{The Terrarian War} Late Post · 2:14am Jan 31st, 2017
Of course I've forgotten to post the next chapter.
So now I have, a little later than wanted.
Damn games made me forget about it.
Of course I've forgotten to post the next chapter.
So now I have, a little later than wanted.
Damn games made me forget about it.
I really am!
I can't post a chapter this Friday.
I had one of those school baby-doll projects for Family Child studies this past weekend, allowing me literally 4 hours of sleep throughout. I've barely done any of my classwork, and it's really got to take priority! Sorry! I'll try to post the chapter for next Friday!
Hey guys, first blog post! Yay! Unfortunately, this blog post has more to it than just that. I am posting so all of my readers can know how much of a liar I am. I promised to have chapters out in june, and it didn't happen. I'm sorry guys. Chapters will come! I promise! They are just taking a while to be to the level of quality that I expect my writing to be. Sometime this month, you will get chapters. I promise.
Well shit. This is far later than I planned. I guess I should’ve had a contingency plan for my contingency plan’s contingency plan. huh?
A contingency plan only works if their was a plan in the first place. Also that the last time I let you disarm an alien bomb.
I had seen one before!
I highly doubt that you ever seen one before.
So yeah, college has been pretty bus as of late. That along with my insurance broker stuff, and I've been kind of tied down lately, s I haven't written much of anything.
Well, things are now under control again, so I've gotten to work on another One-Shot. And I promise this is the last One-Shot I've had planned before making that Naruto Changling story. PPP, P^3, Pinkie Pie Promise.
And instead I'm looking at quotes...
But on the other side, this one is so relatable! My entire thought process wrapped into one picture!
And this one...
It's a been a while since I put anything new out. Truth is, life a kinda crazy bitch. I promise I will have something out before the first of July.
Well, life happened again.
Thirteen won't come today, but expect two chapters next week!
Oh, and also have a small peek at a new story coming soon I'm writing with Forgotten.
Oh you better be!
This will be our heaviest and dirtiest clop so far!
Scratch out!
Why does it always feel like I'm losing a part of myself even when I'm losing something as simple as a flash drive?
I have no idea. It could be that the aforementioned flash drive contains two quarters worth of work from two classes before it was stolen, or it has the exact same weird emotional attachment as that one time when I lost a mechanical pencil I had managed to not lose for two years.
SmallCaliber woke up at 1am. Watched Fluttershy Plays videos till husband got home. He was out late. Tried to turn the ps4 off but kiddo wanted to keep watching ponies. It's the weekend and I have no energy to resist. Switched from YouTube to Netflix because not all Vannamelon's stuff is kid safe and I desperately need something with auto play. I just wish I wasn't hungry now...
The next chapter of 'Among The Pegasi' is going to be a little late, since I have been a bit busy over the weekend, but I should have it up by either Tueday or Wednesday, so I promise to not keep you waiting long.
KillerChainsaw ;)
Welp... it's been 4 years and 17 days since I joined this site... sorry I'm late. IDK what to say. Thank you all for being my friends and being there for me when I needed you guys. I love you all and here's to FOUR MORE YEARS!!! (On Fimfiction, not Trump's presidency... HELL NO to four more years of that)
I was editing the third chapter of Battle Report but I was very dissatisfied with it.
It was bad. If it was not my own writing, I would not have read it past the second paragraph. So I'm going to re-work it, because I cannot let myself slip into complacency.
Gowak out. For the Empress!
Continuing my review montage with a look back at the fourth Equestria Girls movie.
Much like with the recent finales, I feel that each Equestria Girls film has been better than the last. I know some of you will probably disagree with me about liking the third film more than the second but, hey, we can all agree to disagree. Anyway, that trend has continued as I really liked this movie.
Whoops! I forgot to post chapter eight this afternoon, sorry for being late!
While I've got you here, I'll let you know that chapter eight marks the end of my buffer of already-complete chapters that allowed me to post a new chapter every week. While chapter nine is partially written, I can't guarantee I'll finish it by next Friday.
The story updates will now slow down, from 1/week that I've been doing, to probably 1-2/month.
Long time no see eh?
Yeah... I wanted The New Stall-Ion (notice a difference?) to be out A LOT sooner than the story is going to be....
And I'm sorry, I have no excuse, other than that I like to read more than I write... so I will be putting some more effort into this from now on...
I have also changed the description on the story, no longer will it be that same-old (and unstable), boring description... it now has life... but I won't tell you what it is...