Update! · 2:35am Feb 28th, 2018
Very big interlude just dropped for that novel I've been working on~
Very big interlude just dropped for that novel I've been working on~
There are less than 40,000 words left to revise! Once that's done, I can finally move on, both by focusing on updates and the remaining stories in need of revision.
Sorry for the long wait... the last few months have been really rough... but there's more Enemy of Mine to be had! I've just updated, and there's 20,000 some new words for you all to enjoy! I have 15,000 that need editing, plus a little more, but otherwise, I've got a backload of stuff.
I'll try to not be so slow with updates... I certainly hate that too. Ugh. So very sorry.
Okay, so for those of you who tend to really like my stuff, I exist on GoodReads now! Why this is a thing, who knows, but you can now give me ratings and stuff on there. Please do!
And about updates?
Enemy of Mine updated and I forgot to blog about it. Oh heck, let's fix that. I, uh, also published anthology stuff too. Words are happening. Hope y'all enjoy!
Y'all know that I've been making progress with revising my stories for print. Well, I only have one story left to work on for the first collection to be ready in terms of "Wow all these stories look nicer now" but I also did another cool thing.
The Luna and Celestia interludes of Enemy of Mine have been revised and expanded. I also fixed up some colored text whoopsies that I spotted in the latest chapter that fuckin' slipped by my initial dozen editing reads because formatting.
I'm partway into the next update too! See the author's note on the most recent chapter for more!
https://www.strawpoll.me/18953325 (Story frequency)
https://www.strawpoll.me/18953294 (Spooky content)
https://www.strawpoll.me/18953306 (Romance writing)
https://www.strawpoll.me/18953320 (LGBT headcanons)
Heyo! Just a blog for anyone who didn't check out that big schedule list a while back. This is to remind y'all who have been waiting since April that Enemy of Mine's latest chapter will be going live at 7:00 PM EST on Sunday. The rest of the month will be devoted to other Enemy of Mine related updates like interludes and the relevant shorts in Missing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes.
Go read the new version! The chapters that are most changed are five, interlude four, and chapter ten. Now that all that effort is done, I can get back to actively writing it and fixing the other stories in need of TLC for print. Also, 100+ upvotes? How did that happen?
It's not as bad as it sounds! Really, it isn't! Please just read this, and you'll know exactly what's happening. You're probably freaking out as to why, I, an author who updates like a fucking madman is announcing that there is going to be a hiatus of any kind, and what exactly it covers in my writing, and of course, to when it will end.
So, minor update! There's a bonus Enemy of Mine short in the anthology that I just posted. It's not much but it is in fact a Thing and you can read it, if you want. I am making progress with EoM, but I've kind of been writing the chapters in reverse order? Basically, I'm working on the epilogue - which needs one more part - and the next chapter. But I'm also drifting to working on the less demanding parts, like the epilogue and some of the later chapters, etc. I've just started
The new Enemy of Mine chapter is here! Go read it! I'm so glad to have gotten it out at a much more reasonable time. I'd also like to give another story a bit of a promo. I think fans of Enemy of Mine might really enjoy it, and I've linked it below the picture if you'd like to look at why it's fantastic.
why yes luna is in this chapter
12,370 words! 9:00 EST probably!
Hey everyone! Just here to say that the new chapter will be dropping in a couple days! There’s gonna be 11,000 some words total for reading. It’s honestly fantastic to finally write chapters at a much more reasonable pace than what’s currently been happening for this story.
There will be a new one shot dropping on the 25th. If you want to read it on that particular day, well, there ya go! That's the release date. Other things I thought I would mention are that I was able to write a significant amount of words recently, and thought I'd drop some updates about those so y'all can get hyped. Considering one of the polls I did a few blogs ago did mention that short stories and buffer updates are ideal to have, I was able to progress on some shorter pieces for that
If you don't like mentions of injury or the author's personal life, consider not reading this blog. There will quite literally be some bloody details.