• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2012


Not much to say... i like ponies i guess, isnt that why im here :3

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  • Featured 24196 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 98 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Due to her reckless antics and tomboyish behavior, Rainbow Dash has generally been thought of as one that had no real interest in the matters of love and dating. However, she gets challenged by Spike one day when he tells his friends that he would never be able to fall in love with her. Given Rainbow's competitive nature, a new challenge between the two of them begins.

She tries to steal Spike's heart and if he falls in love, he loses!

Between awkward dates, friendly interference, a jealous Rarity, an over-protective Twilight and a betting pool stretching all across Equestria, who knows what ending awaits them!

Chapters (12)

After Twilight Sparkle discovers a new book of pick-up-lines, she wants to bring her friends closer by complimenting them with cheesy lines.

And it does more than bring them closer...

Chapters (7)

Due to a typo on her permit to build a new barn, and the meddling of a recalcitrant bureaucrat, Applejack is stuck running a bar, at least until Mayor Mare gets back to town. So sit down and have a drink in Ponyville's least likely watering hole!

Chapters (1)

When English teacher Connie Hayden is told by a mysterious new friend that there is a way to travel from the human world to Equestria, she doesn't believe her. But what if the legend of Pinkamena is true?

Illustration by the talented BambooDog.

Chapters (6)

An ancient evil escapes from its prison... A familiar story for the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, but against a threat even older and more alien than Discord, victory will be no simple thing. Even so, with friends rallying to their aid and a former rival fighting by their side, in this strange aeon even death may die.
A Cthulhu Mythos crossover.

Chapters (10)

Okay, so prepare to totally get your mind BLOWN by these terrifying stories about the Mane 6. This is a mighty chronicle, taking a deep look in to the HORROR that is- Hey! Where are you going? I swear this story rated T for language is good! Come back!

Chapters (6)

(Formerly "Strange Love")
It started off as a completely normal morning for the mane 6, until they woke up. All six awake to find their opposite gender counterparts from a different universes in their beds. No-one knows how they arrived. Now with their opposite sex selves, they must discover why they are there and, if possible, how to send them home. Unfortunately there are many alternate universes in existence, some not very nice, some that have beings who would wish to enter the mane six's world and bring harm upon it.

This is a remake of my terrible fic "Limitations of Love" but without the villain sue Smiley. I would also like to say that I am in no way trying to rip off Connor Cogwork's "On a Cross and Arrow".

Character tags will be added as the story goes on.

Cover image is mine
( http://darkone10.deviantart.com/art/Across-the-Cosmic-Ocean-289491464 ) Higher resolution version here

Chapters (2)

"Dear Celestia, what have i got myself into?" Twilight and Rainbow Dash have always had each others back, but now Dash has no choice but to put her life in Twilight's hooves. Due to one of Twilight's magical experiments gone wrong, Rainbow Dash has been changed back into a 3 year-old filly. Now Twilight has to find a way to to change her friend back before the effects become irreversible. But will Twilight's attitude go from 'mother' to 'lover'?

Chapters (2)

Ugh... What do you want? Damn it, I don't want to be Pinkie Pie today...
This is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a while. I've always found the idea of 4th wall awareness in a character fascinating, as you can probably tell from my other stories.
This short story is a different take on how Pinkie Pie would react if she could truly see the 4th wall and beyond, her opinion on what exists beyond the binding texts of a story, and all from the perspective of Rainbow Dash.
Is the story sad? I don't know. Is it a comedy? I'm sure from some perspectives it'll be. Is is out of character? That really depends on how you interpret it.
Take from this what you will.

Chapters (1)

(Rainbow Vs. Wild ---> Octavia Vs. Rave ---> Shyness Vs. Kindness ---> Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful.)

Twilight couldn't be happier for her friends. Rainbow Dash and Applejack have gotten together after their mishap in the Everfree Forest. Big Macintosh and Fluttershy have finally hit it off. And even her new friend Octavia has even found love with Vinyl Scratch! The only exclusions are Pinkie and Rarity, who are too preoccupied with parties or dresses to even care!

But...what about her? What about Twilight...who feels as if she's missing out?

There's little she can do about it for right now though, as Princess Luna herself has requested she help deal with a problem in Manehatten. Somepony has been causing serious trouble in the city that never sleeps, and Twilight isn't going to believe who's behind it all!

Can she let go of the past, look past the facade, and see a pony who's hurt, broken, and afraid?

Can she save a mare who everypony has deemed a 'Phony', a 'Failure', and a 'Dead End of Life'?

Will she hear the cries of help from a mare she thought she knew...and take a Leap of Faith?

Chapters (17)