
Viewing 4641 - 4660 of 4,883 results

Here’s What’s Gonna Happen This Month · 1:07am Nov 2nd, 2022

So, I have been keeping up with releasing one story a month this year, somehow. Even though I’ve been suffering through some Writer’s Block and diverging interests, I have managed to keep releasing a story (of varying quality) every month.

Now, this month is National Novel Writing Month.

I already have a lot to do with school, and I’ll be getting a job soon, too. I won’t be able to participate in NaNo and write some one-shot I have no clear ideas for.

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AWNR chapter 18 · 6:29pm Oct 4th, 2015

Well guys, after a few days and reading the comments I realized that AWNR hasn't gone like I had hoped. That ending was way too dark than I previously intended and I never anticipated it to build up to this point. Currently I'm literally frustrated to the point of tears and I just want to give up on this story and count it as a massive failure, because from how it started to what it is now is a complete 180 of what I truly wanted. However there is a plan in motion in an attempt to rectify this,

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Fate (+ Update) · 11:12am Jul 29th, 2016

You take a deep breath. You can feel the weight of the cave walls closing in on you, almost fighting to stop your breath. Darkness lies ahead, pierced by the light of your lantern and the flash of the blade you were given by the wood cutter. Yet, you have this task, and before you find someone else it might already be too late. You press on against the shadows.

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I Had My Creepypasta 'Don't Eat The Sandwiches' Read On YouTube! · 7:40pm Sep 7th, 2016

Hey guys! I am just letting you know that a few different YouTube channels have read my creepypasta story Don't Eat The Sandwiches.

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Everfree Northwest Days 2 & 3 · 5:27am May 17th, 2016

I wanted to write up a “Day 2” and “Day 3” blog post, but, frankly, I was too tired to do either. But I took notes, so CLEARLY THIS IS TOTALLY CROMULENT.

Day 2 started with me going to Taco Bell for breakfast and getting some box thing for $5. It was actually fairly decent – I don’t get why people complain about Taco Bell. Sure, it only has like five ingredients, but they’re decent ones.

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The Winners Of Lyra's HUGE Journal Giveaway · 4:35pm Apr 8th, 2016

The Winners Of Lyra's HUGE Journal Giveaway

Okay guys, I did the drawing and these are the winners of all the contest prizes mentioned in the original journal entry here.

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Music for Writing: Post Seis - Sci-Fi/Dystopian/Cyberpunk · 7:02pm Apr 29th, 2016

My brother bought Shadowrun for the SNES, and I now found myself semi-obsessed with its 16-bit soundtrack. I downloaded a ROM of it and started a game through an emulator on my smart phone. I'm not shelling $60 bucks for an old console... At least, not right now.

Erm, anyway. What I'm trying to get as is that I feel like (retro) cyberpunk-type music, so that's what this post is gonna comprise of. Maybe next time I'll do a fantasy-themed music post. Or something piratey. I like pirates.

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Just letting you know... · 2:19am Jul 16th, 2017

Psst! I just sent the next chapter of The Iron Horse to the editing team. Expect it Wednesday. I think it'll be worth the wait. :raritywink:

Oh, and, uh, sorry it got so delayed. :fluttershbad:


F/F/T3K15 10/22: Belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve. · 2:54am Oct 23rd, 2017

So our spoopy story is concluded. Christ almighty, how does the FNAF fandom still have this much traction...

Speaking of traction, "Unstable Unicorns: Believe in Steven" by Daiquiri-kin Mycaruba is now on part FIVE. Good luck, those of you who have stubbornly trudged through this.


Fans of Guardian, I Need Your Help · 8:13pm May 29th, 2018

Addendum: After much thought, and consultation with fans, I have submitted to taking the lyrics that precipitated this message down after finding a workaround that somewhat addressed my concerns. However, I am leaving this blog up as it still encapsulates my feelings on this matter, and addresses what I believe is something we fanfiction writers should address. In addition I still encourage people to write the moderators and ask that they consider modifying the rules in a manner that will help

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Progress At Last · 8:04pm Jun 16th, 2017

Two blog entries in the same month?! What could possibly have brought on such jubilant lack of sanity? In my case, I’m just very happy that seven months after its last update, my favourite of my stories now finally has a third chapter!

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My Names For The Characters In MLP: FIM · 8:17pm Sep 6th, 2017

My Names For The Characters In MLP: FIM

This is a list of what I low-key call the characters in MLP: FIM and will probably incorporate into some fan fictions at some point down the road.

Some of these were borrowed from my mom, because they were too funny to pass up.

Anywayz! Here they are.

Commander Thunder Ass (Commander Tempest)
Sparkle Butt (Twilight Sparkle)
Communist Jane (Starlight Glimmer)
Bacon Bits (Sunset Shimmer)

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Three Centimeters? It's A Rule We Can Overlook · 3:20am Nov 22nd, 2017

So, this blog will be like your mother in bed -- quick and dirty. 'Cause it's 4am and I need to go to bed, but I want to do it already so I can sleep without regrets.

So like your mother again, I guess. We always end up there, what can I say.

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Bargain Bin of Fic Ideas · 7:14pm Aug 7th, 2018

Since I'm mildly bored at the moment, here's a list of fic ideas I once had that never went anywhere. I'd be willing to try my hand at one if something gets overwhelming support, or even pass it on for someone else to write if anyone asks.

Enough intro, let's see these! (In no particular order.)

I actually still really like this idea. The reason I never made it past page 2 is that I'm honestly not clever enough to do it justice.

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Spooky Month Updates · 11:00pm Oct 8th, 2018


I've been having the strangest dreams lately... · 3:50pm Jul 9th, 2015

...and I don't know why. But the one last night was the strangest. Perhaps it's the stress (things have been very uncertain as of late, which is why I haven't been writing as much as I would like). Perhaps it's what I've been eating. Could exercise cause weird dreams?

Well, I just had the weirdest dream ever last night, and it didn't involve Goro from Mortal Kombat eating my pet hamster.

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woo car trips are fun · 12:42am May 6th, 2018

anyway i came up with a fanfic idea

and half of a story as well

all i'll say abt it is it doesn't end well and damn the hanahaki curse >:[


AMA: Sunset Rising · 6:53pm May 24th, 2019

To Serve In Hell is getting a sequel. Jump through the mirror for a chance to learn more.


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Commission Info: Fics and Art · 7:11am Sep 21st, 2019

Commission Info Time! my ko-fi page and a link to my patreon
send me a reference pic or a written description of your OC and i'll draw them
$5 for a scanned pencil drawing/per character (better quality, this is a phone camera pic)

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Coming Soon: The Heart's Promise - Info and Preview! · 3:19am Dec 27th, 2021

Yo guys, just wanted to update you on the situation on the new story. I'm still working on that opening. I'm not sure that it'll be out this year, but for sure you'll be able to read it sometime January.

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Viewing 4641 - 4660 of 4,883 results