
Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results

Best weekend ever, worst night ever · 2:07am Jul 11th, 2016

Sorry. I really wanted to blog about this earlier. Talk about every leg of my trip and what happened every day of Bronycon. Unfortunately, I got swept up in the events and its only now that I'm able to take a moment, reflect, and talk about it.

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Report Somber · 1,427 views · #bronycon #somber

Ugh... can't decide... · 5:05pm Aug 16th, 2015

Okay... so I have a fic idea I want to work on. It involves sex. It involves clop. It involves story.

What I can't decide is if I want it to be anthro or pony. It's something to fap off to, but I think it might also be something to care about also.

So... thoughts? Or should I just drop this.

Also, I am a dirty, dirty pervert... sigh... stupid head!


Project Horizons · 6:14pm Feb 29th, 2016

I screamed—the first band in my mane buzzed, bolts of energy bouncing off of it as the enchantment activated, allowing me access to more magic. The caved walls and fallen ceilings were enveloped in my magic, but my eyes never left Glowheart's as I teleported the debris somewhere. I might've destroyed them by not having a specified destination, they might simply reappear in a billion years or two seconds, but I'd cross that gap when it became more important.

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A Somber Tale: Chapter 34 · 3:25am Nov 21st, 2019

Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

Report Maltrazz · 526 views · #A Somber Tale #Patreon

Notre Dame · 11:43pm Dec 25th, 2019


A Somber Tale - Chapter 33 · 8:34pm Sep 27th, 2018

Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

Report Maltrazz · 586 views · #A Somber Tale #Patreon

A Somber Tale: Chapter 35 · 7:50am Nov 29th, 2020

Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

Report Maltrazz · 438 views · #A Somber Tale #Patreon

Sadness · 4:29am Jan 6th, 2019

Hey all. No Smash talk this time, as you can surmise. Instead, today I learned that the K-Mart in my area will be shutting down in March, and is undergoing a fire sale of sorts. A little silly you may think to be bummed out about a dying retail brand, and certainly the end appeared nigh for quite some time. But, this store at least, meant something to me.

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Fic-A-Minute: Simply Rarity · 11:59am Jul 10th, 2015

Season 6!... no wait, just the end of season 5.

And here I thought Hasbro was being so generous. Find out what real generosity means below!

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The Somber Heart · 5:37pm Jul 15th, 2022

Hey, I just published a new short story called “The Somber Heart” about Sombra when he’s “dead,” and he reflects on his past mistakes, regrets, and his love.

This is my attempt at an emotional, philosophical type story.

Check it out if you’re interested, and feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Fallout: Equestria - Project Horizons Reviews: Chapter 1 · 1:13am Nov 21st, 2016

Made by Emma Kaze.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to say here.

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Feeling somber. Talking out loud again. Reminiscing and cheering up. · 11:11am Oct 13th, 2022

With life currently running me around all busy-like, I’m just filling the little room afforded to me right now by airing out my thoughts in my blog. Not to say I’m being entirely unproductive. I did write a short story dedicated to all my writer and reader friends the other day. But that’s beside the point.

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Something A Tad Darker. · 9:53pm Mar 3rd, 2022

Here I am wallowing in my own self misery of a string of misfortunes. Thinking of how to bring those around me down, when it finally clicked much like a missing puzzle piece. One shouldn't try to give misery company out of a few little hiccups, that instead creating something new shouldn't be my mission.

To create things which bring smiles, rather than frowns.

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And then, on a random Saturday... · 7:36pm Apr 7th, 2018

I bet you didn't see it coming!

The chapters have been... mostly done for months now. And by that I mean even before the New Year. We needed to sit down and finish it up, and then clean up stuff. Sorry about the delay!

As always, the "new" chapters were written together with the author of the original series. Bear in mind that Project Horizons is a very intense world... with a lot of triggers and questionable situations that are NOT meant to make you feel comfortable!

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Okay, gonna try making more blog posts. (plus info on the story A Somber Tale: Fiendship is Magic!) · 2:20pm Sep 20th, 2018

Haven't done a blog post in a while and so I feel like trying to start posting again.

So first things first, the story A Somber Tale: Fiendship is Magic IS NOT DEAD! There will be an update hopefully soon, and the chapter will be twice as long! I would give a sneak peak, but there is not a good place for one, so y'all will have to wait!
The story hasn't been updated due to the fact that we have lives to attend to first, like jobs and such. But we are still working on it!

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 4 · 4:43pm Oct 26th, 2018

Let's go for chapter 4 and as an introduction to this one, I'd like to mention that Project Horizons is definitely more fun to read than FO:E, mainly because the heroes aren't self-righteous assholes crying each time they see a scraped pony somewhere. It's refreshing to see something written in a most correct fashion. However, this chapter like the others have some good and... some bad too. Some things are worrying and some are encouraging to say things plainly.

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Another stupid game idea... · 4:01pm Aug 13th, 2015

So, I've got another one rattling around in my brain...

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 30 · 3:12pm Nov 21st, 2018

This chapter is a bit uneventful but I'll try to talk about two important things that I think can help Project Horizons improve. Yes, the fiction is done and I cannot change it but it is interesting to see why this chapter fails in some aspects and where there are strengths that could and should have been expanded upon in order to create something really different. So yes, while some things pissed me off, I'll be far more calm in this blogpost.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 40 · 2:54pm Nov 30th, 2018

And so I reach the halfway point in terms of chapters. This chapter is not a bad one, hell I would even go as far that it allows for a bit of a reconciliation between me and certain characters. I don't think they are god awful (except BJ and GB, they can burn) but I always was disappointed in P-21 never adressing the death of his lover more than in passing. Glory also disappointed me in just being BJ's supporter and not much else. This chapter makes them have some real personality and some

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 14 · 2:13am Nov 5th, 2018

Another whining chapter and at this point, I am running out of things to say. Should I remention how much of an hypocrite BJ is being by both whining about her coming to terms with being a killer, an executioner while, in the same breath, kill dozens of lives in the purest gorey fashion ? Should I talk about how self-destructive she is obviously being by drinking like an alcoholic and overdosing on drug injections ? This characterization of Blackjack is unfortunately going in circles.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 79 results