. She nods her large head and then takes her helmet off, revealing green apple-eyes, pearl white scales and her horns are formed like an apple-tree would. Her head tilts to the size, her height is around 9 feet and her length is 15 feet. She takes off the rest of her armor.

She shakes her head slightly, the moonlight shines across her scales, making her shine in an holy light. Big Mac stares at the Drakkenness(Female Drake) with wide eyes. She opens her mouth, revealing small sharp and grounded teeth, showing she can eat veggies, fruits and meat. He walks over to her, as if her form is hypnotizing him.

She looks at Big Mac with a tilted head. She moves her head towards Big Mac and sniffs him a few times. The two then circle each other. AJ becomes curious, but strangely angry, while Spirit shows neutrality, as it is not his place to step in unless needed to.

The two beings circle each other, until they both stop and Diorum bows her head to Big Mac, who stares. Spirit leans in close to the large stallion.

"She is giving you permission to come closer. I suggest you do." He whispers/hisses into Big Mac's ear. He nods his head.

Big Mac slowly comes closer to Diorum and kneels down before her. She watches his movements with a stunning gaze as she studies him. He studies her form and notices how petite she is.

Her hips seem smaller than Spike's or the other Drake's. Her notes her claws are like daggers, her horns are thin and still growing. Her tail has a sort of fin on it. Her back has two large sail-like-fins. Her underbelly is light red, almost pink. Her eyes shine brightly as she stares up at him. On the top of her head is what looks to be large pinkish-red pearl that shines ever-so-slightly. He places a hoof near her.

She sniffs it before getting back up, and having him being a foot shorter. She turns and walks away, her finned tail rubs against his muzzle gently as she walks back to her Armor, and gets it on. She then looks back at Big Mac.

"It was nice to meet you, Big Mac." She states from everywhere. He looks at her in surprise. He goes to speak, but she cuts him off. "I hope to meet thee once again. Goodnight." she says before teleporting into the castle in a flash of light. Big Mac smiles lightly, he has a dreamy look in his eye.

Spirit chuckles and pats Big Mac's shoulder.

"Good luck with her." He states.

"Why good luck?" Big Mac asks.

Spirit's claw grips his shoulder tightly. He gives the large stallion a threatening smile and death glare.

"Because that is my DAUGHTER." He hisses out loudly, making the other Drake's jump slightly.

"Oh, Ah'm sorry tha' Ah..." AJ cuts him off.

"Now wai' jus' a minute!" She exclaims. She stomps over between then and glares up at Spirit, who tilts his head to the side. "Why are ya'll bein' so protective now?" She asks up at him. Spirit leans down and snorts in her face, sending smoke out around her.

"Because she is my child." He hisses out dangerously. AJ stares at Spirit, while Big Mac is confused.

Spirit walks around them like a predator would to prey. He studies them with great intent. Big Mac steps forward and stares at Spirit in his strange eyes.

"Ah won't harm 'er at all. Righ' now though, we only be inter'est in each other's looks." Big Mac states. Spirit rises onto his hind legs and looks down at the pony.

"You hold a sense of honor. It is such a shame to see very little of you....pony males to hold inside your pathetic forms." Spirit tells Big Mac. He looks the stallion in the eye. "I will allow you to see her, become friends with her, but it will ultimately be HER decision on what she does. Just know that I will know if she is heart broken." He warns before walking away towards his castle.

He crosses onto the bridge, the Drake's are quick to follow, as are the others. Spirit turns and looks at his guests as they marvel at his home. They note the large black columns and titanic walls. They watch in awe as there are more Drake's crawling around, working the forges or watching over eggs.

They look along the walls and see pictures, memorials of those who had passed. They see portraits of Kirin who had perished in the ancient wars of old, Discord, Sombra and Nightmare Moon. They even see glass-stained-windows like in Canterlot that show the Elements forming from six powerful Kirin.

Twilight and her friends stop and look at their respective Elements, and see the faces of Kirin appear in their minds, each having a smile and looking towards Spirit. They look towards Spirit, but they see something else. A massive being that resembles those Dragons from the book, larger than most, but not planetary sized. It then flickers back to Spirit.

He looks at them with a raised brow.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Nothing." Twilight says quickly. Spirit looks at her strangely.

"If you say so." He states before making a loud hissing sound. A Drake lands before him and bows to him. "Take my friends to their rooms." He asks.

"With pleasure, my king." The Drake says with a feminine voice. She is as long as Diorum but taller. Her scales are peach colored, her eyes are golden, almost like Spirit's are. Her form resembles Diorum as well. "Follow me." She says before walking up large stairs. They follow, except for Daring, Celestia and Luna, who remain behind with Spirit.

Twilight and her friends follow this Drakkenness towards their rooms. Fluttershy is brought to a nature room filled with nothing but animals, plants and a sun-roof. She walks over o a moss-bed and lays down as the animals rush to her side and use her as their own pillows. She smiles and nuzzles them, they nuzzle back.

Rainbow Dash is brought to a room filled with nothing but ancient racing wears and items. She marvels at the trophies, before seeing items that are loyal to the one who owned this room before her. She notes the flag that depicts the Everfree Jungle on it, with the mountain and castle with...Spirit's eye looking out? She grows curious, but decides to wait till morning to ask.

Pinkie Pie is brought to a room filled with nothing but silliness. She gapes at the rubber-chickens and fake mustache's. She then turns and see's a strange rectangle box that reads, "Monty Python: Quest for the Holy-Grail" on it. Above that it says 'DVD', which she giggles and snorts at, somehow understanding the reference. She then see's a large black box, atop of it is a long black rectangle with a letter on it.

She picks up the letter and opens it.

'Dear Laughter,

It has been a long time since this room has been used, so please, keep it clean and if you want to have parties, use the closet.

Sincerely, Zinky-Pie.'

She giggles and then looks around the room, before her eyes go wide and stares at the letter once more, then two times, then three times. She smiles softly, before heading to bed.

AJ is brought to a strange room, it holds Apple-Trees and the floor is dirt. She looks around and notes that the walls look like the ones on a barn. She whistles softly and nods her head in approval. She then see's a large bed and lays on it. She smiles as she closes her eyes, and drifts off to sleep.

Rarity and Spike are brought to a large room filled with gems and fashion designs, even drawings. Rarity gapes at the fashion, while Spike gapes at the gems. He then feels something press up against his leg. He looks down and see's Rarity looking up at him with a smile. He smiles back and the two head to bed.

Twilight is brought to a large room, however, it is a MASSIVE library with a small mat on the floor and a strange circle pillow. She walks along the book-shelves that dwarf the ones in Canterlot Castle's, even the in the Vault. She then see's a large portrait hanging up against the wall near the mat. She walks over and see's Six Kirin that hold the original Elements of Harmony, however, she is surprised by Spirit and a female Kirin standing side by side with six younger Kirin standing before them. They all smile. She also see's Celestia and Luna standing there, however, Luna is how she is now, and Celestia's mane and tail are both bright hot pink.

Twilight then looks down at the bottom and see's words are written on it. It reads,

'The Spirit Family: Spirit, Light and Spirit's siblings; Zinky-Pie, Arnduurr Smith, Ariel Belle, Life, Lightning Dash, Miku Sparkle.' She reads.

She then reads the names of the children, and her eyes widen.

'Gaia, Aqua, Aero, Mars, Nightmare, Dracul.' She reads. She looks back up and see's Light being held close to Spirit, however, that vision thing flashes, and she see's that massive dragon from before curled around Light and the others, Light and the Dragon are kissing as the children and the others smile at the camera.

"Amazing..." Twilight whispers out, before laying down onto her mat/bed, and falls asleep. However, all of their Elements glow softly as eyes form in the middle of them.

Spirit sits on his mountain of gold and gems that is his throne and looks down at Celestia, Luna, Daring, Big Mac, Shinning Armor and the guard ponies. He scans over them and nods his head.

"I see. Then I shall have our kingdoms become allies, as they were so long ago." Spirit states. Celestia smiles, as Luna sits with Ander, who has his tail coiled around her hips and keeps her close to himself. "Shall we merge the Kingdoms, or shall we simply be allies?" He asks.

"Merge." Celestia states calmly. Spirit nods his head and raises it.

"We shall merge, but, I am KING of everything under MY mountain!" He states. Celestia nods.

"And I am Princess of everything under MINE." She says.

"Then we are at an agreement. Have your guards create a path for ponies and other races of our borders to cross to one another." He asks.

"It will be done, my friend." Celestia tells Spirit, who nods and looks up at the horizon.

"Luna's Return Party is going to start soon." He says before looking back down at the ponies with a smile. "We should enjoy the day for now, while Luna recharges." He tells them, indicating to the now sleeping Luna who is leaning up against Ander. "Take her to your chambers, Ander. I know you two have a LOT to catch up on when she wakes. I will make sure the service goes on." Spirit explains. Ander smiles happily, and bows his head.

"Thank you, father." He states before picking up Luna gently and vanishing in a green light. Celestia giggles softly before looking back up at Spirit.

"He must have missed her, hm?" She asks. Spirit nods his head.

"Before Luna had been consumed by Nightmare, Ander and her were already a couple. I may love her, but I know when to let someone love another, including my own child." Spirit explains with a small, but happy, smile. Celestia smiles back.

"Truer words that have never been spoken." She states as she hops up next to him. He looks down at her and nods his head lightly, as he watches her horn ignite, and then out the window as the sun starts to rise. The sun reaches over the top of the mountains and touches the clouds.

He smiles as his kingdom can be seen by all once again. He closes his eyes and feels the world acknowledge his presence once again, as it's last defender. He begins to feel the beings that walk the world look towards his kingdom in wonder. His Jungle has been rebuilt to it's former luster and ancient races of old return.

He then feels something lean against his right and he opens his eyes to see Daring laying on him. He then feels something press on his left. He looks and sees Celestia laying on him as well. He moves his gold-pile over them all save Daring's and Celestia's heads and the three fall asleep, the gold heating up from the sun.

Hours pass as Twilight and the others walk to the throne room, to only see Daring's and Celestia's heads poking out from a mountain of gold, sleeping soundly. Shinning Armor and the pony guards are laying around on the smaller piles of gold, while Big Mac lays up against Diorum who looks up at them all.

"Good afternoon. They are all sleeping still, please, sit down and enjoy some of the tea." She tells them as she indicates her head towards the large rounded table sitting before the massive pile of gold with steaming tea and eggs on it. Twilight and the others climb into the tall chairs and start their breakfast, that is, until Spike grows curious and grabs a large gold shield from the pile Celestia and Daring are laying in.

The mountain starts to move down, a giant eye-lid. Spike freezes up, as do the others. A snort it made by Spike's feet, and he quickly, and quietly, moves back over to the others. The gold sides down it's muzzles revealing a giant head dragon head. The eye opens revealing Spirit's eye, but twenty times larger. A low but deep growl is made from it's muzzle.

Spike growls back, making the eye dilate and stare deeply at Spike, as if thinking him for a thief. Twilight steps up.

"S...Spirit?" She asks. The eye looks at Twilight quickly before it along with the muzzle sink back deep into the pile. The pile shrinks slightly and then out pops out his head.

"Yes?" He asks groggily.

"Was that YOU, darling?" Rarity asks. Spirit blinks, confused, before nodding his head with a neutral and tired expression.

"Yes, that was me." He states. Twilight remembers the picture from last night.

"So it was real..." She asks. Spirit nods, confusing the others.

"That portrait was taken when the Dragon-Kirin War was over." He explains.

"Then that means that Nightmare is..." Twilight goes quiet. Spirit sighs and nods his head softly.

"Nightmare, was my niece." He states. She stumbles back.

"But...how?" She asks.

"Wait, Nightmare Moon or some-pony else?" Dash asks.

"Nightmare Moon was someone else, Nightmare, on the other hand, is STILL alive." Spirit states. Twilight double-takes.

"Wait, what?" She asks.

"Nightmare is much like me, but instead of...what I am, she gained the abilities of Nightmares, and since back then, she was feared as much as me, she gained more life, but she casted a spell to preserve herself, but at a terrible cost." Spirit explains.

"What was the cost?" Shy asks. Spirit looks at the buttermilk pony.

"She caused Sombra to appear, and he stripped her of her power. I had placed her here, in this castle, but she is incredibly old. Her children have her abilities now, and they are known as the Elites." Spirit explains to not just Shy, but to all of them. He rises from the gold pile, revealing a slicker version of what they saw from last night. He yawns once again before crawling from the pile and stretching. He fans his wings out to their full length.

Rainbow's wings stiffen, as does Shy's. Daring creeps towards Spirit, a smirk on her lips. Celestia giggles. Spirit then crouches like a cat would, as he does so, Daring jumps onto his back, making him move down to the point where Spirit's chest touches the ground. He turns his head around and he looks at Daring who nuzzles his neck gently and looking up at him innocently.

"Stop that. You know I can't handle that look." He orders. Celestia then jumps onto his back and gives him the same look. His right eye twitches before his tail flicks slightly and with abnormal speed, pins the two to the gold pile by his claws on their chests. He growls softly as he nips their necks gently.

He then smirks down at them before flickering next to Twilight, making Daring and Celestia pout.

"Awe..." Daring and Celestia say at the same time. Shinning and the pony-guards' face's are beet-red. Spirit chuckles.

"This is Luna's return! We must hold a celebration!" He exclaims. The two nod before Luna and Ander enter the room. Luna has a dreamy look in her eyes and a dreamy smile on her muzzle. Her mane is frazzled and her tail is the same. Ander nuzzles her gently, making her kiss his cheek lovingly.

"Whoa!" Spike states. Rarity giggles and nuzzles his side gently, making him smile down at the white unicorn. The two share a kiss, before looking back at the other two lovers, only to see Luna being pinned to the wall by Ander as the two share a deep loving kiss.

"Easy there you two!" Spirit chuckles out, making the two blush and separate slowly.

"Sorry." Luna says. Spirit laughs softly.

"It's fine, besides, it's your return! We have a celebration planned for you." He tells the lunar goddess. Luna smiles softly.

"You don't need to." She tells him. Spirit then smirks.

"To bad!" He says, sticking out his tongue comically. Luna huffs, before Ander nuzzles her gently, and whispers something into her ear. She blushes.

"You better promise me that..." She mumbles out. Ander nods his head.

"I promise, love." He tells her. She sighs.

"Fine, but only because of THAT." She states.

"Good." Spirit states before the gates are pushed open. Pony guards rush inside with crossbows and point it at Spirit and the Drakes. Ander hisses at the guards, making one shoot at him, only to have it bounce off of his chest. He breathes in, until Spirit roars. He flaps his wings sending out large winds that roar in everyone's ears.

"You DARE attack MY HOME!?" He roars. He stomps over towards the guards, cracking the obsidian floor. "You attack you ALLIES!?" He roars in their faces. Celestia teleports to his side.

"I am VERY disappointed in this behavior, Vis-Captain Iron Hoof." She says to a pony with a metal hoof.

"But Princess, we saw this and you hadn't returned. I had decided to investigate, but when I saw this...THING pinning you and miss Doo down, I thought the worst." Iron Hoof explains calmly. Celestia sighs.

"I see. Then apologize to KING Spirit. Equestria and the Everfree Jungle are now ONE country, and you WILL show him and his kind, respect." She orders. Iron Hoof looks at Spirit. His eyes show disgust for the Kirin King, but nods his head.

"Yes, Your Highness." He states before walking over and standing next to Armor. "Freaky pony-geno-type." He mutters under his breath, making Shinning laugh and topple over. Spirit falls over laughing.

"Nice reference even though it IS over a few billion years old." He states. Iron stares at Spirit as if he was crazy. "Er, never mind." Spirit sighs out. He then looks at Luna and smiles. "Let us go to Ponyville and have that PARTY!!" He yells out as they all flicker in the town hall. Mayor Mare jumps as Spirit looks down at her.

"Who are you?" She asks with fear gripping her chest.

"He is my old friend. And Equestria's newest Ally." Celestia tells her. Mayor Mare looks and nods her head softly, her fear leaving and letting her smile.

"What is your name?" She asks.

"I am King Spirit, and you must be the wonderful and ravishing Mayor Mare." He says as he bows to the Mayor. Mayor Mare blushes and bats a hoof.

"Oh I am old now, if I was younger, I would have taken you for some...private business." She says. Spirit smirks.

"Oh shut up, you look AMAZING. Better then when I met you from so long ago." He tells her. Mayor Mare's eyes widen slightly as if remembering something.

"You...your..." She stammers. Spirit nods.

"I was that 'mystical pony' from that old shop, back in Hooftin. You still look just as lovely as the day I met you." He states as he smiles down at her. She blushes slightly.

"But I am 30, no stallions are interested or even give me a second glance. Why do you..." She starts, but Spirit places a claw onto her lips.

"Oh please. I am FAR older than you give me credit for. You age means you are more experienced with stallions than most who claim to be." He says to her. She smiles up at him.

"Thank you." She says.

"Your welcome, but Mare, just remember that if you need anyo- any-pony to talk to, come to me about anything." He tells her. She nods her head.

"Will do, but for now, may I ask why you are here?" She asks him.

"A party for my dear friend, Princess Luna." He says. Luna walks up.

"Charmed to meet a friend of Spirit's." Luna says to Mare.

"The pleasure is mine, Princess Luna." Mayor Mare says with a bow. Luna giggles.

"Please, just Luna will suffice." She says. Mare nods her head lightly.

"Okay, Luna." She says. Spirit smirks and looks at Pinkie.

"Can I...?" She asks.

"Yes." Spirit tells her.

"YAY!" She screams and dashes off, leaving behind a small dust cloud. Spirit chuckles.

"She is exactly like Zinky." He states. Twilight gains a saddened look, before she hears a female voice giggle in her mind.

'It's nice to see that he still remembers us.' It says. She stops and looks through her mind with a spell, and finds nothing.

'That was weird...' She thinks to herself as she shivers.

"You cold, Twilight?" Spirit asks her.

"Nah, just thought I heard something." She says with the shake of her head. Spirit nods his head.

"Alright. Anyways, we should..." He is cut off as the door flies off of it's hinges and, quite literaly, slams into his face.

"Done...?!" Pinkie screams. She see's the door. The door knocks five times. Pinkie knocks three times. "Who is it?" She asks.

"Hrm hrm HRM!!" Says Spirit.

"Hold on." Pinkie says as she opens the door somehow.

"Ow." Spirit says calmly before walking passed Pinkie.

"Sorry." She says.

"It's fine. Now lets go party!" He yells out before running at the doorway, only to have the door appear and for him to slam into and break down.

"Oops..." Luna says, as she head fixed the door. "Sorry!" She yells to Spirit.

"Whatever!" He yells back.

The others file out and stare as a the silhouette of a strange bipedal figure stands there. He has two large dragon wings on his back. A long whip-like-tail flicks a few times. Two horns stick up out from under the fedora. He looks to be wearing a strange two-tailed coat turned into a cape. However, what they find more captivating, is his bight red eyes that flash gold for a split second.

The figure takes a step forward, making a *CLACK* like sounds, similar to their hooves, as it walks out of the shadows, however, the figure turns into Spirit when in the light. He looks at them.

"What?" He asks as they stare at him. "Something wrong with the fedora?" he asks.

"Where's the figure at?" Shy asks.

"What figure?" He asks back, a confused look on his face.

"It looked like a human!" Rainbow exclaims. Spirit seems to grow surprised.

"Oh shit! Really!?" He asks as he looks around quickly. "Where!?" He asks.

"It vanished as you come out from there." Rarity says. Spirit blinks.

"That's really...weird." He says before looking back at the massive party. "Come on, let's go have some fun!" He says with a smile before galloping off.

"Yeah!" Most say as they follow, however, Rainbow and Twilight share a look.

"You don't think..." Rainbow starts. Twilight gains a small smile and looks up at the sky.

"Who knows. I mean, we know that there WAS something more than us out there. Maybe there is a possibility that it was Spirit." She says as she watches the clouds roll on by slowly. The sun lighting up their world. Rainbow sighs, but then gains a smile.

"Yeah, anyways, let's go party!" Dash exclaims as she flies off after the others. Twilight flings her forelegs rapidly and awkwardly.

"Wait for me!!" She yells as she chases after Dash and the others. The group laughs as they play the games, have some cake and even drink some punch. The day ends with Spirit sitting on a lone hill, a dark tomb-stone sits before a tree. He then looks towards the stone and smiles.

"Been a while, huh, Light?"

Chapter 6: "Griffin the Brush-Off"

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Spirit stands in Canterlot Castle's throne room looking around. He notes the similarities to his own castle to this one. He nods his head and pokes the floor, walls, ceilings, etc. He then flickers before the Princesses and smirks at them, Twilight and the others sit quietly.

"He's totally jealous!" Rainbow whispers out to the others. Twilight, Spike and Rarity nod, holding Canterlot as higher than most of Equestria as important.

"You copied my castle, hm?" He asks. They double-take. Celestia giggles with a smile.

"Yes, we did. It is an amazing place, so we decided to mimic it all the way down to the mines." Celestia explains. Luna is occupied by Ander, who is laying next to her like an obedient dog. Luna and Ander share a loving and brief kiss before she looks down at Spirit.

"We thought that it was a wonderful castle." Luna states. Spirit smiles.

"Why thank you, lunar princess." Spirit says up to her. She giggles.

"Please, Luna is just fine." She tells him.

"As you wish, Lunora." Spirit says with a sly smirk. Luna blushes, but smiles back anyways.

"Very well, Sm-...!!" Luna starts, but Celestia is quick to cover her mouth quickly. Luna's eyes bug-out, until she realizes what she almost said.

"I am*PAH!!* sorry for my...rudeness, Spirit." Luna says with worry. Spirit shrugs, eyes filled with boredom.

"No matter. It is natural for the young to do and say things they shouldn't." Spirit says with a grin. Luna blushes once again.

"I am 4 Million years old!!" She yells out. Spirit flickers before her, his muzzle and inch from hers.

"And I am back when humans existed. I was one of the first Kirin, remember, Solara?" He asks Celestia, who nods her head.

"Indeed true, you are much older than Lunora is, but please show respect for her." Celestia tells Spirit. Spirit nods his head lightly, before looking back down at Luna, only to see her staring at his body. He smirks before flickering and Ander is taking his place, making Luna pounce him onto the floor.

"Hm hm hm hm. She still loves like that, hm?" He chuckles out. Celestia nods her head lightly.

"Apparently so." She says. Spirit looks back at the two. Celestia and Spirit watch as Luna and Ander share a kiss before returning to her throne and staying close. Ander places his head onto the arm of the throne. Spirit chuckles.

"How have you both been, it has been a month since your return, Lunora." Spirit says to her. Luna blushes.

"Um..." She says somewhat nervously. Ander blushes but nuzzles Luna gently.

"They have been keeping me and the rest of the castle up at night." Celestia says with a giggle. "The two of them seem to have quite a bit of time to make up since their separation." Celestia says with a smile. Spirit chuckles.

"I see, that would explain why the whole castle smells like sex." He says with a slight wink. The two blush more and cough nervously. "Don't be nervous! Be proud! It means that you love each other so much, you constantly need him inside you." He says to Luna with that troll face. She sputters and coughs more, her whole head is tomato red as she glares at Spirit. "Or do you pin him down and then s- !!??" Spirit is cut off and taken by surprise as a lioness tackles him to the ground.

Her form is twice the size of Daring's is. Her head feathers at the top are light purple. She places a claw onto his neck. She leans down close and whispers into his ear.

"Been awhile, hasn't it, Spirit?" She says softly. Spirit's eyes widen slightly, before he smirks.

"Ah, how yah been G- !" He is once again cut off, but this time by a kiss from the lioness.

"GILDA!!??" Rainbow yells out in surprise.

Gilda looks up at Dash.

"Oh, hey Dash. How are you?" She asks as she stays atop of Spirit, making him blushes slightly but then smirk and his tail coils around hers. She looks down at him. "No. Not now at least. Besides, I should kick the hell out of you." She growls down at Spirit, who chuckles.

"Awe! Miss me that much already? I feel touched!" He says with mock surprise, before bursting in a fit of laughs. Gilda leans in and pucks his chest, making him hiccup, but keeps laughing.

"Sucks that I can't actually hurt you." She sighs out.

"Cause I'm Spirit-luscious!" He says from the ceiling shuffling and grooving his arms in a strange circle.

"I haven't seen you do that dance since 2003!" Celestia laughs out. Luna falls over, laughing and snorting.

"What can I say? I aim to please~" He says in swauv tone making a slight bow. Gilda sighs, but holds a smile on her beak.

"True, and you absolutely LOVE to please us females." She teases. Spirit gives her half-lidded eyes.

"Oh, are you up for some fun~?" He purrs into her ear from behind after flickering there. "Because I have been around the world, and know EXACTLY where to push~" He purrs into her ear once again, making her shiver.

"How about, no." She says. He shrugs.

"Your loss, I think? Ah well! So! What'cha here for?" He asks like a child. Gilda's eye twitches and points to his castle. He gains a bored look. "Oh, yes. I forgot that had happened as well." He states. Gilda smirks and places a claw onto his chest and pins him to the wall behind him.

"However, I also came here to see you. It has been over 10 years, Spirit. A lioness needs to talk with her greatest friend she has after that stunt you pulled back then." She says to him. Rainbow grows confused.

"Oh? You mean the, "Viva la revolution!"? Please. That was NOTHING but a rip-off of something that happened a few millions years when the planet was covered in Humans. Nothing too serious." He says nonchalantly. Gilda giggles, making Rainbow and Shy gasp.

"Well, it helped in the long run. We won." She tells him with the flick of her tail. He smirks.

"And how do you think you managed that?" He asks.

"We had help from a Dragon that took out...the...capital...." She says as she stares at Spirit, who holds a smug look on his face.

"Go on~" He says softly. Gilda hugs him tightly.

"You saved us from Iron Talon's tyrannical rule!? Your the Dragon!?" She exclaims, tears in the corners of her eyes, but a smile on her beak. Spirit smirks and nods, before flickering and appearing behind her.

"Indeed I was. But a Dragon? Please. I am but a lonely Kirin who was once, a Dragon-Son. Nothing more, and..." He flickers before her. "Nothing less." He states before wrapping her up in a tight hug. "But, I am so glad that you are safe, Gilda." He says softly. Gilda hugs him back tightly and nuzzles into his chest.

Twilight, the guards, everyone stares at Spirit with wide eyes.

"It was you who decimated Iron Talon's rule?" Twilight asks. Spirit smirks and flickers about, appearing and reappearing around the room. He laughs, however, it echoes and sounds haunting before a pillar of flame rises up from the center of the room.

They all see that strange human figure standing there once again, except it's ruby red eyes are now bright gold. The pillar dies and reveals Spirit standing there on his hind-legs, wearing adventurer's gear. He has a fedora on his head once more and a sword at his side. His face looks smaller in a way, his eyes aren't as larger. His wings are fanned out. He looks at them all.

"Yo," He says with a deeper voice. Gilda blushes and gasps.

"Y..You!!??" Gilda yells out. Spirit smirks, showing off a fang.

"Aye." he says before raising a hand and conjuring a large sickly-yellow-colored-flame. He then grabs the hilt of his sword and pulls it out as the flame becomes a large flame shield.

"You helped us during the raid! You helped us get into the castle!! But...How!?" She yells out in shock. Spirit chuckles.

"Simple. Magic." He says before flickering behind Gilda. "And I am a MASTER at it." He states. Gilda spins around and see's that Spirit still wears the fedora, and the sword is at his side. He stands on his hind-legs and smirks. "Enjoying the view?" He asks. She looks down and blushes as her head comes up to his crotch.

She recoils and moves back quickly, her face making tomato's run for their money. Spirit chuckles.

"It was fine but whatever." He says with a shrug before dropping down onto all four. He walks over to her and presses his head to hers. "It is nice to have you back though. You are staying, correct?" He asks. Gilda smiles through her blush and nods her head.

"Yep. in fact I am here because Griphyxia would like to becomes yours and Equestria's ally. If you'll have us." She explains. Spirit nods his head.

"Sure thing." He says with a small smile. "That would be wonderful." He states before looking to Celestia. "What do you think, Tia?" He asks. Celestia smiles and giggles.

"A wonderful idea." She exclaims. Spirit nods his head.

"True. Now then, let's see why else you are here for, hm, Gilda?" He asks the lioness. Gilda blushes before sighing. She looks up at Spirit sadly and hopefully.

"I was also sent here as an offering to....hrmerphr..." She mumbles out.

"What?" Spirit asks. Gilda takes a breath.

"I was also tasked before I left, to become an offering to you, Spirit, as a mate." Gilda states. Spirit nods his head and sighs softly.

"I see. So they still do the offerings do they?" He says. Gilda nods. He sighs sadly once more, Light coming into mind. "I see..." He says softly.

Celestia and Luna give him sad looks, as they had watched him hold Light and tried to heal her. They had seen him become a devastated wreck and become a calamity that he world would learn to never mess with again.

He looks back at a down casted looking Gilda, and smiles softly and sadly. He places a claw under her chin and lifts her head up to look at him.

"I suppose, it will be fine. But, I hope you understand that I will be missing at times. And that I will be visiting someone important to me." He tells her. Gilda nods her head, but becomes confused.

"Who's the being?" She asks.

"My old wife. Light. I will be visiting her grave many times. However, it WILL leave me weak and in pain." He says.

"When did she pass?" Gilda asks.

"2,500 years ago. A mere few hundred years for me." He sighs out. He remembers what she had told him.

"Love again. Never give up and let the world push you down. And always remember that, I will always love you. Till we meet again."

Was what she had said to him. He smiles up at a stained-class-window behind the two thrones showing Spirit, Celestia and Luna taking down Discord. He see's Light floating in the upper left corner above the clouds. He then looks back at Gilda.

"Shall I go send word to Griphyxia?" He asks. Gilda shakes her head.

"No need. If I don't return, then it counts as the alliance as a success." Gilda tell him. Spirit nods his head before looking towards his castle.

"Then I should send word to my guards and children of your arrival." He says. Gilda blushes, before looking up at him confused.

"Children?" She asks. He smirks and points a claw to Ander who is making out with Luna. Gilda laughs slightly.

"I see, will I have to deal with children that large?" She asks. She gains a sweat-bead(like in the anime's) as Spirit nods his head softly.

"They are many times smaller, but you will either lay eggs, or, will do what their mothers did, and had them live." Spirit explains. Gilda nods her head.

"I see. Well, might as well prepare for them, hm?" She asks. Spirit nods.

"At somepoint, yes." He says.

"And you impregnated their mothers?" She asks out of left-field. Spirit shakes his head.

"No. But I raised these batch of Drakes while their parents either grew too old, or passed on by unnatural causes." Spirit explains.

"And, have you ever had your own children?" She asks. This gains the others attention.

"Hey yeah! You can turn into a mare, so have you been knocked up before?" Dash asks brashly. Spirit sighs and nods his head.

"I have. It was MY only one as I had grown curious and decided to know how it felt to be...on the bottom." He says with a slight blush.

"What happened?" Gilda asks.

"I had laid a purple egg with green spots on it. I left my nest for maybe a minute, and it was gone. I ravaged the Drakes country-side looking for my egg, but it was lost to me." He sighs out. Twilight and Celestia both grow overly pail.

"Um...was it near Equestria?" Twilight asks.

"Yes, it was. It was near Trottsle-vania. Why?" He asks, almost dangerously.

"A farmer had found the egg and brought it to me. I had placed it as a test for young unicorns to levitate with. Then, Twilight had unleashed her magic upon it, and out came..." Celestia says before being cut off, by Spike.

"Your...my mother?" Spike asks Spirit, who stares back at Spike.

"I am, apparently." Spirit says with a small smile. He places a claw onto Spike's shoulder. "It would explain why I had a connection to you in the forest during the rescuing of Luna, and how you managed to age so quickly. No Drake is capable of doing that without losing sight of everything else around them." Spirit tells Spike.

"I...so am I a Kirin?" Spike asks. Spirit nods softly.

"Part Kirin and part Dragon." Spirit tells him. Spike and the others give Spirit and incredulous look.

"But you said that the Dragons left had..." Twilight starts, before being cut off.

"It was an old friend. Dragons and Kirin's hold the same life-span of immortality. In fact, she is still around today." Spirit informs them.

"She? Correct me if I am wrong, dear. But wouldn't she need to be a HE?" Rarity asks.

"Dragons hold magic as well. They are much like us, Kirin. But different all the same. They are capable of becoming male if there is only ONE female, or female, if there is ONE male." Spirit explains.

"And, you were the ONLY female around?" Shy asks. Spirit nods his head lightly.

"That's right. We both knew of our true genders, but it did not bother us at all." Spirit explains. Spike looks up at Spirit and smiles.

"So, I have a family?" He asks. Spirit nods and smiles back.

"Yep sport. You have many members." Spirit explains. He then stops and his tail whips against the ground, making the doors to fly open and the silhouette of a human woman stands there. Spirit smirks. "Ah, if it isn't your mother-father." Spirit says with a chuckle. The figure walks out of the darkness and enters the room, however, the female is a Dragon.

Her scales are pitch black, her eyes are bright red ruby eyes. Her form is as long and tall as Spike is, as she walks on her knuckles. Her wings are folded up against her back. Her tail whips and smashes a wall with large black spines. She then stops before them.

"Hello, my dear lover." Spirit says with a grin. The dragoness giggles slightly.

"Oh you, always making me blush~" She teases before flickering and Spirit flies across the room and is pinned to the far wall by the dragoness, kissing him deeply. "I miss hearing you scream my name~" She purrs into his ear. Spirit gasps as her hand crushes his windpipe before being silenced by another kiss.

"GET OFF OF HIM!!" Gilda roars as she kicks the dragoness away from Spirit. Spirit sputters and coughs as he drops onto his knee's and a hand. His other hand grabs at his soar throat. Gilda kneels down next to him an helps him stand. "Are you okay. Spirit?" Gilda asks. He nods softly.

"Y...Yeah..." He coughs out, before giving her a smile. "Thanks..." He tells her. The dragoness flickers before the two and smirks.

"Well well well. My old toy is now in the claws of a new mate, hm?" She asks. Spirit growls and his eyes glow threateningly, sending the whole room into chills.

"These ponies are MINE." He hisses out. The dragoness giggles.

"Oh I know, which is why I am planning on extending my services to them, but at a price." She hisses out. Spirit growls.

"I will NOT let you rule me again. Our genders are normal once again, so please be more civilized." Spirit hisses out at her. She giggles with a grin.

"Oh, but I only want ONE thing." She hisses out.

"And that is?" Celestia asks.

"Him." The dragoness hisses out as she points at Spirit.

"No. He is MINE." Gilda, Celestia, Daring all growl out. The dragoness giggles.

"Oh, but we can share, correct? I mean after all, I don't enjoy seeing our old enemies out and about once again." She growls out. Spirit looks into the dragoness' eyes before sighing.

"Fine..." He mutters out. The dragoness giggles and flickers next to him.

"A wise choice, my dear." She tells him. He blushes softly as she swats his flank with her tail and winks. He groans in annoyance and embarrassment as Dash laughs her flank off.

"Laugh it up, Laugh it up!" He hisses to Dash, only making her laugh harder when the dragoness rubs his flak with a claw, making him blush more.

"Oh yeah, I am!" She laughs out. She falls over, holding her sides. Spirit groans in annoyance once more. The dragoness giggles and nips at his flank, making flicker away behind Luna.

"STOP THAT!" He yells at the dragoness. She only giggles.

"Oh? But you enjoyed it so much when we had swapped genders, where I pinned you down and ate...!?" She is cut off as Celestia "coughs" and fires a magical silencing spell, making her mute for a good minute. "Tch...ruin my fun." She hisses. Celestia giggles.

"Who, little old me?" She asks.

"Yeah, LITTLE OLD you." The dragoness growls.

"Who exactly ARE you anyways?" Gilda asks. The dragoness smirks.


Chapter 7: "Nightmare"

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"Nightmare." The dragoness says to them. Twilight's jaw drops.

"Your....your..." She stutters.

"Yes. I am Nightmare. Kirin-Son." She giggles out. Twilight's mind seems to stop, because she passes out onto the floor. "Is she okay?" Nightmare asks. Spike nods.

"Yeah. She tends to do that." He says nonchalantly. Nightmare looks to Spike and smiles.

"Ah, my son." She says softly, making Spike gulp slightly. She looks him over. "A wonderful Drake form, but what of your Kirin form?" Nightmare asks. Spike gives her a strange look, before looking to Spirit for help.

"His egg was placed too far into the Dragon-Lands. I had to place a spell on it so that it would be seen as a Drake, their dragon." Spirit explains. "Evidently, that spell is still on him." He continues explaining. Spike looks at Spirit with an incredulous look.

"You...You tried to protect me from the Drake's and placed a spell on me?" He asks. Spirit nods his head softly.

"I did. I was hoping to raise you normally, but then I was drawed away when..." He goes quiet and looks away, a sad look in his eye.

"When what?" Nightmare hisses out. Spirit looks at Nightmare with a stern gaze.

"I was lured away by that dreaded red Drake. He was after my egg in hopes of gaining me to give HIM one." He hisses out. Nightmare leans in.

"Did you?" She asks.

"No. I fought him, it took a minute, since I blasted a mountain atop of him." Spirit explains. "But, he managed to keep me away long enough for the egg to roll away..." Spirit says with a sigh. Nightmare nods her head, before narrowing her eyes and tail-whipping Spirit into a column.

"Aah!" Spirit cries out in pain as the column collapses atop of him.

"You managed to FAIL in protecting the egg. Such a waist!" Nightmare hisses out. Spike looks up at Nightmare.

"What would you have done?" He asks.

"I would have stayed near the egg, and had a fun time~" Nightmare giggles out. Spirit groans and stands up, the column rolls off of his form.

"That's the difference between you and me though, Nightmare. You'll let it happen and have a second child, while I would fight to protect my family." He growls out. Nightmare giggles.

"How cute. You still think I would let anything live if they were to rut me? Well, besides you, of course." She purrs out with a grin. Spirit blushes and looks away. "I think it is adorable as to how you think no female can make you blush, yet here I am doing so." She says from behind him, making him jump.

"Stop that!" He yells. Nightmare giggles and nips at his neck, making him shiver.

"Oh, but why?" She asks. Spirit looks away, his blush deepening and his eyes are looking to Celestia for help, she nods her head and seperates the two away from each other.

"I believe that kind thing should be for the bedroom." Celestia says.

"Bedroom?" Nightmare asks. Celestia looks at Spirit.

"She doesn't know what it is?" Celestia asks.

"No, um, it's just we never did THAT in the bedroom. It was at a nest I was making and she sort of just, came in." Spirit explains. Nightmare giggles.

"I came in sooooo many times~!" She laughs out. Spirit's blush only grows more. Dash holds her sides harder as she barrels over laughing, crying and coughing. Spirit groans.

"Shut up!" Spirit yells at Nightmare, making her giggle.

"Fine." She says before looking to Ander. "Oh, hello Ander. Rutting a princess again are we?" She asks. Ander nods his head.

"Yes, and if you go on about it, I WILL beat the tar out of you." He warns. Nightmare giggles.

"Fine." She then turns and goes to walk away, but then Spike pokes her leg, making her turn her head around. "Oh, what is it that you want, hatchling?" She asks.

"How can I become a Kirin?" He asks.

"You already are one. You just need to get that blasted spell off of you." Nightmare says to him. He nods his head and looks to Spirit.

"Can you?" Spike asks him. "Er...mother?" he asks.

Spirit blushes and sighs. He nods his head.

"Yes. Come here my child." He tells Spike. Spike nods his head and walks up to Spirit, who's horn glows slightly and a flash of light forms around Spike. When the light dies, however, there is a different being standing there. A Kirin. This Kirin has purple fur and green scales. It's horn is a large sail-like-spike while it's tail is long and sharp at the tip. It's back has two large sail-like-wings that connect to it's forearms. It's hind-legs are much like a ponies, but sharper and spikier.

It's eyes are Cerulean colored as it's muzzle is slightly longer.

"Spike?" Rarity asks.

"Yeah?" Spike says.

"You look amazing!" Dash exclaims.

Spike blushes, but then bows.

"Thank you." He says.

Spike spreads his arm-wings and the last two 'fingers' unfold and fan out. He gives his new wings a test and flaps once. He flickers into the air and smirks. He flaps gentler and he moves forward rather quick, making Dashes jaw drop. He spins and lands onto a column. He looks down at the ponies and dives down. He goes and lands next to Rarity. He is triple her size.

"My, what a wonderful stallion!" She says in awe of Spike's new form.

"Thanks." He says. His head and neck and the rest of his body, is snake-like. He nuzzles Rarity gently. "But you look better." He purrs. Rarity blushes, but smiles.

"Why thank you, MY Spikey-wikey." She tells him.

Nightmare clears her throat in annoyance.

"Yes, we get it. You both love each other, big deal." She groans out and rolls her eyes.

"Don't you love mom?" Spike asks. Nightmare laughs in his face, making him give a nasty look to her.

"Love? No. I don't love Spirit. I adore him. He is a wonderful male and even better female when he wants to be." Nightmare explains. "I enjoy his presence more than you all may think." She says.

"Then why tease him?" AJ asks.

"It is nature for female Kirin to tease males. Spirit did so to me, and I do it to him. It is a way we show affection when we aren't exactly in a home or buying each other things." Nightmare explains to the group, rather than just AJ.

"Oh." AJ says before sitting down.

Nightmare looks to Spirit, only to see him glaring out of the window, his tail flicks a few times in anger. She walks over to him.

"Something wrong?" Gila asks for Nightmare.

"Yes. Something dark and sinister is moving towards Equestria from the Bad-Lands. I think it is one of HIS servants." Spirit says. Nightmare hisses in fury.

"Then we KILL whatever it is!" She growls out. Spirit shakes his head.

"No. It could be a trap to lead us away from the castle, however, I should head back to mine. I can sense that something isn't right." He tells her. Gilda and Nightmare both step forward.

"We are coming with you." Gilda states.

"No." He says.

"To bad. We are coming with you damn it!" Nightmare hisses out. Spirit growls and stomps as he turns, cracking the whole floor.

"No means no. I will NOT lose another wife. And I certainly won't lose two wives, damn it!!" He roars out. Nightmare sighs.

"But I am Nightmare. I can destroy whatever I please." She says. Spirit sighs.

"No. Just do this for me, okay?" He asks. Gilda sighs before nodding her head.

"Fine. But you owe me a LOT of lost time, got it?" She threatens. Spirit nuzzles her gently.

"I'd only hope you'll accept me when that time comes." He says before flickering away towards his castle. Nightmare sighs.

"Who is 'HE'?" Spike asks. Nightmare places a claw onto her childs head softly.

"Discord. He had made many servants to do his dirty work. A race known as Changeling's are one such servant. They are good people, but some are still twisted to serve their master and cause chaos." Nightmare explains.

"What's wrong with chaos?" Pinkie asks. Nightmare hisses in her face.

"Because DISCORD IS CHAOS!!" She roars in Pinkie's face. "HE IS SET FREE BY CHAOS!! HE IS THE ONE WHO KILLED MOST OF OUR RACE!! I AM BUT A DRAGON!! SPIKE IS A HALF-BREED!! SPIRIT IS THE ONLY KIRIN LEFT ALIVE THANKS TO HIM AND SOMBRA!!!" She roars in Pinkie's face. Pinkie's mane and tail go strait.

"I'm sorry..." Pinkie sniffs out. Nightmare sighs and pats the pink mares had gently.

"I am the one who should be sorry. But Discord is the cause for so many things that have happened. It is hard to get by." She sighs out. Pinkie then hugs Nightmare gently.

"Then think of Spirit. I can tell he makes you happy." Pinkie states.

"How can you know that?" Nightmare asks. Pinkie smiles sadly.

"Because he makes all of us happy too." She explains. Nightmare smiles softly and nods her head.

"I see." She says. Pinkie nods her head, before letting go and dashing off with a large smile on her face. Nightmare looks at the others. "Will she be okay?" She asks.

"Yep." AJ says. Nightmare nods her head, until something flies through the window and pins Shy down. She screams in fear as a bug-like-pony with strange cheese legs bites at her face. She pushes the strange pony away, or at least tries to as it pushes back down and chomps at her more and more.

Nightmare growls, before ten more barrel into her and push her into the far wall. She hisses in fury as she rears her head back and spews out black fire that consumes the bug-ponies, turning them into nothing but goo. She stomps on another one as hundreds more rush in through the windows.

Pony guards swing their weapons and block with their shields. Gilda grabs a curved long-sword and cuts the bugs in half. She then grabs another curved long-sword and she jumps and spins through the air, slicing the strange ponies into pieces. She backflips from a large bug-pony with a strange scorpion-like-tail as it stabs at her. She spins to the side and pushes her paws on the ground, small green lightning sparks form under her and she flickers above the bug.

It roars in fury, before Gilda stabs both of her swords into it's head, making it stare blankly ahead before she swings her swords upward and crossing her chest, making an 'X' with the blades. She then pushes off of the body and flickers back onto the floor, holding the blades at her sides as the dead bug-pony tank and five smaller ones explode into a gory mess of blood. She then flickers again as a bug-pony swings a giant hammer down onto the spot where she just was.

Spike appears behind the hammer wielding bug-pony and breaths out a torrent of emerald flame that consumes it. He then flaps his arm-wings and flickers above a group of bug-ponies. He rears his head back before breathing cerulean flames down upon them, turning into icicles before they fall onto the floor and shatter into frost. He then flaps again and flickers away as a large bug-pony tank stabs it's tail at where he was.

Celestia's horn ignites as a large ball of fire forms at the tip and she points it forward, sending out a massive beam of magical fire that goes through the wall, killing the strange beings. She then stomps onto the floor and large shard-like-spikes pop out of the floor, skewering the bug-ponies before she jumps back and swings her head down in an angle as a large crescent shaped magical attack flies out and cuts multiple bug-pony tanks into pieces.

She then teleports away as Luna fires a massive blue-beam that consumes most of the bug-ponies as if they were nothing. She then bucks a bug-pony tank in the head, decapitating it. She stomps her fore-hooves onto the floor, making the same spikes as Celestia had done before her. She teleports away as well as Ander whips his tail and sends bug-ponies into each other and into walls, some even landing onto the spikes becoming impaled and bleed to death if he impact didn't kill them.

Twilight and her friends watch horror as their monarchs and friends kill bug-ponies like it wasn't a problem for them. They watch as Spike and Nightmare both breath fire, killing the bug-ponies before Ander clubs the beings to death with his tail. Celestia and Luna fire off magical attacks that end the bugs lives.

"How can they all be so brutish?" Rarity asks as she stares at Spike sadly.

"They have been in wars before. It would only make sense they wouldn't care all that much, well, maybe except for Spike." Shy says. Dash nods.

"Yeah, but how can they all take another life like it doesn't matter?" Dash asks.

"Because they have dealt with this kind of thing before." Says Spirit who flickers next to the group. Twilight looks at him.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because war is war. When one goes to war and survives it's many problems, they tend to be stronger than it, and don't let the thought of death cloud their minds." Spirit sighs out. He then looks out of the hole in the wall. "And there is something coming, it will be here in possibly a year, maybe much much less." He tells them.

"Who?" Gilda asks. Spirit looks back at her and the others with a grave look in his eye.


Chapter 8: "What?"

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Spirit walks along the obsidian walls of his castle. Gilda is on his right, while Nightmare is on his left. The three walk in silence as they head towards the meeting room, as it is time for the rest of the world to meet the King of the Mountain. He pushes open the door and see's a large bluish-grey Minotaur with a stupid short black Mohawk atop of it's head.

A Changeling queen with a long light blue mane brushed neatly and her strange tail resembles that of his own. Her black chitin-like-fur shines slightly as her soft green slit eyes look about the room. She sits next to Celestia, laughing at a friendly joke. Her pearl white fangs glint in the light softly as her strange shell glows bright blue and green. Her bug-wings flutter slightly when she laughs.

He then see's an old Griffin, Gilda's father, who has a scar over his left eye. He wears spiked silver armor and looks like a brute that could kill with a simple look. Said brute is laughing and has a Zebra foal attacking his head. Spirit smiles as the Zebra priestess sits next to the Griffin king with a smile on her muzzle.

He notices the large and old brown Dragon, known as Quake, as he used to make earthquakes when he was a simple hatchling. He sits next to a Gargoyle who talks with him. The two act like old friends. Spirit then see's Wood Ponies from the southern forest's of old where the tree's reach up to 300 feet and holds their ancient city.

He then see's an old friend. A large Phoenix. Philomena. He smiles up at the Phoenix, who nods her head softly before looking back at the table, and squawks. The table grows silent as Spirit walks up to the large table and sits in his massive throne. He looks around at everyone present. His eyes stop on the changeling queen and he smiles softly.

"Hello, lord Spirit." She says to him with a bow of her head. Spirit grows curious.

"You seem to know of me, but I have not seen your kind of changeling before." He says as he climbs onto the table. He walks over to her around the cups and mugs that litter the table. "Just who are you?" He says to her. She nods her head.

"I am Queen Chrysalis of Emerald Changeling's. We are a peaceful race, but have been living in the Bad Lands as there is nowhere else we are welcomed to." She says. Spirit nods his head.

"You are welcome to my kingdom. I have much room to spare, and much gold to give to those who seek help within my jungle." He says. He says as he turns and walks back to his throne, but then stops. He turns his head towards her. "But if I find that it was YOU that attacked Canterlot two months ago, then I will make sure you are severely punished." He says.

Chrysalis nods her head softly.

"Yes. It is true that there were some rogue Changeling's that attacked Equestria, but I had no idea they were doing it so soon. I planned on sending a messenger to Celestia a week after I got news of it, but it would seem that I was far too late to the punch." She explains. She bows her head. "Forgive me, oh powerful Spirit." She prays. Spirit nods his head.

"You are forgiven, but only because I enjoy your company, as I can see Celestia does as well." He states before sitting down. Gilda's father looks to Spirit.

"Have you found a date for the wedding?" He asks.

"No as of yet, Iron Shield. We are simply waiting for a while. But, I accept your alliance, if it is still in good nature, hm?" He tells Iron Shield. He nods his head and grins at Spirit.

"But of course. I hope we may all become allies soon." Iron says hopefully.

"I am already an ally to Equestria, as I would like to have my kind accepted into their borders." Chrysalis says. Celestia and Spirit nod their heads lightly. "Thank you." She says.

"I believe we should see a demonstration of this...Spirit's power. We all have our own kind of magic, why would he be stronger than that of the goddesses?" Says a Minotaur. Spirit looks to Celestia who nods her head. Spirit looks back to the Minotaur.

"Very well. I shall show some of my power." He says before getting to his claws and hooves. "Follow me." He orders as he walks out of the room, the other leaders and their followers follow after him. Spirit pushes open to massive obsidian doors that reveals a 20 mile long training room. The roof of it is 30 miles high up.

The leaders and followers stare and gape at the massive room as they enter it. Spirit walks into the center of the room and looks to a Minotaur holding a staff.

"Come at me, mage." He orders. The mage Minotaur smirks and rushes at Spirit, who's sword forms at his side as he enters that adventurers form from a few months back. He stands onto his hind-legs and whips the sword out. He holds it at his side as the Minotaur rushes and sires an ice spear.

He slashes upward and cuts the spear in half, only to have ice needles fly in at him. He stomps his hoof and pillars of lava shoot up from the floor, melting the ice, but also heats up the floor. Twilight and her friends stare from next to Celestia, remembering that book and how the human moved.

Spirit points his sword out at the Minotaur as a ball of bright red and sickly yellow lava forms by the pillars and magic. He then jerks back as a massive beam flies out at the Minotaur, who casts a massive magical shield, blocking the lava-beam. He then spins around as the pillars of lava circle around himself like a tornado. He then roars and sends out lava-bullets out and slam against the shield, before he stomps onto the floor, making pikes flow out in a line towards the mage.

The mage jumps back and swings his staff, summoning magical clones of himself, however, they are destroyed by the wind that Spirit generates from a single flap of his wing. He looks at the mage before punching at the air, sending an air-bullet, hitting the mage directly in the chest, knocking him out.

"Pathetic." He hisses out. Celestia steps forward and smirks.

"Think you can still handle a goddess?" She asks. He smirks and squats slightly, a look of glee in his eyes.

"Let's find out!" He laughs out before the two flicker from sight and meet up in the middle of the room, punching each other. The two fly into opposite sides of the room, knocking over pillars and columns, before flickering back into the center of the room, catching each others punches this time. A static boom sounds out through gusts of wind coming off of them.

Spirit and Celestia both hold determined smirks on their face. Celestia then flickers back, while Spirit's tail stabs into where she just was. He chuckles.

"Still fast I see." He says before rolling off to the left right as Celestia appears with a fist held out, her form looks more like a Minotaur's then a ponies. She giggles.

"Indeed." She says before kicking at him, only to be blocked by his claws. "And your still stiff as ever." She teases. He nods.

"Only for the best." He teases back.

Celestia's fists and hooves glow in a holy gold and her horn does the same. She kicks and punches at Spirit, who treats her as a dancing partner, dodging and rolling off of attacks. Celestia punches at Spirit, only to have him jump and land on her fist with one hoof. She looks up and see's him smirking down at her

"Still incredibly fast for sure." He states before flickering behind her and punches the center of her back, making her fly into a column. "But still easy to confuse." He says. Celestia flickers behind him and knees him in the back, before his tail whips her away and onto the floor. "Hot." He says before placing a claw onto the center of her chest. "Still very VERY hot." He tells her.

"Well good." She giggles out before kicking him off of her before appearing behind him and kicking him into the floor, making it rise up and the room to shake. "Your still too easy to trick." She giggles out. Spirit's eyes glow in the smoke as they seem to glow brighter an brighter.

"Your right. Perhaps it is time I stopped going so easy." He says with a slightly booming voice. Celestia smirks.

"Then so will I." She says before holding a hand out, a serious look on her face as a massive axe forms. The pole is pearl-white and the axe head is the same shape as her cutie mark. She spins it around, making flames form around the edges of her wings and body, making a holy-outlining of herself.

"Then let's dance." He growls out as an explosion goes off and smoke booms into the room, obscuring the others visions. However, they hear the snarls of a massive beast as it thuds around the room, knocking into walls and knocking over columns. Nightmare shivers slightly, making the others grow a worried look for Celestia.

"GggrrrrRRRAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" They hear Celestia scream out as a massive flas of light forms in the center of the room, sending the smoke away from everyone. They see Celestia stumbling around. She collapses and starts to fall, until Spirit flickers in and catches her.

"Easy there, Tia." He tells her. She giggles weakly.

"Had to hold back to not kill them all..." She tells him. He nods his head.

"I had to as well. You and Nightmare know how powerful my presence is when I unleash myself completely." Spirit says, making the others look to Nightmare who nods her head and rubs her chest gently with a claw where a scar is. They then turn back, but gasp as Celestia lunges in and kisses Spirit deeply, taking him by surprise, but by no means not loving it. He kisses her deeply back and his tail flicks a few times.

The two then separate, both having glints in their eyes. Nightmare giggles.

"Looks like we have another spot to the harem, don't we?" She asks. Celestia nods her had softly, the two never looking away from the others eyes. Spike then flickers between them, his body ever changing to catch up to his age. He now has separate arms and wings again, however, his body is taller than Spirit's is when on all fours. He looks between the two and smirks.

"Could I be best man?" He asks. Spirit's left eye twitches before sighing and patting his head gently, giving a soft smile.

"When the day comes. Sure." He tells Spike, who 'YES!'s and flickers off somewhere in the castle, Rarity follows suite, hoping to be with her prince as much as she can. Spirit chuckles softly. Nightmare, Gila and Celestia look to Spirit.

"A wedding, hm?" They all ask with grins. Spirit gulps.

"Er...what?" He asks.

"A large wedding, at some point." Nightmare says. "I am sure we'll ALL be having your children soon though~" She teases with a wink, making him blush.

"Stop that." He orders. She only giggles and leans in, but she is cut off as the Minotaur ruler walks up to them.

"I must say that you have our help, Lord Spirit." He says.

"And you are?" Spirit asks.

"Steel Horn. Lord Spirit." Steel says to the Kirin king. Spirit nods.

"I see, then I accept your alliance." Spirit states. Quake walks over to Spirit with a smile.

"my friend, you have my assistance, always." He tells Spirit, who smiles and nods his head lightly.

"Thank you, my friend." Spirit tells Quake, who nods his head and vanishes via teleport. Steel also leaves by via mages in a teleport as well. The Gargoyles nod their heads, sending psychic messages that they join the mountain kingdom and Equestria, before teleporting through the shadows. The Griffins leave through their strange magic by making a portal to their castle and leaving. The Zebra's also join and vanish via strange Zebra magic.

"That went well." Gilda says, Spirit nods his head lightly before turning and looking around the room.

"Shit." He curses, seeing the room being destroyed. He walks around the room on his hind-legs, his body is more like how Celestia's is now, how he has hands instead of claws, his scales and fur is now hair and clothing. His muzzle is shorter and his eyes smaller. Celestia stands next to Spirit, she has a nervous smile on her face, not muzzle which confuses the ponies, as she rubs the back of her head.

"Sorry about that hon..." She says. Spirit sighs before chuckles.

"It's fine." He tells her. "You aren't hurt are you? I didn't hit you too hard, did I?" He asks. She shakes her head softly.

"No, I am fine. Soar, yes, but hurting? No." She tells him with a giggle. "You always seem to care about how much damage to deal, are you scared of hurting and immortal goddess of the sun, hm?" She asks. Spirit sighs.

"You know I am capable of killing gods, my ranking is high enough to be placed beside you." He tells her. She nods her head with a giggle.

"True, but you are now MINE." She tells him, before giving him a peck on the cheek and looking down at her figure. "I think I'll remain this way, better to get around, and I look good." She tells him. He nods his head.

"You look good indeed!" Nightmare giggles out. Her form then looks similar to Celestia's, but her hair is long and black, her scales become strange cloths that humans would wear to a beach. "But I look better." She states as she rubs her breasts seductively at the two. Spirit blushes and his nose bleeds slightly before he looks away quickly.

"Your all gorgeous." He tells the three of them. Gilda giggles slightly.

"Sure, them more so, but I believe you like my looks just as much." She states. Spirit nods his head.

"Of course!" Spirit says with a small smile. He then stops and grows a serious look on his face, before Spike flies through the doorway and Spirit catches him with a hand, making a blast of air flow behind him, cracking and breaking the floor apart. Celestia turns only to be punched in the face of what appears to be a human covered in black crystals.

Spirit growls and flickers before the crystal covered human, shattering it like it was nothing. However, it then reforms and lets out a strange gurgling for before it lunges and bites at Spirit, who flickers away from it and watches the thing rush at him, it's decaying hands swinging around wildly as it bites at him repeatedly. He then flips forward and slams his hoof into it's skull, smashing it's head into dust.

The body then drops to the floor and turns to ash as a blue glowing mist floats into the air, before vanishing. Spirit sighs in relief, before his blood goes cold. If that thing managed to get past his guards and children, wouldn't there be more? He rushes out of the room and stops in his throne room, where he see's those strange Changeling's from before beating on Chrysalis, who somehow managed to leave the room without him knowing about it.

He flickers and appears standing before her, as the Changeling's explode with large gashes all over their forms, blood spewing out all over the floor, covering it in black ooze. He then looks down and see's Chrysalis is beaten and cut up, as well. Her left fore-hoof is broken, while the right is missing.

"Chrysalis, are you okay?" He asks. She opens her eyes and looks up at him, she forces herself to focus onto his new form. She shakes her head and coughs, before looking over and gasping, tears form in her eyes. Spirit looks where she is, and see's her Changeling's being devoured by the other Changeling's and even those crystalized humans.

He picks her up gently and flickers back to Celestia and the others. He hands her to Nightmare.

"Take care of her." Spirit orders. Nightmare nods her head as she holds Chrysalis like human mothers did to their children. He then flickers back into his throne room, where the two strange beings charge at him, a feral look in their eye as they drool strange black goo.

He pulls out his sword and swings upwards, sending out a magical wave of energy that kills the large hoard, before a second hoard charges in at him. He points a finger at them and fires a magical lava-beam that consumes them all, before yet a third hoard rushes in. He growls in annoyance.

'How many of these things can there be!?!?' He thinks to himself. Spirit then notices that Chrysalis's death Changeling Guards grow crystal spuds, and rise back up from the dead. His eyes widen and he looks back towards the hoards, shaking his head from side to side. 'No fucking way...NO FUCKING WAY!!' He yells in his mind before he hears a scream from behind him.

He turns and see's Rarity is being pinned down by a Changeling. It snaps at her face as she tries to push it off of her. He flickers and appears next to her, his sword upward and pointed behind him, the changeling then splits in two halves, before splitting into nothingness in a matter of seconds.

He then spins around and sends out crescent shaped cuts through the air that splits the Changeling's, infected Changeling's and crystalized humans into pieces, however, more and more just appear from the crystals that fall onto the ground. He growls in annoyance, however, a blue knife flies past his head, before millions of knives fly around his form and turn the hoards into nothing but ash.

He turns around, and his eyes widen as Rarity is now covering in armor, her tail is much like his own, her back has large angelic wings as height is the same as his own on all fours. Her fore-hooves are now claws, diamond knives and other array of weapons are floating around her, as well as at her sides.

Her eyes are somewhat slit and her Element as a large slit eye in the center of it. He stares at her as she kicks an infected Changeling in-half before dropping and doing the slits and throwing out fifty diamond knives out and hitting the creatures in their foreheads, making them turn into ash, crystals and all.

She spins as she gets up and cuts more into bits before spreading out her large angelic wings and sending out white glowing feathers that cut the creatures to pieces. He then watches her Element flash and she passes out, but her form remains the same. Only one word comes to his mind that he phrases.


Chapter 9: "Something wicked this way comes"

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Spirit stares at the now Kirin Rarity, who stumbles to her hooves and strange claws. She looks up and see's Spirit standing there with an incredulous look on his face. She then looks down at herself, and her eyes widen as she moves her claws around. She makes her tail flick a few times.

She then looks back up at Spirit, her wings shudder slightly.

"What happened to me, darling?" She asks. Spirit sits on a chair and shakes his head.

"I don't know, but, whatever it is, it's a good thing it happened." He states.

Rarity look at him in confusion.

"What ever do you mean, darling?" She asks.

Spirit points a finger at the piles of ashes laying about. Then he points to the diamond knives on her form in in the walls around them. He then looks back at her and smirks.

"You became a badass Kirin." He states. "Welcome, to the top of the food-chain." He says before standing back up. He then walks over to her, his strange clothes turn into what that human was wearing, Rarity's eyes widen as she watches Spirit walks up to her and helps her onto her hind-legs before Twilight and the others rush into the room, they freeze as they see Spirit standing there with a now Kirinized Rarity.

She takes a few steps, she smiles as she remains balanced before her right eye becomes red with a thin slit and she kicks repeatedly at the air, making the air scream as if in pain. She then stomps her hoof, making diamond pillars rise up and spiral into the air before curling down and turn into diamond shards that litter the floor.

Her eye returns to normal, and she grabs her head in slightly pain. Spike appears next to her, and wraps his arms around her form, as he holds her close to himself. She lays her head onto his chest, the pain seemingly vanishing.

"Thank you, darling." She says to Spike, who nods his head.

"Your...welcome?" He says with a confused look on his face.

Spirit walks over to Chrysalis, who is healing slowly thanks to Celestia's magic. He places a hand onto her cheek, making her eyes open and stare softly up at Spirit, who smiles down at the Queen.

"They are resting in peace." He tells her. She nods her head and sighs sadly and softly.

"How can you be sure?" She asks.

Spirit gives her a warm yet soft smile as he pats her chest gently.

"Because I saw their souls go to rest. They looked happy to be free from being those things." He tells her.

Chrysalis smiles back, before sniffing and moving her face into his chest, her body trembles as she cries softly. He takes her from Nightmare, and rubs her back gently. Her body wracks with sorrow and pain over the loss of her Changeling's.

"Why...they were my children....why did they need to die?" She sobs out sadly.

Spirit rubs her back gently as he holds her closer and tighter to his form.

"Ssh. Ssh. Everything will be fine. Your children are always going to be with you in your heart and soul." He tells her. She looks up at him sadly.

"They must hate me..." She sniffs out. Spirit shakes his head softly.

"No. They will always love you. All children love their mothers, one way, or another." He tell her. She sniffs more before nodding her head, before looking up at him.

"Thank you." She says. Spirit nods his head and sets her down onto a pile of gold, her hoof till missing.

"I am sorry I couldn't get to you in time about your hoof." He tells the Queen.

Chrysalis shakes her head softly.

"It's fine. I'll just...I'll just remain seated in my throne. I don't mind it at all." She says, doubt in her eyes.

Spirit shakes his head softly and leans in close to her. She blushes softly as he kisses her injured leg, a glowing light forms onto it, as her hoof starts to reform in a quick and painless manner. She gasps as she moves it around, giving it a good few test steps, before laying back down onto the pile, smiling up at Spirit.

"Thank you." She says to him. He nods his head and walks over to his massive pile of gold and crawls into the bottom of it, only to have his head pop out from the top.

"All of you shall remain here. I'll send word to Canterlot to have your ponies come to my territory, and your Changeling's to do the same. Chrysalis, Celestia." He explains.

A large winged Drake lands next to him, and he whispers into it's ear, or what they assume to be it's ear, before it nods and flies off, making a strange hissing sound. He looks back down at the group with a serious expression.

"We MUST find out who sent those THINGS after us." Rarity exclaims loudly, however, Spirit has the look that he knows just who it was that sent them. He growls lowly before climbing off of his pile and jumping onto a column. He slides down it, making the column crack under the pressure of his flingers that slowly return to being claws.

He lands and looks down at Rarity.

"I believe I know who sent those beasts here." He growls out.

"Who?" Chrysalis asks. He looks at her sadly.

"King Beetle." He hisses out. Chrysalis growls.

"That two faced BASTARD!!" She roars out in anger. Nightmare giggles.

"I like her, Spirit." Nightmare tell him. Spirit nods is head, before looking to a seething Chrysalis.

"We WILL avenge your children, and may of your kind, Queen Chrysalis." He states. Chrysalis seems to freeze and look up at him.

"My hive...I MUST GET BACK TO MY HIVE!!" She screams. She tries to get up, but stumbles forward, only to have a strange Dragon catch her. His scales are a dirt brown with some strange black swirls going around his spines, horns and parts of his body. His eyes are black with yellow-ninja-star-shaped pupil with a small slit in the middle. His tail is like multiple spines laid atop of another, but it is nothing more then scales.

His back adorns large arms that are made of sand, while behind those are another pair of arms made of mud. He looks at her with a soft gaze, before he holds out at least thirty-slimy-green-eggs. He gives her a sad look, and the shake of his head. Chrysalis's eyes form tears and she uses her magic to bring the eggs closer to herself, as she sobs loudly and full of pain.

The Dragon then turns and has around fifty of her Changeling's hobble in, they are batter and broken, some even bloody. A lone Changeling approaches Chrysalis and nuzzles her gently.

"We fought hard to protect the hive, my queen." She tells her. Chrysalis nods her head and nuzzles the Changeling back.

"I am sad, devastated that our hive is now so little, but I am glad to see you all made it out safely." She expresses with a small smile. Another Changeling steps forward.

"We were saved by this Dragon. It burst from the sands and rocks, and killed the Ruby Changeling's. My queen." A male Changeling explains. The dragon nods his head as it's horns are actually ears and they swivel slightly before it looks towards Chrysalis and smiles softly. She blushes before smiling back.

"Thank you, um...?" She asks.

"My name, is Mountain. I am the Dragon of the Earth." He states. Spirit nods his had softly.

"How have you been, Mountain?" He asks the large Earth Dragon. Mountain looks at Spirit, and his eyes widen.

"Spirit...is that you?" He asks. Spirit nods his head firmly.

"Mm. I have forgotten that you ruled over the Bad Lands." Spirit says with a sheepish grin. Mountain chuckles.

"Ah, I see." Mountain says sagely with a soft nod of his head before looking back at Chrysalis. He looks her form over and he is captivated by her looks. Her mane is like the lush blue trees in the Bad Lands. Her chitin/fur is like the soft earth beneath his sand as he eyes resemble the beautiful forests of old. He blushes light as he see's her blushing and staring back at him.

"Um, it is nice to meet you, Sir Mountain." Chrysalis says. Mountain nods his head.

"It is wonderful to meet such a beautiful creature, such as yourself." Mountain says to her, making her blush and giggle into a hoof while batting the other at him.

"Stop it, I'm not beautiful." She says. Mountain grabs her hoof in his claws gently, making her blush more as he stares deeply into her eyes.

"I think you are the MOST beautiful woman around." He tells her. "Never let anyone tell you otherwise understand?" He tells her once more. She smiles softly and nods her head, before feeling a spark form in her chest, making it grow warm and her heart to beat fast.

She the feels herself kissing Mountain gently, as his other claws slither around her form and caress her figure, making her blush even more and kiss him deeper. Sparks seem to fly in her mind and chest. Her whole body heats up as she starts to crave him more and more.

The two fall back onto a gold pile, before separating, and staring into each others eyes, a bond seems to form between the two, as if it were love at first look. They then kiss softly once more, before Spirit places his claws on both of them.

"You two may continue this AFTER we help the Changeling's feel more welcomed, as I can see they are a bit, uneasy and skittish around the Drake's." Spirit informs. Chrysalis nods her head, but never leaves Mountain's side, as if she NEEDS to be next to him always.

Mountain nods his head and rises to his claws, before the ones on his back pick Chrysalis up and form a strange throne for her to sit on as he carries her around. He walks alongside as the two walk through the throne room and reach the massive pile of gold that Spirit sits upon as a large messanger Drake lands and looks up at him.

"Scrruum derrfuum tresht inrrom grruupouum.(Send word to the Griffin's.)" He tells the Drake.

"Yesssh ssire." It hisses out before flickering away, making the same sound as a Sonic Rainboom does as it leaves. Spirit then looks to Gilda.

"Your father is being sent word of this attack, and also to worn him of these things." He explains. Gilda nods her head as she sits next to him, Nightmare sits behind him as Celestia sits on the other side of him. He lays down softly and yawns, the sun is setting and the moon is rising. He closes his eyes and falls to sleep with his mates.

The others, save for Chrysalis and Mountain and the Changeling's, leave back to their own rooms. The Changeling's curl up in the piles of gold, as Chrysalis lays down atop of Mountain, the two share a gentle kiss before drifting off to slumber.

==========Next Day; July 30th======================

Spirit wakes up by the sounds of rusting and grunting. He lifts his head up high as his eyes scan the room, however, he sports the Changeling's bashing their heads into each other like rams used to do. He tilts his head to the right in confusion as they then change their forms into random Drake's and wrestle.

He walks down his massive pile and stops between the large group, making them stop and return back to their original forms. He places a claw atop of a female Changeling's head and rubs gently. The female Changeling blushes as Spirit transfers love to her and the other Changeling's, making them swarm him and nuzzle the great Kirin.

He keeps feeding them as he can feel their beings healing and growing stronger and stronger. He closes his eyes and keeps feeding them his endless love, however, when he opens his eyes, he can see them changing, becoming large and more Kirin-Changeling-like. He smiles as their wings become larger and become a mix of a bugs and Dragon's.

Their forelegs are much like his own, however, they are more like Mountain's. He smirks as they are gaining Mountain's characteristics, as is Chrysalis. They all have large sand, rock, mud, or simple dirt arms and claws or hands growing from their backs as they all become Chrysalis's height.

Chrysalis starts to grow however, and becomes as tall as Mountain is, who is twice the size of Spirit, and her horn become curved backwards, her neck longer while her fore-claws become sharper and her tail become whip-like with those strange spikes. Her slit eyes remain the same, however, where their should be white, there is black and the dark green becomes a lighter shade.

Her chitin-fur becomes thicker, yet it is also softer than one would think. Her mane is longer and even capable of moving and forming hands at the tips of the thick strands. Her fangs become larger and double. She then wakes up, as her transformation finishes and she gasps in surprise before she feels something nudge her softly.

She turns and see's Mountain looking up at her. She blushes as she see's a strange lustful want in his eyes. She giggles softly as she leans down and kisses him, however, Mountain's extra limbs coil around her waist and upper chest as he deepens the kiss. Chrysalis moans softly as the two close their eyes and continue their passionate kiss before separating, each holds a sense of love for each other in their eyes.

Spirit chuckles softly as the Changeling's curl up close to him, making he himself feel the love flowing through the air. He the feels something nudge him gently. He looks down and he see's what appears to be an incredibly small Changeling with green goo all over it. He leans down and nuzzles the small Changeling back, however, it hugs his muzzle as tight as it's small forelegs could as if it thinks that HE was it's mother.

Chrysalis walks over and nuzzles the Changeling, which releases Spirit's muzzle and hugs hers tightly. She then lifts her head and walks back to Mountain and places the Changeling onto her back. He chuckles as it sniffs around, it's eyes remain closed, however, it's small wings buzz and it floats into the air and moves towards Spirit and lays atop of his head, falling to sleep.

Chrysalis giggles softly.

"Seems that one enjoys your company, Spirit." She says. Spirit nods his head softly to not wake the child. The child moves around softly and slides down the back of his neck, making Spirit's heart race and move his tail quickly to catch the baby. The baby Changeling lays on his tail like a hammock, and the spikes like the bars on a baby bed.

He brings the baby close to his face, and nuzzles it gently, making Chrysalis giggle.

"I believe she will enjoy living here." She states. Spirit gives her a look. "I would like to remain here, so that my hive may grow in a place that is lush and beautiful, to raise a larger family, if you will have us." She asks.

"Of course you may stay here. All are welcomed in my kingdom, even if they have their own, but wish to visit this one." Spirit explains to Chrysalis. Chrysalis nods her head softly before laying back down with Mountain and closes her eyes. Mountain licks the back of Chrysalis's neck gently with his scratchy tongue and then nuzzles her shoulders gently.

Chrysalis curls up closer to Mountain's side and nibbles gently on his neck, making him make a strange purr and curl around her form. Chrysalis kisses him softly before letting out a soft sigh and going back to sleep with Mountain, who lays his head atop of hers and closes his eyes, going into slumber.

Spirit nuzzles the baby Changeling once again, however, she nuzzles him back and makes a 'mew' sound as she crawls around her strange hammock-crib and nibbles on the spikes gently. He chuckles softly and licks her gently, making her purr like a kitten, which she resembles for some odd reason, and nuzzles his muzzle gently.

He smiles and kisses the top of her head gently, making her 'mew' once again. She moves a hoof out and pats his muzzle, before climbing up onto it and sits there. He focuses his sites on her as she licks her foreleg and then wipes it on her face, her fore-hooves seem to have paws, her tail is similar to his own, as is the rest of her, but instead of being a pony, she is a Changing with draconic parts.

She opens her eyes slowly and looks around, her black chitin-fur turns pinkish-white as her eyes are similar to Chrysalis's, but instead of green, they are cerulean blue and white. She looks back at Spirit.

"Mew...!" She says.

"Yes, little one?" He asks.

"Mew...." She calls out as she taps his muzzle with a paw once more, curiosity in her eyes. He chuckles softly, making her look around quickly. "mew." She states as she pads her ways up his head and slides down the back of his neck and sits on his back. She looks around, as if confused as to how she did that, before she bursts in a fit of giggles and snorts.

"Whee?" Spirit asks her. She nods her head softly.

"WHEE!" She exclaims, making him smile happily as he nuzzles her gently. "Whee." She says as her belly growls. He rubs her chin gently with a claw before moving to Chrysalis and shaking her awake gently. She jolts awake, startled before she see's it is Spirit and sighs.

"Yes?" She asks.

"What do baby Changeling's eat?" Spirit asks.

"Love. All Changeling's eat love when they are young, but can eat solid foods when older." Chrysalis states, however, when said baby Changeling appears on her muzzle, she giggles. "Awe, well aren't you cute." She tells her. The baby giggles and hugs Chrysalis's muzzle.

"Mmm...Mmmm..." She says.

"Mama?" Chrysalis asks.

"MAMA!!" The baby exclaims with wide smile as she nuzzles Chrysalis. Chrysalis giggles softly and nods her head.

"That's right, mama is here sweetie." She tells the child. Spirit chuckles with a wide smile, before he grows serious and turns his head towards the north. He closes his eyes and he watches from a birds-eye-view as he soars over his jungle, Canterlot, over the mountains and rail-roads as he see's the frozen north become active once more

He see's two large green and red eyes with purple mist flowing from them. He gasps as he opens his eyes, as he hears a deep rumbling laugh echo through his head, before he passes out.

Chapter 10 "Do you believe in ghosts?"

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Spirit walks slowly with Celestia, who gives him a worried look. He had been asleep for a month, making everyone on edge. The Drake's have been getting violent and fierce as their leader and father was out of it. Celestia, Nightmare and Gilda were forced to quell them all as they were seen as Spirit's queen's instead of girl-friends as he would call them.

Spirit looks up and see's Ander and Luna sitting silently with each other, both giving him a worried look, while Diorum sits sit's at the bottom of his pile of gold. He climbs to the top of his 'throne' and shudders, his body feel weak, but he can't get sick, so what could possibly be affecting him so?

He then looks back down and see's what appears to be a mist figure rising from the ground. He rubs his eyes and looks again, that figure is nowhere to be seen. He rubs his head and closes his eyes tightly. He then feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns his head around quickly and see's nothing, yet he can feel something, no, many things all around him.

He shudders once again before laying back down, his body freezing and he shivers. He breaths a small flame onto his gold, heating it up considerably. He feels relief and smiles softly. Before he see's a mist figure behind one of the columns peak out at him. His blood runs cold and he yelps in surprise, making everyone jump and look towards him staring at a column, he is as pale as a ghost.

"Spirit, what's wrong?" Gilda asks.

"I see a figure, peaking out from behind the column, right there." He says as he points at the figure. Gilda turns and see's it as well. She quirck's a brow.

"The hell?" She says, before the figure seemingly vanishes, making her squawk in surprise and cling to Spirit. "GHOST!" She yells out. Twilight snorts.

"Puh-lease! There are no such things as ghosts or spirit's. Only science and magic." She explains. Spirit gains a hurt look on his face, as does Celestia and Luna. Twilight notes this. "What's wrong with you three?" She asks.

"We are ALL spirit's." Luna tells her. "We only have a physical form because we USED magic of this plain of existence." Luna explains.

"But what about Spirit?" Twilight asks.

"I was killed by Nightmare Moon, yet I managed to return because I had taken the souls of Dragon's and a few Draconequi, maybe an evil Alicorn or two, I don't exactly have the best memory." Spirit explains.

"Wait...so your technically a ghost?" Shy asks. Spirit shakes his head.

"No, I am VERY much alive, but I am much the same as Tia and Luna here. I can make myself have no physical form, but I would still be HERE, I wouldn't just vanish, none of us would." Spirit explains.

"So what? Do Vamponies exist? Is the Franken-pony real as well?" Twilight asks with a snort and the roll of her eyes.

"Vam-ponies exist, Franken-pony is fake, however, Zombies ARE real if you use Black Magic. Were-ponies exist and are actually part of the pony race, they can cast their strange shape shifter magic to control their changes. Gods and Goddesses are real, even the Elements are real and are alive." Spirit explains.

"So, we should be scared of all these things?" Twilight asks with doubt.

"Zombies yes, Vam-ponies, no, Were-ponies, no, Black Magic, yes." Spirit says before he gains thoughtful look on his face. "Me? Yes." He says. This makes them give him a strange look of surprise.

"Why would we need to be afraid of you?" Dash asks.

"Because I am the most dangerous thing here. If I wanted to, I could kill everyone and all of Equestria before other countries could try to help. I am capable of making many things bow down to me." He explains.

"So, why don't you?" Rarity asks.

"Because I prefer to keep life in peace, no destruction until the time has come for the world to start anew." He explains.

"And your the one who has to do it?" Shy asks.

"No. I am not the destroyer of the world." He chuckles out, before the whole room becomes cold and multiple blue glowing orbs form all around, the moon seems to shine brighter and the room grows darker. Spirit trembles slightly from the cold, as his form becomes transparent. He looks up and see's the orbs are sucking in energy from his form, making him cough.

He drops and rolls down the side of the pile of gold, until energy whips stabs into his form, making him yell in pain as more of his energy flows into the hundreds upon thousands of orbs floating through the air. He tries to pull away, but something keeps soaking up his energy.

He growls of pain deepen into a long ravenous beast that makes the whole castle shake as the earth shudders as he roars and lets out a long stream of fire. His eyes become pure white as his body starts to grow larger and larger. Fire forms around the orbs and whips making them almost scream in terror and a few start to burn and become absorbed into his body, only making him grow more and more.

Dash looks to Twilight.

"Who had the element of fire again?" She asks. Celestia and Nightmare have grave looks on their faces as Luna and Ander make strange whimpering sounds.

"Not fire..." Celestia says.

"Hellfire." Nightmare states.

"Death." Luna whimpers out.

"Calamity." Ander answers last, fear evident in his tone and eyes. Mountain roars and summons earth shields that then turns into steel. Spirit roars louder and makes the wind seem to scream in fear of his mere presence. The sky grows darker as the moon is the only source of light as the stars become dimmed except for the constellation of a massive Dragon.

He drops onto the floor, his fur becoming scales, his hooves become talons, his wings becoming larger and his claws grow sharper and longer. He stomps around as more large figure slam onto the ground, the orbs are taking the shapes of Dragon's as the let out a strange roar.

Spirit's tail whips and decapitates a Dragon as it's soul flows into his chest. He then rears his head back and spews a stream of lava that covers another Dragon, making it wail in pain as it melts away, before the soul is sucked into his chest as well. He turns and is tackled into a pillar, making it crumble. He growls and bites down onto it's neck and shakes his head making a strange series of growls as the soul is sucked down his throat.

He roars as he tackles a Ghost Dragon through a wall, as the other ones fly around the room and pounds onto the steel domes protecting the Changeling's and ponies. Mountain bursts from one of the domes and his extra arms shoot out and impale the Ghost Dragon's through their chests, before they are absorbed into his form.

He growls and his eyes become white as he roars like a feral beast and attacks the other Ghost Dragon's, making a large bawl of slams and strange blue fire being spewed around the room. Spike joins in on the fight as he jumps from Dragon to Dragon and cuts their heads off and absorbing their forms.

Spike then breaths in and spews out emerald green fire that makes the Ghost Dragon's retreat back into the shadows, where Nightmare consumes them like they are nothing but appetizers. She then grabs a Ghost Dragon's muzzle with a hand and crushes it, making the creatures body explode into energy that flows into her chest.

She feels Spirit's energy course through her, and it makes her crave more, even though it is still very little, and she charges into the fight, holding a large scythe in hand, her tail forms as does her wings and four horns. She slices the Ghost Dragon's to pieces and absorbs their souls and Spirit's energy.

She passes Celestia who holds that strange axe in her right hand that she raises into the air and sends out a solar flare that flashes out and makes the Ghost Dragon's around her perish, however, their souls and Spirit's energy flows into her chest, making her confused, before she feels his powerful energy curse through her veins and she can feel him moving around throughout the castle fighting still.

She turns and she see's the wall where he crashed through, and she can see some strange orange-black-red scales on it, as if knocked off of his form. She spreads her wings and flaps them, propelling her after the great old serpent. Gilda swings her swords around, cutting the Ghost Dragon's open, however, they do the same thing and their souls and Spirit's power is coursing through her veins.

She swings a sword upward, and a large crescent shaped flame shoots out from her quick cut through the air, slicing a Ghost Dragon in half. She smirks and spin around, creating a tornado of flame around herself as her blades send out massive bursts of flamed air that cuts Ghost Dragon's to bits before absorbing them.

Rainbow winces as her Element glows softly and her body is covered in strange armor that acts her a normal body would. She smirks as she see' lightning arch off of her form. She jumps into the air and flickers before she reappears behind three Ghost Dragon's who explode and their souls are absorbed into the Element, while Spirit's energy flows into her form.

She kicks at the air, making a strange beam of lightning fly out and hit a Ghost Dragon, however, the lightning then spreads to the other ones, making them explode and does as the others had down before. She can feel Spirit's strange power course through her veins as her Element seems to grow stronger and make a better connection with her.

She flies over Rarity, who enters her strange Kirin armor mode and fires a blue magic beam that consuming the smaller Ghost Dragon's. Their souls go into her Element as Spirit's energy flows into her body, making her strange armor change in an Alicorn's. She fires another beam, taking out more Ghost Dragon's as Twilight uses her magic to shield the others.

However, a long strange whip flies through the air and impales many of the Ghost Dragon's, making them explode as their souls and energy are absorbed in a figure wearing a strange human-style-cloak. It's a female as it has a large breast size, much like Nightmare's and Celestia's are, but her skin is dark caramel colored that shines in the light.

She flickers and appears above the Ghost Dragon's and others as two large tan-colored-wings fan out, an adventurers hat sits under the hood of the cloak. Magenta colored eyes peer out from the under the hat and hood, as it cracks the whip repeatedly and dices the Ghost Dragon's to pieces, their bodies exploding and sending out gusts of wind knocking everyone over.

Their souls and Spirit's power flows into the figures chest, making her gasps softly, as if there was a rush of power. She then turns and see's more Ghost Dragon's forming and she smirks from under her cloak.

"Let's see if I can still do this." She says. She cracks the hilt of what appears to be a strange Neighpponese sword, Katana, that they extends into a strange diamond spiked whip covered in fire. She smirks and flicks her wrist, making her strange-diamond-sword-whip shoot out and stab a Ghost Dragon through the had and chest, making it explode.

She spins the hilt slightly, making the whip spin rapidly through the air, making it scream right as lightning forms around her right hand. She then switches the whip into her lightning hand, making it spark as a second strange diamond katana is unsheathed from under her cloak and turns it into a whip covered in what looks to be lava and water.

She crosses her arms up to her chest, before swinging down and making the whip crack right as Spirit bursts through the wall behind the woman having three large Ghost Dragon's on him. They bite and claw at him, only serving to piss him off as he points his head upwards and lets out a torrent of hellish fire fly into the air, only to flow down his body, making two of the tree large Ghost Dragon's move away from him, the third is consumed by the fire.

He breaths large torrents of flame onto the last two, but one manages to fly into the air and break through the ceiling, while the second one makes Spirit focus on itself instead of the first one. Spirit lunges through his flames and chomps at the Ghost Dragon, making it step back and then lunge and bite his shoulder, making him growl and knock it away with his tail. While this goes on, the woman swings her whips around.

She cuts smaller Ghost Dragon's into bits and pieces as Spirit deals with a large one. She dodges left and then right a human sized Dragon snaps at her. She cracks both of her whips and they coil around it's form, before swinging her arms out, splitting the Dragon in half, making it's lower half explode before the upper half laughs.

"You will all die...!" It laughs out before exploding and being sucked into her form. She then turns around just in time to watch Spirit bite the Ghost Dragon's neck and pin it's body down, before breathing his hellish fire down it's throat, making it wail in pain before exploding and being consumed by him.

He lets out a massive roar that shakes the very air and sends fear into their hearts before he return to normal is a massive wave of steam and massive gusts of wind. He falls out of the cloud of strange steam as his body as small steam trails flowing off, his eyes are closed as he falls head first.

The woman flickers underneath him and catches him before the two fall and hit into his pile of gold, making the pieces rain down upon everyone. Celestia, Nightmare and Gilda flicker to the top of the pile of gold where Spirit lays and the woman sits calmly.

"Who are you?" Nightmare asks.

"Oh come on! You know who I am! Who else can be this hot, hm?" The woman states as she lifts the hood off of her head, revealing her black hair, with few grey streaks going through it. Celestia's eyes widen.

"Daring? How are you in this form?" She asks.

"Daring Doo!?" Everyone else exclaims. She smirks and nods her head softly as Spirit starts to awaken.

"I went out on an excavation to find a way to become closer to Spirit. When I found this strange medallion I decided to pick it up, however, Aueezotel appeared and chased me down. I was forced to put it on, but when I thought if it as a simple medallion, it turned me into this, and then these Katana's appeared on my hips." She explains.

"I see, so you found a magical medallion, but where is it now?" Nightmare asks. Daring places a hand onto her chest.

"It started to glow, and, well it fused with me, I guess. Took a while to figure out how to change from either forms, but I can so totally do it now, but it's weird how I have fire, water, lightning and plasma based abilities." She states as a lava ball forms and floats at the tip of her finger.

"That's amazing!" Twilight states. "Can the medallion be removed and studied?" She asks hopefully. Daring shakes her head.

"It is now a part of me, and me a part of it. I am technically more than a Pegasus now though." She mutters out, a slight blush can be faintly seen on her cheeks.

"How so?" Spirit asks, making everyone jump as they haven't heard him speak in hours. The sun rises and the light of it moves up his form, however, the ponies gasp as they see a strange creature before them. His skin is ghost white, his eyes have remained the same, however, he has brown fair hair, two large red horns poke out of his brown locks.

His cloths are strange and alien to the ponies, but to Celestia and Nightmare, they see a large Scottish red twin-tailed-coat with white flames on it, a black under-dress-shirt with what looks to be purple flames. His legs are covered by brown dress-pants with strange black markings moving up them like fire. His back has two massive red dragon wings, while his tail-bone has become a long red scaled dragon tail.

His feet are covered in brown dress shoes. His tail swishes a few times as steam keeps rising from his form. Spirit rises to his feet, standing higher than Nightmare or Celestia had thought from before. He stretches making his bones pop multiple times.

"Man it feels good to be back like this!!" He exclaims. He then looks down at his gloved hands and tilts his head to the left, a thoughtful look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asks.

"Did I become Sherlock Holmes or something?" He asks.

"No, but weren't you Scottish?" Celestia asks. Spirit nods his head lightly with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

"If I remember correctly, I was Scots-Gaelic. Or something around there. But hey! I could be wrong! Only been a few billion years of life and all." He says with his eyes closed as he swishes his hand around in the air as if bored or asking for an encore. They were going to go with the first one.

"That's amazing! You look like you did in that book!" Twilight exclaims. Spirit opens and eyes and smirks, showing off his teeth and fangs.

"Damn right I do. Otherwise I'd need to have a 'talk' with the big guy." He states.

"Who's the 'big guy'?" Pinkie asks.

"Solaris, I think." Spirit says with a tired and bored shrug. "Not even sure if he is still the king." Spirit explains with a bored tone, as if none of this whole situation matters, but the fact is, this situation matters more than he thinks. Celestia's eyes widen.

"Spirit, can you turn into a Kirin or full Dragon again?" She asks. Spirit nods.

"Course I can. I'm just surprised I am capable of becoming like THIS again, I mean really! How hard does have to be to gain ones old form for fucks sake?" He asks Celestia in particular.

"Apparently hard." Nightmare sighs out. Spirit points a finger at her and jabs the air with a wide grin.

"Right you are, oh how right you are! Now what we need to do is go and...whoa." Spirit states as he looks at Gilda, Nightmare, Celestia and Daring with wide eyes. "Um...wow. You all look amazing!" He exclaims.

"I still look like a Griffin though." Gilda says. "Doesn't that put you off?" She asks.

"Nope!" Spirit says as he kisses her feathery cheek gently. "Your all beautiful in my eyes! Then again, my eyes can see all, so there IS that." Spirit expresses, making Gilda blush.

"Oh, um, good!" She states firmly, her blush ever growing.

"So, what do we do now?" Twilight asks. Spirit looks up towards the hole in his roof, a serious and determined look on his face.

"We wait."

Chapter 11: "Miracle's can happen"

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Spirit sits Indian-style atop of his pile of gold looking down at Iron Beak who has his two guards following him. One is a cheetah mixed with a raven, while the other seems to be a snow tiger mixed with a seagull. The two guards stand behind Iron Beak, but still stay on his sides.

They were strange brown armor that Spirit hasn't seen before, but decides to not ask, as it would most likely cause Iron Beak to become annoyed in him changing the topic, unfortunately for Spirit, right now Iron beak is pissed.

"How could you let this happen to your allies!?" He roars. Spirit raises a brow. Spirit could swear that smoke was rising from his nostrils.

"Let...what happen? You look perfectly healthy in my absence." He states. Beak growls, and his claws curl up into fists, Spirit notices a strange blade at all of their sides, something he has not seen before.

"Those damned Changeling's attacked us!! I had to ask for the Minotaur's help, but even they were under attack by the Changeling's. When I checked the Bad Lands, Chrysalis was missing, but her hive was decimated!" Beak roars out.

"Do you think me of a fool?" Spirit asks, he quirk's a brow towards the Griffin king.

"What?" Beak says, confused, and recoils slightly.

"Did you think I wouldn't have my Drake's watching over you, and have them step in if needed?" Spirit asks.

"W...Why you..." Iron starts, but Spirit raises a hand.

"The Minotaur's are fine, and your Griffins are safe." Spirit explains. "As for Chrysalis, she is here, in my kingdom making a new hive with Mountain, a dear Dragon friend of mine. They are to be weeded here in a few months." Spirit explains. "So to answer your question, Iron Beak, yes. This is how I treat my allies, by making sure they are safe when I am...out of it." He states.

"Then where were you!?" Beak roars.

"I had suffered from a small problem that soon revealed itself as Ghost Dragon's, they appeared, attacked my home and forced me into the form you see now. Only 1 had escaped with very little of my power, but if it were to keep it for too long, it would become destroyed and burn before passing on into the next life." Spirit informs. Iron nods his head.

"I see, and my daughter?" He asks.

"She has some of my power and a few of the Ghost Dragon souls in her body, making her stronger and granting powers over certain elements that loves." Spirit explains.

"I see. Where are the others, hm?" He asks.

"They are out and about in Equestria with Celestia and Luna. They are most likely enjoying a nice stroll through the park, or possibly sight-seeing the major monuments that I had created for that country." Spirit sighs out with a bored tone. Iron nods his head before turning around and waking before stopping and looking back at Spirit.

"I would hope you sleep with an eye open, yes?" He asks. Spirit looks back at Iron.

"I sleep when I wish. How I wish. Why do you ask this?" He asks. Iron sighs, almost as if bored, and gives him a smirk.

"I was informed that one of the Changeling's that attacked Griphyxia, that they were trying to draw you out to take your 'powers' and revive their masters, evidently, they succeeded." Beak tells him. Spirit's eyes narrow dangerously as the doors open and the others walk in, but stay quiet.

"You say this as if you wanted them to gain my powers." Spirit hisses out. Iron Beak simply scoffs.

"Why I would never want that to happen, but if they were to, oh, I don't know send out Ghost Dragon's to take some and bring it back to one of their masters, one would assume they had succeeded." Beak states. Spirit's eyes widen.

"Did you inform them of my absence?!" He roars out, making Beak chuckle.

"Did I?" He asks. Spirit hisses in anger as his wings twitch. "If I were, and if they gave me a special weapon to pierce your hide, then it would mean that they would be unstoppable. Wouldn't it?" He asks as his guards flicker before reappearing before Spirit, blades in claw and pin Spirit down onto his gold pile with their strange black blades, making Spirit roar in pain as his blood drips down the gold pile, some steam comes from his blood, as if it is acid or lava.

Iron then flickers before him, holding a strange double-sided black sword glowing blue with his fore-hooves. He raises it into the air before plunging it down, only for the blade to bounce off of his chest, Iron Beak could have sworn that he saw red scales flash from underneath Spirit's shirt, and fly from the hilt and imbed itself into the floor twenty feet behind Iron. His eyes widen as Spirit's tail whips and sends the three Griffin's flying, however, their forms flicker into those strange Changeling's as they land.

The two Changeling Grunt's groan as their fore-hooves break and their horns shatter. The Leader Changeling groans as one of his wings is missing, and his eye has a cut on it. He then notices the blade piece of his blade, he smirks and teleports to it and then teleports back, he then looks to his Grunt's.

"Damn it! The king said that it would pierce him!!" The leader hisses out to the other two. The two Grunt's grown in pain as they try to stand as they see Spirit trying to get up. They ultimately can't, and the two bow their heads in shame and accept their unforgiving fate.

Spirit's body is covered in strange fire ruby red energy flames as he pushes himself up from the gold pile, the strange swords melt and drip down his arms and drip down the pile of gold, solidifying into a strange black steel waterfall. He lets loose a roar as his hellish fire spews out and consumes the two grunts as the leader flickers behind Spirit holding the blade of his sword, it still glows blue.

Gilda goes to help Spirit, but is stopped by Daring, who points to Spirit who's form flickers and the leader Changeling is sent flying into a column and Spirit appears behind the spot he was in with a leg outstretched and his foot is covered in steam, as if he kicked far too fast then physics could allow, his pant-leg is burned slightly, as are his shoes.

The leader Changeling coughs up some orange blood, before he growls and looks up at Spirit. The Leader's eyes show a mix of awe and primal fear of a MUCH larger predator hunting him down.

"So the tails are true, you are truly a monster. And here I thought that the Princesses were more monster like, much like that pathetic Lunar one, and that Solar one, what a joke. You are more of a leader than those two sows." He spats. Spirit flickers before the Changeling and knocks him aside with his tail.

"NEVER talk about them, EVER." Spirit hisses out through clenched fangs. He then holds a hand out, a pillar of hell fire forms around his hand, but as it starts to die, he is holding a strange sword that looks like a curve double-sided-sword with obsidian markings of fire on the front edge, while markings of diamond like scales on the other side.

The hilt is long, at least as long as his forearm which is three times the size of a normal human's, and the butt of if it is like a never ending flame constantly burning. The guard resembles a dragon's head biting at the base of the blade, the fangs turning into the blade itself as the middle of the blade itself is the tongue filling in the large gap, but even that is sharp. The eyes resemble his own, however, in the center of slit pupil is a Fire Ruby that seem to be glowing much like a raging flame.

He walks slowly towards the Leader Changeling, his blade seems to hiss in anticipation. He swings in an arch, making the air scream. The Leader Changeling becomes invisible and scampers behind a column, his blade piece is glowing more and more, but the glow starts to become dark purple, and he throws it into the top of the column, making sure it is stuck there, he smirks, his mission is done, now all he needs to do it get past a dangerous beast. Spirit smirks as the ground itself spews massive columns of fire, making the Leader Changeling scream in agony as he becomes visual, Spirit notes that he is right next to him and grins, and starts to burn ever so slowly.

"This blade, is called, "Desolation". It has even been called by my real name, but none of you will EVER find out about that, Grunt." He hisses out, eyes narrowed as the Changeling screams and pleas for the others who watch in horror, even Iron Beak who arrives with a platoon of guards behind him.

"I think our little game is over, so tell me, Changeling. Who is you master?" Spirit asks. He makes a hissing sound as he circles the trapped Changeling. He looks back up at Spirit, he see's a flicker in Spirit's form, getting a glimpse of a massive Dragon making mountains like children, a fire that has scorned the world once before, making his eyes widen when he see's the Dragon turn back into Spirit.

"S...Sombra!!" The Changeling screams out. "PLEASE! LET ME GO!!" He pleads. Spirit shakes his head, a sad look on his face as he turns up the heat, making the Changeling's vocal cords to burn up. Spirit then places a hand atop of it's head. It looks up at Spirit, terror in it's eyes as tears start to form only to become mist, Spirit sighs.

"Farewell, Changeling. I am sorry to say that your time has come. Find peace, and enjoy your heaven." Spirit sighs out with a small smile. The Changeling smiles back for some strange reason, closing his eyes before his horn ignites and the blade piece lands before Spirit. The Leader urges him to take it as the Changeling start turning into ash from his legs up. Spirit then nods his head and picks the blade piece up with his tail, the Changeling's vocal cords somehow become repaired.

"I was meant to stab you with that, and bring back energy, when I did, I took some. Break it to regain what you lost." He says with a scratchy voice before turning into ash. Spirit nods his head and sighs, he breaks the blade piece over his knee, his energy flows out and goes back into himself.

Spirit then turns and his sword turns back into flame, before flowing into hi chest as well. He looks up from the ground and see's everyone standing there, some have horrified looks on their faces, others hold a strange amount of respect, however, Shy is bawling.

"What?" He asks.

"Why did you have to be so cruel?" Shy cries out, tears flowing down her cheeks. Spirit snorts and flickers, Shy is then picked up to his eyes level by his tail, he growls, his eyes flash golden dangerously, remembering Sombra and how that bastard used his fallen friends as meat-shields.

"Because he was planning on taking my power to revive Sombra, if that bastard isn't revived already, THAT is why." Spirit hisses out, before putting her down gently and flickering to atop of his pile of gold. "You should all be preparing for a large battle between light and shadow! Because if you do not, Equestria, Griphyxia, everyone, will die!" He roars out. Pinkie's mane and tail deflate, Shy cries louder as Dash holds her. Twilight sighs.

"We need to plan, but for now, we NEED to relax, something to take our minds off of this depressing news and situation. Perhaps our dear Pinkie Pie can find something for us to do?" Celestia asks the pink mare. Pinkie's mane and tail puff back up.

"Hey!" She screams out, making everyone look at her. "We should do karaoke to cheer everyone up!!" She screams out. Twilight nods.

"That is a good idea, why don't we let Spirit go first, hm?" She asks. Pinkie nods and gives Spirit a microphone from nowhere and Spirit acts as if it is normal before tapping on the mic before speaking into it.

"I know not many know of this song, but it is a song that works for me the best." He says. Strange music starts to play from nowhere confusing everyone, even Pinkie for once, as a strange beat starts up.


Disclaimer!!: I do NOT own the song or lyrics or the video! The rights go to Imagine Dragon's, and LyricZZ.com, and Lightning_Rider



"When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold"

"When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood's run stale"

"I want to hide the truth

I want to shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide"

"No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come"

"When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demon's hide

It's where my demon's hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demon's hide

It's where my demon's hide"

"When the curtain's call

It's the last of all

When the lights fade out

All the sinners crawl"

"So they dug your grave

And the masquerade

Will come calling out

At the mess you made"

"Don't want to let you down

But I am hell bound

Though this is all for you

Don't want to hide the truth"

"No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come"

"When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demon's hide

It's where my demon's hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demon's hide

It's where my demon's hide"

"They say it's what you make

I say it's up to fate

It's woven in my soul

I need to let you go"

"Your eyes, they shine so bright

I want to save their light

I can't escape this now

Unless you show me how"

"When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demon's hide

It's where my demon's hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demon's hide

It's where my demon's hide"

Spirit stops singing and opens his eyes which he had closed at the beginning, only to see everyone gaping up at him, the mares and other females of the Changeling's, Griffin's, Drake's and ponies hold strange tears in their eyes. He tilts his head to the left.

"What's wrong with all of you?" He asks.

"Spirit." Luna starts. "That song is STILL beautiful, even to this very day. How can you remember it still?" She asks, wiping away her tears. Spirit sighs sadly. Twilight and the others don't really understand, but they agree that it was indeed beautiful, they'll be sure to get him to sing more often, as he looks more relaxed than before.

"It was Light's and my song for our wedding day and when we had just started to go out during our High school years." Spirit tells them all. Celestia gains a sad smile.

"I remember going through that school, you might not of known it at the time, but I was actually one of the people in your group of friends. I had the pink hair." Celestia states, wiping a tear away with a hand. Spirit stares at her.

"Sabrina?" He asks. She nods her head softly.

"Yes, I was her. I was young and since I saw how you were born a Dragon-Son, I decided to join, but when I noticed Light, I could see and feel the connection you had with her. Even when many others had thought of me as weird you and Light accepted me as your friend, which made me gain a long lasting love for you both that still holds up to this very day." Celestia explains. Spirit flickers before her.

"Well, now you have me. I am sure if Light were here, she would be saying the same thing as I am right now." Spirit tells her as he brushes a hand gently across her cheek. The two freeze as two soft and smooth human arms wrap around their shoulders gently, bringing the two close to a woman is glowing snow white hair with pail fare skin. She wears a light watery blue shirt and dark blue jeans. She is barefoot as a finned tail moves about, her forearm have strange sail-like-fins on them.

He back has large fin-like-sail-wings, between then is a strange dorsal fin, while her eyes resemble Spirit's, but are bright silver with white crowned slits. Her lips are rosy-red as her nails are painted light sea blue, her head has two small horns stilling up, out and curve back. Her ears at the edges are like fins, as her bust is larger than Celestia's is.

She smiles at both of them as she keeps them close to her form.

"Indeed I would." She says. Spirit's eyes go wide as tears form in them. He places a hand onto her cheek gently, and she leans into his hand, enjoying the touch she had missed for so long.

"Light...?" Spirit asks hopefully, that this wasn't another dream or a Changeling trying to take his power or cheer him up. His heart skips a beat when she nods and leans in. She kisses him gently, as the two close their eyes, Spirit savors her soft lips, that he had not been able to touch with for so long.

When they separate, she smiles lovingly up at him.

"Yes my dear Spirit, I am back." She says softly.

"My Light, you have returned."

Chapter 12: "Oh no"

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Spirit stares at Light, Celestia smiles softly as she still remains the same before becoming a Kirin.

"How..." Spirit asks.

"After my...death by Discord, or what many thought was my death. I was actually sealed away into that sword by Sombra. He had used my power to create Black Magic and forced me to fight everyone. I witnessed everything that has happened, even when Princess Luna had fallen from grace." Light explains with a sad look.

"I witnessed your anger towards the world and how you scorned it, made it fear you as your fire rained from the skies, scorching the lands, boiling my sea's. But I never stopped loving you. I watched you grow and strike down Discord, Sombra and Nightmare Moon. I even watched you in Neighppon when you save Twilight Sparkle. I even know of the women you have slept with." She says with a slight glare, before smiling softly. "You took my advice." She says with a happy clap of her hands.

Spirit stares at her, before smiling back.

"I did, because I didn't want to disappoint you, nor did I want to sour your memory." He explains. Light giggles and pokes his chest.

"I'm glad you did." She says.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because that means I can see you smile every morning, I can even enjoy myself from time to time." She says with a wink. Spirit blushes and looks away.

"I forgot how much of a flirtatious woman you were." He says softly, Light smirks and kisses his neck gently, making him shiver slightly.

"Only because I love you." She tells him. His eyes water lightly, as he hugs her back.

"I love you too..." He chokes out. Light smiles softly and rubs his head gently.

"It has been a long time since I heard that." She says. He nods his head softly.

"Same..." He says softly, before a claw touches his shoulder. He looks over and see's Gilda standing there.

"Mind if I meet her?" She asks. Spirit nods and steps away from Light, letting Gilda drops down onto all fours and walks up to Light. "Your Light, correctly?" She asks.

"I am, Gilda." She says. Gilda nods her head, taken by surprise that this woman knows of her but chooses to not show it.

"Do you plan on taking him away from us?" Gilda asks. Light shakes her head.

"No. I love him more than anyone would know, but I know you all love him the same way." She says. "So I'll let you all enjoy him, as much as I do." Light explains. Gilda smiles.

"Good. Cause then I would of had to fight you for him." She states with confidence. Celestia giggles softly.

"Gilda, that would be like fighting a female water version of Spirit, you'd lose." She giggles out, making Gilda glare at Celestia deadly.

"I haven't seen her fight, and I am positive that she isn't THAT great of a fighter like Spirit." She states.

"Your right, she's better." Spirit says, making Gilda pale.

"Seriously?" She asks. He nods.

"She could still kick my ass to next week for a few thousand years without breaking a sweat." Spirit says with a sheepish smile. Gilda gains doubtful look.

"Prove it." She says. Spirit looks at her as if she went crazy. He the pales more as Light giggles.

"Sure. It'll give me chance to see if you have grown strange." She says with a smiles on her face. Spirit smirks.

"Fine." He states, before he goes to flicker back, only to have Light appear behind him, her foot touching his back gently, before he is sent flying into a column, making it collapse atop of him. She then bends her knee's as she bends backwards as Spirit flickers above her, his fist out as if he is punching at the air, his eyes widen as she kicks upward, her foot slams into his chin, sending him into the ceiling.

She then stands up strait before flickering and Spirit punches at the floor where she was just at. She appears behind him, she kicks him in the side, sending him through a wall. She lands gently on her feet, a gust of wind booms throughout the room around her form, kicking up gold pieces.

She then spins on her toes before dropping and slides underneath Spirit as he flies over her, however, she punches him in the stomach, making him cough and flop across the floor before slamming into his pile of gold. She then flickers and slams into the gold, making a tidal wave form of water that washes throughout the room.

Spirit flies out of the water, steam rising from his body as he lands on the side of a column, panting heavily, a cut going down his left eye, but is already healing. Light appears behind him, but this time he spins and kicks at her, only to have his leg parried to the side, and she pushes off of the column slightly, she spins and her tail whips Spirit through the column and through another before slamming into a third one.

He coughs as she appears and knee's him in the stomach, taking his breath away quite literally. She then spins and her tail whips him onto the floor, cracking the spot around him. She flickers before him with a raised brow.

"What happened? You used to be able to get a hit on me, now your just- !?!?" She is then kicks in the chest but his shoeless foot before being slammed into the floor by his tail, his eyes are glowing bright gold. "There we go." Light says as her eyes glow bright silver. Water and ice forms around her hand in a pillar as she stands up. Lava and fire forms around Spirit's hand into a pillar as he pulls out his sword from before.

Light then grabs something that makes a "Chink"ing sound before the water and ice vanish, revealing two weapons. One is a strange and this katana made out of what appears to be never melting or breaking ice, while the other is a strange shield. The top of it is like a trident, the edges are sharp while the bottom looks like a strait scythe's blade that curves inward.

She slides her left hand and forearm into the shield that has a gauntlet as part of it, and holds the sheathed katana with her right hand. She then hooks her katana at her hip before unsheathing it, making the room become chilly and warm at their items heat up and cool down the whole room at the same time.

Spirit spins his sword around, making a tornado of flame form as Light does the same, except a tornado of water forms. The two both swing underhanded and the two tornado's clash, spinning and sounding like saw-blades cutting wood or something similar. The two of them clash blades as Light punches with her shield and Spirit grabs her fist underneath the shield, making a small gust of wind fly around the room, as red energy whips flows from Spirit, as blue energy whips flow from Light.

They move in close to each other, both smirking as sparks fly and energies clash from the tornado's, as if the two attacks represent their master's. The two push each other back and forth, before a flash of light forms between the two, and they both fly back into different columns.

The energy whips forms hands and claws as they fly at each other, grabbing each other and pulling their master's back together and resume their clash for power over the other. Spirit growls while Light hisses, both have smiles on their faces, and enjoyment in their eyes as they push back and forth once again.

Gilda watches in awe as the two clash, fire and water, life and death. Light and Darkness. She watches as they are forced apart by that strange white light, as if Light and Darkness were NEVER meant to cross, but to only move side by side and help each other out always.

Celestia see's the two enjoying themselves, but also speaking, not with their words but their actions. She can see that the two are doing their own special way of fight-speech as they push each other around, making the ground tremble. She notices that the blue energy arms coming off of Light resembles a massive wave of water, while the ones coming off of Spirit, is like a massive wave of lava, the two colliding to create the each, as that is the flash of light hat constantly forms between the two of them.

Spirit then feel's the final push, and the two fly back, and collapse to the ground, their energies spent and the two hold grins as if they had great orgasms, before Light appears next to him, and the two close their eyes for some rest to regain their lost energy. Celestia giggles with a wide smile.

"It would seem that they are now at the same level when they are like this, even if Light is no longer a Kirin." She states.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asks.

"Light is once again a Dragon-Son, meaning she isn't a Kirin. She still has her abilities, and the life of when she was a Kirin, but she is no longer one." Celestia explains sadly.

"So, she's a human?" Dash asks. Celestia nods.

"Yes, in a way she is. Funny, isn't it. Spirit is the last Kirin, Light is one of the last Human's, but both are the last of the Dragon-Son's, once again." She giggles out sadly. Dash nods her head, as she see's the two sleeping with their wide smiles. Gilda smirks.

"Seems that if we ever have sex, it'll be an orgy, hm?" She asks. Nightmare nods and smirks.

"Now THAT I can make my dream to have happen." She states. They watch as Spirit and Light sleep with each other, he has his head beneath hers as she lays atop of him, their bodies healing and mending whatever was injured. They sleep calmly and happily, a small faint light glows around the two as well as Celestia, Gilda, Nightmare and Daring's bodies as well.

Spirit and Light then open their eyes gently, as they yawn and Light rolls off of Spirit, stretching. Spirit gets up to his knee's and yawns again as he stretches his form before hopping up to his feet and looking around the throne room, he sighs softly in annoyance as it is once again destroyed, but then smiles and looks down at Light, who kisses his hand gently before standing up next to him, her head reaches his chest.

He looks down at her, as she looks up at him.

"You managed to get stronger, but I could totally kick your ass, you giant fire Dragon." Light teases as she sticks out her tongue. Spirit chuckles and nods his head lightly, before a Changeling of Chrysalis's hive bursts through the large gate like doors, panting and sweating.

"Something is in Lake Moon!!" It yells out, the voice seems to be female, so she yelled out. Spirit tilts his head.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"It looked like a giant Serpent! But it was too large, even Sir Steven is terrified of the lake! He blocked it off with giant boulders, tree's, even so much as placing giant spikes down to protect us and himself!" She states. Spirit gains a serious look.

"I see. Where is Steven, then?" He asks.

"He said he would be his bow, bolts and swords." The Changeling says. Spirit nods his head.

"Understood, alright everyone. Let's head out!" Spirit orders. Iron Beak and Celestia give him curious glances.

"Why should we help a Serpent?" Iron and Gilda asks at the same time, Celestia wonders the same thing.

"Because he is one of my many servants that helps keeps my kingdom alive." Spirit growls out. Gilda and Celestia nod their heads.

"Let's go." Celestia states as she picks up her axe while Gilda sheathes her swords. Daring's whip-swords are at her side and on her back, Nightmare's scythe lays strait across her back while Light's sword and shield materialize onto her hand and hip. Spirit's sword appears on his hip in a flash of fire as he turns and walks out, Celestia and the others following.

Spirit walks and notes that the Timber-Wolves are terrified of the lake's edge. He crouches down and places a hand onto the lake's bank, feeling nothing, he looks to Light, and she nods her head. She walks and crouches next to her, she places her hand onto the bank and feels something large is sitting maybe 30 meters below ground level, staring up at them.

She flickers back away from the lake, a hand over her chest, Spirit grabs his sword and places the tip near the water, but then Light stops him.

"Don't. It'll kill you." She warns. Spirit nods his head and plunges the blade into the water, making it boil. The sound of an Elk mewling and a Dragon roaring can her heard as a massive shadow rises up fast. They see what appears to be a large snake's head. It's eyes are like a shark's black and empty as it roars out Spirit.

He growls until a tail swishes out of the water and coils around his body and pulls him in. He growls and stabs his sword into it, he hears a whine of pain before letting him go. He opens his eyes, before they widen as he takes in the beasts form as it swims up to him, it's eyes seemingly glaring at him. He growls and his sword heats up and the beasts swims at him, it's mouth wide open, ready chomp him, until a MUCH large creature shoots up from the deep and coils around the first, dragging it down.

The first creature bites his left foot and drags him down as well. He makes a silent gasp as his lungs tighten and his vision starts to go dark, his sword generates massive amounts of heat, making a large bubble form around his body. He gasps and pants for breath as he is being dragged down farther and father.

He see's a cave system and he braces himself as he is tossed around and his bubble threatens to pop but never does. He see's the silhouette of the massive creature swim down until it reaches what appears an exit and moves upwards. He see's a massive humanoid beast with multiple tentacles and needle like teeth sitting atop of a large rock.

He groans, before cutting the first beast's lower jaw off and falls onto a smooth rock and coughs, before getting back up to his feet, his left bleeding still.

"Ugh, who released the Kraken?" He asks no one in particular. Light flickers next to him, and sighs.

"Apparently an idiot did." She sighs out. Celestia and the others appear next to them on the rock farthest from the Kraken. The ponies and Griffin's gasp, Nightmare stares wide-eyed at the sight before her.

"What the hay is THAT thing!?" Dash screams out. Spirit sighs in annoyance.

"This is the Kraken. An ancient creature that used to sink human ships that was later found out to be real by Light, who had to wrestle the beast, but even then I had to step in and help her. We managed to injure it, but we failed in killing it, so we decided to chain it up in Loch Ness, however when we did that, we had found the Loch Ness Monsters, making it harder to move around in that damned lake, which is now called "Moon Lake" for some strange reason." Spirit explains the long-winded version.

Twilight nods her head, a notepad floating in the air that everyone somehow missed. Light growls in annoyance and she freezes part of the ocean/bay and the Kraken stops moving and looks towards her. It growls and dives down, breaking the ice and swims towards them.

Spirit smirks and readies his sword, before lunging right as the beast raises it's head. His sword pierces it's eye, making it wail in pain as it thrashes about, breaking the ice. Spirit flickers from it's face down onto the rock once more before Light sends out a massive Ice Lance that flies up and impales into the beasts shoulder.

It grabs the Lance and rips it out, making it's green ooze like blood spew out all over the place. It roars again before Spirit appears above it, his sword glows as it becomes ten times as large as it was before. He slams down and stabs the sword into the Kraken's shoulder, before it slides down farther and cuts it's arm clean off.

The Kraken roars in more pain as it grabs him and throws him down through the ice, before diving in after him. Light's body starts to glow softly before she swan dives into the raging waters and goes after them. She swishes her tail and she dives down faster at 15 knots before reaching 20.

Her sword and shield-gauntlet start to glow as she reaches them both. Spirit is cutting the tentacles off, only to have them grow back in two's, it's arm has reformed as well, however at the end of each tentacle is a mouth that would bite him every so often before being cut off by his glowing sword.

She punches the Kraken's head, making it fly down deeper into the bay. She places her hand onto Spirit's shoulder and he flickers back onto the rock while she remains in the water. She spins around right as the Kraken rises up from the deep, roaring and she dives down at it. She rears back her arm and punches as it does the same with it's own fist.

Spirit drops onto the rock with everyone else on it, coughing up water and some blood. He gasps for breath and pants heavily. A large spire of water flies into the air as an explosion sounds off from under the water. He coughs more before more spires fly into the air and the sounds of the Kraken roaring can be heard, as can the roar of a MUCH large creature. Spirit and Celestia know exactly what is happening.

"Spirit, what happened!?" Gilda asks.

"It's being corrupted by Sombra's evil." He states, making Celestia's grip on his shoulder tighten. He looks up at her and see's that she holds a sense of anger that is slowly awakening. He winces as he can feel intense heat burning his skin and he yelps loudly. She lets go and moves her hands away from him quickly.

"Spirit! I'm so sorry! I didn't know that it would hurt you!" Celestia says, worry in her eyes replaces the anger. He smiles softly and kisses her cheek gently.

"It's fine. Just took me by surprise." He lies with a fake sincere smile to try and cheer her up. She smiles back and nods her head.

"Alright, anyways, how do you think Light is doing?" She asks.

"Was the Kraken a male?" He asks.

"Yes, I think so, why?" Celestia asks.

"Then it is now a chick." He says with a flat expression, making every single male place their hands, hooves, or claws over their 'junk' and wince. Spirit nods his head. "Yep. Then again, it can regenerate it's body parts, so that might be a problem." He sighs out.

"How is that NOT a large problem!?" Dash exclaims.

"I said it MIGHT be a problem, I never said it was a SMALL problem. It's still a large problem that we NEED to deal with now!" Spirit exclaims back, before wincing in pain, as his body is still healing. "Shit." He mutters in pain. Nightmare places a black flame onto his body, it spreads out and is soaked into his wounds, closing them quickly.

"There, that'll help for a while." She explains.

"But isn't he healed?" AJ asks. Nightmare shakes her head softly.

"It's much like a Band-Aid is, where it covers the wounds, but it doesn't exactly HEAL the being." Nightmare explains before a large tentacle rises from the water and flicks itself throwing Light into the ice, making an explosion of snow to fly into the air. They then see her get back to her feet, strange blue tentacle like streams of power whip about off of her form.

He shield and sword vanish and flow back into her form as she grows in size, before slamming her fists down and the entire frozen bay starts to shatter into strange giant cubes as she lets out a strange roar that sounds like a whale's call and a Dragon's roar. A giant tornado of Ice and Water forms around her spot and two glowing eyes are seen peering out and down at the Kraken.

When the pillar vanishes a massive majestic blue Dragon there in the air. She lets out that same roar and a blue sphere of energy forms in her mouth before her head jerks slightly and a beam of ice flies down at the Kraken, freezing it's left and right arms, before tuning her head and freezing it's tentacles.

She then lets out a loud roar that sends out sound barrier rings that make the tentacles and arms shatter, making the Kraken release a bellowing roar of pain before it's limbs reform back and it's tentacles fly up and bite Light's arms and legs, pulling her back down onto the ice, shattering it more.

The Kraken then roars and charges at Light, biting her shoulder, making her make a clicking like wailing roar. She digs her claws into it's hide, only to have the tentacles coil around her limbs, before lifting her into the air. Spirit growls as he see's his mate being tossed around and thrown into the ice, before being chomped on once again.

He roars and spews out a torrent of flame that hits the Kraken in it's side, making it release Light and set it's sites on him. It hisses and dives back into the water, charging at Spirit. Spirit's sword appears in his right hand. He jumps up, holding his sword like a dagger as the Kraken bursts from the waters edge and he plunges the blade into it's left eye, making it wail in pain.

He slides down with his sword making a large gash down the side of it's face, before jumping off and plunging the sword into it's chest and once again sliding down making a large gash down it's chest to it's abdomen, before flapping his wings and flickering to above the Kraken's body by a few hundred feet.

He falls down at the Kraken as his sword ignites with his Hellfire and his left his turns into his Dragon Claws that ignite with the same fire. He swings his sword repeatedly and sends out crescent moon shaped flames down at the Kraken, cutting it's body apart, only to his it regenerate, however he holds his claws out and fires five small magical lava-beams down onto the Kraken, making it wail in anger and pain.

It moves down into the water, before jumping into the air and just as Spirit spins, he stabs his sword into it's lower jaw, a chain of lava shoots out from the ever raging flame at the butt of the sword and coils around his hand, wrist and forearm as he dives into he Kraken's mouth and as he goes down his throat, he stabs his claws into it, making the Kraken choke on it's own blood.

He slides down the monster's throat, his claws imbedded deep into it, making long gashes down the creatures throat on the inside until he reaches the bottom, where he pulls down on the lava-chain, making the blade slide down the beasts lower jaw and throat, cleaving it open.

The others, including a now back to normal Light, watch in horror as the Kraken lets out a gurgling wail of pure pain and panic. It tries to keep it's throat and jaw together, but it's fingers are cut off as the blade keeps going down until it is pulled into the body. The Kraken's body starts to heal, but then it's chest is cleaved open by what they can only assume is a pissed off Spirit.

They watch in terror as fire roars and spews out from the cleaved open chest cavity, through and mouth. The Kraken lets out yet another gurgling wail of pain and fear that sounds like a trapped animal begging for help. Shy bawls over this and Nightmare holds her gently, knowing that it would and will be dramatizing for everyone, including Light, to see this kind of thing happen.

They then watch as lava pours out from the Kraken's wounds, searing the flesh open. They then notice something, the body hasn't been regenerating. Light's heart seems to sink as she witnesses Spirit mutilate this creature out of rage. Had he changed that much? Why is he like this? And why did it arouse her so? Why was she turned on by the fact that Spirit would do this, only in order to protect her? Why did she enjoy to know that he would burn the world and destroy anything that harmed her? She has no answer, and she want's to keep it that way.

Spirit growls in anger as his eyes become dark, dirty, rusty gold as he gains a sadistic and gleeful smile on his face as he hears the Kraken's wailing of pain and fear. He bites onto the wound and rips a chunk of the flesh out, before spitting it out onto what he can only assume it to be it's heart.

He then feels the others fear, and he snaps back to his senses, before acknowledging what he is doing. And he doesn't like it, not one fucking bit. He HATES to torture living beings, to heat their pleas for help or the grace of death. He closes his eyes, before opening them again and spinning in a circle, cleaving the Kraken's burning head off.

The body flops down lifelessly onto the sharpened rocks, making it twitch and quiver, before going still, the heart beats go silent. He climbs out from where the base of the neck was, covered in gashes, bruises and his left arm and right leg are broken. He stumbles forward and flops before the others, his sword flying into the air, before imbedding itself directly before him, before turning back into flame and flowing into his chest, his claws return to being a normal-ish arm.

His eyelids start to grow heavy as the others rush to his aid, before stopping, staring up in surprise and terror. He hears the Kraken's roar once again, before something large slams down atop of him, and his world goes completely black.

=============Far in the Frozen North============================

A Crystal Empire forms from an evil spell. Down below the castle, sleeps a large black Dragon, a bright blue Crystal Heart sits next to a black crystal pillar, as a pile of silver slides down it's head, revealing a large eye. The eye opens to reveal to reveal a red eye with a dark red crowned slit, and where their should be white, it bright neon green.

Purple mist flows from the corners of it's eyes, as a low growl like chuckle is heard throughout the cavern.

Chapter 13: "Cutie Marks Origin's"

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Light watches with wide eyes as Spirit is crushed by the Kraken's hand, and brought up to above it's mouth and dropped into it. The beast slams it's jaws shut and it swallows Spirit whole. Her energy flares out in bright blue flames that pillars up high into the sky. She then throws her head up and lets out a scream like roar.

Her face is covered by an ice mask of a dragon's face, her tail, fins, sails and scales become incredibly sharp as her nails grow longer and her eyes are gold where there should be white and her eyes remain silver, and the crowned slits stay white as well. She flickers above the Kraken, her sword turns into a pole as her shield/gauntlet appears at the top of the pole, making a giant axe blade and the bottom of the pole is the katana's blade.

She spins her axe around and the pole splits in half, making a spear and the axe. She stabs the spear into the Kraken's left eye while she cleaves it's right eye. The Kraken bellows in rage before she stabs the spear into it's throat and cleaves it's chest open, ice forms around it's wounds.

Her nails-turned-claws glow as she swings down, crossing her arms sending out ice missiles down upon the Kraken, the sky is covered in grey clouds, hail and rain pours down, thunder booms making a *TTHOOOOOOM* like sound as lightning cracks. She bellows in rage, her eyes glowing as her skin seems to darken, her hair becomes longer.

She feels something awaken deep inside her, a primal hunger, but it isn't for food, drink, death, but the hunger of a Dragon for their mate. She lets out a screeching roar as tear marks go down from her eyes down the masks cheeks and connect at the chin piece.

Her mouth tears open, making it wider as a small white ball forms, before turning into a wide black beam that consumes the Kraken's head, and pierces the bay, making it turn into complete ice, but it keeps going. She bites down, ending the attack as she watches the Kraken's head explodes as a new one forms.

Light then raises her hand and a massive ball of ice and water forms. She swings her arm down and the ball flies down and hits the ground, making an explosion of power as the earth freezes, the water rises and rages. She roars in rage as her eyes become dark grey and her form starts to grow.

He thoughts become nothing more than anger of Spirit 'dying' and she flaps her wings, sending out ice spears down at the Kraken, her katana-spear and axe appear in her hands. She cleaves the air with her axe, sending down more hail that flies down at the beast, cutting it's flesh to bits, however it's body regenerates and seems to be growing larger and larger.

Light holds her katana-spear like a javelin before throwing it. The weapon pierces and goes through the Kraken's head and neck before flying out from it's back and into the ocean, where a pillar of ice forms behind it, making the air colder. She flaps her wings again and the wind rages and starts to freeze the world.

==================Inside the Kraken================================

Spirit lays there, in the Kraken's stomach. He opens his eyes slowly and he feels Light's energy change the same way his had when he went mad if his dragon side's fury. He groans softly as he tries to move, but pain jolts through his form, making him twitch and cry out in pain.

He pants lightly, before he closes his eyes and looks through his minds-eye and looks upon the world. He gasps in surprise as Light is starting to do what he had done when she had 'died'. Had she thought him for dead? It would make sense, as he was crushed and eaten and can't blame her.

He smiles softly, before connecting with his energy and opens his eyes and a large flame of power surges through and around his form. He can feel his self-placed seals to keep his power in check, before opening his wings and flying up the Kraken's stomach and chest. A smirk forms on his face as his eyes start to glow bright holy gold.

=====================Outside the Kraken==========================

The others watch as Light starts to freeze the land, the sky becomes covered in an ever growing cloud of cold death, the hail pouring down is razor sharp and the size of Mountain's head. Celestia's eyes as she gains a flashback of when Spirit had witnessed Light's "death" but this time, Spirit was gone.

She could no longer feel Spirit's life energy, his body has even vanished from the face of the earth. She drops to her knee's, tears forming in her eyes as realization hits.

Spirit. Is dead.

She closes her eyes and grips her chest, darkness starts to consume her. She feels her darker half starting to take over, until she feels a massive power pulse out an rock her very soul. She looks back up at the Kraken, and she see's a flaming soul that burns brightly and keeps growing.

But not just any soul, Spirit's soul. She smiles softly as it moves up through the Kraken's body. She then feels a large power spike in him, as pulses of his power become visible, making Light stop her assault and stare at the Kraken, which is roaring in what everyone can assume is pain.

The Kraken's chest is cleaved open as it's blood sprays out everywhere like rain. A lava waterfall flows from the wound, making it wail in pain. It's tentacle mouths drool the same lava waterfalls as it's chest is. The Kraken wails in more pain as lava spews from it's mouth and rains onto the ice, ground and frozen water, melting the ice and heating the air back up.

The Kraken makes a gurgling wail of pain as it thrashes about in the water, trying to put out the lava, only to make it solidify and then melt once again. It stabs it's own claws into it's cleaved open chest cavity, ripping out Spirit and throwing him at the sharp rocks, only for him to flicker and vanish.

He appears above the Kraken.

"Let's see if we can get this right!!" He roars out as his sword along with the lava chain forms around his right arm in in his right hand. His left hand has a second one forms around his left arm in his left hand. He growls as the original blade seems to grow in size and lightning arks around the blades as he falls.

He holds the swords like dagger's as the Kraken lunges upward, it's fangs are dripping with what seems to be acid, it's tentacle mouths also drip with acid. He smirks as he falls faster and faster, as the Kraken get's closer and closer, before he throws his smaller sword and impales it into the beast's right cheek.

He spins dodge to the left, before cutting off the head of a tentacle and lands on another one. He jumps off as another one bites onto the one he was just on, tearing it in half. He then stabs his right sword into the Kraken's forehead, before the entire weapon glows and he pulls back slightly, before slamming it back down so the whole blade is in it's head.

He pushes himself off and the lava-chains activate as he drops down onto it's chest. He runs across it sideways and flickers onto it's back, his toes turn into talons and imbed themselves into the tough rubbery flesh, making the Kraken screech in pain. He pulls back on the chains making the left one cut off it's lower jaw and cut it's throat slightly.

When the left blade sides into his hand, he throws it into it's lower back, before he pushes off of it's back and pulls the chains together, making the two blade's tear up it's back, and down it's head and neck, splitting them out. As they get ready to connect, her swings down and spins, making a strange corkscrew and the chains and blades spin as well, making the Kraken split in half.

He flickers and appears back on the rocks with the others on it, his blades fuse back into one large one and he spins back around, facing the blood spewing Kraken as it breaks apart. He ignites his sword and he swings it from side to side, sending out waves upon waves of fire that collides with the Kraken's dead form, burning it in a never ending flame.

He smirks as black mist rises into the air. His sword glows as he holds it out having his arm outstretched. The mist flows into his sword as what appears to be the Kraken's soul and powers flow into both Light and Spirit. He shivers slightly, before turning back around and seeing everyone's jaw has dropped.

"What?" He asks.




"AWESOME!!" Pinkie and Dash exclaim, throwing their hooves up into the air. Spirit chuckles and nods his head lightly.

"I would be inclined to agree, but since I was eaten, eh...not as awesome." He says with a sheepish smile and shrug. Light tackle hugs him onto his back and kisses him deeply, taking him by surprise, before closing his eyes and kissing her back just as deeply. They separate after a minute, Light pants quickly as if coming down from an adrenalin rush, before kissing his neck softly and then his lips once again.

"Never do that kind of thing again, got it?" She tells him. Spirit nods his head with a small smile gracing his lips.

"I won't, but I'll be sure to do this!" He exclaims as he flips them over so he is on top of her and mashes his lips to her in a deep and passionate kiss, making her moan softly as she wraps her arms around his neck and shoulders. He growls softly as he bites her neck gently, making her whine softly, but before they can continue, Celestia clears her throat.

"Ahem!" She says with a slight glare, making the two blush.

"Yes?" Light asks from beneath Spirit.

"Let's not have our loving ruts on this desolate rock, hm?" Celestia asks. Spirit nods his head softly.

"Your right." He says, taking Light by surprise. "We should fuck in the bay!" He exclaims with a wide grin as he flops back into the bay, taking Light with him. Celestia and the others stare as the water heats up and then freezes, only to heat back up again. Dash's wings *POMF* out as she can see flashes of the two of them grinding up against each other.

Twilight's horn sparks and she blushes deeply as Light's strange wail-like-roar can be heard and reverberated through the water, air and even the rocks. Celestia and the others that are part of the harem can only stare wide-eyed as the day literally passes by with the two having non-stop sex.

Celestia blushes when the moon rises and the two burst from the water's edge and lay on the rock, panting heavily.

"That was amazing!" Light exclaims with a wide and dreamy smile. Spirit nods his head and kisses her neck gently.

"It was. I miss being able to go all out that like." He purrs into her ear.

"Wait, you never went all out towards us?" Nightmare asks. Spirit shakes his head.

"Fuck no! I would have killed each and every one of you girls if I had. I tried to, but when I could see you all in pain, well, I just couldn't go all out." He explains.

"How though? How can you stop yourself like that?" Dash asks, curious about his sex life for some reason. Spirit smirks and nuzzles Light lovingly.

"She taught me how. I used to make love to this beauty and leave burns." Spirit explains.

"Not that I minded. Fire Dragon's leave burns on their lovers during passionate sex as a sign to other Dragon's and Drake's, meaning that I was HIS and no one else could take me." Light says with a smile and giggle, before nuzzling him back gently. She kisses his neck softly, making him make a strange purr like growl as his eyes close.

She nips at his neck, making him lean in closer to her as a small spot of ice forms onto his neck, before it melts and a mark remains there. She looks towards the others and pulls the top of her shirt down slightly, showing the mark of a small flame with a golden crowned slit eye in the center of it.

Spirit's neck has a mark of a wave with a solver crowned slit eye in the center of it as well. She kisses his neck softly where the mark is, making him shiver. Celestia smiles.

"I see, will WE gain those marking's as well?" She asks.

"Yes." Nightmare explains as the wave and flame marks are on both of her breast's cleavage. Spirit has a second mark of a black dream cloud with Nightmare's orange crowned slit eye's peering out on the back of his right hand. "We also gain each others abilities if we have said mark or markings." Nightmare states.

"Like how you can breath fire?" AJ asks.

"Yes, that is how I gained that power. Originally it was that I could only breath fire if my prey or opponent was afraid of it." Nightmare explains. Spirit then lifts his right hand, as black flames form around it and a blue flame forms around his left. He punches the air with his left fist, making the clouds bring down rain. He swipes his right hand like he would a claw and sends out large shadow claws that fly out and cleave the bay's edge.

He then mixes the blue and black flames together and a bright golden and ruby flame forms around those flames which blaze around his hands. He claws the air, making the clouds part but the sky remains dull grey, the moon shines brightly as the bay is set ablaze, making no steam rise as it evaporates into the air.

He turns back around and the fire dies, the bay's water appears back and untouched. He stares at them as they stare back in awe.

"It was how your 'Cutie Marks' came to be. They were originally simple marks of power that one had over another thing. Everything can have one or more depending on how much they enjoy it. Even Rarity can gain a Cutie Mark in another field, and keep her old one." Nightmare explains to them.

"That's amazing!" Twilight screams out, a wide smile on her face.

"It is. And I can already tell you have TWO Cutie Marks, Miss Sparkle." Light says with a soft smile. Twilight's eyes widen.

"REALLY!?" She screeches out. Spirit nods his head this time.

"Magic, and, quite literally, the Stars." He tells the group. "Just as Luna's is the Moon and Dreams, Celestia's is the Sun and Light, Cadence is Love and Crystals." He says to them all, rather than just Twilight.

"Whoa! That's- Wait a minute. But all of them are Alicorn's, and Twi is...just a Unicorn! How would that be possible?" Dash asks. Spirit gives Celestia a look.

"Never came out with it, hm?" He asks. Celestia sighs.

"I'm afraid not." She states. Twilight looks between the strange human creatures with a raised brow.

"What?" She asks. Spirit looks to Twilight.

"The Sparkle Family and Lulamoon Family are descendants of Luna and Celestia. Lulamoon gaining Luna's, and Sparkle's, gaining Tia's." He states with a smile. Twilight's jaw drops. "Congradulations! Your great Grandmother is the Goddess of the Sun!" Spirit yells out.

"But...doesn't that make me a...a..." Her mind stops working.

"Goddess of Stars and Magic. Luckily for you, Trixie Lulamoon hasn't figured this out yet." Spirit exclaims. Twilight's mind just seems to keep going and drawing up blanks. Her body swivels from side to side, before she blacks out from the extreme news. Spirit gives Celestia a sheepish smile. "Whoops!"

Chapter 14: "Plans"

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Discord jumps back as Light punches and shatters the ground, her eyes glowing a dangerously dark silver as gray tear-like-marks run down her cheeks and connect at her chin. She kicks him in the stomach, making him fly back into a large oak tree. She kicks the air with her hooves and sends out tidal-waves of water with spikes of ice jetting out.

Discord rises to his strange feet, a smirk on his muzzle as he and Sombra stand next to each other. Sombra changes into a massive Darkness Dragon and breaths a torrent of black flames. Behind the two is Spirit who is trapped within a strange sphere of energy, his energy and soul becoming corrupted.

He cries out in pain as the Chaotic and Black Magic energies flow into him, making his own energy rise up and out, making his fur and scales become pitch black. Discord smirks as he watches his 'prized jewel' starting to form from Spirit's body, soul and powers. He watches as he starts to turn into a large white stone.

Sombra is then sent flying into the wall next to Discord, a trident imbedded in his chest, but not hitting his heart. Discord turns around and grabs Light's strange katana-spear by the blade and throws her into the far wall. Miku and the others sit there, turned into strange jewels. Discord counts them. The Balloon(Laughter), the Diamond(Generosity), the Butterfly(Kindness), the Apple(Honesty) and finally Miku herself, the six pointed star. Magic.

Light flickers before Discord, kicking him away from the jewels and into Luna, who's Giant Hammer slams down upon the Mad God, making him crack and shake the whole earth. He appears behind Luna and grabs her head. He lifts her into the air and spins, throwing her into Celestia, who was rushing to save Spirit, but ultimately failed.

Sombra gets back to his talons and tail-whips Light into the sphere containing a slowly changing Spirit, cracking it. Sombra appears before her, looking like his 'human' self. His cloths are black and tuxedo like his shoulders have those strange armor pieces as his cape is torn and flaps in the wind. His eyes are green, bright red and dark red crowned slits. His horn is his sword while a smaller one is in his forehead, his crown is larger than Celestia's is.

He stabs his blade into Light's chest, making her cry out in pain. Her head rolls back and she see's Spirit wide eyes. Tears form in his eyes as he goes to reach for he, hoping that she'll take his hand, but then a flash of light forms around her, and she vanishes. However, he can still hear her voice ring in his head.

"Never give up. Love again, and when we meet, I will welcome you with open arms. Farewell, my love." He hears ringing in his mind. He closes his eyes tightly.

"Light...no...." Celestia gasps out weakly. Luna sniffs softly, tears form, before she and Celestia both cry out in pain as Discord double-knee-drops into their chests. His claws dig into their necks.

"This world is MINE!!" Discord laughs out after Luna and Celestia are pinned down by his double. Sombra looks up at him.

"Ours." He says. Discord nods his head, looking down upon the world from his mind's eye. Every single race is at war with Discord's Changeling's and Sombra's Black Crystal minions. He laughs loudly.

"Chaos and Darkness shall reign! FOREVER!!" He roars out in laugher. Sombra laughs alongside his partner of war. However, what they don't see, is Spirit's body starting to change, instead of the energies changing him into a pure jewel, his form turns ash white like the jewel, the three energies start to become absorbed into his form. Discord turns and his eyes widen and smile as Sombra gasps.

"No! Stop this you fool!!" Sombra exclaims, a strange fear gripping his heart. Spirit growls deeply as the sphere starts to glow, his eyes open and are glowing bright gold as his cage shatters from the expansion of his newly acquired powers. Discord's double is absorbed into Spirit's body, ultimately gaining Discord's eternal life, Chaotic magic and abilities, as well as his natural powers as a Draconequus.

He roars loudly as he breaks free and sends wave of magical power across the planet, however, Sombra's Crystal Minion's are sucked into Spirit as the wave of power masses back to him, making them infuse with him, making his dark powers darken, and his left eye to become dark and dangerous gold.

His 'human' form becomes different and more corrupted, before flickering back into his Kirin form, however, his body is different, thinner and leaner than before. His normal sized fangs become elongated, and sharper. His claws become talons as they look capable of tearing Obsidian and Bedrock apart like dirt, even the fabric's of reality.

He lets out a high-pitched shrill like scream as rainbow colored tear-mark-lines run down from the bottom of his eyes and down his cheeks, neck and then connect at the center of his chest, making a spiral when they meet before vanishing and he drops down to the ground. The planet it left burning and changing, the continents expanding and rearranging.

Sombra growls as most of his power is gone, sucked into Spirit's form, while Discord's power is diminished to nothing but a small kindling flame of energy, but even THAT is enough to destroy most of the world if it were not already changing.

"Damn it. We must regroup, Discord!" Sombra roars out, however, a Giant-Hammer slams into his chest, knocking him out of the window, and he growls, before turning into shadow, and heading back towards his Crystal Empire to regroup. Discord turns and see's Celestia and Luna, barring their teeth and seemingly stronger than before, even stronger than him. He smirks.

"Look's like we'll need to catch up again later, lovelies." Discord hisses out with a smirk. "Ta ta!" He exclaims before laughing maniacally and vanishing via teleport. Spirit slowly starts to rise to his hooves and talons, looking at the spot where Light had died. His eyes grow tears, and he lets out a large roar of sorrow.

The area starts to spin faster and faster. And two large yellow and red eyes form, looking out at Twilight, and a deep rumbling and mocking laugh shakes her to the very core. Before all becomes black as she see's Sombra appears and getting closer and closer, before he opens his mouth and she screams.

Twilight opens her eyes, screaming in fear, making everyone else in the room, jump in surprise. Nightmare rushes to her side, and places her fingers onto Twilight's head, soaking up whatever was plaguing her, and het eyes widen. Twilight stares at Spirit, he questions as to how and why he is as he is, are mostly answered.

"You...you..." Twilight stutters.

"I...what?" Spirit asks, confused.

"Your a jewel..." Twilight says shakily making the others, save for Celestia, Luna and Light, and Nightmare, gasp and look at Spirit. He nods his head softly.

"I am. I am the what Discord and Sombra tried to make so they could take over all." He sighs out. He holds up a hand as it turns into a claw covered in black fur.

"Your another part of the Elements of Harmony...that's why you were capable of doing so much against Nightmare Moon, Discord and even Sombra...but. What Element are you?" She asks. Spirit shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. It might not even have a name, but I have a hunch it's something LONG since dead." Spirit explains.

"What's your hunch then?" Dash asks.

"Hope." Spirit says. "The Spirit of Hope." He says with a sigh.

"Then how can it be dead?" Twilight asks. Spirit gives her a sad look.

"Because I am technically dead. Yet I remain part of the Elements of Harmony, and even then, I'd still exist. I am forced to be eternal, and forever living, as is my fate, for now, that is." Spirit explains.

"But, what if it ISN'T hope, but something else, something that is more important?" Pinkie asks. Spirit shrugs his shoulders once again.

"I am not sure then. Perhaps my Element doesn't have need for a name, and is forever nameless?" He says.

"No. I think the name will come in time, but for now, let us see what Twilight had seen in her dreams." Light says softly with a knowing look. Twilight gains a strange look before sighing.

"I saw everything. Discord and Sombra changing the few first Kirin into the Elements of Harmony, sealing Light within Sombra's sword, even how the our world had changed to how it is now." Twilight explains. "In a sense." She finishes up. Spirit nods his ad softly and sighs sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes. That did happen, but it would seem you saw only a bit of the what had actually happen when it was MUCH bloodier and destructive. I had actually scorched the world, my body became fire, Darkness and Chaos incarnate instead of probably glowing. I had went on a rampage and chased down Discord and Sombra, only for Sombra to vanish and for Discord to confront me directly. Then he put me into a cave and molded me into a silver tree, where he placed the Elements of Harmony on, where we all sat for what felt like eternity, but what was really only for a few hundred years. There the princesses had found me along with the other Elements of Harmony and freed me of my prison, however, I was now focused on revenge against not only Sombra or Discord, but the world itself. The rest, you know." He explains.

Twilight and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony stare up at him, before looking down, or up higher in Twilight's case, at their own Elements. Light places a hand onto his chest gently, making him gasp softly and tremble lightly, making the others look back up at him.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asks.

"Nothing. Just sensitive here still." Light says to her and the others. Spirit blushes softly and looks away.

"Please don't do that now." He asks her, a blush still spreading across his face. Light giggles and kisses his cheek gently as she rubs his chest lightly, making him shiver.

"Fine, but only because you asked me so nicely~" She purrs at him, before taking a step back and giggling once again. "Your still fun to mess with." She giggles out, before Fluttershy taps her leg lightly with a hoof. Light looks down at the buttermilk mare. "What's up hon?" She asks. Shy smiles softly as she looks up at Light.

"Um, I was just wondering if you could help me with my little animal friends. I mean, if that's okay with you...." She asks shyly. Light smiles and nods her head lightly.

"Of course! I would love to help you, Shy!" She exclaims. Shy's smile widens by a mile and she hugs Light's neck, pressing her small face into her breasts.

"Oh thank you! Thank you!!" She yells out. Light giggles, a light blush on her cheeks as she rubs Shy's head gently.

"No problem." She says with a wide smile. Her smile seems to fade slightly as Spike walks up and hugs Spirit gently, making him jump and look down at the Drake with an inquisitive look.

"What is it, Spike?" Spirit asks. Spike smiles up at his mother/father.

"I was wondering if I could talk with mom." He asks. Nightmare laughs her ass off and falls over onto her back. Light grows confused. Spirit gives him a sheepish smile.

"Oh, well maybe later..." He stops when he see's Spike's dejected look. He sighs softly, but smiles. "Fine." He states before he flickers back and away from everyone. He walks around an obsidian column. Light tilts her head, confused, until she see's Spirit walk out from the other side, but as a female. Spirit's hair is long and black. His(or would it be her?) cloths are similar to her own. Spirit's eyes seem brighter and hold a strange sense of light in them, her lips are fire red while Light's it icy blue. Her wings are oddly larger as is her tail, but Spirit's horns are smaller, her breast size is smaller than Light's or Celestia's, Light deduces that Spirit's cup would be a C, while her hips are wider and her belly flatter.

Spike smiles widely and hug's Spirit's waist tightly, making her gasp.

"Please don't crush me...!" Spirit gasps out. Spike moves back and smiles sheepishly as Spirit rubs her hips and waist lightly. "Damn you keep getting stronger..." Spirit whines out but her smile never leaves her face. Spirit looks up and see's Light standing there with a smirk, making her blush and look away.

"Seems I had not seen EVERYTHING that went down. So who's the father?" Light asks. Nightmare appears next to Spirit as a male and wraps an arm around Spirit's shoulder's, making her jump slightly and squeak in surprise. "I see, so Nightmare the traitor of the Dragon's is the father of a Drake, hm?" Light says, hissing at Nightmare with a soft smirk on her lips. "Look's like I should knock you up next then, hm?" She purrs out at Spirit, making her blush, before looking down at Spike and pokes her belly.

"So I could get a sister?" He asks, wonder in his eyes.

"Yes." Light says.

"AWESOME!!" Spike exclaims loudly. Spirit gives the three of them a glare.

"I am NOT going through that process, again! It took FAR too long to have Spike grow inside me! I couldn't handle another one!!" Spirit whines out, sadness in her tone for some reason. Light gives Spirit a look.

"How long did it take to make him?" She asks.

"9 years!" Spirit whines out. Light stares at Spirit with a strange look in her eyes, before glaring at a sheepish looking Nightmare.

"You fucking didn't!!" Light roars out. Nightmare holds up and out his hands in defense.

"I had NO idea that I casted that spell!! I just thought that she was taking longer than usual!" Nightmare exclaims.

"USUAL!?!?" Light roars out once more. "THAT WAS HER FIRST CHILD!!" Light screeches out. Spirit looks between the two, gaining a familiar scent that she had caught all those years ago. Her body starts to hat up more, before she tackles both Nightmare and Light to the ground, panting softly.

"Oh shit..." Nightmare mutters. Light gives Nightmare a strange look.


"She's going into heat." Nightmare deadpans. Light's eyes widen before she looks back up at Spirit who nuzzles both of them, her tail swishing around happily. She nips at Light's nose gently, making her blush, before smile softly.

"I see, so she gained those genetics when Discord and Sombra changed him." Light says, making them all look at her before she pokes Spirit's forehead, changing him back into a male once again, but his new hair, tail size, wing size, and shiny eyes. He blinks a few times, as if confused.

"Ugh...what the hell happen to me?" He asks. Spirit notes how he is atop of a male Nightmare and female Light. He blushes as realizes the position they are in, and he flickers away by a few feet. "Sorry about that." He stresses out, his eyes closed tightly. However, when he opens them again, he backs up, making the others stare at him, until Light's eyes widen and she wraps her arms around his shoulder, keeping him in place.

Spirit, however, see's a test laboratory where he was placed in. He looks around frantically looking for a way out. He then hears Light's voice calling to him and he blinks, he looks around and see's everyone staring at him, he see's Light holding him tightly, worry in her eyes.

"I thought those flashbacks had stopped before I was sealed away..." She says softly. Spirit sighs.

"They have apparently come back..." He whimpers out. Twilight tilts her head, while Celestia raises a brow.

"Flashbacks of...what?" Dash asks.

"A laboratory, the place I born in." He sighs out.

"Wait, but I thought Dragon-Son's were born normally?" Twilight asks. Spirit shakes his head softly.

"Most are, Light here is, but I was born and raised in a lab, before my memory became blank and I started school, met Light and Celestia. I even had powers back then as well." Spirit explains. Celestia and the others, save for Light, stare at him with wide eyes. Shy hugs his legs gently.

"Did they hurt you...?" She asks. Spirit nods his head softly, before sighing.

"They used me to help create 'Super Soldiers' to fight against the Dragon's, but their soldier simply died, as my blood is and was poisonous to humans." Spirit explains sadly.

"I see..." Luna states, she and Ander, along with Chrysalis and Mountain, had arrived an hour before Twilight had awoke but decided to remain quiet and watch. "So that is why you were always so afraid of scientist's and such." Luna states. Spirit nods his head softly. His eyes glow softly as gold pieces rise into the air and circle around him before shooting out and going through columns, making small thing holes through the center of them.

"I had a large mind and had already picked my Dragon. My weapon WAS my body, as I could generate energy and use those to fight." He explains.

"Like magic?" Rarity asks. Spirit nods his head softly.

"Yes. I was one of the first to use magic, but it was called different things at the time." He says.

"What were they called?" AJ asks with a normal tone yet her accent remains. Spirit sighs.

"If I remember correctly, there were about 12 listed for 'Psychic Abilities', I could be wrong, and the scientist's tried to transfer my powers into human soldiers, but they had done it the wrong way." He states.

"How?" Chrysalis asks.

"I would have to unlock those abilities in humans or other races, but even then it was a 50-50 ratio per being. They had thought that others needed my BLOOD, not my blessing." Spirit state's. "So my 'magic' was nothing more than my over active mind, now however, magic and my Psychic abilities are tripled past what SHOULD be possible, as are Light's, Nightmare's and even Spike's as well." Spirit explains. Twilight and the others stare at Spirit, Nightmare, Light and Spike with new light.

"That's AMAZING!!" Twilight exclaims, her mouth in an ever lasting state of 'awe'. Spirit shrugs.

"I guess it is." He says. Luna claws her fore hooves together.

"No! That's like us! We have the same abilities but at a MUCH higher level, although, Spirit has more than just three reserves as he has Black Magic and Chaotic Magic coursing through his veins as well, making him as strong, if not stronger than us." She states. Spirit closes his eyes, crosses his arms and tilts his head from side to side.

"Hm...That does make sense." He says softly, before his eyes fly open and he spin kicks the air, however, something made of Black Crystal slams against the ground. Spirit growls loudly. "Damn it!" He barks out. Celestia's axe forms in her hand as she cleaves the Crystal Minion in half, only to have it become to giant Black Crystal Spiders. Spirit's eyes glow softly and the first spider is crushed from a unseen force, before his sword flickers into view as it had pierced it's head.

The second spider rushes at Spirit only to have him raise a hand and for it to rise into the air. He jolts his hand slightly, making the spider fly far back into a wall and is then pierced by Light's katana-spear which she had thrown into it's head with perfect accuracy.

Spirit raises his hands and the two spiders rise into the air, twitching. His pinkies move out as the two weapons leave the spiders bodies, causing them to regenerate and start hissing and making a fuss. Spirit's eyes glow brighter as he rotates his hands slowly making the two spiders spin around rapidly.

He claps his hands together making them crash into each other and turn into Crystal Shards. He then moves his hands apart, before balling them into fists, the Shards crumble into dust, before reddish mist rises from his right eye and the dust burns away into nothing.

His eyes return back to normal and he leans against a column panting as he had used so much of his energy so quickly. He looks up at the others as Light's weapon flows into her belly as his sword flows into his chest. He pushes himself off of the column and stumble over to her but he trips and he falls but then she catches him. When he looks up at her, he can see her wings look feathered and her head seems to have a ring of light around it. He blinks and those things vanish, but he smiles softly before laying his head onto her knees and closes his eyes.

Light rubs her hand through his hair softly as it shrinks and become brown and curly once again. His energy starts to rise again, causing him to open his eyes and look up at the smiling Light. She leans down and kisses his lips gently but it is filled with love. He kisses her back gently before he goes to sit up. He can feel everything in the room and he shivers softly as a darker presence is lingering around.

He looks around and see's a black spot growing Black Crystals. His eyes glow softly but he has them covered by Light's hand. Her eyes glow softly this time as the entire wall shatters but the Black Crystal spot floats in the air before a thin needle jets out and impales itself into Spirit's chest, making everyone's eyes widen in surprise.

Spike's fire envelops the Black Crystal spot, but it is sucked into it and his fire spirals down the needle and into Spirit's chest. Spirit's body goes deathly still as he slumps over slightly before the needle starts to glow and it turns into the blade of a sword, the spot becomes a Black Crystal Heart and strange blank white hilt that starts to turn bright gold. Light grabs the blade and closes her eyes. Her energy flows out and Spirit's body stops going into the sword, but the sword goes into his chest becoming one with him.

His eyes, which were dull, start to light back up but they seem more draconic than before. His brown fair hair starts to become black and fair. He makes a silent scream or roar of pain as his veins start to change colors and his fangs become longer, those rainbow colored tear-mark-lines form down and create a spiral on his chest before it becomes a spot. His eyes become dark dangerous gold as the crowned slits become smaller and thinner.

The floor around him cracks from an unseen force/pressure and pushes Light back away from him. His fingers become claws while his hands and forearm up to his elbow becomes covered in strange orange/bronze colored scales as his horns grow longer and his hair slightly shorter.

His sword forms before him mixing with the black one. The black sword forms the back part as the rest stays the same except they separate and his sword remains the same except it is now smaller and curved back like a katana is, as the black becomes a double sides long sword while the tip splits into two bits and the guard is what looks to be a bright crimson Ruby Heart with his eye in the center.

The two halves of the blade reconnect and flow into the spot on his chest. The lines and spot vanish as his eyes return to being their normal bright golden color as usual and the slit grow back to their usual luster. He slumps back down and everyone crowds him.

"Spirit! Are you okay!?" Twilight exclaims. He nods his head lightly as his eyes close for a brief moment before opening once again and he rises to his feet. He looks towards the north and his left eye glows dark bronze as his right glows bright gold. His chests rises and falls slowly and calmly to the point it scares the others.

He looks back at them with his still glowing eyes.

"We need to be ready." He states.

"Why?" Dash asks.

"Because Discord is free!?" Pinkie exclaims. Spirit shakes his head lightly.

"No. Because Sombra is awake. We need to get to the Crystal Empire and put an end to him." He says. Mountain and Chrysalis gain slightly sad looks before nodding their heads. "But, not before these two have their wedding." Spirit continues with a smile, while he looks back to the north with his minds-eye, he can sense Sombra's presence and feel his strength returning to him. This will not end well, he can feel it.

Chapter 15: "The Wedding Pt. 1"

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Spirit walks along Canterlot Castle's white halls as the sunlight shines in through the windows as today is a very important day. It is the day of the double wedding of Guard Captain Shinning Armor Sparkle and Princess Mi Armore Cadenza, as well as Queen Chrysalis and King Mountain. He smiles softly as he thinks of how happy the three of the four members as Shinning Armor had seemed a bit...off. Spirit looks out of the window with a puzzled look before he feels someone presence as evil as Sombra's appear behind him.

He spins around and see's a large albino white Changeling with a crimson red mane, long scorpion tail with three stinger on the tip as they seem to form fingers. He notes that it is a stallion and it wears a large white crown similar to Chrysalis's. His eyes are blood red and his fangs are pitch black, his horn is jagged and twice as long as Chrysalis's is, in fact, this Changeling is twice the size as her.

He stares as the Changeling smirks and unsheathes...Shinning Armor's sword!? Spirit growls as he connect the dots and his own sword appears in his hand. He charges and swings the sword down in an arch before this King Changeling's smirk widens as he side steps Spirit's attack quicker than thought possible.

Spirit's eyes widen in surprise, before the Changeling impales Spirit onto his blade through the chest, making him cough blood and his body to droop slightly. Spirit looks up and see's the Changeling King change into Shinning Armor, a wide smile on his face as he pins Spirit to the ground with his own sword somehow and chuckles darkly in his face. The Changeling King leans in and whispers into Spirit's ear.

"You seemed to think that I would send my Changeling to kill you? No. I sent them to get you prepared, but it would seem you are nothing but a fraud. Goodbye, King of the Mountain." HE states before pushing Spirit's own sword through his chest more and vanishing with a dark laugh. Spirit's eyes start to darken and glaze over as he can feel himself going to rest as he can't die, but he can be placed into a deep sleep for a certain amount of time. He chuckles weakly.

'An hour should be fine...but first...I need to get this...out!!' He roars in his mind. He grabs his sword by the blade and rips it from his chest making his blood spray all over the walls and a puddle forms beneath him. He closes his eyes and goes into a resting state, his mind making up dreams of how he'll kill that damned King Beetle. His body goes still and his breathing is shallow yet strong enough to fill his lungs with air.

=============1 Hour later, with Spike======================

Spike walks down the long hallway and in search of where the blood is coming from. Rarity and Twilight follow him worried that his Draconic instincts might be taking over him. He walks faster and faster as he can smell Spirit's body and the blood getting closer and closer, he goes into a full sprint making the marble floor tiles crack or shatter from his weight and the pressure he puts into his feet. Twilight and Rarity share a look before nodding and chasing after him.

He turns left and stops, his eyes wide in horror. Twilight and Rarity turn and gasp at what Spike see's. They all see Spirit laying up against a wall with a hold going through it as his sword lays next to him covered in blood. A pool of his own blood sits beneath him as the walls and floors around him are covered in his strangely bright crimson blood. Spike flickers next to Spirit and places a claw onto his neck, his eyes widen as he feels a pulse and that his body is still warm if not hotter than it should be.

"He's still alive! Twi! Go get the Princesses!" Spike exclaims. Twilight nods her head and teleports away as her magic has been growing ever since she came to terms she was an Alicorn by blood about a week ago and she has gained small but still growing wings as her mane and tail seem to be growing longer and larger. Rairty walks over to Spike.

"Is there anything I can do, darling?" She asks. Spike nods his head as he points to the curtain.

"Make that into something to cover up his wound like a large bandage or something." Spike orders. Rarity nods her head quickly and uses her magic to tear the curtain off and make it into bandages. She hands the bandages over to Spike who wraps them around Spirit's chest and back covering his wound. By this time, Celestia and the others have arrived. Light flickers into view but gusts of wind knock Spike into the far wall, her eyes flash dark grey at him before looking down at Spirit. She sighs in relief after inspecting his form.

"He'll be fine. Just put himself into a deep sleep. But who wounded him?" She hisses the last part out.

"We're not sure, but I had caught the scent of blood in the air an hour ago and started to chase it down. Twi and Rarity here were tailing me, probably over my instincts taking me over or something like that." Spike says the last part out of boredom, despite the dire situation. Light sighs.

"Your mother/father could have died and you sound bored about it!?" Light hisses out, her eyes flash dark silver before her body is stuck still and she turns around to see Spirit's eyes open and glowing softly, his wound healing quickly but still taking tons of power from him. He groans as he sits up slowly, his blood spurts out slightly as he rises to his feet and leans against the wall for support while Light helps him stand.

He looks around and see's Shinning Armor. He growls and points at him before black lightning flows from his finer and coils around the unicorn stallion, but he finds no one but Armor who stares at Spirit with wide eyes. He cancels the lightning and coughs at the floor.

"Search your guards, Tia." He whispers out. Celestia tilts her head.

"Why?" She asks. Spirit looks up at her and his eyes glow brighter.

"Because King Beetle is here." He states, making everyone gasp before a guard takes off running and changes into a Crimson Changeling. It rushes towards the window, only to have Spirit's hand come out of it's chest through the back making it's body goes still and it's eyes darken as life leaves them. Spirit growls and spreads his hand out making the body crack before exploding. "Damn it..." He mutters.

"Where did he go?" Luna asks. Spirit shakes his head lightly.

"I don't know, but he managed to overpower me somehow. He is stronger than I had realized, but then again, Sombra is gaining more power and ground the longer we wait." Spirit informs them. Their eyes widen from the news before a pony guard rushes down the hallway and stops before Celestia and Luna and Cadence who stays close to Shinning with a smirk that the others don't seem to notice except for Twilight and Spirit.

The two stare at her before a Changeling guard runs down the hallway and stops before Chrysalis.

"My queen! We are ready for the wedding!" He exclaims happily, the small pink Changeling flickers onto Spirit's shoulder, her tail gently coils around his neck like a snake would as she nuzzles him gently.

"Mmmm!" She states as she nuzzles his cheek, his body healing and his energy being replenished. He smiles at her as she licks his nose gently as his wings twitch slightly. The two flicker and play a strange game of tag but the Changeling keeps escaping Spirit whenever she tags him. He crashes against the wall with her hugging his chest and nuzzling him happily.

"Okay okay! I get it, I'll make sure to play with you more often!" He laughs out despite the situation at hand. Light flickers next to him, looking at the Changeling.

"Who is she?" She asks. Spirit looks up at Light with a smile.

"I call her, Love." He states.

"Love?" Light states in confusion.

"Yeah, she seems to love everything around her, in fact, when she first hatched she had moved to me and would remain next to me even if I was to sleep alone, she would be there to sleep with me." He states with a small happy smile as he kisses the top of her head gently, making her giggle and nip at his chin.

Love looks up at him and smiles happily, little angel wings on her back as her cat-like-tail swishes around happily. He chuckles softly as her tiny hands/dull-claws poke his chest repeatedly tickling him. He rubs her head gently as she looks up at him with sapphire blue eyes. He smiles softly down at her as she giggles and hugs his face tightly.

Light giggles and picks Love up, making her ears prick up and she looks back at Light and purrs softly. She looks down at Light's chest and dives between her breasts, making her blush lightly but smile gently. Spirit smirks.

"Someone likes you." He states. Light nods her head as Love's small head pops out from between her breasts and she looks around in wonder before flickering to atop of Chrysalis's head and nibbles on her horn. Chrysalis looks up at the small Changeling.

"You certainly are a strange one, Love. You are part of my hive, yet you aren't." She says with a smile. Love giggles and her body grows to the same size as other Changeling's are, her claws are more like fingers, her mane is long and white as her eyes glow brightly as her angelic wings seem to grow larger and her tail more like Mountain's is. Her body is similar to how a human little girl's is as she stands on her hind-legs and her horn seems to curl back and become jagged like Chrysalis's is. Her fangs become smaller so they don't show and her chitin-fur starts to become clothes as skin forms.

She looks at everyone and smiles happily.

"Well this is new." Spirit states. "I had heard of certain Changeling's being able to mimic other's bodies and even mix abilities. It would seem that Love is one of those." Spirit states as Love looks up at Light and Celestia in awe. She places her hands onto her own chest and tilts her head slightly in confusion. Light places a hand atop of Love's head gently.

"Don't worry sweetie, they'll come with time, give it a few years. Okay?" She says. Love nods her head before looking at Light's belly and pokes it gently.

"Baby." Love says quickly. Light blushes.

"No honey, no baby." Light states.

"Not yet." Spirit states as Gilda, Light, Celestia, Daring and Nightmare look towards him with wide eyes. He shrugs. "Why not?" Spirit asks nonchalantly. He then looks to Mountain, Chrysalis, Cadence and Shinning. "Let us have this wedding!" He states. However, Twilight and Spirit give Cadence a look as she remains still as the others leave.

"Who are you?" Twilight asks. Cadence laughs as her eyes flash red for a brief moment before a sword flies out at Twilight but Spirit flickers before the her as the sword impales into his side as he groans in pain. His sword appears in his hand as he rushes Cadence, who flickers back, the sword slices left cutting Spirit's side open making his blood spew into the wall and floor. He pants in pain as multiple sword are conjured up around Cadence's form.

She taps the floor with a hoof and the swords jet out at him but are knocked aside by his sword while using the flat of it. He swings his sword around as his side slowly heals and black lightning arks around the blade as he dashes forward with his sword held strait out. Cadence dashes back before flickering in and out around him, multiple swords swiping at him as he uses the flat of his own blade as shield.

He spins in a circle and manages to send Cadence into a wall and a small cut on her chest but it soon heals quickly and she flickers behind him as a falchion swipes upward and cuts his back before she flickers before him and the falchion swipes down and cuts his left shoulder down his chest and stomach to his right hip.

He stabs at Cadence with his sword only to have it blocked by a wall of floating swords. She smirks as the blades flicker and then impale themselves into his body which jolts and twitches with every single blade that pierces his flesh. She laughs until a ball of purple magic slams into her back and knocks her onto her belly and chest. She growls and her yes flash red briefly.

She rises to her hooves and a large ball of sickly yellow magic forms and fires out at Twilight, who gasps and panics. Spirit flickers before her his eyes glowing brightly and forms a psychic shield that protects the two of them as the attack explodes around them.

"You two are causing quite a bit of trouble for us. So how about, I end you!?" She laughs as red flames circle around the two of them, pulling them down through the floor. Spirit stays calm and glares at Cadence while Twilight thrashes about in a hurry to try and get free. Cadence laughs again before she flickers away. Unknown to them, Love had watched the whole thing from the window and she screams before flickering away to try and get help.

She appears next to Spike and she pulls on his arms.

"What's wrong, Love?" He asks.

"Bad! Bad! Caden! Bad!" She screams out. Cadence walks into the room and Love flips out. She spins in the air and whips Cadence's cheek with her tail and then forms a small pink ball of magic that she fires off that explodes lightly against Cadence's chest, knocking her back through the door. "Bad!!" Love exclaims.

"Stop that!" Light orders, making Love whimper as he ears flop against the back of her head. "What do you have to say for yourself!?" Light exclaims. Love points at the recovering Cadence.

"Bad! Fire! Spirit and Twilight!!" Love exclaims.

"Spirit and Twilight were messing with fire. When I had put it out I think Love here thought I was being mean." Cadence says, a small smile on her muzzle, but a deadly venomous glare is briefly sent Love's way making the small Changeling whimper more. Chrysalis nods her head lightly.

"I see, that would make sense. She is only a child, after all." She states. Love looks to her mother and waves her arms around rapidly. "But she needs to NOT misbehave as she is a Princess." Chrysalis states coldly. Love sniffs but then Light picks her up and hugs her gently.

"True, but she is just a child. I'll take her to Spirit's room so he can talk with her." Light says with a smile before flickering away before Cadence could get a word out.

'Damn it...I need to get this shit done before anything else happens.' Cadence thinks to herself as she and the others leave towards the throne room to do the practice vows. Light and Love flicker into Spirit's room and she looks down at Love with a serious look.

"Something bad happened, huh?" Light asks. Love nods her head looking ready to cry as she places her face into Light's chest. Light rubs Love's head and back gently before Love sends psychic images of what she had seen to Light, making her eyes narrow dangerously.

'So there are more than just Beetle. Oh fuck me.' She thinks. Love giggles softly and sniffs as well.

"Never repeat that until you have a boyfriend, got it?" Light tells her. Love nods her head lightly before the two flicker back with the others and act like nothing bad happened.

"Where's Spirit?" Nightmare asks.

"He said he needed to go and visit Diorum for a little while, won't be back till near the end of the wedding." Light states with a smile. Cadence gives her a strange look, but nods.

'Seems she doesn't know a thing. Good.' Cadence thinks to herself before looking to Celestia and they start their practice vows.

=======in the Crystal Mines of Canterlot===========================

Spirit lays on the floor, healing slowly. He chuckles weakly as he can see everything with his minds eye.

"This, will be fun." He mutters as his eyes glow and he holds the real Cadence next to himself while Twilight tends to her wounds. This was going to take a while.

Chapter 16: "The Wedding Pt. 2"

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Spirit's body remains still as Twilight wakes up slowly. She looks around groggily as they are surrounded by strange purple and pink crystals. She notes that Spirit's body is riddled with holes and his side is still torn open and still healing ever so slowly. She see's his body twitch slightly.

She moves closer to him, only to be stopped by 'Cadence's laughter. She looks around.

"Where are we!?" Twilight yells out. Cadence's face appears in a crystal.

"Your in the Crystal Caverns beneath Canterlot. Many don't even know that it exists." She states.

"That's because I buried them here to keep Sombra away from a certain object he still needs." Says a male voice. Twilight looks around and see's Spirit standing there, his cloths are blood red and deep matt black while his hair is bright white even becoming silver colored as his eyes glow bright and dark.

His wounds heal up quickly as his sword appears on his back as his coat flaps in the slight breeze that forms from the entrances and exits. Cadence glares down at Spirit.

"What do you mean?" She asks. Spirit bows his head no one can see his eyes.

"I don't have to tell you anything. Besides, he'll never get it back to gain ALL of his power back into his possession anyways." He states with a bored tone. Cadence growls and materializes before him with her for-hooves raised and he is sent flying back from an unseen force.

His eyes glow slightly as a smirk develops onto his lips and he flickers before her, his sword brought out and in a downward slashing motion. She giggles and his blade bounces off of a force field made of strange blue magic. His eyes widen as multiple swords appear and impale into his form and pinning him to a crystal wall. Twilight's horn charges a bright purple magical sphere which then turns into a large beam as she releases it.

Cadence turns but the beam slams into her and sending her into a wall crumbling it to reveal another Cadence being guarded by Ruby Changeling's. Twilight's eyes widen as this Cadence has a long cut going down her left eye down the side of her neck and chest before stopping at her left hip. The fake Cadence's form flickers between Cadence and King Beetle.

Twilight growls and her eyes become white as her Element forms atop of her head but starts to fuse with her horn and body. She becomes human height as she resembles Light but her build is a bit smaller and her fur becomes like Princess armor. The gem becomes split into two pieces as the upper part becomes her jewel on the crown while the lower part becomes shield shaped like her Cutie Mark with a sword sheathed into it.

She scream in anger as she unsheathes her sword as her shield slips onto her left forearm and the gauntlet beneath it slips onto her hand as she holds her sword with her right hand. She flickers behind King Beetle who bucks Twilight into a wall, but Spirit flickers and catches the pony-turned-human and tosses her at Cadence.

"Go save her. I'll deal with this ant." He hisses out the last part mockingly, making King Beetle growl and charge at Spirit. The two combatants both flicker but this time, Beetle is smashed against the crystal walls as they fight and Spirit dodges his attacks.

'How can he be faster now!? Before I was beating him, unless...that clever bastard.' Beetle thinks to himself with a smirk before stopping in mid place on the ceiling while Spirit stands on the floor.

"You were letting me hit you, hm?" He asks.

"So what if I was?" Spirit asks. Beetle chuckles before he vanishes and appears back in the same spot as Spirit's shoulder is cleaved open and his legs are broken. Spirit's eyes widen in shock and realization. Beetle managed to get somewhat serious. He growls in pain as Beetle appears before him and slides his strange sword into his abdomen and starts to move it up towards his chest slowly making Spirit cry out in pain.

"You really shouldn't let this sort of thing happen to you, even by your own sword." Beetle states with a mocking smirk. Spirit looks down and see's that Beetle is using HIS sword to cut him apart. Spirit grabs the blade of his own sword in shock as he can feel the air get thicker and thicker. "You might not be able to die, but I can still put you into a deep sleep to keep you occupied." He whispers into Spirit's ear.

Spirit chuckles weakly.

"Well, you won't be able to soon." He coughs out. Beetle tilts his head before a blast of magic slams into his back side sending him off of Spirit and into the far wall face first. He rises and turns around. He see's Twilight back to normal passed out on Cadence's back as her horn charges up another ball of magic, a strange fire burning in her eyes.

"How dare you attack him!" She exclaims as she fires odd a large beam that goes and hits Spirit instead of Beetle. He laughs as if she were stupid.

"You attack Spirit and put an end to him, hm? Such a foolish pony." Beetle chuckles out as multiple swords float around in the air but before they are sent out a series of what sounds like a strange roar comes from where Spirit was laying and the swords are hit with a spire of fire. Beetle looks up and his eyes widen when he see's a large silhouette of what he can only assume is a Dragon. It's crowned slit golden eyes shine bright as it stares down at him.

"You think you could do me in that easily? How foolish." The Dragon says with a deep rumbling voice. Beetle smirks up at the giant Dragon.

"So it is true. Your reputation proceeds you for being the fiercest of the Dragon's to have ever lived, Spirit." He states. Spirit growls and fire spews out from it's massive maw, but Beetle flickers away in the exit area and chuckles. "But our little game ends here. Farewell, King of the Mountain." He states before his right eye glows and his body is consumed by shadows as he exit collapses. Cadence stares up at the massive Dragon as it starts to drop, but Spirit drops down instead onto the ground making the crystals crack and shatter from beneath his clawed feet.

Cadence stares wide eyed at Spirit as he raises a finer up to his lips in a "be quiet" motion. She nods her head as Twilight moves slightly but stays unconscious. Spirit flickers behind her and taps the back of her head knocking her out and he catches both her and Twilight as he sits on the crystalline floor and looks up through his minds-eye.

He see's Light and Love return with the others and how Light explains that he would not be back for a few days or she could have said hours as he could only see but not hear. He smirks as he holds a passed out Cadence and Twilight before his eyes light up and they are both raised into the air and float around him. His eyes glow brighter and brighter before he himself goes invisible and a jolt makes Twilight and Cadence wake up and he sets them down quickly but gently.

"Cadence!!" Twilight exclaims.

"Twilight!" Cadence exclaims and the two share a good long hug before their sense's kick in and they look around quickly. Cadence's horn ignites to find Spirit but she finds nothing. Twilight does the same and she comes up with the same thing.

"Where did Spirit go to?" Twilight asks.

"I'm not sure, but we need to get out of here!" Cadence exclaims. Twilight gives her a look.

"But what about Spirit!?" She asks. Cadence sighs.

"Twilight, Spirit is just fine as he himself found this place as he had told Beetle." Cadence tells the young Alicorn. Twilight sighs before nodding her head and the two rush off towards an exit that Spirit had created while they were talking. He float around them without being seen or detected as they gallop through the caverns. He notices that Changelings follow them and he silent berates himself for thinking that they would have no issues in escaping.

Twilight looks back and her eyes widen as the hordes upon hordes of Ruby Changelings charge after them. She goes to attack but then Spirit becomes visible and his hands are together and held back as a small black ball of energy forms. He thrusts his hands forward and the ball flies out and explodes as it hits a wall ad causes crystals to fall and impale a few of the Changelings and block off most of the hordes from getting to them.

His sword appears on his back as he charges at the hordes and starts slashing around the ground and air killing Changelings left and right. His eyes glow softly as he holds out a hand and crystal spikes fly and kill the Changelings before he stabs his sword into the crystal floor and makes the crystals themselves turn into strange liquid metal that circle around his form. His sword vanishes and he punches and kicks at the air as small liquid metal bullets fly out and go through the heads of the Changelings.

The liquid metal forms into strange looking hand-canons that Spike used to use and he spins them around his fingers and he crosses his arms and starts firing left and right sending out what Spike calls "bullets" through the heads of Changelings with a smirk on his face. He jumps and as he falls he spins through the air and fires off more "bullets" rapidly before these strange rectangle's drop down to his feet and more appear and slide up the grip of the hand-canon.

He flickers behind Cadence and Twilight as he fires more "bullets" out in the blink of an eye before he moves one arm back and without looking shoots the head off of a Changeling. He looks back at Twilight and Cadence with a bored look.

"Come on, let's get going." He states before he pushes off of the floor and he disappears. Twilight smirks slightly.

"I think I know what's going on." She states.

"Spirit's being invisible?" Cadence asks. Twilight nods. "Figures." She sighs out before the two smile and gallop towards the exit. They reach a cliff and the two jump off of the ground and both spread their wings as they glide upward to the top but when they reach it, three ponies and multiple Ruby Changelings guard the exit. They glare and both of their horns ignite as they fire magical beams at the ponies and they are free from whatever spell they were under.

The ponies scream before they as moved back by Spirit who glares down at the Changelings. His eyes glow brightly and they, along with him, disappear in the blink of an eye before Spirit comes back with blood all over his form. He walks over to the exit and opens it before walking away from it and gets prepared to leave but is stopped by Cadence.

"Wait! Aren't you going to help us!?" She yells out. Spirit looks over his shoulder at her and smirks lightly.

"Course I am, doll. I'm not going to let these Changelings get away with this, but I also can't let them get the artifact. I'll see you two in a little bit." He chuckles out before he flickers for a split second before he vanishes. Cadence stops her hoof in frustration but Twilight wraps a foreleg around her withers and calms her down.

"Come on, if he says he'll help us, then he'll help us! But we need to go help the others!!" She exclaims. Cadence nods her head as the two of them and the other ponies rush out of the exit.

======In the throne room; Wedding Day================

"...And with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and- " Celestia is cut off as Twilight bursts through the doors.

"Stop the wedding!!" She exclaims.

"Ugh! Why does she have to ruin my day! I mean! Oh! Boohooo! Why does she have to ruin "our" special day!?" The fake Cadence exclaims.

"It's not YOUR special day!" Says a mare's voice. The real Cadence walks in. "It's MINE!" She yells out at the fake copy.

"Ah don' un'erstand, 'ow can there be two Princess Cadence's?" AJ asks.

"Because HE is a Changeling! The Changeling King Beetle!!" Cadence exclaims. The fake copy chuckles.

"Close, but you are wrong." Says a strange woman's voice from the fake Cadence. A pillar of ruby fire flies into the air around the fake copy before a copy of Chrysalis stands there, but the chitin-fur is white, the mane is red the eyes are like rubies as her tail is scorpion like with those stringers that look like claws. Her wings fan out and look like a mix between a butterflies and a wasps wings.

"Who are you!?" Twilight exclaims.

"I am Empress Carapace! Wife if Emperor Beetle!" Carapace exclaims. Chrysalis stares at the Changeling before her in shock and surprise. "Chrysalis's mother." She then states. Twilight stares wide-eyed at this Changeling before Emperor Beetle appears in a flash of light and he has a smirk on his face.

"I have long since waited to get here to put an end to you miserable ponies! It has been generations since I had seen your despicable race here gazing up at me in fear. I grow tired of your worthlessness!" He roars out as sword circle him and fly out and ready to kill every-pony in the room as they flinch and close their eyes, but then a series of small explosions sound off and boots click clacking on the floor.

They open their eyes and they see Spirit walking down a long staircase with his hands in his pockets as his red coat flaps in the wind and his black boots shine.

"Hey there." He states.

"Spirit!!" Love and Light exclaims. He smirks and looks up as his sword sits on his back.

"You didn't really think I would miss out on the party, did you?" He asks. His voice seems louder and his body seems leaner as if he had gone through yet another transformation of power. His tail flicks a few times as his wings twitch slightly. The pink magic barrier shatters as millions upon billions of Ruby Changelings break through an charge Canterlot.

Beetle and Carapace both laugh maniacally.

"We have won!!" Carapace exclaims.

"No, you haven't." Celestia growls out as her eyes glow and her axe appears in her hand and Carapace is sent flying into the far wall from the twitch of Celestia's head. Spirit draws his sword as Beetle flickers before him and slashes downward with a broadsword onto Spirit's own blade. The two smirk at each other as they run/gallop alongside a wall as they slash their blades at each other while Celestia and Carapace punch and kick at each other an every so often Carapace would need to dodge Celestia's axe before she would send the Alicorn-human into a pillar and continue their brawl.

Spirit kicks Beetle into a column as he stabs his blade into the wall as he spins around on the hilt as Beetle's swords fly out and try to hit Spirit but are knocked away by his feet and tail. He looks up as he spins and time seems to go slow for the two as they have a stare down before they both flicker and clash their blades together and send sparks flying before they slash their blades around at rapid speeds but only manage to block the others attacks.

Celestia and Carapace both punch each other in the face and they both fly back into two different columns as the ponies below rush to get away from the brawl but are dealing with Ruby Changelings. Chrysalis growls and her Emerald Changelings appear out of nowhere and take down the Ruby ones before more arrive. Mountain's arm claws/hands jet out and crush the Ruby Changelings like bugs.

Nightmare sends out a torrent of black flame as Spike stands beside her spewing out his Emerald flame. Light and Love both have their eyes glow and the Ruby Changelings are sent flying from a psychic force before Love shrinks down and hides between Light's breasts out of fear. Light giggles softly before summoning her katana-spear and licks the blade before she flickers into the middle of a horde as the Ruby Changelings explode sending blood and gore all over the place.

Spirit kicks Beetle into Carapace and they collide and make strange sparks before they switch opponents. Carapace flies after Spirit who simply spins around and kicks the Empress into a column before he tackles Beetle into a wall. Celestia knee's Carapace in the stomach before her axe forms in her hands. She raises it and swings down chopping off one of her strange butterfly wings before kicking her down onto the floor.

Spirit grabs Beetle by the horn and throws him into another column and the roof starts to collapse.

"Shit." Spirit mutters having forgotten about the roof needing the damned columns that he so loves to smash. He flickers down to the double doors and opens it. "Come on everyone! Get the fuck out of here now!" He exclaims. The ponies, Dragons and Emerald Changelings nod as they rush past him. He holds the roof up with his strange psychic abilities as Carapace and Celestia keep battling it out. Beetle sends a volley of daggers down at Celestia who kicks them aside and into Carapace's foreleg.

Beetle tackles Celestia to the floor and runs a sword into her side, making her scream in pain. Spirit growls and hisses before his eyes light up dangerously and he flickers down and kicks Beetle away as well as pulling the sword out of Celestia and throws it at Beetle going through the Changeling Emperor's side. Beetle and Carapace growl before the roof starts to crumble down towards them and they both flicker at Spirit who is healing Celestia's side quickly. She looks up at the falling roof and smiles softly thinking that this was going to hurt.

"This won't hurt at all." Spirit states as he forms a barrier around the two of them as the roof crumbles onto the Ruby Changelings and Beetle pushes Carapace out from under a large piece of roof before it crushes him. Carapace's eyes grow tears before she is forced to flee and take the remains of her Ruby Changeling army. Spirit kisses Celestia gently as the roof collapses around them and a cloud of dust rises into the air.

Twilight and the others watch in horror as the cloud rises, yet the only ones escaping are a distraught Carapace and what is left of her "army". She gallops back into the castle and goes down the hallways until she reaches the throne room, or what is left of it. She stumbles around and uses her magic to push the debris around. Dash places a hoof onto her shoulder.

"Twi, I don't think- " She is cut off as a pillar of strange light shoots into the air from the center of the room. As the pillars light starts to die down, they can see Celestia is fine and that Spirit is raising his hands. He is panting heavily.

"Damn it. That took FAR too much energy than I had thought." He states as he fall onto his butt. Celestia nods her head.

"Agreed. That was a bit too much, even for my liking." She giggles out. The two rises up to their feet once more and they flicker before Dash and Twilight who stare up at the two of them.

"Does this mean that the wedding is off?" Pinkie asks. They shake their heads and both smirk.

"No way in hell." They both states.

=====1 week later=========================

"Princess Mi Armore Cadenza- " Celestia starts but it cut off.

"Cadence is fine." She states. Celestia smiles.

"Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor. I now pronounce you, husband and wife." Celestia states. She looks to Spirit who stands before Mountain and Chrysalis.

"Queen Chrysalis and King Mountain. I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. May you two prosper and have many children during your days as a wedded couple. Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor, you two have my blessing to live in my kingdom as well. May you all live happily and full of love." Spirit states with a small smile before Cadence kisses Shinning and Mountain kisses Chrysalis.

Celestia and Spirit share a smile as the four head towards the chariots and ride off into the distance, as they had not wanted to go through the after-party. Light stands besides Spirit on his right as Celestia stands on his left. Daring stands behind Celestia and Nightmare stands with Light as Gilds sits before all of them. They all look out at the sunset with smiles on their faces as they look forward to a better future.

Spirit then gives a glance towards the north and see's the Crystal Empire returning into it's full luster as Sombra's shadow grows across the lands and sea's. He looks down at Discord's statue and he can feel that the Draconequus' time to become free once again, is arriving. Life is going to get more interesting around here, and he doesn't want to miss a thing.

Chapter 17: "Journey to the North"

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Spirit walks alongside Light as they travel to the train station alone that is heading towards the frozen north to face down Sombra in hopes to end him once and for all. The train is long enough to put human trains to shame as the width is enough to fit a small Dragon. Spirit notes that the glass windows are black and tinted so no one can look into them as well as looking to be bullet proof from the outside.

Light walks into the train-car and notes the fine leather seats and even a few table. The curtains look to be hoof-crafter into draconic symbols and designs of when she and Spirit ruled together without having to deal with Discord, Sombra or Nightmare Moon. She smiles softly as she see's a picture of her and Spirit being in High School as they stand with Sabrina(Celestia) and their club, back when they would fight Shadow Beings by summoning their dormant abilities, in front of their School Dorm.

Spirit looks at the picture as well and a small smile crosses his lips before someone clears their throat making him and Light jump a few feet into the air. He spins around and his arms start to glow, as do his eyes. He is stopped by Light who stands before him and holds her right arm out making a silent halt. He looks up and see's Twilight with Spike and the other bearers of the Element's of Harmony with their Elements connected to their forms.

"What are you doing here?" Light asks with a cold and harsh tone making everyone, besides Spirit, flinch and grow worried about their friend and her sudden hatred towards them.

"Princess Celestia told us to come with you two as to be of some sort of help." Rainbow explains. Light makes a head motion to Spirit and his left eye seems to darken as become black and red with a sideways crowned slit. He stares at the two of them before his eye returns to normal and he nods his head lightly.

"They are clean." He states with the nod of his head yet his mouth does not move. Light nods her head back.

"Clean?" Rarity asks. Spirit looks at her with a soft expression.

"In the north the air is changed and changes those that hold no Element or ties with holy or unholy beings become corrupted and become what humans called "Zombies" but it is actually the high mass of Black Magical energy that floats around. Sombra may have tried to take over Equestria and the world a few thousand years ago, but he wasn't the first Black Magic user to ever exist. Before here were Shadow Beings that could control darkness and as they sound; the shadows. I already know you will ask about that picture, but that will be talked about later on when we have more time. But for now, we must hurry to the Northern hemisphere before that evil energy flows down to Equestria and my home." Spirit explains. Light stares out the window with pure hatred in her eyes most likely reserved for Sombra. Shy looks at the picture again and see's a boy standing with them holding a large sword.

The trains jolts with a start and heads down the tracks slowly moving away from the station as the ponies feel a strange sense of dread start to form in their chests. Spirit sits down onto a couch and remains silent as Light sits across from him and she has a glare on her face but it softens as she notices Spirit's silence. Twilight and the other ponies watch as Spike curls up next to Spirit like a kitten next to it's mother, and considering their relationship it makes sense to the ponies, as Light appears on the other side of Spike and rubs his back gently.

"He is a wonderful looking child." Light states as she has a smile gracing her lips as Spirit's eyes sparkle with love and happiness at Light and Spike.

"That he is. It's funny about his name though." He states with a soft chuckle. Twilight tilts her head as Light and Spike both give Spirit questioning looks.

"What's wrong with my name?" Spike asks. Spirit chuckles again before rubbing his son's head spines gently. Light stares at Spirit with a questioning look as Spirit summons an Emerald ember.

"I was planning to name you Emerald Flame, as when you were born the fire that I would breath on you to keep your egg safe and warm would always turn Emerald." He states. Rarity giggles.

"Now that would have been fun to say. Emerald Flame...WAIT! Is Flame your last name!?" Rarity asks Spirit loudly. He shakes his head.

"I never had a last name." He states.

"The why 'Flame'?" Twilight asks.

"It just seemed to fit with him at the time. But Spike is just as good a name." Spirit explains. Spike chuckles.

"I kind of like Emerald a bit better, but I'll accept my adoptive mother/sister's choice of name." He says as he nuzzles Twilight gently and making her blush.

"You named him?" Spirit asks. Twilight nods her head gently.

"I did. I thought it was a cute name for when he was younger." She says with a sheepish shrug. Spike then gets a strange happy look on his face.

"Why not make my name, 'Spike Emerald Flame'?" He asks. Spirit nods his head, as does Twilight. They both smile and chuckle/giggle.

"A fine name indeed." Light giggles out. The others continue to talk amongst themselves as Spirit stays quiet and thinks about the past. He looks out the window as he watches snow fall and the ground outside is slowly being covered by snow. His eyes then squint as he see's something coming at the train like a bat-out-of-hell. His eyes then widen as he watches a massive Ice Troll burst out from the hailing snow as it lets out a gurgling wail.

He notes that it's body is bleeding and torn apart and the right eye dangles as it's left eye glows bright purple with strange black mist flowing from it. He summons his sword quickly as hordes of Undead Ice Troll's burst out as well as chariots of human skeleton's ride out with rotting Cerberus'.

"Everyone! Get your weapons out and make sure they are ready to kill!" He states as he pulls out what he and Spike call a 'pistol' and fires a few 'bullets' out taking the heads of the Trolls off and their bodies to drop onto the Skeleton's below them. Spike grabs his Emerald sword and holds it back as it waiting to thrust it forward. Light holds her shield and katana-spear as Twilight activates her Element and she becomes a human/Alicorn hybrid like Celestia is but it is her armored form as her sword and shield is ready.

Rarity enters her Alicorn armor form as AJ brings out her bladed whip, Dashes wings ignite with lightning and blades fanning over her feathers, tail and mane as armor. Shy's Element ignites and a medical outfit forms on her withers as her saddlebag is full of healing items and rings that turn into full armor pieces. Pinkie's Element ignites and she wears hoof-canon's and has elemental streamer-like-chain-whips circling her form as.

Spirit fires more rounds from the train's windows as the undead beings rush forward. He takes down a few before more take he fallen ones places. He growls as his eyes glow and lava pillars rise up around the train as light's eyes glow softly and Ice Spears fly from the snow and impale into the undead severing their limbs.

The other side of the car is torn open as an Undead Ice Troll rips part of the roof off along with a wall. Spirit curses under his breath as he spins around and swings his blade from side to side soppily and cuts the beasts eyes open making it roar in pain before he puts the barrel of his gun into it's mouth and fires out a shot making it's head explode into a bomb of gore. He kicks the body off of the train as Skeletons jump onto the train and sword their swords as Spirit's chest, only to be sliced in half by his tail and to be kicked off of the train.

He looks back and see's Light parrying a Skeleton with her shield before kicking it back at Spike who cleaves it in two as more arrive to attack him. Spirit is the grabbed and pulled from the car by a massive Ice Troll that swings him around. His eyes glow faintly before he teleports high in the air and dives down at the Troll as it looks around for him. He brings his blade out and throws it down and fires out a few bullets at the butt of the hilt making it go down faster. His left arm starts to glow as his sword pierces the Troll's head and splits it in half.

He rears his arm back before thrusting it forward and it explodes into a strange chain as a claw-hook grips the hilt of the sword and his chain-arm recoils before becoming a metal arm. He looks down at the train and flickers into the car as his mechanical arm glows and becomes flesh once again. He looks around the car and see's that ponies are smashing against the doors as their intestines drag and their eyes are lifeless.

"RRRAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" One gurgles out as it tackles into Spirit and bites at his face and neck. He growls and shoots the Zomb-ponies head off he then kicks the body off of his form and slices another one in half before stomping it's head into oblivion. Spike flies through the door as a horde chases after him but he slams the door shut and locks it. He pants heavily as his sword is covered in blood as are his claws as he wipes the undead gore and blood off onto the walls.

"Spike. Where are the others?" Spirit asks. Spike jumps and spins around holding his sword like a shield. "Whoa! Easy there!" Spirit exclaims as he raises his hands up in defense.

"Oh, it's you." Spike states before sighing in what Spirit can only think is relief. "The others rushed out of the room after you were taken and then the ponies were being turned by this strange purple gas. We are fine as we had inhaled it and remained safe, but everyone else on this train has been turned into Zombies. Before they were only coughing before they started to eat each other, and then, they came after us." He pants out. Spirit nods his head lightly and sighs as his eyes close.

"I see, so Sombra is using that technique again hm?" He asks. Spike gives his mother/father a strange look.

"What do you mean?" He asks. Spirit looks at his child and sighs.

"He is using a Black Magic technique called "Toten auferstehen". It's a language from when humans existed. It was known as German and the phrase means "Dead Rise". It was developed by one of our old "club members" who's power was in the afterlife. He was a Dragon-Son of a Death Dragon." Spirit explains as he reloads his gun and cleans his sword quickly as the door budges slightly. Spike stares at him with wide eyes.

"You were friends with a Death Dragon-Son?" Spike asks. Spirit nods his head quickly.

"Yes, but I was friends with many other kinds. Our 'club' was nothing but Dragon-Son's that held the 'potential' to save the world from Shadow Beings and even other things that go bump in the night." Spirit explains. Spike nods but then looks Spirit over.

"Your a Fire Dragon-Son right?" He asks. Spirit sighs and shakes his head.

"I'm a mix of breeds that the humans made to help...craft me." He says the last part reluctantly. Spike tilts his head as this is new information to him.

"What do you mean? Didn't you have parent's?" He asks. Spirit sighs once again and gives Spike an annoyed look.

"I'll tell you the tale later on, alright? But for now we NEED to get the ever loving hell out of here." Spirit states. Spike goes to argue but then he hears the door crack and is quick to nod his head and rush to the other door. Spirit follows as his sword vanishes and he brings out his second pistol. The door breaks open and a small horde of Zomb-ponies rush in after Spike and Spirit. Spirit stops and spins around and fires his bullets out into the horde taking a few heads off but most lose a limb or two. He curses under his breath as he turns and runs after Spike as they reach the door and go through it.

Spike slams the door shut and places a metal seat and shelf in front of it in hopes of keeping the undead out for the time being. The small barricade holds, for now. Spirit reloads his pistols and tosses one over to Spike who catches it and whistles.

"Damn, this is a good one. How did you make it?" He asks. Spirit chuckles.

"Not that hard when you can weld with your bare hands and have fire around them." He states. Spike nods his head and holsters his new pistol into a leather holster Spirit hands him to place onto his hip. Spirit rises to his feet and walks around the room looking for another exit or any sign of the girls. The door cracks and the barricade groans as if something large it smashing against it. The two turn with wide eyes as a large crack forms with a large lifeless purple glowing eye staring in at them.

The two pull out their pistols right as the barricade is knocked aside and the Zomb-ponies crawl in quickly in their desire to devour Spirit's and Spike's flesh. Spike fires a few rounds out and blows the heads off of the undead while Spirit focuses his attention on the eye as he charges at it with his sword split in two as his tail flicks the other pistol to Spike who catches it and fires off into the horde.

Spirit shoulders rolls forward as a claw tears through the car trying to kill him but succeeds in killing the undead and brining Spike over to Spirit's side as the two rush forward. The eye moves away before a Troll's arm goes through the doorway and swipes at the two of them. Spike flickers back while Spirit jumps upwards and as he comes down onto the arm he swings both blades down, severing it at the shoulder and making the Troll make a gurgling wail of pain.

Spirit rushes out of the room and after the short trail of blood as a large Ice Troll stands there with Light standing on it's shoulders stabbing her katana-spear into it's head killing it swiftly. He see's Twilight and the others rush in from behind the Troll with their weapons bloodied. Shy has a strange look in her eye, it looks like...glee? He see's her ears are longer, her pupils are slit as her wings are bat-like as she has two fangs on her upper-jaw. Her mane and tail are long and bloodied as her hooves look sharper.

"What the fuck happened to her?" He asks, making the others jump while Light remains calm.

"She is one of those "Vam-pony" hybrid's that we had helped find a home form in the north east back before Discord took over, remember?" Light explains. Spirit nods his head lightly.

"I see. That would explain why she had that smell." He mutters. Shy nods her head.

"That's right." She says calmly before a Zomb-pony charges in and tackles Spirit to the floor as it tries to chomp down onto his neck. He hisses as his left arm starts to glow, but he stops it when Shy bucks the undead head clean off of it's shoulders making blood spew out everywhere. Spirit looks up at her as she wipes a cloth against her face to try and get clean. He then grows curious.

"If you could fight, then why haven't you?" Spirit asks.

"Hey, yeah!! Why haven't you?!" Dash exclaims. Shy shakes her head.

"I don't like to fight, but if I have to, I will. I'll even kill the living in order to protect others." Shy explains. Spirit nods his head lightly with a smile.

"Same reason for me as well." He states, the ponies and Spike give him a strange look before Light makes herself known.

"Ahem." She states. "We are nearing the Crystal Empire Station. We better get ready to hoof it when we arrive." He states. Spirit nods his head as his sword conjoin back into one and then become liquid flame and flows into his chest. He walks towards a window and looks outside as they seem to be getting closer and closer to a Crystal Train Station that is slowly falling apart and turning black.

He growls loudly making the others look upon him in worry.

"Are we nearly there?" Dash asks. Spirit nods his head lightly as he stares ahead at the station, he notices that the undead beings stay far away from it, as if in fear of this place. They have a right to be afraid, as the group reaches Sombra's home, his domain. Spirit's eyes flicker briefly before they reach the station and come to a stop.

They step out of the torn apart car and look ahead where a large Black Crystal Castle stands. He can feel Sombra's power emanating from all around. But for some reason, he feels no hate, no loathing, no fear, no happiness. Just excitement. This was going to long fight.

============Far beneath the Crystal Castle in the mines below=====================

A massive black Dragon with a long bright red horn, claws, spines, spikes and eyes sits and waits. It's eyes blink as a strange crooked smile forms on it's muzzle as it can feel Spirit's energy. It trembles in a sense of excitement as it can feel Spirit's own excitement as he and his little friends move along towards this Dragon's domain.

It looks down from a large pile of Crystals as hordes of undead ponies and Skeletal beings rise from the ground. It chuckles darkly, evilly. It roars in laughter as it's spiked-tail slams down onto the floor that cracks and shards shatter into the air as it's spine-covered-body wracks in laughter.

Hordes of the undead make gurgling roars as the Dragon sits and stares at a bright blue Crystal Heart. He growls but keeps his excited smile, knowing that Spirit and his friends are after this little trinket. He looks down at a Black Crystal Minion.

"Go and prepare for our...guests." The Dragon orders. The Minion bows and does a salute.

"Yes, King Sombra."

Chapter 18: "Crystal Empire Pt. 1"

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Spirit runs along a Black Crystal bridge as Spiders crawl after him as they spew out acidic webbing that melts into the bridge and makes strange black vines sprout up and whip and coil at him. He jumps and spins in a circle as hellish fire spins around on his swords as he slices and dices the legs of the bridge as the others run on the upper half of it as the undead chase them.

Light makes the snow become hail daggers as they rain down onto the rotting sacks of flesh. She flickers back with the group and continues running alongside them as Spirit takes out the bridge's supporting beams and makes it collapse down behind the others as he spreads his wings and flies up ahead of them as he dive bombs the Crystal Minions who hold their simple shields that shatter like glass from his fireballs.

The bridge collapses faster and faster behind the others as they charge ahead. They have Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor amongst them as well as Celestia and Luna had thought the needed to take over the Empire when Sombra and his evil was wiped away from the northern lands. Armor gallops as Spike and Light pound the crystal's underneath their feet as they sprint far ahead of the others and slice apart barricades of enemies.

Twilight's eyes glow softly as magical rods shoot out and impale a few Crystal Minions as they try to stop them. Shy kicks and punches at the giant Spiders and splits them into pieces. Spirit lands and runs behind the others as he drags his black sword behind him making the crystals rot and explode as anything touches them.

He growls as the Empire grows closer but there are Troll's trying to shatter their side of the bridge. His left arm glows before it turns into a mechanical one with a small thin barrel in the palm of his hand as he fires out a few lava-bullets that make the Troll's melt away. He watches as their bodies crumble before becoming noting but a hot liquid, however said liquid starts to melt through the bridge and his eyes widen.

"Oh shit." He states.

"Good job you IDIOT!!" Dash yells back at Spirit as she flaps her wings as hard as she can. He jumps and his eyes ignite as strange purple platforms form beneath them all as they rise into the air and float there. Spirit's body glows in a strange eerie white light as they can see his wings fanning out before the webbing starts to vanish as the 'fingers' thin and become long and line his back. His arms start to grow slightly as spikes jet out of the shoulders, shoulder blades, forearms and knuckles.

His tail fans out and his feet become strange and nub-like, yet they have a single curving backward spike at the bottom as his knee's start to gain spikes curving forward. His hair grows longer and becomes a long fire-like-mane that flows behind his form as his chest and shoulders become wider. His swords form in his hands but the Dark one shines with a holy light while the Light one shines with a demonic light.

The light around his form vanishes and he stands there with a strange metal mask jaw covering his mouth as his hair flows around and resembles flames as it whips around. His body seems to be covered in strange metal-like-armor even though it is just strange scales as his clothes are ragged, torn and have holes going through them exposing his dark metal grey scales. Spirit's blades vanish in puffs of white and black flames, as his left eye shines with black energy as his right shines with white energy.

"Grrah!" He exclaims as he pushes his hands forward and the platforms move with incredible speeds making Dash secretly jealous. They look back and their eyes widen as they see Spirit floating in the air before his form flickers and he is beside them as a strange purple aura surrounds his form as he "flies". The spines on his back suddenly shootout these strange streams of light that jet out and ram against the draw-bridge that had started to close when they reached halfway on the bridge.

The beams hit the giant door creating a large burnt hole and they fly right through it and pass over watch towers where more beams fly out and destroy. Spirit's body jerks slightly as something large drops onto his back and uses him as a "surf board" for the ground. The platforms vanish, luckily a few feet above a strange crystalline house which they easily land on. They turn around and watch as pillars of dirt fly into the air.

"So, Spirit." Says a male's voice that sounds as if someone is standing behind a fan. "You thought you could kill us, didn't you?" The voice asks again. Spirit opens his strange black and gold crowned slit eyes and looks up at a man he once used to know and called him his friend. Spirit growls loudly as this man is covered by a cloak of strange purple mist as his eyes are black and bone white with strange crowned slits.

"You..." Spirit states with a growl as his voice sounds the same as the man's is. The stranger laughs and a sword forms from the mist. It resembles his own blade, except it has a skeletal Dragon's head as it's fangs form into the blade. His lips gain a wide toothy smile as his left skeleton hand grabs Spirit by the throat and chokes him as he brings the sword's tip up to his chest and pulls back slightly.

"Farewell, "King"." He states with a hiss as he brings the sword down only to have it blocked by Spirit's hand that glows brightly. He pushes the sword back and away as he spin kicks the man off of his form as his swords fuse together and his body glows much like his hand is. When the light dies he is back to normal except the strange scale-like-armor has turned into a scarf that mask piece once again.

His fingernails are claw-like and are pitch black as his sword's are in his hands as they have their own respective energies around them. The man quirks a brow.

"When did you gain Black Magic and Chaos Magic?" The man asks. Spirit makes a chuckling sound.

"When Sombra and Discord made me into an Element like our friends but even that backfired." Spirit states.

"I see. I see Light is here as well. Have you been taking care of her?" He asks with friendliness in his tone. Spirit sighs.

"I just got her back." He states.

"Back?" The man asks in surprise. "What happened?" He asks.

"Sombra happened. As I was being used to create the "ultimate weapon" or whatever, Sombra impaled her onto his sword. I had thought she had died but it was just that she was absorbed into the blade and he used her power during the war YOU helped make!" He exclaims. The man gains a black look, before a cold glare forms.

"I'll help you. But when all this is said and done, we're going to have our final match. Got it?" He states. Spirit nods his head lightly.

"Sure, Dusk Grave." Spirit states as the man nods his head and his cloak vanishes revealing a man with fair black hair, bone-white-eyes. His skin is ash white as his nails are colored bright red and on the back of his hands is the mark of the Death Dragon. His sword glows and turns into purple mist that then flows into his chest. His wings are large and the 'fingers' resemble thin and long coffin-like-shapes, his tail looks like a skeleton's with a metal spike at the tip.

He wears a strange kimono with leggings as his feet are covered by white socks and Japanese styled sandals. He looks down at Spirit as he is close to being twice his size. His head has four long horns that curve back but the tips curl upward as well. He growls as Spirit stares up at this strange man.

"Stop staring at me you fucking idiot." He orders. Spirit gains a serious look.

"Call me that again, and I'll show you what I did to the Kraken." He threatens. The man's eyes widen.

"You fought it again!?" He exclaims.

"Yes. Light and I had to deal with it once again, except this time it won't be coming back." Spirit says coolly. The man stares at Spirit before a smirk forms.

"Finally managed to kill it, did you?" He asks. Spirit shakes his head.

"I could have killed it the first time Light and I had first fought it, but I decided to let it live on as a guardian. However, Sombra tainted it and I was forced to kill it." He sighs out. The man nods his head lightly.

"Makes sense, seeing as to how you managed to kill that Draconequus way back when we had that club still going on. How is everyone anyways?" He asks. Spirit shrugs.

"Either dead or became a Kirin and then died or became the Elements of Harmony. Been FAR too long to remember such a thing." Spirit states with an annoyed tone as his eyes close and he scratches the side of his head. Dusk Grave nods his head slightly before he flickers next to Spirit as Light punches the ground and sends dirt into the air.

"Easy there." Dusk Grave states calmly and mockingly. She stares wide-eyed at Dusk as he smirks at her with an arm resting on Spirit's shoulder.

"You...." She says with an icy glare as the ground starts to freeze over as the air becomes freezing. Dusk gives her a "suave" smile.

"Me~." He states before his eyes widen as Light appears before him as her fist slams into his gut and sends him flying into the building behind him. Spirit blinks before looking at Light as she growls dangerously and chases after him. She flickers before Dusk as he starts to rise to his feet before she vanishes and appears next to him with her left foot raised to above her head. A gust of wind booms and Dusk flies into the air with a trail of dust trailing behind the Death Dragon-Son.

Spirit watches as Light appears above him and he slams into the ground. Spirit sighs tiredly before appearing between the two of them and catching Light's kick and Dusk's punch with his hands. The two of them look at Spirit with surprised eyes. They start to wonder how their attacks were stopped by his bare hands when before when they had done this during their Club days they had broke Spirit's hands with ease and had stopped to get him help.

"Enough of this." He orders as his eyes flash briefly and they both are pushed back by a strange red energy that spiral around into strange energy-flames. "Light, Dusk here has agreed to help, but when all of this is said and done, I will have my last fight with him." Spirit explains. Light sighs and nods her head but her icy cold glare remains glued on Dusk who blows a kiss to her.

She growls and her fists ignite into blue flames as her eyes glow slightly. Dusk stops stares at her with interest.

"That's new. Since when could you control Fire?" Dusk asks her. Light scoff's.

"Ever since Spirit claimed me as his mate. And I have more than Fire on my side, just to let you know." She hisses out. Dusk looks to Spirit, who nods his head before the ponies arrive. Dusk stops and stares at Twilight in awe as she moves as if she were gliding across the ground, her hair bounces slightly as does her chest every time she takes a step. He shakes his head and blushes when she stands before him. He looks away as to try and cover up his faint blush as she looks at him with a studying gaze before she smiles and holds out her hand.

"Hey there! Name's Twilight Sparkle! Nice to meet you...?" She asks.

"D-Dusk Grave." He stutters out as her voice sounds like an angels does. Twilight giggles slightly.

"Nice name." She says. Spirit smirks at this as he watches the two converse about themselves in friendly manner before he feels something watching him. He scan's the area before a needle shoots out from a window and sticks him in the shoulder. He yelps as he starts to feel his body go numb.

"Shit!" Dusk exclaims as he pulls out a strange vial of purple liquid. He rushes towards Spirit but is stopped by a Black Crystal clone of himself as it kicks him into a building. Three more appear and rush at Spirit who starts to pant as his body keeps going numb. His body starts to go cold as his skin starts to glow and his eyes seem to darken as his veins start to become black. His eyes close as he drifts off to sleep.

"No!" Light exclaims as she cuts down the clones with her katana-spear and bashes few heads off with her shield. She flickers next to Spirit's unconscious body as she goes to touch him, but a black energy field surrounds him and sends her back into Cadence who had just bucked a clone into oblivion. The two tumble into Twilight who catches them and helps them stand on their own. Spirit's body starts to tremble as the air seems to gain density as his normal rainbow energy turns deep matt black and his sword forms in his right hand.

"What's happening to him!?" Dash exclaims.

"His Dragon is taking him over." Dusk states as the vial is still in his skeletal hand while his right hand slowly regenerates.

"His..."Dragon"? But what does that mean?" AJ asks.

"We all have our own Dragon's, generally they will fuse with the Dragon's we have killed and allowed passage into our bodies and souls. But since Spirit has been corrupted by Chaos AND Black magic's as well as having the souls of MANY beings inside him as well, but something seems off..." Dusk states.

"But what about outside?" Twilight asks. Dusk gains a sheepish smile.

"We have to deal with him." He states with a sheepish chuckle. The ponies jaws drop.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" They all yell out. Dusk gains a manic look in his eye as a wide smile graces his lips.

"Never called me a crazy for nothing!!" He laughs out as his sword forms in his right hand. He laughs more as he rushes at the slowly rising Spirit. "LET'S FIGHT!" He yells out as he swings down onto Spirit's shoulder making a deep gash but no blood comes out. He kicks Spirit in the face but doesn't knock him back. "Tch." Dusk states before flickering back with the others as they stare in awe as Spirit's shoulder heals in the blink of an eye.

"Whoa." Dash states.

"Yep." Dusk states as his sword changes form into a large scythe. He appears behind Spirit and his arm flies off of his body as strange black liquid spews out of the wound and reforms his arm once more. The mask pieces cracks before it shatters like glass and his eyes fly open to reveal blood red and gold with white crowned slits. His body triples in size as fire circles around his form and his face becomes covered by a full mask similar to Light's but it holds a pure evil presence to it.

The ground beneath him cracks and shatters as his weight must be going up to accommodate his new size. His swords form on his back as his skin becomes volcanic ash grey as his claws grow longer and his torn shirt and partial coat flap in the wind like a cape. His mask is of a strange Dragon's skull and is matt black as it has strange insignia's curling and coiling all around it making it slightly more disturbing. His aura seems to darken before becoming blood red.

He releases a wail-like-roar as his clawed tail lashes against the ground and his form flickers from sight. Dusk looks around quickly before he is sent flying by an unseen force. Light flickers back only to be pinned down by Spirit's hand as he stares down at her growling like a ravenous beast. Light looks up at Spirit as he chokes her with a hand as he other hand moves back and is prepared to pierce her form.

He thrusts his claws down at her and she closes her eyes waiting for the end of her life. She flinches as she hears the tearing of flesh and a soft thump from next to her. She opens her eyes and see's that his right arm has been lopped off and his left is just being sliced in half as Dusk spin kick's Spirit's body into a pole. Dusk lands and helps Light back up to her feet as she watches black liquid shoot out of Spirit's wounds and his limbs reform as he slowly rises.

He growls as he and Dusk have a stare down before both flicker and meet up as Spirit punches at Dusk who blocks his attack with his sword. The two lean in close to each other before pushing each other back and away into two different building's as Light makes a strange magical dome around her and the ponies who watch in awe as the two beings clash, they note how much happier and livelier Dusk seems to look as he damages Spirit and he himself is damaged.

Spirit's mask starts to crack and Dusk smirks at what he and the others believe to be a panting Possessed Spirit. His heart seems to stop as Spirit laughs and his mask shatters revealing a wide grinned Spirit. His lips are bleach white as is his skin and his eyes are black and gold with white crowned slits. He grips the hilt of his sword and swings it down over his shoulder as it looks like a large curve backward meat-cleaver with his normal hilt and guard.

He looks up and laughs more as he runs at Dusk and slashes his blade at the Death Dragon-Son who quickly dodges the rapid fire of attacks. He watches Spirit's movement's in hopes of finding the right time to strike. He smirks as Spirit raises his arm readying to cleave him half but Dusk slashes as Spirit's side. His eyes widen as his blade bounces off of Spirit's side making sparks as the possessed being laughs maniacally and slashes Dusk's shoulder, cleaving it right open and making bright red crimson blood gush out and rain down onto the ground.

"Is that all you can do?" Spirit asks with a rumbling echoing voice, Dusk looks up at the possessed being with wide eyes.

'No one's Dragon is supposed to be able to talk when using the host's body. Could it be we didn't classify Spirit's Dragon as JUST a Fire Dragon!? No, that can't be right. We used that damned machine to go place his Dragon into a category.' Dusk thinks to himself.

'It could be that the machine messured his power wrong.' Says a woman's voice in the back of Dusk's mind. His eyes widen more.

'Your awake now too? And why haven't you tried to take my body over?' He asks.

'I was drawn out by this intense power, and it would seem that the machine only nicked the first layer of Spirit's power, much as it had done to all of us.' The woman states as Dusk's shoulder heals slowly and he flickers away from the possessed Spirit.

'Then what could he possibly be? Not a Fire Dragon, his energies are FAR to powerful to be that. And if I eliminate the other energies it just comes up the same if they were still there. What in the hell could his Dragon be!?' He yells in his mind as he dodges Spirit's stab attack.

'He had explained that he was created in a lab, manufactured, correct?' The voice asks. Dusk nods his head.

'That's right, but what does that have to do with ANYTHING!?' He roars mentally as he blocks Spirit's blade before kicking him in he chest and knocking him over.

'What exactly was put into him?' The voice ask again. Dusk thinks back.

'He had said that he was made by using Psychic human cells and multiple Dragon cells as well as having to look at multiple Dragon's to welcome into his being.' Dusk tells the voice.

'What were their races and ranks?' The voice asks.

'Um, Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Darkness, Light, Life, Death, Soul, Earth, Cosmic, Machine, Metal and Fantasy. Why?' He asks.

'What does he show you when his energy awakens from those types?' It asks.

'I sense Fire and Darkness right now.' He states as he dodges Spirit's swipes in attempts to kill Dusk.

'What about when he is not like this? How does he fight?' It asks again.

'He uses everything to his advantage. He can make his limbs or body into metal, he changes his body parts into machinery, even becoming Fire. He's used Plasma which was from a Dragon he had killed before hand. He's managed to use his Psychic abilities to control the earth. Is he a mix of Light, Darkness, Fire, and something else?' Dusk asks after going through what he has witnessed.

'It's very possible we could be dealing with something more. Were those the ONLY types that had been held captive in that wretched lab?' The voice asks.

'No. There were loads...more...no. No, how could that even be possible!?' Dusk questions.

'We are dealing with the "KING" here, Dusk. I wouldn't be surprised if he had Cosmic inside his form. But let's just limit what we know.' The voice states. Dusk nods his head as he tries to cut Spirit's shoulder but only bounces off of his form. He flickers back away from the Dragon-Son panting. 'We know he has power over all things Fire and heat related, he has power over Darkness and Light.

'He has Psychic abilities and has Chaos and Black Magic's coursing through his soul and veins.'

'He can utilize Light's abilities and she can utilize his Fire abilities as well. He can transcend death and even pass that on to others if he so chooses as well as create life from nothing but a simple seed or pieces of bark that could have been dead for may millennia. Is that all?' It asks.

'No. There is also the fact that he can take souls and even give souls or let them go into the next life at will, meaning he could gain power from that as well. Damn it, when we were back in that damned Club we would train constantly yet only Light and Spirit could train together in that fucking room. What even happened in there anyways?' Dusk thinks as he spins to the side and flickers behind Spirit and manages to cleave his right shoulder open.

"That it?" Spirit asks. "You dodge and get a single hit in? I thought the wielder of could cut anything!!" He laughs out as he kicks Dusk into the wall of a house.

'FUCK! This isn't good at all!!' He roars mentally.

'I'll lend you my power, for now, but only so that I can see Sombra plead for mercy as I cutout his HEART!!!!' The voice exclaims. He nods his head as a skeletal mask forms over his face and that black and purple flaming cloak forms around his body as his sword becomes a scythe and a black and purple flaming hood is pulled up over his head. His tail and wings become larger yet they also become more skeletal and sharp.

He looks at Spirit and growls as his scythe's blade seems to glow in hunger for it's enemies flesh and blood. The clouds up above darken and thunder booms down into the Empire as lightning flashes and rain starts to pour down. Spirit's grin becomes a gleeful smile.

"There's the power!!!" He laughs out as he holds his sword out with a hand and rain downpours down as he keeps cackling and the two flicker and clash against the other as their blades create sparks that burn the ground. Spirit keeps smiling as the two of them push each other back and forth before Dusk kicks him in the side knocking him into a pole and sapping it. Spirit cackles more as his tail crabs the pole and uses it as a club, smashing it into Dusk's head and making him step back slightly.

Spirit stares at Dusk who stares back with a cold death glare ever present. His scythe lights up and he spins it around creating small floating skulls with black and purple flames raging around them. Dusk points a bony finger at Spirit and the burning skulls scream as they fly towards Spirit.

"This is getting boring!!" Spirit exclaims as he slashes the skulls in half, his smile gone and an annoyed look on his face. "To think this child holds so much power, yet doesn't even use it all. Pity." He states. Light's eyes widen.

"Is that really his Dragon...?" She mutters out. Dusk gives her a sideways glance before glaring back at Spirit.

"What's your name and who are?" He asks.

"Name? Don't got a name! And who am I? Well, let's just say I am apart of his royal highnesses' best assassin's." He states.

"You work for Sombra?" Dusk asks.

"That's right, I work for the God of Hatred and Fear." Spirit states with a grin. Dusk brings his scythe up.

"Then tell me something, what kind of Dragon lives within Spirit?" He asks. Spirit gains frown.

"A Dragon not many know of. The Dragon of...-Erk!?!?" He exclaims as strange beams of light burst from his chest. "WHAT!?!?" Spirit exclaims as the light becomes rainbow colored, making Spirit's eyes widen. "No! I won't give back this body!! NO!!!" He roars out as he stabs the sword into his chest. The light's only grow brighter and brighter the sword seems to pull out on it's own accord and shatter.

Spirit stares as the blade returns back to normal before splitting into two blades once more but the eyes seem self-aware of the situation and snarling is heard coming from the blades as the fuse back together and flow into Spirit's chest. Spirit wails in pain as light bursts from his form as his skin start to burn away and his right eye returns to normal. A strange black sphere forms in Spirit's mouth and he grips it tightly as he pulls with all his force and rips it out of his body.

His eyes return to normal, as does his skin tone color and his height is how it should be as well.

"This little piece of SHIT!!" Spirit roars out as he throws it onto the ground, he summons his sword and stabs the black blob, slicing it in half before setting it aflame, making it burn in what the others could only guess would be agony.

"Spirit!" The others exclaim. "Are you alright?" Light asks. He nods his head and gives Dusk a thankful look.

"Thanks for distracting him long enough for me to get that parasite out of me." Spirit states Dusk nods his head as he himself returns to normal.

"No problem, but I do have a question. What are you made of?" He asks. Spirit shrugs.

"Cells, magic. The usual I guess. Why?" He asks.

"Because your not just a Fire Dragon, huh?" Dusk asks.

"No, No I am not. I was made with many things that even I don't know yet. But, whatever. We need to hurry and find that damned Crystal Heart and kick Sombra's ass, got it?" Spirit states. Dusk nods his head.

"Fuck yeah." He says with a smirk. Spirit smirks back and he leads the group towards the large Crystal Castle where Sombra lays beneath it, waiting for his foe's arrival.

Intermission Chapter #1: "Mini-Vacation? Pt. 1"

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Spirit sits next to Light on the large pile of gold as Blueblood preaches about his "title" in Equestria. He sighs in boredom in having to deal with such a pompous asshole like Blueblood is in trying to "tap a Drake" and continue his "lineage". He growls when Blueblood looks to Diorum and calls her a "breeder".

"You will NEVER speak about my family in such a distasteful manner!! Now be gone you rotten pony!!" Spirit orders. Blueblood apparently doesn't seem to get it as he waves Spirit off with a hoof and tries to "hit on" Diorum.

"How about we go back to your place and you can carry a Prince's foal, hm?" He asks. Diorum hisses at the idiotic white pony and punches him in the muzzle.

"No, YOU deserve no Drake as you hold no honor." She hisses out. Big Mac enters the throne room with Ander as they walk in side-by-side covered in dirt and sweat.

"See? You Earth Ponies have AMAZING strength and Earth Magic! All you got to do is try to use it like you always had it." Ander says to the large red stallion who smiles and nods his head lightly. He turns his head and his eyes narrow dangerously close as he watches Blueblood try and touch Diorum. Ander notices this and growls.

"That fucking prick." He states.

"Eeeyup." Big Mac states.

"Go and get your girl." Ander orders. Big Mac nods his head fiercely and stomps over to the two. Ander snickers. "Ah, I remember doing the same thing with those males that tried to take MY Luna." He says as he leaves the room in search of his mate. Big Mac walks up to the two.

"I think you should come with me~" Blueblood says in a "suave" manner. Diorum shakes her head but when she see's Big Mac approaching, her ears prick up and her tail swishes about happily. Blueblood turns around and glares at the pony. "Ugh, such riff-raff. Be gone from here, peasant." He orders. Big Mac shakes his head and walks over ad stands next to Diorum who places her neck across the back of Big Mac's.

"No. Ah th'nk ya'll should be th' one ta go." Big Mac states coldly. Spirit notices this and he looks down at the pony and his daughter. Light giggles at this as Spirit had said the same thing when that boy, what was his name? Dusk Grave? Yeah, him, had tried to ask her out quite literally after Spirit had claimed her as his.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Blueblood asks with his overly posh voice.

"Ah said ta git!" Mac orders. Blueblood nods his head before his horn ignites and Big Mac is sent flying into the wall with Blueblood's full magical force.

"I think not." He states. Diorum hisses and tackles Blueblood down onto his back as she prepares to rip his throat out. He screeches like a little bitch, begging for Spirit or Light or any of his pony or Spirit's Dragon guards to help kill this "whore" Drake. Spirit growls and raises his hand, his fingers ready to snap as Diorum looks up at her "father" for orders.

"Stop!" Big Mac's voice calls out. Spirit nods his head as Big Mac limps towards Diorum and Blueblood. "This bucker is mahn!" He states. Diorum nods her head and moves back from the cowering unicorn.

"Help me, peasant! Help your Prince of Equestria!" Blueblood pleads. Big Mac glares down at the unicorn pony.

"I help no one who harms my woman!!" He exclaims. Diorum tilts her head and gains the "Say what?" look. Bluebloo scoffs.

"As if you could ever love a lowly Drake." He mocks.

"Ah don' love a Drake." He states, making Diorum's head lower slightly. "I love that Dragon! I love Diorum and I claimed 'er before anyone else did!" Mac yells out in Blueblood's face before he turns around and bucks the "Prince" in the face, ultimately knocking the pony out.

The pony guards watch with jaws dropped right as Celestia and AJ walk into the room. AJ stares at her older brother who had just knocked Celestia's nephew out and proclaimed his love for a Dragon. She looks up at Celestia, but grows shocked as she watches her Princess try to hold back what appears to be a happy smile.

The Drake guards laugh and applaud the pony for "manning up" to protect his "woman". Diorum looks at Big Mac who stands over Blueblood's unconscious body with a cold and hardened look in his eye. She can see- no, she can feel what appears his love for HER. She slowly walks over to the large red stallion who is radiating what she can only guess is Earth Magic.

He turns and looks at Diorum who moves in closer to him before she looks deeply into his eyes as he does to her. She leans in and places her muzzle up against his and kisses him softly. He kisses her softly back and he feels her right claw rub down his smaller build frame and brush his flanks slightly, making him shiver.

She moves her head back and opens her eyes, as does Big Mac. The two look into each other's eyes once more as she moves down and bites his neck gently and piercing his skin. AJ goes to attack, but Celestia stops her and shakes her head silently. The two look back at the young couple as Diorum moves her head back and the spot she had bitten starts to glow as a symbol of a strange pink-crowned-slit-eye forms there and a strange small pearl forms on his forehead, making him tremble slightly in pain.

Diorum curls around the pony as he leans against her frame as his body seems to grow slightly and his hooves are slightly sharper. He looks up at Diorum who smiles softly down at the pony as she kisses him gently once again, but this time instead of a soft an gentle kiss, she is greeted by a fierce and fiery passionate kiss from her stallion. She closes her eyes and enjoys the emotion behind it, before she starts to feel lust build up in both of their chests and she blushes as she rises to her hind legs and stands there, looking down at the pony stallion whom had claimed her heart when other males could not.

She places a claw onto his shoulder and pushes him down onto his back as she lays down next to him as she leans down and give his neck small love-nips here and there before Celestia clears her throat.

"Lady Diorum, please have fun with your stallion on your own accord, hm?" She teases. Diorum blushes and nods her head lightly. She and Celestia have been becoming greater friends as she and Ander have finally evolved into Dragon's and as such, becoming the Prince and Princess of the Mountain and everything beneath it's mighty splendor.

"Yes, Princess Celestia." Diorum says with a gentle voice similar to Cadence's own voice with a slightly mix of Gilda's as well.

"Good. Now then, I have come to ask you all a question." Celestia says to Light, Big Mac, Spirit, Diorum, Luna and Ander(the last two just coming into the room) as she holds a wide smile on her muzzle.

"What is it, exactly?" Spirit asks.

"A vacation." She states.

"Like those Summer Vacations we used to take as a club?" Light asks. Celestia nods her head. "Sounds like fun." She giggles out.

"And I can hopefully see you all in bikini's once again." Spirit says from his perverted part of his mind. Light gives him a sly smirk.

"I could just into my underwire now and play with you, my dear husband~" Light purrs out. Spirit growls lightly and playfully.

"And I could always pin you down and make you scream for me to plow your fields." He states.

"Mmmm, perhaps we need this vacation to..."catch up" on some lost time with our new mates." Light teases. Spirit nods his head and looks to Celestia it a smirk.

"Vacation it is!" He exclaims. Celestia smirks slyly at his response.

"I'll be sure to pack the sunscreen, yeah?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, also!" He states as he slides down the side of the mountain of gold.

"Yes?" She asks.

" Maybe even some kickin' tunes hm? Show these ponies how real music is heard, yeah?" He asks. She giggles and nods her head.

"I'll be sure to get our adorable Vinyl Scratch to come, she is still not used to the human form, by the way." Celestia informs Spirit, who nods his had and gains a sheepish grin.

"Thought so." He chuckles out. She nods her head and vanished in a white flash of light presumably back to her own castle to prepare. He turns and flickers back at his pile of gold and Light and him start to converse about their plans while Big Mac and Diorum lay with one another in blissful silence.

AJ stomps over to her older brother with a miffed look on her face.

"What the BUCK Big Mack!?" She yells in Big Mac's face, making his ears lay flat against his head and flinch away from his younger sibling. Diorum gets between AJ and Big Mac and growls at the orange mare dangerously.

"You have no right to yell at him." She states.

"Don't ah!? He attacked Blueblood!" AJ exclaims.

"He had stopped me from killing his useless hide." Diorum says coolly, making AJ freeze.

"Ya'll were gonna...k-k-kill him!?" She exclaims

"Yes. Because he was wanting to use me to carry on his pointless lineage and harmed MY Big Macintosh!" Diorum growls out. AJ's ears swivel back slightly as she looks at her older sibling.

"Sorry Big Mac."

"It's fahn, Lil sis." He states as he rises to his hooves. He looks up at his mate and notes that he only comes up to her hip when she is on two legs yet comes up to her chest when she is on all fours. He looks up at Diorum again as she stares down at AJ dangerously.

"W'ats wrong?" He asks.

"This female is not up to par to being an Element of Harmony, as she has yet to kill." Diorum states.

"What!?" AJ exclaims.

"Is something the matter with my line of dialect?" Diorum asks.

"Why would Ah need ta kill!?" AJ exclaims.

"Because it is the Element bearers job to take the lives of those who are to far gone to be cured of their evil ways. As they are quite literally weapons against the things that go bump in the night." Diorum states.

"Where did ya'll get that there idear?" AJ asks. Diorum points at Spirit with thumb claw.

"I had read it from one of father's personal books of when the Elements had been created, as he himself is one. He had also been cataloging the affects that the Elements of Harmony are meant to do, even what effect it has on the bearers if not used once in a while." She explains.

"W'at happens?" Mac asks. Diorum looks down at her newly acquired mate.

"They become corrupted by the immense magical feedback and in turn become poisoned until they use the Element's power to release the horribly corruptible magical build-up. I can tell that Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy are slowly being corrupted when not exerting their newly acquired magical reserves." She explains once more. AJ gives the dragoness a strange look before she gains a strange shiver and sight pain in her head, making her grunt.

"Ya'll okay lil sis?" Mac asks. AJ nods.

"Jus' a headache, been happenin' quite a bit lately." She says with a grunt. Diorum places a claw onto her head.

"No, this is part of the build-up. It is unfortunate you are so reluctant to use the magical energies that course through your veins." Diorum says.

"But how can Ah even do magic!?" AJ exclaims.

"Earth Magic, sis." Mac states.

"What?" AJ asks.

"We Earthen Ponies can use that there Earth Magic. Ander showed me how to harness it and even make yerself stronger than th'm Griffins." He explains. AJ tilts her head to the side and closes her eyes as if thinking the prospect over in her head before opening them and nodding her head lightly.

"Fine." She says. Mac smiles.

"Ah can 'ave Ander 'elp yah, lil sis." Mac states. AJ nods her head and looks towards the Life Dragon who looks over at her and she walks over.

"What can I do for you, Madam Applejack?" Ander asks as Luna lays across his back on her belly enjoying his heat.

"Ah wanna learn how ta do Earth Magic." AJ asks. Ander smiles.

"Certainly." He states. AJ nods her head as the three of them leave the room and back to the outside world to make work of AJ's Earth Magic. Diorum looks down at Mac and smiles softly.

"You have managed to claim me as your mate. What is it you ponies do when being with their mates?" She asks. Big Mac looks back up at Diorum and shrugs.

"Ah don' know. It's mah first tahm ta havin' a "mate". Wha' do yah Dragons do ta spend tahm wi'h them?" He asks. Diorum gains a thoughtful look and she looks up at the ceiling in thought.

"We generally just slumber with our mates or simply remain near each other until we females are in heat. The males usually do whatever they wish to do, while we females remain by their sides." She explains. Big Mac shakes his head.

"Ah don' wahnt ya'll ta do tha'. Ah wahnt YOU ta choose wha' we do, alrigh'?" He states.

Diorum nods her head before placing a claw onto his back and pins him down to the floor as she gives him a "love bite" on the nape of his neck. He shivers from an odd sense of pleasure as he can feel her claw move down his back and reach his flank. He squirms slightly out of strange pleasure as she rubs his cutie-mark gently and lightly with her claws.

His eyes start to close as he can feel her claws moving up his back gently and slowly, sometimes even moving around in small circles around the sore parts of his body. Big Mac makes a soft muffled groan of pleasure as Diorum "massages" his shoulder gently with her claws filling his form with pleasure. He sprawls out and as she bites his shoulders gently adding more of this odd pleasure coursing through his small frame.

Diorum moves her head back and looks down at her new mate as he moans and groans softly through closed lips. She moves her right claw moves underneath his belly as she lifts him up to her chest. She blushes lightly as he nuzzles her "breasts" and kissing her neck gently as well. She flickers into her room wit Big Mac still in her arms and she carries him over to her bed where she lays him down onto his back.

Big Mac looks up at Diorum with what he could assume to be his "bedroom-eyes" as she looks down at him. He watches her movements as she crawls onto the bed and lays next to him, the two enjoying each others company as they lay there on the incredible fabric of the dragoness' large queen-sized bed that has strange crochet sheets, pillow cases and covers all the colors red and pearl pink with some pink and purple crystal designs.

Diorum drapes a wing over her stallions form as her pearl bead glows softly and brings the covers to atop of them as to add extra warmth to the dank cold room that holds crystals poking out of the walls and ceiling that glow faintly like stars in the night. Big Mac looks to his left and looks into Diorum's soft pink eyes as they seem to change colors along with the twinkling crystals.

He feels his breath hitch in his throat when he feels something warm brush up against his abdomen as it moves up his stomach and grabs his chest gently. He looks down and see's Diorum's claw resemble a "hand" with sharp nails. He looks back at Diorum's pink ever changing eyes are he feels her heat flowing into his chest and flow around his body as his eye-lids start to close as his breathes get heavier and longer as he gently presses his head up against Diorum's chest and listens to her slow yet soothing heartbeat as he can feel himself drifting off to sleep.

Diorum holds her stallion close to her "breasts" as she can feel him listen to her heart, as she moves her head down to lay atop of his side gently and she can hear his heartbeat as it beats quickly yet is soothing to her ears as it is foreign then listening to Spirit's or another Dragon's/Drake's heartbeats as they move slowly or at a medium pace. She can feel his faint heat growing in size as it mixes with her own and from something else as well.

She rubs down his side with a hand gently petting him as she had seen Spirit done to those primitive mammal's before they had become sentient and evolved to what her stallion is now. She nuzzles him gently as she remembers how the ponies were before becoming sentient and even crossing into the boundaries of god-hood before being stopped by that accursed mad god Discord. She opens her eyes quickly as she can feel Big Mac's hoof gently placed atop of her hand ad holds it there.

She looks down and see's his eyes are still closed, yet he holds a small smile on his muzzle as she can feel something new radiate off of him in a burst of energy. She feels love. Not like before, but honest to goodness love that she can feel that Spirit and Light share. She smiles down at her stallion as she lays her head back onto his side and closes her eyes once more and drifting off to sleep. The night is peaceful as the castle becomes silent. The moon shines brightly high above the very little clouds as it seems to radiate a strange pulsating ring.

The ring forms black stars that then turn blue before fading and the moon itself gains what looks to be a "Mare of the Moon" look to it, once more. A serene wind flows through the lands of Equus as the moons light grows more in density. Spirit awakens to a soft whispering and opens his eyes as he looks up at the moon, his hand atop of Light's belly as she sleeps away clinging to his right arm. His gaze meets the "Mare on the Moon's" eye and he feels a sense of happiness well up in his heart. He watches the moon turn from white to what looks to be a red moon.

He closes his eyes and smirks.

"Blood Moon." He whispers out.

"Sounds like a good name to name our child when we have one." Light whispers back to him. He jumps slightly, before nodding his head.

"Yeah. I hope we could be able to gain one soon." He whispers out.

"Sooner than you might think." She tells him as she rubs her belly gently. His eyes widen.

"Your pregnant?" He asks. She shakes her head with a giggle.

"Not yet, but hopefully during this "vacation" of ours, I'll soon be." She states. He nods his head with a smirk.

"Yeah, and seeing as to how our "vacation" starts tomorrow, I think it'll be worth waiting just a bit longer." He states. Light nods her head lightly before laying back down as does Spirit. The two fall asleep with sight smiles on their face, unbeknownst to them, however, the moon changes into a strange blue crescent moon similar to how Nightmare Moon's cutie-mark was and the stars shine brighter than usual.

"Soon, the Goddess of the Night shall return, but not evil or cruel, or wicked, but as a newly changed mare. The Goddess of the Night shall help smite the evil of the north. Peace will become a reality as the God of Chaos is casted down into the never ending pit as the God of Order rules over the lands with peace and harmony. Long live, Nightmare Moon." A lone bat-pony mare states as she sits high above the remains of the "Castle of the Two Pony Sisters" along with a tribe of Bat-Ponies.

She has cerulean blue slit eyes, sky blue fur and short fangs as her mane and tail are both the color of the moon, a bright teal color. She sits there with a smile on her muzzle before bowing her head and closing her eyes as a stallion sits next to her with the same color-pallet. Around her neck is a medallion of a crescent moon with a normal moon and sun circling it as a strange white stone sits in the middle of it all.

She opens her eyes and watches the moon with soft eyes as the stallion and the other Bat-Ponies head back into the dank, old castle to slumber as the sun touches the horizon. The mare turns and heads back into the castle after the others just as the sun reaches the highest peak and the moon goes over the other horizon and vanishes from view.

Big Mac slowly starts to awaken from the soft rays of the sun. He turns his head left and looks out the window as he watches the sun rise up to the highest peak of the smaller mountains that stand as guards around the Everfree Jungle and the Mountain where he lay in. He feel something warm wrap around his waist taking the stallion by surprise as the thing pins him down and multiple sharp objects dig into his neck and shoulder.

His heartbeat starts to quicken until he hears a soft giggle and his body, along with his heart, calms down instantly as he watches Diorum's head come into view and kiss him gently and lovingly. He kisses her back and she moves off of him as he watches her go. He stares up at her amazing form as the sunlight shines and glitters on her scales as she seems to glow. The crystals around the room go dark and absorb the lights energy to store for later on.

Diorum places her hand onto his chest gently and scratches it lightly making Big Mac sigh softly from a strange sort of pleasure from an itch he just could not scratch. She scratches behind his left ear and makes his right leg twitch and his eyes to close and move his head into her hand. She giggles and kisses his head gently and he nuzzles her muzzle gently and places a hoof onto her neck as she grabs his chest and pulls him closer to her form.

She kisses him lovingly while Big Mac kisses her lustfully. The two part and stare into each others eyes before looking at the door which bursts open to reveal a miffed AJ.

"Ya'll mind explainin' yerselves?" She growls out. Diorum growls.

"I was kissing my mate and keeping him warm. Why have you disturbed out time together?" Diorum growls out. AJ glares at the dragoness.

"'Cause Ah don't think- ." AJ is cut off.

"You are correct. You have no capacity of thinking, otherwise you would have realized that disturbing us would result in your destruction." Diorum hisses out as her fangs pop out and she lunges at the orange mare with a killing intent in her eye. She stops quickly, however, when Big Mac seemingly appears before her with his hoofs held out. She crashes into the large red stallion who hugs her tightly.

"Nahw, I wahnt ya two ta calm down an' think." He orders. He looks at AJ who glares at him and he glares back with a sense of anger in his eyes, this makes AJ recoil and her glare to become a look of surprise. "Stop gettin' in th' way please. Ah love yah lil sis, but Ahm with Diorum, an' she is mah mate. Ah hope ya learn to like her or even love her close to how much Ah do." He tells the mare. He then looks back at Diorum. "An' you need ta not attack mah lil sis, please?" He asks. He had been told by Spirit in his dreams about how a dragoness calls the shots when the male allows them to and that they become possessive over their mates.

Diorum nods her head lightly and curls around Mac as it he were a small pile of gold for her hoard. AJ growls at this.

"Now wait jus' a dar pickin' minute here! Why do Ah have to accept this!?" She exclaims. Making Mac and Diorum look at her with confused looks.

"What do you mean?" Diorum asks.

"Why do Ah have ta accept this whole situation!" AJ exclaims again. She then looks to Mac. "She ain't even a pony, Mac! What do ya even see in this scaly female!?" She exclaims with a glare. Diorum lowers her head slightly as she starts to look into what is going on. She is a dragoness and Big Mac is a simple Pony stallion who won't live as long as she will. She starts to feel a deep sadness bloom in her chest as the thought of Big Mac passing away and having to live until she is killed. Her thoughts are halted, however, when she hears Big Mac's snort of anger.

"Nahw listen here, Applejack!" Big Mac starts. AJ is shocked that her older brother used her full name for once and in a fit anger to boot. "Ah know she ain't a pony! But that's one oh the reason tha' Ah love her!" He yells.

"What?" AJ asks.

"Ah love her. Ah am her mate an' she is mah mate and if ya'll cain't understan' that, then leave." He growls out as his left eye seems to glow faintly. AJ stares at her older brother and then sighs.

"Fahn. Ah'll give it a try to accept this." She says softly as her heart seems to be happy while her mind is disturbed. She looks at Diorum and holds out a hoof. "Let's try this again. Mah name is Applejack." AJ says with a smile at the end. Diorum smiles back and grabs AJ's hoof gently.

"Diorum." She greets back. AJ nods her head as she looks up at Diorum's pearl and grows curious.

"What's with tha' there pearl, Diorum?" AJ asks.

"That is what you ponies could call my "Magical Horn"." She explains. AJ nods and looks at Big Mac and see's that he has a pearl on his head as well.

"Does mah brother have one now too?" AJ asks again.

"Indeed. For some reason he gained some of my aspects." Diorum states.

"Will it hurt him?" Aj asks.

"I am not sure, but he does not seem to show if it is truly painful or not as of yet." Diorum explains as her eyes seem to glow as they stare down at Big Mac's form as if she were looking through his body and soul, piece by piece. AJ nods her head and prepares to leave until Spirit flickers in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"You two love birds ready?" He asks.

"What?" Mac asks.

"For our Mini-Vacation. Let's get the fuck along so we can start this shit soon, alright?" He asks. Diorum nods her head.

"Yes father." She says. Spirit smiles softly at this before flickering away to the main gates leading out of the castle where he is greeted by Celestia wearing a bikini top and sun skirt along with a sunhat sitting atop of her head. Light who is wearing a similar outfit but is in a one-piece swimsuit with jeans on as well. The two wear sunglasses and each have smirks on their faces.

"Took you long enough." Celestia teases. Spirit rolls his eyes before going into is Kirin form and stretches like a cat.

"Yeah, well, I had to get the red pony and Diorum." He states. When he looks back at them he see's that Light is staring at him with a strange look in her eye. "W-What?" He asks.

"You look amazing." Light states. She circles him but stops behind him and stares. "Have your berries been getting bigger?" She asks. Spirit blushes and lets his tail fall as to hide his stallion-hood.

"What are y-you talking!?" He exclaims.

"Well you've been getting more fertile, right?" She asks again. He blushes more as Celestia loses her shit and falls over laughing hysterically.

"A- bu- What!?" He exclaims in shock and embarrassment.

"He sure has been! Used to take me a few days to tire him out!" Celestia laughs out. Light giggles.

"That's better than a day." She states.

"Can we not talk about my fertility right now!?" He squeaks out. Light giggles.

"Fine." She states.

"Hey." Luna states as she walks on over with Ander by her side.

Chapter 19: "Crystal Empire Pt. 2"

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Dusk jumps and twirls over a Crystal Minion as it tries to stab at him. He slices the minion in half before a large Crystal Spider crashes into him and tries to sink it's fangs into his neck as he tries to push the damned thing off of him. Spirit flickers beside the spider and kicks it far too hard as his eyes seem to be changing the closer they get to the castle.

Light and Dusk notice this and grow worried as he could be dealing with his inner Dragon. Spirit summons what looks to be a small dagger version of his sword and decapitates a minion. He growls and his energy starts to darken as he charges towards the castle on foot at full speed.

His wings starts to vanish and a secondary tail starts to form instead as he gets closer and closer to the large shinning Crystal Castle. The ponies notice this as they had been watching in awe as Spirit moves faster than the eye or sound could pick up and he truly becomes a spirit. Twilight raises her sword and shield as she gains a determined look in her eye and flickers after Spirit.

Dusk and Light both dodge away from each other as a Dusk Clone lands wearing strange clothing that reminds them of ninja's. The clone throws daggers out but they are blocked by a gust of wind and the clone is cleaved in half by nothing they can see until Spirit flickers high above the collapsing clone and then vanishes from their senses once again.

Dusk growls in aggravation.

'How is it that he keeps getting stronger!? What is happening to him!?' He thinks.

'I hope he will be okay after this...' Light thinks in worry as she sighs and rubs her belly gently. 'This is one is growing slower than I had thought, is this how Spirit felt?' She thinks to herself. Dusk stares at her before placing a hand onto her shoulder.

"Your expecting, hm?" He asks. She nods her head slightly. "I see, then I guess we should hope he doesn't remain this way." Dusk states before Spirit forms before them with his normal tail and two new tails as they look like elements, the one left of the middle one is made of strange blue flames while the right to the middle is made out of sand.

He growls as a feral look comes to his eyes as he brutally tackles a fleeing minion and tears it to shreds with his claws and fangs as his body becomes surrounded by a pulsating deep dark aura that that makes the blue crystals around him turn into multiple different colors before shattering. The shards circle around him before they shoot out and becomes strange black rods that impale multiple enemies to all surfaces.

Spirit roars and his human form is forced into his Kirin form as it starts to gain a longer snout and a strange horn on the tip of his nose that points forward as his horns start to melt and then form with his ears making them longer and bright red/orange. His claws become longer and sharper as his tail thrash around and his hind-hooves become talon like paws that scrunch up and shatter the ground beneath him.

He growls as drool drips down onto the ground and the liquid lights ablaze and explodes creating a large hole on the ground that Spirit now resides in. He releases a strange howl as his yes become pure black before is silica forms to be bright red as a slit pupil forms. He hisses and growls as his fur sticks up like needles and his snout becomes shorter once again.

Light and Dusk stare down at this new form that Spirit has acquired as he flickers before them on his hind legs as he seems to resemble his human and strange Kirin form fused together. His hand scrunches up into a fist as his hair covers his eyes.

"Spirit...What happened to you?" Light asks.

"I became THIS during my little...fight with Sombra and Discord." He explains. Light stares at him, as does Dusk.

"But you never showed this to us! And we were at BOTH of those fights!" They both exclaim. Spirit shakes his had.

"Remember? I can control how I look?" He states. They stare at him as he lifts his head revealing his black and blood red slit eyes. Dusk and Light gain a brief moment where their visions flicker and they see Discord standing before them giving the two the same look Spirit had on right now. The two feel overwhelming dread as his body flickers and two large wings spread out from Spirit's back as one resembles his old wings and the other looks almost like a mix of Draconequus and Alicorn wings as they fan out.

His tails swish around as they can see a glimpse of a silhouette of a massive multi-tailed dragon roaring over a burning mountain and castle that sits broken and beneath it as bodies of ponies and other creatures stare up as it and a massive monstrous Discord clash against each other.

They watch as the two beasts clash one last time before they both groan and grab their heads in pain. Spirit sighs.

"I'm guessing you know about the final battle?" He asks. Dusk growls and slugs Spirit in the face, but grows surprised as he grabs his broken hand and Spirit's face is just fine and he hasn't moved an inch from the spot he still stands.

"You bastard!" Dusk exclaims. Spirit looks at him with a confused look on his face. "What about OUR battle!?" He roars. Spirit gives him a blank stare and says "Our battle will commence after all of this is said and done. I never said when THIS would end." Spirit states as Dusk growls. Light looks at both of them.

"Wait a minute!" She exclaims. The two look at her and she smirks. "So does that mean Discord and Sombra both die in the end?" She asks. Spirit smirks back and nods.

"Of course. Like they could defeat us!" He exclaims with a fist raised up high. The ponies and Twilight arrive and look around the battlefield with wide eyes.

"Thank Celestia that your on our side." Shinning states. Spirit looks at Armor and smirks once again.

"Course I'm on my dear Tia's side. Why would I betray my mates?" He asks. Light giggles and kisses his cheek gently.

"Well, sometimes you tend to leave us randomly and go off fighting something or order us to never touch or do something that could potentially harm us." Light states. Spirit gives her a deadpan stare as if she was somehow growing dumber than she should ever be.

"You just answered your own statements by stating the obvious..." Dusk stated making Spirit nod his head before he feels a spike in energy and spins around only to be punched in the face by a tanned skinned man with flowing black hair. He wears black armor shoulder pieces, shirt, pants along with a red vibrant cape flapping in the wind behind him.

He has a strange sword where the guard resembles a silver crown with black crystal lining it while the hilt looks like a thin black crystal while the blade resembles a large red fang of sorts that curves back as it rests on his hip. He has piercing green eyes with bright red silica and deep dark slit red slits as purple mist flows from the edges.

The man smirks and kicks Spirit into the air as he spin kicks Dusk and Light into the ponies and Twilight. He flickers above Spirit's body and kicks the Kirin into he ground with a backwards kick as his heel dug into Spirit's chest cavity and shattering his ribcage. He smirks as he flickers before Twilight and knees her into the stomach before spinning around and kicking her in the back of her head and making her face plant into the ground making it shatter.

He appears in the middle of the ponies and spins around before stopping making them all fly forward and slam into buildings going 30 mph. He turns and jumps as Dusk punches at the man who spins and flickers before Dusk is sent skipping around the ground before the man lands on his back and uses him as a "surfboard" for the harder than steel crystal ground creating a sort of straight-line moat.

He turns and bends backwards dodging Twilight's sword as she thrusts it forward before swinging it down onto the man, who smirks and grabs her weapon by the blade and shoulder throws her. He hears her right arm snap and a cry of pain as she slams into the ground and bounces across it making slight craters and kicking up crystalline dirt.

He spins to the side as Dusk slices at him with his sword and even moves his had around as Dusk delivers a series of high-speed kicks. The man smirks as Dusk's left leg is cocked back and ready to jet out and slam into his side as he blocks his right leg with a finger. He grabs Dusk's left knee making his eyes widen and the man to smile.

Dusk cries out in pain as the man shatters his legs before kicking him square in the chest sending him into the side of the large castle. The man spins to the side as Light stabs at him with her katana-spear and blocks one of his punches with her shield. She smirks up at the man who stares down at Light before he too smirks and the two flicker and fight at high-speeds as small booms of static are heard for the ponies.

Light kicks the man into the ground and her mask forms as she points her blade down and fires a large and bright blue beam of magical energy that connects with the man's body and results in a massive explosion. She lands onto her feet and rushes at where the smoking crater is. She jumps and fires another beam that booms down towards the smoking crater, but is stopped by a large blood red beam that manages to graze her side, making her cry out in pain, before the man appears before her without a scratch on his hated head.

"My, you really are getting stronger, Light." The man states with a deep booming voice.

"Fuck you! Sombra!" She exclaims. Twilight stares wide eyed, as do the ponies, up at Sombra who bows as his smirk comes back to race is miserable face.

"Glad to see you managed to remember me." He states. Light growls and her eyes become more feral as her dragon-human form coms out. Her skin is covered in thin scales capable of taking on multiple magical attacks before needing to replenish itself. Her hair is longer an swishes around in the wind as her nails become claws and her feet talons while her clothes turn into strange white armor pieces that resemble a bikini top and sun skirt with a bikini bottom beneath it.

He shield and sword have fused into a strange trident with her katana at the bottom as her tail swishes around and wings twitch slightly.

"You will DIE!" She exclaims as her trident becomes engulfed by water. She spins the strange trident around in the air as the dark clouds rain down hail and the ground starts to freeze over. Frost forms on Spirit's unmoving body as it spreads over onto lamp posts and even buildings.

Dusk summons his strange reaper form as his scythe glows an ominous black and purple flames. The air seems to get thicker and the clouds become blacker as if the skies were theirs to command. Sombra watches with an amused look on his face as the two Dragon-Son's charge up their powerful attacks as the ground cracks and shatters.

His amused look becomes a mocking smirk as the two attacks reach their full power and are launched out at him by incredible speeds making the ponies and Twilight stare in awe. Sombra keeps smirking as the two attacks fuse together to form a large blue, white, black and purple burning ball of magical fire.

He holds up a hand right as the ball reaches him seemingly catching their attack before a small sphere forms in the palm of his hand. Their eyes grow wide as he looks up at the two with a strange sadistic smirk. A thin beam shoots out from the sphere cutting the ball in half before the beam expands into twice the size of the ball and roars towards the two.

The beam roars louder and louder as an immense heat is felt by all as it rears close to the two Dragon-Son's who simply stare as their attacks seemed to have left a recoil that makes them freeze to regain energy. The two manage to move but it's too late and they body raise and arm in order to lessen the damage.

They feel nothing but hear what sounds like an explosion before them as gust of wind toss and play with everyone's hair. Light opens her eyes and moves her arm down before staring with her mouth agape. Standing before them is Spirit as a smaller sphere spirals in the palm of his outstretch right hand before firing out a massive beam of magical lava out at Sombra.

His hair is covering his eyes as his lips have a smirk gracing them. He lifts his head up and his eyes show glee. He vanishes and they watch as Sombra gains a true smile and he vanishes. They both meet up in the middle as Spirit's massive beam is flying at them as they are locked in hand to hand combat.

The two laugh as they manage to punch each other in the side of the head making the two send each other flying right as the beam flies between them and collides with the castle, creating a small explosion before a suck of air and the castle vanishes as if it were sent into another dimension.

They crash into buildings before meeting back into the middle once more as Spirit blocks Sombra's punch and he blocks Spirit's kick to the side. They stare at each other before their forms flicker and the ground trembles as a deep crater forms where they were standing. A shockwave ricochets off of the ground making tremors that make Light, Dusk, Twilight and the ponies bouce arounf in an attempt to stay standing.

Pinkie suddenly feels something in her saddlebag and pulls out what looks like a strange rectangle with many tiny buttons, switches and even two strange small circular screens. She then sees a strange pink tablet with the shape of an apple on the back. She looks to Light.

"What was Spirit's favorite song?" She asks.

"Um...I don't remember." Light says with a sheepish smile.

"He enjoyed FAR too many songs to even be part of that rank. But what I can say is he was a fan of "Look At Me Now". Why?" Dusk asks. Pinkie moves closer to the now glowing tablet and pokes it a few times before a song starts to play. The two Dragon-Son's face plant onto the ground before getting back up and face palming from their random stupidity.

"Where did you get that?" Light asks.

"It was in my saddlebag all of a sudden." She states with a confused look. Light looks down and giggles.

"It was mine when I was younger and was dating Spirit. He preferred this song over one of my favorites!" She exclaims. The ground gains another tremor and their attention is back on the wide scaled fight before them. They watch as Spirit stops in place while cocking a fist back. Sombra flies at Spirit with his left leg preparing to jet out and deliver a powerful kick.

The two punch/kick at each other ultimately blocking the other as they both gain gleeful smirks on their face. They push each other back before flickering and meeting up in the air creating a shockwave that shakes the sky. The others on the ground stare in awe as the two are fighting hand to hand with Spirit being the more powerful.

Spirit spin kicks downwards and sends Sombra down into the ground and he jumps around on the air before dashing down at the downed king with an ever present killing intent grin on his lips. His sword forms onto his side and looks like a strange katana with a skull guard, skeletal hilt with that strange eternal flame flickering. The scabbard is a bright yellow with what appears to be lava spots on it.

Light watches as Spirit's energy seems to be growing darker, crueler. She gains a flashback of Discord doing the same thing to Spirit a few thousand years ago. Her flashback ends as she can feel a new energy letting itself known from the core of Spirit. It feels old yet young. It feels like an ancient evil and holy good. The energy starts to spread through his body as she can see him gaining a wider grin as strange bright red energy arms form on his back and jets out down at the crater.

The hands seem to grow larger and wider before they are stopped by a wide beam of pure black energy that manages to push them back. The others watch as Sombra floats out of the smoke, his eye glowing a bright red hue as cuts are bleeding out from all over his body. His cape is torn apart as it flaps in the raging winds.

His sword has been drawn as his lips are still forming a gleeful smirk as the blade ignites into black flames with red tint to them as he slashes the air sending a wave of power out at Spirit. Spirit's eyes narrow as he swipes a hand and makes the wave of power spread in half ad go around him before exploding sending out Black Magic arrows that fly out at Spirit.

"This is new." Spirit states loudly for all to hear. He spins around and a ring of wind spins around his feet before expanding into a ranging typhoon as rain downpours down onto the earth. Cadence looks around at the devastation as the downpour seems to represent the tears of the planet.

She looks up at where Spirit stands and gains the same flicker that Dusk and Light had seen of that strange Dragon fighting with a monstrous Discord as the world is filled with darkness and the Dragon is the only light. She watches as the Dragon releases a monstrous roar that shakes the very foundations of the world and beyond as the two beings of power clash.

She watches as the Dragon starts to come to light and how it looks similar to a she instead of a he. Cadence smirks softly as she watches the giant Dragoness cast down the God of Chaos and end the reign of despair of the future. But, this is NOT what will happen. For all she knows, it could happen in a matter of days or centuries. But she will be ready to stand on the side of the light and help battle against the forces of darkness.

Her vision flickers again right as Spirit blocks Sombra's sword with a hand before an explosion sounds off as the two fly into the ground making heavier shockwaves throughout the earth as buildings crumble to nothingness. The two combatants rise to their feet. Cadence watches as Sombra seethes with anger while Spirit retains his still smiling face as the two have a staring contest of power.

However, something unexpected happened. Sombra burst out laughing like a maniac. He holds his sword out before him as flames of his raw magical power form around his feet before spiraling upwards forming a tornado of Sombra's raw power as everyone can feel something powerful forming in that strange energy tornado.

The tornado grows wider and wider before it becomes the size of the fallen castle. Spirit's eyes widen before he growls. He turns and yells out to the others. "GO! Get the Crystal Heart! I'll hold him off until then!!" The others look at Spirit as if he were mad, seeing as to how his smile seems to have formed into a grin, and began to question his judgment.

"But, Spirit- " "Don't argue with me, Light Smith!" Spirit growls out. Light stares at Spirit with wide eyes. He had NEVER used her first a last name in the same sentence. She sighs before nodding her head. She turns towards the castle before running towards the ruins. Dusk follows suite with Twilight and the others quickly in tow.

Spirit gains a sad tired smile before gaining a serious look as he looks towards the spiraling tornado with two large eyes staring down at him. He smirks as he unsheathes his blade as it begins to glow along with his eyes.

"Let's finish this. Sombra." He states as he charges towards the tornado of Sombra dark powerful energy with a smirk on his face. He sends a silent prayer for the others to find the heart before he would need to release her. The final battle of the Crystal Empire, finally begins.

Chapter 20: "Crystal Empire Pt. 3"

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Light leads the others towards the ruins of the fallen Crystal Castle as they prepare to find the Crystal Heart and deal with any unsavory visitors. She brings he trident off to the side before spinning it as Crystal Minions flood before them with their weak shields and swords drawn out in hopes to fight her and the others off.

She spins the trident faster before what looks like a miniature cyclone forms as the rain downpours harder than before. She gains a cold glare as she grabs the trident's bar before she twirls around. The miniature cyclone flies off of the trident and zooms out. It grows as it crashes into the minions as the ponies and Twilight- even Dusk, seem to freeze up slightly from their screams of pain.

She gains a horribly darker look in her eye as she flickers just as the cyclone ends but the minions are still standing before she flickers back with the others. Her body having strange icy blue shimmering flames rising from her body as they take a few step back from the pissed off Dragon-Son.

Light sucks in air before opening her jaws wide enough to for the others to hear popping sounds. Dusk gains a grave expression before he lifts his cloak and wills it to cover himself, Twilight as well as the ponies. Light breaths out a torrent of blue flames that manage to make the outside and part of the inside of the cloak to boil slightly.

Dusk curses under his breath as he is forced to strengthen his own technique to counter-act Light's. Once the boiling ceases, he retracts his cloak quickly before it forms into an ever moving and incredibly long scarf. Twilight stares at him for a moment before she feels a strange sensation rise in her chest. Dusk gains the same feeling as he stares back at Twilight.

The two blush before looking away quickly, however, the others gain sly grins or smiles, knowing that their young Twilight Sparkle has finally found love. However, the moment becomes ruined by the howls of a monstrous beast along with a series of explosion making themselves known from behind the group.

They all turn slowly before freezing up as they watch a larger Sombra swings his sword around sending out wide beams of energy that collides with the ground while Spirit dodges them. They watch as Spirit has a gash in his left shoulder before it heals up quickly. Light watches in awe as Spirit spins around like a dancing version of herself. She notes that his body seems slender and more feminine than before- much how he used to be when he had met her.

They then watch as Spirit slams his palm into Sombra's chest before a shockwave of power surges through the air. He then proceeds to kick Sombra in the stomach repeatedly. He then spins around once more and his three tails slam into Sombra's side, sending him flying across the air as well as bouncing across random house roofs.

He bounces around more as his sword changes into what Light and Dusk both silently agree to be his Kusanagi blade. They both knew he would only bring out his Kusanagi whenever a threat was too large for his standard weapon. But they become surprised as his original sword forms in his left hand but only shorter. He gains strange gold and black energy that covers his body only to become darker as a fourth tail forms.

He releases a howl before quite literally flying through the air after Sombra who is still- and very comically, bouncing from roof to roof. He swipes with his left blade and a pillar of power rises into the air. He flickers back in the air just before the others holding his smaller blade like a dagger while his Kusanagi blade rests on his right shoulder while the hilt rests limply in his right palm.

His tails swish about slowly as if they have minds of their own before they extend to the length of trees yet become thin like vines as they zoom forward and block Sombra's sword while his body seems to be covered in steam or smoke. The two have a deadly staring contest. Sombra glaring death down upon Spirit, who stares up at the mad king with a neutral and unemotional look.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Spirit's hair grows longer than his body and splits apart as it gains strange looking quills and even jaws with razor sharp fangs. Sombra's eyes widen before he pushes himself back, or at last, he tries to. The tails stab into his left leg and arm before he manages to fully get away from Spirit.

Sombra growls in anger as well as possibly slight pain as his blood trickles down his injured limbs. Spirit however gains a bored and tired expression as his 'mane of death' chases after the mad king. Sombra slices the heads of the man off, but even that doesn't last long as the heads seemingly regenerate.

Sombra gains a smirk as his body heals quickly before his own hair becomes a mane with jaws. The two have yet another staring contest before vanishing and meeting up in the middle on the ground. Blocks of the earth shoot into the air as the two powerful beings clash their blades against one another at high-speeds going beyond the movement of sound.

Dash stares in awe as these two move past Mach 1 with just simple martial arts movements. She also notes how dangerous their powers are becoming. While Sombra's air was simply scary, Spirit's seems to be purely demonic in nature, as if saying he is an even BIGGER threat to her and all the others in the area. She moves uneasily as the very ground quakes as they manage to leave crevasses in the crystalline earth before the air screams in agony.

Twilight looks to Dusk and Light to see their reactions, but she becomes more afraid to see their grinning faces. They both seem to know what is going down, yet, she feels the urge to NOT ask questions, yet. She turns back to the fight just as the sky lights up bright orange as a wide beam jets throughout the sky destroying the dark clouds, however, the beam keeps traveling south. Everyone starts to pale as they know Equestria is JUST south of here.

Light moves her face into her hands as if there had been a great calamity. And she was right to think so.




Celestia sits on her throne thinking about their 'Mini-Adventures', as many had called them. She had witnessed the singing voice of Spirit and Light, as well as even witnessing Spirit's power. She grows slightly pale as she remembers one attack managed to dry up and entire ocean that took MONTHS for Light to remake. Neither of them had expected that kind of firepower- well except for Spirit, who had been the one with a happy grin plastered into his face. But, she digresses.

Suddenly, the sky starts to burn bright orange. The water molecules bubble in her potted plants before they burn to ash, the pools all inside the castles interior dry up in an instant. The marble column floors, walls, columns, pillars and even the roof of he castle start to grow increasingly hot.

Celestia's eyes widen as this intense heat feels the same- as does the glowing sky, as when Spirit made that beam happen. She rises to her hooves and gallops at her full speeds towards her leading defense towers. She reaches the doors of the first tower which is being guarded by a ash gray unicorn stallion with a red mane and tail.

She reaches him and as he goes to salute her, she pushes past him breaking down the doors. She gallops towards the new "Head Captain" named "Flash Century". He is a well made orange coated Pegasus stallion with electric blue mane and tail. His eyes are bright hazel that resemble windows to his very- yet large for some odd reason, soul.

"Princess Celestia! Is everything okay!?" Flash asks. She looks at him before pointing a hoof towards the small beam of energy coming closer and closer, creating a sort of impending doom to these mortal and frayal beings.

"Raise the magical barriers! Put them at 89 percent power! NOW!" She bellows. Flash nods and heads towards a strange floating gem as large as Celestia's current form. He taps it a few times before multiple smaller gems float and circle around the larger one. A massive blue beam of magical light pillars up into the sky. Celestia see's that in the distance she can see multiple beam rise into the air before a large force field in the shape of a giant shield moves over all of Equestria in an attempt to block the powerful beam.

Damn it Spirit, Celestia thinks. When you get back your soooooo gonna get flamed! She thinks as she grinds her teeth. However, she grows pale as the beam is wide enough to take out part of the Everfree Jungle. She turns but then sighs in relief as the castle sends out a shockwave before it too forms a large shield that even forms mirrors as it to redirect the attack. Still, your inventions are very useful in a time of need. I just hope you won't let it go to your head!

She turn back around as the shield rises and quirks a brow. Flash starts to flip.

"This isn't supposed to happen! Some pony managed to mess with the barriers!" He exclaims as the crystal starts to radiate a bright gold light while strange black markings form around the gems themselves. She notices the beams start to go into the same color pattern as the shield separates and form into strange mirrors. She smirks.

I see, so you managed to go with that promise to protect out 'Great Nations'? Well played Spirit, well played. Celestia thinks. The beam crashes into the first mirror before the other mirrors glow in a bright light and the beam separates and flows into them. The amounts of energy becomes amplified as strange wires jet out from behind the mirrors before diving into the ground.

Celestia grows pale before turning to Flash Century.

"Gather the S.S. AERO team!" She orders before chasing after the rising and diving wires that seem to have more branch out towards the other smaller towns or cities. It then dawns on her. The wires are made of magic as to not send electrical currents through the ground until they connect with the 'plants' that Spirit had made for each town, city and even his own castle.

She notes that the energy chases after the heads of the wires as if begging for a release. The wires then vanish as they dive down deeper into the earth before she can feel them connecting with those 'plants'. The Wonderbolts arrive next to her and stare in awe as all buildings and lamp posts alight with more energy than electricity in this day and age could ever allow. Celestia feels a sense of pride as the energy flow doesn't seem to stop.

Thank you...Spirit...




Light stares up in awe as Spirit stands there in the air with his mane's swaying around and drooling in hunger as if expecting another 'meal' to occur. However, she freezes up as she notices has thin and lengthy. However, he was calm enough to make everyone think that this was how he was supposed to look, instead of the strong muscular man they had all come to know and love.

Light then notices a very strange change in his figure. He has the structure of both a male and female fused together as well as being flat chested. His four tails swish around slowly and predator like. A smirk plays on her lips as his energies seem to be more like Discord's was when he had reached close to his peak of power.

But, her smirk vanishes when Spirit turns around slowly with piercing white eyes and a strange small that looks like it was cut out of his body with fangs being part of his lips becoming a sadistic smile or grin. The inside of his mouth is pitch black as if it were an endless void capable of devouring everything in it's path.

Everyone then covers their ears quickly as a bloodcurdling howl resonates through the air and shakes the very crystalline earth they stand upon. They had closed their eyes on instinct, but when they open their eyes once more, they become wide an filled with terror. Standing before them is no long Spirit, but a truly nightmarish monster that sends terror into Dusk and Light for the first time in such a long time.

He growls as Sombra walks out of the smoke from the beam with a cold glare on his face which leaves quickly and turns into a look of shock as well as terror as his opponent has become a beast far more disturbing looking than the half rotten ponies, Slender-Mane or even Discord during the time he had decided to take everyone seriously.

Sombra's purple tremble before he seems to steal his emotions and holds up his sword. Spirit however, simply stares at him before his eyes squint and his smile rises before tendrils sprout from his shoulder blades and sides. Large clawed hands form at the ends of the tendrils as they jet out at the mad and terrified king before them.

Spirit's swords seemed to have vanished along with his mind as his arms start to spin like a wheel- even hearing the crunching ad reconstructing of bones could be heard, as all the claws curled into fists. Sombra was knocked around throughout the sky by the outrageously sized glowing fists that left searing burn marks.

Spirit then proceeds to vanish before forming above Sombra with his fists held together as well as Sombra being sent down into the ground. Spirit roars an unholy roar that makes the whole area tremble before a large Black Crystal Spire rises from the ground. It rams into Spirit's chest before it turns into a strange serpent as it digs it's fangs into his shoulder.

Or, at least it tries to. The fangs shatter as they move down upon his body before he growls and the spire/serpent shatters revealing an injured Sombra. He snarls before materializing behind him in a puff of smoke and uses his tails to club the pour king back into the ground. Spirit lands right on top of Sombra creating a large rater.

Light shields her eyes with a hand as she watches through the gaps between her fingers. She gasps in surprise as Spirit is thrown across the battlefield before being struck by a wave of black magical energy. However, the wave is cut in half by Spirit's claws as two more of his hands rise from the ground as they grab him by the ankles before swinging him around like a ragdoll.

Spirit has a massive monstrous grin on his face as he pulls upwards and two tentacle rise up and swing Sombra around like a toy. The tentacles are coming from his right hip and left shoulder as they move with lightning fast speeds. However, Sombra twirls around in the air and his sword glows bright blood red before Spirit is being held down by a large chunk of the castle.

Out of nowhere a bright holy light blasts off and zooms past Sombra's head. He growls before large blue hands punch him through a few buildings while Light appears where he stood with large angelic wings and her body covered in silver with strange black markings as well as her tail swishes like a cat's does.

She twirls her trident to create blue flames that then shoot out and chase after Sombra. She stands there with a smug look on her face before the chunk of the castle starts to move and creak. She slowly turns around as an immense pressure presses down upon her, making her breath hitch.

She feels a deep sense of love, yet an intense amount of hatred as well as compashion before selfishness. The being was Spirit, however, he still looked the same, yet his colors were much, much brighter than before. His eyes even slit pupils in them once again. His smile was downgraded by a lot while his power only doubled in size compared to before.

His swords were back- while the Kusanagi was sheathed and sit limply on his lower back, as he was using his 'dagger' to lift the chunk off of his form. He pants slightly as he starts to regain more human qualities once again. However, his pupils started to pin and soon became an 'X' as diamonds formed in the crevices of the strange pupil.

His body trembled slightly before the chunk- which looks to be held upward with ease, shatters into smaller chunks or ever shards. His pupils go back to being slit while his energy starts to become dense enough as to look like flames rising from his form. The energy- instead of being red, was a rainbow color with only a few colors sticking out more than usual.

His body trembles before vanishing and appearing above her as he slices a pillar of Black Crystal in half before it could reach her. He lands before her with a deadly look in his eye as he turns to look over his shoulder as he stares at her.

"I can give you a day before being forced to release more power. Go get the artifact and protect the other." He orders out calmly. Light nods her head before he grabs her by the chin. "But, before you go" He the kisses her deeply- much to her happiness. "I love you." He says.

"Be careful." Light stresses out. Spirit nods his head before turning back around and lifts his dagger up to his shoulder while a ball of purple energy forms in his right hand. Light jumps into the air before flickering back to the others. She notes that Dusk is in his "Reaper" form as his scythe glows in hunger.

She nods to him and his hood nods back before the two turn to their right/left and stare at the ponies.

"We have a day before Spirit is forced to take this fight more serious than it already is. We- " She is cut off.

"More serious!? Are you bucking kidding me!?!?" Dash exclaims. "I thought he was already serious! How can it become more so!?" She screeches. Light gives her a flat look.

"He has gained MUCH more power than before, so much so he apparently rivals Discord himself. He managed to burn and mark this world as HIS and HIS alone. He is quite possibly the most dangerous force of nature on this world along with Discord. Sombra is FAR weaker than the two of them, but, while Spirit can handle Sombra, he can only do so in this state for what I can assume a day before becoming corrupted once again." Light explains with a harsh tone.

She leads the others towards the collapsed castle before they jump down into the large pit that looks to travel far into the earth. As they fall, however, they hear what sounds like roars and the explosions of intense combat. Light sends a silent prayer for Spirit's safety and sanity.

When they land it is on a pile of silver coins and such. Spike rises to his feet before walking around until what looks to be a massive black crystal is spotted. He squints and see's the Crystal Heart sitting just before it, however, there is a spot on the crystal where he can tell the Crystal Heart is meant to go.

"Hey!" He exclaims.

"Yeah?" Dash says.

"I see it! But it looks like it's a key for something else!" He exclaims. Light looks towards the crystal before she freezes. While the others can't see this- save for Twilight, Cadence, Dusk and herself, she can see what looks to be another Spirit, but he holds the same amount of tails and is growing more solid by the minute.

"Let's go!" Dusk orders as he floats towards the heart, but he is stopped by what looks to be a large black dragon rising from beneath him. The dragon is massive as it's head reaches the ceiling before it sniffs the air. It's nostrils flare a few times before he looks down and slithers around the room.

"I smell you all. My master has put me in charge over this cavern to protect the artifact." It says with a hiss like voice. Dusk growls before he feels his energy being sapped as the dragon sucks the air in before releasing a spiral of flames. Dusk jumps back before swinging his scythe and the blade ends out wave of energy, but said energy is absorbed into the creatures body as if it was nothing but water.

He growls in annoyance before it slithers out of the silver and a wave of fear grips his heart. The creature coils up and a forked tongue flicks through it's lips while it's eyes are closed.

'Oh shit...' He thinks. The large serpent opens it's eyes and the slit pupils zoom in on Dusk and a cruel sadistic smile forms on it's lips.

"Ah, Dusk Grave. I see you have betrayed us as it was predicted." The serpent hisses out.

"How?" Dusk asks.

"I knew since the very beginning." He hisses out once again but with a slight roar.

"Who are you!?" Light yells out. The large serpent looks towards Light with a glare.




Spirit dodges a beam of light as Sombra bellows in rage. His sword pulsating with dark energy.

"Let us finish this!!" He roars out. Spirit gains a smirk and nods.

"Fuck yeah!" He exclaims. He draws his kusanagi blade as lightning sparks to life along the blade. "Let's end this." He says with a strange tone as if a woman is answering the same time he is.

"Who was that?" Sombra asks. Spirit gains a grin.


Chapter 21: "Crystal Empire Pt. 4"

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Light stares up at the massive serpent with a clear fear in her eyes.


The 'King of all Serpents'.

She had heard of him before. The stories were fierce, even in the time of humans, and how he could fight a full fledged Dragon and win with a single flick of his tail. Manda was also one of the very first beings to come into the picture alongside the Dragon's. There had even been tales of when Manda had faced down the original Dragon's and kill all but one, that same one had managed to cast down the serpent into the deepest pit imaginable at the very bottom with all he other overly dangerous beasts in existence.


He had remained there for centuries before it was said that he was freed by a young Dragon-Son that had unimaginable power. Her eyes narrow by an inch in thought. Who could have freed this beast? She is dragged out of her thoughts as the crystal holding the form of Spirit gains more energy with a loud hiss. She looks up with wide eyes as the crystal shimmers brightly as holy light is being pulled into it.

She is surprised when Dusk grabs her by her throat and throws her farther away from the crystal just as Manda is bearing down on him with open jaws and fangs becoming pitch black being filled with poison. She doesn't have a moment to warn him as she I slammed into Twilight and watches as Dusk flickers away from Manda as he dives into the sea of silver. She rises to her feet sluggishly before being pulled by Twilight to the left and they both fly into the air as Manda rises from the sea of silver with a roar.

She stares down at the creature before her as it lashes around after Shinning Armor who casts a few "Nuke-Class" spells at it's sides. She notices that Dusk is firing multiple head sized black spiraling balls of energy with blades circling them explode against Manda's sides and even the top of it's head creating domes of power rise all over it's body. This only managed to piss Manda off even more so. But something catches her eye.

Manda's eyes were depicted as bright yellowish-green, and yet, his eyes are red with purple mist rising from the corners.

'He's beng possessed!' Light thinks in shock. 'No wonder Manda is allied with Sombra, not even the evil king could sway one of the most power lords to join him....' She thinks to herself before her eyes widen as words come to her mind that Spirit had said to her so long ago.



A younger version of Spirit sits atop of Light's and his old school clock towers next to Light as he holds the newest issue of "DAILY PROPHET 3465 and reads at how a monster has been released from Tartarus and has even pledged it's allegiance to someone, but the said someone is unknown. A younger version of Light raises a brow and scoffs at this. "Who would even believe this garbage!? Are humans just becoming more and more stupid, eh?"

The young version of Spirit chuckles. "Who knows?" He starts. "Maybe it did happen? Last I heard, the being that was released was non-other than Manda." He says with mocking grin while his eyes show something of look of 'I know something you don't' to them. Young Light huffs in annoyance before gaining a sly grin as she kisses younger Spirit's neck gently and wraps her arms around his slender, more feminine, hips and lays her chin onto his right shoulder.

"Then we had better hope that he'll help US out with these "Dragon-Lords" that are on the rise, neh?" She asks with a wink. "But" She starts with a slightly husky voice. "Why don't we have some fun, neh? My adorable Spirit?" She teases. She had always used this advantage to get information out of her eternal partner, and 9 times out of ten, it always worked. Young Spirit shutters in excitement.

He then looks over his shoulder and up at her, as he was shorter than her at the time, with the twinkle of mischievousness in his eye. "Perhaps he will." He says with a sly smirk. The young Light then stops.

'He? But it was never REALLY recorded that Manda was a he! What are you hiding, my oh so mischievous Spirit?' She wonders. "Who is 'he'?" She asks. Spirit's eyes widen slightly before their twinkle only grows brighter and brighter.

"Don't know, guess you'll have to find out later, wouldn't you? Mrs. Smith~?" He says teasingly. The young Light huffs and puffs her cheeks out in annoyance.

"No fair! You can't use my last name if I can't use yours!" She exclaims rather loudly, almost yelling it out. The younger Spirit chuckles mirthfully.

"And I have NO last name. So ha!" He says as he kisses the tip of her nose gently before he vanishes with a soft audible *pop*, leaving behind a pouting younger version of Light before a smirk plays on her lips.

"At least he know how to keep things interesting, still, I wonder what he meant? And the way he was smiling, and even when he said it was Manda that had escaped while the humans didn't even know what is even in there... What are you hiding from me, my elusive mate?" She wonders aloud before giving chase after the younger Spirit.



Light stares up at Manda with wide eyes.


Spirit was the one who freed the Manda! All those times that her and her friends would be fighting against the Shadow-Beings and Dragon-Lords there would always help from the Serpents who would remain with Spirit as if he were their master. Now it made sense. Sombra couldn't sway the Manda to work for him, for he already worked for, and with, Spirit! She grows a sense of unease.

'If Spirit was allied with Manda and had always been able to help out with he impossible, then, could it be the fact that he has been holding back all this time? Even against the Dragon-Lords?' She thinks as that uneasy feeling seems to grow more and more. She is then shaken from her thoughts as a piercing wailing roar resounds throughout the air as Manda is hit by Twilight's sword and manages to cut just above his left eye on the eye ridge.

She watches as Manda thrashes around in anger and makes pillars collapse from his sheer strength. However, resolve forms in her eyes as she decides on what to do. She looks at Dusk. Dusk looks back and see's her resolve and smirks.

"What's the plan, Rank #1?" He asks. Light points a finger at Manda's eyes.

"We purify him from Sombra's control and let him return to Spirit's side!" She explains. Dusk's eyes widen.

"Spirit? But...what!?" He exclaims as he waves his arms around in shock. Light nods her head lightly.

"I remembered something, remember that paper that said something escaped from Tartarus all those years ago?" She asks. Dusk nods. "That was Manda, and Spirit was the one to release him." She says with a grin. Dusk's lips turn into a grin as well as his eyes show excitement before looking back at the still thrashing Manda.

He raises his scythe and licks the blade, rather creepily, with a large grin. "This is going to be fun!" He laughs out in excitement as both he and Light charge at the serpent king.


With Spirit

Spirit moves around quicker than Sombra had thought possible, as he had been managing to dodge his swipes and stabs and even his magical attacks. Spirit blocks Sombra's blade with his blade while he stabs at the king with the kusanagi blade. Sombra summons an energy sword to block the blade only to have it shatter as if it were nothing. His eyes widen as the blade pierces his left side.

'WHAT!?' Sombra roars mentally. 'HOW COULD HE GET THROUGH MY MAGIC!?' He bellows internally. The sound of a chuckle brings the king back to reality.

"Did you really think that I have been going all out with each of my forms? Sombra?" Spirit asks tauntingly. He then dodges Sombra's sword before slicing with his dagger and pushing himself back away from the pissed off king.

'Fuck...' Spirit thinks as he stares at Sombra's newest magical attack.

A giant death ball.

Fuck indeed.

Spirit's eyes widen as Sombra swings his sword down at him and the giant death ball fallows. Spirit smirks and places his dagger into it's sheathe while dual-handing his kusanagi and charging up his magical energies as black flames with tinted green outlines form around the blade.

'This is going to suck!' He thinks to himself as his smirk only grows. His eyes soon widen as he hears a woman's voice enter his mind.

'Having trouble, Spirit?' The voice asks. His body tenses up enough to make his movements look forced. 'I can help, you know? You just need to let me out~' The voice says. Spirit grits his teeth in annoyance.

'If I have to, besides, you'll manage to take over me since I am limited on time...' He mentally drawls to the voice. He hears a chuckle.

'Oh, that is right. I had nearly forgotten. Hm... Oh well.' The voice says with a sadistic giggle. Spirit growls and swings his blade sending out a magical crescent shaped flame that cuts deep into the ball of death, resulting into the two attacks exploding in on each other. He growls in pain as his left hand starts to become a bleach white as black claws form as well. He watches as his whole left arm becomes the same, but pitch black chains form around his forearm, palm and fingers while the upper arm is covered in pitch black fur.

He pants in pain as that same voice chuckles darkly.

'Seems I should help out more, hm?' It asks. He growls in pain but also agrees. He looks up at Sombra while his left eye becomes different as it becomes pure white instead of pitch black. He snarls as the chains move around seemingly on their own as blades form. His form flickers and reappears behind him with sinister grin and an evil glint in his eye. Sombra feels the air start to freeze over.

'What is this!? Not even Discord himself could case something like this... What is he!?' Sombra mentally roars. Spirit charges forward towards Sombra in the blink of an eye as he grabs the king's face before throwing him across the sky. He watches as Sombra collides with buildings before flickering and appearing before Sombra as a sixth tail emerges from his body, but, it is covered in the pitch black chains along with the other five tails.

Spirit punches downward and knocks Sombra back into the air as the chains chase after Sombra like hungry vipers after a rat. Sombra recovers and dashes through the air as fast as he can while blasting off magical beams trying to take out the lightning fast chains. He manages to hit the chains but despair grips his heart as they burst out from the smoke with even more furry. He swears he can hear a woman's maniacal laughter as he keeps using all sorts of methods to block the bladed chains from piercing his hide.

He roars in pain as few chains imbed themselves into his left leg. He pales as he watches the chains literally pull Spirit towards himself in the blink of an eye. Spirit finally reaches Sombra and slams the butt of the hilt into the kings stomach. Spirit's grin becomes sadistic at the sound of rib shattering from the impact. Sombra stares at noting with eyes wide in shock and pain while he coughs up blood like it were nothing but spit.

The chains then move away from he king before Spirit tail-whips Sombra straight into the ground making a colossal shockwave. He then howls like a ravenous beast as he grips his head in pain.

'Yes! Let me free! Let the world feel me return!!' The voice cackles madly. He groans.

"Shu- Shut up you bit- bitch!" He growls out before swinging his arm downward while his kusanagi makes the air scream as it sends out a beam of raw magical power. Said beam is destroyed by Sombra's own beam of powerful magic. Spirit's eyes narrow before a pressure tightens around his chest and he coughs as black blood drips down his lower jaw.

'Fuck... This isn't good...' He thinks to himself before looking back at where the others are at. Suddenly, something happens, something that will decide the fate of this world.

Spirit's Dragon, becomes released.


Spike manages to place the Crystal Heart into the holster, but, it is too late. He looks up with wide eyes as the large crystal wall with Spirit's outline becomes cracked. The Crystal Heart starts to glow before shattering into shards that seep energy into the wall. The energy becomes soaked into Spirit's form, making pitch black chains form all around the body, before they shatter.

A wave of good energy roars out and slams into Manda, taking out the mind control, but the roar soon becomes a wave of raw energy that erupts from the pit and becomes a spiraling beam that rams itself into Spirit's prone form. The pitch black chains shatter around his body as his tails jump from five to six before becoming ten tails in total. Light watches as pitch black chains form before shattering into pieces as shockwaves ripple through the sky.

A wailing scream of pure pain booms through the sky as the crystalline ground starts to crack. Dark booming black clouds form and swirl high in the heavens as thunder booms like the roars of a super beast finally waking up from a trillion year long slumber. Dusk stares up as fear booms into his heart as black lightning thrashes down onto the world as if the gods themselves are enraged by this.

The winds move like hurricanes as the earth quakes and shifts, power surges through the air as the scream become a deafening roar that booms throughout the skies like a mighty horn. Fire tornados spiral down from the black clouds as rain pours down. Manda watches the sky with wide eyes full of fear. Twilight feels an incredible evil that manages to darken all sources of light within her form.

Cadence feels tons of hatred form into a single mass as her power starts to fade from her. The Crystal Heart's energy only becomes more pure which seems to be fueling this powerful being. The world seems to shudder from this beings mere presence.

'What is this?' Light thinks to herself as she watches Spirit's body become consumed by sickly green fire. 'This isn't right, something must have changed, but... No!' Her eyes widen. 'His Dragon is breaking free!' She thinks.

"We're doomed." Manda says. Dash glares at the Serpent King.

"How?" She asks. Manda looks at Dash with fearful eyes.

"This is the very being that had originally struck me down." He says. Light's and Dusk's eyes widen.

"Who is it!?" Dusk asks. Manda looks back at the fire as it starts to turn into a rainbow color.

"She has been called many things. But, she is known as the "Dragon-Queen", as no one has ever been able to figure out her name, but, she certainly holds the title." Manda says. Dash's eyes widen.

"Dragon-Queen? But... What!?" She exclaims. Light and Dusk pale.

"The Dragon-Queen... The first Dragon to ever come into existence. She was also the first to rebel and attack the Draconequi back in the beginning, but, if she is within Spirit, then..." She goes quiet as Dusk takes over.

"Then it would make sense to stay the fuck out of his way until the two get along." Dusk orders. Light nods her head as she stares up at the flames. The flames soon die and vanish to reveal a woman three times the size of normal Spirit. Her hair is pearl white, her skin is fair and silky smooth. Her scerla is black while the iris is a holy purple, while the slit pupil is a sickly greenish-yellow. She wears Spirit's cloths, even if they are tight on her figure, as two angelic wings sit on her shoulder blacks and two leathery wings sit on her lower-back. All ten tails swish around slowly as they are incredibly thin, and yet, they look to be capable of cleaving anything in their path.

The kusanagi seems to have doubled over by four while the dagger shatters and forms a large looking multi-barreled gun. The woman's open and in a flash Sombra crashes before them making silver shower down from the sky. Spike's eyes widen as Sombra growls before gaining a smirk. The king points his sword at Spike.

'If I can kill one of them, perhaps I'll manage to break this bitch!' Sombra thinks desperately. The tip of his sword form a large sphere of red magical energy. Spike's eyes widen as his life flashes before his eyes.


Light and Dusk charge at Manda with weapons held high as they try to free the Serpent King from Sombra's mind-controlling grasp. Spike and the others rush towards the Crystal heart with their own weapons out as they push past or through the undead hoards. However, Spike see's something that causes him to smirk.

The Crystal Ponies are becoming free from their prisons and are helping him and his friends go towards the Crystal Heart. He looks back forward with a new fire of determination burning deep from within his soul. 'Finally!' He thinks to himself. 'If we can put the Crystal Heart, then maybe we can help Spirit beat this stupid fucker!' Spike grins as he can see the Crystal coming into his sights, but he is stopped by a woman's voice chuckling.

He shudders at the chuckling before the voice speaks to him. "How interesting!" the voice says. Spike starts to wonder what is happening as his vision is met by a large empty room slowly becoming a deep cave with a massive shrine sitting in the back. He notices Spirit's female form is sitting there as she smiles at him. "If I am remembering correctly, your our son, no?" The female asks. Spike tilts his head. The mare chuckles once more. "Oh yes! That's right, you never met me, hm? Allow me to introduce myself. She says as she rises onto her hind legs before looking similar to Light, but much, much taller and curvy.

'I really hope Rarity doesn't kill me for thinking that this woman looks amazingly beautiful...' He thinks to himself with a shutter. The woman smiles a loving, motherly smile while her eyes show kindness, and madness that looks like it could rival Discord's own.

The woman bows. "I a, Spirit's Dragon. More importantly, I am...." Spike grows confused.

"Your name is... What?" Spike asks in confusion. The woman sighs before regaining her motherly smile.

"Sorry, I'm not used to telling others my name, but, you can call me Fate or Karma, or even Order, and maybe even Peace." She says. Spike nods and decides to go with "Fate". Fate smiles down at Spike as she gently rubs his head spines. "You've become a wonderful son, Spike Emerald." She whispers as she hugs him tightly. Spike blushes as he gazes up at this random woman. His eyes widen as something dawns on him. He points to himself before pointing at her, and she nods. "Yes. While I am trapped in her, not that I mind to be honest thought it wouldn't hurt to be free every once in a while, I am Spirit's female form and most parts of his body in all of his forms." Fate says.

Spike stares up at his "second mother" as it were with surprised eyes. Fate giggles before gaining a serious expression. "I want you to be careful. The Crystal Heart isn't what you might think it is, but, when you place it back into he holster on the wall just above that strange mirror/statue/wall of Spirit and I, just prepare yourself for something you'll never forget." She says as her body starts to flicker. The cave starts to dissolve from Spike's mind as Fate sends him one last smile. "We'll meet again, my little Prince." She says before Spike's vision goes back.

His vision soon comes back and he blinks as the silver mounds are being blasted away as Light manages to get herself thrown into the piles while Dusk is stuck inside a wall, his head laying limply. He sighs before looking back at the Crystal Heart which is pulsating purple energy that causes a few undead and Crystal Minions become nothing but ash. He smirks. 'Thanks Fate, I'll make sure to help you two.' He thinks to himself as he dashes forward as his lets bullets fly through skulls and his blade to slice enemies into pieces.

Twilight is next to Spike as the two dash at their full speeds with smirks on their faces. She turns and looks at him. "Ready?" She asks as they both ready to grab the Crystal Heart. Spike nods with a confident look in his eye.

"In the words of my mother/father, Fuck yeah!" He exclaims as he grabs the Crystal hear and Twilight uses her magic to lift him into the air before thrusting a palm up at the hole in the shape of the Crystal Heart, making Spike fly through the air past the sound barrier as a wide ring of purple, green and blue streaks through the air. He moves the Crystal Heart before himself as he seemingly slams the gem into it's holster. The others eyes widen with smiles while Dusk's left eye is open as he has a smile on his face.

The heart starts to pulsate as that same purple aura roars to life and floods the wall/mirror/statue of Spirit and makes pitch black chains form before shattering, soon, the wall itself shatters releasing all the trapped energy as it mingles and fuses with the Crystal Heart which then shatters and a large energy dragon roars to life as it flies up towards where the fire covering Spirit is at. Spike smiles as Fate's voice whispers into his ears.

'Thanks...' She says before all hells breaks lose, and Sombra slams in front of Spike with a ball of energy directed at his face.


Sombra grins evilly as the sphere becomes the size of his head. Spike pales as his little moment of remembering what got him to this point ends.

"Farewell, Drake." Sombra chuckles out darkly and fires the sphere which becomes a wide beam that roars towards the young Drake. Spike brings his sword up and move it so that the flat is being used as a shield as a green magical shield forms just before him. The beams heat, however, shatters the energy shield and cracks the sword as if it were glass. Spike's eyes widen as the giant red beam rages towards him like a hungry beast.

Spike sighs as he knows the beam is too close for the others to get in front of, an he isn't strong enough to block or send back his own powerful beam. He then gains a defiant look in his eye as he stabs the sword into the ground and closes his eyes, resigning himself to his fate, however, someone appears before the beam and Spike with a hand being raised up towards the roaring energy beam.

The figure's hand seems to be it's left one while in it's right is a large black sword with a strange guard as it looks like a swastika going the opposite direction, signifying "peace". The hand catches the beam, and the figure is pushed back as before stopping. The figures long hair blows in the gusts of wind that the beam is generating, Spike's eyes then widen as he see's Fate's figure as a long black billowing cloak flaps in the wind, her tails swishing around while ear-like-horns stand tall pointing upward at the air.

'Fate...' He thinks to himself as she sends him a small smile from the corner of her lips. She then looks back at the beam before she scrunches up her hand and makes a throwing motion, destroying the beam into nothing. Sombra stares wide-eyed, along with the others, as Fate stands there unscathed.

"Please, Sombra," She states with a mocking tone. "If you want to fight us that's fine, but," Her voice gains a dangerous edge to it. "Do NOT go after our son!" She exclaims before charging him. Spike smirks.

'We just totally won!'

Chapter 22: "Crystal Empire Pt. 5"

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Celestia stands on the railing of one of her castle's towers as a massive storm rages on. She notices how the winds are howling as if in fear while the castle ground's and the giant magical shields groan and creak as if some unseen force is trying to move them all at once. She sighs with a heavy heart as the skies are stuck in a never ending black cloud while rainbow lightning flashes down like arrows and thunder roars.

She starts to feel the magic in the air heat up, not that it would do much, and "boil". Rain pours down all over Equestria and a few other neighboring countries.

Oh the annoying meetings she has been forced into doing, but, somewhere worse is happening.

She turns and looks towards her statue garden, and sighs as Discord's statue, has a small crack just over his chest. His proud look seemingly taunting her about the inevitable.


That doesn't mean she can't slow his release down, even if it is ever so slightly, to ensure that Sombra is stopped and the Elements of Harmony return to their homes. Before it is too late.



Sombra dodges magical bullets as Fate's left arm looks like a blur as bullets fly and a manic smile on her face with one eye wide while the other being narrowed. Her sword is covered in rainbow flames as she swings it around by it's white chain dangling at the bottom of the hilt sending out crescent shaped flames that explode into massive energy sphere or beams. Fate grins wildly as she gives chase after the fleeing mad king.

Light and the others stare as this woman plays a painful version of "tag" with a fearful Sombra. Dusk shivers with a huge grin on his lips and gripping his scythe in anticipation.

'I soooo gotta fight that!' He thinks to himself. Twilight stares in awe as this woman chases around the same villain that they had been trying to hard to defeat. She sighs with a small smile.

'We might actually win this...' Twilight thinks to herself as she watches Fate kick Sombra around like he were a ragdoll. She then notes how bloodthirsty her eyes look as she does so. She then spin kicks Sombra into the air before chasing after the man, her tails staying strait as she gives chase. Her wings move around fluently as she chases after he king with a wide smile on her face. Sombra's eyes widen before gaining a dark grin.

He spins around through the air and a massive black and red bubble forms around him as black and red flames dance around the bubble before making a bladed burning tornado. Fate stops herself from attacking then and there, but decides to let her plaything power himself up before she rips his beating heart from his chest. She watches as the dome and burning tornado grow larger and larger.

She moves back from how much power the two things are radiating. She feels a massive pressure press down upon her form. She grins in excitement as Sombra's power just keeps growing and growing until it stops at her own level of power, or at least from what she herself is allowing to come out. The tornado dies instantly, and the bubble starts to crack, and a piece falls from it. The inside of the bubble is far too dark for her to see, but she knows something is not right.

'This power is far to powerful for any normal mortal to have... What is this'? She questions to herself. A black energy tendril shoots out of the strangely cut hole and impales itself into Fate's abdomen. She grunts in pain and surprise, though mostly surprise, and she can feel some of her power being sucked into the bubble before severing the tendril, which disintegrated into nothing after that moment. She growls anger before shock shows on her face as Sombra's power rises far beyond what he should have been capable of.

The bubble gains new cracks all over it before a pair of red and green eyes stare out at her, and a deep rumbling chuckling bounds across the sky. Her eyes widen as the bubble shatters, and black rain with red outlining pours down from the sky, obscuring her vision.


The strange black rain with red outlining pours down into the cavern where Light and the others are at. Manda hisses in fury before coiling up like a slinky.

"Climb on!" He orders. Light and the others seem to get what he plans on doing, and quickly get atop of the Serpent King's massively wide head. Mana then expands and shoots out of the cavern and lands onto a few house as ladders made of blue crystal slam along the edges and the Crystal Ponies quickly getaway from the Faust forsaken hole. They crowd around their heroes, and Manda, before staring at the massive destruction of their home, the empire.

Many dropped to their knees in despair, many cried out in anguish and fury and hatred, though many were out of sadness, towards Sombra and damning them from the rest of the world.

But the strange rain is accompanied by a thunderous boom and glass shattering entering their ears.

All look up in awe as what is left of the bubble either shatters and vanishes, or, becomes the rain. However, as the bubble completely vanishes, a lone winged figure floats high above the air as it's wings spread out wider than any thought possible for something so small looking.

They then grow surprised as said figure vanishes and Fate is then slammed into the hole and a tower of dust, dirt and energy water rises into the air. The group stares wide eyed as their "savior" was just put down. Despair fills their hearts as a bat-winged Sombra floats before them with a sardonic grin plastered on his face.

"Now do you see who futile it is to fight me?! GIVE UP!! And I may spare your pathetic lives!" Sombra bellows out. Twilight takes a step forward, but is knocked aside by Sombra's massive left wing, sending her into a building, which collapses on top of her. His grin turns into a smirk as he looks back at the rest of the group. "PATHETIC!" He bellows.

"Enough!" Dusk roars out as he swings his scythe downward at Sombra's neck, but is blocked by his left wing, which flicks the blade away with the rim, sending sparks into the air. He spins in the air before swinging his scythe around, sending out black flams with purple outlining down towards the mad winged king. Sombra scoffs at this and his wing bats the flames away as if it were a simple gnat.

Dusk stares wide eyed as his attack, which would have wounded Spirit for a while, was so easily batted away like the common housefly. His blood began to boil and he sends out more of those flames and molds them into tornado's. The attacks raged towards Sombra. The power they were exerting was strong, even Light had to give Dusk credit on how powerful he was, but it proved to be fruitless as Sombra batted them away with a singe gust of wind.

Dusk growls in anger as his attacks are doing nothing. But what really angers him, is how he is weaker than Sombra. In truth, they aren't even on the same level of power, Sombra being the more powerful one.

He grips his scythe tighter and charges at the mad king. Sombra gains a grim grin as he meets the Death Dragon-Son halfway and backhands him into the crystalline ground before glowing bright blood red throwing daggers form in his hands. He twirls in the air as the daggers rain down upon the Dragon-Son, resulting in a chain reaction of explosions. When the explosions stop, they stare as Dusk sits on his knees as his cloak is partly destroyed and his skeletal frame showing, his right socket and part of his skull is missing, while a long crack goes across the left side of his skull.

He pants heavily before his body starts to heal and the cloak begins to reform. Sombra has a smug look on his face before multiple bright blood red glowing spears form around him, floating in groups of three's. He raises his right hand and snaps his fingers. Time seems to slow as the spears jet down at Dusk, and the others. Their glow shines across the ground as lightning flashes, helping to add the eerie look to Sombra's power.

He looks completely calm with his smug look, now becoming a smug smirk, as he watches the insects before him about to disappear. However, a bright blue light shines before a blue beam slams into the spears, completely devouring them as the beam continues until it just evaporates into the air. All heads turn and eyes grow wide at the figure floating before them.



Fate lays at the bottom of this energy rain as well as being inside the crystalline earth. Her eyes closed as she stays still, her body in a rest like state as her form is weighed down by the heavy pressure above her. She mentally sighs.

'Damn it... How could I had been so foolish as to let him steal some of my energy... The FUCK is wrong with ME!?' She roars mentally. A soft male laugh is heard.

But it wasn't mocking like hers had been towards Spirit.

It was sad.

Pained even.

She mentally sighs, not sure how to react to this sort of thing.

'What is it, Spirit?' She mentally asks. The laughter dies down ever so slightly. 'Well?'

"Did it ever comes across that we needed to just suck it up and work together? Fate? That we were meant to work together, live together and even enjoy our lives?" Spirit asks.

No. But she wasn't about to say that, no intentionally that is.

'Your point being, what? Did you expect me? To bow down to you?' She asks. She feels Spirit shake his head and hears him sigh.

"That's not what I meant, Fate. I meant that we should have been working together, as one, from the very beginning. Even if I was nothing but a boy back then." Spirit says with a sad tone. Fate internally grins.

'Your still the same little boy that I have watched over. To me, Spirit, you are still just that, a boy.' She thinks. She feels Spirit's shoulders sump a little bit, and she smiles. 'But your MY boy. Alright, I'll try this your way, for once. What must I do?' She thinks.

"Giving back my body would be nice. But, if you really do get bored being stuck in here, how about asking politely instead of giving that witch laugh, and forcefully taking over, and I'll let you take control, alright?" He asks.

'...fine.' Fate sighs out before a flash of white light forms around her body. 'But just so you know, I am willing to help give you my powers, however, many of my powers have not been use in a VERY lone time, but they will come back, in time that is.' She thinks.

"Alright, now then. Lets get this party started!!!" He roars as the light dies and his body is returned to normal. He grips his kusanagi blade and dagger before they start to change.

'The hell?'

"I've made a change to OUR arsenal. Hope you like them~" Fate says mentally with a seductive tone.

The dagger turns into what looks like a triple-barreled pistol. The gun however, looks like a mix between a revolver and desert eagle, with the triple-barrels. The kusanagi turns into long thin double-barreled gun sword. The blade is as lone as his arm is, the grip is now a motorcycle handle turned into a hilt with the trigger just above it where the guard looks to be the break on a motorcycle, but wide enough to cover the wielders hands, as the barrels sit on either side of the blade about five inches long and two inches wide.

He grins both visibly and mentally before rising to the top of the energy water and out of the pit. He floats in the air as two large wings jet out of his back, making black blood rain down onto the "water" below in the pit, which promptly evaporated into strange red steam. He raises his pistol and aims at Sombra's direction, but stops and decides to wait to see how much damage he can cause with those glowing throwing knives.

Needless to say, he was impressed.

The explosions seemed to be endless, but when they had stopped he saw his friend on his knees missing bits and pieces of his skull head, his cloak was mostly gone, not that it mattered as it all regrew.

However, he drew the line when Sombra conjured up hundreds of glowing spears. He watches as the mad king snaps his fingers and the spears dive down at his friends and lover.

He re-raises his pistol and charges up his powers as small thin streaks of light ignite around the barrel as a small blue ball forms at the tip. The streams are around a foot each. The streams all move and point forwards before the blue ball expands and the streams move out. He releases the trigger and the ball erupts into a massive blue beam that destroys the spears and continues until evaporating into the air.

He grins at his new powers, but he feels more pain course through his back as his wings split into fours, he notes how the upper wings are feathered and the lower are much, much smaller and are bat-like. He then notices how his tail has been doubled in length and incredibly thin, about two finger wide, as a arrowhead point sits on the tip. His horns change into a crown of horns as his hair becomes longer and waves around due to the power he just exerted.

He watches as Sombra and the others down below turn and face him with shock ever present on their faces. He grins.



Light stares at her lover as he floats in the air with his wings spread out for all to see. His feathered wings black as night while his smaller bat wings white as cloud. His hair is a dark chocolaty brown as it hangs down to his tail, his new weapons, pistols, glint in the light as his eyes are no longer slit, but normal grey as his chin has a bit of stubble to it. His skin is tanned and his body, although lengthy, is muscled and fit as his hand grip the handle and hilt of his weapons.

His cloths look strange, as he has white pants with grey tuffs on the bottom, his shirt is a button up one that is bright red with a obsidian black coat over it with grey fur cuffs around the wrist of the sleeves, and around the trims as well. His feet are covered by black boots, almost like hunters boots, as his tail lashes about, as his wings fold up and seemingly vanish, as his horns are shaped like a crown, as if he were royalty.

He moves his gun-sword up onto his right shoulder and gains a bored and tired expression as he stands there making ripples rip through the air and a strange ringing sound to follow suit.

"Let us end this, pony." He says tiredly. Sombra growls before pointing a finger out at Spirit as a black cross with red outlining forms into a small ball of energy before erupting into a massive beam that flies out at Spirit who sighs in boredom and backhands the beam with his smaller pistol as if it were a fly. "Was that all?" He asks before vanishing and reappearing behind Sombra, who's shoulders promptly explode into fountains of blood.

The group down below stares in awe as Sombra's shoulder are cleaved open and his wings sliced off by Spirit's unmoving form. Manda has a proud look on his face as he stares up at his friend and master, Spirit.

"He seems to have made a pact with Fate." He hisses out happily. Light stares at the Serpent King with wide eyes before looking back at her lover, she then feels a booming pressure that presses every down to the ground as gusts of wind rage from the spot Spirit had been standing before.

'A backlash!? But how could he move THAT fast!?' Sombra thinks in awe as his body heals and his wings regrow. He moves backwards away from Spirit's kick which causes a few ripples to more around through the air, a shockwave knocks Sombra around through the sky before he stops himself by spreading his large wings. His hair waves around through the air before laying still against his back.

He scowls at Spirit who has a bored look on his race while excitement flashes across his face. Spirit them vanishes before Sombra is knocked across the sky by the after image of Spirit's kick before it dissipates and he reappears above Sombra and yawns.

"This is so tiresome, how could you have knocked Fate around like that if you can't even defend yourself from me?" Spirit asks with a bored tone. He then dodges a bright red glowing sword that was just inches from his face. Spirit looks down at Sombra as the king conjures a spear.

"Let's see you handle...THIS!!" Sombra roars out as he stabs the glowing spear into the ground. Spirit's eyes widen as the deep red glow shines before a bright white and then a massive explosion that consumes him and Sombra. Light and the others watch as a massive red and black dome rises into the sky before exploding into a large mushroom cloud of smoke, as the shockwaves rocket across the entire area sending everything in a ten mile radius crushed or thrown around.

Manda is quick to coil around the larger group to protect them from the resulting black, not that it did too much damage to his nearly indestructible scales, as the dust cloud passes over them. Manda then proceeds to uncoil quickly and sends his own blast of air creating a small tornado to combat the dust floating around in the air. He looks towards the rising smoke and feels two massive energy levels still standing there, though one is mostly gone now.

Light rises to her feet and stares at the destruction of these two beings have managed to cause, though not knowing that it was Sombra that caused the explosion, and is utterly amazed.

"Incredible...." Cadance gasps out in awe. "So much power, I don't think even I could do this, not without breaking the mortal limit... But this? This is just insane!" She says in awe. Shining Armor stares at the destruction.

"But incredibly dangerous... Let's just be glad that Lord Spirit is on OUR side, no?" He chuckles out nervously. Many heads were nodding while the Crystal Ponies stared in fear, and had fearful minds of this "Lord Spirit". They all collectively shudder before staring as Sombra is casted out of the smoking crater and onto the ground before them. Light spins her trident and presses it at his through while Dusk has his scythe's blade placed underneath the trident.

"You lost, Sombra." Light hisses out darkly. Sombra's eyes remain closed as his form is unmoving, but he keeps breathing.

"Is that so?" He chuckles out as his eyes snap open, and the two are sent flying back before being impaled to the ground by black tendrils. Light gasps as the tendril pierces her right shoulder, while Dusk has the other tendril piercing his chest. The two start to feel their energies being drained, and they cry out in pain.

The tendrils are then cut just before the energies can go into Sombra's mostly destroyed body.

"Damn it...!" Sombra mutters out as he stares up at Spirit, who doesn't have a single scratch on his form, look down at him with a tired look.

"Your finished." Spirit says with a bored tone, but his eyes show surprise as Sombra starts to cackle madly. His energy level spikes as red and black sparks flare his body as it begins to regenerate.

"It would seem that I had misjudged you power, Spirit." Sombra chuckles out before vanishing and reappearing high in the sky. "Let us end this once and for all! Here! Feel DESPAIR!!! Grovel in FEAR!!!! THIS IS THE POWER OF HAAATRED!!!!!!!" Sombra booms out as his body is incased by a massive bubble roughly three times the size of his old Crystal Castle, even though the bubble only signified his ever growing power. The bubble becomes larger and larger before it soon became so massive that it turns into a dome that goes into the black raging storm clouds.

The groups stare in fear as despair grips their hearts and forces their spirit's to dwindle to nothingness. Spirit stares at the dome. It then begins to twitch before breaking apart and becoming more of that god awful magical rain.

Dusk growls before holding his scythe forwards.

"SPIRIT!!" Dusk booms out. Spirit looks at him. "I am joining this fight! I have something to protect!!!" He booms out once more. Spirit nods his head before snapping his fingers. The groups, save for the Cadence, Manda, Twilight, and Light as well as himself, are sent far away from the battlefield.



"What the hay just happened!?" Rainbow Dash exclaims.

"Ah dunno, but wha'ever it was, Ah don' think Spirit would send us away jus' for th' heck oh it. Wha
ever it is but it must be somethin' bad if'n he had to send us away like he did." Applejack says.

"I must agree with you, Applejack. He even placed us someplace CLEAN for once." Rarity says as she mock faints into Spike's arms, which he promptly kisses her for. Dash blanches before huffing.

"Fine! But we need a way to watch the-,"

Out of nowhere a magical screen forms before everypony large enough for all of them to see and hear what exactly is going on down at the battlefield.

"- battle... Huh..." She says with a dazed look before shaking her head and turning her attention to the screen, along with everypony else.



Dusk's scythe glows bright purple as his power becomes visible and forms into a towering pillar the size of Sombra's dome was. The pillar widens to be just as wide, if not wider, as ravenous roaring is heard coming from the tower, as well as from what remains from Sombra's dome, as the two powers spike beyond what was thought possible.

Cadence closes her eyes as to shield them from the massive gusts of wind coming off of the two. Light's hair is tossed around as she holds up a hand to shield her own eyes. Manda stands his ground as he releases his own power which isn't as flashy, but it does grant him arms and legs. He stabs his talon's into the ground while digging his claws into the ground to make sure that he is not blown away.

Twilight is forced to return to her pony form and is send barreling into Manda, along with Cadence, who catches them and keeps them safe with ease. Spirit stands stock still, though his legs are bend from the slight pressure, as his hair is tossed around and his jacket flaps in the wind like a cape, much like how his hair is right now. He watches with calm and cold eyes as the two powers reach their marks and then release themselves from their "prisons".

Dusk's pillar shatters and becomes rain as something new takes his place. The rain pours down onto a massively tall dragon with skeletal parts, and black and purple scales, even though it is quite literally skin and bones, as purple flames sit in the empty sockets as it's claws are obsidian black. The tail is rigged and skeletal as it is nothing but skin and bones.

The fangs are sickly yellow as it's large leathery wings are riddled with holes, gashes and tears. Two large ram-like-horns the color of bone white sit atop of it's head as black fur-like-fire rages from each of it's joints.

The giant beast stands before them like a guard as he breaths out, everything in front of it starts to rot and die away before becoming nothing but ash. The two balls of flame twitch as it looks at Twilight and the others from the corner of it's eye. Twilight stares up at the balls of flame before blushing.

'Is he trying to protect me? But...we haven't known each other THAT long... Maybe I should ask Spirit...' Twilight thinks and gives Spirit a look. Spirit gains a knowing smile.

"It is in Dragon-Son blood to connect to those who show us kindness and acceptance. It might not be how you ponies do things, but it's how WE do things. Seems you caught Death's eyes. When we win this, will you claim him?" Spirit says. Twilight sighs before gaining a small smile and nods her head lightly.

"Y- Yes!" She exclaims. A deep rumbling is heard and she looks up at the Dusk to see a skeletal smile on his face.

"He is happy. Good, he should be." Spirit says with a small and knowing smile before looking back at where Sombra is. "Now, WE FIGHT!!" He roars out. Dusk looks forward and releases an ear piercing roar before charging forwards. He bounds towards the still shattering dome, but is stopped as a thin red beam blasts through his left shoulder and sends the massive Death Dragon onto the ground before the group.

The dome remains shatter to reveal a massive black dragon with a thin long red horn pointing forwards. Two massive leathery wings with black fur moving down from it's mane that makes a trail all the way down to the tip of it's tail. The wings are riddled with holds, gashes and tears, much like Dusk's own pair of wings. The beasts neck is incredibly long, as it the rest of it's body, as it's jaws are squared as blood red electricity crackles around it's form.

It's eyes are bright red with green and purple mist rising from the edges of them. Silver spikes and spines line up along the shoulders and chin as well. Cuffs are around the base of the neck, wrists, ankles, and the base of the tail with spikes there as well. The tip of the tail has a secondary horn on it as it's blacker than night mane with blood red highlights wave around through the air.

It then roars with massive jagged fangs that are the size of spears, the same size as Dusk's own fangs. It stomps towards Dusk and snaps at him, but Dusk jumps over Sombra and tail whips the kind turned dragon in the back, leaving a gash just below the wings. Sombra roars before turning like a snake and chomping down onto the Death Dragon's shoulder, which had healed fully, and swings the smaller creature around before flinging him into a remaining building a few miles away.

Dusk growls as acidic drool melts the ground around his feet. He then sucks in air as his breast plate move outward before decompressing as a stream of black and purple fire slams into Sombra's side, making him roar in pain, and into the ground. Manda hisses out his own roar as he lashes at Sombra, pulling off chunks of his body. Sombra growls and snaps at Manda, who dodges and burrows into the ground and up behind the king.

Manda then lunges and sinks his fangs deep into Sombra's hind leg before moving back down into the ground before the mad king could barbecue him into ashes. Dusk bounds towards Sombra and releases a wailing roar as he claws Sombra's muzzle before biting at his throat. Sombra growls before knocking the smaller Dragon away before chomping down onto Dusk's side and attempts to rip a chunk out of the Death Dragon.

That is, if he hadn't been stopped by Manda, who head-butt's Sombra away before digging his fangs deep into his side. Sombra roars in pain before snapping his jaws at the Serpent King feverously. Manda dodges with expert timing before slithering beneath Sombra and burrowing directly under the king before connecting multiple tunnels. The tunnels start to collapse and Sombra's left claw is stuck in the ground before the rest of him is as well.

Sombra lashes and roars in anger and fury as he spouts out flames before his muzzle is pinned down by Dusk who breaths his Death Fire down onto Sombra's body. But this doesn't last long as Sombra soon becomes free and claws Dusk's chest before latching his jaws onto his shoulder blade before throwing him onto the ground, making the crystalline earth crack and shatter. He growls as he whips around and backhands Manda into the air and onto the remnants of his old castle.

Sombra releases a eardrum breaking roar as thunder booms and lightning flashes, rain pours down as Sombra looks at Cadence and Twilight with a hunger in his eyes and charges at the two. Cadence fires a cerulean beam of light that manages to clip Sombra's shoulder, not that it matter as it healed, while Twilight fires lavender beams of magic that actually manage to stun him for a few moments before he goes after them once again.

He rears his head up before lunging downward with his jaws wide open. Twilight and Cadence in an act of despair and terror close their eyes and hug each other. They wait for their turn to meet their ends.



The large mass of ponies watch the screen as Manda and Dusk duke it out with Sombra, who looks to be losing. Dash whoops and does an aerial backflip.

"Awe YEAH! That's what I'm talking about!!" She exclaims. "Did you see those sick moves?! Or how Dusk tore into Sombra's chest and shoulder!? Or when Manda sunk his deadly and AWESOME fangs into his body!? Or! Or! Or when Manda was digging those tunnels!? That was sooooo COOOOL!" Dash whoops out.

"I must agree, darling, that it was indeed "cool". But all that damage looks almost un-repairable to me..." Rarity chimes in just as Dusk is spewing his Death Fire onto Sombra's body.

"Still, you hav'ta agree tha' it was perty cool, wadn't it?" Applejack asks. Rarity nods her head and goes to speak but goes quiet and wide eyed as Dusk is thrown into the ground and Manda is sent flying.

"Oh NO!" Pinkie Pie exclaims loudly. All heads go back to the screen and everypony gasps as they watch as Sombra prepares to eat Twilight and Cadence, after the two Alicorn's tried to "stop" him. However, they then gasp again as Sombra is stopped by Manda, who coils around Sombra's throat before managing to pull the mad king away and onto his side.

"Go Manda! GO!!" Rarity exclaims. "KICK HIS &%^*#@! PLOT!!!!" She roars out. All eyes stare at her. "What?" She asks.

"...Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Spike asks.

"Almost every day." Rarity says sweetly.

Spike then grabs Rarity and kisses her deeply.

"I fucking love you!!" He exclaims with a wide smile. Rarity playfully bats his snout gently.

"Now now! Save that for the bedroom, my BIG Spikey Wikey~" She says with a slightly husky voice. It was that Flutter Shy burst into a fit of giggles, completely losing her shit while everypony else stared at the three of them as if they had become a Hydra.

"Righ'... Let's just keep watching th' battle..." Applejack states with an uneasiness to her tone of voice.

"Right." Dash deadpans before looking back at the floating screen.



Manda sends Sombra onto his side before burrowing back into the earth right as Dusk lands atop of Sombra sending out a massive shockwave that forms a crater around them. He spreads his wings and takes to the skies right as Manda launches out of the earth and breaths a stream of acid that lands onto Sombra's side. He roars in pain and anger before batting Manda aside and into the wall before pinning the giant the Serpent there as he charges up a blood red sphere that forms at the base of his throat.

"FAREWELL MANDA! EX-KING OF THE SERPENTS!!" Sombra roars out with a deeper and waving sort of voice as the sphere rises slowly up and starts to leak thin beams of light. Manda's eyes widen before he growls and he releases his arms and legs from his spell and slices off Sombra's claw. He roars in pain as Manda's legs and arms retract into his body before burrowing back into the earth.

Sombra points his head down at the hole and prepares to fire, but Dusk lands onto his back and holds his jaws shut. Sombra cancels the attack before stabbing his tail-tip into Dusk's side and flings him out of the crater. Dusk lands just before Cadence and Twilight, who are being held still by a calm Spirit.

"Dusk!!" Twilight screams out. "Stay down!! PLEASE!!!" She begs him. Dusk looks at Twilight with what looks to be a sad one. She hears Spirit sigh.

"He can't. He wants to protect his mate. You, Twilight Sparkle. He won't stop fighting till he is killed, which is highly unlikely, or until you are killed, again that is highly unlikely, or until Sombra is dead, now THAT will definitely happen! But, he won't stop fighting." Spirit says sadly. Light snorts softly.

"It's true. We Dragon-Son's protect our mates till the bitter end. Only till we are abandoned, do we truly lose our mates." She explains to Twilight. The young Alicorn sighs with a heavy heart before looking back up at Dusk with a serious expression as tears roll down her cheeks.

"Come back to me... Please... Don't die..." Twilight begs Dusk softly. Dusk nods his head before rising up to his feet and charges at Sombra and latches onto his neck before ripping a chunk out of the mad king.

"Spirit..." Light says sadly. "We need to help..." She states. Spirit nods his head lightly.

"Yes, we do." He says before handing the ponies over to Light. "Look after them. I'm going to kill this bastard." He growls out before sprinting towards the multiple giants fighting. He summons his weapons and fires three small blue sphere that explode onto Sombra's back before swinging his "sword" sending out a wave of blue energy that slices into his side. Sombra howls in pain before Manda snaps at his shoulder, but is tossed away. His claw reforms before chasing after Dusk.

Spirit jumps into the air leaving behind an air trail before spreading his wings and booming forward going past Mach 2. He lands onto Sombra's back making the great beast slam into the ground. Spirit raises his "sword" into the air pointing downward before impaling it into the center of his back, causing Sombra to release a wailing roar of pain to rocket across the skies. The patches of fur and flames along Sombra's body extend and become tendrils as they stab at Spirit, who flies into the air with the tendrils chasing after him with fever.

He points both guns at them and rapid fired spheres and beams down. The tendrils move around on their own in attempts to dodge, though many did not make it. They then circle around Spirit and prepare to skewer him, but he teleports down onto Sombra's back and starts hacking and slashing at the flesh. Manda bursts from the ground and bites down onto Sombra's neck while Dusk bounds up and interlocks Sombra's claws with his own.

Spirit runs up Sombra's back, although shakily, towards his head. Crystal Minions forms from the tendrils and charge Spirit, he then wings his sword around cleaving the Minions into pieces as he moves towards Sombra's horn. He holds his sword out and it splits apart, the gun becomes a larger blade while the sword part morphs into a serrated blade as two rainbow energy chains drop from the bottoms of the hilts and coil around his wrists.

He swings his new blades around by the chains as he sends Crystal Minions around and off of Sombra's moving body. He then slams the blades together and they turn back into his "Gun-Sword". He sprints and fires blue sphere's that detonate in crowds of Minions, blowing them into smithereens. He jumps into the air before throwing his Gun-Sword down. It pierces Sombra's horn. He then aims his pistol at the hilt and fires three bullet sized sphere's that detonate, forcing the Gun-Sword through Sombra's horn, thoroughly breaking it off in the process, before teleporting before Sombra and grabbing his weapon.

He then flies upwards towards Sombra's head, but Sombra's tail slams Spirit into the ground. He coughs before booming away just as Sombra throws Dusk to the ground and ripping Manda off of his neck before throwing him onto a few broken buildings. Dusk rises to his feet and charges Sombra once again, but Sombra growls and impale his claws into Dusk's chest before tossing the Death Dragon away from himself.

Manda hisses out a roar and lunges and manages to bite down onto Sombra's now hornless head and manages to destroy his right eye as well as taking a chunk out of the head before burrowing down into the earth once again. Sombra releases a wailing roar of pain, but is silenced as a now healed Dusk claws Sombra's throat and breaths his Death Fire at the wound. Sombra snarls as he pins Dusk down onto the ground.

Spirit sprits towards the two Dragon's and jumps while his sword ignites into bright rainbow flames. He then swings his sword downwards, sending out a massive wave of rainbow flames that sever Sombra's right arm from his body before sending out another wave that cleaves off his wings. Sombra roars in pain as he writhes in pain. Dusk coughs as he moves away from the destructive waves as they cleave into the earth like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Manda rises from the earth and helps Dusk move away and towards Twilight, Cadence and Light. Dusk's form is covered in a bright white light as he goes into his human form before dropping onto Manda's head gently. The Serpent King places Dusk down gently as he bleeds out.

"We have to stop the bleeding!" Cadence exclaims as she places wards around Dusk's form. Light holds her hands out before her and the rain forms a giant water dome over Dusk as he heals as the water glows bright green. Twilight's eyes are wide with tears in them before gaining a serious expression and tapping into her magic she uses all manor of healing spells onto Dusk as many times as she can.

Minutes pass and the three arepanting heavily as Dusk's wounds just keep on re-opening.

"Damn it!!" Light exclaims. "Why isn't he being healed!?" She roars out. Manda stares before he sighs.

"It seems his body has taken too much damage. His Dragon is trying to gain access for a new one for her Dragon-Son." He says. Twilight looks up at Manda.

"What if we were to change is molecular structure intom something that wasn't human?" She asks.

Manda gains a thoughtful expression before nodding his head. "Yes, that will indeed work, as his Dragon is part of his soul, and would not be damaged, so he would still have his abilities. And depending on what race you make him to be, they'll either become stronger, or weaker." He explains.

Twilight nods her head and looks at Cadence.

"Let's make him into an Alicorn." She begs. Cadence gains a weary look.

"I don't think You and I have that much power though Twilight..." She says.

"No. You don't." Light says grimly. "But I do." She states with a small smile as her hands glow bright blue with a holy white tint to it as well. Cadence's horn ignites bright cerulean while Twilight's ignite into bright lavender. Manda's eyes glow in a sickly green as he four sit around Dusk's prone form. His body starts to float into the air as a white light forms around him as his form starts to change.

His wings become larger while he himself also becomes larger. His face becomes elongated as his tail becomes longer and more bone-like while his shoes before hooves and his hands before hooves as well. His neck becomes elongated while his hair becomes a mane and his cloths start to morph into a large black cloak.

When the light dies, they stare at a new Dusk. He's taller than Celestia by a couple feet as his wings are massive and resemble his Dragon form's wings. His tail is long and wide as it is skeletal with hook like claw at the tip. His hooves are black as night as his fur is dark silver as a cloak sits atop of it. His cutie mark is that of a scythe and skull over a graveyard. His horn is sharp and curved like a scythe's blade while his eyes are similar to his Dragon form's ones.

The sclera is pitch black, he iris is dark purple while the pupil is slit and flame white. His teeth are sharp and fang-like. His mane is as long as Luna's was, the color is moon gravestone grey. He lands onto his hooves and groans.

"Ugh... My head..." He groans out. He cracks open an eye and looks down at his hoof. He blinks before shrugging. "I've been in weirder situations before this." He says nonchalantly. He is then tackled by a lavender blur as he sprawls out onto his back. He feels something wet press up against his chest and he looks down. "Twilight?" He asks with a slight blush.

"I thought I lost you before I even got to have you..." She sniffs out. Dusk smiles softly as he lifts her head up.

"Your not going to lose me, never again." He tells her softly as he leans in and kisses her gently. Their eyes close and the two savor this moment, but it I cut rather shortly as Sombra roars and collapses onto the ground and returns back to his humanoid form. Dusk growls but is stopped by Light as she points at the crawling away Sombra as Spirit calmly walks towards him.

"DAMN IT!!" He roars out as he tries to get away as his legs and left arm stop trying to reform. "HOW COULD I LOSE TO YOU!?!?" He roars out at the calm Spirit.

"Because you gave up to Hatred, just as Discord had given up to Madness." Spirit tells him with a even tone. "You lost your way and now you must pay for it. Every sin you committed, every crime you ever made, every power you ever stole. This is your judgment day, Sombra!" He states firmly.

"Tch.... Such meaningless words!! Power is EVERYTHING!! ONE CANNOT PURGE HATRED FROM THE WORLD!!! I WILL return, and when I do, I'll end your miserable existence! ONCE AND FOR ALL!!" He roars out. Spirit stops just before Sombra and stabs the blade of his Gun-Sword through his chest. Sombra gasps for breath as the barrels are mere inches from his head.

"No. You won't. For I cast you down to the deepest pit of Tartarus!" Spirit roars out. Sombra's eyes widen as Spirit pulls the trigger, and blows Sombra's head clean off. "Farewell forever, my old friend." Spirit mutters out before igniting his sword with cerulean flames that make Sombra's body explode and all traces of his evil are cast out from the Crystal Empire. Buildings are repaired as the Crystal Castle rises and the mines are repaired. The Crystal Heart forms before Spirit as the Crystal Ponies, and the others, appear back in the center of the empire looking crystalline.

He smile softly as all the damage done has been repaired and Crystal Empire has been restored back to it's full luster. He turns and kneels before Shining Armor and Cadence.

"All Hail, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor." He says as his head bows. The other bow to the two as well. "And!" He exclaims as he bows at Dusk. "All Hail Prince Dusk Grave and Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria." He says with a knowing smile. Twilight blushes and looks away as Dusk's wing pulls Twilight up against his side with a smirk on his face.

"Yah damn right!" He jokes. Spirit grins and shakes his head before looking at Light and kissing her gently.

"Welcome back, my King." Manda says with a bow. Spirit smiles up at the Serpent King.

"Ah! Manda! How have you been, my old friend?" He asks. Manda chuckles.

"I have been fine. Sore, but fine." He says before gaining a pleading look. "May me and what remains of my kingdom move into the Everfree Jungle Kingdom, Lord Spirit?" He asks. Spirit nods his head.

"Of course. But first, we should return to Equestria." He says with a smile as he teleports his group, as well as Manda away, leaving the Crystal Empire to celebrate the return of their Prince and Princess, all blissfully unaware of the dangers soon to come.

Chapter 23: "Aftermath"

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Spirit and the other appear in the throne room before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as they are speaking to a new griffin that none of them had seen before. Spirit raises brow and looks up at his second mate who gives him a sad look. His heart begins to sink as he notices the two burning figures underneath cloths atop of beds of wood. He catches the scent of Gilda and her father.

'No...' He thinks to himself. He shakes his head as he rushes towards the two burning beings on their wooden beds. He goes to grab the purple shall, but he is stopped by many of the griffin guards. "GET OFF ME!!" He bellows out as he backhands the griffin's, sending them flying into the walls behind him.

He grabs the head of the purple cloth down, and pulls it down. His heart sinks deeper and his breath is gone. Tears roll down his cheek as he stares down at Gilda's closed eyes and peaceful face. His hands tremble and he closes his eyes, bowing his head in respect as his tears drip onto her face onto her closed eyelids before running along the ridge. She looked as if she were crying.

He wails loudly and the floor beneath his feet cracks as thunder booms through the dull grey skies. He wails louder as tears run down his face like waterfalls. He grips his hand to his chest as his form trembles. He slides down onto his knees after he places the cloth back onto Gilda's face.

He sniffs at this passing before his eyes open. He rises to his feet and turns and gazes at everyone present.

"What the FUCKING HELL HAPPENED!?" He roars out. Thunder booms as if to show his anger. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS!?" He roars. The new griffin walks up with a posh and uncaring look.

"The emperor and Gild were assassinated a few days ago while you were out dealing with that mad king Sombra, was it? The assassin was captured and brought here for the Princesses of Equestria to deal with." He drawls out. Spirit feels his anger rises from the depths of his stomach towards this griffin. "Now then, let us talk about trade between yours and MY country, Spirit." The griffin says boldly.

Spirit's pupils dilate and he appears before the griffin, holding the bird up against a wall by his throat.

"That is "Lord Spirit" to You, FILTH!" He snarls out. The griffin looks calm.

"Come now, surely you wouldn't damage your allies new Emperor, would you?" He asks with a smirk. Said smirk vanishes as Spirit slams him against the wall. Hard.

"You are of no ally to me! I was allied to Griphyxia because Gilda was precious to me." He growls out. The griffin in Spirit's grasp widens his eyes before glaring.

"I see. Then that makes us enemies, no?" He drawls. Spirit growls and summons his pistol.

"Make any move and you'll know what one sphere can do, Filth." He hisses out before tossing the griffin away from himself. Celestia watches in sadness as her lover is being torn apart from the inside out. Spirit growls and stares the griffin dead in the eye. "Leave." He says softly yet it was filled with such malice. The griffin sneers at Spirit before flapping his wings and moving away. "Very well. Then consider us enemies!" He hisses out before the griffin mages open and portal and they take their leave. Celestia watches this with a pang of satisfaction that the new Griffin Emperor was no longer in her home, but extremely sad of Gilda's passing.

She approaches Spirit slowly.

"Spirit?" She asks. Spirit in a swift movement wraps his arms around Celestia's neck as she stands stock still, her mane moving in that ethereal wind as usual.

"I'm sorry...." He whispers out. Celestia sighs and rubs his back gently with a hoof.

"It wasn't your fault, you were just busy with Sombra." She tells him softly. Spirit sighs sadly before moving away from her as he stands at the railing.

"Where are Nightmare and Vinyl and Daring?" He asks. Celestia giggles.

"They have been trying to get their minds off of Gilda's death, and decided it would be best to travel towards Nightmare's old home." Celestia says. Spirit gives her a small smile as sad glint flashes in his eyes.

"That is good. However...." He goes silent.

"What is it?" She asks.

"I have accepted my Dragon. I accepted Fate." He whispers out. Celestia stands stock still and with wide eyes.

"You... You managed to get her on our side...?" She asks. He nods his head lightly.

"Yes, and her powers and abilities are coming to m slowly, but I can feel them forming, bubbling just under the surface." He explains. Celestia sighs.

"Why does she go by "Fate" when her real name is- " She is cut off.

"Don't say it, not yet." He says softly with his head bowed. Celestia nods her head before being pressed down by an unseen force as Spirit starts to tremble. "Where is that griffin?" He growls out as his right eye becomes black as night.

"He's in the dungeons, we kept him there till you returned to us." She explains. 'When did he start having mood swings?' She winders to herself.

"Take me to that filth" He says as the word "filth" is said with a woman's growling voice. Celestia nods her head as she moves through the hallways of garnet and into the hallways of stone. They arrive at two large wooden doors with two bat-ponies standing guard.

"We are here for the prisoner." Celestia says. The guards nod, but stop as they stare at Spirit.

"Lord Spirit? You are home?" The first guard asks. Spirit growls dangerously at the two.

"Open the doors....please!" He growls out, as if he were having trouble controlling himself. The guards quickly move open the doors and Celestia and Spirit move into the dungeons quickly before tailing them. Celestia starts to grow fearful of Spirit as the shadows seem to become darkness as they move along Spirit's body before he jumps off of the long and high up staircase all the way to the bottom.

Celestia catches a glimpse of his Dragon as she has a look of pure hatred in her, and Spirit's, eyes as he dashes forwards. Celestia teleports down and gallops after Spirit. She watches as the shadows rage around him while taking on forms of strange human-snakes as they release dragon roars. Her eyes widen as she stares at the shadow beasts moving around him like guards. She even catches a glimpse of large snakes and drakes forming from the shadows as well.

He suddenly stops, as do the Shadow Beings before dancing around him like flames, and stares into a single cell. She stands next to him, though she is weary of the Shadow Beings that they had battled so long ago. She looks ahead and reads "Cell No. 43" on a plack just above he bar doors. She looks inside and see's the griffin assassin clinging to the back wall in pure terror. She looks over and shudders as Spirit's eye's bore holes into the griffin's own.

"So," Spirit starts, "your the one who murdered my Gilda and her father, hm?" He asks out in an even and emotionless tone that sends shivers down Celestia's spine.

"W- What of it?!" The griffin squeaks out in fear. The bars start to heat up as Spirit waves his hand over them, and they melt away, he then takes a step inside and raises his hand, making the bars reform but they are much thinner.

"I'm here to find out why and how you managed to do this. Of course." He says in an even and emotionless tone. The griffin whimpers.

"I'll never t- tell you a- anything!" The griffin says with a quivering voice. Spirit chuckles darkly.

"Who ever said I need you to speak willingly?" He says with a sadistic grin forming on his face. The griffin gulps.

"What do you mean!?" He shrieks out. Spirit chuckles darkly once again.

"Oh it's quite simple, you see, I can just force you to tell me everything I wish to know, with or without the torture." He says in a bored tone as he studies his nails. His sadistic grin reforms on her face. "Of course, where is the fun in that?" He says as his eyes flash pitch black for a brief second. The griffin shivers uncontrollably.

"I- I'll never tell you!!" He shrieks out. Celestia shudders as Spirit cackles.

"Oh please, enough with your version of heroics! I have very little patience for that." He says in a mocking tone. The griffin stares wide eyed.

"Y- You can't! Your Lord Spirit! Your supposed to be against all manners of evil!!" He yells out. Spirit grins maliciously.

"Then it seems that your little myths had gotten it wrong~" He mocks as he makes a slicing motion with his right pointer finger. The griffin cries out in pain as his left paw is sliced off from nothing. "I wasn't always the good guy, only when it was useful to me~" He purrs out as he grabs the griffin's chin. "Your punishment can be avoided if you simply, spill what you know~" He purrs out softly. The griffin shakes his head and Spirit makes another cutting motion and the griffin's left wing is sliced off.

The griffin screams in pain as blood spurts all over the wall behind him. "I- I'll talk! I'll talk!!" He screams out. Spirit smiles softly and pats the his cheek gently.

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He asks mockingly. The griffin shudders in fear and shakes his head. "Good boy~" He purrs before glaring down at him. "Now talk!" He hisses out.

"I- I'm part of a group that despised the old Emperor and that bitch Gilda! We had heard that Gilda was to be wedded with you, and our boss wanted Gilda gone so he could make you his pawn in your time of grief!" The griffin cries out. Spirit has an unreadable look on his face.

"What else?" He asks.

"H- He had planed on using you to awaken his master from his s- slumber!" He cries out. Spirit tilts his head to the side.

"Who is his master?" Spirit asks. The griffin doesn't speaks. Spirit's eyes narrow before making a slicing motion and the griffin's left arm foreleg is cut off, he cries in pain. "Who!?" Spirit roars out.

"DISCORD!!" The griffin cries out in pain. Spirit goes silent before looking back down at the griffin before him.

"Who do you serve?" No answer. "Well!?" He roars out.

"The new Emperor! Lord Black Beak!" The griffin cries out in fear and pain. Spirit nods his head.

"I see. You've done well, but I'm afraid you must be punished." He says with a malicious smile. The griffin stares up at him.

"No... NO!! You said I wouldn't be punished!!!" He cries out. Spirit chuckles darkly.

"I did, didn't I? But that was for helping someone attack my second home. No, THIS punishment is for murdering my Gilda and her father!!" He roars out. The griffin shakes in terror. "But I will ask you this, what is your name?" Spirit asks softly.

"S- Silver Wing...." Silver says in complete despair. Spirit smiles softly down at Silver Wing.

"It was a pleasure to have gained this new knowledge from you, Silver. Perhaps in a hundred years or so, you'll be forgiven for your crimes against me and my homes." He says with a glare. "Though I highly doubt it." He says.

"Spirit, wai- " Celestia tries, but is stopped by Spirit's raised hand.

"No, this is a matter that I must tend to. And before you ask, no, I won't banish him to Tartarus for a hundred years, and no, I will not kill him. No, he will make a wonderful lawn ornament." Spirit says with the snapping of his fingers. And with that, Silver Wing is encased in stone, with a look of horror ever present on in his wide eyes and open beak. He turns and waves his handover the bars as they melt and he steps out of the cell. "It would be wise to set him as an example for those who cross me and try to harm what is important to me." He tells her.

Celestia has sadness in her eyes as she nods her head. "I am afraid I must disagree, I do not think it would be wise to make Silver Wing an example, but that we should make it known that this will happen to those who harm what is precious to us and our homes." She tells him. Spirit nods his head.

"That does sound better, and will most likely keep our country safe from harm. Or, it could blow up in our faces." He mutters. Celestia sighs and nods her head.

"Perhaps, we should wait to make him an example, and place him in the garden, which is something of great importance I need to tell you about!" She exclaims, her eyes widening. Spirit nods his head and waves his hand a few times.

"Go on?" He asks.

"Discord has a crack on his statue!" She tells him. Spirit freezes.

"What?" He asks. Celestia nods her head.

"He had been trying to get free, but he stopped when you returned." She explains to him. Spirit nods his head lightly.

"I see, then I'll have to strengthen his prison, and move him to Tartarus." He mutters out before he is covered in a bright white light shines and soon dies. Celestia stares with a gaping mouth as the Light and a few of the others burst into the room from the magic spike. The too stare in awe as they look upon Spirit's form. His hands had become claws while his feet become sharpened hooves, all glinted in the light of the sun.

His skin had turns into midnight black scales that sends chills down Celestia's spine as she remembers the beginning of Nightmare Moon's "Eternal Night" phase. His fingers become midnight purple claws that glint ever so slightly as the sun's light seems to be sucked into them. His eyes become deep emerald/forest green with oval pupils. His face becomes elongated into a strange triangle snout that hides a mixture of pony and dragon teeth.

His tail becomes long with two fins on either side of the tip. His feet become a mixture between hooves and talons midnight purple as well. His cloths become dark blue mixed with purple going from the top of his head down his back and onto his tail fins. His wings are massive and bat-like while his ears are positioned atop of his head and resemble ear horns while some fur forms as cuffs around his ankles and wrists as well as a collar around his neck. The fur cuffs sway around majestically.

His tail gains a few cuffs just between the rigid spikes that glow in their ethereal blue/purple as if he were a ghost. His flank has the picture of the moon on it along with a long tailed bat circling itself with what looks to be a spiral of blue flame forming into a crown. On his snout at the tip is a small curved horn that looks like a dragon and Alicorn horn mixed together. He growls softly as he stretches and pops his joints.

Celestia stares with interest as she notices how slender and tall he has become, he easily stands far taller than her reaching Discord's height who stood at 18 feet, and how he looked built for speed. She feels herself blush as she meets his oval pupils and looks away.

"Do I look that good?" He asks with a soft tone of voice as he rubs her chin with a claw. "Do I look enticing to you?" He asks. Celestia nods her head softly and she stifles a gasp when Spirit presses his muzzle to hers. She leans into the gentle yet passionate kiss and close her eyes. The two of them part after a few moments and go to her room. Celestia's blush deepens as she is gently laid onto her bed by Spirit's tail.

"S- Spirit! What if the others come in?" She stutters out. Spirit gives her a soft smile as he places his left clawed hand against her left cheek. She moves her cheek deeper into his clawed hand and closes her eyes. Pleasure jolts through her body as his thumb gently brushes her lips.

"I know. But I need you to do something for me, love." He tells her. She opens her eyes and looks up into his.

"Anything." She whispers out. She shivers as Spirit breaths softly onto her ear.

"I need you to get some rest, love. You need it." He whispers softly. Celestia nods her head softly and feels a strange feeling clouding her mind. She moves her eyes upward and see's Spirit's horn glowing the same as his glowing spots.

"Spir....it...." She mumbles out before passing out. He rises from her bed and turns, but stops as he see's Dusk and Light standing their with raised brow. He feels something prod his cutie-mark and looks down to see Twilight poking it with a hoof.

"What does this mean?" She asks. Spirit chuckles softly and quietly.

"All in due time, dear Twilight." He says with a soft voice before herding them all out of Celestia's room and into the hall. He closes the door softly before turning to the others with slit pupils. "War is on our doorstep's. Light," He turns to her, "alert Ander and Chrysalis. The griffins' have allied themselves with Discord." He orders. Light nods her head and vanishes in a cloud of blue mist. He turns to Dusk and Twilight. "Dusk and Twilight. I want you two to gather the other Elements of Harmony and meet me in the statue garden." He hisses out before walking away.

"Why?" Dusk asks Twilight's thoughts. Spirit stops and looks over his shoulder at the two.

"Because the end is coming near. And we need to prepare for final battle against Discord, no, the final battle against Chaos itself." He growls out before looking forward, and vanishing into the sky, leaving noting of his presence like a ghost. Twilight pales while Dusk snarls in rage.

"Let's go. We need to stop him." He hisses out, and the two set off to find the girls. Twilight is grabbed by Dusk's left clawed hand before they puff into black wispy mist.

Seven miles north of Canterlot

Spirit booms down from the sky towards a village on a simple island that has large stone towers reaching to the skies covered in moss. The village is far older than anything on the planet as the huts(or houses?) stand with holes and walls missing as glass windows are shattered. Spikes and pillars of ice stand up from the ocean surrounding the small island as some pillars are jetting out from the houses as well.

Ash lays where there was once grass and beach shores are covered in what looks like dried up patches of blood. Along the stone streets are puddles of dried molten rock forming large boulders. A house atop of a hill stands semi-tall as a dragon statue, or what's left of it, stands tall on the decayed roof inside of said house. The roof is covered in what looks to be rusted and decaying iron that glints softly in the full moon's light.

Spirit looks at the house sadly before looking upward and towards a mountain covered in snow standing tall, and unchanged. He growls lowly and softly before rising up into the air and climbs up higher and higher until he reaches the very top. He shakes himself slightly to get rid of the soft frost that had formed on his body rom the climb up. He dives down towards the mountain's tip here a hole sits.

He moves down so fast that a whistle comes from his slightly open mouth, the warm and cold air mixing and bending before he vanishes in a blur of black. He travels down farther and farther, before landing onto a single, but wide, stone slab. It's smooth and circle shaped with strange runes or markings as if it were an ancient and dead language. He looks forward and bows his head towards the darkness.

A soft hissing sound is heard before a chorus of chirps and growls and soft roars echo throughout the cave system. He looks up and he see's two similar pairs of eyes just like his staring back at him, before multiple pairs of eyes reaching the billions open and show themselves. The clacking of a shoe and metal resound throughout the cave. Spirit stands tall as he stares at the being before him with wide eyes.

"Hello, brother."


Dusk and Twilight along with the girls rush into the statue garden, hoping to find Discord's statue, but find something much worse. Discord's statue, was shattered, and a single crater left behind as other statues are broken and scattered around.

"Oh no...!" Fluttershy exclaims loudly. Pinkie Pie's mane and tail erupt and becomes completely flat. Rainbow Dash glares while Rarity faints into Spike's arms. Applejack lowers her hat to her chest and gains a grave look. Twilight's eyes grow hard as Light an Dusk growl in anger.

"Discord...is free..."