• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 9,586 Views, 57 Comments

The Scratch - The_Scratch

A classical musician needs money, and finds a mysterious dubstep tutorial to help with composing...

  • ...
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Comments ( 57 )

Dude...this is perfect! Your doin a great job! Keep up the good work!

and this ladies and gentlemen, is what its like joining the pony community for the first time :rainbowlaugh: 20/20 story :D



Good job...

So... he's dead. She killed him via body-snatch, and apparently doesn't care and/or remember.

How incredibly horrifying and disturbing.

Guuuhhh... I need some brain bleach.

Its times like this i wizsh i could be transformed into a pony!!!!:raritycry::fluttershbad::applecry::raritydespair:

I felt raped reading this.
Also, Vinyl's eyes were confirmed magenta at the end of season 2.

Not normally one for this kinda thing, but, screw it.

I liked it. I'll see where this goes.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Just.... Yes. I absolutely loved this. Do you actually produce electronica/dubstep? You seemed very knowledgable on the hardware and software (I was pleasantly surprised by the mentioning of Fruity Loops). And the ending made me go "what the fuck"... But it was the good type of "what the fuck."

Fantastic. 20/20

I....um....just.......what?! :rainbowderp:

Apparently torture-murder fetish fics are popular? Some of the responses I am seeing are kind of bewildering to me.

It's a story about a guy who gets effectively raped and murdered in the most terrifying of ways while he pleads for his life from a monstrous sociopathic version of a pony, then afterward his killer steals his body (after disfiguring it beyond all recognition, of course) and apparently forgets he even existed. Villain wins. Bad End.

I mean, it is tagged dark so at least it was intentionally horrifying, but Jesus Christ. It is hard for me to even conceive of anything more fucked up than this story. I mean, Cupcakes ain't got nothing on this. Rainbow Factory? Nope. Sweet Apple Massacre? Not even close.

I think I am just going to try to forget this even existed now. I tried earlier but then I saw it in the Popular Stories section and... well, morbid curiosity.

I actually find it very interesting on how you reacted to this fic. I initially made it strictly because I was fascinated by the concept of exploring mental changes when it comes to a transformation story, rather than the physical. I wanted to know how it would impact someone, especially when alien thoughts were to overlap, and sometimes override, his own.

It is very common for most of these human to pony transformation stories to be using magic to instapoof their victims into ponies and after a 'what the devil!?' moment, they are fine with it. I wanted to do the opposite of that. I really wanted to see what I could do with the concept in its primal levels. How one would perceive it, and how they would envision it.

Transformation in itself is horrifying, especially if it includes a mental change as well. It is changing someone from their base characteristics into someone else. Here, our protagonist listened to a song that essentially unlocked a part of him that was dormant for quite some time. And slowly, this dormant personality crawled its way into being the dominant one.

While the protagonist (And ourselves) see this mentality as a possessive element, it is actually his own thoughts that create it. His sudden obsession with dubstep, the urge to improve it and create a name for himself, all of this was a mental progression that slowly created this new personality. It is only when it got too out there that he really started to understand that something may be wrong.

So did the protagonist die? Well, technically no, but in the end his mind did become this new personality. There was no death, no destruction, but a shift. If this were a mental destruction, then 'Vinyl' would have remembered doing so, but to her, she was always a pony.

But I digress, that is simply my thoughts on the matter. Thank you for your comment, and while you didn't enjoy it, I hope you can give my later, more tame works a chance in the future. :)


There was no death, no destruction, but a shift.

A shift of this magnitude IS a death, though. Since our experiences and memories are what we ARE, with those gone so is he. His sense of self was utterly destroyed, overwritten by another. It was quite clearly a mental destruction, an identity death. She may have been something of his own creation, but she was clearly a separate entity from him... and she killed him. Mercilessly and completely uncaring of his terrified pleas.

If this were a mental destruction, then 'Vinyl' would have remembered doing so, but to her, she was always a pony.

That just makes it worse. Not only did she kill him but she doesn't remember doing so. She remembers always being a pony because she/he/whatever was overwritten to think that.

Assuming the protagonist was the individual depicted in the beginning, he most certainly did die. Having your personality, your mind overwritten is a form of death, since you ARE your mind. "Vinyl" isn't him, she is something new in the same body (and once again it is a body that has been mutilated to the point of being unrecognizable). If he didn't die, then he suffered a fate WORSE than death since he cannot even rest. He's GONE, completely and utterly. It is the most horrifying fate I can imagine.

And what of his friends? His family? What happens to them? What happens to "Vinyl" once she realizes what she is, what she did?

I have seen stories like this before, and each time I see them I cannot help but be horrified to the point of nausea... and it is even worse to me when others don't seem to realize what they are reading or, occasionally, writing. At their core, they are torture-snuff fetish fics.

I'm sorry, but I feel sick. I need to go distract myself, find something that isn't so damn horrifying.

Take it as you will, I suppose. But that is the nature of it and why I made it. It is a shame that you dislike it, but that's the way the wind blows I suppose. Have a good day.

Tounge, preform, arn't, a electric, and probably a few more spelling mistakes I missed. I like your writing, but you might want to look into getting a proofreader. Great work anyway.

A fic this epic deserves a sequel.

Wow, I didn't know where it was going at first, but that was really good! Keep up the good works, good name by the way. Very fitting.

Dayum, great fic! Look forward to more epicness of this magnitude!

"Sir, our Cruisers can not repel wubs of this magnitude!" -random Mon Calamari Admiral, Battle of Endor

2720406 "ITS A TRAP" -~- Brought to you by General Akbar

OMG Music that changes you...literally!!

Silly humans:pinkiehappy:

Where is dat song?!
I needz it NAO!!!

Comment posted by Sonicspartan150 deleted Jun 21st, 2013

Awesome story. That was quite an ending.:moustache:

I love reading a good transformation fic and this just made my day. I love a good story about someone slowly becoming 'other', whether physically or mentally... Yeah that probably doesn't say anything good about my psyche :pinkiecrazy:. Anyways, the way that you had the protagonist turn into Vinyl (or maybe a copy of Vinyl?) was enjoyable to read and not just a little bit frightening.

Going to assume that the 'Vinyl' identity is repressing the protag's original identity and created the false memories of always being a pony to hide the fact of what really happened. And that's probably for the best too, I can't see anything good coming from 'Vinyl' learning how she came to be or if the original identity were to resurface. Or that is what I am hoping happened because the alternative is too horrifying.

And that last line just sent shivers down my spine, just how many other poor souls will fall to forced ponyification and identity change now.

Waitwait, hang on, have you ever made real dubstep? And what's the deal with only one turntable? NOBODY uses one, you gotta have two otherwise you got nothing to cue up! (Or, que up. Depends on which you prefer.) Like Technics 1200s, for instance-- those are some classy tables. But you gotta have two, otherwise you're just skipping or slamming and not mixing... Of course, for dubstep, you'd use synth tables, like something from TRAKTOR. You know. So you can filter and stuff.

Gad, Frooty Loops. Well, FL Studios, now. I just hope the main character is using the top edition, at least. My advice? Ableton. And dubstep is not easy to work with... Not real dub. I can give you examples of crappy dubstep. THAT's easy. But real stuff that'll make an EP explode, that takes time. TIME.

Of course, if this is somewhat autobiographical and you really are a DJ who can make multiple dubstep tracks in a night, more power to you.


--DJ LukkiDay

Something you should know about pony hind legs, they don't have backwards knees look at the top left corner for more info:
They have large thighs, tiny shins, and large feet and the hoof is where the toe is.

Sorry for lining out my pet peeve but if you still want to do "Backwards knees" then go ahead. There goes the horrifying TF/TG stories that I sometimes read from time to time. If it wasn't for Twisted Spectrum's story linking to your group on 4chan and you linking your story here I would never found this story. You outline the horror aspects of transformations very well and I like the fact that he was fighting her the entire time and it's sad that he never made it.

I like to see these kind of stories, when I come across them, as a form of "birth of the bad guy" origins. Since Vinyl was obviously evil and she plans to do that everyone in the world and I have a vague hope that there will be at least one person or group that will be able to stop them in their plans even if they did mostly succeeded.

Me before reading:

Me reading:

Me after reading:

You, "Sir":moustache::trixieshiftright: simply mindfucked:applejackconfused: my everything
P.S i give you my like and fave
i dont know why im giving it to you, but here it is

P.S.S Make a Mane 6 version of this :pinkiehappy:

Well, it tickled my transformation bone.

I'm rather fascinated by stories like these as well. Thing is, though, I came in thinking this was a clopfic and came out scarred by a creepypasta.

So, Octavia is responsible for this?

Not to toot my own horn, but it almost seems like the same Octavia from my fic. :pinkiegasp:

That said, very very hot. Possession is a fetish of mine, and hard to put to words. You did a good job.


Besides the spelling errors, very good. Though I can't ever remember any actually well-handled TF fics where the person in question was trans, or was fine with being a pony, or wanted to be a pony. This was just more of the same, really.

DUDE! cool fic! Loved it! Peace!!

This was awesome! :heart:

This story was extremely interesting. Great job. I loved it. :pinkiehappy:

That last line was a nice touch.

I love how you executed all the transformation aspects of it. The scene where they completely transformed was wonderful in particular.

Great transformation fic, and thoroughly creepy as well. Awesome work. :raritystarry:

Too sad...:pinkiesad2:


Always a welcome sort of strange when a fic involving sex to such an extent turns out to actually be a good read.

Transformation via music reminds me of some cruddy movie way back when on sci-fi when it was still sci-fi. Something about an alien signal, I don't know, I caught five minutes of the thing.

One phone call to the police at the beginning of the story about a noise complaint and nothing happens the end.

But in seriousness that was really really good. Keep writing!

Dude. Mind alteration/control REALLY isn't something I tend to enjoy, but dang, this was cool. Don't give up, man.

This is the Ring of ponies.

I have been into transformation for 8 years now, and this is now one of my top 5 favourite stories ever, and trust me when I say I have read well over thousand tF stories. I comission tF art constantly.

First person TF with the music being the key to unlocking the transformation isn't sowmthing new, but it does it well enough that it is good in its own right even when compared to other stories written similar but in different fandoms.

The character could of used a bit more back story, but even so, he is around long enough for the bittersweet ending. I myself understand the view that it seems like death, but really it's based on what background and what you believe in. I find it hot as all fun personally. The brainwashing and TF I mean.

It's the kind of level I hope to achieve one day with my own writing. Even with a few spelling errors, and some dents, to read "the scratch" is the same feeling as looking at a beach. Sure it has some cons, but the beuty well outweighs any con I came across.
Absolutely a 5/5 from me personally, a massive transformation/mind wipe etc fan!

There's something at the core of some people that must just be... off for them to not find these kinds of things terrible. Or at the least, unnerving. If this kind of thing were done to any of the people that say they like it, I rather doubt they would be having such a good time. Maybe it's like some sort of mental disconnect, or a fundamental lack of empathy. "It's not happening to me, so it's all fair and good!" kind of thing, at a basic level.


2718666 Will there be a sequel?

Love love loved it


I think its more along the lines of.

"It's fiction, so its not happening to anyone"

I definitely think highly of willpower and would fight to keep it alive IRL.

But regardless I am still aroused by reading these fics from the viewpoint of the submissive.

But hey, who says fetishes have to fit our actual lifestyles. As long as fanfics exist people can get off without anything bad happening in real life.

"My, this is peculiar."
It was difficult to keep my eyes open as he shined that beam of light through my eye, examining the reflection of my pupil. Tears well from my eyes from the pain. With relief he finally clicks off the flashlight, my eyes now free to blink as I rub them.
"It seems your eyes are suffering from intense light sensitivity. But, I cannot explain the change in eye color. It may be genetics."

I dunno... my eyes change colour with everything I wear...

It seems I am gathering a bit of a following now. What with the sudden burst of comments on my page.
Most are positive. They congratulated me. Praised me for my work that seemed to raise dubstep from the mess of amateur songs made every day.
But there were other comments. Ones that condemned me, calling me a sellout for abandoning my passion for the songs that paid more.
>But you're having fun, right?
Yeah, I'm having fun...
>Then screw what the haters say, man.

Damn. Right! Does this sound familiar to anyone?

But, for some reason, I felt a bit empty. For all of my life I wanted to create music that would last throughout the ages. But this... Dubstep? It had no place in history. No one would remember my work in just a few years. It would fade into obscurity.
Perhaps the naysayers were correct. Maybe I did sell out. Perhaps by abandoning my initial passion, I have become what I hated the most.
>What are you talking about? You didn't sell out.
I rub my temples. My conscience was fighting itself. Was I right or wrong?
>You're only doing what you enjoy. You enjoy music.
>You enjoy entertaining people. Making them happy.
No... Yes, that isn't...
>What makes what you are doing now so different? You're being appreciated, loved. Isn't that right?
I guess...
>Then keep composing. Enjoy it. It's your passion.

i repeat, Does this sound familiar to any brony?

6529909 The second one is very reminiscent of Doctor Steel.

Huh... I mean... Wow... Wonderfully, artfully done. It seemed quite real. Like I honestly almost wanna stop listening to dubstep now...


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