• Published 7th Apr 2014
  • 1,876 Views, 27 Comments

Feelings in the Library - Cheer

Cheerilee finds herself crushing on Trixie after she begins visiting the library. (EQG Universe)

  • ...

Feelings in a Smokescreen

With a tiny thud, Cheerilee put away yet another book that a student had failed to put away. She gave a sigh as she began making another round looking for more misplaced books.

As she made her way towards the back of the library, she began to hear soft snoring. She began to frown until she came across an azure skinned girl sitting at a table.

’Oh, Trixie…’ The girl had been coming to the library for a few weeks now after a few rumors had begun to circulate around the school. It had started with the rumors of her sexuality and somehow morphed into her ogling others in the showers and taking advantage of them at parties. Her few friends aside from vinyl and the random boy who wanted to prove the rumor wrong, had quickly left her on her own. Early on she had kicked the lonely girl out when she had fallen asleep like this but after hearing why she was hiding herself away here she just couldn’t bring herself to do it without a good reason. Especially when she was so cute sleeping.

’No!’ She ripped her eyes away and lightly smacked her face. ’No, no, no, no! She’s having enough trouble getting along with people without making her only place of peace feel uncomfortable.’ She gave a small sigh before looking at the clock. Lunch was nearly over for the teen. With another sigh she went up to Trixie and lightly shook her. “Trixie? Trixie, it’s time to get up.” The azure teen shifted slightly before her eyes slowly opened.

“Hmm…? Oh. Hi, Miss Cheerilee. I was just-“

“Resting your eyes. I know.” She said, cutting her off with a small giggle. “But if you rest them any more you’ll miss your next class.” Cheerilee had to hold back a giggle as realization came across the girls face before she hurriedly packed up what little she had bothered to take out. As she quickly made her way out she shouted “Thank you! See you tomorrow!”

Cheerilee shook her head with a smile. ’Since when has this become a part of our schedules?’

The next day was more of the same, except for one thing. There was no Trixie. It wouldn’t have meant much to anyone else. In fact to some it would have meant peace and quiet. But to her it was the one part of her day she looked forward to. True, Trixie fell asleep pretty quickly most of the time but sometimes they would talk and those days she relished in. They would talk about whatever topic came to mind. Sometimes Trixie would even show her some of the magic tricks she had been working on. There had been a few times where she had caught herself staring at the young woman and once or twice she could have sworn to have caught her doing the same. She gave a sigh. ’Perhaps she just had to something to work on? Yes, that’s probably it. She stayed in class over lunch to work on some project’ She nodded to herself, satisfied with her theory as she went back to work.

A week had passed since Trixie had last shown up and it was starting to wear on Cheerilee. She had thought that maybe she would come by to talk - or rather complain – about the dance. But all she had come in to the library for any long period of time was some computer illiterate new student. Had she done something wrong? Had Trixie noticed her staring? Perhaps she simply didn’t want to be around her anymore. No matter which result she thought of, it hurt. She knew there was no possibilities between them. They hardly knew each other, truly knew each other. Not to mention Trixie was too young – if only by a year and she was too old. Twenty-seven may seem young to some but to her, she felt as though her golden years were ending. There was always the possibility that the original rumor was wrong – which is often the case with rumors - which could mean she had in fact completely imagined the times she thought Trixie was staring at her. The fact that her own sexuality was an unknown by the school board complicated things as well. She didn’t want to chance some higher up being a bigot. Really, with so many reasons, she didn’t know how she had ever even let herself imagine the possibility of them being together in any way other than student and librarian.

Cheerilee sighed as she went over to the place where Trixie usually sat and did so herself, foregoing her duties for once to relax. Though with what thoughts her mind constantly went back to she found relaxing to be impossible. Her thoughts only got worse and worse as she sat in her lonely library and eventually, tears escaped. ’This is stupid. Yes she was adorable but I shouldn’t be crying over her not coming here any more. It’s only to be expected. No one goes to the library for the librarian. She gives a sob as she sets her head down and accidentally drifts to sleep.

Later she was awoken by a light shaking. “-ilee.” She shifted slightly, wanting more sleep. “Cheerilee?” She stirred more, recognizing the voice vaugly. She then hears something even closer to her ear along with warmth. “Cheeeerileeee~” The mixture of warm air on her ear and the volume causes her to jolt out of the chair and on to the floor.


“Oh, jeez! Are you okay?” She definitely recognized that voice.

“T-Trixie!?” She nearly shouted her name in surprise. She didn’t expect to see Trixie, not to say anything of her hopes.

The azure teen in front of her began giggling. “That’s my name.” She put a hand out. “Need some help?” Blushing lightly, Cheerilee took her hand. It felt soft with a small amount of calluses caused by constant practice of her tricks. Say what you want about her attitude or volume control, she didn’t slouch on something she liked.

“Thanks. Whoa!” She was pulled up much quicker than she had expected, causing her to bowl over Trixie and put them both on the floor.

“Ugh…” Trixie moaned as she opened her eyes, only to find a heavily blushing librarian above her. As her eyes opened, Cheerilee’s widened. Quickly righting herself Cheerilee offered a hand to the young magician.

“I-I’m so sorry about that.” Cheerilee stuttered out as her hand was taken.

“No. It was my fault. Don’t worry about it Cheerilee- Miss Cheerilee.” A blush formed on Trixie’s face as well as she was helped up.

Cheerilee decided to allow herself one thing. One thing after a week of silent lunches and empty libraries. “It-it’s alright. You don’t need to call me Miss.” She explained as she looked down and patted her skirt.

Had she been looking up, she may have noticed the blush on Trixie’s face darken. “O-okay… Cheerilee.” A smile grew across Cheerilee’s face at her one victory.

“So, Trixie. How have you been? It’s, uh- It’s been a little while.” Her smile was slightly forced as she spoke and she could have sworn she saw Trixie flinch.

“Yeah…Sorry about that. A lot has happened.”

Cheerilee waved her hand as she fought off a grimace. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you need to come keep an old woman like me company every day. I’m sure you’ve got your own life.”

“The-that’s not true!” Trixie shouted.

Cheerilee’s librarians instincts kicked in at her volume and she shushed the girl who immediately clamped her lips shut in response before opening them again to speak at a much more normal volume. “You’re not old.” She declared quietly with a pout on her lips.

Cheerilee was unable to keep herself from giggling at the expression. “Alright, fine then. I’m not that old. Is that better”

Trixie cocked her head to one side and then the other for a moment or two. “Trixie will accept this. For now.”

Cheerilee giggled and rolled her eyes. “Now then. Are you willing to fill me in on what all has happened?” This causes a large smile to form on the young womans lips.

“It was great! Well, I mean it started bad. With the whole Shimmer going crazy and me missing out on seeing real magic and whatnot…” Trixie gave a frown at the thought before shaking her head “But! The days after the dance Sunset went around apologizing to everyone!”

Cheerilee raised a brow and gave Trixie an unconvinced look. “I don’t buy it.”

It’s what everyone is talking about. Sunset went crazy with some ancient power from across the ocean or something and used magic. Real magic!

She had to smile at the young woman’s enthusiasm as she shook her head. “No, no. All the faculty heard about that. I mean the apologizing bit. I’ve met that girl more than a few times and she had been less than savory every time.

Trixie merely nodded. “That’s what I thought when I heard she was doing it. I went up to her and she apologized. I told her I didn’t buy it so then she publicly announced how she was the one who started those rumors. Though I did give her credit for getting one right.”

“I’m sorry, but what do you mean?” Cheerilee asked as she watched Trixie’s face get a little red.

“The g-great and powerful Trixie takes pride in being a great and powerful les- lesbian” She announced, beginning loudly and getting near whisper levels towards the end as her face got more red.

Cheerilee smiled at the proud but nervous girl in front of her. ’I wish I could have been that brave,’ she thought with a sad smile. But, before she could say anything Trixie noticed it.

“Is everything all right?” She asked seeming nervous.

Cheerilee thought for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. “Just fine dear. I just want you to know I’m proud of you for accepting yourself so well”

Trixie seemed to brighten up considerably to that. “Thank you ever so much!” She reaches for her iconic looking hat that she was disallowed from wearing in the school building and as such was not upon her head as she gripped empty air a few times. She looked up and groaned as she found her head to be bare of it. Shrugging it off, she moved her hand to her waistline and bowed. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is honored to have such an understanding friend like you” Cheerilee gave a dark blush that went unseen by the bowing girl.*

With a smile, she bowed back to her, adding a little flourish as she did so. “And I you, my dear friend” She managed to come up quicker and catch a glimpse of the azure skin of Trixie’s face turn red, causing her to smile wider.

Whatever may have happened next was lost as the doors slammed open. “Trixie!” Vinyl yelled, shocking Trixie and Cheerilee, causing them to jump towards each other slightly. Upon realizing her new-found physical closeness she moved away again with a blush.

Trixie was the first to speak up. “Wh-what is it?!”

Vinyl gave an odd look to the quiet Cheerilee, who usually by now would have given her an earful for yelling in the library but instead was glancing at Trixie, blushing. Saving the information for later she decided to answer her friend. “Your cousins are doing something stupid again!”

Trixie groaned and put her hand to her face. “Those idiots… Ugh, what are they doing now?”

“I dunno for sure b-“

Trixie cut her off with an annoyed frown. “You don’t know but you automatically think it’s bad? Look. They may only be very distantly related to the greatness that is Trixie but that means they-“

This time Vinyl cut her off. “BUT. Like I was saying. They were saying something about a cookbook. Now don’t quote me on this, but it either had something to do with anarchy and soap. Or was it avocados and strawberries?”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “Neither of those sound good. We need to stop those two idiots.” They both ran out, Trixie leading the charge, only pausing to yell a goodbye to Cheerilee. When she got a warm smile and wave in return Vinyl raised a brow behind her purple glasses and took a good look at her. “Let’s go disc jock!” Trixie’s mocking of her title snapped her out of her observing gaze.

“It’s Jock-ey! I’m a disc jock-ey!” She runs after her as they make their way to potentially stop the destruction of the school.

A few weeks later and the crisis is avoided, the book is reclaimed by someone named Soap Boxer and Trixie continues to make daily trips to the library. After one good day of watching the library she gets a surprise visitor.

A grey woman enters the library and calls out, “Hello? Cheerilee? Are you still in?”

“Octavia? Is that you?” Cheerilee comes out from one of the side rooms with a surprised smile on her face. “It is you. How can I help you so late?”

“I had something I wanted to talk to you about. Are you busy?” She asks as she closes the door.

“No, I just finished up. Is something wrong?” Cheerilee asks as she sits down on one of the comfortable reading couches.

“Wrong? No, not really.” She sits on the couch across from her. "How have you been recently?" She asks with a smile.

"Me? Oh, I've been pretty good. About the same always. Watching the library and all that." she says, glancing towards Trixie's usual spot for only an instant.

"Oh? Nothing new then? No one coming into your life or anything?"

Cheerilee found herself in a slight blush as she shakes her head." No. No one new."

"Really?" She asks with a small knowing smile.

"W-well, maybe..." She finally admits, not intending to say anything more.

“Mhm. That’s about what I thought. Now we can get into the important questions.”

“I-important questions?” Cheerilee asks, nervously.

“Is it a female?” *Once again, Cheerilee’s stutters. Though this time able to speak.

“N-no! What gave you that idea? I-I-I’m not-“

“Easy Cheer. You’re among a friend here. You’re not alone.” Octavia explained as she moves herself over to where the librarian was sitting and resting an arm around her shoulder.

“Wha- really? You mean you’re-“

Octavia rolls her eyes and nods. “Yes, yes I am.”


“Right then.” Octavia began. “Like I said. Straight to the point. Do you have feelings for Trixie Lulamoon?” At the question, Cheerilee’s face went bright red as she tried to stammer.

“I-? What? No! No, no, no. Of course not! She’s a student! And underage! And-“

“And that didn’t stop me and Vinyl.” Octavia’s admission caused Cheerilee’s stammering to stop as she stared at the now blushing music teacher.

“What…?” Cheerilee asked as she waited for some explanation.

“About six months ago she approached me saying, and I quote, “You’re hot. Wanna go out sometime?” She was brash, cocky and markedly unintelligent about some things. Therefore, I decided to give her what some may consider a pity date in the next town over. It went much better than I had expected and despite her attitude, she didn’t even ask for a kiss when it was over. She acted completely different. Shy, nervous but excited. I fell for her and we’re still together. Witch actually acts for an admittedly poor segue for why I’m asking you about this. Vinny – that’s what I call her to annoy her at times- told me that you were looking at Trixie the same way she looked at me before she spoke up.” Cheerilee doesn’t give any reaction aside from a deeper blush.

“So.” Octavia speaks up once more. “Am I right? Remember it’s just us here. I won’t tell anyone.” After a few more moments, Cheerilee gives a small nod and looks away.

“I do. I have fallen for her.” The tired librarian gives a sigh as she leans against her friend. “What should I do?”

“That’s up to you. I would say that you should ask her. If she’s okay with the idea you should give it a chance.”

“But-“ The worried and infatuated spoke up, trying to give her professional worries a voice only to be cut off.

“And just to stop you from worrying about your job. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna already know about Vinyl and me. They told us that so long as no laws are broken and so long as we’re careful about it, we could continue our relationship, however they will not admit any knowledge of it in the situation that something goes wrong. That may seem cruel of them but it is quite a chance their taking. They said that had I been even slightly untrustworthy they woundn't have allowed it. We told her parents –which was an insanely nerve wracking time in my life- and while they are a bit worried about us they are willing to give us a chance. Though we do have to keep things PG-13 until she is of age. But that's fine by us. While I can’t speak for, or nor do I even know Trixie’s parents I can guess that they’d be fine with a woman like you. “

Cheerilee blushes at her words and fiddles with her thumbs. “Do you really think so?”

Octavia smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve known you since I started working here a few years ago. You’ve been nothing but kind to me. You are a wonderful woman. I’m sure she would be happy to be with you”

Cheerilee puts her hand on top of the music teacher’s hand. “Thank you. How did you know though?”

"Vinyl noticed some looks coming from you when she grabbed Trixie a few weeks back. She kept asking me to come up and ask you about it. I finally gave in and obviously came by now."

"Oh. Well then I suppose I should thank you both. It actually feels quite nice to get this off my chest." Cheerilee admits with a relieved smile.

"Of course. Though we really haven't talked in far too long, have we?"

"No. No we haven't." She answers with a smile and before long, they are smiling and chatting like the friends that they were.

The next day, Cheerilee found herself putting away books and coming across a pleasant, rare sight. Trixie was awake. Unfortunately, she was also pacing and grumbling to herself at too low a volume for the usually strong of hearing teacher. She watches for a minute or two before taking a calming breath and walking over to her.

“Are you okay Trixie?” She asks, causing the young woman to jump slightly.

“O-oh! Cheerilee! Hello. Uhm. No. The confident and not at all nervous Trixie is just fine and…well…not at all nervous.” She says with a blush at repeating herself.

Cheerilee raises a disbelieving brow and sighs. “Look. I won’t make you talk about it. But I want you to know that I’m here for you.” She says before placing a soft hand on Trixie’s shoulder, causing the blossoming magician to blush lightly as she nods.

“I-I know. Thank you.” She steps back once to Cheerilee’s dismay and begins moving her hands in front of her in a circular motion. She snaps her fingers and as she does, there is a small flash of smoke and after it clears, she is standing before her with a slightly heavier blush as she holds out a bouquet of flowers.

“I-what?” Cheerilee asks, confused.

“The great and powerful Trixie was attempting a new bit of magic earlier and wishes to grant you the honor of receiving the fruits of her labor.” Trixie says with confidence though a blush is covering a good portion of her face. One, which Cheerilee’s face is quickly copying as she reaches for the bouquet.

Tha-thank you so much. She says as she takes them along with a deep whiff off them. Mmm. They smell wonderful. Thank you again.” She says as she takes another deep breath. The more she looks at them, the more her conversation with Octavia plays through her head. Repeatedly her mind is telling her to speak up.

She takes a deep breath and with a smile, she begins to ask. "Trixie do you think-" but before she could finish the azure girl speaks up in a hasty and slightly panicked voice.

"Oh, look at the time. I really must be going. Thank you and have a good weekend Cheerilee." She says in a quick manner before eventually running out the door leaving Cheerilee with a bouquet, an unasked question and a weekend to doubt herself.

"Oh. Uhm...okay..." With a defeated sigh, the now slightly depressed librarian went back to her desk and sat for the rest of the day.

Cheerilee's weekend was about the same as always except for the same sense of emptiness that had been slowly creeping in ever since she had first starting to have feelings for the young woman. Another difference was that instead of letting her mind rest she had been constantly thinking. Thinking about a certain azure colored girl who sometimes wore a cape on her better days. The girl who had a small love of peanut butter crackers and the smell of evergreen trees.

Otherwise it was just another regular weekend alone watching TV shows she didn't care about just to pass the time until something interesting came on or and discovered something she could re-clean.

Two days, three nights later, a fourth tub of ice cream and twelve hours of sleep between if all Cheerilee found herself once again inside the library, waiting for classes to start. Then lunch when Trixie "might" show up. She didn't even have confidence if that would happen. Moreover, even if Trixie did show up she had already talked herself out of all of her courage to speak the question on her mind.

As she prepared to get her things in order, she heard a commotion at the door. Turning her head towards it, she could hear two female voices. One was definitely Trixie. She could never mistake that voice AMD the other-if she had to guess- would be Vinyl Scratch.

"Come...on" Vinyl said, sounding like she was straining.

"No. Trixie is in the business of magic. Not making a fool of herself." She heard Trixie say sounding as though she were straining just as much.

"Do it!"


"Come on!"

"I will not!"

Cheerilee couldn't help but give a small giggle as she listened. She then quickly decided that it had gone on long enough. She shook her head as she got up and made her way to the door.

As she reached for the door handle she got an odd feeling of impending trouble. Something that had helped her fend off many troublemakers inside the library through her time there. Unfortunately, this time it came too late, as it seemed that one of them - most likely Vinyl - had gotten her hand on the handle enough to turn it. The next thing Cheerilee knew she was sprawled out on the floor with silver in her face.

"What the heck?!" She shouted in alarm, causing the silver to apologize and retreat.

"I'm so, so, SO sorry, Cheerilee!"

At that, the downed librarian realized, not only that the silver in her face that smelled slightly if blueberries and had just a hint of a smoke scent to it was hair and who it belonged to. But also, that they were currently in a somewhat scandalous position with the magician's face in her chest and hair covering her face. As her blush grew to new levels, she also realized that someone - a highly above average amateur DJ most likely - was laughing loudly at them. Prompting both of them to scurry to their respective feet and stand a small distance from each other while one tried to apologize at the same time the other did.

"I'm so sorry!"

"It was my mistake, please forgive me for it."

After a few rounds of this they finally started accepting each other's apologies and calmed down a bit, though both of their faces still had hints of blushes on them.

"Oh just kiss already!" Vinyl shouted, sounding exasperated.

"What?!" The two shouted in unison.

"Be quiet Vinyl. The busy and pre-occupied Trixie has better things to so than listen to the foolish things that sometimes come from your mouth." The flustered self-titled master wizard explained as she made her way to the door only to be stopped by a DJ in her path.

"Oh, stop being such a baby. Just go and tell her." Vinyl said, continuing to block her friend as she tries to slip past and out the door.

"I have nothing -" she growls as she is continually blocked" - I have nothing to say or ask."

"Oh, bull. Come on and just ask her-" before Vinyl could finish speaking her world went glittery blue as Trixie threw down a small smoke bomb and ran past her and down the hall.

"Okay. What is the heck just happened?!" Cheerilee asked loudly, shocking the electric blue haired girl who had forgotten she was there.

"Oh! Jeez... don't do that." Vinyl chuckles as she shakes her head.

"Did she really not want to be here that badly? And what did you mean that she had something to ask me?"

"Can't tell ya teach. It'd ruin all the fun. But, I can tell you that it's a good thing. So no worries. Be happy and I'll get her back here by the end of the day or I'm not the world's future best DJ." She waits with her fist pumped in the air for a couple moments, waiting for some kind of reaction but all she got was a raised brow. "What? I will be."

Cheerilee sighs and shakes her head. "Sure, sure. Just don't be late for class or cause any problems. Okay?"

Vinyl gasps and tries to look offended though her grin ruined it. "Me? Cause trouble? Good miss. I'm hurt by your accusations." The faux look of hurt, which already wasn't convincing anyone - let alone the one she was actually trying to convince - and chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. No worries." She grabs some earplugs from her pockets and starts to head for the door. "I'll tell Tella-Tavi you said hi."

"Tella-Tavi?" The already exhausted librarian asks.

"Huh? Is Tavi-Tubby better?" Vinyl asks somewhat innocently to which Cheerilee's eyes widen and she shakes her head.

"No, no. The first one was fine. Not to mention she might kill you if you call her tubby." She explained, wanting to keep the Octavia from going to jail and Vinyl alive.

Upon hearing her explanation Vinyl got a small smirk which went away the moment and started thinking about what the Germane blooded music teacher would do to her if and heard her say it.

"Uhm...are you okay? You look pale...er." The worried mulberry woman asked the girl who was now almost pale enough to be transparent.

Vinyl shakes her head and puts her grin back on. "Yeah. No worries."

Cheerilee lets out a breath of relief and nods. "Good. Now you better get going. You have..." her eyes widen as she looks at the clock. "Two minutes." After saying how little time she had Vinyl was out of the room in a flash. Not willing to risk another detention under the no-nonsense eyes of Vice-Principal Luna.

After admiring the girl's speed for a few moments Cheerilee sighed and decided that it was far past time for her to start working.

The day had come to a boring close. Few students came in for anything more than the computers as usual and Cheerilee had long since run out of things to do. In that situation, she found herself daydreaming. For a while she imagined the library filled with quiet activity. Not a single computer being used. Everyone in the room happily learning. After a while, she began smiling wider as she saw Trixie come up to her desk, looking nervous.


'I should probably answer,' she thought. But today had been odd and tedious so she couldn't bring herself to talk to a figment of her imagination at the moment.

"Cheerilee? Are you okay? You're worrying me."

Cheerilee was beginning to get a bit confused. Why should dream Trixie be worried? Everyone was learning and being respectful. She was feeling wonderful. Well she was until she felt something new. She felt Trixie's hand on her shoulder shocking her out of her daydream and causing her to jump.

"Ah! T-Trixie! I'm so sorry about that. I was spaced out." She explained as a small blush played out on her features.

Trixie just giggled at the sight and waved it off. "It's fine. I'm not offended or anything. I was just worried."

"Oh good. I was worried that- nevermind."she says, deciding to avoid mentioning how stupid she must have looked. "What brings you here so late?"

"The odd couple." Trixie says simply, confusing Cheerilee.


"Vinyl and Ms. Melody are guarding the doors."

"Vinyl and Octavia? Why would they be doing that?" She wondered aloud. Her mind bringing up a few pleasent ideas that she quickly pushed away. 'She's not here for that. There's no way. ...even if it does seem possible.

"Because they won't let me leave until -in their words- 'stop being such a coward'." Trixie explained with a steadily darkening blush.

"What do you mean Trixie?" She asked as she got up and stood next to her, causing he dark blush to spread to her ears. 'It couldn't be but...what if it is? She is blushing.

"W-well, they said it would be fine. That you wouldn't get mad or think badly of me but I'm really nervous about it. Which is obviously rare as the great and powerful Trixie doesn't get nervous over just any little thing. Not that this is little. Wait. I just said it wasn't, didn't I? Anyway-" Trixie began speaking but noticing her nervous demeanor and speech style, Cheered knew she was going to start rambling and cut her off.

"Trixie. You're rambling." She said with a small chuckle even while her mind screamed at her. 'It could be. It really, really could. With everything she just said it - it has to be. She thought while she kept her face as calm as she could. Trixie's own state of panic kept her from noticing anything wrong with how Cheerilee was acting.

Trixie blinked a couple times before simply acknowledging it with, "Oh."

Cheerilee gave a comforting smile and made a motion with her hand for her to go on.

"O-okay. I actually have a spell for you first." Cheerilee continued to smile as she gave a small chuckle.

"Okay then. Go right ahead and amaze me like you always do." She had to hold back another bout of giggles when the red that had been finally leaving Trixie's face came right back. 'She is so cute

'I wonder why she's blushing so much. Could it be that she-. No, no it couldn't be.' She thought as she watched Trixie's grin began getting filled with confidence though for some reason her face got more red as time her "spell" went on.

"Be amazed!" Trixie shouted as a smokescreen - hopefully a book safe one or she would have a talk with her later- filled the area around them. Before Cheerilee could contemplate what the trick was she felt a pair of soft lips upon her own and once the smoke cleared and they pulled away she could see Trixie standing in front of her. Her eyes filled with equal amounts of hope and fear. Cheerilee's fingers ran along her lips as she replayed the events, unintentionally worrying the girl.

'She kissed me. She - she actually kissed me. She likes me. She really does! I wasn't imagining it!' Cheerilee thought ecstaticly while Trixie began to let her fear get to her due to thinking Cheerilee was taking too long to react.

"Dammit. I knew this was a dumb idea. Cheerilee - Ms.Cheerilee, I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I just-" This time it was Trixie's turn to be surprised by a kiss on the lips.

"Just what?" Cheerilee asks the magician softly after having noticed her panicking and swiftly stopping it in its tracks.

Trixie blinks and smiles widely. "I can't remember. Perhaps another will help jog my memory?" She asks, wearing a blushing smirk causing the librarian to laugh.

"I think I can do that." Cheerilee says as she leans down, only to freeze in her tracks when she hears a duo of "Daaaaw"s. She turns her head along with Trixie to find Octavia and Vinyl standing in front of the closed doors wearing a gentle happy smile with a small bit of "I told you so" within it and an excited smirk respectively.

Vinyl jumps in the air once with a cheer of, "Aww, yeah!" She throws her arm in the air towards Octavia. "Gimmie five!" With a roll of her eyes and an entertained chuckle she softly presses her hand to the DJ's. "Boo-yah! Tavi-Tubby never leaves me hanging!"

The room went dead silent as all eyes went wide. One pair filled with anger, one with confusion and two with worry and pity. Trixie was the first to speak. "Run Vinyl, Run!" With that, understanding made it's way into Vinyl's mind and without another word she was out the door and bolting for the exit.

Octavia stood in place and with a smile said, "I'm very happy for the two of you. Congratulations." With that she turned on her heels and began taking long, quick strides down the hall. "You can't hide Vinny!" She shouted.

"Yes I can!" Came a shouted answer from the outside, which was answered as well.

"Gotcha." Octavia said to herself as swiftly turned her heels with the skill only a former matching band member could and headed in the direction it came from.

Inside the library stood to fully confused women.

"What-" Cheerilee started, only to be cut off.

"Don't care right now." Trixie said as she pulled her librarian into a tight, happy hug. "She'll tell me later anyway."

Cheerilee could only chuckle as she stroked the silver hair against her. Trixie pulled away and looked slightly apprehensive for a few moments before giving voice to her thoughts. "So...does this mean we're- you know." She waves a finger in between them.

"Do you want to be?" Cheerilee asks as she gently pulls her close.

Her answer was a nod and a quick kiss to her lips. "I'd love to."

Author's Note:

FINALLY. I can take this off my desktop and put it into my "Finished" folder.

Anyway. yeah. I liked this. And writing it.


I edited some. Changed up Octavia's section.

Comments ( 27 )

This is an interesting fic but I found it really hard to get into. I found it confusing as to the ages and relationships of the characters. If Cheerilee was a teacher or a volunteer, how old Trixie actually was. As well as the idea of a student and teacher romantic relationship. It's just a dynamic that makes me really uncomfortable.

As well as typos (callises should be calluses) I just couldn't finish this. Sorry but thumbs down.

4198073 What? Cheerilee was a Librarian. Trixie was a junior in the school. I don't understand what was hard to follow about that.

Also the typos aren't fully on me. That was my spell checkers fucking up over and over again. They are buggy as hell for me. I did fix the ones I could find though

Thanks for telling me why though.

It wasn't bad, but Cheerilee's general clueless-ness made it hard to really get into the story.

4198083 i like this story, great job (oh and i think matching is suppose to be marching)

This was a cute story. The part with Octavia entering was a bit sudden, but it was good!


Yeah. I tried to play that she was more so far into denile that she just wouldn't let herself believe it.

This story was sitting on my desktop for like six months so I'm surprised it's even doing as well as it is for being half written before and half recently.

The story was cute.

The notion that everyone (especially the principal) is just "yeah, whatevs" about teacher-student relations was a bit of a stretch IMHO (and working that whole "forbidden love" angle could have been interesting), and Cheerilee had a mild case of idiot ball towards the end, but overall it was cute enough.

Most of all, do the story a favor and get an editor. Your tenses are all over the place, some paragraphs are virtually unintelligible due to missing punctuation and stuff, and it's generally quite messy.


Ouch. not too ouch but yeah. I know.

But I can never seem to get one.

Reasons that my grammer and such is crap.

My english teacher literally didn't teach us ANY of it. And now I just can't retain how most punctuation works. I have no clue why and it bugs the hell outta me.

My tenses are messed up because the story is wrote in a six month strech. I wrote half then and half recently. and I didn't go over it too hard before putting it out. I was too excited to get it off my desktop after so long.

I wrote the second half on my phone. No spell check on that.
My word has a broken spell check and none of my browsers seem to like to check it right away.

None of those are any good at catching grammar issues.

Anyway. Thanks I guess. It just came of a tiny bit harsh to me for some reason. Maybe because I actually enjoyed writing it and now it's getting hit harder than most of the stories that I had written before.

Huh. It seems like the stories I actually really enjoy writing always seem to get disliked the most. Weird.

Anyway. Don't take this wrong. I am glad you enjoyed it and I thank you for your comment. I suppose I'm just cranky and tired. I'll look into getting an editor right away. Though seeing all the spots I fucked up won't be very fun I'd rather have you guys have a good story to read than save myself some time.


My tenses are messed up because the story is wrote in a six month strech.

Well played. :derpytongue2:

Sorry for coming across harsh, I guess I derped my wording. I didn't mean to go all tearing into you - after all, I did enjoy the story despite my nagging.

So, um. Have a Rainbow Dash for more stories :rainbowdetermined2:


Oh, lemme be. I haven't slept for two days.

4202837 ...you should probably fix that. :rainbowderp:

edit: "That" being your lack of sleep.

4203642 I know...But it's my days off work. I usually work night so I miss when everyone is online and stores are actually open.

Vinyl...You should have gone with 'Tavi-Tabby', that would have been 20% sexier.:ajsmug::rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh::raritywink::trollestia:

Anyways, good story. I've seemed to obtained a liking for 'TrixiLee'.:derpytongue2:

Can we get a sequel taking place after the Friendship Games?

7360032 Doubtful. I haven't been writing much in a long time

7647380 aw now that's just sad. I mean others that like this ship could
Write too. ;_; i dun want the ship to sink

7647405 There's only one remedy to save the :heart:SS TrixLiee.:heart: YOU MUST WRITE A ROMANCE FIC FOR THEM TO MEND TE RIFT AND STOP THE SHIP FROM SINKING!! :rainbowlaugh:

I take it this was before the EqG tags came out?

People do seem to make Vinyl pretty cocky in a lot of these older fanfics, which is.....fine I guess, but it does make her feel like another Rainbow Dash, which is......not preferable but this story is interesting yet kinda sus.

imma be honest. I don't even remember a single thing about this story. Not even writing it XD.
Heck, I had to doublecheck that it's me on the author spot.

But yeah. I get what you're saying. Didn't really have a whole lotta ideas for her personality at the time. Or at least, I assume so. Jeezum. It's been a decade since I wrote this. Hooooly crap.

If you write a new story, a reinvention of her character would he interesting..

Personally, I think she would a very sweet, kind, laid back and wholesomely happy student who is a big old Ray of sunshine like Pinkie Pie, only she is more reserved and likes keeping to herself, and can be a very affectionate and innocent type.

Yeah. I def think of her more like that now. She can party but she's pretty chill otherwise the positive dudebro of the club scene sorta

She's like Pinkie Pie but a far calmer and more mature and laid back version, plus I think those two would be quite a pairing for a story.

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