• Published 19th Aug 2013
  • 2,293 Views, 70 Comments

The Equestrian Card Wars of 2013 - Daedalus Aegle

Magic: the Gathering, beloved of nerds across the multiverse, allowing everypony to express their personality in the worst possible way since before Nightmare Moon was banished.

  • ...

Master Stratagem

"Huzzah! I return to the lands of Domineighria once more!" Luna cried.

Celestia grinned. She was thrilled to see her sister so carefree and happy, and surprised to learn that Luna still had her deck hidden away in the old castle in Everfree Forest after all this time. The fact that she had a simple prank in mind as well was a small bonus.

"I won't go easy on you just because you're my sister, Lulu," Celestia said with a grin. "I've been honing my deck against Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, and it is, if I may say so myself, quite unstoppable."

"It matters not, Tia," Luna said as she drew her starting hoof of cards. "I'm just happy to play again, I remember that I adored this game before the war. You may start, if you wish."

"Very well," Celestia looked at her cards and grinned. Oh Lulu, you're going to break your pouting record with this, and I have my camera ready for it. She nudged the camera under the table with her back right hoof to check that it was still there, and began to play. "Round one," Celestia said, laying the smugness on as thick as she was able. "I play an Island, and Telepathy. You now have to play with your cards revealed, so I can see everything you have to throw at me and prepare accordingly. Your turn." Celestia leaned forward, watching closely to see Luna's reaction. To the sun princess's surprise, her sister merely scowled a little, huffed, then laid down her cards face-up on the table.

Celestia's grin froze and her eyes widened as she saw what her sister was holding. That isn't seriously a... Yes, yes it is, and that's a, no that's two of them and that's...

Luna drew a card. "Excellent! I play a Black Lotus and two Mox Sapphires, and with those two blue mana I cast two Ancestral Recalls!" Celestia watched in mortified shock as Luna began her turn by drawing an additional six cards. "Splendid! Another three Moxen and a Black Lotus. I sacrifice both the Lotuses... or is that loti? Nevermind that now. I sacrifice them for six black mana and play a Lord of the Pit. Then I cast Time Walk and get another turn." She drew another card to signal the start of her next turn. "Since I have no other minion to sacrifice to my Lord of the Pit, it deals seven damage to me. I cast another Ancestral Recall and... Oh, excellent! I cast Feast of the Unicorn on my Lord of the Pit," Celestia's stomach turned at the card, which featured a grisly image of shadowy monsters devouring a roasted unicorn. "My Lord of the Pit attacks you for eleven damage, and then I play a Will-o-the-Wisp and another Time Walk." Luna drew another card as she began her third uninterrupted turn. "I sacrifice the Will-o-the-Wisp to my Lord of the Pit, and attack you for another eleven damage, and you are dead. Thank you for the match, Tia!"

Tia said nothing, her left wing twitching slightly. "...Wow, Lulu, that was... quite something."

"Oh yes, and one other thing, sister!" Luna said. Only a second after the flash of light did Celestia realized what had just happened. "This modern photo-graphy device is a marvel, do you not agree?"

Comments ( 36 )

Chapter 1: Yeah, that's pretty much what I'd expect from Fluttershy's deck. I'm a bit surprised that she even has creatures that don't have defender. I'm even more surprised that she's not playing Test of Endurance or Felidar Sovereign though. Maybe she just hasn't drawn them.

Chapter 2: It's a called a resource system, dear. Your family's been building up for three generations, but each game of Magic has you starting from scratch. Don't like it? Play green.

Chapter 3: Huh. With a name like Whinnistrad, you'd think they'd be ponies. Unless humans have replaced one of the other races. Vedalken, maybe?
Also, don't knock Strionic Resonator, Lyra. Just because it has a weird ability doesn't make it useless. It just needs help.
Also also, mythic rare symbols are reddish-orange. Purple symbols only showed up on the Time Spiral timeshifted cards.

Chapter 4: You do realize this implies that the game has been in existence for more than a thousand years. right? Just saying.

In any case, loving it so far. I hope you do one where Twilgiht complains about how magic doesn't work like this. Or, you know, just about anything else. I do love this crossover. :rainbowkiss:

These were fun to read! Especially the last one. Black Lotus and the Mox cards are so stupidly broken :B And Fluttershy's deck fits her like a glove. I actually want to play her deck, if only to troll everyone else:pinkiehappy:

Thank you!

"I'm even more surprised that she's not playing Test of Endurance or Felidar Sovereign though. Maybe she just hasn't drawn them."
She's still waiting to get them from eHay.
"Also also, mythic rare symbols are reddish-orange."
Ah. Whoops.
"Chapter 4: You do realize this implies that the game has been in existence for more than a thousand years. right? Just saying."
I do, but I needed it for the joke to work. :rainbowderp:
"In any case, loving it so far. I hope you do one where Twilgiht complains about how magic doesn't work like this. Or, you know, just about anything else. I do love this crossover. :rainbowkiss:"
Thanks! I have some more ideas, and people seem to like this so I may have to do more :)

"She's still waiting to get them from eHay.

This is why she should always order from tcgponies.com! :rainbowlaugh:

Ahh silly Celestia, you never play against a legacy deck without another legacy deck

Silly Dante, Luna isn't even playing a legal Vintage deck, much less legacy. Lotus and the moxen are restricted in Vintage and banned in Legacy, and Luna's got multiples of both. :derpytongue2:

Luna's deck is apparently coming from back when Lotus->Channel->Fireball was a reasonable thing to see. Except for the Time Warps. Those should be Time Walks.

Also: many Legacy decks are tuned to fight other Legacy decks, and the differences between formats make the deck weak. For example, Counterbalance and Chalice of the Void are Legacy control staples, but have issues doing much of anything against a Standard deck. Wizards could print Force of Will in Theros and it wouldn't break Standard (not that they're going to do it), because there's no need to have a T0 counter in the format -- it'd just be card disadvantage.

3074019 "Except for the Time Warps. Those should be Time Walks."

1. Even if 'Shy hadn't cast another Pacifism, when you're only doing 4 damage while she's gaining 20+ life PER TURN, you'd have a better chance of putting out the sun with a water squirter.

2. I'm surprised DT would even consider playing the game. You'd think she would be too busy gloating over her Cutie Mark or tormenting the CMC to bother. Though it's not surprising she doesn't understand how to play.

3. Why is it that people who don't play TCG's always get the best luck when opening packs as opposed to people who like to play TCG's?

4. I don't play Magic a lot, but pretty sure what Luna just did is known as an Epic Win.

Def fav.

3072523 what would your mana card be in a all pony deck:

Just the first sentence of the description deserves a like!

Where did Ou get that Scratch card as a cover image? And is there more there?

Link's in the description.

3088517 Thanks. Also, great to see how broken classic decks were.

Fluttershy vs Dash is hilarious. XD This is actually a really cool idea, I can easily see an anthology project being made out of this. Maybe you should pitch it to the Friendship is Magic the Gathering group :)

This is a weird concept, buy I adore it so far!

Also, Slivers FTW!

Also also, I meant the old ones!


I'm glad you liked it!

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Playing modern, no power 9. Nope.

3834907 3831410
With the flip cards in Innistrad block it was possible to pull 3 mythics in pack since you always got a flip card that had rarity independent of the rest of the pack

...Well, Innistrad was a horror-themed block, after all... That's terrifying.

I never actually saw it happen, but I did get normal mythic, flip mythic, foil rare.

I love how well everyone's deck fits them.
Especially the gag with Lyra and human tribal.

Thanks ^^ That was the main goal of these sketches, really. If you liked them, check out the sequel :)

My friend has a deck that can make you do everything at random. From targeting a monster at random with instants and sorcery's, to summoning a monster from your library instead of the one in your hand. You never get what you truly want.

I hope you get what I meant.:twilightblush:

Sounds like a card for Pinkie's deck. Or Discord's.

3072523 Mono white, nothing but Plains and Sacred Mesas. Also they make MLP themed sleeves now.

I was looking at the Starswirl stories... then I saw this cover...

Drop everything, read it now. (Given the option I would totally love an MLP-Edition of MtG... These card images make me positively drool with desire!)

3076820 And that is where Vraska the Unseen comes in. Her -7 gets 3 1/1 assassins with "if these damage a player, that player loses." Downside for dash? Its a green/black.

I want fluttershys troll deck

Welp. Flawless. Victory.

Every single chapter was hilarious.

Tsk. Celestia has modern cards and her deck lacks Force of Will? For shame!

Tia should be playing Academy. It's the perfect deck for her.

*Snickers* These all seem appropriate.

Hm... Discord: Plays random four cards. Reshuffles decks.

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