Old Video Games · 7:41pm Sep 20th, 2020
Can you recommend me some old video games? From 90s and 2000 to 2010.
I seem to like old games over new ones these days for the most part. Like Age of Empires 2.
Can you recommend me some old video games? From 90s and 2000 to 2010.
I seem to like old games over new ones these days for the most part. Like Age of Empires 2.
I've been deeply focused for the last few days on version 4 of a long-running game idea: something where you mostly talk to people instead of fighting. Not as in "there's a battle system but you can click a thing to say you talk your way out of killing". As in, "you walk up to NPCs and have something resembling a sane human conversation with them".
If any of you would like to play, I'm always looking for more friends. Please let me know if interested!
Request any fic of mine and I will provide you with a commentary/annotations, like a DVD extra.
To clarify, that's any one shot or a single chapter of a multi-part fic. What I talk about will include the order I wrote the thing in, what I hate about it, what I love about it, any head canon behind it, references hidden in it, inspirations, and anything else I can remember.
This offer lasts as long as I'm bored.
So, a little over a month ago, I made an offer to do author commentary on any fic or one shot that people were interested in. I collected them in an unpublished story: Annotations.
I'm opening that offer again- Request any fic of mine and I will provide you with a commentary/annotations, like a DVD extra.
What character?
What would you say?
Áp lực công việc trong thời đại bây giờ ngày càng lớn. Hiểu được điều đó SM66 đã có mặt trên thị trường và nhận được đông đảo sự ủng hộ cuồng nhiệt từ anh em cược thủ trên khắp nơi chứ không chỉ riêng Việt Nam. Sứ mệnh giới thiệu SM66 của chúng tôi là mang đến trải nghiệm hoàn hảo nhất cho người sử dụng.
As I don't know how to upload videos to YouTube, I decided to record this mission on a blog. I've skipped the boring details. It was a night mission, so there was bad visibility. This was inspired by let's plays of classic XCOM by YouTuber aulddragon
- Rosa (not a person I renamed) is shot by an Aquatoid carrying a sonic pulser and is killed (alien turn)
You know looking back at the drama, I feel that instead of complaining about the one game we can’t have we should enjoy the games we already do have because in the end life is too short to be complaining about little stuff like that. You guys might actually be surprised how common the practice really is and I myself have been through many games that are only available in certain countries. For example you can’t play Pokémon Go in the Middle East because the leaders over there are making
Mobile phones are garbage grade games, which all suck by default. Anyone who only plays them should not be considered a gamer. As a proud member of the superior, PC gaming master race I find that even filthy console peasants are superior to so called 'mobile gamers'.
I've started putting together my best games of 2022, and it'll be slightly different than years past.
Spoiler: I have not played Elden Ring. It will not be on my list.
A non-2022 game that received content updates in 2022.
A non-2022 game that I didn't play until this year.
A game coming out next year.
So I was trolling on Amazon (gasp!), buying up some stuff to make my Aria Blaze cosplay for this years MSP MLP con (Go Minnesota!), and I said...fuck it, and went and but some stuff for my 360.
Ya ya, "Why don't you have an Xbox 1 yet?" Because scalebound got delayed! Boooo.
I know its been a while since I posted anything regarding my website but I just finished some minor adjustments. Anyway if you interested I basically post reviews on classic gaming from the NES to Nintendo 64. Another thing that I do is write my own editorials about gaming on any thing from the Golden Age era to even obscure things that was forgotten by gamers. I will also be debuting a new editorial section soon on MLP related stuff called Pony Central and I will go over the shows, games,
I am a paid writer, and recently I have been getting paid to write articles on this website. Thought maybe some would like to check it out while waiting for the next My Little Pony episode.
People have all sort of projects they’re working on, I figured talking about tabletop games that members of the MLP community are working on making would be a nice little change of pace from setting up for games or making calls for players of existing games.
I’m actually working on tabletop RPG, still need to hammer out a lot of the specifics, and a TCG, all I need for that are some art for the cards and a way to set things up to do some playtesting with input on the whole thing.
Starting now.
Y'all should do it too.
Wow. Did not mean to take so long to write in this. I guess I saw how low my reading numbers were and, combined with rl issues and sad times, it made me not want to write.
But somehow my muse is back. I'm thinking of ideas and I hope to make more stories. But... I need a favor. I really want to knlw what people like or dislike about my work so I can improve. Hopefully I will make some better works.
Things have been crazy these last few weeks so I just went with some short stuff. Even still, I've got a love of flash games. Many are simple, little setup needed and drop you into the game and just let you play.
I still love more complex games, but I can appreciate simplicity in a design. I think I'll also pick up a game or two from Gamejolt from time to time. The Manos game was gold and I may be able to find other little treasures like that.