• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 2,301 Views, 13 Comments

What We'd Give Up - Awesomedude17

Applejack knew what she was giving up when she choose to marry Twilight, and yet did it anyway. She's happy, yes, but she also felt... empty.

  • ...

Love Changes Lives, In More Ways Than One.

What We'd Give Up
An AppleSpark shipfic by Awesomedude17

Celestia's sun rose from the horizon. In a castle, there were multiple guards, and two married mares. As soon as the sun shone on the mares, one immediately woke up. Applejack may have lost the need to do so, but waking up bright and early had always been part of her life. It could be under old habits dying hard. She looked over to see a single mare in bed with her, the mare she loved. How she ended up falling in love with Twilight, is a question that is not so easily answered, but still answerable to anypony who can understand an explanation.

Not that they'd ask in this place.

Applejack gave a soft kiss on her wife's cheek. Twilight gave a soft smile in response, and dug herself deeper into the blanket.

"Love you sugarcube." Applejack said in a low and soft tone. She slowly moved out of bed and stretched a bit, earning a few pops in her own neck. She could not get used to soft beds, even she should have. Guess she'd have to talk to Twilight about that. She was about to trot to the bathroom, but...

"Oh, consort Applejack, you're awake early, as usual." A royal guard said as he looked into the room.

"Yeah, keep it down, Twilight's still asleep." Applejack said in a hushed whisper.

"Oh, apologies. Do you want me to escort you to the shower?"

Applejack mentally sighed. She didn't need to be escorted, or waited on forehoof to hindhoof. She just wanted to spend time with her love.

"Nah, Ah'll just go there mahself."

"As you wish, your highness." The guard stepped to the side, letting the mare trot out of the room. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She had been in castle before, that was very much true. But to live in one day in and day out, just made the awe fade away. All the colorful drapery and pottery could not compare to the natural beauty of a simple orchard of trees. Apples, oranges, lemons, didn't matter to Applejack anymore really, just the fact that it was beautiful to look at. She knew that she couldn't live without Twilight, but... she can't seem to live without the farmer within herself either.

In a way, she felt empty inside. She had a desire that could never be truly fulfilled. She often felt that she could never be contempt with her life, even though it's a life many ponies would kill for.

She made it to the bathroom and simply hopping into the bathtub. She stood on her hindlegs, but...

"Oh, let me get that for you, your highness!" A unicorn servant adjusted the showerhead for the mare, and then turned on the water.

"Gee, thanks." Applejack said in a deadpan manner.

"You're welcome." The servant replied, not noticing the tone of voice, or at the very least, ignoring it. Applejack sighed and grabbed the shampoo bottle. She squirted some onto her hoof and began to rub it into her coat. It was one of the few things that she didn't have to asked to do herself. She could do everything these ponies insisted on doing for her herself. She didn't need them at all.

If only they'd get the point.

Applejack sighed as she washed all the soapy water off of her body. As soon as she hopped out of the bathtub, she was met with a barrage of towels, rubbing at her relentlessly until they moved away. Immediately after, Applejack was whisked off of her hooves and brought to a mirror, where she would get the usual treatment.

They would create an elaborate, yet easily untieable hairstyle to enhance the golden nature of her mane.

They'd powder her cheeks and add some mascara.

They'd put on a dress that fitted the mare's form and appeal.

And then the jewelry was simply icing on the cake that was her new, princess-like look. Perfect for a consort.

The mare sighed, and looked at the result. Any other pony would see a mare, dressed up to look beautiful. The eyeliner complemented her bright green eyes. The mane was made so that it would make all who looked at it admire what craftponyship would make it. And the jewelry made it all complete: the necklace was a stylized version of her Element of Harmony, the crown was a smaller sized crown, based on Twilight's crown itself, plus earrings, hanging in glorious 20 karet gold, with 2 carat diamonds in each one.

Applejack merely saw a mare, who sold out her life, and looked nothing like she was used to seeing. This mare, wasn't the Applejack she knew, not at all.

"You look marvelous, your highness!" The stylist said with gusto.

"Yeah, amazin'." Applejack half-hearted said.

"Is there something wrong, your highness?"

"...Not really." Applejack lied. She knew that these ponies would not understand her plight. They were just like Aunt and Uncle Orange, city folk, never been to the country in their life. They couldn't understand what, or why she would talk about her old life, it would seem... rather strange to them.

"...Very well. Breakfast will be ready as soon as your wife is done preparing."

"Thanks, Ah'll just wait in the dinin' hall." Applejack slowly trotted towards the exit, look of boredom in her eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"


"I hope you have a happy anniversary, your highness."

Applejack actually smiled at that. Five years of marriage already. She turned towards the stylist and spoke.

"Thank ya kindly, Neat Trim. Glad ya remembered."

"Of course, you may leave now."

Applejack nodded, and left the room. She wondered at times why she choose to have this life, until she remembered Twilight.

She remember the day it happened. 8 years ago, she had gathered her friends and family, and admitted that she was fillyfooler. She was afraid, very afraid. Her family was old-fashioned, so she had no idea what they'd think. And then her friends... she didn't know what they'd think. To her surprise, they all cheered her on. They didn't care if she was into mares, they just cared that he was happy.

Twilight, being the mare she was, took an interest in her, not romantically, but out of curiosity. A few brain scans here, and a few physical test there. Twilight had wondered why certain ponies veered towards the same sex, it wasn't anything bad, just reasonable curiosity. Eventually, she had decided to perform an experiment. She herself wondered if she could veer towards the same sex. She had wondered who to choose, until the choice became obvious.

Ask the only mare she knew, who was gay.

Naturally, Applejack was confused, after all, Twilight didn't seem to be the mare who'd very towards these things. But after the explanation, she decided to humor her to a girls night out. She could recall that it was rather fun, but not jaw-drop amazing. They decided that they could try again.

After the third date, they both began to notice something about themselves. The fifth confirmed it, they were in love.

It was nice really. Back then, Twilight wasn't a princess or an alicorn, she was just a studious unicorn, and they stayed just that.

But then, there was that spell that went wrong. Applejack forgot everything. She did not like that memory at all. But when she regained her cutie mark and true memories, she realized what need to be done. She could've kissed Twilight right there, right now, but there was more important problems to be fixed.

Applejack was lost in memory lane. It was simpler times back then. Applejack knew that it was her favorite time of her life.

Guards stepped aside, letting the mare trot into the dining hall. She took her usual seat at the end of the table, and looked out the nearby window. The Everfree Forest, Applejack herself, in spite of her fears of it, came to see it as a distant reminded of what she was. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Several minutes of boredom would pass by everyday, ending with a very gratifying door being opened. Applejack looked to see the most beautiful mare she knew, in her entire life. Twilight trotted with such grace to her own seat next to Applejack's seat. Applejack couldn't resist smiling softly at this mare. The two looked at each other, and Twilight returned the smile.

"Morning Applejack, how'd you sleep?"

"Quite frankly, Ah think Ah need a firmer bed, mah back's killin' me now." Applejack rubbed her somewhat sore back.

"Oh really? Well then, I guess I'll have to tell the servants, hehe."

"Eeyup. Oh, an' another thang Sugarcube, happy anniversary." Applejack said with confidence.

"You remembered!" Twilight said, involuntarily unfolding her wings."

"F'course Ah remember! After all, yer the love of mah life Twilight."

"You too Applejack."

They moved close to each other and planted a soft kiss. It seemed that these moments were the only genuinely happy moments of her life with Twilight. Just two mares in love, living in a single household. Bliss.

Several ponies came in with plates of all kinds of high-class foodstuffs. Twilight and Applejack dug in to the meal. Applejack ate much of the food. The mare herself couldn't reduce her massive appetite. Had it not been for the gym, she'd be a big as a house. The two enjoyed their breakfast and turned towards the chef.

"Great meal as always." Twilight said.

"Of course, the princess and her consort should only have the best for their anniversary."

"Thank ya kindly for rememberin', good ta see that others know what day it is." Applejack said with confidence.

"Of course, we'll let you spend the day however you wish." The chef and the waiters soon picked up the spent dishes, and left. The two mares looked at each other, and smiled.

"So, how'd you want to spend today, AJ?"

"Well..." Applejack put a hoof to her chin. She didn't really know. Her brand of fun could only aline with Twilight's brand of fun in rather narrow fields. "Ah guess we should... just give out gifts soon."

"Oh... Um..." Twilight visibly sweated.

"Twilight, what's the matter?"

"Well... you see..."

"You forgot our anniversary gift, didn't you?"

"No, it's just..."

"It's just what?"

"It's just, I wanted to give it to you later, when I finish putting on the finishing touches." Twilight gave a sheepish smile. Applejack deep down, felt devastated. The mare she loved, not being honest with her own wife. It was heartwrenching.

"Ah need ta leave." Applejack got out of her seat, and trotted out with some anger in her steps.

"Applejack, wait!"

The doors closed behind her and Applejack went to the only place she could truly be alone, the balcony. Twilight may have known how to use wings by now, but she didn't think to use them for actual flying at this point, except in emergencies. The balcony was a place of solitude for the former farmer, when she could look over the Everfree forest, and remind herself about what she was.

What she was. She was a farmer, not royalty. She didn't need to be waited on, to be pampered, to be treated like somepony important. She really only needed to be with whoever she needed to be with, like her family, her friends, her farm, Twilight...

Twilight... why did she decide to love her, they had so much that wasn't in common. Different interests, different personalities, different tastes, opposing views, annoying flaws.

So why did Applejack still think that Twilight was the perfect mare? Was it the fact that she was also cute? Was her adorkable nature? Her intelligence? Her view on Applejack herself?

Maybe everything, including the flaws, made her into the perfect pony for the farmer. She may have been awkward, but she was just perfect...

"Ah need ta take some time off." Applejack said to herself. She moved to the chariot room and turned towards the pullers.

"Sweet Apple Acres, and make it snappy!"

"May I ask..."

"No, just do it." Applejack interrupted. She'd rather be quick about this trip.

"Very well, step on up." The puller yelled out to another, and the two began to pull the chariot that Applejack was on.

As she flew in the chariot, she began to enter her own thoughts again. She thought back to the day she made the hardest decision in her life.

Whether or not to marry Twilight.

Naturally, most ponies would've went right for marriage, but Applejack realized that there were big risks. The first was the question of whether or not she was going to give up apple farming. The second, based on the first, was whether it would affect the business itself. She had contributed a great deal on the farm, so if she left, what would it become? The first was answered by Rarity, saying that 'To enter the farming business at such a high rank would do no good for her.' In short, she just said that no, Applejack would have to give up farming. The second however convinced her. While the farm wasn't the richest, it had gain enough profit over the years to get a farmhand to replace Applejack's skills.

Replace... not a word Applejack likes to hear if it meant workponies. Thankfully, they were very persistent that only the work would be replaced, not the love and care.

That did it for Applejack, the next day after that, she went to the ring store, and found a simple diamond ring. It wasn't a 'wow' ring by a long shot, but it showed how simple and pure her love for Twilight was. All she said before leaving was 'Ah'm not coming back 'ere in the rest of mah life, just ta let ya know.'

Funny, it should've been true. But now, Applejack had doubts about this relationship. She was happy to be with her, but she was also unhappy at the same time. It wasn't confusing to her actually, she was a farmer pony, not royalty or even upper class. She grew up, lived, breathed, ate, slept farm life. To change that so suddenly was a major shock to her system.

She went with it anyway. There comes a chance where you're set with a difficult decision. These decisions sometimes didn't affect life or death, but it sure-as-sugar affected lives. She had to live an unfulfilled life without Twilight, on the farm, or with her love, but off the farm.

"We're here, your highness. Shall we tell your family?"

"Nah, Ah'll talk ta them. Let 'em know Ah came fer a surprise visit."

"As you wish." Applejack hopped off the chariot, and was in front of her old farmhouse. It hasn't changed a bit really, the wood was still sturdy yet aged, the grass was as green and fresh as ever, the tree surround...ing... it...

Applejack sighed. She just couldn't help but feel bad for leaving them. But she needed to help, and there's only one pony who could give her the wisdom she needed so desperately right now.

*Knock knock knock knock*

The door soon opened to reveal Granny Smith. When the old mare looked to see Applejack, her eyes widened.

"APPLEJACK!!! Come in, come in! We have so much ta catch up on! Did ya know that Big Mac gonna marry a fine mare soon?"

"Nice ta see ya too Granny, and..." Applejack soon realized what she heard and smiled. "Wait, Big Mac's gonna marry some mare? Great fer him. Ah'd ask who it is, but right now, Ah have somethin' ta talk 'bout right now, somethin' important." Applejack's smile dropped down to a frown.

Granny dropped her smile and looked at her granddaughter. She knew there was something bothering her.

"Ah guess we can talk. Ya want anythang?"

"Nah, Ah ain't hungry now."

"Okay then Applejack. Ya need anythang?"

Applejack thought about it, and then simply said it.

"Granny, ya remember when Ah came out?"

Granny perked up her head, and slowly turned towards Applejack, and gave a deep sigh.

"Ya'll not happy with ya life, aintcha, Applejack?"

"W-well, umm, not exactly but... Ah, umm..."

"I see." Granny may be an old mare, but not a senile one. She may not have as sharp a wit as she used to, but she knew the feeling of fulfilment.

"...Ya do?"

"Ya love Twilight, but ya miss the farm. Well lemme tell ya one thang missy, ya still have a chance. Just tell her that ya want to do what ya really want ta do. So, tell me AJ, what do ya really want?"

Applejack gulped. For the longest time, the honest mare could not say words. But being dishonest doesn't always mean telling a lie. It can be not saying anything at all. She took a deep breath, and spoke.

"Ah want ta be with Twilight..." Applejack found herself getting some confidence, and spoke with more rigor. "and ta be the mare mah cutie mark tells me ta be, a farmer mare. One that never abandons her values! Ah want ta be me, A APPLE FAMILY FARMER!!!"

"That the spirit! Tell your wife that, and y'all will have the perfect life!"

Applejack gave Granny the biggest hug she could muster. Granny returned the favor. The two embraced each other.

"And Applejack..."

"Y-yes Granny?"

"Happy anniversary."

The two let each other go.

"Thanks Granny, Ah love ya."

"Ah love ya too AJ. Now, make your life complete."

"Just one last thang."


"Who's the lucky mare that Big Mac's marryin'?"

"She's one of ya friends, Rarity, was it?"

Applejack couldn't help but smirk at that. Rarity, a refined pony of culture, marrying Big Mac, a rough and tumble farmer.

"Ah don't know how ta respond. Goodbye Granny."

"Goodbye AJ."

Applejack nodded and trotted out. She would tell her wife what she wanted. She went out the farmhouse and looked around. She looked to her right, and saw the trees were green and healthy as ever. She knew it would be great.

She then looked to her left, and a look of shock appeared on her face.

One of her favorite trees... was gone. Only a spot of recently patched dirt layed there. Worried, she turned to Granny.

"Granny, what happened to Marlton?"

Granny took a massive gulp. "...We found somepony wantin' ta take it."

"What?" Applejack felt herself losing it, her temper was starting to come out.

"We resisted at first, but... she was very convincin'."

"Who?" Applejack felt an incredible anger building up inside her.

"She took it, along wit the rest of ya favorite trees."

Applejack's heart fell hard. She felt betrayed, sad...

...and angry, oh so very angry.

"Ya did WHAT!!! Ah can't believe ya Granny, ya took mah prides and joys, an'... an'... sold 'em off fer a few extra bits!"

"Applejack, please..."

"NO!!! Ya know what, Ah cannot believe ya would do somethin' so... so..." Applejack fought back her anger, and trotted away with a humph.

"AJ, wait!"

"No, Ah ain't comin' back!" Applejack hopped on the chariot and motion the guard to leave. She took a deep breath, and let loose a few tears.

Her life's work, even if she wasn't a princess' wife, was now gone.

She asked why they would do that, and who'd do that? Was it a rival farm? A pony who wanted her own apples to eat and use? A tree murderer?

Okay, maybe that last one was a bit drastic, but she lost her favorite trees, all of them.

Come to think of it, why was it her trees? Sure, they were good trees, but there were better trees on the farm.

She came to her own home, and let herself sulk. She lost her livelihood, and wasn't in the mood for any talk.

"Applejack, there you are."

Applejack perked up, and looked at Twilight. She had been waiting for her, and had a face that had some worry on it.

"Oh, hello Twi."

"Applejack, I've been looking for you, and I have something to give to you."

"Was it a last minute gift?" Applejack said with a bit of bitterness hidden in it.

"No, but I need you to put this blindfold on."

"Blindfold? Why?"

"You'll see." As Twilight began to tie the blindfold on, Applejack soon realized that this surprise has to be big. But what was it?

"Can you see?"

"Not a thang."

"Good. Okay, let's go!"

Applejack began to think of the possibilities. And then she hopped onto the chariot.

It was a long ride on the chariot, and Applejack began to wonder what it was.

She thought about Twilight's nervous nature this morning, and then thought about her talk with Granny, and then the trees.


As soon as she thought of those three things, she felt the chariot stop. With a tug, she followed Twilight.

"Okay Twilight, what is it? What did ya get me?"

"Take off the blindfold, and see."

Applejack raised an eyebrow, lifted the blindfold, and gasped.

It was an entire orchard of apple trees, about 15 acres of it. She looked to right and saw Marlton. She looked to the left and saw Bloomberg. Last she saw it was when she planted it in Appleloosa. She looked around, and saw that these trees were all connected to her, one way or another.

"Twi... h-how'd ya..."

"So, Applejack, do you like?"

Applejack turned slowly to Twilight, and began to cry again, not of sadness, but of pure joy. She closed her eyes, lunged forward and gave the deepest, most passionate kiss she could muster. Twilight responded by closing her eyes slowly and the two wrapped their hooves around each other in loving embrace. After several minutes, the two broke the kiss slowly, and slowly opened their eyes.

"Thank you Twilight, fer givin' me the best gift anypony could give ta me."

"You're welcome Applejack. For the past five years, I've been gathering all of these trees, just for you." Twilight let her hoof rub against Applejack's face slowly.

"All... fer me?"

"Yes. And another thing..."

Twilight used her magic to undo all of the jewelry, all the make-up, all of the styling of her mane and tail, and put in place the mare she really was, a red ribbon tying up her mane and tail into ponytails, and the stetson that she had always had for so long.

"It's applebuck season."

Applejack looked at her wife, and the orchard. She saw buckets and a cart. With a nod and a smile, she trotted on. She turned to Twilight, and smiled.

"Ah got work ta do sugarcube, an' later, Ah got ta apologize to Granny."

Twilight nodded, and trotted away, letting AJ do what she was born to do.

She was now content with her life. She was truly at ease.

Author's Note:

If you want to downvote it, at the very least, explain why!

Comments ( 13 )

Pretty good. Felt the feels.

2863341 Thanks man. Now to wait for the third user, a duo account.

This is a good story.

Very sweet. Ha Rarity and Big Mac.
Very well written and feeling were clear.

I loved this fanfic, it had a great story line and awesome writing. :ajsmug: + :twilightsmile: = :heart:

Aww that was very Sweet of Twilight. I'm glad things were able to work out for AJ & twilight.

im not a big fan of shipping twilight and aj but it was ok:ajbemused:

This was sweet. :heart:

Sweet story! :heart: Even if there is a bit of bitter aftertaste, from the beta couple, since I ship Rarity with Spike and Big Mac with Cheerilee. But nice none the less.

This story was difficult to get into, but once I did, it was very sweet. It's a good idea and a nice ending.

I admit it, I am downvoting, because the sentence-level writing made it hard to focus on the story and prevented me from "getting lost" in it. The errors just take me out of it too much, particularly near the start. The biggest thing is using the wrong words, which I'm guessing were auto-corrected or a misclick in spellcheck. To give you one example, you use "contempt" where you obviously mean "content".

It's a good concept, just needs that sort of low-level editing. Sadly, I'm not the person to do it for you, but if you ever do get it edited, PM me and I'll change my vote to an upvote. (I hope that doesn't sound like a demand or something, I just mean that I have a complaint, but if you ever do get around to fixing it (which you're under no obligation to do, obviously), let me know, and I'll revise my opinion. Wow, I just cannot phrase that without making it sound conceited. Probably why more people don't say that...

Anyway, keep up the writing!:scootangel:

3611389 Thank you for the criticism. I'll get into fixing it later this year.

That was a good story.:ajsmug:


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