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This story is a sequel to A Monstrous Meeting of the Fourth Kind

After picking up a really cute outfit for the maid you recently acquired you return home. Not only that, but you have been given an invitation by Mrs. Rich to their family's Nightmare Night Costume Party.

Upon arriving you discover that your maid, Irisa has a few more secrets, that she hasn't told you about. Will this secret ruin your relationship or bring you both closer?

Here is an attempt to create another multi-chapter story for the Monster Mares and You series.

Sure, Halloween was cancelled this year because of the pandemic, but that doesn't mean we can't have some holiday fun, now does it? :ajsmug:

The cover art was created by: marking.

Proofread/edited by: Quillian Inkheart.

Preread by: Brony1337.

Chapters (4)

Not everyday is full of grand adventures or heart stopping drama. There's not always a heartfelt confession or harrowing inner journey to make a day stand out. Sometimes, no ancient evil tries to bend the world to its whims and no traveling con artists try to steal your punch. That doesn't mean that you and your special somepony love each other any less.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash spends extended amounts of time with Twilight at the library. Being even lazier than usual, she starts to exercise less for the sake of reading. At the same time, her intake of delicious sugary snacks increases, but not without the help of the friendly librarian.
Why is the unicorn letting her eat so much? And why doesn't the pegasus really mind?
Note: Twidash fic, with chubby dash. Somewhat suggestive. Not over/forced feeding.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch lives the hard life. She doesn't make many bits a day, and her job is slowly growing old. No-one wants a DJ anymore, specially when Vinyl lives in Canterlot. Everypony is too upperclass for her music, and she slowly finds herself drifting into the shadows of the unknown.
She's desperate, and it falls to the hooves of one pony to truely understand her.

Chapters (9)

After a disappointing date with Fancy Pants, Rarity finds herself longing for a hard, rough, physical encounter. Hot and bothered, she sets off to find somepony who can fulfill her lustful desires. Luckily for her, a familiar face is among the crowd, and soon Rarity’s plans of seduction are set into motion. Will she succeed in her quest? A lady doesn’t kiss and tell ;) so you better just read to find out. (Rarity X Applejack)

Chapters (1)

After receiving a fashion line deal from FancyPants himself, Rarity must consult the one pony whom she connects the least with for fashion advice. As she sees her friend more often, she learns more and more about her and learns that not only Friendship is Magic.

Currently being reworked.

Chapters (10)

Discord lounges around Canterlot Castle without a thing to do. A reformed life has taken every surprise out of life. Until Celestia drops the bomb on him: He has a daughter. And what's more is that Celestia wants him to reunite with her with Twilight's help.

Chapters (12)

A year after Discord's defeat, Equestria is still haunted by memories of the chaos spirit. For Vinyl Scratch, that haunting might be literal

Chapters (2)

A series of one shots about Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and all their friends and family as they grow up and grow together.

Chapters (1)

Why are Octavia and Vinyl living in Ponyville at the time of their interview? Don't they live in Canterlot? Doesn't Octavia play for formal events? Doesn't Vinyl play in nightclubs? Where the hell did the Bass Cannon come from?

Intended to be only two or three chapters. Just something I've done as a side project during moving and the holidays.

Chapters (1)