• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Emerald Oracle

My name is Emerald Oracle. I'm what some say a 'Jack-of-all-trades' when it comes to the arts. I can draw, write, sculpt and photograph. I'm not the best, but I now what I'm doing.


Kenny Lee just found something. Something great, powerful, magical even. Kenny has found the Arcana, the only surviving book of the great European Witch Hunt that virtually destroyed all magic on Earth. Of course there was a reason the crazy Christian's of olde hated magic. It was unpredictable and dangerous (Not to mention that it gave wizards and witches an unfair advantage in life). In fact it still is, as Kenny is going to learn.

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 281 )

I like where this is headed, but you really should choose a better time to post your story,,, anyway, please continue.:pinkiehappy:

I think he means about how I posted the story at, like, midnight. :applejackconfused:
(I am amazed I am awake enough to post this)


It is always midnight somewhere and 5pm somewhere and...

I'm enjoying this so far. It's definitely got potential. I think I'll stick around to see where this goes...

Also, fuck Flash Sentry.

This. I like this. I like this a lot.:pinkiehappy:

love it so far!:pinkiehappy:

also, please don't make him too OP... only a little OP

He's a greenhorn mage with piss easy magic......Then again,Ignis is pretty damn effective nomatter what

3453718 I like making shit burn,Pyromancy and necromancy are usually my go to arcana

Write more immediately! This is very interesting.

Promising. I'll keep an eye on this.

Hellsing Abridged. Episode 3 to be precise.

Three chapters in and he's already in a middle of a shitstorm. I LOVE IT! :pinkiehappy:

Wow. Luna is such a freak.

Aren't all the horny women?

3454772 Horny women can still be subtle. Luna just came close to raping someone who isn't even her species. She couldn't have even known if he had, like, I don't know, a mushroom for a dick or something.

Plus, how do you get a sign of affection from someone turning a corner and running into you, clearly on accident? She be a weirdo, m8.

You're right, Luna got a little out of control. She seriously needs a deep rutting, who know's how long till she pounces on another victim:pinkiehappy:

3454791 I... Wow, okay. Getting a bit of Lunaughty up in this joint? That explains everything.

This guy just can't catch a break. :pinkiehappy:

Luna's face seemed stuck between ecstasy and fury.

That's... an odd image. :rainbowhuh:

While I appreciate your attempts at comedy here, it's a bit over the top for me. Along with the over-powered OC human, I don't think I'll be going any further. It just doesn't seem realistic to me (as real as magical pastel ponies can get), which is something I look for in a story. I wish you the best and hope that you attract the right audience with this.

I'm not sure about this, but isn't Mr. Lee supposed to be the father of Kenneth Lee the teenager?

3453723 Have fun with your raising the dead and burning things for fun, I'll busy over here bitch slapping all physicists, ever, with my Aetheromancy. Let's see your fire beat an all consuming void of darkness.

3455174 ........Necromancy and pyromancy when mixed tend to give something to the effect of hellfire or demon summoning right?.....If so,I can just make use of that and steal the body of some random Dremora or something......Then find something better.....

3454959 Set your suspension of disbelief as high as it goes,And simply read for the humorous situation.This aint Katawa Shoujo,Its a lighthearted (So far) story made for fun (atleast,It seems that way).....Though if you want realism....Try this I guess

SO since he told them everything, does that include the knowledge that he has of their world?

No, he has withheld that little detail. After telling them how he got there Luna was satisfied. Remember, they were only afraid that he had come with bad intentions, like the changelings

Yeah... That threw me a lot...
Author, please fix!

"Speak of Discord..."
Discord's head peeked around the door frame
"Someone say my name?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Finally found and fixed! Thanks for telling me! Help like yours' is what makes the world (and by extension my story) a better place!

Finally a fiction where the HUMAN is the dumbass playing with advanced magic!!:moustache:

Probably not....
But even still.....

They took candy from a stranger...
You NEVER take candy from a stranger...

3475809 You're welcome, on another note, when is the next chapter coming out?

When it does of course! :pinkiehappy: Seriously though, I know you know that we all have lives outside the internet to keep. I will update as often as I can.:ajsmug: Don't worry though, the next chapter is well underway. Great to see that you want more!:raritystarry:

3477251 ... But I don't have a life outside the internet.

Ya iwas just checking my favorites and there it was it was really good

Best dream ever!

I'm surprised he didn't got raped by Luna in the dream. Kenny should buy a rape whistle just in case. :trollestia:

Kenny looked around him and finally realized where he was. He was on the Normandy, in space!

He's a quick one, ain't he?

Comment posted by setablaze53 deleted Nov 17th, 2013


I hope this doesn't sound too weird...

... but what Mass Effect was that dream sequence based off?

It wasn't based on any single game just the Mass Effect Universe as a whole.
When you're dreaming you don't question logic. Lucid Dreaming is best initiated when you become aware that you are in a dream. He only realized where he was when he was made aware that what he was doing was dreaming.


Ah. I've played 1 and 2, but steam doesn't have 3...

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