• Member Since 10th Jan, 2016


Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile.

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The Mushroom Kingdom never takes a break when it comes to the invasion of Bowser and his minions. However, things take a different turn this time when Princess Peach gets kidnapped and taken away by a new evil force to a place called Equestria.

Now, Mario and Luigi must team up with Bowser to collect certain valuable items for the mysterious figure in exchange for Princess Peach. Little did they know that they’re not the ones looking for these Equestrian items...

NOTE: This story takes place before Season 8. I do not own Paper Mario or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. All rights reserved go to Nintendo and Hasbro.

Chapters (19)

Sometimes, family is embarrassing no matter how much you prepare them to face a situation. Rarity learns this the hard way immediately before receiving a prestigious award.

Afterward, Rarity's family must ask themselves if they can still play a part in Rarity's new high society life, or if their memories of Rarity are all they have left.

WINNER of the Poniverse Summerpalooza 3.0 contest. Theme: "Family is Magic".

Chapters (1)

Twilight calls for help. Unfortunately, it comes.

Note that this story deals heavily with depression and suicide. There's no shame in deciding not to read.
Thanks to Quill Scratch for prereading.

Chapters (1)

The Apple Family is still having a hard time getting over the deaths of Pear Butter and Bright Macintosh, Applejack's parents. Their daughter always gets hit the hardest whenever she walks by their graves.

But one night, Applejack finally gets a trace of her parents, but not how she would expect it...

Chapters (1)

I've spent twelve years as a nurse, now. Nurse Redheart, helping the ailing ponies of Ponyville, caring for them all. Twelve years! So many memories, so many regrets. And yet one night, a decade ago, I remember with particular sorrow - for on that one, terrible night, I failed...

Chapters (1)

With the portal closed, Sunset Shimmer has been separated from her friend by centuries and light years. How far will she go to finally see her again?

Edited by Solstice Shimmer.
Thanks to Oliver for fact-checking.

“Just some really amazing writing and setting up a rather unique verse with things that can be explored that I’m eager to see where this goes.”

Chapters (1)

With the newest division of Overwatch, Sunset Shimmer and her friends are now tasked with stopping the evil organization of Talon. Even old foes will rise up against them, too.

But together as heroes, these girls can make a difference again.

NOTE: Overwatch is owned by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. If you haven't played the game or heard about it, then you're probably not going to get the references.

Chapters (7)

Ever wondered what Sunset does for a job? Mechanic, maybe? Computer analyst, perhaps? How about a waitress at a sushi bar?

Wait... what was that last one?

Silly little thing I came up with after the reveal of the "Sunset Sushi" Mini (which is utterly adorable!}

Chapters (1)

Upon winning another soccer game at CHS, Rainbow Dash receives a lot of praise and respect for leading her team to victory. However, she gets embarrassed when she actually realizes the way that she's been getting attention.

So, she pays Rarity a visit after school for advice on what's going on.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Twilight celebrate the opening of Fluttershy's new venture, minus a few well-loved friends.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (1)