HellDivers · 8:52pm May 6th
You know looking back at the drama, I feel that instead of complaining about the one game we can’t have we should enjoy the games we already do have because in the end life is too short to be complaining about little stuff like that. You guys might actually be surprised how common the practice really is and I myself have been through many games that are only available in certain countries. For example you can’t play Pokémon Go in the Middle East because the leaders over there are making unreasonable demands reguarding the server. As for me personally I want Persona 5: X but the game is currently only exclusive to Japan. Currently I am enjoying the regular Persona 5 game I got all the way back in 2020. I also feel that we got a lot of other great games in the past few years. We got the second Breath of the Wild game and I heard good things about the new Kingdom Hearts mobile game app. I do not have the proper phone for it but I do enjoy watching others enjoy it online. I worry that fans may get the idea that they can bully companies into doing whatever they want them to do. However I think games need to be received well based on its’ own merits and not fail because of some dumb controversy. I think that sometimes we need to allow companies to take risks because either they can learn from the mistake on their own or if the investment succeeds than there might be a newer better game on the horizion.