• Member Since 31st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Seriously considering writing a Yugioh crossover...


4 years later · 12:49pm Mar 17th, 2021

Hi. Been a while. So, uhhh... I kind of... fell out of the fandom... The ending of season 5, plus just generally getting older, kind of knocked the wind out of my sails. The only reason I'm even here is because someone PM'd me, and I felt obligated to respond even if I don't consider myself a brony. Though I guess that's not entirely true... I mean, I haven't watched the show in years, and haven't read fanfic in an even longer amount of time. But I guess I'm just not willing to admit that I'm

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Comment posted by DragonReaperKing500 deleted Nov 10th, 2017

Thank you for the follow and advice, kind sir! :moustache:

Hey there. Just saying thanks for following me.

And while I have an excuse to say it, your avatar is awesome! anyone who references The World Ends With You gets major points in my book. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by TheArquius deleted Aug 11th, 2015
Comment posted by TheArquius deleted Aug 11th, 2015
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