• Member Since 30th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2021

Sunny Smile

I'm a pegasister! I love romance and comedy! Shippers unite!

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Things are a Thing · 2:31pm Sep 3rd, 2015


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Report Sunny Smile · 333 views ·
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nope, just Chuck Testa

1427995 I didn't realize I hadn't already!:twilightsheepish:

Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:

Write on,

1313876 sorry for not getting back to you soon enough!:fluttercry: I haven't had much time to come on fimfiction lately, but I'm doing good, if you ever want to talk, just pm me. And I wish you a good bit of luck at school:derpytongue2:*^u^


1300817 Hi! Sorry I haven't talked or written, but I've hit a wall. I'm worried about school, so I haven't been sleeping. I haven't been sleeping so I can't write. I can't write so I'm worried people will hate me for not writing. Thinking about people hating me makes me think of school. Thinking about school gets me worried about it. As you can see I'm a mess. But how are you?

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Things are a Thing · 2:31pm Sep 3rd, 2015


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Report Sunny Smile · 333 views ·