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Night Flight · 7:18am Aug 17th, 2015

Night Flight, Twilight's Sparkle's Adventurous Uncle
Family Name: Night. Personal Name: Flight. Use-Name: Night Flight, Flighty
Kind: Pegasus. Sex: Male. Born: 1447 Died: 1495 (?)
Coat: Dark Purple. Mane: Light Purple with Light Blue Streaks, worn long. Eyes: Dark PurpleViolet.

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Happy 14th anniversary to NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams! · 6:05am Dec 14th, 2021

I can’t believe it’s been that long. Right off the bat, I never played the game since I don’t have Wii. I discovered the character on the Sonic wiki and the cutscenes on YouTube in September 2010. I instantly fell in love as soon as I heard their voice with a feminine tone and a lovely English accent.

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Nova Digi Log: Night Night · 11:14pm Nov 26th, 2015

Good night, subscribers! Nova is going off the Dreamland, where you ride marshmallow clouds through soda waterfalls! But before I board my train...

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Report Nova Arc · 273 views · #Digi Log #Night night

Mind the gap · 5:58pm Mar 15th, 2016

Of The Night, Chapter 2 is now published. Let's rejoin Night Glider as her journey continues!

I'd like to again apologize for how long it took to get this chapter up; a lot of things came up that I had to deal with first. All positive, mind you, but they took priority. Things like getting certified in laser cutting, working on projects for an awesome maker space in Seattle, and more business-related things.

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Report TheBrianJ · 640 views · #Of The Night

The Night (Fan Animated) · 2:11pm Feb 16th, 2019

Watch the rest of the series: link


15400 words of new stories this month! · 2:00am Oct 27th, 2017

Most of them are short and all have been added as chapters to TALES FOR NIGHTMARE NIGHT! A collection to read AFTER the lights are out!

I just wonder how many have actually bothered to read them?

They are the 15 chapters that begin with

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Story update + birthday · 7:45pm Nov 14th, 2016

I am apparently making a blog on my birthday! :twilightsheepish: Yesterday i had my birthday party and it was fun until one of my friends fell off his chair and hit his head badly, then he had to leave early and then shortly after, the party ended. :fluttershyouch: I hope he's okay. So that was what happened yesterday, now time for today. Today I was working on Five Nights At Nightmare's and finished chapter 2! :pinkiehappy: "NO SPOILERS!" -:raritywink: So that was today so far and I hope you

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oh man Nightmare Nights was good · 12:51pm Oct 26th, 2015

oh my god I have met so many incredibly chill people. I am reeling from how awesome this con was. Man, I don't know if I'll ever come down from this high. Have you ever seen something as adorable as David Silver GMing Ponyfinder for a table full of kids? Have you ever moshed your face in getting to watch Wootmaster, the Wonderbolts, DoTheDaringDew,

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Story review : Night Reigns · 1:53pm Apr 1st, 2016

Night Reigns

Nightmare Moon's escape from the Moon could not have gone better for her. Celestia herself was unable to face her, and Celestia's trainee was woefully underprepared for the assault. It did not take long to shake out the remaining pockets of resistance, and then she took the throne for herself.

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Report AzureDreams · 454 views · #Night Reigns

Y'all Be Careful Tonight, Ya Hear? · 9:17pm Oct 31st, 2018

Strange critters come 'round on Nightmare Night :trixieshiftleft:

I'll just be passing out candies for the kiddies like the old soul I am :rainbowlaugh:

Two things to show ya, because they are glorious

One, a nifty picture by my very good friend Amethyst_Dawn. I mentioned in passing about a cute guy I'm chatting up with in class. First, he fangirled. Then he doodled :rainbowlaugh:

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Blog entry #5- Getting my story(A Stormy Night) on Top Today · 4:50pm Sep 8th, 2016

I want to thank everyone who liked/favoring it. I didn't expect it to get so much notice in a short time. I'm so happy because of it. Once again, thanks everyone. I hope to continue making good stories.A Stormy Night


Thanks! · 4:44am Jul 14th, 2015

Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes! Even if I didn’t get the fanart this year that I did last year (thanks again to the artists who sent me pics last year) it was still nice to see so many people care, and so it (along with a special gift from Dana) made my week. (:

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Report Kirb · 320 views · #of night and stone

Kill me now · 11:01pm Apr 27th, 2019

Remember this?

Well, I’ve gotten myself trapped into a position where I have to learn the entire thing on piano in a month, plus perform it. It’s frustrating because I know that no matter how much I perfect it, it’s going to be awful because I have pretty severe anxiety and can’t perform. Plus, I can’t really play the piano.

But hey, even if I fail that, I’ll probably record me (hopefully) failing slightly less.

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I'm Cancelling The Night Shift · 3:43pm May 6th, 2016

I can't write it. Personal issues with the story have caused me to stop writing it. I am very sorry if you submitted an OC or signed up to edit and proofread it. I am overloaded with stories (mostly sequels, and trying to finish the ones I have right now, such as Rainbow Dash Becomes An Alicorn and The Princess And The Person). I also have many other stories in the works that will either be cut today or began on. I might still write it... I've had the idea floating around for a

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Another Sneak Peek to the sequel of A Cold Night · 1:56am Dec 20th, 2019

Why waste your time with such a tedious task? This “gift” of yours better be worth interrupting my peaceful sleep.

Fluttershy quickly got up and pushed the crate toward the statue.

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Night 3 · 7:26am Dec 22nd, 2020


why you should play Night in the Woods · 10:22pm Aug 30th, 2018

A while ago, Horizon claimed that playing 80 Days could make you a better writer. And he backed it up by buying copies for people, as well as hosting a fanfiction crossover contest.

Well I... can't do the last two.

But I can do the first part! I think Night in the Woods shares some similar territory there.

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Happy Nightmare Night · 6:53pm Oct 31st, 2015

For those who celebrate it, Hope you all have fun tonight!!!!
Oh, and watch out for the ones who want to consume your flesh or blood or bones or organs or something, because they might expect that instead of candy.

Report Shine · 298 views · #Nightmare Night

Good Night · 3:00am Feb 13th, 2019

Good night celestia, thank you for raising the sun this morning
Good night luna, i embrace and love the moon,
Good night fimfiction, i love you all!!!


Nightmare Night · 6:44am Nov 1st, 2018

Yes, I actually forgot to do any Nightmare Night projects so I had to whip this up as quickly as possible.

Anyways, I need my sleep so... good night and Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night.

Report TRIBOT 4000 · 195 views · #Nightmare #Night
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