
Viewing 1 - 20 of 57 results

So. . . · 12:14am Sep 15th, 2015

Amy Keating Rogers is leaving the writing staff of MLP FIM?

Well then, let's compromise a list of episodes she's done to see if we should be relieved or upset, shall we?

From Season 1:
The Ticket Master
Applebuck Season
Bridle Gossip
Fall Weather Friends
A Dog and Pony Show
Best Night Ever

From Season 2:
The Cutie Pox
The Last Roundup
A friend in deed
MMMystery on the Friendship Express

From Season 3:

From Season 4:
Pinkie Pride
Filli Vanilli

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Report Paradox Theory · 350 views · #farewell

A Parting Glass · 6:25am Oct 11th, 2021

It is never easy to confront when you've changed.

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An author is gone, goodbye to their stories · 1:22am Oct 1st, 2019

So I was looking through my collection of stories, when I noticed the collection of stories I finished reading, appear to be less than I remembered... and I realized, a certain story series I followed... have vanished. This can mean two things, one there's glitch going on in this site or two... the author deleted those stories and mostly likely, deleted their account.

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Farewell At Last · 6:55pm Oct 12th, 2019

“Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the Sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”

Four years ago, I sat down and found myself frustrated with my craft.

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Sad Present · 8:36pm Mar 23rd, 2019

Hello everyone, I create a post when still possible, because acta2 will probably block me access to fimfiction! I'm very stuck and I would tear to pieces of this cutter what it came up with.... but knowing life probably it will enter unless a miracle happens which I would very much like many would like to....
I'm very sorry that I can't do anything about it....
It was very nice to meet all of you.... Greetings from luksor22

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Report luksor22 · 260 views · #sad #farewell

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, SNOWBELL!!!(IMPORTANT) (possibly last blog) · 6:07am Jul 31st, 2016

I sincerely apologize for being inactive for...SIX MONTHS?! Wow, I feel old! You guys are probably demanding an explanation as to why I've been gone for so long and why I haven't wrote the next chapter for Beauty(s) and the Beast! Well, here's why:

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A goodbye · 9:50pm Nov 29th, 2017

First of all, sincere apologies for taking so long to tell you what's going on and why I've not published anything since May of last year.

I'll get straight to the point - I'm leaving the site. My interest in the MLP fandom has steadily died down over the years (I stopped watching after season 3) and though I don't hold any grudges, I've moved on to other things, namely, RWBY, Red vs Blue, Rick & Morty, a couple of anime shows...

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Will I Stay Or Will I Go? · 8:55pm Jan 20th, 2017

Hello, peoples of Fimfiction. I have been inactive on here for quite some time. I had sat back, and thought about my position here for quite a while, and I have finally made up my decision as to whether I will stay or leave.

I regret to inform you that...

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Report ModMCdl · 441 views · #modmcdl #farewell #address

When Can I See You Again? · 3:55am May 20th, 2017

I love this song!!


It’s Been Fun · 3:26pm Apr 20th, 2019

As of today, April 20th 2019 I will no longer be logging into my account. While I doubt anybody will notice, or even care. In the odd chance somebody comes to my page looking for me, this’ll address why I won’t be here.

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Retirement · 6:45am Jan 18th, 2022

Hey, Everybody, listen I have put in some thoughts. Now I'm sure you all have read Harrybuilders' Blog about how I was being a jerk and a bully. Well, to make sure that I won't harm anybody on this site. I have decided that it's best for me to leave Fimfiction.Net forever. I know some of you may miss me and some of you might not. But I understand if any of y'all don't want to talk to me or be my friends.

In other words...

I'll see you guys never.

Goodbye Everyone!

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Regarding DerpyMuffin · 4:34pm Sep 19th, 2015

Recently, my friend and FiM Fiction user known as DerpyMuffin threatened to commit suicide. He been offline for almost a full day since then. There isn't much I can say but this: You were a damn good friend, and I will miss you, no matter what you might think. Goodbye, Derpy, and I wish you the best if you are reading this somewhere.


The Last UglyTurnip Story · 5:29pm Nov 6th, 2018

Hello, fellas.

Jeez, it's been two years since my last blog post. Quite a long time, ain't it? Well, I think it's safe to say that I'm no longer a brony. I haven't kept up with the show at all, and I have no clue as to what happens beyond season 5. The only reason I still browse Fimfiction at all anymore is to keep up with the Austraeoh series, and maybe read the occasional one-shot. That's it, really.

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Report UglyTurnip · 440 views · #goodbye #farewell #amen

Farewell Everyone · 2:56am Feb 4th, 2023

So this should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. But now that To Save a Life is complete, I'm leaving Fimfiction. The truth of the matter is that I've simply lost my passion for fanfiction in general now that I've started writing my own original content. It just doesn't compare. I still love the show, and I'll probably pop in from time to time, but my fanfic writing days are over. I regret that I have to leave Shine and Spark unfinished, but the story(ies) I'm working on now is ten times

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The End? · 8:35pm Jun 1st, 2016

Over the past few months since I announced my return, my muse has been fading on and off lately where I can't bring myself to completely finish a story, not even staying dedicated at that. The deepest regret in my heart is telling me to wrap things up once and for all. It is with great dismay, that the next story I'll be posting will indeed be my last story, I've gotta say that it has been a long run.

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Report Gleaming · 1,022 views · #final #farewell #goodbye

Sigh... · 4:14pm Jul 29th, 2017

Welp. This project fell through.

It's safe to say that I have long since lost my will to write. I haven't done anything significant on here in months. I've had ample opportunity to continue, but the mood just isn't there. My drive is gone.

I know how everything ends. I know what I want to be the endings of my stories. I just can't find a way to get there. My transitions from the first to final acts of stories have always been... bumpy.

I want to finish. I really do.

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Just around the corner · 10:52pm Jan 7th, 2019


Early Farewell · 5:56pm May 30th, 2017

I have some bad news, and I don't know how to put it delicately, so I'll just go ahead and say it like it is.

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Sadness · 4:29am Jan 6th, 2019

Hey all. No Smash talk this time, as you can surmise. Instead, today I learned that the K-Mart in my area will be shutting down in March, and is undergoing a fire sale of sorts. A little silly you may think to be bummed out about a dying retail brand, and certainly the end appeared nigh for quite some time. But, this store at least, meant something to me.

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TIRO FINALE! · 3:58am Sep 21st, 2015

I suppose this is as good a time as any.

For any who actually care, back in April (I believe it was April at least...) I said I was leaving eventually for various reasons.

That time is now. This is my official statement. I denounce being a Brony.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 57 results