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  • Favourites 167 stories - 18 unread chapters
    Created by Neoco
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to The Golden Armor

It's more of a continuation than a sequel, but whatever.

Comet is the leader of Princess Celestia's personal guard. Angel is the leader of Princess Luna's.

Comet is awake during the day. Angel stays up all night.

Comet likes using a halberd. Angel excels at using claws.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, they take on all the twists and turns life hands them. However, things don't always go as planned.

Cover art by Equestria Prevails.
Proofread by jmartkdr and Feather Scratch

Chapters (3)

The abandoned story arc for The Golden Armor: Part II.

When light bursts forth in darkness, a shadow is born. The darker side of The Golden Armor resides here, so read at your own risk.

Chapters (16)

Having been turned down by Twilight, Flash finds comfort in an unlikely source, Crystal Prep's resident rocker girl, Lemon Zest.

Chapters (1)

A reader's poll in Equestria's leading newspaper rates the Princesses by approval ratings.

OOC meta humor ensues as the four discuss the findings.

Pre-read by RT Stephens, MythrilMoth, and The Albinocorn.

Chapters (1)

Naturally, you are going to be tired after a long, stressful day.
Naturally, your next moves will lead you into your bed as quickly as possible.
And naturally, this is going to be quite the challenge when you're sharing your home with a certain blue unicorn.

Credit for the cover goes to AviAlexis25.

Chapters (1)

With aging we grow up either to know more about the world or nothing at all. We learn and evolve throughout our lives leaving things we use to do in the past. Some of those things fads into our minds deep in our memories, never to be heard from again. Forgotten after years of development.

Though there are some memories that we hang to that are precious. Memories that remind us the love in our youth of those around us. Even the small thing that was shared with one another can transpire for a lifetime. Rumble learned this one evening alone with Flitter first hoof.

Chapters (1)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

Spike and Rainbow enjoy some unconventional time together. Too bad they have to fight with their moral compasses to find their way to each other.

Written for The Fourth SpikeDash Competition.

Art by Darisper

Chapters (1)

This story takes place during, and shortly after Titillating Trifecta.

Story was inspired by SnugBunny's picture with same name.

Rarity gets to know with Rumble's big brother Thunderlane during Rumble's visit at the Carousel Boutique. She then notices that one certain stallion keeps spinning in her thoughts, and decides that she has to do something about it.
Is it even possible for such a lady like Rarity to fall in love with a rough and bad mannered pony like Thunderlane?

Chapters (10)

It has just been revealed who the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well is; Rainbow Dash's friends. All of them, in on this entire ordeal. From plotting to execution, without so much as a pause to consider how Rainbow would feel, or just how far they can go with the Element of Loyalty. Well now they will learn.

After a short while of really difficult thinking, questioning, and consideration, Rainbow Dash will be brought to ask a single question. Can they work it out?

Chapters (3)