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A post that has nothing to do with anything I do(pfft! like I do anything!) · 8:05am Sep 5th, 2015

I'm done... It's done.
After 3 to 4 long years of reading it, it is done and I am done.

Project Horizons... What A ride.
1.6 million words, 4 years and two months in the making.

It saddens me deeply to see it over but as the story itself has said, everything ends, that's how you know it was so good in the first place.

About 1/3 of the epilogue was kinda meh IMO but the rest was fantastic.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 30 · 3:12pm Nov 21st, 2018

This chapter is a bit uneventful but I'll try to talk about two important things that I think can help Project Horizons improve. Yes, the fiction is done and I cannot change it but it is interesting to see why this chapter fails in some aspects and where there are strengths that could and should have been expanded upon in order to create something really different. So yes, while some things pissed me off, I'll be far more calm in this blogpost.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 40 · 2:54pm Nov 30th, 2018

And so I reach the halfway point in terms of chapters. This chapter is not a bad one, hell I would even go as far that it allows for a bit of a reconciliation between me and certain characters. I don't think they are god awful (except BJ and GB, they can burn) but I always was disappointed in P-21 never adressing the death of his lover more than in passing. Glory also disappointed me in just being BJ's supporter and not much else. This chapter makes them have some real personality and some

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 14 · 2:13am Nov 5th, 2018

Another whining chapter and at this point, I am running out of things to say. Should I remention how much of an hypocrite BJ is being by both whining about her coming to terms with being a killer, an executioner while, in the same breath, kill dozens of lives in the purest gorey fashion ? Should I talk about how self-destructive she is obviously being by drinking like an alcoholic and overdosing on drug injections ? This characterization of Blackjack is unfortunately going in circles.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 38 · 5:11pm Nov 28th, 2018

This chapter was mostly fine until... the end that infuriates me on so many level that I think I'll have to explain, as usual, in details why what Somber tried to do failed. I do consider there's such a thing as going to far and being beyond redemption. It is something I need to discuss here. As for the rest of the chapter... Well, let us review it.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 11 · 11:37pm Nov 1st, 2018

Usually I have some stuff or another to say about a chapter because I think that I usually am passionnate enough to try and analyze or comment on things that were interesting, intriguing or mind-boggling. Not with this chapter because chapter 11 is a dull one with little to nothing happening in it and with absolutely uninteresting characters.

Let's go ?

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 4 · 4:43pm Oct 26th, 2018

Let's go for chapter 4 and as an introduction to this one, I'd like to mention that Project Horizons is definitely more fun to read than FO:E, mainly because the heroes aren't self-righteous assholes crying each time they see a scraped pony somewhere. It's refreshing to see something written in a most correct fashion. However, this chapter like the others have some good and... some bad too. Some things are worrying and some are encouraging to say things plainly.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 16 · 11:26pm Nov 7th, 2018

I don't know what I hoped this chapter to be but it clearly wasn't this. A chapter which is a long extended fight scene with only a quick resolution of P-21's arc at the end. The thing that should have been the focus was barely mentionned and yet I have a ton of things to say about it and about the end of the "Deus Arc" so to speak. I don't like having so little good things to say about this chapter but then again, it is more of the same.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 29 · 2:09pm Nov 20th, 2018

What happened, Somber ? How can you go from making interesting little moments to something so... absolutely convoluted and unnecessarily dark ? Nothing in this chapter works ! The sex tape memory orb ? The massacre of a settlement just for the damn sake of it ? The fact that despite having one eye and four braces, there is NO difference in how BJ acts or in the things she can do ? She fucking lifted a pony in a power armor with her bare hooves ! I'm stunned.

Let's go ?

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 9 · 12:30am Oct 31st, 2018

This chapter went back to being extremely similar in Fallout:Equestria at least in parts and I really don't like it. From plans that makes no sense, to Blackjack defeating with dumb luck one of the most terrifying foe yet while trusting without a shred of logic obvious shady people. Why are his group listening to her for crying out loud ? They risk life and limbs for her and yet there's no one to tell her that...

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 39 · 3:11pm Nov 29th, 2018

So, this chapter does explain a lot of things. Some things are still as stupid as ever and some other are a bit different than I thought they would be. Also, and I am guilty of all charges, the whole fight sequence near the end is something that I had a really hard time to go through. It was too long and my eyes just glossed over what is essentially just another thrill ride for BJ but something that does wear down pretty quickly.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 26 · 5:29pm Nov 17th, 2018

The chapters as of late seems a bit easier to read for me and I find it delightful. Now does that mean that there aren't tons of thing that makes this story quite the mess still ? Of course not but it seems that it is not as much as an issue... at least as long as I don't see the face of Goldenblood who single-handedly made this story quite the pain to go through.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 32 & 33 · 2:48pm Nov 23rd, 2018

Yes, a double chapter today because people talked about chapter 33 a lot and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Let's just say that I have a lot to say concerning chapter 33. Chapter 32, however, was quite nice, nothing much to report but it was a relatively well-handled chapter compared to the others but which suffer, as always from padding. Somber should really try to make his scenes have a purpose beyond just the spectacle, it would help giving the reader the impression that he

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 27 & 28 · 3:02am Nov 19th, 2018

I felt like making a double blogpost today and seeing how my issue with those chapters are quite similar and if I didn't adress them in one bulk, I'd feel like I would repeat myself uselessly. Again, PH had the possibility to be really interesting and poignant but... it does a lot of bad. It tries so hard to make BJ invincible that no matter how much pain, wounds and even death sentences she has on her ass, it still seems like its only cosmetic. A pretty dress of pain and angst to make her

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 46 & 47 · 1:46pm Dec 6th, 2018

I find myself in a strange situation where I have read two chapters but I don't think I have anything of substance to say because they almost solely were action-based. So let me change the format for this double BP and let us talk about a couple of things : "Why do PH fights bore me ?", "Why do I say that they are stakeless ?" and some little details coming from the chapters themselves in order to keep you up to speed with the recent developments.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 19 · 3:02pm Nov 10th, 2018

Chapter 19. I never thought I would be in a position where I would have to defend FO:E on principles because of how someone use it to further their scenario. It's poetic in a way but I'm not happy about it. When you write a fiction that works at the same time than the original, you need to respect what has been said factually : you can fill the gaps but I am really against a fiction just deciding to change facts for the sake of their narrative... and it doesn't even respect its own rules too.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 23 & 24 · 3:34am Nov 15th, 2018

That's right folks, another double edition just for your pretty eyes and believe me, I have a lot to talk about these two chapters and I am quite... saddened. Saddened because, with chapter 22, I was hoping for Project Horizons to go towards something better than the "going around in circles" we had for the first 20 chapters. However, destiny decided otherwise since, well, more info were given to us. I'll try to explain why those are an issue at a fundamental level too.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 7 · 12:31am Oct 29th, 2018

Chapter 7 is the very definition of "Beware of what you wish for". I wanted to see BlackJack react to her first kill, I admit it but the way it was delivered in this chapter is abysmal. Self-pity during the whole chapter that gives me flashback to LittlePip and an aggravating trope of self-pity fueling anger so much that it intimidates people... By god, it's contrived.

Let us elaborate.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 12 · 1:12am Nov 3rd, 2018

What was that chapter ? I am completely struck by the sheer inconsistency of tone, character development, a visible video game influence in how the structure of the story is made and I cannot for the love of me try to make sense of the memory orb in this very chapter and ergo of all the fiction but to adress all these issues, I have to elaborate a bit so let us start.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 43 & 44 · 3:37pm Dec 4th, 2018

This couple of chapters are... interesting to say the least. Interesting in the sense that, while I do not mind chapter 43 despite its dispensable nature, I absolutely am baffled by 44. The former gives an interesting look into the mind of Somber and Blackjack in the sense that it allows for me to make sure that he is aware of what people says about his hero (even if I regret that this chapter will ultimately lead nowhere). The latter however feels like... a X.5 chapter, in the sense that it

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