
Viewing 101 - 120 of 219 results

Miss the Art Stream? Check out the recording! · 12:49am Nov 15th, 2016

We got a few folks to show up on Green's art stream, but if you weren't able to make it, you can see the video version of it over on Twitch! You can catch me being awesome at talking, Green being awesome at drawing Gadget (who is awesome at being adorable), as well as some nice music, a discussion on whether or not it's okay to eat horses, and some truly terrible German accents. :rainbowhuh:

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I Don't Care Crap or Shit · 1:29am Dec 31st, 2016

No really. I have this innate ability to not care crap about something. It's...actually more of a blessing than a curse. I have gone through some hardships, though not as bad as some so good luck to them and may they stay happy. But because of this ability of mine, I can literally not care about it and my brain can process it better than most people. Almost like a job, I think. This is also how I can take such...bad...crazy...almost horrifying things that happen or look at. I mean, look

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Bye, dudes. · 3:45am Jan 4th, 2017

So, I haven't updated anything in over a year. I'm sorry. I haven't watched MLP since the Maneiac episode in Season 3, and I have no plan to watch it again. I loved the time I spent in the fandom, but I've lost my interest and I have no drive to participate in the fandom's activities. It's funny, because there are some stories I haven't touched in over three years, despite the fact that they have a lot of potential.

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For all maybe three of you who love ponies and Star Wars and read My Little Sith Lord and will also care about this change · 8:46am Jun 14th, 2018

Glimmy's Lightsaber blades are now silver instead of emerald colored. I rarely retcon/Orwellian edit, but I guess this isn't the later since I'm announcing it so publically.

Silver suits her personality much more in the story and Star Wars (Legends) lore, so I changed the initial reference. If anyone catches me leaving them as green or emerald in all of the ONE chapter that has followed, let me know and I'll update.


Aragón at Bronycon, Day Two: And I Won't Stop till the Whole World Knows my Name · 11:08pm Aug 3rd, 2018

Disclaimer: Everything narrated in this blog is real, and it happened – to the best of my memory – as quoted. Some bits will be simplified for readability, but I’ll try to stay as close to the truth as possible. That said, I am writing from memory, and I am famously bad at recollecting things. Some things are bound to be a little bit jumbled, because I’m only human. I apologize in advance for that just in case.

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happy blog happy blog happy blog · 4:22pm Aug 20th, 2018

the gf's back and i'm ecstatic il her sm

also in regards to the last blog - i've been working on getting a better sleeping schedule, as well as doing some self care (today i intend to clean my room a bit, shower, mmmmaybe rename some of my image files)


Random Ramblings CDXV · 11:54pm Jul 29th, 2021

I didn't want to make a blog post until I had writing to post. Well, I did that. Hooray? Enjoy this:

Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. Unlike me, they care about the quality of their work. More past the jump.

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Mental healthy update! <3 · 7:58pm Apr 11th, 2023

I'm starting a new medication, which will ideally help with my depression and anxiety! Also, it's supposed to pair well with my ADHD meds, so it'll also help with that a bit as well. Very exciting! I'm not looking forward to the transitional period, but there's little I can do about that. It'll be worth it if these meds end up helping me more.

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Signal Boost: Perpetual Care · 1:14am Aug 10th, 2021

Just in time for Everfree Northwest, here comes another entry into the Not-A-Contest!

EPerpetual Care
In a place of remembrance where so much lies forgotten, one pony works to make sure everyone is cared for.
Vic Fontaine · 2.1k words  ·  94  3 · 1.1k views

By the one and only Grand_Moff_Pony!

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I really require your honesty - tell me the truth, it's something I really need to hear. I have nothing to lose by asking. · 7:38am May 29th, 2021

I have nothing to lose nor to gain by making this post, so I'm going to get on with it.

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Buy Best Herbal Supplements Products and Natural Remedies · 7:41am Aug 30th, 2023

For ages, societies all over the world have employed herbal treatments and care items to cure a wide range of illnesses. Due to its all-natural ingredients and possible health benefits, Herbal Care Products and cures are gaining popularity. In this article, we'll look at the advantages of using herbal treatments and personal care products to promote general health and wellbeing.

Introduction to Herbal Care Products and Remedies

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Can You Name One Object In This Photo? · 7:11pm Oct 18th, 2020


Recovery · 4:02am Sep 17th, 2015

I think I can safely say I've made a pretty decent recovery over these summer months. If you don't know what i'm talking about see my previous blog post and the one before it .In my last blog I thought I was almost fully recovered but booooooy was I far from correct. It still comes up in my mind from time to time but when you consider the emotional wounds it's like I'm being released from the hospital with a healing broken leg.

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It's a Jungle in Here · 5:48pm Apr 13th, 2017

So, Thursday update ...

You ever have one of those moments where you're all gung-ho to do something, and then you sit down and your mind goes blank? Yup, that's me at this post right now. So I suppose I'll just go with the basics, starting from the top.

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It's Ironic, Really · 1:39pm May 3rd, 2017

When Season 4 ended, I was saying that their increasing inability to write a solid adventure story was dragging the show down, and I'd like a greater emphasis on Slice Of Life.

Now I'd take a dozen Twilight's Kingdom-esque messes, just so long as there are actual stakes again. And please stop ramming Flurry Heart down our throats.

Season 5 was good about this, though. It wasn't until 6 that things really started to drag, and it looks like 7 is off to a bad start.


On Watching Ponies · 9:11pm Dec 10th, 2016

Y'know, every now and again someone insists on making a blog post about how they've not been watching ponies for a while, but now they're thinking about doing it.

And they make it out to be some kind of... thing. Like whether or not they're watching a children's tv show should matter.

Let me stop you there, folks.

It doesn't.

It's a cartoon. It's a good, fun cartoon, but it's just a goddamned cartoon.

Watch it.

Don't watch it.

Nobody cares.


They've Always Told Me That I Need Therapy, but I Doubt This is What They Meant · 12:29am Mar 9th, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

I've had a bad bit of luck as of late.

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Let's Talk About Resolutions · 9:22pm Jan 1st, 2018

I'm gonna start off by saying that I hate New Years Resolutions. The whole concept of "new year, new me" always rang hollow when I heard it. So this year, I'm foregoing resolutions.

What I can do, though, is make promises. I keep those.

I know what you're thinking: "Dwarvish, what's the difference? Isn't a resolution just a promise for you to do something this year?"

To that I say "shut up."

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The late night rant · 11:57pm Sep 25th, 2017

I can't believe today was Monday already, I could have sworn it was still Sunday. Like so many times before, Monday hated me. Now, it wasn't that bad compared to the worst days, but it still left me pretty sad. It's almost 3.00 AM here right now, but I'm not tired, I don't even want to sleep. I just feel like shit.

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I Have Decided... · 2:02am Dec 4th, 2015

...To post my Thanksgiving story late! I only had like 2 people to tell me to wait, compared to the other 10. So... Yeah. It's late. It's crappy and rushed. It's also apart of the Angel Kisses series. I'm sending it into submission- for an early read, you can find it on my page- but it might not be completely published yet. I am going to tag it below when I know it's out! :ajsmug:

~Vanilla Mocha,
Coffee Mare

Viewing 101 - 120 of 219 results