What happened to Yuri Nakamura after she graduated from the Afterlife School? Well read to find out.
Not much to say really, I write stories for the Brony Nation and the Pegasister Alliance that's all I do really.
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That was very nice. I counted a few errors but overall, being a huge fan of Angel Beats, I would say that it was a wonderful short story. Go take a mustache, you deserve it.
2579058 You my friend deserve a stach as well.
An excellent one-shot. It makes me think about the collab fic that Leo Archon and I are working on. A moustache for you
Oh dear.
Good story!
Short, simple, and part of one of the two anime shows that made me cry at the end. Love it!
That makes sense........
She's well read.
So is she........
So THAT's the true name of the Battlefront. Ok. I liked a few other names better.
First off. Missing a paragraph break. Second off..........