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About the next chapter... · 4:25pm Nov 7th, 2017

So... you ever come up for an idea for a chapter that seemed like a good idea, then spend ages writing it only to realize that:

1) The main conflict isn't enough for a full length chapter so you've run out of material after only 2k words, and you can't stretch that conflict out without make the dialogue incredibly repetitive or making characters hold the idiot ball.

2) It makes no sense for this particular character to have this particular problem in the first place.

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Aww. · 12:22am Feb 16th, 2017

Being featured lasted for about five minutes. :facehoof:


Dear Followers · 2:32am May 7th, 2022

I can't wait to read some of your fictions sometime this month or July/June before fall starts... Therefore 0_0 I might start working on the next chapter. Chapter 7 for Clown Mare.

Report Flora Blossom · 115 views · #More News

viatrix · 7:42am Jan 6th, 2022

Post tenebras lux
Sub dio fortitudo et fides
Lux et veritas
Pactum serva

Report Shinzakura · 207 views · #more to come

Honored. · 1:13pm Feb 9th, 2017

My new Assassinverse story has taken off like a rocket. Lots of favorites and comments.

I really feel I owe a lot to you guys.

So, thanks.

Thanks for everything.


No More Beauty · 4:21am Jul 25th, 2016

New story

Be cautious if you have a history of sexual or romantic abuse

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Report Regidar · 520 views · #no more beauty

MRI TIME · 1:23pm May 15th, 2018

I'm heading into the hospital for an MRI of my entire spine. Except, apparently, not? I just got a literal last minute call that insurance denied the lumbar section? Which is like...the section that's fucked up? So...the rest of this is just pointless theater unless I have a burst disc that I can't feel somewhere else along the chain.

I just...

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Report Fuzzyfurvert · 459 views · #more bullshit

Brain Dump #3: The Series Thinking Approach · 12:38am Jul 21st, 2019

Last blog was just me in the midst of a panic attack. Sorry if I worried anyone.
Anyway, time for another brain dump!
This time I thought in chunks of stories, series or whatever. That was interesting.

Untitled New Student Chapter Series
(E) I Don't Want To Be Here
(E) The Obnoxious, Hyperactive One
(E) The Equally Timid One
(E) The Similarly Cynical One
(E) The Confident, Brash One
(E) The Deceptively Cool One
(E) The Happy-go-lucky, Attractive One... wait, what?

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The Marathon Begins · 6:32pm Sep 13th, 2017

Right now, I just posted Chapter 13 of Twilily Saga: Past, Present, Or Damnation.and soon the rest of the chapter will be up. If you missed the previous post, here is the info on each day the posts will go up. As for time, well, I will try my best to post around 1:00 pm central. Hopefully, this goes well. I will also be advertising this marathon on several groups to get

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Story Review: Molten Gold on a Spring Evening · 2:41am Nov 29th, 2016

I've been meaning to work on my understanding of literary basics. And to this intent, I wanted to try to write a Story review. And the story I want to review is Molten Gold on a Spring Evening by coleisfantastic.

Before I proceed, let me warn anyone reading this blog post: this review will have spoilers.


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Getting on with it · 8:33am Sep 23rd, 2015

I have the end in sight for Serious about Silly. Just finishing one chapter then writing the last one. I have just three chapters of One Shot Alley that I'm going to fix up. The other ones have been taken down as they aren't that well written and more just ideas that have come to me.

I'm getting really close to finishing With Extra Frosting on Top! Just five more chapters to fix up. I'll be glad to have that wrapped up. It really took longer than it should have.

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Well, then. · 6:17am Jun 15th, 2015

I am going to be up until four in the morning. I got about 800-ish words into my chapter, when my word processor stopped responding. I had not saved the document at any point.

EDIT: Scratch that! I was just about to close the program, when it started working again!

Report DawningJade · 319 views · #imma save more

Taking a break from the story for a day · 1:40am Jun 19th, 2019

Finished the first scene, at nearly 2k words in total. Would be writing more if I felt like it, but I just don't for the day.

Mainly because I just had some doctor appointments today- not uncommon since the only times I request off are for doctor's appointments and I just went to the eye doctor to check if I was developing signs of glaucoma. Which would be weird and catastrophic due to me being nearly two decades younger than the average person who gets the eye disease.

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Guess Last Chance Detectives is a 90s movie series · 4:05pm Jul 21st, 2017

Can't tell but must be from the same company that did McGee and Me since they have a video preview of that in front of it.

The preview makes me not want to watch cause it's too action movie feeling.

Focus on the Family production that's fine.

Report Peridork · 190 views · #More McGee and Me

🍓 Trying Again Once More. 🍓 · 6:21pm May 16th, 2021

"I just wanted to let anyone interested in knowing, that I'm going to try and write again."

"I lost steam last time because I felt my writing was weak, but I've been practicing since then."

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Newest post · 12:18am Jul 1st, 2021

I’m blog posting a ton lately and I’ll continue to post a lot for the foreseeable future.

Also new chapter of It’s not easy coming as soon as I figure out how to end the chapter.


Feeling Loads Better! · 5:37pm Oct 6th, 2023

Yes, I've been healing right along, and while I AM busy at home, especially with the holidays coming up, I will be working on a story or two while on my free time.

I'll get into the details of my time being sick later, still got work to do.

Also, I've had quite a few ideas for some of my stories, including new ones, but I'll get into the latter down the line. Right now, I need to focus on what's right in front of me.

Have a good day and stay brony, my friends :moustache:

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What is an OC? · 2:20am Jun 26th, 2015

What is an OC?

It is an acronym that stands for “Original Character.” But what does that actually mean?

In the context of a site dedicated to fanfiction, an audience of readers and writers of fanfiction, it is any character that doesn’t show up in canon. In the context of MLP:FiM, this excludes the main and supporting characters of the show, and by most people’s reckoning, it excludes background ponies as well.

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Writer's Block Sucks. · 4:39am Oct 15th, 2023

You know what else still sort of sucks?

The complete opposite.

Five MLP stories in-progress, four of which are nearing completion.
One Sonic story in-progress.
Two Freedom Planet stories in the brainstorming phase.

And what the hell, let's do all of this with the 2023 Halo World Championship going on this weekend and taking even more of my time.

Having a creative streak is not all it's cracked up to be, kids.

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By Jove I think I got it! · 6:57am Jan 28th, 2022

So typically I have a time period lasting between a week to over a month where I'll just update the everloving hell out of my stories, then go dead for several months because I've burned myself out, but....what if I wrote some chapters, then spread them out over the course of a week, some days might get one chapter of a story, some days I might update two or three, then I go to rest for a few days to recharge and repeat.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 775 results