• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 3,919 Views, 86 Comments

The Dragon's Rogue - Mr101

Davril Longfang, a thief for hire in Cyrium, is approached by a mysterious stranger who offers him one final contract. To steal a powerful magical artifact in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter IV - Meetings and Introductions

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

I'm sorry for how long this took to come out, been stupidly busy on other projects both Fimfiction related as well as real life things. I promise I will try to work harder on getting this out more regularly. Again, I'm sorry.

The Dragon’s Rogue

Chapter IV - Meetings and Introductions

Barb smiled as Davril re-entered the room holding a cup of tea in each hand. As she thanked him, the smell from her cup wafted into her nostrils and she inhaled deeply before letting out a sigh. The smell was completely new to her, and she loved it.

Davril chuckled, “No one can resist sweet leaf tea. Go on, try some.”

Barb gingerly lifted the cup to her lips and sipped, her eyes widened as the liquid traveled down her throat, the taste indescribable. “This is delicious!”

“Told you,” Davril grinned as he sipped his own drink. “Some of the finest tea available.

Barb smiled at him, still getting used to the idea of being served tea, by a male of all sorts. Davril sipped again before place his cup down and leaning back into the sofa.

“So, what do you want to do?” he asked her.

Barb tapped her chin with a claw as she thought for a moment, “Well, I was wondering if, I could get to know you better?”

“Alright, what do you want to know?” Davril replied.

“Okay, so… what do you do exactly? From the look of you, the armor and weapons, you have to be in some form of profession that requires you to be able to protect yourself.”

“To a degree, yes,” Davril replied. “I’m a… contractor of sorts.”

“Contractor?” Barb tilted her head.

Davril nodded, “I take on board jobs and what have you that I’m paid to do. Kinda like a mercenary in a sense, you have those right?”

“Of course!” Barb grinned before sheepishly rubbing her head.” I mean, yeah we do.”

Davril chuckled as they both took another sip of their drinks, “Well anyway. My job is to basically retrieve artifacts and other items that don’t belong to someone, and return it to the rightful owners when the guards can’t do anything about it—”

“You mean you’re like Dashing Do?!” Barb exclaimed.

Davril blinked at her, “Dashing what now?”

Barb placed her cup down and quickly walked over to a bookshelf, drawing a line with her claw as she searched for the book she needed. Upon finding it, she grasped it and pulled it out, walking over and sitting next to Davril and handing it to him.

This is Dashing Do.”

Davril raised his brow as he inspected the cover. There was a stallion in clothing that looked similar to the royal archaeologists back in Cyrium, complete with hat. The stallion was swinging over a chasm of sorts whilst holding a blue gem.

“Ah, he’s a fictional character,” Davril noted. “Are these any good?”

“Duh!” Barb replied rather enthusiastically. “They’re like, the greatest book series ever!”

Davril felt a smirk form on his face as Barb realised just how loud she had replied to him and her cheeks reddened a bit.

“S-sorry,” she sheepishly laughed.

“Big fan I take it?” he chuckled.

Barb nodded, “Besides me, Blitz and Ducks— I mean Dusk!” she quickly corrected herself. “I’m the biggest fan in town.”

Davril nodded and smiled, taking another sip, “Think I might give it a read some time then, if you speak so highly of it.”

Barb grinned in triumph as she took another sip from her tea, “Maybe you could take it back with you to Cyrium and share it with your friends?”

“I would, if I had any,” Davril replied, standing up and walking over to a nearby table, placing the book on it.

“What do you mean, ‘no friends’?” Barb asked.

“Well, I have a few chums, but given I don’t stay in most places for more than a few days I tend not to make close connections with folks,” Davril replied nonchalantly.

Barb stared at him in disbelief as she stood up, “H-how can anypony have no friends?!”

Davril raised an eyebrow at the dragoness, ignoring the play on anyone, “Is that really a big deal?”

“Well…” Barb thought for a moment. “Not really… it just surprised me, that’s all.”

“I see, well don’t feel too bad about it. I’m used to it, I do get to meet some interesting people though on my travels.”

Barb nodded at the man ,before she twirled her claws together, “I… could be your friend. You know, if you want that is.”

Davril smiled and raised her hand to his lips, gently kissing it, “I’d be honoured.”

Barb blushed slightly and looked at the human for a few moments before turning her body around and hiding her face. Davril softly laughed as he sat down again and patted the sofa.

“Want to hear some of my tales?” he asked.

Barb smiled at Davril, “I’d like that.”

“A meeting over at Sugarcube Corner?” Applejack asked.

“That’s right,” Dusk replied.

Applejack grunted as he placed the barrel he had been carrying down, “What in tarnation for? Is it important?”

Dusk nodded, “Very, the Prince has asked me to do this.”

“Well when you put it like that, ah can't just ignore a request from the Prince himself. Did he say what its about?”

“It’s… about a new uh.. acquaintance me and Barb ran into recently,” Dusk said.

“Acquaintance?” Applejack repeated as he walked over to the rest of the barrels, lifting one up with a grunt. “You mean that fella in the cloak?”

“Wait, you’ve met him?” Dusk asked, walking back with him.

Applejack popped the barrel into the cart with the others, “Not exactly, ah met him in passing when Barb was going to the library. Seemed like a decent fella from a first glance. Though Barb was eager to get him into the library, she and him… you know?”

Dusk waved his hands in a frantic dismissal, “Oh Solaris no! It’s just… okay, I won’t lie to you of all ponies. He’s not from Equestria.”

“So… he’s a griffon?”

Dusk shook his head. “Not a griffon either, something I’ve never seen before. A human.”

“Human? Can’t say ah’ve heard of there kind before, did he say where he was from?”

“Somewhere called Cyrium, he said it must be a very long distance away from Equestria. You’ll find out more tonight though.”

As Applejack picked up another barrel and walked over to the cart, he mused quietly for a moment, “Guess ah will then.”

“So you can make it?” Dusk asked.

“Sure can do, buddy.” Applejack smirked. “Jus’ gotta finish up my work here and ah’ll be over quicker than Rainbow Blitz on cider day.”

Dusk smiled and nodded, turning himself around to head back down the pathway. He mentally checked ‘asking Applejack’ off his to do list and made his way towards the edge of the town along the path that led to Butterscotch's home.

As he approached, he saw the yellow stallion in question outside, humming to himself as he watered down the flowers outside of his cottage.

“Hey, Butterscotch!” Dusk called out.

He cringed as the yellow stallion yelped, startled by the sudden noise and jumped up, banging his head on the window ledge he had been under.

“Oh I’m sorry, Butterscotch! Are you alight?” Dusk asked as he rushed over to help his friend.

“Y-yes, I’m okay. you just s-startled me that’s all,” Butterscotch replied softly.

Dusk held out a hand and helped the shy stallion up who dusted himself down.

“So, what brings you here, Dusk?”

“Well, I need you to come over to Sugarcube corner later this evening,” Dusk replied.

Butterscotch raised a brow and tilted his head, “Oh? Why’s that?”

“We all need to talk about something, the Prince has asked me to do something for him.” Dusk said.

“That sounds… a little ominous,” Butterscotch said whilst biting his lip. “Did he say what?”

“All will be revealed later, don’t worry. I just need to know if you can make it later, that’s all.”

Butterscotch pondered the question for a moment before nodding, “I-I can make it, sure. I’ll be over once I’ve given my animals their evening feed.”

Dusk smiled and gave his friend a warm hug, “Thanks, Butterscotch. I’ll see you later then?”

Butterscotch nodded, “Mhm.”

“Alright, take are!”

“You too!”

Butterscotch stood there as he waved his friend goodbye, before turning to the small rabbit that was beside him.

“Wonder what this is all about?”

The rabbit shrugged, then tapped its wrist indicating it was time for something.

“Oh goodness me, I nearly forgot about your lunch!” Butterscotch gasped.

The rabbit rolled her eyes as Butterscotch ran back into the home.

Dusk briskly made his way back through the town ,satisfied with the knowledge the meeting would go ahead as he had planned it. Finding Blitz was no trouble as the pegasus was lazily dangling from a cloud and had half heartedly muffled a response about ‘being there’ without to much questioning to Dusk.

Although Solaris wished for him to bring Davril to the castle, Dusk wanted to introduce him to the others first and possibly get to know some more about the mysterious stranger before they departed for Canterlot.

He arrived at the library and stopped when he got to the front door, hearing both Barb and Daril laughing joyfully together. As quietly as he could, he opened the door and crept inside and snuck towards the living room.

“So, there I was, naked as the day I was born…” he heard Davril say.

“Oh lord…” Barb giggled.

“And two priestess next to me, equally stark. And a mad looking monk glaring at me. ‘Again? I’ll have your head for this, Longfang!’ he yelled at me. So, in a bad attempt at saving my skin I simply shrug and offer him a small smile and said ‘Bygones, be bygones?

Barb stifled her giggle as she waited with baited breath.

“Needless to say, I’ve never run that fast in my life. And now, I can’t go back to that town as they labeled me, ‘The Lixon Streaker’ and put a hundred gold bounty on my head for public indecency,” Davril finished.

The dragoness couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing as she leant against him for support, her entire frame rocking with her laughter. Davril found the laughter contagious and started to laugh along with her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he did. Barb blushed slightly but smiled, closing her eyes as her laughter died down along with Davril’s.

“Interesting story there, Davril.”

They both looked over to see Dusk at the doorway leaning on it, his eyebrow arched and giving the human a suspicious glare.

“Welcome back,” Davril smiled. “Get everything you needed done?”

Dusk nodded, “Yes, we’re all meeting up at Sugarcube corner later on to… discuss some things.”

Davril nodded, “Very well. Would you like some tea? I can re heat the kettle if you do.”

“Okay then, thank you,” Dusk replied.

Dusk watched as Davril got up and walked into the kitchen before sitting himself down beside Barb who looked at him, seeing his unamused face.

“What?” she whispered.

Dusk rolled his eyes, “Barb, we don’t know pretty much anything about him, for all we know he could be a griffon spy.”

“Gee, sounding a lot like Blitz there with that accusation, Dusk,” Barb snorted. “Davril’s alright, I already made friends with him.”

“You did?” Dusk asked as she nodded. “Well… that’s good, I suppose. But just don’t get too friendly with him, alright? I mean—”

“Dusk, I’m old enough now to look after myself,” the dragoness huffed. “I know what I’m doing, I’m fine.”

Dusk sighed, “I know, I know. I just care about you, you are my sister from another mister after all,” Dusk smirked at her as she giggled.

“And you’re my brother from another mother.”

The two snickered at one another. Unbeknownst to them, however, Davril had hear what they had said.

So… he thinks I’m a spy? Not the first time but hey, better make an effort in impressing him and his friends if I’m able to pull this job off, he thought to himself.

After preparing the tea, he returned and handed the cup to Dusk, who thanked him and inhaled the steam as it rose.

“Oh wow,” he exclaimed. “This smells good!”

“Sweet leaf tea,” Barb said. “Davril’s speciality.”

“Try it, it’ll put hairs on your chest,” Davril added.

The dragoness and unicorn looked at Davril for a moment, confused by his words before he snickered and rolled his eyes.

“Figure of speech, my dear chap.”

“Right…” Dusk replied before taking a careful sip.

His eyes immediately opened wide as he looked at the cup and took a small gulp, not caring about the heat, “Oh blimey, this is delicious! You have to show us how you make it!”

“No can do, I’m afraid,” Davril replied. “Sweet leaves are native to Cyrium, specifically in the southern kingdoms. I want to conserve as much as I can… but I think I’ll be able to make some later on if you wish.”

“Aww, okay,” Dusk pouted as he continued to sip his drink along with the others.

The rest of the afternoon had been spent with Dusk going back to his studies—despite how much he wanted to question Davril there and then—and Barb spending time with Davril as the looked through some of the key parts of Equestria’s history, cultures and other things of importance.

Barb couldn’t explain it, but she felt comfortable around Davril. One one hand, he felt like a good, lifelong best friend who would belch along with her if she accidentally belched at a party, but on the other, she felt like he was the type of guy who would sweep a girl off her feet at any given moment and lavish her with romantic gifts and words.

The dragoness put it down to simply finding a good friend in someone right off the bat, like how Dusk and the others had been within the first twelve hours of arriving in Ponyville all those years ago.

Davril, meanwhile, had gathered enough information to satisfy his curiosity for the time being. There was one thing, though, that he had been reading into especially upon finding out about them.

The elements of harmony.

He immediately assumed that they must be the items he was asked to retrieve. But this confused him slightly. Davril never worked against the law, for the most part. So why would he be asked to steal something that protected the kingdom from threats?

“Whatcha reading about?” Barb asked, peering over his shoulder.

Davril looked at her and blinked, before coughing, “Oh, just these’ elements’ this book is mentioning, are they really that powerful?”

“Mhm, they were able to imprison the spirit of chaos herself, though, she’s a good guy now who resides in Canterlot for the most part. She’s good friends with Butterscotch.”

“I’m sorry, they imprisoned a spirit?” Davril asked.

“Yeah, that weird to you then?” she tilted her head at him.

“Just… first time I’ve heard of a mortal being able to trap a spirit like that, I thought only the Elder mages could do something like that…”

“Cyrium sounds odd, you know that?” Barb teased.

“Oh, shush you,” Davril chuckled, poking her snout gently.

She giggled as Dusk came into the room, “Okay, we’re going to head over now. Davril, can you cover yourself up at all? I don’t want—”

“The town freaking out, I know. Barb already told me how they react to odd things,” Davril interrupted. “Like Zecora fellow.”

“Zicoro,” Barb corrected.

“Zicoro, sorry.”

Dusk winced slightly, still uneasy about that encounter, Davril saw his uneasiness and gave him a dismissive wave of his hand.

“Don’t worry about it, when you live with elves, you get used to it,” Davril replied.


“Knife ears, like to think they are superior to all other races, love trees?” Davril said, hoping they might have heard of them.

Dusk shook his head as the human sighed, “Gods, I really am far away from home…”

“Shall we get going?” Dusk asked.

Davril nodded as he flicked his hood up and wrapped his cloak around him, “Lead on then, Ducks.”

“What was that?” Dusk said as he looked back.

“I said, ‘lead on then, Dusk’,” Davril replied.

“Oh, okay,” Dusk nodded, oblivious to the name.

Barb stifled her snicker as she once again caught the name slip from Davril and followed them both out of the library.

The journey across town was uneventful, much to Dusk’s relief. Not many ponies were still out, and the ones that were paid no heed to the trio as they walked across the town. Soon enough, they reached the shop and were greeted by Bubble who welcomed them in, but not before staring at the cloaked figure.

“Oh my gosh it’s you again!” he grinned. “I still need to throw—”

“Not now, Bubble. Another time,” Dusk groaned as he pushed the stallion inside.

Davril stepped into the bakery after Barb but not before looking over the exterior of the building. He found the outside… odd, to say the least. And as he stepped in, the inside didn’t fare any better.

“Okay, wait here while I get the others ready,” Dusk said as he and Barb entered the back room of the bakery.

Davril nodded and waited patiently. He could still smell the remnants of the days baking and it made him smile, something about this particular smell of food was better than any of the smells he could remember back in Cyrium. Something about it seemed so… pure.

“Alright, you can come in now,” he heard Dusk call out.

As he walked over and into the room, Dusk spoke again,

“Okay,” he said to the human. “These are Bubble Berry, Applejack, Elusive, Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch.”

“Delighted to meet you all,” the human replied, giving a bow to the stallions.

“Why, he certainly has manners,” Elusive commented.

“Guys, this is—”

He was interrupted as the others stared at Davril as he lowered his hood, revealing his face, Elusive gasping softly.

“Longfang, Davril Longfang,” he said before bowing again. “Explorer, mercenary for hire, dashing rogue and all around gentleman. How do you do?”

Barb stifled as giggle as Dusk slapped his hand to his face and sighed.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? he thought to himself.

Comments ( 30 )

I liked the ending to this chApter can't wait till the next chApter

I have to say that I rather enjoy this story. And I am glad to see an update. Hope to see more soon.

I'm British, so I tend to make OC characters act like that from habbit. :rainbowlaugh:

3855019 I can under stand that but to alternate between British and Scottish and I fracking love it
those are my favorite "in my head" accents

3854848 why are you capitalizing all your a's

3855080 did it from my phone kept hitting the shift on my keypad

Oh sweet sugary deity above...

That was fantastic! And the ending for the chapter. :rainbowlaugh:

I eagerly await further chapters.

This hasn't updated in so long I forgot about it! This is a gray comback for me, and a really well written chapter.

Fuck yes finally the great prince has returned the end of days has been stoped and my sanity has jumped the fences and is danceing ballet:derpytongue2:

I knew it! He DID soumd like British :pinkiehappy: Keep on a g'work mate :twilightsmile:

I like it. There must be more to this. I want to see Fang go stabby stabby spree. :pinkiecrazy:

Now I want to see a crossover between Damon and Davril.

Well... given my habit of referencing stories in other stories I write... who knows, something may pop up. :trollestia:

When is the next chapter coming out?

Not until I've sorted out my real life and uni work first, I ask you please be patient. :twilightsmile:

Well, this looks like it will be an interesting story.

There's one problem that did stick out to me, for whenever you get around to editing/continuing this. You ended the last chapter with this exchange between Dusk and Elusive:

“I see… is [Barb] going to be at this—”
“No, she’s going to be at the library during it, I’ll fill her in on it later

But then in this chapter, she is definitely there. And I'm not sure if it was said in the last chapter that Davril wouldn't be at the meeting either, or if that was just what I was thinking for some reason.

fantastic, cant wait for more!

I'm pretty sure that he is going to get bum rushed at the castle i could see it happening

More gimme gimme gimme

101 If you can hear me, PLEASE UPDATE THIS STORY! ITS AWESOME! :fluttershysad:

*rolls past story in tank*

"Another story too add to the 'NOT A SINGLE FUCKING UPDATE IN MONTHS' list."

i need more

I would love to see more in the future:twilightsmile:

when are you making a next chapter for this?!?!?! :flutterrage:

7453909 I think the author is dead or story:fluttercry:

Comment posted by hive vs machine deleted Jun 21st, 2018
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