Fic-A-Minute: Ponemurdered · 10:38am Jul 2nd, 2015
Posting this early since I'll be gone this Fourth of July weekend.
Below, find out who's responsible for this... devilry.
Posting this early since I'll be gone this Fourth of July weekend.
Below, find out who's responsible for this... devilry.
I don't remember writing this one. Weird.
Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, John Perry may have done this. Sic your praise on him.
More vinyl records below the break!
Explosions! Loud noises! Rabid carnivorism!
The horror! The horror! What could it all mean?!
Fourth of July weekend. Duh!
More fireworks go off after the break.
Early one week, late the next.
So that makes it even, right?
As I debate this, find story below breaky.
What's this? I'm Fic'ing my own stuff now?
That just don't make sense!
Below, Trixie spoils ya.
Digging out one of the first, major stories from the beginnings of our fandom this week.
Opposites attract below the break!
It's April and we're still getting snow. This summer's looking to be a cold one.
Maybe I should fly closer to the sun? But then I might fall below the break...
Missed last week due to holidays, but full and back now for December!
Today's entry celebrates an author that participated in last month's NaNoWriMo and managed to reach the goal! So what better way to pay homage to writing as many words as possible than to summarize a story in as few words as possible?!
Deja vu below the break!
If any Marvel fans are out there, do yourself the favor of watching Captain America: Civil War. It'll be worth your time.
Below the break, perhaps check out the prince with the blue blood.
Tomorrow marks pony history. And I'll be camping. Hooray.
Let's hope I don't see any lightning tomorrow. But if 1.21 Gigawatts is what you're after, check below the break.
Today's the day the United States swears in a new president.
Will it be known as The Best Thing Ever? Or will it go down as...
Today's post I'm a little hesitant to put up. While doing my research on it, I found that this particular story hits a little close to home for the author and my FaM of it might come across as very flippant.
So, just as a reminder, I do these posts out of love and for a quick laugh. No disrespect intended.
With that all cleared up, time to get under the weather below the break.
Vacation time for me for the next two weeks, so I have an excuse this time not to post.
But today there is a post, so look below. Trust me!
There are enough blogs and posts talking about the subject that shall not be named.
So instead, deal with maniacal pony fascism below the break.
This week's Fic-A-Minute is inspired by DrakeyC and his new series of Trixie Facts. Since I'm an unabashed Trixie fanboi, let me join in on the trend.
So, below the break, Trixie shows you how it's done!
This one's pretty new but it's so gosh-darn cute that I think it deserves a little more exposure.
After the break, check out the sandbox that is Equestria and its messed up unicorns.