
Viewing 1 - 20 of 427 results

Return to Everfree Soundtrack · 6:53pm Mar 20th, 2019

So, my friend Ro994 made a playlist for her demon!Sentry AU oneshot, and that inspired me to put together the songs that either inspired or were featured in Return to Everfree. Here it goes.

Chapter 1:

"Space Between" by Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson

"Campfire Song Song" by Spongebob Squarepants (imagine this with Mickey Mouse singing instead of Spongebob :rainbowlaugh:)

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Right Beside You Soundtrack · 4:26am Jun 23rd, 2020

Hello, everyone. If you didn't already know, I put out another story recently, and this one is heavily music-inspired. Actually, now that I think about it, a great deal of my stories are either music-inspired or have song reference titles. :applejackunsure: Anyway, music ends up playing a key role in my latest story, and because of that, I decided to put together a soundtrack for it starting with the song that inspired the story in the first place.

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The Best of All Possible Worlds: Proposed Soundtrack · 7:14am Sep 29th, 2015

So, I finally finished up what I’ve been calling my “Stupid Project”. “Stupid”, because in the grand order of things, it only deserved about three hours of my time, instead of the nine months I have wasted on it and it alone, with very few exceptions. The project is a proposed soundtrack for The Best of All Possible Worlds. Yes, it’s also a soundtrack for you readers, but primarily, it’s a soundtrack for the theoretical producer of an eventual audio play, assuming that ever

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Report McPoodle · 692 views · #Soundtrack

Rise of the Dark Kin: Soundtrack - Song 1 · 7:11pm Feb 16th, 2018

Hey, everypony! I've decided to create a soundtrack for my new tale MLP: Rise of the Dark Kin. To start off:

Song 1:

(Flaming Red Hair belongs to LOTR)

Please support the story with your comments.


FlashLight Week Soundtrack · 6:32am Sep 7th, 2020

I've been doing so many of these soundtrack blogs that I'm thinking that I should just make one for all my other music-inspired stories. Maybe I will someday, but that might be a while. Anyway, a ton of my FlashLight Week submissions were music-inspired, so I decided to put together all the music that either inspired or were referenced in my stories.

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Better Dragon Slaying Music · 10:18pm Sep 13th, 2016

In my anticipation of Skyrim Remastered, I've actually been listening more to Skyrim's soundtrack than Witcher 3's.

One thing I can't decide is which piece of dragon fighting music I like better; One They Fear or Watch The Skies.

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Music As Inspiration · 4:26am Jun 25th, 2016

A few months ago, iTunes crapped out on me and I lost most of the music off my iPhone. My main computer was unavailable, so I was unable to restore the music. I ended up putting music aside, and listened to podcasts.

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Report bigbear · 289 views · #music #soundtrack

My Theme Songs for the Characters of MLP · 5:55am Jul 27th, 2015

Greetings, my Brony brethren!

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Revanchism Soundtrack - Seneschal Arka-Povis · 6:25am Jan 11th, 2020

I do amateur composition stuff, so I figured, why not make a soundtrack for Revanchism?

I had this theme for the big baddies from my fanfic kicking around in my head, and I couldn't get it out of my damn noggin, so I had to load up my DAW and actually make it into a track.

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Friendship Games, the soundtrack report! · 4:44pm Sep 18th, 2015

I won't spoil anything in terms of the content of the songs, but overall quality?

Well, I think it's up to par. A few standout hits, a forgettable one, some middle of the line stuff.

Basically your typical Equestria Girls soundtrack. Are you surprised?

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Hecate's Orphanage Soundtrack · 4:31am Mar 10th, 2017

Silver was kind enough to put together a soundtrack for Hecate's Orphanage. You can check it out here.

People are far better to me than I deserve. Thank you all for sticking around.


Revanchism Soundtrack - Commodore Layer Cake · 5:29pm Jan 18th, 2020

This one's been on the back burner for quite some time, but since I've been on vacation the past couple weeks, I finally worked up the energy to finish it. As a bonus, you get to see what a Dragoon's armor actually looks like.

Credit goes to 1Jaz for the amazing art I commissioned from him! Absolutely stunning as always.

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Listening to Persona 5 music · 12:53am May 17th, 2017

So I decided to give Persona's soundtrack another go. But I never really thought Persona music was as good as people made it out to be, to be totally honest with you. I didn't like Persona 3 or 4's soundtrack, so I doubt Persona 5 will be any differe--

Sweet mother of Jesus Christ on a bike.


Titan Wars AKA. Solar Eclipse music??? · 9:00am Apr 3rd, 2017

So, i was doing a thing for my upcoming chapter update which will be big for Firekeeper, and I discovered a vast treasure I wasn't aware of on youtube. If anyone knows by some small cosmic chance a video game titles Solar Eclipse or Titan Wars in Japan, it was a Sega title that was a full cinematic, rail shooter/flight simulator with actual actors for it's ingame and between level cut scenes. One of my fave levels was a planet called Dione and to this day has one of my fave soundtracks of all

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Audiophile Problems · 9:23pm Dec 14th, 2021

Currently tearing my hair out trying to find a piece of music that is not on Halo Infinite's official soundtrack.

I don't think anyone has ripped the music right out of the game yet.


Well, they say if you want something done right... · 2:03am Dec 15th, 2021

Do it yourself.

Took the music directly from gameplay, and the tracks were dynamic, and the splicing isn't quite perfect on my part, but it's not bad for two hours of work.


A small section of the Relic Soundtrack is complete! · 8:07pm Mar 23rd, 2016

Title: The Chronicle of Relic Soundtrack

Here's a link if you would like to listen.

Genre: EDM / House / Future House / Future Bass

WARNING: Spoilers in the song titles.


Soundtracks · 3:42pm Apr 17th, 2017

Two things.

1. I was rereading Hero Souls: Awakening when I noticed the link for The Color of Friendship took you to a dead video. I had intended to move the link to a non-dead video, and realized Youtube appears to be cracking down on the VividRed Operation Soundtrack. That means I have to either remove the track from my story since it can't be viewed, or add a different song. I have a few ideas, but I'm curious...

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Report SvenFoxx · 393 views · #sound #track #soundtrack #vote

Fallout: Equestria Fanmade Sountrack - Equestrian Wastelands Theme · 4:28am Aug 17th, 2016

Hey guys! A little while back, I made another soundtrack. This one was inspired from the Fallout: Equestria story. I'm sure that most if not all of you have heard of this story before. This soundtrack's my version of the Equestrian Wastelands. It's called Peaceful Desolation. Enjoy! :twilightsmile:


A Gift For Your Ears · 8:00pm Oct 30th, 2022

Why are they going so hard for a mobile gacha game? Why didn't they go that hard for the Diamond/Pearl remake?! :raritydespair:

Viewing 1 - 20 of 427 results